Photos by the_pirate
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These signs are at the trailheads along the Kankamangus Highway.
Submitted by: the_pirate on 2003-09-30 Views: 639 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
I darted up ahead of my group to snap this photo of our winter '97 ascent of Mt. Madison.
Submitted by: the_pirate on 2003-09-27 Views: 709 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
On my way down from the summit I turned to get a quick photo of my pals following behind. This was one hellish climb. Not because of technical difficulty, but due to the fact that I had spent the previous week on a road trip around the great lakes, with strep throat and a 105 fever. I had no intention of letting that keep me from a climb with my buddies though. The wind was fierce on the summit cone and I was bootlegging it down as it was blowing right through my woolen knickers. After making this exposure, I tucked the camera in my jacket pocket, and with ice axe in one hand and the other covering the jewels, I hobbled down the rocks and ice screaming, "Oh please, oh please, frostbite anywhere but there!!!"
Submitted by: the_pirate on 2003-09-27 Views: 996 | Votes: 4 | Comment: 1
This was my first trip to Seneca Rocks, WV. Oct.'95. The picture was taken just around the corner from the gunsite. We stopped for lunch on a ledge that was just barely big enough to fit a buttock. That's me with the green rag on my noggin. My buddy Chris snapped the photo right before he sat down on the ledge too. We sank a cam at either end and strung the rope between them, across our laps, like a seat belt. Fond memories.
Submitted by: the_pirate on 2003-09-26 Views: 919 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2
Warn your children to stay on the path after dark. There is evil lurking in the shadows. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Submitted by: the_pirate on 2003-08-29 | Last Modified: 2011-02-04 Views: 903 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 6