Stripper - 5.10b

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
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Standard rack + slings to tie off chickenheads and a large offwidth piece if desired
An interesting route that is located at the far right hand side of the rock. It starts below a medium sized tree growing off of a ledge about 10 up the cliff. To make the route easier you can throw a chord around the tree and climb up. The route follows ledges and numerous cracks up and left for 2 pitches and on the 3rd pitch you get to a funky offwidth that goes to the top of the rock. You can walk around the back and use the cold shut rap anchors of Stoner's Boner for decent. * there are several imaginative ways to skip the 5.10 parts of the climb which then drops the grade to a 5.8.
Submitted by: stirnie on 2005-01-15
Views: 715
Route ID: 50390
1 Ascent Recorded
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Added: 2004-02-23