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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Photos by welikoa

Your search returned 0 categories and 11 photos


Boudlering the cave

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Boudlering the cave

A little fun with photoshop. The cave at woodson, 5.11.
Submitted by: welikoa on 2006-09-09
Views: 1485 | Comments: 0
Boudlering the cave

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Boudlering the cave

I was bouldering the cave? Thats all I have to say.
Submitted by: welikoa on 2006-09-09
Views: 2126 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
The Crucible

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The Crucible

A deceivingly difficult hand crack. For sure a mt woodson classic.
Submitted by: welikoa on 2005-12-20
Views: 1041 | Comments: 2
The Diving Board

Average Rating = 0.00/5 The Diving Board

A frighteningly thin flake traverse. Its somewhat of a right of passage amongst my friends to hang off the edge and pull a cliffhanger. If you lay down on top and tap the rock, you can hear it ringing its that thin! Good fun
Submitted by: welikoa on 2005-12-20
Views: 901 | Comments: 0
Spotting Big Horn Arm in the dawn

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Spotting Big Horn Arm in the dawn

15 miles away from the tram. Doing an ultralite hike for afew days and was lucky enough to spot these extremely rare big horn rams. Very cool.
Submitted by: welikoa on 2005-12-20
Views: 1848 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
El Cajon Mt approach

Average Rating = 1.00/5 El Cajon Mt approach

1.5 hour approach to the extrordinary place we all (most) in san Diego love, called the ECM.
Submitted by: welikoa on 2005-12-20
Views: 2041 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Yaught on a still day

Average Rating = 1.00/5 Yaught on a still day

This was a sweet shop before the kepler trail in Te Anau.
Submitted by: welikoa on 2005-12-20
Views: 1061 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
Lake Te Anau

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Lake Te Anau

On the kepler trail at the Luxmore hut. This lake may look familiar because it was from the first lord of the rings movie at the end.
Submitted by: welikoa on 2005-12-20
Views: 1345 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
a freaking rocket going into space.

Average Rating = 3.00/5 a freaking rocket going into space.

me and my buddy were walking down from climbing and saw this crazy thing in the sky. Stood up on a rock and got this random photo. Later we found out it was a rocket shot into space from santa barbara or something. If you look closely you can see a fighter plane going the other way.
Submitted by: welikoa on 2005-12-20
Views: 1859 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Fajita Patina 5.9

Average Rating = 1.50/5 Fajita Patina 5.9

9 bolt classic 4 star face, straight forward, great exposure and well protected.
Submitted by: welikoa on 2005-11-25
Views: 1866 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Active Pro

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Active Pro

5.9 valley of the moon in southern california, patina wall. Its right on the boreder of Mexico, so I always bring a gun when I climb. Thought it would be funny to tie it to my rack and call it active pro. Im retarded I know, but it was funny. It wasnt loaded.
Submitted by: welikoa on 2005-11-22
Views: 4729 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 4