Routes : Reviews
Ascent Notes for: Upside-down Cacker -
Average Rating : 3.50/5
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Safety Rating | G |
Ascent note
No comment
Added: 2013-12-22
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Safety Rating | G |
warm up
setting up easy climbs for others
Added: 2009-12-28
Ratings | |
Difficulty | 5.9 |
Safety Rating | G |
last climb
Cleaned it for another party. Felt on grade or harder to me--rare for El Potrero, but I was pretty tired and my feet were aching. Thin in the middle, and clearing the slight overhang was a bit iffy for me. Interesting stemming at the top, to the left of the huge bulge/block. Go up the corner, the anchors are on top of that block sitting above it. The anchor location is a little awkward, and I hooked a hangerless bolt a couple feet away with a draw to unweight myself so I could get on rap.
Added: 2009-03-02
Ratings | |
Difficulty | 5.8 |
Safety Rating | G |
Upside-down Cacker
Upside-down Cacker
Added: 2009-02-19