Routes : Reviews
Ascent Notes for: My Mind is a Blank -
Average Rating : 4.00/5
Route Summary | Ascent Notes
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Ratings | |
Difficulty | 5.11a |
Safety Rating | G |
One of the best
This is one of my favorite routes of all time. Partly because it was my first 11, and partly because I love the thin face climbing combined with the overhanging roof. Great stuff. Dont dyno to the horizontal crack! It can be done static.
Added: 2007-08-16
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Difficulty |
Ascent Note
good route.
Added: 2005-07-03
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Difficulty | |
Safety Rating | G |
Ascent Note
Finally got this.. wohoo..
Witnessed by: Lee
Added: 2004-11-07
Added: 2004-11-07