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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by sync

Your search returned 0 categories and 32 photos


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Climbers on the Sands of Time

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Climbers on the Sands of Time

Climbers on pitches two and three of Sands of Time, a glorious looking line on Gordon's Rock at Paarl Rocks. (06Aug2005)
Submitted by: sync on 2005-08-08
Views: 2031 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
Bill and Lizanne on Gecko (17) at Paarl Rocks

Average Rating = 3.33/5 Bill and Lizanne on Gecko (17) at Paarl Rocks

Lizanne belays Bill up the first pitch of Gecko on the Belly Button Slab at Paarl Rocks. Fun friction climbing on granite with a great view over the city of Paarl. (06Aug2005)
Submitted by: sync on 2005-08-08
Views: 1463 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Africa Ledge

Average Rating = 5.00/5 Africa Ledge

After scrambling up the India-Venster trail, one is awarded with this grand view of Africa Ledge.
Submitted by: sync on 2005-07-18
Views: 2481 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 2
Muizenberg Crag

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Muizenberg Crag

View of Muizenberg Crag from Boyes Drive (24Apr2005).
Submitted by: sync on 2005-05-20
Views: 1270 | Comments: 0
Steven leading Spazmodic (17)

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Steven leading Spazmodic (17)

Steven leading Spazmodic while Jono belays on a nice day in early May 2005.
Submitted by: sync on 2005-05-18
Views: 1196 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Sync on Men With Cow's Heads

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Sync on Men With Cow's Heads

Me on top rope near the crux of Men With Cow's Heads (5.5). This was two days after the snowstorm before Thanksgiving. Things were a bit wet and cold but great climbing nonetheless. (23 Nov 2004)
Submitted by: sync on 2005-01-28
Views: 855 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Looking down Birthday Chimney

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Looking down Birthday Chimney

Looking down at Teresa as she starts up Birthday Chimney (5.3). The rope was set over the fantastic climb Birthday Crack (5.7), but this was her first day climbing, so she worked on the chimney. (02Oct2004).
Submitted by: sync on 2004-10-05
Views: 979 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
First Pitch of the Third Flatiron

Average Rating = 3.00/5 First Pitch of the Third Flatiron

My partner and I wanted to do the standard route on the East Face of the Third Flatiron, but he made it half a pitch before he was completely wigged out by the runout, so we bailed. A group of three was right behind us and they headed up. This is a picture of their leader on the first pitch. (17Sep04)
Submitted by: sync on 2004-09-30
Views: 865 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
The Bone on Porkchop Buttress

Average Rating = 1.00/5 The Bone on Porkchop Buttress

View of the route called The Bone (5.5) on Porkchop Buttress, West Bluff of Devil's Lake.
Submitted by: sync on 2004-09-29
Views: 992 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Eagle Rock as seen from the road.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Eagle Rock as seen from the road.

Eagle Rock in Boulder Canyon. Drive about six miles and find this on the south side of the road. If you've gotten to Cob Rock you've gone too far. (19Sep2004)
Submitted by: sync on 2004-09-23
Views: 989 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
The view up Birthday Crack

Average Rating = 3.33/5 The view up Birthday Crack

Joe (muccitwo) leads up Birthday Crack. He's right at the crux, but the rest of the crack above him is still fairly sustained. Vertical panorama taken on 24Apr2004 (unfortunately, he was in a different position when I took the picture at the bottom, so I didn't include that shot in the panorama, hence his feet are chopped off).
Submitted by: sync on 2004-06-24
Views: 997 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
New Box (5.4) and Fear and Trembling (5.9)

Average Rating = 0.00/5 New Box (5.4) and Fear and Trembling (5.9)

Topo shot for New Box (crack) and Fear and Trembling (face to right of New Box).
Submitted by: sync on 2004-06-24
Views: 751 | Comments: 2
View of Denali and Alaskan Range

Average Rating = 3.00/5 View of Denali and Alaskan Range

I took this shot from the train between Anchorage and Denali National Park. It was a spectacularly clear day - they say that you can only see Denali about 25% of the time because it is usually enshrouded in clouds. (16Jun2002)
Submitted by: sync on 2004-06-04
Views: 683 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Me on Whitehorse Ledge's Standard Route

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Me on Whitehorse Ledge's Standard Route

Several pitches up Standard Route on Whitehorse Ledge in North Conway, NH. This was only my second time on multi-pitch and slab climbing; very different than what I am used to. Down near the bottom you can see another party starting up at the Launch Pad. Beautiful day and excellent climbing! (21May2004)
Submitted by: sync on 2004-06-03
Views: 2135 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
Topo view of Thin Air Face

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Topo view of Thin Air Face

Overview of Thin Air Face. The top couple of pitches of Thin Air are visible above the trees near the middle of the picture.
Submitted by: sync on 2004-06-01
Views: 1734 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Mills Lake and Longs Peak

Average Rating = 3.40/5 Mills Lake and Longs Peak

A view of Mills Lake in May 2003. Longs Peak can be seen as the high square-topped peak up and to the left of center.
Submitted by: sync on 2004-05-12
Views: 1372 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
South Face of the Third Flatiron

Average Rating = 3.00/5 South Face of the Third Flatiron

This is the view of the south face of the Third Flatiron as seen from the Royal Arch (foreground silhouette). (20Sep2003)
Submitted by: sync on 2004-05-05
Views: 712 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Joe leading the Lost Face

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Joe leading the Lost Face

Joe (muccitwo) heading up the Lost Face on the West Bluff of Devil's Lake, using the unnamed 5.7 variation for the start. (01May2004)
Submitted by: sync on 2004-05-05
Views: 822 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 4
Joe leading Birthday Crack

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Joe leading Birthday Crack

Joe (muccitwo) leads past the crux of Birthday Crack on a nice cool day at the Lake (24Apr2004).
Submitted by: sync on 2004-04-25
Views: 942 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Bat on the King's Throne

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Bat on the King's Throne

While climbing the King's Throne, we noticed this bat just hanging out. I wish I could stick to the rock as well as him. (27Mar2004)
Submitted by: sync on 2004-03-29
Views: 894 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
Andy on Queen's Throne

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Andy on Queen's Throne

A fairly miserable day at the Lake - cold, foggy, muddy, and windy (27Mar2004). But we managed to go up a few easier routes before they became soaked with dew. Here Hoofers_Andy works his way up the start of Queen's Throne.
Submitted by: sync on 2004-03-28
Views: 800 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 4
Doug climbing Brinton's Crack

Average Rating = 2.67/5 Doug climbing Brinton's Crack

Doug top-roping Brinton's Crack on a beautiful October day at Devil's Lake. A classic climb with great exposure. (10Oct2003)
Submitted by: sync on 2004-03-07
Views: 728 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Andy leading Zig Zag (5.5)

Average Rating = 3.25/5 Andy leading Zig Zag (5.5)

Hoofers_Andy leading up Zig Zag. Belayed by Noah. First climb of the day on the first day of the year at Devil's Lake. (28Feb2004)
Submitted by: sync on 2004-03-02
Views: 654 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
The Mouse Wall

Average Rating = 2.00/5 The Mouse Wall

An oddity at Devil's Lake, the Mouse Wall actually has some friction to it. The rope hangs right over Mouse's Misery. Full Stop is up the crack to the left of the rope.
Submitted by: sync on 2004-03-01
Views: 598 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Profile shot of me on Seal Rock

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Profile shot of me on Seal Rock

Me finishing up the fourth pitch on Seal Rock.
Submitted by: sync on 2004-02-24
Views: 1240 | Comments: 0
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