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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by timkemple

Your search returned 0 categories and 21 photos


Moab Photo Clinic

Average Rating = 3.95/5 Moab Photo Clinic

I went to Moab this week to teach a lighting clinic as part of Rock & Ice's photo workshop. Some really great photogs showed up. Here's one of the few I got off. new website
Submitted by: timkemple on 2005-11-11
Views: 1678 | Votes: 55 | Comments: 16
Tommy Caldwell on The Freerider

Average Rating = 4.11/5 Tommy Caldwell on The Freerider

Tommy Caldwell on his two El Cap free routes in a day. Here, switching to the wide cracks off The Ear.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2005-11-04
Views: 2686 | Votes: 77 | Comments: 30
Double Exposure

Average Rating = 4.21/5 Double Exposure

This image is really two photos that I shot back to back, kind of a new age double exposure. On this morning I went out with Brendan and his belayer Jonathan Knight (no, not from NKOTB) because B was oh so close to sending and I really wanted to find a new way to shoot this already exploited location. One exposure was for the background, the other for the Climber and cliff. Brendan Nicholson, Orange Crush 5.13b, LCC, UT -- 85mm tilt shift.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 8330 | Votes: 24 | Comments: 24
The Fortress, CO

Average Rating = 4.84/5 The Fortress, CO

Rifle gets all the hype on the Western Front but this place is bad ass. Tommy clocked his dad with a block when he was working on the FA, his pops just wrapped up the head wound and fought off the lightheadedness until TC was ready to send. Tommy Caldwell, Impaler, 5.13b, The Fortress, CO 17 -- 35mm f2.8.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 4974 | Votes: 19 | Comments: 5
Mill Creek, UT

Average Rating = 4.56/5 Mill Creek, UT

There's so much that was cool about this day. First was that we were in Moab teaching a photo clinic with Rock and Ice, it was so motivating to be around so many psyched climbers and photogs. Secondly, the weather was gorgeous and we had just spent the night camped in a Yurt overlooking Castle Valley. Oh and the climbing was dope too! Katie Brown, 5.12c, Millcreek, UT -- 85mm f1.4 with bounced light.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 7293 | Votes: 27 | Comments: 17
Khumbu Region Bouldering

Average Rating = 3.86/5 Khumbu Region Bouldering

Most people go to the Khumbu region of Nepal for Everest, we went for the boulders we saw in the backgrounds of a bunch of touristy shots on the web. After teaming up with Porters Progress we did some hands on work with the local child porters and scrubbed a bunch of highball gems, including this on that Janet nabbed the FA on. Janet Bergman, Khumbu Region, Nepal -- 70-200mm f2.8.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 4542 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 3
So High in Jtree

Average Rating = 4.68/5 So High in Jtree

This was a special day for me. It was one of my first days ever working with Lisa Rands and she had her eyes on this gem of JTree bouldering. With this wind/rain storm moving in she committed to the upper crux moves and topped out just as the raindrops started to fall. I was so psyched for her that I forgot my lights were getting completely soaked by the storm! Lisa Rands, So High, V7, Joshua Tree, CA -- 17-35mm f2.8.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 7599 | Votes: 47 | Comments: 23
Joe Kinder, Siurana Spain

Average Rating = 4.56/5 Joe Kinder, Siurana Spain

A couple years back I went to Siurana to shoot a photo essay for Climbing. I came home with one of the tightest features I thought I had ever shot, but in the freelance world that is only half the battle. After sitting on the images for a year and a half the mag decided they weren't going to run the story... oh politics. Joe Kinder, Siurana, Spain -- 17-35mm f2.8.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 6438 | Votes: 25 | Comments: 10
Power Stemming on Miur

Average Rating = 4.88/5 Power Stemming on Miur

This power stemming pitch would see few repeats if it was on the ground. Add 2000ft and this thing gets even tougher. You can see the uber loose blocks in the top of the frame where the free variation originally went, and the climbers on the Great Roof pitch of The Nose on the bottom of the frame. Rob Miller and Justen Sjong working a new version of the Free Miur 5.13c -- 70-200mm f2.8 @ 70.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 8800 | Votes: 64 | Comments: 36
Mastering Light

Average Rating = 4.79/5 Mastering Light

One of my mentors always told me that you needed to master light so that you can deliver a killer product no matter what the conditions. I only had Dave for an evening sesh but I made the most of it. I'm still working on mastering light, but I think this shot is pretty dope. Dave Graham, Nerve Damage, V7, Joe's Valley, UT -- 12-24mm f4.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 5859 | Votes: 33 | Comments: 24
Peanut Gallery Flake

Average Rating = 4.62/5 Peanut Gallery Flake

I grew up in New England and I would argue that this line is one of the best, if not the finest routes in North Conway. Top roped ever so often, led seldom, The Peanut Gallery Flake runs the gamut from finger to too wide for gear. Here Scrappy is almost to the summit fence. Mark Synnott, Peanut Gallery Flake, 5.11c, Cathedral Ledge, NH -- 17-35mm f2.8.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 5558 | Votes: 21 | Comments: 14
Night Bouldering in NH

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Night Bouldering in NH

The night bouldering session began as a way to escape the summer heat. I shot this image on slide film a year or so back and found it sitting in the slide drawer not too long ago. During one late night work session, I busted out some ink and a lighter and went to town on some slides. This was one of my favorites. Dave Graham, B-Boy Stance, V12, Rumney, NH -- 17-35mm f2.8.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 3945 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
Hanging by the Nails

Average Rating = 4.05/5 Hanging by the Nails

As a photographer it doesn't get much better than working with a client that gives you total freedom. This Blurr shoot was one of my first commercial ones from back in the day. Jason's sick props sealed the deal. Jason Kehl, Blurr Ad Shoot -- 17-35mm f2.8.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 7996 | Votes: 19 | Comments: 22
Lost Rocks, CA

Average Rating = 4.86/5 Lost Rocks, CA

Does it get any better than climbing on the beach? Not for me and that's why I always find myself returning to the Northern Coast of California. On this trip we had a huge posse and we spent the days running along the beaches, free from crashpads just climbing the tallest, raddest lines we could find. Ethan Pringle, Lost Rocks, CA -- 85mm f1.4.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 8530 | Votes: 37 | Comments: 12
Mammut Bouldering Championship

Average Rating = 4.33/5 Mammut Bouldering Championship

Scott made a mark for himself a few years back when he started the PCA. Scott came out and held his own against the strong young field. I helped set and shoot the Mammut Comps in '06 and am stoked to be a part again this year. Scotty Mechler, Mammut Bouldering Championships -- 85mm f1.4 with natural light.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 4641 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 9
Mount Washington Summit

Average Rating = 4.45/5 Mount Washington Summit

The top of Mount Washington is one of the gnarliest places in the US. I wish I could say that we braved the elements for the night to get the sunrise shots, but really we crashed in the observatory and set the alarm for early AM and pushed the go button. Janet Bergman and Crew, Mt. Washington Summit, NH.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 4189 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 5
The Big Smile

Average Rating = 4.44/5 The Big Smile

I got a call from Petzl to shoot their new rope line on short notice, so we grabbed some draws and their new rope and headed out to The Narrows. The original idea was to have the belayer floating in a raft but the water level was down so that didn't happen. Pace Measom, The Big Smile, 5.14c, The Narrows, UT -- 85mm TS f2.8.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 5811 | Votes: 16 | Comments: 10
Clark Serving a Molotov Cocktail

Average Rating = 2.83/5 Clark Serving a Molotov Cocktail

Clark is a bad mofo and he loves every second he spends making cool shapes and new pads at his Revolution shop. He really is dedicated to his brand and I was super stoked when he told me he was interested in posing down for my monthly column in R&I. Clark Shelk ready to serve up a molotov cocktail -- 85mm f1.4.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 3575 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 7
Comp Master

Average Rating = 4.50/5 Comp Master

The comp master making it look easy. Chris Sharma, Timmonium, MD -- 85mm f1.4.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 6342 | Votes: 22 | Comments: 12
Psyche to Spare

Average Rating = 4.60/5 Psyche to Spare

Gotta respect anyone that has psych to spare. Angie getting it done at one of the illest bouldering areas in the country. Angie Payne, Save Yourself, V8, Joe's Valley, UT -- 17-35mm f2.8.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 7597 | Votes: 35 | Comments: 28
The Beach Again

Average Rating = 4.47/5 The Beach Again

Ahh yes the beach again… safe travels!! Ethan Pringle, Lost Rocks, CA.
Submitted by: timkemple on 2007-01-24
Views: 5289 | Votes: 17 | Comments: 7