Photos by wildtrail
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This is me again. Hopefully Adam won't delete it this time... (just busting your chops, Adam)
Submitted by: wildtrail on 2003-04-02 Views: 2015 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 3
On the right is the West Bluff. Some of the highest routes and the area I prefer due to the fact it sees less traffic.
Submitted by: wildtrail on 2003-01-06 Views: 1385 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
My favorite time of the year. This is when I do most of my climbing and this is what it looks like. I stop often in places like this and cook lunch. Just love it.
Submitted by: wildtrail on 2003-01-06 Views: 1350 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 4
Fall colors at Devil's Lake. One of my favorite times of the year to be there, outside of winter.
Submitted by: wildtrail on 2003-01-05 Views: 1605 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 2
I love getting there on a chilly spring morning and you look up and see nothing. Spring mornings are almost always like this. This is a view of the East Bluff...well, sort of.
Submitted by: wildtrail on 2003-01-05 Views: 1405 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 4
One of the most popular spots at the lake. And yes! There are plenty of routes on that puppy, too.
Submitted by: wildtrail on 2003-01-05 Views: 1720 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 3
A fun route on pretty pink quartzite very common to Devil's Lake. 5.8. Unknown climber.
Submitted by: wildtrail on 2003-01-05 Views: 1428 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 7
Photos taken by Tom Anderson-Brown of the Wiessner Wall on Turk's head. Wiessner Wall/Turk's Head is located on the West Bluff and hosts the better climbing of the park and the least amount of traffic.
Submitted by: wildtrail on 2002-10-09 Views: 853 | Comments: 0