Photos by tanujas123
Your search returned 0 categories and 13 photos
Thumb-like pinnacle of about 150 ft, has good condition pitons and 1 peg on complete route.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-03-23 Views: 1918 | Comments: 0
It has total 5 climbing routes, toughest is the right-wall right side route (4 hrs). Average time to climb remaining routes is 2 hrs.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-03-22 Views: 1994 | Comments: 0
This photo is of Telbaila left wall left route. Its of moderate climb. It starts from the base of the two walls joint area(camp site) and then it goes to the left site. One can use the existing bolts on the way as well natural roack whole for anchoring.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-03-22 Views: 2083 | Comments: 0
This photo is of Telbaila right wall right route. Climb is moderate. It starts from the base of the two walls joint area(camp site) and then it goes to the right side.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-03-22 Views: 2040 | Comments: 0
Ganesh and Kartik 2 hills that can be climbed. One can find pegs and bolts here.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-03-23 Views: 1521 | Comments: 0
It is one of the 3 Anjaneri hills. It has 2 routes, from Col and from front face of Anjaneri. Col has vertical climb, care to be taken as the pillar is unstable. Two pegs available, one near the edge and the other at the highest point.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-03-22 Views: 1933 | Comments: 0
Difficult 115 ft vertical climb on pinnacle with anchors to be fitted on vertical/horizontal cracks.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-03-23 Views: 2297 | Comments: 0
We named this route as Irshal sasana crack as it was never climbed before. Very difficult 80 feet climb due to overhang on west face crack. We left a bolt on thin loose scree.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-03-23 Views: 1429 | Comments: 0
Moderate climb. Total 3 stages with 3rd one difficult due to loose scree, need to bridging. One good condition bolt present on top.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-04-03 Views: 1300 | Comment: 1
Moderate climb with 4 stages. Good condition bolts present. Third stage is tricky due to overhang and the technique of lower cut hold on protruding rock to move diagonally upward needs to be used.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-04-03 Views: 1903 | Comments: 0
Moderate 100 m climb with loose and steep rock.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-04-03 Views: 1662 | Comment: 1
Easy 110 feet climb with loose scree.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-04-03 Views: 1530 | Comments: 0
Easy 80 feet climb. One has rappel down 150 feet from Matheran hillock to col (dip ridge between Matheran and Marjori) to climb Marjori.
Submitted by: tanujas123 on 2010-04-03 Views: 1854 | Comments: 0