Here we are, leaving Cheakamus Canyon after doing some fun sport, and Blueeyedclimber is kissing me again! If you climb with us, you know we kiss before and after each climb. So what? We're in love!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-07-30 Views: 1850 | Comments: 0
This is the Shannon Falls climbing area. You can see climbers going up the routes beside the falls, but when you are climbing, you can't see the waterfall. But you can feel the spray while climbing. It was the best slab climbing ever. What an experience!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-07-30 Views: 1954 | Comments: 0
This is us on top of Local Boys Do Good. It's tough to get 'us' pictures when it's just, well... 'us'! So here we are after some serious slabbin'!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-07-30 Views: 2051 | Comments: 0
Well, it took us long enough to find Brunser, but the pay off was great! After doing some slab and crack, WW and BEC followed their steps back to the trail and found this view.
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-07-30 Views: 1435 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
The view headed back from Cheakamus. Every few minutes the wind would blow the clouds a different way. We stopped and took some pictures of the amazing show.
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-07-30 Views: 1352 | Comments: 0
Just like Wonderwoman + Blueeyedclimber = 4 - Evah! Thanks for taking the pic, CG!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-06-14 Views: 2129 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Second crack on Old Town. I think this picture gives a better view of the route. Plus, it has an awesome pink color, appealing to my girlie side! Thanks to ratherbe (aka Jen) for taking the pic!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-05-31 Views: 2146 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 3
This was my hardest and most sustained 5.7 so far, and it was really fun! The start was very sketchy. It's a good idea not to fall early on so make sure your spotter is ready!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-05-31 Views: 1814 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 3
This is me about to finish the first crack section of Old Town. Once I got to the ledge, I felt a whole lot better. Then I looked up and saw there was more crack to go. What an awesome climb!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-05-31 Views: 1774 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 2
I meant my other rack, you pervert! Another pic of Old Town.
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-05-31 Views: 1976 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
Josh diggin' for gold on the old man's face!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-03-20 Views: 1262 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 3
We were checking out a cave on the other side of Locomotion rock when I looked up and said 'It's a face!' I thought this profile was so cool. Then I sent Josh up to pick his nose!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-03-20 Views: 1533 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
I had just lead Anti-Ego Trip, and Alison had just lead another climb. We shared a tree for this great photo op!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2007-07-25 Views: 1674 | Comments: 2
This is Blueeyedclimber at our gym... upside down.
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-01-19 Views: 1455 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Stuck indoors on a crappy, windy, 30ish day! That's actually both of my arms, not one big forearm.
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2006-01-19 Views: 2647 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 5
I swear insomnia forces me to post pics! This was my first 11 lead on a super long climb (16 clips and a 75m rope) where I took a super long fall. It was an awesome day!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2005-11-14 Views: 1487 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
I just thought this was so pretty! I had to take a picture!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2005-10-20 Views: 1655 | Comment: 1
Tiff is looking fine on Little People. This climb is great but sometimes has a monster spider guarding the crux. Watch out!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2005-09-12 Views: 1402 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
Blueeyedclimber strikin' a pose at the top of Wafer Step. MMMmmmm... muscliscious!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2005-08-29 Views: 1848 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 3
This was the best 5.5 climb I've ever lead. It was interesting and fun, and the views from the top were great. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it.
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2005-08-29 Views: 2668 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 3
This is another butt picture. The Troubled plunge (lunge according to the guide book) was more like a mantle and lots of fun! What the guide book doesn't tell you is that you really need some big cams for the anchor at the top!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2005-08-29 Views: 1826 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Somehow I had to put this under 'profile'. Fun climb that kicked my butt!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2005-08-29 Views: 1992 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
This is me at my first trad anchor! We seem to have a lot of bolts at the top of climbs here. I did a darn fine job with my anchor, if I do say so myself!!!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2005-08-29 Views: 2458 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 2
My first time on this really fun climb. I was a little intimidated because years ago my ex and I accidentally threw a line over the cliff and he couldn't make it up. It started to get dark and cold and I didn't know what to do. Looking back, I should have left him there! Har Har Har!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2005-07-25 Views: 2328 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
Yes, another Dare by the Sea photo. It's cool to finally have someone not belaying you to attempt to take pics while you're climbing!
Submitted by: wonderwoman on 2005-07-25 Views: 1709 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 2