In different parts of the country, at different crags you will see very different types of racks. This is an example of a "Southern" rack. At first it may look quite normal, but upon further inspection you will see a few items that may stand out. First will probably be the gun. No southern rack is complete without a gun. If you happen to see some animal while you are out that needs to be killed and eaten, then you are ready. Then you may notice the can of dip. This is essential. Its hard to be really southern without a dip. And you have to have something to drink while climbing, so why not some Tennessee whiskey (only because it would be more difficult to keep a case of PBR on your rack). You also always have to have a roll of duck tape with you (climbing or not), because you know what they say, "if you cant duck it......." Also in the far left of the photos you will see a couple of other southern items... A big hammer and a pipe. These come in handy when some punk tries to retro a proud Southern trad line. Other than that the rest of the rack is pretty normal... God I love the South!!!!!
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2004-02-11 Views: 1902 | Votes: 25 | Comments: 30
This was one of my first ice routes... had a great time... Who would have thought that there was this kind of ice in GA....
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2003-12-09 Views: 1001 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 5
this is MC climbing ice in GA... looks like fun doesnt it... who would have thought that there was ice like this in GA....
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2003-12-09 Views: 1067 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
this is MC climbing ice in GA... looks like fun doesnt it... who would have thought that there was ice like this in GA....
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2003-12-09 Views: 1008 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
This is a picture of Jeremy leading on one of the really thin sections of ice up at hog pen gap in GA.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2003-12-09 Views: 1304 | Votes: 19 | Comments: 15
this is Steg climbing ice in GA... looks like fun doesnt it... who would have thought that there was ice like this in GA....
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2003-12-09 Views: 986 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
This is a great view of el toro. It truely is an awe inspiring piece of rock.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2003-01-20 Views: 700 | Comments: 0
This is a view of the north side of the potrero. It holds the taller routes here.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2003-01-20 Views: 622 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
When we awoke on the morning of January the 5th it was to the sound of a helicopter. We knew that could only mean that the rumors that we had heard the night before were true. Jose Pereyra had taken a fatal fall on the 4th while attempting to claim a second assent of Las Auras. The only sound in the potrero that morning was the sound of the blades cutting through the air. Everyone there just looked at each other in stunned silence. Jose will be missed.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2003-01-20 Views: 946 | Comments: 0
This is a picture of me and Ringold stopping for some Sol and Grub after spending the day climbing.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2003-01-20 Views: 942 | Comments: 0
this is me, casey, john, and ringold on the lunch ledge at table rock.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-07-05 Views: 801 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
this is a sport that we invented when i was in college. in short you attach a rap line to one side of a bridge over water, and pull it up on the other side. clip in with a rap device and jump. probably not the safest sport but lots o fun.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-08 Views: 783 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2
This is a shot of the civic at her greatest. She logged thousands of road trip miles and was always faithfull. Unfortunately she died last october after being struck by a cadillac
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-05 Views: 909 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 3
this is ringold working the crux sequence of the oyster 5.10b at sandrock
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-04 Views: 1031 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
this is gus using the knee drop while leading trivial pursuit 5.9 at palisades state park.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-04 Views: 862 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
this is me leading a wierd offwidth at shades crest. i dont think the route has a name but i guess it goes about 5.9
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-04 Views: 1016 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
this is ringold leading the same offwidth crack at shades crest.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-04 Views: 829 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
this is me a few years ago when i first started climbing. i used to boulder at the boulderfields 4 times a week and climb all weekend. man i miss the college life.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-04 Views: 750 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
this is chris on the scrutinizer traverse v4 at the boulderfields.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-04 Views: 8889 | Votes: 8 | Comment: 1
this is cris working on a problem on the front of the ozzie boulder.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-04 Views: 839 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
this is a picture of adam climbing windows at sandrock. note that he doesnt have a shrit on. this was in the middle of february.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-04 Views: 1228 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
this is a picture of me on disneland. its a 5.10d route that starts on a displaced column and transfers over to a slightly overhanging face. its a great climb.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-02 Views: 10129 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 2
this is a shot of me working the scrutinizer traverse (v4). i really hardly ever boulder but this is a great problem.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-02 Views: 848 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
This is a shot of the river a few hundred yards below desoto falls near mentone alabama.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-02 Views: 937 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
This is me and ringold enjoying another beautiful alabama winter sunrise. Thats the thing thats nice about the south, you can climb in January.
Submitted by: stewbabby on 2002-05-02 Views: 875 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2