Photos by wolfemom
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I took this picture of wolfegirl on our trip to the NRG in June. It was a beautiful day and I particularly like this shot.
Submitted by: wolfemom on 2006-07-26 Views: 1259 | Comments: 0
This climb was just perfect for wolfeboy - except for the height. He had no problem making the moves and he really enjoyed the climb...but about 20 feet from the top he decided he was high enough. Of course, we respected that and lowered him. He still gave it two thumbs up!
Submitted by: wolfemom on 2006-07-26 Views: 1223 | Comments: 0
I like to think I'm tough enough that I don't need to tape...but I really should have.
Submitted by: wolfemom on 2006-07-26 Views: 1456 | Comments: 0
Wolfedad took this picture of the wolfegirls on a VERY cold night. Of course, we had to warm up with some coffee and cocoa at Cathedral the next morning.
Submitted by: wolfemom on 2006-07-26 Views: 1376 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2
We went to the beach at The Sea Ranch in California and wolfeboy found some lava rock to "boulder".
Submitted by: wolfemom on 2006-07-26 Views: 1139 | Comments: 0
Wolfegirl's first climb at Bubba City was Smoking Crack. It was a sketchy approach but the climb was worth it.
Submitted by: wolfemom on 2005-11-19 Views: 1109 | Comments: 0
I think wolfeboy slid on his bum for the whole approach. And we couldn't convince him to put on his climbing shoes so he climbed in his Geoxx instead.
Submitted by: wolfemom on 2005-11-19 Views: 1349 | Comments: 0