Under trained 19 - 5.10b

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (2)
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4 bolts, small cam, double ring anchors
This is the next line right of Drama Queen, with a high first bolt. After a grunty, overhanging start on good holds, mount the small ledge, place the cam then pull onto the aete. climb (quickly) past the small cave full of pigeon shit to the anchors.
Submitted by: socialclimber on 2006-01-15
Views: 401
Route ID: 64326
2 Ascents Recorded
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Ascent Note
The saying: "never shit in you own nest" could have been inspired by pigeons
Witnessed by: pranayama, sbaclimber
Added: 2005-02-26
Added: 2005-02-26
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Added: 2004-10-15