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jds100's Logbook (11 ascents)

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Routes: North America: United States: Illinois: South: Cedar Bluff: The Little Big Wall

Cave City Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00/5

  Difficulty 5.6
  Safety Rating PG13
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Onsight Onsight ascent by: jds100 on 1994-11-07 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars one of my first leads, trad gear

One of my first leads, on trad. Eats up trad gear; medium to big, with long slings to avoid rope drag; big solid stances; can feel scary at the grade; later soloed a time or two

Added: 2012-07-14

Routes: North America: United States: Illinois: South: Cedar Bluff: The Little Big Wall

Unfinished Symphony Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00/5

  Difficulty 5.10a
  Safety Rating PG13
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Hang Dog Hang Dog ascent by: jds100 on 1997-05-08 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars fun, kinda scary

first pitch takes gear great; straight to hanging belay; traverse right; gets 'thought-provoking' and challenging; took some time to work through

Added: 2012-07-14

Routes: North America: United States: Illinois: South: Cedar Bluff: The Little Big Wall

Dizzy Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00/5

  Difficulty 5.8
  Safety Rating PG13
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Red Point Red Point ascent by: jds100 on 1996-07-11 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars great lead route

slightly bouldery start, set trad gear (cam) for second; followed bolt line of great holds through great exposure up to solid hanging belay. Took gulley for second pitch to finish this great route. Free-hanging rap to the ground.

Added: 2012-07-14

Routes: North America: United States: Illinois: South: Cedar Bluff: Playground Wall

April Fool Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00/5

  Difficulty 5.10a
  Safety Rating R
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Onsight Onsight ascent by: jds100 on 1994-10-11 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars scary onsight trad fail

I don't remember if I thought this was a different route, or if I was just over-confident, but once I got out of the trad protected gulley, and knew there were no bolts, I down-climbed, pulling my gear as I went. Probably a good thing I didn't 'brave' the onsight, since it was my second trad route, and hadn't been on sport routes, yet...

Added: 2012-07-14

Routes: North America: United States: Illinois: South: Cedar Bluff: Playground Wall

Thomas Bear Memorial Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00/5

  Difficulty 5.11a
  Safety Rating R
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Top Rope Top Rope ascent by: jds100 on 1996-10-23 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars lotta fun

followed/ TR'd. Tough from the very beginning; thin, sharp, sustained; outstanding. Cool final move. On lead, this route takes thin and sketchy trad; the one bolt might have been replaced by a new safe one, but none have been added to the route.

Added: 2012-07-14

Routes: North America: United States: Illinois: South: Cedar Bluff: Playground Wall

Dos Equis Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00/5

  Difficulty 5.9
  Safety Rating G
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Hang Dog Hang Dog ascent by: jds100 on 1996-09-23 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars very good lead route

TR'd a few times on earlier visits; VERY good route at the grade. Good stances for every clip; couple moves felt sketchy; top/ last move was a challenge

Added: 2012-07-14

Routes: North America: United States: Illinois: South: Cedar Bluff: Playground Wall

Ghosts and Goblins Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00/5

  Difficulty 5.10a
  Safety Rating PG13
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Hang Dog Hang Dog ascent by: jds100 on 1995-10-14 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars kinda tough; can be scary up higher

I think a bolt or two may have been added since I led this route; check the latest edition of the guidebook. Started with ring bolt fairly high, but felt solid. Set trad gear; can be tough to find a rhythm; holds and sequences are not obvious. Glad to get to the top with a nice big clean top of the bluff with chain anchors.

Added: 2012-07-14

Routes: North America: United States: Illinois: South: Cedar Bluff: Playground Wall

School Yard Blues Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00/5

  Difficulty 5.10c
  Safety Rating PG13
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Hang Dog Hang Dog ascent by: jds100 on 1996-10-14 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars VERY fun, little scary

Tr'd or seconded a few times; then led. Bolt placement seems OK to me, but leader should be solid at the 10 grade; a fall at the bulge leaves you swinging free. Turning the bulge is 'easy' with the right holds; take you time to find 'em. Turning the roof can be brutal or elegant, depending on how you use your feet. I've done it both ways, but only been proud of one.

Added: 2012-07-14

Routes: North America: United States: Illinois: South: Cedar Bluff: Playground Wall

High Flying Bird Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00/5

  Difficulty 5.8
  Safety Rating PG13
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Flash Flash ascent by: jds100 on 1994-10-08 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars Good mixed route; chance to learn trad pro

Good route for the beginning leader; starts with bolts, needs trad pro off good stance up higher. I always set good trad gear in the crack up high; good thing, since I blew the move and fell onto it on my third time on the route.

Added: 2012-07-14

Routes: North America: United States: Illinois: South: Cedar Bluff: Playground Wall

Detention Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00/5

  Difficulty 5.10a
  Safety Rating PG13
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Flash Flash ascent by: jds100 on 1995-09-04 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars fun, good first 10a

TR'd a few times over a few visits to Cedar; led with one trad piece for first pro, followed by a few bolts. Enough over-hanging to get a little pumpy for new leader at 10a. Led several times; a couple slight variations (stay left on the bulge).

Added: 2012-07-14

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