I spent last semester studying abroad in Mali (in West Africa). Mali actually has some great climbing (the Hand of Fatima) but, sadly, i was not able to partake in that. This photos is of me playing around on on some cliffs i found outside of Bamako, the capital. I had an amazing time over there, the people were wonderful, so welcoming!
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2006-08-30 Views: 1342 | Comments: 0
Filip the "Steel Pole" on the pumpy .11b warm up at Las Animas, I think the name is Ramones Mushroom, because of the huge tufa it ends on
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2008-01-31 | Last Modified: 2008-02-01 Views: 1428 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2007-08-10 Views: 1384 | Comments: 0
Some huge cams needed for this route! (thats why we top roped it...) he was leading it before we got on it.
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2007-02-27 Views: 4676 | Votes: 18 | Comments: 18
the database on this website calls this route "5.10 Roof", someone last weekend called it Deviance... anyone know what the name is? (I prefer the later, less generic)
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2007-03-02 Views: 1215 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
We love stopping for this climb on the way back to the car at the end of the day, a fun move up over the roof (too bad I cut the roof out of the photo...)
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2007-02-27 Views: 1316 | Comments: 0
What an awesome climb! he was climbing it before my group, this is my favorite photo of the day though...
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2007-02-27 Views: 1384 | Comments: 0
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2007-05-30 Views: 1081 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
I fell near the top of Moons of Pluto, I wasn't too far above the last bolt but I ended up upside down after smacking my ankle very hard on the arete... and now I'm in a boot and on crutches... lame (but no broken bones!)
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2007-05-30 Views: 1269 | Comments: 2
It was the beginning of a good day... 10a onsight... then 10b onsite... then I tried the 10d and ended up with an ankle the size of a softball... whoops
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2007-05-30 Views: 1340 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Silty river beds are fun to play in! This was on our lovely trip in Denali... what a beautiful place!
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2007-07-21 Views: 1243 | Comments: 0
My first time to the Creek and I love it!
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2007-11-12 Views: 6883 | Votes: 32 | Comments: 23
Another amazing sunset at the Creek, imagine that!
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2007-11-29 Views: 978 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Adam coming close to onsighting his first 12
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2008-04-24 Views: 1815 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Adam on Breakfast Burrito at the Red, as I was taking these pictures I was thinking how nice his shirt looked with the orange bush in the background... but then I ended up with poison ivy on my shoulder
Submitted by: veggieweggie on 2009-01-05 Views: 1792 | Comment: 1