Rock Climbing Videos : Comments
Comments by JasonsDrivingForce (45)

Yea my heart was pumping out of my chest at that point. Good thing I was "on camera" instead of "on Belay". I was actually shaking at that point and he was as cool as the other side of the pillow. He just chalked up and continued on his merry way.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I hope he sticks with it or something else that he has passion for. It would be a shame for him to waste his talent. He isn't showing any indication of that right now though. He just goes out there with a big smile and some serious determination.

I didn't say he was the next Sharma. I asked if you think he could be the next Sharma. There is a difference. Plus someone suggested that in every other video I posted.
Here is a video where the poster does say the child is "Future best Climber in the world" though.

Also, that is not my son in the “Best climber in the world” video. That is an example of someone else exclaiming that they coach a child that will be the best in the world. I have no idea if my son will become a great climber. I don’t even know if he will still be into climbing next week.
He is enjoying it now as you can see in the video and I don’t push him to do it at all. I post videos of him because most people have said they like them. I put that title on it because it would get buried on youtube if I had just said something generic like “Boy climbs wall”.

I watched this DVD today. It actually was quite good. It was cool to see Sharma saying that “The new river is one of the greatest places to climb”. I also want a pair of those golf/climbing gloves with the rubber inserts.
The music was fantastic by the way. Overall I thought this was a great DVD. It was a little expensive but probably worth it.

It was more important that I spot my son rather than my daughter because he was climbing much higher than her. Also it is pretty tough to give your undivided attention to a 3 year old and 5 year old simultaneously, while they both climb, and you are watching them by yourself.

Thanks for the kind words about my son’s climbing. He really loves to climb and he puts every ounce of energy into it.
We had all of the kids in our neighborhood over this week to try out the new overhang. It was a lot of fun. Except 6 kids between the ages of 4 and 8 can be a handful to keep up with. At least, we have the climbing wall to give the kids a good outlet for their energy.
See you at TRC sometime.

Yes he is definitely a fast learner. If he sees a move once he usually can mimic it.
This was filmed at North Cary Park. Just outside of Raleigh NC. It is two man made concrete boulders with a nice bright blue rubberized padding around them. We are really lucky to have extremely nice parks throughout the city.

Would you mind creating a post in the photography section just explaining a little bit about how you made the video? I am sure everyone would love to know how to shoot excellent video like this.
Great job!
“Campusing, small crimps and pockets, highball problems, etc. this video plays like a list of everything kids should avoid doing at a young age. I fear for this girl's long term health.â€
One of the comments on the youtube page indicated that she was either coming back from an injury or trying to get back into the sport. Also her webpage pretty much has not been updated for a few years.
They don’t rent climbing shoes at Kitty Hawk Kites. I didn’t know they had an indoor wall the first day we went there so we forgot to bring his shoes. We remembered his shoes all of the other times though. He had his harness and shoes in the rest of the videos.
The employees at KHK were kind of shocked that he had his own equipment. He is probably the only 5 year old that would insist on bringing climbing equipment to a “beach” vacation on the chance that there would be something to climb.