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Routes : Reviews

Ascent Notes for: Windy Slabs - 5.6 Average Rating = 3.50/5 Average Rating : 3.50/5

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  Difficulty 5.6
  Safety Rating PG13
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Onsight Onsight ascent by: Happywhale52 on 2007-10-06 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars Yam Windy Slab

October is still great month for Yamnusuka! Nice warm day. Lead 1st, 3rd, 5th pitch. From BBQ ledge, took 5.8 chimmney option. Wow, so squeezed!

Added: 2007-10-08

  Difficulty 5.6
  Safety Rating G
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Onsight Onsight ascent by: lovesclimbing on 2005-05-17 (View Climbing Log)

3 out of 5 stars Ascent Note

This route started off slow and only being a 5.6 I was not expecting a lot. But I must say that there were a couple of fun pitchs, I did more of the varations to try to up grade it but I must say that the run out traverse was very fun. I would recomend this route just for that pitch, there is some what good gear at the start of the traverse and the rock is good.

Added: 2005-05-17

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