the nose is hard. Those hold I'm grabing harly exist. Definatly fun though
I got the sending video in the works. Editing is better in the next one as well as the filming. You get a feel for the difficulty of the climb in the next video.
Not entirely true. All the holds that I called as off I didn't use as feet. If you look at the photo I put up with the climb you'll see that I didn't. I made sure. 8)
The solutions are sick. They feel like slip ons that dont come off on heel hooks. They kinda suck for smearing though. I think You should have a seperate shoe for smear problems anyways. They get two thumbs up in my book, Sportiva for life!
Big thanks to my spotters and filmers, Keane and Catino, For hiking out to this rock with me and supporten me while maken this awesome film. Much respect!
try dynoing from the bottom to the top. That way you dont have to use any feet 8)
Hahahaha! thats great. But still, I'm glad your not down for the count.
This is bunk! Get familiar with your camera
I didnt know people could climb sideways like that. Thats impressive!
You guys are definatly some hardcore dudes. Nice vid. Props to you
LAme juice!
aesop rules! I muted you..
Yo WTF! where my vid?
Thanks dude 8)
Verve BELIKOS. Best pant for climbing
rating? problem?
this place isnt real. Your just imagining it. Aquarion can lick on my butthole
You can stream your YouTube videos through! No need to upload your videos again. Simply tell us the URL of your video on YouTube and we'll go fetch it for you.
whos the music by?