Tai-o-Toshi - 5.7

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (3)
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Pull over the bulge 1m R of Golgotha and continue to a ledge R of the nose, straight up to a groove just R of the arete, and black streak.
Submitted by: ajkclay on 2006-02-01
Views: 494
Route ID: 37395
3 Ascents Recorded
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Dunno, who he was, bumped into him on the rock and we climbed .. was goodah.
Anywho - great climb with a nice fingery crux, I really enjoyed it - just don't fall onto that blade!!!
Anywho - great climb with a nice fingery crux, I really enjoyed it - just don't fall onto that blade!!!
Witnessed by: Some guy I guess
Added: 2005-08-07
Added: 2005-08-07
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Witnessed by: Dave Moloney.
Added: 2003-03-14
Added: 2003-03-14
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Added: 2001-12-27