Photos by thinksinpictures
Your search returned 0 categories and 9 photos
My buddy Dave cruising up Hazerdous Waste, at Gibraltar Rock. Local sportos seem to shy away from this area, close as it is to evil trad climbing, choosing instead to frequent the short, buggy (and often hard) sport routes on the Camino. All the better for those in the know.
Submitted by: thinksinpictures on 2005-08-11 Views: 1903 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
My first day in Bishop I recall someone telling me that the clouds and the sunsets were fantastic. I didn't really think about it until I looked up from pitching my tent at the Horton Creek Campground and saw this.
Submitted by: thinksinpictures on 2004-05-27 Views: 1336 | Votes: 48 | Comments: 21
Arete problem at Pawtuckway State Park in NH. The camera decided that my forearm was the most appropriate focal point. Photograph by Todd Mannherz.
Submitted by: thinksinpictures on 2004-03-28 Views: 1160 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Between cruxes on the fabulously slabby Wheaties and Breakfast of Champions at Eagle Bluff, ME. Photo was taken by my friend Pete from a ledge off to the side.
Submitted by: thinksinpictures on 2004-03-02 Views: 1528 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
The Balance Boulder is a sight to behold at the Round Pond area in Pawtuckway State Park. It may not, however, be climbable unless you're pretty strong (which I am not).
This is my buddy Todd trying the opening move of one of the boulder's easier problems.
Submitted by: thinksinpictures on 2004-02-29 Views: 1430 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
This is a sequence of pics taken of one of my many failed attempts at Niel's lunge. It is also a blatant ripoff of theshortspan's fantastic bouldering montages. The pics are of me and were taken by my buddy Todd.
Submitted by: thinksinpictures on 2003-11-23 Views: 1220 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
This is one of the funkiest problems at the grade (or any) that I've ever seen. Here Bryan Hill chalks up during the double-foot-jam-free-hang.
Submitted by: thinksinpictures on 2003-09-24 Views: 1192 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 5
This was taken on a trip up to see the sun set over the valley from Glacier Point. Unfortunately my ride and I were a little late to catch the full effect from Glacier Point, but this was a pretty fantastic view that I caught from the road on the way up.
Submitted by: thinksinpictures on 2003-09-01 Views: 613 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Two days after a we summited the Dome (the easy way), my friend Eric asserts his dominion over it on a trip up to glacier point.
Submitted by: thinksinpictures on 2003-09-01 Views: 662 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2