Routes : North America : United States : Alabama : Northern : Horse Pens 40 : Area 1 : Hugs and Kisses
Hugs and Kisses - V8

Route sequence (left to right): 12
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (3)
Premier Sponsor:
Climb the right end of the big overhang using terrible crimps and NO feet. Go for the jug at the lip.
Submitted by: timhinck on 2003-01-15
Views: 1055
Route ID: 10281
3 Ascents Recorded
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Difficulty | V8 |
Safety Rating | G |
took me quite a few tries.
Added: 2012-01-04
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Ascent Note
No comment
Added: 2006-01-06
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Ascent Note
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Witnessed by: nico
Added: 2004-10-16
Added: 2004-10-16