Photos by tcantor333
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Finishing the "friction slab" pitch on pitch 11 of Venusian Blind Arete. Even in wet conditions the route was a great time.
Submitted by: tcantor333 on 2004-08-15 | Last Modified: 2007-08-02 Views: 698 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
This photo was taken on the hike in to climb various routes in the Whitney Massif Area in September of 2003. Taken just before sunset I just thought there was something cool about that tree. This evening was some of the best weather that we would see the whole trip. Climbing with Larry, Tony,Todd, Tim, Dennis, and John. A good timehad by all, with summits on Whitney and Russell and a potentially unpleasant situation avoided.
Submitted by: tcantor333 on 2004-07-10 Views: 716 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Anybody Remember the famed "Old Man of the Mountain" that used to be a part of Cannon Mountain in New Hampshire at Franconia Notch? Well, one rainy september day bouldering along the ridge to the northeast of Iceberg Lake I came across this shot and was taken aback by the resemblence to the fabled New Hampshire landmark. My imagination maybe???
Submitted by: tcantor333 on 2004-07-10 Views: 736 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0