Routes : Reviews
Ascent Notes for: Minnowmaker -
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A very poor bolting job. There are far better routes at this grade in the canyon.
Added: 2005-05-19
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When Bill Boyle looked at the left side of the china wall he had his eyes on the black streak and told me that the climb to the left of it would be to easy but that he would put chains on it for me. I left a rope hanging on Minnowmaker for months because I could not climb it clean. Finally someone stole the rope and I had to lead it to continue my attempts to red point. I never could make it over the main roof move to the hidden in cut crack above without hanging and moving my feet. O well, my encyclopedia of unfinished business is so large no ego here only good times, memories, and friends. I named this climb, I also named Praise the lower, which Jeff Pederson ended up first accenting, then Jeff tried to named it "so what" but later agreed to the present name. The Oboe, a cool pump fest, was also ours a, I did manage to red point it.
Witnessed by: Bill Boyle
Added: 1996-06-08
Added: 1996-06-08