Routes : Reviews
Ascent Notes for: Finger Ramp -
Average Rating : 3.67/5
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Added: 2004-05-05
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airy, run out crux just before anchors
Witnessed by: wannabe
Added: 2004-05-05
Added: 2004-05-05
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I guess its considered a classic, not really a favorite of mine. Could be a nasty fall if your leading it. First pin super high and its tends to get sandy.
Added: 2004-04-23
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Old pinky would come in handy.
Added: 2004-02-16
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GREAT route! We had a blast with this early morning climb. The crux is a frightening challenge and about halfway through it, I just sat there, not wanting to go in either direction.
Witnessed by: Eric B. (coloclimbergog)
Added: 2003-07-08
Added: 2003-07-08
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Added: 2003-06-28
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This was a bit run out with the first bolt at least 20' off the deck. Got easier and did not like the fact that the crux was unprotected from the last bolt to the anchor. Different type of rock that I am used to.
Witnessed by: Todd
Added: 2002-07-27
Added: 2002-07-27
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Ripped off a hold towards the top and took a whipper! Fun climb. My first GotG climb and I guess my first real outdoor climb.
Added: 2002-03-22
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Great climb, although the 25' first bolt (with no place to set pro) is freaky every time. Was my first onsight lead in 1998. Have done it a number of times since. Crux is going around the base of the finger. Jam a right arm in the ever-widening crack at the base of the finger (3" at it's thinnest) and work up and left to jugs above, just below the anchors. Great belay spot there - bring a long runner to clip into the anchors with.
Witnessed by: Matt Tjaden
Added: 2001-12-01
Added: 2001-12-01
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Added: 2000-11-21