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Comments by winglessangel (18)

3 out of 5 stars editing is bad, but the climbs are GREAT!
and one of routes is called "not even fucking", hahahahyuahahhauhuaha
4 out of 5 stars Congratulations, Eliseu, always doing a great work.

I have to agree with fivehard. More than one of your videos have sponken comments. Subtitles would be interesting. If you want I can suggest good people for the job.
I like the video, I like the sequences you chose to capture. And it is a classic Brazilian route!

But I have to agree about the music, and take this from someone who loves trance and goes to near every rave. Climbing is rather slow, it doesn't fit with such fast music. It wouldn't fit with heavy metal or fast forró either.
Try something more "backgroundish" next time. Something more chill and not so psy.
Looks like a cool climb. allows great moves. I like the music too.

Comments on the video: Good sequence, good image quality. But you could work on some edting. When the climber spends long time in one move its is time to make some cuts or change the angle. There was a lot of unnecessary butt shots.

Comments on the climber: Learn how to rest and to hold without so much tension. USE YOUR FEET!! And avoid laying on the rock, easy to lay down, hard to get up. again, a lot of unecessary butt shots.

But you are on the way, man, important thing is that you are having fun, that what it should be all about. keep working!
3 out of 5 stars Cool !
good video, great route, we could use good gyms like that in Rio.

now shoot one placing protection!
5 out of 5 stars FiveHard, Climb in Rio is very complete. From boulders to 2-days big walls, and that without crossing city limits.
You won't find alpine or ice around here, but if your deal is Rock this is the place.
5 out of 5 stars Translation:
"This is the footage of the first ascent of "Bote Impossível"* 10a (bra)** as a HighBall, sent by Daniel 'Coçada', climber from Rio de Janeiro.
It is worth to remember here that Daniel was, also, the first to send the original route with rope and protection, now he got there and sent is as HighBall...
Production: Julio 'Juba' Bander; Filming: Juba Blander and Bernardo 'Biê' Paiva; Editing: Juba Blander; Infos:"

* Bote Impossível means Impossible Dyno
** 10a (bra) is equivalent to 5.13c (Yosemite)
So, they paint the wall and place holds on it? that's weird...
4 out of 5 stars Good Video.
and I'm curious, too, to hear the story about the route's name, it's funny.
I like it.
it is a video that really shows the effort it takes to complete a problem.
I've seen people complain about rock videos because it is not clear for non-climbers how dificulty it is. Specialy when it a boulder video and the climber is so close to the ground.
cool shot, simple and clear. really like it.
5 out of 5 stars ai, Eliseu, que escala de graduação é essa aí? 6b, 6c? No Rio não tem isso não...
5 out of 5 stars how old is the video? I think the last climb is the one on all of sanke's and montanhismu's adds, isn't it?
5 out of 5 stars Valeu, e esqueci de falar que o video tá muito bom mesmo. Mas aí, falando em propaganda, infeliz aquela do "seja homem mesmo sendo mulher", já ouvi largos comentários negativos a respeito (vindos de homens e mulheres), esquece aquilo, arranja outra. falando na boa...
Great Video!!

Ever considered using subtitles? we can pm about that.
nice girls shouldn't swear like that!!!! eheheheh

great climb
4 out of 5 stars I like it too, or maybe I'm just influenced by the music, infected mushroom always brings good memories...
4 out of 5 stars too much intro for not so much bouldering. But I liked anyway
bouldering sequences are awesome.
The intro would've been good if you have kept the same crazy editing through the whole movie, but this way was just pointless and unecessary.