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Milikisi - V3

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simple classic bouldering problem that begins with a sit start, follows up the 45 degree overhang then works it's way up to a horn out cropping half way up. From here cross over to the adjacent wall with the large pocket (large enough to sit in) and then work your way up the flake just over your head. Follow the flake from lower right to upper left and end up with a heel hook on the previous horn, two more moves and you are done, somewhat topping out on a bit of slick mud just above your original start point. you know you are at the right start point if you look at a small tree that is on the riverside of the problem and you can faintly read 'milikisi' scratched into the bark. So much for 'leave no trace.'

Submitted by: sway-reincarnate on 2007-02-21
Views: 1022
Route ID: 83715

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