An after high school jaunt up the West Buttress of the Bastille some 30 years ago. I recall this being the crux. I have to laugh at the stylish attire and the good old EBs! Photo take by Eric Ming or Mark Holt.
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2006-08-14 Views: 1582 | Comments: 0
This is a shot taken back in 1976 of the third pitch of Ruper 5.8. This is known as the "Ruper Traverse" which is nice and airy and great for photo opportunities. Mark Holt took this shot one afternoon in November after high school. Those were the days!
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2006-08-14 Views: 1456 | Comments: 0
This is an old picture of Eldorado Canyon befor the road was put in.
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2002-11-22 Views: 561 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Ned Lewis climbing in Little Switzerland on a smaller crag which I can't remember the name of.
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2007-07-14 Views: 2709 | Comments: 0
Remote ice climbing on in the Chitina River basin. March of 1990 Google Earth position 61 02N 141 59.3W. Flown in by Ultima Thule (http://ultimathulelodge.com).
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2007-07-14 Views: 937 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Chitina River Ice, Alaska March 1990 Remote ice climbing in the Chitina River valley, Alaska. Flown in by Ultima Thule Outfitters. Google Earth approximate position 61 02N 141 51.0W.
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2007-07-14 Views: 1347 | Comments: 0
Start of Glass Onion (V-) Keystone Canyon Valdez. An airy climb!
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2007-07-14 Views: 1472 | Comments: 0
The classic Rigid Designator outside of Vail on a cold, brittle, and arm pumping day.
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2007-07-14 Views: 1746 | Comments: 0
The late Steve Garvey making the FA of The Taxman Cometh (5.10a) on the Inferno.
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2008-06-19 Views: 1163 | Comments: 0
Tom Cosgriff on Wild Child (5.11b) Baldy Peak, Oklahoma.
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2008-06-19 Views: 1189 | Comments: 0
Tom Cosgriff free climbing the Aid Crack on the NW Face of Baldy Peak, Oklahoma. Can't remember how hard it was.
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2008-06-19 Views: 1585 | Comments: 2
FA: Escape from the Lemming Ranch (5.10b). Before first difficult moves with protection from flared crack overhead. Ascends left facing corner to the right then traverses beneath the roof above.
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2008-06-20 | Last Modified: 2008-06-21 Views: 1590 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Escape from the Lemming Ranch and Taxman Cometh. Located to the right of the large black "cave".
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2008-06-29 Views: 1081 | Comments: 0
Tom Cosgriff on Wild Child, Quartz Mt, OK on a windy day in 1985 or so.
Submitted by: stuka52 on 2008-09-02 Views: 1584 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0