A friend of mine is testing his equilibrium and he did it very well!!!
Submitted by: rcamacho on 2004-09-20 Views: 1573 | Votes: 44 | Comments: 27
Although Iīm not any champ, I felt like a god, just for having the benefit of being there. El potrero chico is one of the best places to be.
Submitted by: casco on 2004-05-03 Views: 758 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 9
Mugging for the camera while hanging out between the spires in El Potrero Chico.
Submitted by: mwei on 2004-04-14 Views: 923 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
T. Mayse on the first crux on Pangea, El Potrero Mexico.
Photo by Alex Boren.
Submitted by: crankmarklar on 2004-04-04 Views: 1036 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
On the summitt of the uphill spire after the assent of Aguja Celo Rey
Submitted by: blackwell4 on 2004-03-21 Views: 710 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Dave hanging at the bolts atop Chico Spire.
Submitted by: chugach001 on 2004-03-12 Views: 887 | Votes: 2 | Comment: 1
This is another view from our so called first boulder... jeje... I forgot to mention it's close to the spires that's why I chose that location.
Submitted by: keazah on 2004-02-09 Views: 807 | Votes: 10 | Comment: 1
Damn, have never been more afraid in my life, 4 meter fall on one side, 2 meter fall on the other, but with lots of magueyes below, and razor-sharp droplet-eroded limestone all around!!! Thank you prideclimber for such an amazing picture.
Submitted by: casco on 2004-02-09 Views: 658 | Votes: 13 | Comments: 8
This is me in what we now know as Keazah's Boulder... that is because I found it by accident and since none of us really know much about bouldering well I wouldn't grade it!!
Submitted by: keazah on 2004-02-08 Views: 802 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 4
This is me on my first boulder attempt, which was successfull, donīt know what level it is, itīs my first, and my friend keazah, had just found and named it (none of us had done bouldering before, so we do not know the level).
Submitted by: casco on 2004-02-07 Views: 544 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 2
Have you ever felt so unlucky that you just repeat to yourself "why me?", hoping for some supernatural power to answer? Well, this is, precisely, one of those times when "Why me?" is the last thing you`ll ever think of saying.
Submitted by: casco on 2004-02-06 Views: 693 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
gblauer finishing up the first pitch of gettin' wood. Note the clothing...it was COLD in EPC during our January week. Photo by mitchal.
Submitted by: gblauer on 2004-01-26 Views: 891 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
Phil rapping off the western spire, late on a January afternoon. Photo by Mitchal, editing by gblauer.
Submitted by: gblauer on 2004-01-26 Views: 544 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Phil leading the first pitch of Gettin' Wood (5.10d) on the north side (no sun all day long) of the Eastern Spire. It was cold in the shade in mid January.
Submitted by: gblauer on 2004-01-26 Views: 582 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
Mitchal kissing the nalgene bottle goodbye, moments before he pitched it 150 feet off of the saddle of the spires. Yeah, the bottle survived just fine!
Submitted by: gblauer on 2004-01-26 Views: 496 | Votes: 3 | Comment: 1
Brenda on the first pitch (5.10d) of Gettin' Wood. Upon reaching the belay, it promptly started pouring rain. Add high winds and you have a very cold group of climbers!
Submitted by: gblauer on 2004-01-26 Views: 486 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Vincente belaying Phil on the Western spire. This was the last climb of the day, as the sun was setting. This pitch is very exposed with a cool rap off the south side from the top of the spire. Photo by Mitchal.
Submitted by: gblauer on 2004-01-26 Views: 636 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 6
This is Daniel Eubank on a 2 pitch 5.10 that asends to the top of the uphill spire at El Portrero Chico. His partner was Scott Wilkens. The picture was taken by Rachael Wilkins and Will Jones who climbed the other spire at the same time. Feb 2002.
Submitted by: cabouldering on 2004-01-03 Views: 748 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Here we are with some friends enjoying the view at the second pitch of las agujas at awesome Potrero Chico
Submitted by: juanjo on 2003-12-27 Views: 928 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
This Tyrolean links the classic Eastern Spire route "Off the Notch" with the Western Spire route "Aguja Celo Rey" (both 5.10s). Scott and I were drinking tequila with Curtis and Todd at Homero's 'till 5am one day. We knew we were too drunk to climb difficult stuff, so we set up the Tyrolean around 7am and took pictures. Since we used a 400ft static line, we had enough left to set up the two-pitch rappel off the back (South) side of the spires.[Higher res image on TripL.com ]
Submitted by: tripl on 2003-11-26 Views: 608 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
My friend dave took this shot through the tunnel in the Spires, while I was freezing in the saddle between the spires just above. You pass the tunnel on the way up the first pitch of the classic route on the Chico spire.
Submitted by: spiffdog on 2002-04-29 Views: 843 | Votes: 14 | Comments: 5
This photo was taken by a friend, Anton the route is a classic of Potrero Chico, the crux is located near the end of the route but the difficulty of this one is the endurance you need to complete it. Climber is Diego W.
Submitted by: diegow on 2002-04-22 Views: 1083 | Votes: 11 | Comment: 1
Mike Saenz and Ruben cortes hanged an Hamock between the spires. This is one of the most popular climbs here and one of my favorites, 2 pitches 5.10c
Submitted by: climblover on 2002-03-05 Views: 898 | Votes: 12 | Comments: 3
Brad getting ready to leave a terrific rest on Pangia. This route is located on the back of the Spires in El potrero Chico Mexico.
A classic 11a for the area, unfortunately the route is becoming polished due to major use.
Submitted by: krillen on 2002-02-12 Views: 647 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
Some of the local vegetation at El Potrero Chico as the sunset of another great day.
Submitted by: krillen on 2002-02-12 Views: 674 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0