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Rock Climbing Photos : Search Results

Your search returned 0 categories and 8 photos


Horizontal Cam

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Horizontal Cam

I took this picture while waiting for climbers to come into view on the NW Buttress.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2004-09-09
Views: 1445 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 4
Climbing In The Shade

Average Rating = 2.83/5 Climbing In The Shade

This is Ryan climbing past the overhang on Hit and Run. A nice day to be in the shade on the NW Buttress.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2004-09-09
Views: 1236 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Anchor Art

Average Rating = 3.49/5 Anchor Art

I was at the top of the NW Buttress trying to get some non-buttshots, and decided to take some pictures of gear while I was waiting for the climbers to come into view. I couldn't decide whether it would be better to have focus on both side of the biner, but decided on this shot for the color and composition.
Submitted by: dredsovrn on 2004-06-09
Views: 1975 | Votes: 36 | Comments: 24
Solution Crack Climb

Average Rating = 2.80/5 Solution Crack Climb

Here is one for Julie! You had the knack of this crack. As Annie screamed to me one day when I was hot dog lady at the crag, "It's the Chickenhead" And, Anne thanks for telling those guys that I was old enough to be their mother. Ode to the crack,,,hehe!
Submitted by: climbracer on 2003-11-08
Views: 2073 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
lox trusing his life to climbinganne

Average Rating = 3.43/5 lox trusing his life to climbinganne

First time he roped up in 7 years he told me. what a great time we had on his visit east.
Submitted by: climbinganne on 2003-06-05
Views: 1588 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 5
Glen on Solution Crack

Average Rating = 2.78/5 Glen on Solution Crack

As the title's me on Solution Crack at Chickies Rock. This is my first day on real rock, thank you Anne!
Submitted by: xcel360 on 2002-12-05
Views: 878 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 2
Holy Fun :o)

Average Rating = 3.11/5 Holy Fun :o)

Haha me on a "fun" 5.10a haha its mad fun try it! Its got all crimpers and smearing so its a good warm up haha
Submitted by: straightedgeteen on 2002-07-27
Views: 985 | Votes: 9 | Comment: 1
The Great PV (5.10a)

Average Rating = 3.43/5 The Great PV (5.10a)

Hehe this is me starting a climb called PV (I dont know whats the real name) and i think its rated a 5.10a
Submitted by: straightedgeteen on 2002-07-26
Views: 838 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1