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Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP
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Oct 19, 2008, 12:48 AM
Post #1 of 54 (61290 views)

Registered: Oct 16, 2007
Posts: 16

Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP
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I originally posted this under the injuries an accidents forum:

Oh this is sad news! James Welton was one of the friendliest people I have ever met. He was passionate about climbing and had a patience that proved his love and enthusiasm for climbing and the outdoors. I met James in Indian Creek back in May...ironically he was good friends with Daryn Smith (aka:stymingersfink) who just passed away in September of heart failure. I met the two of them at the same time and cannot believe that they have died within a month of each other. James and his girlfriend had shot a bunch of photographs from that weekend...shortly thereafter I received a card from James in the mail along with a CD of the photos he had shot and some music to fill the space at the end. I saved the card that had his info on it and an invitation which read..."you have a place to stay if you're in my area-where ever that may be, Probably best to call or email to find out for sure I like to move about."
I am terribly saddened to hear this news and my heart and prayers go out to Jamie, all of James' family and friends. James, you will be missed terribly and it looks like I'm gonna have to look you up in the afterlife...I imagine in some great climbing area in the sky. Peace be with you! You will be remembered!

(This post was edited by clmbrchick on Oct 19, 2008, 12:49 AM)


Oct 19, 2008, 6:01 PM
Post #2 of 54 (61148 views)

Registered: Sep 17, 2008
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Re: [clmbrchick] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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I am utterly wrecked. I was a close friend of Daryns and met James at the time of Daryns death. At a time of great difficulty for all of us James was an anchor for me. I have never met someone like James before and we quickly became very close freinds. The depth of his soul was unique and his capacity for caring is unrivaled. I hope that all of you have the chance to meet someone like James in your lifetime, if all of us were like him, none of us would go wanting.
The world is a lesser place today.


Oct 19, 2008, 8:44 PM
Post #3 of 54 (61056 views)

Registered: Mar 10, 2005
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Re: [spacey] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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I had the great opportunity to meet and climb with James this past summer. My brother has been living in Elko and when I went to visit him he arranged for James to take us out for a day of cragging in Lamoille Canyon. James took my brother and I up a wonderful route called "Casino Queen" which he and others had put up recently. He lead the route in perfect style and was eager to show me other great spots in his backyard. His enthusiasm and willingness to introduce others to the great climbing in Lamoille left a great impression on me. I saw him again briefly before leaving Elko and he expressed desire to come visit and climb in Alaska.

When my brother called and told me about his death on Friday I was shocked and saddened. Elko is a small community - the climbing community there even smaller - and I can only imagine how they are feeling.

I'm sad that I won't be able to return the hospitality that James extended to me. He was a great guy; a graceful climber and I feel privileged to have spent a day climbing with him.

I'm not religious... but at times like this I imagine that somewhere out there James just walked into a valley of granite where the FAs will go on forever.

James in Lamoille Canyon - August '08.


Oct 20, 2008, 1:07 AM
Post #4 of 54 (60933 views)

Registered: Oct 19, 2008
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Re: [wfinley] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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James was the best. I am too numb to write much now, but here are some thoughts.

James was a once in a lifetime kind of person that I had the privilege of knowing for many years. Jim was the friend you always knew you could count on, but more that than he was the type of person that would do pretty much anything for pretty much anybody. His enthusiasm and zest for life were a continuing source of inspiration for those around him.

Jim was the kind of friend that if you had your head up your ass wouldn’t just say, well doesn’t look so bad, things will work out in the end etc. Rather, he’d bluntly tell you your head was in fact up your ass and then proceed to help you pull it out with or without your help.

Jim had depth. He was highly intelligent and curious. He always had something new to talk about: be it climbing, life, science, or whatever.

Jim left us doing what he loved, but more than that he blazed his path though life with an untarnished idealism. In the end, perhaps Jim had actually figured out life and was called away for something more important.


Oct 20, 2008, 3:06 AM
Post #5 of 54 (60858 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2001
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Re: [postfab] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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This is tragic news. I'm very sad for James' family and friends, and can only hope that they can find some peace and solace in this most difficult time.

My heart rests a bit heavier tonight, knowing that a fellow climber is no longer with us.


Oct 20, 2008, 3:30 AM
Post #6 of 54 (60834 views)

Registered: Dec 15, 2003
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Re: [reno] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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Wow. I climbed with James several days in TN and then up in RRG, KY 1.5 year ago. We meet through a friend of a friend. Though we only climbed a few days together, we called often, telling our climbing stories, or just life updates. He was excited to be moving to WV with his girlfriend, to climb on NC rock. I was excited too. I had enjoyed his company, energy and knowledge of rock.

He taught me a new method of rappelling, using his tree knowledge, to rap directly off a cliff, into an oak, and then hanging 100 feet from the ground off the oak tree, to the ground. No walk off needed! He also introduced me to Thievery Corporation, a band I listen to right now.

Though he only was in my life a few days, I felt a strong connection with him. In fact, I had lost my cell phone 1.5 weeks ago. His one of the first few numbers I entered in.

James' spirit, warmth and smile will stay with me; with all of us. My helmet will always remind me of him. We both had the same green EB helmet.

In his last email, concerning his friend's heart attack, James wrote: "There are lessons to be learned from significant events such as this. Life is preciously shorter for some, so build your legacy now as you wish to be remembered and spend more time with those that are closest to your heart. These are lessons for us all, for all time."

(This post was edited by clmbrdancer on Oct 20, 2008, 3:43 AM)


Oct 20, 2008, 3:55 AM
Post #7 of 54 (60805 views)

Registered: Apr 16, 2003
Posts: 7

Re: [clmbrchick] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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Everyone, this is James's girlfriend Jamie. Forgive me, I haven't been near the internet in days - I've been in Zion with him. I have only read about one and a half posts to this thread, and I don't have the energy to do any more tonight.
I want to assure everyone that no blatant mistakes were made by James or anyone else in the party, and what happened really was a horribly tragic accident. Trust me, I had a very intimate conversation with the park service and all of the people involved in the climbing and the investigation.
I guess I don't have to say that I'm beyond broken up over this. James is the love of my life - he's amazing and wonderful and I can't begin to express how glad I am to have been with him. Please continue to post here, and I'd like to ask for help in collecting links to all of the other places that people are posting.
For those who are interested, there will be a funeral in Iowa with his family toward the end of this week, and there will be a memorial service in Salt Lake toward the end of next. When there are details, I will share them.
If you have a good story about James, or something about him you would like to share, I would really appreciate hearing them. Please post them to this thread, or, until my email box is overwhelmed, please email them to
I'm sure that I know very few of the many, many, many people James touched in his life. I would like to know you all.
Thank you for your kind words, and keep him and those of us mired in grief for his loss in your hearts.


Oct 20, 2008, 4:06 AM
Post #8 of 54 (60795 views)

Registered: Dec 15, 2003
Posts: 80

Re: [murrawunda] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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Thank you Jamie.

~Brad Beggs


Oct 20, 2008, 5:51 AM
Post #9 of 54 (60748 views)

Registered: Aug 14, 2007
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Re: [murrawunda] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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Oct 20, 2008, 12:06 PM
Post #10 of 54 (60705 views)

Registered: Aug 14, 2007
Posts: 613

Re: [murrawunda] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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This is unbelievable. Jamie has been by my side caring for me over the last month of loss and grief. She held me thru alotta tears, brought me food.... what a wonderful friend. We headed south, finally, for a weekend of fun- maybe do a little biking and then catch up with the guys and climb with them after they finished Touchstone. It is unbelievable to suddenly be holding her now, thru this devastation. James and Jamie had a very sweet and wonderful relationship with a bright future as Jamie is starting a new job with the NPS at the New River Gorge. Her future boss, Rick... I cannot thank him enough. He got on a plane and flew from DC to Zion and stood by us, providing in ways that we just could not manage. Thank you, Rick. I will continue to stay here by Jamie's side for whatever she needs.

Matt his climbing partner, who was also a best friend of Daryn's... I don't even know what to say. To lose two best friends and climbing partners, so close together, its just unimaginable. Matt is a rock; but no man is invincible. I have a giant hole in my heart for him.

Perry, I am here if you need a chat or a shoulder.

The Park Service and everyone involved, recovery teams, emergency operations staff, incident command, everyone was so highly professional and compassionate and attentive to us, they very compassionately made sure that our needs were met as we struggled to cope. I will try to speak for all of us that we are very grateful for their considerate attention, and for working tirelessly to unravel the details of the accident. Please do not use this website to make uninformed guesses about what happened. Jamie said enough above. There will come a time when the emotional shock eases, and the details can be described. It was a tragic climbing accident.

James recently took me out for a day of climbing after Daryn died; we had a delightful sunny day outing in Little Cottonwood, on the Egg Wall. It was just pure fun. James & Jamie convinced me, last January, to go to Ouray Ice Fest; and put me up in their room. James led one of my first ice climbs. He was a fun and safe teacher; ice was accessible and joyful for me because of that start. That was the beginning of a great friendship and they were often at my house, we shared alot of food over the last 10 months. My son thought James was delightful. Our last dinner together, at Jamie's, was an artistic feast of salmon and couscous, a beautiful treat under James skillful hands.

the photo above is Jamie's photo of James romping up The Incredible Hand Crack, his second or third trip up after flashing the lead. He made it look easy, he was a flowing climber with an easy style. He had just recently returned from the Salathe Wall, El Cap. I was looking forward to hearing about his trip when we all met up in Zion.

Rest easy, James.

The thought of you & Daryn up there together makes me laugh and cry at the same time. Can you pull some strings for a fantastic ice season. James, will you please tell Daryn - that's enough tarantulas, for now! Of all things!!

Love and best to all James family and friends who check in here. - darlene


Oct 20, 2008, 3:16 PM
Post #11 of 54 (60552 views)

Registered: Feb 23, 2004
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Re: [clmbrchick] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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One more to rope up with on the other side. The world is bit dimmer every time a climber passes, especially one who obviously left a positive mark on those around him.




Oct 20, 2008, 3:36 PM
Post #12 of 54 (60518 views)

Registered: Oct 20, 2008
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Re: [fenix83] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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Though James had many homes, he was certainly at home here in Elko. James was one of the first friends I had when I moved here 2 yrs ago, we went for a mountain bike ride a day after meeting Tuesday evening for a game of frizbee. Over my time here, we have shared days together up the Canyon, where James was always willing and happy to bring new people to the sport.
He was a pioneer of Lamoille Canyon. In the past few months, I've watched and admired him and Perry blazing bigger multi-pitch routes up the seemingly endless granite chimneys and faces here. It was always a joy to climb with him, ride with him, play frisbee, or just hang out in the tree streets and talk about mountains or deer hunting.
There is no denying that he was always a jovial fellow, and always a pleasure to be around. He was one of the best. I will miss him, as I was already going to when he was to move to WV. I was so happy for him and Jamie, for they seem so perfect together. I remember the first weekend they got together - we climbed at Oden's wall, then went to the BBQ at Liz's house that night. Jamie, I hope that you can find peace from this tragedy, and that your precious memories of James will be cherished forever.
Elko is a small town, and the climbing group here is very tight. He will be missed greatly. - Charlie Finley

James on Elephant Rock, City of Rocks Idaho. 9/07.
Attachments: ElephantRock.JPG (63.1 KB)


Oct 20, 2008, 4:42 PM
Post #13 of 54 (60389 views)

Registered: Oct 20, 2008
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Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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James was a kind person and a true friend. He was compassionate, easygoing, and always willing to help the people around him.

Like all of us, he cherished the world's high places. To me, what set James apart was the way he shared his delight with the ones he loved.

James, you have a good soul. l miss you already.


James climbing in Lamoille Canyon.

(This post was edited by RPHv on Oct 20, 2008, 4:45 PM)
Attachments: James.JPG (124 KB)


Oct 20, 2008, 5:08 PM
Post #14 of 54 (60335 views)

Registered: Oct 16, 2007
Posts: 16

Re: [RPHv] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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Just a quote by Gaston Rebuffat going out to all those who shared a cord with James:

"Together we have known apprehension, uncertainty, and fear; but of what importance is all of that? For it was only up there that we discovered many things of which we had previously known nothing: joy that was new to us; happiness that was doubled because it was shared, a wordless friendship which was no mere superficial impulse.
I am immensely happy, for I have felt the rope between us. We are linked for life. We have approached the stars together and at such heights, the air has a special savor."


Oct 20, 2008, 5:46 PM
Post #15 of 54 (60260 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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Re: [murrawunda] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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murrawunda wrote:
Everyone, this is James's girlfriend Jamie. Forgive me, I haven't been near the internet in days - I've been in Zion with him. I have only read about one and a half posts to this thread, and I don't have the energy to do any more tonight.
I want to assure everyone that no blatant mistakes were made by James or anyone else in the party, and what happened really was a horribly tragic accident. Trust me, I had a very intimate conversation with the park service and all of the people involved in the climbing and the investigation.
I guess I don't have to say that I'm beyond broken up over this. James is the love of my life - he's amazing and wonderful and I can't begin to express how glad I am to have been with him. Please continue to post here, and I'd like to ask for help in collecting links to all of the other places that people are posting.
For those who are interested, there will be a funeral in Iowa with his family toward the end of this week, and there will be a memorial service in Salt Lake toward the end of next. When there are details, I will share them.
If you have a good story about James, or something about him you would like to share, I would really appreciate hearing them. Please post them to this thread, or, until my email box is overwhelmed, please email them to
I'm sure that I know very few of the many, many, many people James touched in his life. I would like to know you all.
Thank you for your kind words, and keep him and those of us mired in grief for his loss in your hearts.

jamie, i know your heart is broken. words are hard for all of us mortals at times like this. try to keep in mind that the love of your life, your soul mate and best friend was doing what he loved and would have not had it any other way. we all suffer when faced with the loss of loved ones. james would not want you to suffer one second because of this. remember he is now enriching others in a better place. take solice in the rememberence of his love for you and gain strenght from the friends and family that share in these sad times. your heart will heal if you let it. never forgetting but in time moving on. peace


Oct 20, 2008, 6:39 PM
Post #16 of 54 (60171 views)

Registered: Oct 20, 2008
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Re: [murrawunda] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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Without ever trying, James always inspired me to be more like him.

More confident. More free of doubt and the possibility of failure. More fired up for the endless possibilities for adventure all around us.

He also taught me about what it means to be a friend. Never putting himself first, he gave fully and from his heart. Unlike so many people in this world, friendship for him wasn’t something that could be put aside when inconvenient. Looking back, I feel so selfish by comparison.

So James, without even trying, you left a huge thumbprint on my life. Even though I’ll never get to see you again, you live on.

Chris Strouthopoulos
Attachments: Endless enthusiasm.jpg (80.5 KB)
  Getting his party on in Ouray.jpg (56.1 KB)
  Coaxing me up the Ames Ice Hose.jpg (71.3 KB)


Oct 20, 2008, 6:40 PM
Post #17 of 54 (60169 views)

Registered: Oct 20, 2008
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Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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RIP, friend.


(This post was edited by RPHv on Oct 20, 2008, 6:42 PM)
Attachments: James in Winter.JPG (145 KB)


Oct 20, 2008, 8:07 PM
Post #18 of 54 (60055 views)

Registered: Oct 20, 2008
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Re: [RPHv] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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I met James 1.5 years ago when I came out here to Elko. Since then I’ve been blessed to be able to climb with him, play Frisbee, board games, just generally getting to know him when he was around and not traveling. As they say, you don’t really know what you have until you lose it. James’ friendship is that way. He was a quiet man with a huge heart and a good soul. Being a relative newbie to the world of climbing he was always helping me out, willing to give me pointers, loan me books, laugh with me, and spur me on. Whenever I was around him I found myself wanting to be just a little bit more like him. I learned so much from James not only about climbing, but about life in general. What he delighted in he shared with others. Those he loved, he loved openly and honestly.

He was a great climber, smooth, and making those routes look so easy. I enjoyed belaying him just to watch him and learn from how he climbed. He led my first ice climb, and ever since then I’ve been hooked. I’ve been seeing his face a lot in my mind these last few days. But it’s always been of James smiling and enjoying life.

James, thank you for sharing your life with us. I miss you. You will always be in my memories and even now you are still changing my life. I hope I can be a bit more like you.


(This post was edited by oaktree on Oct 20, 2008, 8:09 PM)
Attachments: Mount_Fitzgerald007.JPG (145 KB)


Oct 21, 2008, 12:01 AM
Post #19 of 54 (59785 views)

Registered: Oct 16, 2007
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Re: [oaktree] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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the weekend that I met Darryn and James...sorting gear in this photo...James on right and Darryn's back is to the camera

see attachment as I don't know how to get it on the page like others above have done

(This post was edited by clmbrchick on Oct 21, 2008, 12:02 AM)
Attachments: 106194530_medium_cacca9.jpg (96.1 KB)


Oct 21, 2008, 1:38 AM
Post #20 of 54 (59726 views)

Registered: Dec 15, 2003
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Re: [clmbrchick] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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This is the photo from the above post. Now they can both use the gear together.


Oct 21, 2008, 3:17 AM
Post #21 of 54 (59672 views)

Registered: Oct 16, 2007
Posts: 16

Re: [clmbrdancer] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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Thank you Smile


Oct 21, 2008, 4:13 AM
Post #22 of 54 (59631 views)

Registered: Oct 21, 2008
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Re: [postfab] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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James was one of the most genuine people I have met. He was upbeat, thoughtful, and always up for an adventure. His smile came easily, and difficult times never extinguished his positive spirit.

Climbing with him was, first and foremost, about having good times with good friends. He never lost sitght of that. As a climber, he was a confident but never arrogant, undeniably capable but surprisingly appreciative of the beauty of the surroundings. He brought an intensity and a level of competence to every climb, elevating and inspiring those who were fortunate enough to be with him.

He was multidimensional: he had an incredible knowledgeand intuition when it comes to trees. This side of him was not obvious until you spent a considerable time with him. I still hear him telling me to chop off the higher branches from the trees in my backyard, in order to get the lower branches to fill in. "No," I said, "I want the tree to grow! Why should I cut them shorter?" In retrospect, he was 100% correct. The pain of the moment is in fact a step in the right direction, and it is a step for which we should have no misgivings.

A few things that were unique to him: I'll remember his Bluegrass music whenever comes up on my ipod. I remember when he drove up from Durnago to Denver with no less than a small keg of his favorite beer from Ska brewery.

Andy, I only got to know a small fraction of the James Welton that you knew since the 6th grade. I can't imagine the gaping hole that his passing has created in your life. To you and those that were so close to him, I can only offer you my deepest sympathy and the thought that we are all better people for having spent a fraction of our lives with him.


Oct 21, 2008, 4:11 PM
Post #23 of 54 (59406 views)

Registered: Oct 21, 2008
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Re: [clmbrchick] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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 This was posted on the National Park Service's morning report today.



Zion National Park (UT)
Climber Falls To Death During Big Wall Ascent

James Welton, 34, of Durango, Colorado, fell to his death while climbing a popular climbing route called “Touchstone” on Friday, October 17th. Around 7:15 p.m., two climbers who were ascending a nearby route stopped a Zion Canyon shuttle bus and reported that another climber had fallen. Rangers on scene determined that Welton had fallen approximately 300 feet and confirmed it was a fatality. His two climbing partners witnessed the fall. Eleven members of the Zion search and rescue team responded and worked through the night removing the victim and investigating the fall. “Touchstone,” located across the canyon from Angels Landing, is one of the most popular big wall climbs in the park. Over 1,000 feet high from river to rim, it is usually a two-day climb requiring an overnight stay on a “port-a-ledge,” a cot-like device attached to the wall. Welton was considered a very experienced climber and had recently completed a climb of El Capitan in Yosemite. This is the first fatality in the park for 2008, and the sixth climbing fatality since 1983.
Preliminary investigation reveals that Welton was climbing a rope using mechanical ascenders. It appears that a short fall occurred, causing the ascenders to sever the rope. [Submitted by Ray O’Neil, Plateau District Ranger]


Oct 21, 2008, 5:45 PM
Post #24 of 54 (59311 views)

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Re: [clmbrchick] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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I met James through a good friend who is in Nepal right now. James was a good friend who was always willing to help someone.
Attachments: James and his hat1.JPG (35.6 KB)


Oct 21, 2008, 7:00 PM
Post #25 of 54 (59214 views)

Registered: Apr 16, 2003
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Re: [clmbrchick] Touchstone death/ James Welton RIP [In reply to]
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In Iowa:
Viewing on Friday, 24 October. 4-8 pm, scripture service at 7pm. Hugeback and Chenoweth Funeral Home in New Hampton, IA.

Funeral on Saturday, 25 October, 10:30 am. Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Charles City, IA.

In Salt Lake City:
Memorial service on Saturday, 1 November, 4:30 to 8:30 pm, at the private home of a friend of James and Jamie. Details can be found at

Please help me by linking or posting this information to the other climbing blogs, websites, forums, etc. that are tracking memorial statements for James. I need all the help I can get right now.

Thanks, all,
James's girlfriend, Jamie Fields

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