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Rock Climbing Videos : Search Results

Videos by ClimbingBebop

Your search returned 0 channels and 2 videos



Rescue 911

Average Rating = 3.75/5 Rescue 911

Rescue 911 is an amazing highball some local dudes showed us during spring break in Rocktown. Props to Scotty for letting us in on the new lines going up and to Stroup for climbing such a sweet line. If you're interested in seeing more climbing from our crew check out our videos on our climber-ran website under trailhead, we'll be slowly posting more as the season progresses.
ClimbingBebop on 2007-07-03 | Views: 4211 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
Witches Traverse

Average Rating = 3.67/5 Witches Traverse

The namesake of Witches Hill! This lowball boulder problem may be a little contrived, but damn is it fun to climb! Here you'll see D.P., Phil Boye, and Sara Thorsen play around at dusk on a spring day. Check out more Athens, Ohio videos on here, Youtube, and if you're interested in checking out the climbing down here! If you live in Ohio its worth the drive!
ClimbingBebop on 2007-06-21 | Views: 4572 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 6