Hi this is a photo of my chalk bags i made it i want to hear your opinion about this..what do u think about it?
hola esta es una bolsa de magnesio y la fabrique yo me gustaria saber su opinion al respecto.
Hi this is a photo of my chalk bags i made it i want to hear your opinion about this..what do u think about it?
hola esta es una bolsa de magnesio y la fabrique yo me gustaria saber su opinion al respecto.
This is a picture about our loved cementera here in Sarare.
This is a Pic about us,walking to the universidad.
exelente foto de la vegetacion del lugar donde escalamos.
Carlos Climbing on El guerrero, this pic looks so good, don't you think?
Esta es Veruska en el segundo bloque en la pasada competencia del off-road and adventure en la ciudada de valencia.
esta es yuliamni saliendo del segundo bloque de la pasada competencia del off-road and adventure en valencia.
This is rosmer on the second boulder of the last competition in the off-road and adventure.
This is Shearly on the third boulder in the last competition in Valencia.
This is Iliych training on the wall,our second house....
This is my friend shearly climbing on the wall.Esta es shearly escalando en el MURO.
This is shearly training on the wall again!!!hahahaha
This is Andre climbing on the wall!!! this is a good place for that!!!!
in this pic he is trying to make a boulder!!!!
Dont u think its hard!?
Hey!!! this is me Rafa climbing on the wall!!!
She is yuli she is another friend...she is a good climber
this is iliych training on the wall.Or should i say the ceiling!excuse my broken english.
Hey there u have it!!!our house! the wall!!!
Dont u think u are on heaven!!! ahhh?
Este es Iliych en el beso de judas abajo asegurandolo esta Corina!
This is Iliych tryign to make El beso de judas.Down is Corina.
This is Iliych climbing on Public Enemy
Este es iliych dandole a enemigo publico.
This is Shearly climbing on the route,straith to heaven hahhahahah dont u think.
She was goint to heaven but its hard that way....so she falls down!!!and hit her head!!!
Dont u think its good this pic!!!!
This is Our second House or EL MURO,it is located in Barquisimeto inside el Polideportivo Maximo Viloria.