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Weekend Warrior
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May 18, 2009, 3:47 PM
Post #1 of 1159 (78815 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Weekend Warrior
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Hey, we're all weekend warriors to some degree, right? I know, there's some of us who are out there climbing full time with no regard for the days of the week, those few scant days off from work, or time in general. But most of us have to deal with this and only get a few days per month outside of the annual trips to climb.

Post up your daily juice, because you know there are just as many good and bad days on the weekends as there are on bigger trips.

My first day out is here: Plugging for the first time without shoes

Seriously, I want to hear how people get out for just a day trip. It's as if you're writing a letter; there's not much to say until you start saying it, and then you realize you've said so much more than expected.

Did you get scared off your normal warmup? Did you send that crappy, broken arrete in your neighbor's yard that you've been staring at for years but never had the courage to cross the street, ignore your neighbor's plea for you to return the lawn mower, and climb the damn thing? Or did you simply get out and enjoy the sun in peace?

This is the thread for day-to-day.

Partner epoch

May 18, 2009, 5:18 PM
Post #2 of 1159 (78762 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2005
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I will not read your blog.


May 18, 2009, 5:21 PM
Post #3 of 1159 (78755 views)

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Re: [epoch] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Cheers! Thanks!Wink


May 18, 2009, 5:37 PM
Post #4 of 1159 (78743 views)

Registered: Mar 27, 2008
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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good read


May 18, 2009, 5:47 PM
Post #5 of 1159 (78735 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [uni_jim] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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uni_jim wrote:
good read

Thanks man.

I'm sure I'll be the only person posting up for a while, but I do hope some folks post their weekend stories here. I think it would be fun to read.

So if you've got anything...


May 18, 2009, 5:59 PM
Post #6 of 1159 (78727 views)

Registered: May 20, 2006
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Yesterday my daughter, son, and I went out to the Crystal Wall in Poudre Canyon. It's a short approach (~10 min) and we saw one party there when we arrived with their dog Clyde. Clyde seemed to like our stuff throughout the day but as he was really pretty easy to get along with I didn't feel like bashing in his head with a rock like I often do with people's loud, obnoxious canines.

Anyway, we warmed up on a single pitch 5.9, I think 4 or 5 bolts then the anchor, on the typically square cut granite in this area. My daughter put it up, my son TRed it, then we pulled the rope and I lead it and cleaned the anchor.

Then we moved over to a 5.11 b or c that I had tried once the previous year and had fallen from close to the anchors and which my daughter (who is freaked by anything not overhanging, but generally climbs about a whole number grade better than I do) bailed from after the 2nd or 3rd bolt. So anyway, I sent this time with the technical part of the crux going very smoothly but with a little bit of concern at the power part of the crux, anyway I forced through. My son didn't want to do it, so my daughter got on. She got to the part where she had bailed last year and then remembered the climb. It was pretty funny since she wasn't real thrilled but she pushed through. She had some trouble working through the thin, slightly less than vertical parts and so got to the crux and fell while trying to figure out the sequence. After a couple of attempts trying to figure it out she finished it off with a much smoother effort than mine.

From there we moved to the overhanging routes on the end of the formation (~5.12b) and scoped out a line we hadn't tried before. These routes, which are on a face at about 90 degrees to the main face, have a very different character and tend to be vertically striated with lots of sidepulls but not as good ledges. It looked do-able so my daughter tied in and gave it a try. She climbed two bolts, then dogged the rest of the way up figuring out the beta on the way. For a first attempt at that grade it went fairly well. She lowered and while we were changing over my son decided to take a practice fall, from a boulder in the middle of the scree field that will now be known as "Grace", while he was trying to take some photos for his photography class. Somehow, after his rather spectacular headfirst "Fall from Grace", he managed not to cause serious injury to either himself or his camera so after cleaning up some scrapes and minor cuts, we got back to climbing. My turn, and it punished me. I climbed through the first two bolts (on TR), hung for a while, unclipped the third, tried about 6 times to make the move and couldn't do it, then jammed myself in the chimney to the side of the route and flailed up to a good hold where I could unclip the next draw, flailed around some more, and about 5 minutes later finally made it to the anchor (15 ft away). I was pretty beat after that and it was getting late so we went home. Very nice day, just a little warm.


May 18, 2009, 6:17 PM
Post #7 of 1159 (78704 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [shockabuku] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Heh. The "fall from grace" is kind of funny. Did he just jump off a boulder? Headfirst?

Partner cracklover

May 18, 2009, 6:29 PM
Post #8 of 1159 (78694 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Maybe I'm dense, but I don't get what you're asking. Unless it's just another way of getting folks to read your blog, in which case - cheers, that's cool.



May 18, 2009, 6:45 PM
Post #9 of 1159 (78680 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [cracklover] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
Maybe I'm dense, but I don't get what you're asking. Unless it's just another way of getting folks to read your blog, in which case - cheers, that's cool.


I'm trying to get others to post up their stories from their weekend jaunts. Most TRs seem to stem from major trips (mine to Moab, another's to China, someone else's to J-Tree, etc.), but I find there are a lot of stories in the regular, at-home climbing days, too. Take Shokabubu's son in his post above, there's a story in there somewhere. I'm interested in learning about that.

I'd like to read about those days out that aren't necessarily big trips.

Thanks for the support, and of course I am always looking to increase readership, but I do have a solid base of regular readers. I'd honestly like to read more from others. Part of this is because I'm trying to get a greater sense of storytelling from ordinary people. I have a belief that there's a lot more interesting stories out there than the glamorous, epic, and glorified accounts that are spoonfed to us. I'm hoping to learn something from this.


May 18, 2009, 6:52 PM
Post #10 of 1159 (78673 views)

Registered: May 20, 2006
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Heh. The "fall from grace" is kind of funny. Did he just jump off a boulder? Headfirst?

No, he was squatting down trying to get a picture on the top of the boulder. The top of it is a pretty narrow ridge and he lost his balance just as he was ready to use the camera. It's a shame he didn't get another half second because he had just switched the camera to video but hadn't pushed the start button yet. Anyway, I heard a bunch of cursing and looked over to see him rolling over the edge of the rock with the camera held up in the air. If I hadn't been so worried that he was going to break his head it would have been pretty funny.


May 18, 2009, 6:57 PM
Post #11 of 1159 (78666 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [shockabuku] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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shockabuku wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Heh. The "fall from grace" is kind of funny. Did he just jump off a boulder? Headfirst?

No, he was squatting down trying to get a picture on the top of the boulder. The top of it is a pretty narrow ridge and he lost his balance just as he was ready to use the camera. It's a shame he didn't get another half second because he had just switched the camera to video but hadn't pushed the start button yet. Anyway, I heard a bunch of cursing and looked over to see him rolling over the edge of the rock with the camera held up in the air. If I hadn't been so worried that he was going to break his head it would have been pretty funny.



May 18, 2009, 7:43 PM
Post #12 of 1159 (78639 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2001
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I don't know if this counts since it wasn't technically the weekend, but here it goes anyways.

last tuesday the 12th of may a couple of good friends were coming up north from arazona to visit family, and decided that we should meet up in maple canyon for a bit of climbing. I was going to hitch a ride from a couple of other friends but they called me at 7:30 (our scheduled departure time) and told me that they had just woken up. Since they have 2 kids I decided that I didn't want to wait for them to get ready, so I headed out on my own. By nine am I had arrived at maple canyon and as always was in awe of the amazing cobblestone walls.

I quickly located my friends from arazona's campsite and helped them pack up and get ready for some climbing. This last semester in school has been extremely time consuming, which means that I'm a weakling and have no endurance, so we decided to start out at orangutan wall since there are several easy long climbs on it.

We arrived at the wall, and since I had just pro-dealed some new draws, my friends graciously allowed me the first lead of the day. I jumped on a very fun sustained 5.9 that's a full 100 feet to the anchors. I lead it cleanly with no problems, so we pulled the rope and each took turns leading it. Once all three of us had lead it, I lead up a .10c right next to the 5.9 once again cleanly, and once again we each lead it.

Up to this time we had just been relaxing and taking it slowly, hoping that our other friends would arrive shortly. They still weren't there so we decided that we would just hang out and leave the ropes on the routes so that they could TR them once they arrived. We just sat in the sun enjoying the weather for another half hour or so until our other friends got there and TR'd the 2 routes that we had set up.

It was around noon by now so we decided to head back to the campsite to make some lunch. we ate bagels, quesadillas, and oranges, then decided we would go do some climbing in the box canyon area.

We got to the box canyon area and started out with the warmup of choice, a short overhung pumpy .10a. I got the onsight and once again we each took turns either leading or TRing it depending on how we all felt. After that it was an .11a that I fell off of right as I went for the hold that you clip the chains from. That was a bummer, but I still enjoyed the route immensely, and felt good about how I had done considering how little I've climbed in the past 8 months. After these 2 climbs our late arriving friends told us that they needed to be heading home because they had to work that night, so we said good bye and also decided that it was time for a change of scenery (and to go somewhere easier since we were all starting to feel pretty tired). Off to the schoolroom we went.

The schoolroom is the beginner area of maple canyon, but it does have a few classic lines in it, so we started with a overhung 5.8 which the three of us left all redpointed (not that that is too amazing, but we were all feeling tired at this point). Next up was the ultra-classic line of the schoolroom, The Big Kahuna (named after an enormous cobble right in the center of the route). We each lead it up, then decided we only had strength left for one more moderately "hard" route. We were in luck because right next to the big kahuna there is a short 3 bolt .11a. I didn't think I had the strength left to get the redpoint on it, but to my surprise, I was able to push myself through and redpoint that thing.

At this point we realized that we had climbed 7 routes, and decided that an even ten routes would make a great day of climbing. We also realized that the last .11a we had done had pretty much drained us, so it was good we were in the beginner area of maple canyon. We jumped on a 5.8, then on a 5.7 and for our last route of the day we did a 5.9. I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but as I was clipping the crux bolt of the 5.9, my fingers just didn't want to stay wrapped around the cobble they were on, and I just barely got the rope through the draw when my hand let go of that hold. I rested a few seconds then finished the route, but I decided that even though I fell off of a 5.9 it was still a great day of climbing.

We went back to camp, had some dinner then went to bed.

The next day we only had a couple of hours to climb and decided that since both my friend Ben and myself had just pro-dealed some new trad gear, we would head to Rock Canyon in Provo to try it out. We wanted to do something easy and close to the trail, so I thought we could go to the kitchen and do a fun 5.8 that follows a double crack system. Since Ben had never been there he went for the onsight and did very well. His wife Jenalyn then TR'd it, then I lead it up. When I got to the crux (an overhanging wide hands section) I realized that the good positive face hold that you used to be able to use had broken off in the years since I had last climbed the route. I was still able to get the redpoint, but that route is certainly no longer a 5.8, I'd say its probably a .10a now without that hold (I was able to sandbag my friends without even trying isn't that great).

After that we decided that it was time to take off since Ben's sister had taken the day off work specifically to visit them, so we went our separate ways.


May 18, 2009, 8:03 PM
Post #13 of 1159 (78626 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [kennoyce] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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well, the "weekend" was only noted because that's the term. I think a regular day of climbing certainly suffices.

It's interesting how one can have ups and downs in the course of a regular day, even at the end when one thinks one's energy is sapped.

Sounds like a nice, relaxing day.


May 18, 2009, 8:05 PM
Post #14 of 1159 (78622 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2001
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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It was a great day. By the way, I love your blog, it's freaking awesome, you do some good writing.


May 18, 2009, 8:14 PM
Post #15 of 1159 (78606 views)

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Re: [kennoyce] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kennoyce wrote:
It was a great day. By the way, I love your blog, it's freaking awesome, you do some good writing.

Thanks. I do appreciate it.

One of the challenges is to find ways to make the mundane interesting. I get a lot of people that come up to and say, "there's always something that happens to you on your trips!" and that is somewhat true. All of my adventures do really happen, but I often times have to find ways to highlight those events, or even to find events that are worth highlighting. Once I get an angle, it's all about setting it up so that it stands out.

However, I'm kind of in a rut. I talk a lot about overcoming fear and I write too much about how I internalize things. I'm trying to find out what other people find interesting and how they communicate that. I'm looking for new methods of communicating ordinary life.

So my goal is two-fold: to learn and to read about others' climbing lives. Keep them coming. I'd love to read how folks change their storytelling over time, too.

Partner cracklover

May 18, 2009, 9:21 PM
Post #16 of 1159 (78554 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2002
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Have you read through the stuff in the Trip Reports here? What about on the other forums? rec.climbing is a gold mine.

Just not sure why you think handing out an assignment to others is the best method of you breaking out of your rut. Plenty of good quality stuff is already out there, if you want to see how it's done!

And just so you realize I'm not trying to blow you off, here's a start (one of my favorites of all time):




May 18, 2009, 10:00 PM
Post #17 of 1159 (78537 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [cracklover] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I read a lot of the other blogs already. They're good. I guess I asked folks here because I'm on this site regularly and I kind of know who people are (online only, of course).

It certainly wasn't an assignment. I honestly want to read what folks have to say. Maybe others don't want to read it. That's fine, but I'm interested. Not sure why I have to search elsewhere when there are plenty of people here who might be interested in partipating. Two others have already. I enjoyed it and will continue to push for more throughout the summer. Maybe it'll die. Maybe it won't. Maybe I'll be the only one posting in the end. I hope not.

Thanks for link. That was a good write-up. I liked the presentation style for sure, and that's what I need to see. It was nice to see a couple of familiar users there, too.


May 28, 2009, 5:15 PM
Post #18 of 1159 (78394 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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OK, so trying to keep this thread alive:

A recent rainy weekend in the 'Gunks is now up for you reading pleasure.


May 29, 2009, 1:31 AM
Post #19 of 1159 (78324 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Maybe I'm dense, but I don't get what you're asking. Unless it's just another way of getting folks to read your blog, in which case - cheers, that's cool.


I'm trying to get others to post up their stories from their weekend jaunts. Most TRs seem to stem from major trips (mine to Moab, another's to China, someone else's to J-Tree, etc.), but I find there are a lot of stories in the regular, at-home climbing days, too. Take Shokabubu's son in his post above, there's a story in there somewhere. I'm interested in learning about that.

I'd like to read about those days out that aren't necessarily big trips.

A big trip is relative to where one lives. For me, a weekend trip includes China and KL Malaysia because of whee I live. On the other hand, a small local crag like Quincy Quarry would be a major trip.

I lived in Yosemite of a year. At that time, Serenity Crack and Royal Arches were routes I did after work. Now, I live in Indonesia, my weekend trips normally mean first ascents.



May 29, 2009, 1:48 AM
Post #20 of 1159 (78319 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [guangzhou] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Maybe I'm dense, but I don't get what you're asking. Unless it's just another way of getting folks to read your blog, in which case - cheers, that's cool.


I'm trying to get others to post up their stories from their weekend jaunts. Most TRs seem to stem from major trips (mine to Moab, another's to China, someone else's to J-Tree, etc.), but I find there are a lot of stories in the regular, at-home climbing days, too. Take Shokabubu's son in his post above, there's a story in there somewhere. I'm interested in learning about that.

I'd like to read about those days out that aren't necessarily big trips.

A big trip is relative to where one lives. For me, a weekend trip includes China and KL Malaysia because of whee I live. On the other hand, a small local crag like Quincy Quarry would be a major trip.

I lived in Yosemite of a year. At that time, Serenity Crack and Royal Arches were routes I did after work. Now, I live in Indonesia, my weekend trips normally mean first ascents.


I'd love to hear about those. We don't get very many accounts of stuff over there.


May 29, 2009, 2:22 AM
Post #21 of 1159 (78308 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
guangzhou wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Maybe I'm dense, but I don't get what you're asking. Unless it's just another way of getting folks to read your blog, in which case - cheers, that's cool.


I'm trying to get others to post up their stories from their weekend jaunts. Most TRs seem to stem from major trips (mine to Moab, another's to China, someone else's to J-Tree, etc.), but I find there are a lot of stories in the regular, at-home climbing days, too. Take Shokabubu's son in his post above, there's a story in there somewhere. I'm interested in learning about that.

I'd like to read about those days out that aren't necessarily big trips.

A big trip is relative to where one lives. For me, a weekend trip includes China and KL Malaysia because of whee I live. On the other hand, a small local crag like Quincy Quarry would be a major trip.

I lived in Yosemite of a year. At that time, Serenity Crack and Royal Arches were routes I did after work. Now, I live in Indonesia, my weekend trips normally mean first ascents.


I'd love to hear about those. We don't get very many accounts of stuff over there.

I think you mean you don't read many of the accounts. I've posted trips here and on my personal blog several times., climbing magazine's website has also started a new blog for me at
I post stuff specifically related to climbing there. Other stuff will stay on my personal blog. In all honesty, I find posting trip report to this site is a wasted of time for me. I write on my blog so people I meet, know, or am related too can keep track of me. Most people on this site have a very limited and narrow view of life and climbing in general. (Not all, just most)

I've read you blog a couple of times. I'm not a regular reader, just not enough new stuff there. I like some of your photos. I also think you need to push your climbing a bit more, but I base that on your various post.


(This post was edited by guangzhou on May 29, 2009, 2:24 AM)


May 29, 2009, 2:29 AM
Post #22 of 1159 (78294 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [guangzhou] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
guangzhou wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Maybe I'm dense, but I don't get what you're asking. Unless it's just another way of getting folks to read your blog, in which case - cheers, that's cool.


I'm trying to get others to post up their stories from their weekend jaunts. Most TRs seem to stem from major trips (mine to Moab, another's to China, someone else's to J-Tree, etc.), but I find there are a lot of stories in the regular, at-home climbing days, too. Take Shokabubu's son in his post above, there's a story in there somewhere. I'm interested in learning about that.

I'd like to read about those days out that aren't necessarily big trips.

A big trip is relative to where one lives. For me, a weekend trip includes China and KL Malaysia because of whee I live. On the other hand, a small local crag like Quincy Quarry would be a major trip.

I lived in Yosemite of a year. At that time, Serenity Crack and Royal Arches were routes I did after work. Now, I live in Indonesia, my weekend trips normally mean first ascents.


I'd love to hear about those. We don't get very many accounts of stuff over there.

I think you mean you don't read many of the accounts. I've posted trips here and on my personal blog several times., climbing magazine's website has also started a new blog for me at
I post stuff specifically related to climbing there. Other stuff will stay on my personal blog. In all honesty, I find posting trip report to this site is a wasted of time for me. I write on my blog so people I meet, know, or am related too can keep track of me. Most people on this site have a very limited and narrow view of life and climbing in general. (Not all, just most)

I've read you blog a couple of times. I'm not a regular reader, just not enough new stuff there. I like some of your photos. I also think you need to push your climbing a bit more, but I base that on your various post.


Well thanks for reading and your advice. I'm definitely pushing it more this year than in year's past. I just feel better. Also, I hope to have updates on a weekly basis from here on out.

I've read a few of your posts, too, on your blog, but wasn't aware of your climbing blog. I'll check that out now. Luke told me to get in touch with him in June or July about that. Maybe I'll shoot him an e-mail sooner than that.



May 29, 2009, 2:49 AM
Post #23 of 1159 (78281 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
Posts: 3389

Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
guangzhou wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
guangzhou wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Maybe I'm dense, but I don't get what you're asking. Unless it's just another way of getting folks to read your blog, in which case - cheers, that's cool.


I'm trying to get others to post up their stories from their weekend jaunts. Most TRs seem to stem from major trips (mine to Moab, another's to China, someone else's to J-Tree, etc.), but I find there are a lot of stories in the regular, at-home climbing days, too. Take Shokabubu's son in his post above, there's a story in there somewhere. I'm interested in learning about that.

I'd like to read about those days out that aren't necessarily big trips.

A big trip is relative to where one lives. For me, a weekend trip includes China and KL Malaysia because of whee I live. On the other hand, a small local crag like Quincy Quarry would be a major trip.

I lived in Yosemite of a year. At that time, Serenity Crack and Royal Arches were routes I did after work. Now, I live in Indonesia, my weekend trips normally mean first ascents.


I'd love to hear about those. We don't get very many accounts of stuff over there.

I think you mean you don't read many of the accounts. I've posted trips here and on my personal blog several times., climbing magazine's website has also started a new blog for me at
I post stuff specifically related to climbing there. Other stuff will stay on my personal blog. In all honesty, I find posting trip report to this site is a wasted of time for me. I write on my blog so people I meet, know, or am related too can keep track of me. Most people on this site have a very limited and narrow view of life and climbing in general. (Not all, just most)

I've read you blog a couple of times. I'm not a regular reader, just not enough new stuff there. I like some of your photos. I also think you need to push your climbing a bit more, but I base that on your various post.


Well thanks for reading and your advice. I'm definitely pushing it more this year than in year's past. I just feel better. Also, I hope to have updates on a weekly basis from here on out.

I've read a few of your posts, too, on your blog, but wasn't aware of your climbing blog. I'll check that out now. Luke told me to get in touch with him in June or July about that. Maybe I'll shoot him an e-mail sooner than that.


My blog was just created, goes live May 29th. I think your blog has potential and that you do well. Rereading my post, I think some might misunderstand what I wrote when I said no new info.

Most of the routes and place you mention, I've already climbed. To be honest, I would read it more often if your blog was more personal than general. Emotions and thought would be great. Personal views.

I'll be in Colorado next month, if you're in the area, maybe we can climb together.



May 29, 2009, 1:21 PM
Post #24 of 1159 (78230 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [guangzhou] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
guangzhou wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
guangzhou wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
cracklover wrote:
Maybe I'm dense, but I don't get what you're asking. Unless it's just another way of getting folks to read your blog, in which case - cheers, that's cool.


I'm trying to get others to post up their stories from their weekend jaunts. Most TRs seem to stem from major trips (mine to Moab, another's to China, someone else's to J-Tree, etc.), but I find there are a lot of stories in the regular, at-home climbing days, too. Take Shokabubu's son in his post above, there's a story in there somewhere. I'm interested in learning about that.

I'd like to read about those days out that aren't necessarily big trips.

A big trip is relative to where one lives. For me, a weekend trip includes China and KL Malaysia because of whee I live. On the other hand, a small local crag like Quincy Quarry would be a major trip.

I lived in Yosemite of a year. At that time, Serenity Crack and Royal Arches were routes I did after work. Now, I live in Indonesia, my weekend trips normally mean first ascents.


I'd love to hear about those. We don't get very many accounts of stuff over there.

I think you mean you don't read many of the accounts. I've posted trips here and on my personal blog several times., climbing magazine's website has also started a new blog for me at
I post stuff specifically related to climbing there. Other stuff will stay on my personal blog. In all honesty, I find posting trip report to this site is a wasted of time for me. I write on my blog so people I meet, know, or am related too can keep track of me. Most people on this site have a very limited and narrow view of life and climbing in general. (Not all, just most)

I've read you blog a couple of times. I'm not a regular reader, just not enough new stuff there. I like some of your photos. I also think you need to push your climbing a bit more, but I base that on your various post.


Well thanks for reading and your advice. I'm definitely pushing it more this year than in year's past. I just feel better. Also, I hope to have updates on a weekly basis from here on out.

I've read a few of your posts, too, on your blog, but wasn't aware of your climbing blog. I'll check that out now. Luke told me to get in touch with him in June or July about that. Maybe I'll shoot him an e-mail sooner than that.


My blog was just created, goes live May 29th. I think your blog has potential and that you do well. Rereading my post, I think some might misunderstand what I wrote when I said no new info.

Most of the routes and place you mention, I've already climbed. To be honest, I would read it more often if your blog was more personal than general. Emotions and thought would be great. Personal views.

I'll be in Colorado next month, if you're in the area, maybe we can climb together.


Ah, I see what you're saying. That's actually really helpful. It's funny because I do see my posts as being personal, but not in an opinionated way. Well, to be honest I did rip into the arraingement that Colorado Mountain School was with RMNP here, but you're right, I could probably make it a bit less internal and more external. This is part of the reason why I started this thread, to find a new way of communicating. This is good feedback. Thanks. Looks like I might have some rewriting to do.

I won't be in Colorado due to my hopes of saving as much vacation time for when I move to Chile next spring (I'm going to need that cash-out), but my cohort on the blog, Jeremiah, lives and works as a guide out there. He's in Colorado Springs and his username is Jmeizis on here. I'm sure he'd be happy to get together even if just for a day if your schedules didn't match up. He's a good guy. A bit looney at times, but always within reason. Laugh I'd recommend to him to just about anyone, particularly since he is just starting to come into his own and very willing to learn and apply what he has learned.

Maybe we'll meet up some other time, though.



May 29, 2009, 11:51 PM
Post #25 of 1159 (78162 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Alright, since Greg asked, here's a quick write up on my last trip. I wouldn't call it a weekend, as it was only a Sat cragging trip. Anyrate.
I called around to see who was interested, and got a couple of my gumby freinds to commit. And I'm bringing the boys. Actually the one freind made a trip to Tahq with me last summer for a multipitch climb. 3 pitches with the first being a 200 foot rope stretcher. Not to much of a gumby anymore.
None the less we headed out about 730 to Big Rock at Perris Lake in Riverside county. It is primarily bolted slab, but the bolt spacing is old school trad style. To get there we take the toll road as this saves a good 20 minutes of driving. We get to the State park and pay at the unmaned hut. Drive over to the climber parking, pack up and head out.
We get about 50 feet and there's a rent a cop parked at the gate at the end of the road. Sorry guy's but you can't go that way, they're working on the dam for the next week or so.
Me: So whats with all these cars, where are they?
Rent A Cop: Prolly out fishing.
Well not likely. This area is where the climbers park, the fishermen park else where.
Dang, what to do. We had driven 1 1/2 hours, paid $5 in tolls and $8 parking. Now what?
Start walking back. We could climb that hill, mess around on that boulder. OK.
So we get to the boulder start messing around. I find a place to loop some slings for TR'n.
But we're keeping an eye on the rent a cop from up on the hill. Eventually the county Sherrif rolls in and parks next to her. Then the Sherrif checks everyone's parking decal a heads out. But wait the rent a cop is gone.
Well before I pull out the rope, lets see what happens. Some bicyclist roll past the gate. Ride out towards the rock and way out of sight. LETS GO.
Cool she's gone.
We walk up to the rock, and holy cow! Its crowded. Practically every route has someone on it.
So I jump on Africa Flake, a short 60 foot climb. But with only 2 bolts for protection, the first being 20-25 feet up. Which was actually good for me. Last climb I did, I lost focus at the crux. Well more like wasn't in the zone, but I was able to get in the zone and focus this time.
My buds and my boys all got to climb. With my older boy Jake climbing to the anchors, about 60 feet high twice in a row. The younger one only about 30 feet up. But they had a good day. My two freinds did well, with the more experinced one pulling some nice thin 5.8 face moves.
Afterwards, we just keep saying. Yup can't walk that way guys, its closed.


May 30, 2009, 4:43 AM
Post #26 of 1159 (28924 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
Alright, since Greg asked, here's a quick write up on my last trip. I wouldn't call it a weekend, as it was only a Sat cragging trip. Anyrate.
I called around to see who was interested, and got a couple of my gumby freinds to commit. And I'm bringing the boys. Actually the one freind made a trip to Tahq with me last summer for a multipitch climb. 3 pitches with the first being a 200 foot rope stretcher. Not to much of a gumby anymore.
None the less we headed out about 730 to Big Rock at Perris Lake in Riverside county. It is primarily bolted slab, but the bolt spacing is old school trad style. To get there we take the toll road as this saves a good 20 minutes of driving. We get to the State park and pay at the unmaned hut. Drive over to the climber parking, pack up and head out.
We get about 50 feet and there's a rent a cop parked at the gate at the end of the road. Sorry guy's but you can't go that way, they're working on the dam for the next week or so.
Me: So whats with all these cars, where are they?
Rent A Cop: Prolly out fishing.
Well not likely. This area is where the climbers park, the fishermen park else where.
Dang, what to do. We had driven 1 1/2 hours, paid $5 in tolls and $8 parking. Now what?
Start walking back. We could climb that hill, mess around on that boulder. OK.
So we get to the boulder start messing around. I find a place to loop some slings for TR'n.
But we're keeping an eye on the rent a cop from up on the hill. Eventually the county Sherrif rolls in and parks next to her. Then the Sherrif checks everyone's parking decal a heads out. But wait the rent a cop is gone.
Well before I pull out the rope, lets see what happens. Some bicyclist roll past the gate. Ride out towards the rock and way out of sight. LETS GO.
Cool she's gone.
We walk up to the rock, and holy cow! Its crowded. Practically every route has someone on it.
So I jump on Africa Flake, a short 60 foot climb. But with only 2 bolts for protection, the first being 20-25 feet up. Which was actually good for me. Last climb I did, I lost focus at the crux. Well more like wasn't in the zone, but I was able to get in the zone and focus this time.
My buds and my boys all got to climb. With my older boy Jake climbing to the anchors, about 60 feet high twice in a row. The younger one only about 30 feet up. But they had a good day. My two freinds did well, with the more experinced one pulling some nice thin 5.8 face moves.
Afterwards, we just keep saying. Yup can't walk that way guys, its closed.

Sounds like a nice day of fun climb. I only climbed that area once while driving by to visit my mother. Spendid rock, nice location, but it gets hot.

Nice write up, glad your kids are learning to play outdoors too.



Jun 1, 2009, 12:54 AM
Post #27 of 1159 (28899 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
Alright, since Greg asked, here's a quick write up on my last trip. I wouldn't call it a weekend, as it was only a Sat cragging trip. Anyrate.
I called around to see who was interested, and got a couple of my gumby freinds to commit. And I'm bringing the boys. Actually the one freind made a trip to Tahq with me last summer for a multipitch climb. 3 pitches with the first being a 200 foot rope stretcher. Not to much of a gumby anymore.
None the less we headed out about 730 to Big Rock at Perris Lake in Riverside county. It is primarily bolted slab, but the bolt spacing is old school trad style. To get there we take the toll road as this saves a good 20 minutes of driving. We get to the State park and pay at the unmaned hut. Drive over to the climber parking, pack up and head out.
We get about 50 feet and there's a rent a cop parked at the gate at the end of the road. Sorry guy's but you can't go that way, they're working on the dam for the next week or so.
Me: So whats with all these cars, where are they?
Rent A Cop: Prolly out fishing.
Well not likely. This area is where the climbers park, the fishermen park else where.
Dang, what to do. We had driven 1 1/2 hours, paid $5 in tolls and $8 parking. Now what?
Start walking back. We could climb that hill, mess around on that boulder. OK.
So we get to the boulder start messing around. I find a place to loop some slings for TR'n.
But we're keeping an eye on the rent a cop from up on the hill. Eventually the county Sherrif rolls in and parks next to her. Then the Sherrif checks everyone's parking decal a heads out. But wait the rent a cop is gone.
Well before I pull out the rope, lets see what happens. Some bicyclist roll past the gate. Ride out towards the rock and way out of sight. LETS GO.
Cool she's gone.
We walk up to the rock, and holy cow! Its crowded. Practically every route has someone on it.
So I jump on Africa Flake, a short 60 foot climb. But with only 2 bolts for protection, the first being 20-25 feet up. Which was actually good for me. Last climb I did, I lost focus at the crux. Well more like wasn't in the zone, but I was able to get in the zone and focus this time.
My buds and my boys all got to climb. With my older boy Jake climbing to the anchors, about 60 feet high twice in a row. The younger one only about 30 feet up. But they had a good day. My two freinds did well, with the more experinced one pulling some nice thin 5.8 face moves.
Afterwards, we just keep saying. Yup can't walk that way guys, its closed.

effn rent-a-cops! HA!


Jun 1, 2009, 3:36 PM
Post #28 of 1159 (28883 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Spent a day at Farley recently. Trying something a bit different here. Hopefully this is at least a step in the right direction toward loosening it up.


Jun 1, 2009, 4:06 PM
Post #29 of 1159 (28873 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Alright, since Greg asked, here's a quick write up on my last trip. I wouldn't call it a weekend, as it was only a Sat cragging trip. Anyrate.
I called around to see who was interested, and got a couple of my gumby freinds to commit. And I'm bringing the boys. Actually the one freind made a trip to Tahq with me last summer for a multipitch climb. 3 pitches with the first being a 200 foot rope stretcher. Not to much of a gumby anymore.
None the less we headed out about 730 to Big Rock at Perris Lake in Riverside county. It is primarily bolted slab, but the bolt spacing is old school trad style. To get there we take the toll road as this saves a good 20 minutes of driving. We get to the State park and pay at the unmaned hut. Drive over to the climber parking, pack up and head out.
We get about 50 feet and there's a rent a cop parked at the gate at the end of the road. Sorry guy's but you can't go that way, they're working on the dam for the next week or so.
Me: So whats with all these cars, where are they?
Rent A Cop: Prolly out fishing.
Well not likely. This area is where the climbers park, the fishermen park else where.
Dang, what to do. We had driven 1 1/2 hours, paid $5 in tolls and $8 parking. Now what?
Start walking back. We could climb that hill, mess around on that boulder. OK.
So we get to the boulder start messing around. I find a place to loop some slings for TR'n.
But we're keeping an eye on the rent a cop from up on the hill. Eventually the county Sherrif rolls in and parks next to her. Then the Sherrif checks everyone's parking decal a heads out. But wait the rent a cop is gone.
Well before I pull out the rope, lets see what happens. Some bicyclist roll past the gate. Ride out towards the rock and way out of sight. LETS GO.
Cool she's gone.
We walk up to the rock, and holy cow! Its crowded. Practically every route has someone on it.
So I jump on Africa Flake, a short 60 foot climb. But with only 2 bolts for protection, the first being 20-25 feet up. Which was actually good for me. Last climb I did, I lost focus at the crux. Well more like wasn't in the zone, but I was able to get in the zone and focus this time.
My buds and my boys all got to climb. With my older boy Jake climbing to the anchors, about 60 feet high twice in a row. The younger one only about 30 feet up. But they had a good day. My two freinds did well, with the more experinced one pulling some nice thin 5.8 face moves.
Afterwards, we just keep saying. Yup can't walk that way guys, its closed.

effn rent-a-cops! HA!

Yea, really, rent a cops.

Re kids. Yea, the boys like it. But they have fun just running around playing in the dirt. So usually they take one burn on the rope and go back to doing their thing.
But the season is winding down out there. It will be starting to get too hot soon.


Jun 1, 2009, 4:38 PM
Post #30 of 1159 (28864 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gotta go someplace cooler. It's good that your kids have the patience for climbing, and that you have partenrs who are patient with your kids. I can see where that might be tought to come by.


Jun 1, 2009, 4:56 PM
Post #31 of 1159 (28858 views)

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Re: Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Lots of storm build up in the Sierra this past weekend.

We made camp Sat night in a steady rain. It was still sprinkling when we set the alarms - 3 am.

And it was cloudy and damp still at 3 am. Still we went through the motions.

We were hiking before sunrise, though we wouldn't have been able to see it anyway.

"It'll get better buddy, you'll see! " I promised with more cheer than I felt.

So at 9 am we were very surprised to be standing at the base of our objective, 800 feet of dry rock overhead and a window of blus sky split by our summit.

"Take the packs?" Angus asked. Turning around, looking 'out' it was hard to ignore the wall of gray clouds AT NINE A.M. - just over there.

"OK by me."

So we packed up all our shit and rigged our packs for climbing. Angus hefted his -

"Damn this is heavy. How heavy is yours?" He hefted mine. "Bout the same. Sure you want to take packs?"

I roll my eyes inwardly, look again at the weather and say,

"Can take it or leave it, I don't care. Let's leave em!"

So we cast caution into the wind. I took a quart of water, a goretexy jacket and some nuts. Angus took aabout the same.

We were counting on getting up and off this thing before weather hit us. We both know the route well.

So enroute we passed some other parties. Apparently these blokes had camped somewhere the evening before.

They were all equipped as we were going to be - packs and shit.

Well we did some simul climbing and what have you and managed to get to the top pretty quickly - about 2 hours I reckon. Not bad some a couple of old broken weekend worriers.

Angus overheard at a belay (from one of the other parties):

"Those guys (us) are going pretty light!"

"Day like today, you need to be prepared for ANYTHING!"

I guess he did not approve of our style.

But 3 hours after setting foot to rock, we were back at our packs, staring up at the peak as the last party summited.

Back at the cars by 3 PM. Looking back up the peak was enveloped in clouds.

Hope those well-prepared climbers got off OK!

"A rope and a rack and the shirts on our back." Laughed Angus.

Raced with the devil we did. A fine time was had by all.



Jun 1, 2009, 5:12 PM
Post #32 of 1159 (28851 views)

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Re: [dingus] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I've made the mistake of bringing too much before. I really wish we had gone light.

And I love the Angus-Dingus connection.

Partner cracklover

Jun 1, 2009, 7:35 PM
Post #33 of 1159 (28832 views)

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Re: [dingus] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dingus, nice writing as always, and a perfect example (for whomever may care) that the right word or phrase in the right place is 1000 times better than noodling on for five pages about details that no-one but the author could give a shit about. Of course, that's why you're a helluva good writer, and I'm just a hack.



Jun 1, 2009, 7:52 PM
Post #34 of 1159 (28826 views)

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Re: [cracklover] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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well I'm on the 10th month or so of my weekend warrior gig, but hadn't climbed a lick in 4 months.

check out the holcomb pinnacles above big bear. Fire off 4 5.10 sport routes like they were nothing. sweet! the power is still there. routes 5 and 6, not so much. I am absolutely wanking out there! I'm creeping along, from 5.5 jug to 5.5 jug, and am just opening up. You know that laugh where you also sound like you're crying? the tears of mirth that might also be of frustration? I was just rolling backwards off those jugs like an upended beetle, totally powerless. great stuff. FOrtunately the clouds rolled in and flipped on the power switch so I had a good excuse to hang it up.

next day I singlehandedly destroyed a rope trying to TR a very un Josh like Bebop Tango. 20 feet to forearm explosion. Just hucking mo after mo, super desperate before I just got stopped and the fuzz started raining down from above. who needs a sheath anyway? I'll leave those to the sailors.


Jun 5, 2009, 3:24 PM
Post #35 of 1159 (28739 views)

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Re: [caughtinside] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Yup, I was in that same place recently. Got really pumped on a couple of routes right at my limit the Sat and Sun of Memorial Day weekend and then crashed on Monday. My endurance isn't anywhere I want it to be at the moment.

Here is the write-up from Memorial Day weekend. I did knock off two goals, however, that weekend, so it was a good one overall.


Jun 5, 2009, 11:31 PM
Post #36 of 1159 (28717 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Great TR Gmburns. About halfway through, I noticed how well written it was, so it was cool to see that you want to be a writer. Dostoevsky is a favorite of mine, too.


Jun 5, 2009, 11:40 PM
Post #37 of 1159 (28716 views)

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Re: [skibum14] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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skibum14 wrote:
Great TR Gmburns. About halfway through, I noticed how well written it was, so it was cool to see that you want to be a writer. Dostoevsky is a favorite of mine, too.

thanks man. feel free to post up on this thread, too. i don't want this thread to be all mine.


Jun 5, 2009, 11:50 PM
Post #38 of 1159 (28714 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Well, I'm injured now. (Which probably explains why I'm so psyched to be reading nicely written trip reports.) But I'll be sure to post when I start climbing again in a month or so.

But post up people. It doesn't have to be super exciting for an injured climber trying to get his fix.


Jun 6, 2009, 12:09 AM
Post #39 of 1159 (28711 views)

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Re: [skibum14] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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skibum14 wrote:
Well, I'm injured now. (Which probably explains why I'm so psyched to be reading nicely written trip reports.) But I'll be sure to post when I start climbing again in a month or so.

But post up people. It doesn't have to be super exciting for an injured climber trying to get his fix.

That sucks, dude. I hope you get well soon.

I look forward to reading your first day back!


Jun 6, 2009, 1:05 AM
Post #40 of 1159 (28704 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Thanks, man. If you ever need a partner for the Gunks, I'm back from summer break in late August. I have no permanent partners here yet, so if your regular partners bail and you need someone, let me know.


Jun 6, 2009, 1:10 AM
Post #41 of 1159 (28698 views)

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skibum14 wrote:
Thanks, man. If you ever need a partner for the Gunks, I'm back from summer break in late August. I have no permanent partners here yet, so if your regular partners bail and you need someone, let me know.

I'll keep you in mind. The same goes for if you're up this way, too.


Jun 6, 2009, 1:34 AM
Post #42 of 1159 (28693 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Nice to hear someone else doesn't want the cubicle life. When you said you want to minimize your possessions, you hit the nail on the head. To many people own to much stuff to enjoy life to it's fullest.

One nice thing about relocating every few years, you sort your stuff and get rid of things that you kept "just in case."



Jun 6, 2009, 1:41 AM
Post #43 of 1159 (28692 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:
Nice to hear someone else doesn't want the cubicle life. When you said you want to minimize your possessions, you hit the nail on the head. To many people own to much stuff to enjoy life to it's fullest.

One nice thing about relocating every few years, you sort your stuff and get rid of things that you kept "just in case."


Yeah, this will be my first real purge. When I went off to grad school in Scotland a decade ago it wasn't the same. I hadn't started life yet. But now I've started, and it's time to redirect. I plan on keeping only the stuff that is important (family stuff, art, personal items of value) and things that would be dumb to get rid of (computer monitor, books, etc). I have a place to store the stuff (I think). The rest will either be sold or donated. It'll be a fresh start.

BTW - my blog on starts up this month. I just have to send my first post, bio, and some pics to Luke and he'll get working on it at some point in the next couple of weeks. My style on will be different than my style on my personal blog. I kind of knew I needed to shake things up a bit, but your comment above helped to push me over the edge. Thanks for that. I'll let you know when the first post is up.


Jun 7, 2009, 3:57 AM
Post #44 of 1159 (28664 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Our Mistake

Today we tried a new climb at the gunks; Bloody Mary (upgraded to 5.7 in the new Dick). I took P1, a super nice crack, followed by a little traverse and then straight on up to a tree with rings and slings. My husband had the honor of P2, a 5.6 with two roofs, right on top of each other. P2 starts off with a 30 foot traverse to the left, then straight up under the first roof. Pull roof 1 and then traverse right to pull roof 2. Mitch did an amazing job leading the 2nd pitch and I really enjoy seconding it. So far so good. Great climb, loved by all. In fact, we wonder why it's not a 3 star classic.

Anyways, we rap off instead of doing P3 and walk over to another climb. I am racking up and I notice that we are missing 4 pieces of gear (cams). Turns out, Mitch never cleaned the anchor. Since it was a light turnout here today, I was certain the gear was still up there. So up Bloody Mary again, this time reversing the pitches; Mitch on P1 and me on P2.

Mitch flew up P1 (worried that we were going to have to rap in the dark) and I took the sharp end on P2). I have never had so much fun in my life. leading that pitch was so much more fun than following. I don't care what Dick says, it's a 3 star in my book. So Mitch's mistake turned out to be a great thing; I loved leading this climb.

So that's our weekend warrior report. We are up at the gunks every weekend, so I am sure there will be more to follow.


Jun 7, 2009, 11:18 AM
Post #45 of 1159 (28646 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Our Mistake

Today we tried a new climb at the gunks; Bloody Mary (upgraded to 5.7 in the new Dick). I took P1, a super nice crack, followed by a little traverse and then straight on up to a tree with rings and slings. My husband had the honor of P2, a 5.6 with two roofs, right on top of each other. P2 starts off with a 30 foot traverse to the left, then straight up under the first roof. Pull roof 1 and then traverse right to pull roof 2. Mitch did an amazing job leading the 2nd pitch and I really enjoy seconding it. So far so good. Great climb, loved by all. In fact, we wonder why it's not a 3 star classic.

Anyways, we rap off instead of doing P3 and walk over to another climb. I am racking up and I notice that we are missing 4 pieces of gear (cams). Turns out, Mitch never cleaned the anchor. Since it was a light turnout here today, I was certain the gear was still up there. So up Bloody Mary again, this time reversing the pitches; Mitch on P1 and me on P2.

Mitch flew up P1 (worried that we were going to have to rap in the dark) and I took the sharp end on P2). I have never had so much fun in my life. leading that pitch was so much more fun than following. I don't care what Dick says, it's a 3 star in my book. So Mitch's mistake turned out to be a great thing; I loved leading this climb.

So that's our weekend warrior report. We are up at the gunks every weekend, so I am sure there will be more to follow.

How tall are you? Tongue


Jun 7, 2009, 12:26 PM
Post #46 of 1159 (28642 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I am shrinking from my tallest height of 5' 3", why?

Mitch is 6' 2" and he also liked P2.


Jun 7, 2009, 2:10 PM
Post #47 of 1159 (28630 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gail, that reminds me of the time Nathan and I went up to take photos of me on CCK. Did the climb, got back to the ground.....found out he didn't take a single photo. Shocked

We managed to run back up, passing at least one other party to the side, and did the climb again in record time. Plus side was after already doing the crux pitches once that day I was uber relaxed and Nathan was able to give a worse belay and take better photos.

A few weekends ago I started up Morning After, but after getting a little too wigged out at the lack of gear I bailed over to Bloody Mary. Only did the first pitch though. It was nice.

I'm looking at probobly leaving Tuesday morning right now. I have a few errands to do in Buffalo, but I'll be getting down to the Gunks in the late afternoon. I hope to catch up with you down there, I'll send you a PM when I've got everything nailed down.


Jun 7, 2009, 11:36 PM
Post #48 of 1159 (28618 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
I am shrinking from my tallest height of 5' 3", why?

Mitch is 6' 2" and he also liked P2.

Well, if you don't use the tree then it's definitely a short person's route. Of course, Mitch might clearly be a better climber than me, too. Tongue


Jun 8, 2009, 1:10 AM
Post #49 of 1159 (28609 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
guangzhou wrote:
Nice to hear someone else doesn't want the cubicle life. When you said you want to minimize your possessions, you hit the nail on the head. To many people own to much stuff to enjoy life to it's fullest.

One nice thing about relocating every few years, you sort your stuff and get rid of things that you kept "just in case."


Yeah, this will be my first real purge. When I went off to grad school in Scotland a decade ago it wasn't the same. I hadn't started life yet. But now I've started, and it's time to redirect. I plan on keeping only the stuff that is important (family stuff, art, personal items of value) and things that would be dumb to get rid of (computer monitor, books, etc). I have a place to store the stuff (I think). The rest will either be sold or donated. It'll be a fresh start.

BTW - my blog on starts up this month. I just have to send my first post, bio, and some pics to Luke and he'll get working on it at some point in the next couple of weeks. My style on will be different than my style on my personal blog. I kind of knew I needed to shake things up a bit, but your comment above helped to push me over the edge. Thanks for that. I'll let you know when the first post is up.

Good luck with the new blog. Hope it does what ever you want it too. Mine, I plan on focusing on South East Asia. We'll see how it goes.


Jun 8, 2009, 1:26 AM
Post #50 of 1159 (28605 views)

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Re: [guangzhou] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:

Good luck with the new blog. Hope it does what ever you want it too. Mine, I plan on focusing on South East Asia. We'll see how it goes.

Well, you seem to have a lock on that. good luck with it. I enjoyed the first post. look forward to reading more.


Jun 8, 2009, 2:15 AM
Post #51 of 1159 (28476 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:

Well, if you don't use the tree then it's definitely a short person's route. Of course, Mitch might clearly be a better climber than me, too. Tongue

Ummm, we both "used" the tree, that is, we clipped into the tree and traversed underneath and out to the right. Stuck in a piece of pro during the traverse and reached over the lip.

I don't know...I just thought the climb was really really fun, with a great set of roofs. Once over the roof it was "happy" climbing all the way to the ledge.

Now I am looking for more of the same...any suggestions?


Jun 8, 2009, 1:13 PM
Post #52 of 1159 (28461 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:

Well, if you don't use the tree then it's definitely a short person's route. Of course, Mitch might clearly be a better climber than me, too. Tongue

Ummm, we both "used" the tree, that is, we clipped into the tree and traversed underneath and out to the right. Stuck in a piece of pro during the traverse and reached over the lip.

I don't know...I just thought the climb was really really fun, with a great set of roofs. Once over the roof it was "happy" climbing all the way to the ledge.

Now I am looking for more of the same...any suggestions?

Sorry for the confusion. By "use" the tree I meant use it as a hand hold. I felt very scrunched up when not grabbing the tree, which is what I did the first time I climbed it. The second time? I said screw it and wrapped my hands around the trunk.

But I agree the roof and everything above is fantastic. I really liked that roof.

As for similar, I found the roof on P3 of Maria to be fun. It's a bit committing and feels exposed, but it's really good.

If you want scrunched, then try P2 of Yellow Belly in the Nears. That's committing, too.


Jun 15, 2009, 8:15 PM
Post #53 of 1159 (28429 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I've got a new TR up - Bonnie's and Birdland; the pump that keeps on giving

I'm hoping the next post will appear soon, but it won't be on my blog. I'll send that link around when I get to it.

I'm also hearing rumors of another TR, regarding a meth labCrazy, coming soon. Can't wait for that.


Jun 15, 2009, 8:46 PM
Post #54 of 1159 (28421 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I had a good Weekend Warrior break through Saturday and this seems like as good a place as any to put the experience into writing.

I seem to have developed a pattern of pushing my leading grades on long multipitch climbs which I'm sure is a little bass-ackwards. This year I've punted around the local bluffs climbing up to 5.8 but the opportunity to climb the Squamish Buttress plopped on my doorstep on Friday so I had to take advantage.

The Buttress is mostly easy climbing with one delicious 10c headwall pitch at about pitch 11 of 13 that day (we linked a lot of pitches at that and unintentionally simulclimbed one but that's another story). I hemmed and hawed the whole way up but I have to admit that I really did want that lead. I had heard that it was tough and had seen photos but seeing it in person was exciting.

I have a lot of sport psychology issues the greatest of which is a fear of failure. Falling I can deal with but it is the prospect of the disappointment that comes with failure that pulls the rug out from under my confidence. This is probably the reason why I'm more willing to push the grades on multipitch. There will be fewer people around as witnesses.

This was the hardest I have fought for a climb to date. I battled the little voice that wanted to lower and hand over the lead which is something I have done in the past. Getting past the point of no return gave me a clarity of purpose that I haven't felt on a climb in a long time.

The climb is sustained to say the least. I got completely pumped about half way up just in time for the real crux. I lucked out with gear, randomly pulling a piece off the rack and miraculously finding a place for it as well as a fixed nut followed by a fixed pin which took some of the sting out of the crux. At one point the voice of doubt asked to be lowered but I knew that climbing the whole route again was not an option. I was too pumped and the easiest way out was up. I was falling upward as Mark Twight likes to say.

I followed my usual strategy of feeling things out, developing a plan and an objective and committing to getting to that next stance. I placed a lot of gear although my partner kindly said it was far from excessive. I fell onto the fixed nut when a loss of concentration led to a foot popping off of the smear that tenuously held me in place in a stem. The climb took me a long time. It wasn't straight forward and I milked the rests as much as possible trying to fight off the ever building pump. My forearms were solid stumps by the top.

I doubt I would have flashed the climb given how I barely made it even after the sizeable rest I took after the fall. By the top I could barely hold onto the biggest jugs or even pull the trigger of a cam. Pulling up the rope turned into an incredible effort. I had no choice but to belay off the anchor since catching even a top rope fall was out of the question.

So there it is. Not as prestigious as a flash but an achievement nonetheless. I would be prouder if I hadn't fallen but in a way the fall was an achievement in its own right. The fact that I committed to the climb and put myself in the position of failure is a huge milestone this year. Hopefully I can build on this experience and eventually exercise the demons of doubt.


Jun 15, 2009, 8:57 PM
Post #55 of 1159 (28417 views)

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Re: [hafilax] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Nice job, dude. That's a good story, even if you did fall. As you said, it really gave you an experience that may help down the road. Sometimes it takes scaring the crap out of you that gets you to believe it isn't all that bad.

And yeah, I know what it's like to not be able to pull the trigger wire. That's happened to me in the cold as well as with pump.

That was a joy to read.


Jun 16, 2009, 11:46 PM
Post #56 of 1159 (28384 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
I've got a new TR up - Bonnie's and Birdland; the pump that keeps on giving

I'm hoping the next post will appear soon, but it won't be on my blog. I'll send that link around when I get to it.

I'm also hearing rumors of another TR, regarding a meth labCrazy, coming soon. Can't wait for that.

Some kind of tease I'm sure...

Its over three pages on Word. I'm thinking of breaking it into 3 sections here. I'll try to post it up 1st thing Wed.


Jun 17, 2009, 2:02 AM
Post #57 of 1159 (28376 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I've got a new TR up - Bonnie's and Birdland; the pump that keeps on giving

I'm hoping the next post will appear soon, but it won't be on my blog. I'll send that link around when I get to it.

I'm also hearing rumors of another TR, regarding a meth labCrazy, coming soon. Can't wait for that.

Some kind of tease I'm sure...

Its over three pages on Word. I'm thinking of breaking it into 3 sections here. I'll try to post it up 1st thing Wed.

A page per post. Gotta do the series thing. BTW - I just saw The Hangover, and this TR sounds like it'll be on par.Laugh


Jun 17, 2009, 5:11 AM
Post #58 of 1159 (28365 views)

Registered: Jul 31, 2008
Posts: 29

Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Aaah for what its worth... Fun for me and my wife but run of the mill for everyone else I guess.
We weekend warriored it at the usual crag. 2 hour drive and its raining all the way until we get there and magically the rain has gone.
I've got my eye on a project that I solo top roped after quite a few trys over 1 year of trying to lead it and failing to get past the 1st bolt.
My best lead is 5.10d max and this was a 5.8 that seemed like a 5.10 that has spanked many a hopeful. Top roped it again cos I had thought of a slightly different way near the top that would be easier. As it was, imagination had tricked me again and the only way thru the top was across a very thin face, well above the last bolt, onto good holds then mantle for glory.
The crux is at the first bolt tho with a deadpoint reach to a 2 finger pinch on a slight overhang.
I couldn't believe how scared I was on the thin face on moves I knew would go and had practised. Fighting my way thru it, elvis leg going, head cluttered with fear, I battled on...and that was still on top rope. No way could I lead it.
Anyway, sitting there I decided I had to try and lead it. So up.. bang.. crux move held then its up thru a bit of smearing and onto the thin face which was a piece of cake, finishing the mantle and wondering what the fuss was all about.
By then the rain came and it was hometime...Well, tent time anyway. We put up our super deluxe tent , etc for a comfortable tho cold night.

Next day back to the same spot. Full sun and the only place out of the howling wind made it perfect..And nobody else there..on a sunday..
This 5.8 that had grown to almost nightmarish proportion was now my warmup, so did that and showed my wife how to set up for solo toproping, and left her to it, wandering around the crag looking at other projects.
Sure enough she loved the soloing and evey now and then I'd check on her and she'll be talking away to herself, workin out moves, etc.
After that top roped a 5.11a and then it was onto a 5.10d to lead that I hadn't got past the 1st bolt of( yes there are quite a few like that in my resume). Super steep start on ok holds up to a not so good pocket, get feet up onto big pan and the rest is a stroll. Miss the pan, you end up a foot off the deck.
So started off as usual on that route....Hanging off the first bolt. . Then thought well we're here better have a go and went for it...grabbing at anything resembling a hold and just made it with an out of balance desperate grab for the what was luckily the best hold on the route. Was so looking gone I felt the rope tighten slightly as my wife thought I had actually fallen.
So not wanting to spoil the mood we cruised knowing going to send it next time. Not many climbs but great fun.


Jun 17, 2009, 1:10 PM
Post #59 of 1159 (28359 views)

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Re: [clmbr] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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clmbr wrote:
Aaah for what its worth... Fun for me and my wife but run of the mill for everyone else I guess.
We weekend warriored it at the usual crag. 2 hour drive and its raining all the way until we get there and magically the rain has gone.
I've got my eye on a project that I solo top roped after quite a few trys over 1 year of trying to lead it and failing to get past the 1st bolt.
My best lead is 5.10d max and this was a 5.8 that seemed like a 5.10 that has spanked many a hopeful. Top roped it again cos I had thought of a slightly different way near the top that would be easier. As it was, imagination had tricked me again and the only way thru the top was across a very thin face, well above the last bolt, onto good holds then mantle for glory.
The crux is at the first bolt tho with a deadpoint reach to a 2 finger pinch on a slight overhang.
I couldn't believe how scared I was on the thin face on moves I knew would go and had practised. Fighting my way thru it, elvis leg going, head cluttered with fear, I battled on...and that was still on top rope. No way could I lead it.
Anyway, sitting there I decided I had to try and lead it. So up.. bang.. crux move held then its up thru a bit of smearing and onto the thin face which was a piece of cake, finishing the mantle and wondering what the fuss was all about.
By then the rain came and it was hometime...Well, tent time anyway. We put up our super deluxe tent , etc for a comfortable tho cold night.

Next day back to the same spot. Full sun and the only place out of the howling wind made it perfect..And nobody else there..on a sunday..
This 5.8 that had grown to almost nightmarish proportion was now my warmup, so did that and showed my wife how to set up for solo toproping, and left her to it, wandering around the crag looking at other projects.
Sure enough she loved the soloing and evey now and then I'd check on her and she'll be talking away to herself, workin out moves, etc.
After that top roped a 5.11a and then it was onto a 5.10d to lead that I hadn't got past the 1st bolt of( yes there are quite a few like that in my resume). Super steep start on ok holds up to a not so good pocket, get feet up onto big pan and the rest is a stroll. Miss the pan, you end up a foot off the deck.
So started off as usual on that route....Hanging off the first bolt. . Then thought well we're here better have a go and went for it...grabbing at anything resembling a hold and just made it with an out of balance desperate grab for the what was luckily the best hold on the route. Was so looking gone I felt the rope tighten slightly as my wife thought I had actually fallen.
So not wanting to spoil the mood we cruised knowing going to send it next time. Not many climbs but great fun.

See I think there's adventure on those run of the mill days, too. Thanks for this.


Jun 17, 2009, 3:15 PM
Post #60 of 1159 (28345 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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And yet another post, except this one is in a different location. Reader Blogs

PS - I rail on Rumney a little bit in this post. Angelic


Jun 17, 2009, 3:18 PM
Post #61 of 1159 (28344 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
And yet another post, except this one is in a different location. Reader Blogs

PS - I rail on Rumney a little bit in this post. Angelic

Oops, only the bio is up at the moment. The post should be up soon.

Partner lwilson

Jun 17, 2009, 3:45 PM
Post #62 of 1159 (28335 views)

Registered: Jun 28, 2006
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Thanks Gmburns, the blog is quite fun to read! I was thinking of starting one myself, really to keep friends and family in the loop once I hit the road for a few months of climbing. So reading other's stories gives me an idea on how to approach it.


Jun 17, 2009, 4:50 PM
Post #63 of 1159 (28325 views)

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Re: [lwilson] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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lwilson wrote:
Thanks Gmburns, the blog is quite fun to read! I was thinking of starting one myself, really to keep friends and family in the loop once I hit the road for a few months of climbing. So reading other's stories gives me an idea on how to approach it.

hey, good luck with it. if you make it a public blog, then let me know and i'll follow along. also, if you have any questions, then let me know. i may be able to help a little bit.


Jun 17, 2009, 4:51 PM
Post #64 of 1159 (28324 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
And yet another post, except this one is in a different location. Reader Blogs

PS - I rail on Rumney a little bit in this post. Angelic

Oops, only the bio is up at the moment. The post should be up soon.

Now the article itself is posted.

Partner lwilson

Jun 17, 2009, 5:00 PM
Post #65 of 1159 (28319 views)

Registered: Jun 28, 2006
Posts: 101

Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
lwilson wrote:
Thanks Gmburns, the blog is quite fun to read! I was thinking of starting one myself, really to keep friends and family in the loop once I hit the road for a few months of climbing. So reading other's stories gives me an idea on how to approach it.

hey, good luck with it. if you make it a public blog, then let me know and i'll follow along. also, if you have any questions, then let me know. i may be able to help a little bit.

thanks, and if i think its any fun, I'll make it public!


Jun 17, 2009, 5:17 PM
Post #66 of 1159 (28317 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I've got a new TR up - Bonnie's and Birdland; the pump that keeps on giving

I'm hoping the next post will appear soon, but it won't be on my blog. I'll send that link around when I get to it.

I'm also hearing rumors of another TR, regarding a meth labCrazy, coming soon. Can't wait for that.

Some kind of tease I'm sure...

Its over three pages on Word. I'm thinking of breaking it into 3 sections here. I'll try to post it up 1st thing Wed.

A page per post. Gotta do the series thing. BTW - I just saw The Hangover, and this TR sounds like it'll be on par.Laugh

Alright, one page per post...


Jun 17, 2009, 5:18 PM
Post #67 of 1159 (28314 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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1:30 AM Saturday morning, and we’re trying to back the trailer into the campsite. Its been a long drive, and we’re tired. The trailer is too far over on the driverside, and keeps hitting some brush. After a couple of passes, it only marginally better, but I’m too tired to fight with it any more. However, it’s also long way from level. I throw a couple boards under the wheels, and its only marginally better. So out come a couple more boards and we’re closer. Close enough for almost 2 AM. By the time we get the beds set up, it is 2 AM.

As of that Tuesday, I was looking for climbing partners, any climbing partners, any climbing location, but no one was interested. By Saturday, I drove 5 hours late at night towing a trailer, and was climbing with 3 other guys in Alabama Hills outside of Lone Pine for the weekend. Wednesday I found Jorge’s post looking for partners for the weekend, I recruited the family, and was set to go. Of course, given that it was already midweek, we were only going minimalist. But I believe that worked out to my advantage, as the wife knows now that works too.

Friday comes, and we have nothing packed except climbing gear. The clothes get thrown in a couple duffels, food packed into a cooler and some bags, and that’s about it. I pick up the trailer on the way home, we pack up our bags, and roll. But by then its already 8 PM, so its going to be a long and late night. After the mandatory 5 hour drive, we’re trying to park the trailer, the kids are running around since they slept on the drive, and I’m beat. But I fall off sometime after 2, and get almost 6 hours of sleep. After herding the kids around in the morning, we head into town, and meet up with Jorge. He’s recruited two late additions, Charles and Jay. They’ve already eaten, and are off to Paul’s Paradise for a couple 5.7ish climbs. We grab a hearty breakfast and meet them there. I notice a couple of low angle climbs that look doable for the family, but they’re ready to move onto Sunday Matinee Wall. Jorge promises there’s a couple of easy routes there, we drive on over, and he points one out.

Sunset Trail, 5.5, Sport Bolted.
Jay offers to belay me as Jorge and Charles look to set up something more difficult further down the wall. Its bolted on the face, and I try to climb it there. But its definitely going harder than 5.5. Eventually I work my way around the corner and its easy, but don’t pull too hard on the big rock wedged in there. It will pull free. I get Mark, my 5 yo, to rope up and he climbs up a few feet, but quickly looses interest. Jake is not interested at all, and Barb is having difficulties with Elizabeth, our 2 yo.
Jorge meanders over and offers me a turn on the 8 they’ve getting set up.

Sand Trap, 5.8/9, Sport Bolted.
Charles is topping out and Jay is belaying. After Charles lowers, I tell Jay to rope up and I’ll belay him, as he’s ready to go and just got done belaying both Charles and me. He is making good work of it, but the guys are giving him lots of beta. Which never bothers me, but is not the usual sop. Turns out Jay had only been climbing since March, so he’s doing quite well on a steep 5.8/9. He gets about ½ up and chunk of rock falls off. Its close to 1 foot by 2, and up to 2 inches thick. It lands about an inch from my shoes, which I’m not wearing since I’m belaying, with a hollow thud. But was impressive none the less.

Jay gets done and is obliged to belay me, as the two other guys are his seniors, so he’s the belay slave. I get about ¾ of the way up, and am feeling the pump. Its step, and strenuous, which is not my forte. I feel myself fade and call falling as I slide off. I shake it out for a minute, put myself back on the rock below where I fell, and finish it. As I get to the anchor I call take quick like and have Jay lower me.

The Alabama Hills book calls it out as a 5.8, but the Eastern Sierra book gives it a 9. Anyrate, the rock fell off at a foot hold, and left loose grit in its place, so that move is harder now. But I don’t think it changed the overall rating of the climb.


Jun 17, 2009, 5:20 PM
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Its 2, Barb is now wanting to take the kids back to the trailer, put Elizabeth down for a nap, and we send them off. Jay cleans my anchor on the 5.5, I bum a ride from the guys, and Jorge suggests we get lunch at the The Whitney Portal store. There is some nice granite up at the portal, but I’ve never climbed there and some of it’s big. But Doug, the store owner, notes some nice moderates, which are one pitch bolted, and I’m a little less worried, cause I’m not up for any long hard routes at 3 PM. Heck I pumped out on the one 60 foot route we just did. But it gets too cold for climbing for a bunch of old guys, and the young guy has the thickest jacket on. So its back down the hill for something warmer.

The Split, 5.8, Sport Bolted, Cattle Pocket Rock.
Jorge, jumps on the lead, calls it a 5.9 that fells like an 8. Its got a couple tricky sections and not a gimme, but I think overall its more like an 8 than a 9. Its listed as an 8 here on RC and on MP, so I’ll go with that.

He grunts and groans his way up it, as I belay him up it, but he sends it clean. From the ground there looks like there is more rests than there actually is. There are two cruxes, the start and the finish, but there is a good rest after the start and another before the finish.
Its my turn, and I had gotten an idea of what to do with the start. There is a hand to fist crack that diagonals up, with a couple spots for your feet, some of them thin but they stick. I pull the start and am feeling good. Unclip the draws and climb strong. Get to the rest before the finish and scout the moves. Sloper for the hands, and one thin foot to get to a good foot. Take an extra second, pull on through and hit the anchor. Nice moves, nice climb.

We pull the rope and Charles leads. Another clean send. Jay jumps on and does quite well, again with a fair amount of beta. Its here that I learn he’s only been climbing for a few months. Anyrate, very solid work for 4 months of climbing. Charles wants to finish with a TR of the face route right under the anchors. Chardonnay Champagne, 5.9. It climbs over the bulge that is the diagonal jam crack. He works it out a couple times and then sends it. Solid work. It’s an unprotected face climb, so it’s a TR only, but certainly looked like a good one. If there is something that’s unappreciated these days, is a good TR, everyone wants lead climbs.

We head back to the campground, Jorge and I share a couple glasses of wine, the wife gets back from McD’s with the kids, and we go back to the trailer to put the kids down to sleep right before we fall off to sleep ourselves.

Sunday, we have leftovers for breakfast, and get the kids ready. The guys are headed into town to eat, so I take the family over to Paul’s Paradise to set up the low angle stuff I scouted Saturday.

I set up an anchor with several cams for Barb to belay me up. Its easy, with about a 5.5 move right at the start, and another right below the second bolt. But since Barb has never belayed before, I stopped for a second to think about the upper move. I set the anchor, rap off, and set up the TR. Jake jumps on and flys up. He is really turning into quite the proficient little climber.

Ted Shred, 5.9, Paul’s Paradise.
The guys have arrived and are setting up Ted Shred, 5.9. Jorge comes over and wants Barb to climb it next. She harnesses, laces, and ropes up. Jorge belays her, but she gets nervous and doesn’t get too far. Her feet were only about 6 feet up. Jorge and I give her some nice encouragement, with out trying to be too pushy, before lowering her off. Which she didn’t like too much either.

I’m sent up to clean the anchors, and after a false start with the first foot hold I climb it clean. Excellent climb with good footholds, faceholds, and some finger crack. A gear protected climb, with bolted anchors on the top. Practically a gear sport climb.


Jun 17, 2009, 5:20 PM
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The guys head off to another area, and we want to finish up our climb and pack up for heading home. Jake, Mark, and Barb all get another run up the rope. Mark and Barb only going 10 feet up, but Jake does the full 40 feet. I swing the rope to the left, clip Barb into the belay anchor, and climb another easy climb. Probably 5.6/7 entrance move, with another 5.5/6 move ½ way up. Clean the anchor, rap off, pack up the gear, and we head to town for lunch.

Its getting a little late. We had said we would climb until noon, and its now 2:30. The kids have been chowing down in the car on granola bars and PB&J as we cleaned up the gear. But I’m hungry, so we drive through McD’s for a couple of burgers and chicken nuggets, get back to the trailer and start hitching up right away. Jake helps crank up the jacks, I hook her up, and Barb breaks everything down for heading out. One stop in town for gas and ice and we’re on our way.

Only problem is its 4:30 and it’s 5 hours of driving. Plus there’s got to be a dinner and potty break in the middle. And the quick food stops never are. Plus we’re bucking a stiff head wind. Normally, that shouldn’t slow me down too much, but its added a fair amount of drag on the trailer, so we aren’t making great time. We make Adelanto, with out too many issues. Except for that Ground Squirrel that ran out in front of me, got half way across the road clean, but then doubled back in front of me. I don’t think he made it. Also a couple short step hills made me wonder what was going on, as the Suburban felt completely gutless. In addition to the weight of the trailer and the head wind, apparently the AC sucks up the last of the horsepower.

As we sat in Del Taco in Adelanto, eating and resting, it seemed like a million firetrucks, police cars, and ambulances screamed by. We wondered what was happening, but we needn't wonder, we would find out soon enough. As we rolled out of the shopping center we could see lights flashing ahead. But traffic wasn’t backed up, so we kept rolling. As we got closer we saw what all the excitement was about, a house was absolutely engulfed in flames. Unfortunately, they had blocked off the road and turned us onto a side street. We tried to make our way around, but kept getting dead ended. Driving through a random neighborhood we asked a gentleman how to get to the 395 on the south side of the fire. He offered an easier solution, a cut across east to the 15 south that avoided the whole mess. As we had been trying to fight our way around the fire for over 20 minutes, we jumped on that. Two hours later, almost midnight, we were home, and in bed.

A crazy last minute, two long days climbing trip. But everyone had a good time.


Jun 17, 2009, 6:02 PM
Post #70 of 1159 (28300 views)

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donald949 wrote:
The guys head off to another area, and we want to finish up our climb and pack up for heading home. Jake, Mark, and Barb all get another run up the rope. Mark and Barb only going 10 feet up, but Jake does the full 40 feet. I swing the rope to the left, clip Barb into the belay anchor, and climb another easy climb. Probably 5.6/7 entrance move, with another 5.5/6 move ½ way up. Clean the anchor, rap off, pack up the gear, and we head to town for lunch.

Its getting a little late. We had said we would climb until noon, and its now 2:30. The kids have been chowing down in the car on granola bars and PB&J as we cleaned up the gear. But I’m hungry, so we drive through McD’s for a couple of burgers and chicken nuggets, get back to the trailer and start hitching up right away. Jake helps crank up the jacks, I hook her up, and Barb breaks everything down for heading out. One stop in town for gas and ice and we’re on our way.

Only problem is its 4:30 and it’s 5 hours of driving. Plus there’s got to be a dinner and potty break in the middle. And the quick food stops never are. Plus we’re bucking a stiff head wind. Normally, that shouldn’t slow me down too much, but its added a fair amount of drag on the trailer, so we aren’t making great time. We make Adelanto, with out too many issues. Except for that Ground Squirrel that ran out in front of me, got half way across the road clean, but then doubled back in front of me. I don’t think he made it. Also a couple short step hills made me wonder what was going on, as the Suburban felt completely gutless. In addition to the weight of the trailer and the head wind, apparently the AC sucks up the last of the horsepower.

As we sat in Del Taco in Adelanto, eating and resting, it seemed like a million firetrucks, police cars, and ambulances screamed by. We wondered what was happening, but we needn't wonder, we would find out soon enough. As we rolled out of the shopping center we could see lights flashing ahead. But traffic wasn’t backed up, so we kept rolling. As we got closer we saw what all the excitement was about, a house was absolutely engulfed in flames. Unfortunately, they had blocked off the road and turned us onto a side street. We tried to make our way around, but kept getting dead ended. Driving through a random neighborhood we asked a gentleman how to get to the 395 on the south side of the fire. He offered an easier solution, a cut across east to the 15 south that avoided the whole mess. As we had been trying to fight our way around the fire for over 20 minutes, we jumped on that. Two hours later, almost midnight, we were home, and in bed.

A crazy last minute, two long days climbing trip. But everyone had a good time.

Heh. That's a good lesson on how to teach the kids that meth labs in the house are BAD!

Still, sounds like you had a nice time, got a lot of climbs in, and still managed to let the kids have a good time. Does the Donny get mad at 2am when the trailer doesn't park correctly, or is he a "fuck it," kind of guy? Laugh


Jun 17, 2009, 6:48 PM
Post #71 of 1159 (28294 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:

Heh. That's a good lesson on how to teach the kids that meth labs in the house are BAD!

Still, sounds like you had a nice time, got a lot of climbs in, and still managed to let the kids have a good time. Does the Donny get mad at 2am when the trailer doesn't park correctly, or is he a "fuck it," kind of guy? Laugh

Very good, you got the high dessert town Meth lab connection. Tongue
I wouldn't say a I got a lot of climbs in, but I got enough in. I kept busy climbing. Also, I'm really enjoying having my son and family climb with me.
I'm more of a fuck it, its good enough kind of guy with the trailer.

Follow up on the trip. The drive home I got about 10 mpg. Mad
The wife really enjoyed the trip. The kids and her got to play in the creek Sat afternoon. Also, she really loved the veiw from the campground of the Sierras.

Here is Charles on the Split, he loaded a couple pics already on MP. CC goes up to the right past the bulge/small roof from where his right foot is:


Jun 17, 2009, 6:58 PM
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It's also good that you've got friends who are willing to climb with you and your family.


Jun 17, 2009, 8:24 PM
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
It's also good that you've got friends who are willing to climb with you and your family.
Yea, its deff a plus. Last year my family didn't want to come, so I meet Jorge in Lone Pine and climbed with his family. This year his family didn't want to come, so he climbed with mine.
We actually hooked up for climbing when we replied last year to another fellows post looking for families with young kids that climb.


Jun 23, 2009, 9:38 PM
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Mark on an unknown easy route in Paul's Backyard:

Barb on Ted Shread:

Couple shots of Jake on the Rock in Paul's Backyard:

Elizabeths mad climbing skills:

My mad climbing skills on Sunday Matinee Wall

Some of the scenery around Lone Pine/Alabama Hills.

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Jun 28, 2009, 7:43 AM
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No weekend warrior this time.the rain is crushing my 5.10d aspirations. Unless mac Donald's has a grading system.


Jun 28, 2009, 11:56 AM
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Re: [clmbr] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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clmbr wrote:
No weekend warrior this time.the rain is crushing my 5.10d aspirations. Unless mac Donald's has a grading system.

yup, I'm hearing that. rain all week here. boo hiss.


Jun 29, 2009, 1:07 AM
Post #77 of 1159 (28405 views)

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Not the weekend, but, I spent Weds-half of saturday at the Red.

We enjoyed amazing climbing at the Military Wall (highlights: Tissue Tiger and Fuzzy Undercling), The Zoo (highlights: One Brick Shy and Monkey in the Middle) and Roadside (highlight: Ro Shampo).

We had dinner at Miguels, great accomodations/breakfasts at True North Inn (hostel) and the awesome hospitality of the local climbing community.

I can't wait to get back, I have to finish Ro Shampo!


Jun 29, 2009, 1:22 PM
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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I gotta get there someday.

I also have to get out somehow. Rain, injuries, blah!


Jun 29, 2009, 1:35 PM
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
I gotta get there someday.

I also have to get out somehow. Rain, injuries, blah!

It's amazing. But, you have to really love long overhanging, sustained routes! Train hard before you go, otherwise you will be doing a lot of "taking".


Jul 12, 2009, 2:06 PM
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Shockley's in the Vulgarian "style"?

NOT...we did do Shockley's for the first time, alas, we were fully clothed.

Very nice climb up to the roof. A couple of interesting moves to get you into position to pull the roof. Then up and over. I was very intimidated because I had read that this roof was very height dependent. At 5'3" (almost) I figured I would have too much trouble and happily passed the lead to my 6 foot husband, Mitchal. In reality, I had no issue pulling the roof. Was it scary? Yes, but, it was completely doable. Next time, I will lead it.

In the Vulgarian "style"? Maybe...

(This post was edited by gblauer on Jul 12, 2009, 9:48 PM)


Jul 17, 2009, 2:01 PM
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gblauer wrote:
Shockley's in the Vulgarian "style"?

NOT...we did do Shockley's for the first time, alas, we were fully clothed.

Very nice climb up to the roof. A couple of interesting moves to get you into position to pull the roof. Then up and over. I was very intimidated because I had read that this roof was very height dependent. At 5'3" (almost) I figured I would have too much trouble and happily passed the lead to my 6 foot husband, Mitchal. In reality, I had no issue pulling the roof. Was it scary? Yes, but, it was completely doable. Next time, I will lead it.

In the Vulgarian "style"? Maybe...

heh - now that's a weekend warrior report worth sticking around for!

Yeah, Shockley's is totally doable. I guess it can be height dependent, there are lower ledges that shorter people can leverage to get their feet up.


Jul 17, 2009, 2:02 PM
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A Passionless Weekend

It's been a loooooong time since I've had my last post up. Too much rain, too much life, blah, blah, blah.

This weekend was a very weird one. Somehow, I just couldn't get it together, even though I was able to put it together rather well. As I said, it was weird.


Jul 20, 2009, 2:10 AM
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The weekend report

Climbed for 5 hours on Friday at the gunks, then the heavens opened (yes, we ignored the little spits of rain, the wind, the darkening clouds) and we got soaked. It's too bad, because Jen was about to do a mock lead in preparation for trying to do her first gunks lead.

We started off on Saturday on Credibility Gap and Asphodel. (As a party of 4, we were looking for two climbs in the same general vacinity.) Credibility Gap is one heck of a warm up! It goes up a slick slab (as a second I was totally happy, Mitch wasn't feeling it and it was a scary run up the 5.5 section of this climb), up a ramp and then up an exposed low angle corner. Then you run into a huge ceiling and the only way out is traversing left. It looks completely ridiculous from the ground, but, the holds reveal themselves as you make your way up to the ceiling. The move from under the ceiling to the face is totally fine, but, when you don't know where you are going it's kind of scary. The holds are huge and you get a good left foot almost immediately. Then it's over and you are at an exposed stance. Second pitch was easy, happy fun climbing.

While Credibility Gap was great, my highlight of the weekend was walking up to a climb, looking at it and deciding that I could do it. Turns out, I selected Columbia, an easy 8 that at one time was rated a 9- in Dick's black guide. It certainly was not 9ish, I thought it was pretty easy and I was proud of myself for jumping on something that I really didn't know anything about.

Maybe I will work up the courage to lead Ant's Line! (I can float it on TR, but, not sure how I feel about placing the gear along the way.) Damn, I wish I started climbing when I was a youngster.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Jul 20, 2009, 2:13 AM)


Jul 20, 2009, 1:47 PM
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I love Credibility Gap. My partner was going to get on that this weekend as one of his goals, but it was too hot on Sunday. We got baked on Hans Puss.

And oy! the heavens did open up on Friday. We weren't climbing in the rain, but we drove through it on the way to New Paltz, managed to catch a break while setting up the tent, and then felt the floor of our tent feel like a waterbed overnight into Saturday morning. It's amazing the rock was as dry as it was Sat morning.


Jul 21, 2009, 6:50 PM
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Wrote this a bit ago and dont' think I ever posted it. Nothing exciting but a very fun climb..

Friday, June 26th 2009

Today, Gabe and I went to Eldo canyon. Gabe showed up at my house at about 8:30 and we cruised on over to Eldo. I had to get gas and pulled into a sketchy corner gas-station. It started filling up but stopped after only about 2 secons so I hoped back into the I car and off we went to Eldo with almost a gallon of gas in the car. We argued over what climb to do. We thought the Bastille crack was empty but surprise surprise... somebody had come early and covered the whole wall with top ropes. So we continued around the corner to the West Buttress, a 4 pitch line that ascends just 50' to the west of the Bastille crack and is just as solid climbing but for some reason not nearly as climbed.
Gabe had accepted my gracious offer of a cup of coffee earlier but was fancifully regretting it now as he said his stomach was churning and there aren't bathrooms halfway up the wall (he is obviously far too lazy to walk ALL the way back to the bathrooms in the parking lot).
I fired him up with a pep talk and off he went up the short 10' traverse into the first crux of the climb that doesn't easily protect. Gabe wasn't deterred and shot up the thin moves until he found some “God-saving jugs.” It was a quick scramble up to the first belay ledge (or what we thought was the first). I seconded and didn't have much trouble cleaning the route nor climbing. Gabe was anchored to a manky looking piton and 2 other cams but said he might need them- would I mind just anchoring to the piton? Errr...I guess. Luckily, I carried a .5 camolot that went in bomber and I was satisfied. But low and behold, it didn't matter! Gabe climbed just around a small arete, spoke to a gentleman on a neighboring route and learned that there was a bolted belay ledge just 20' to our left. Gabe scrambled over and set up another anchor. I broke down what we had of an anchor and decided to skip the easy arete that Gabe had climbed and take a pretty tight chimney directly to the ledge.
I haven't climbed many chimney's in my day but this one was a bundle of fun. The opening moves force you up pretty tight into the chimney until you realize you are pretty much going to have to aim directly for the top. But perfect edges appear at eye level and its an easy but very fun upward traverse to the belay ledge.
As I anchored in and looked up Gabe explained our 3 options- the left most one a fairly easy chimney; the middle a smallish looking finger crack and the right most an easish looking flake. Gabe decided to take the left most route and headed up to the chimney- not putting any pro in the 30 feet of climbing, of course. He got up there and clipped an old piton and backed it up with a bomber cam. Stepping out and over the chimney makes it pretty easy and Gabe didn't have any problems with this approach. As I belayed him he literally didn't stop pulling rope for 30 or so meters. Finally, after what I learned was a 30m runout , Gabe reached the summit and set up a belay anchor. I climbed up to the chimney and got set up. I decided to try and not step out but instead go straight up and through the chimney. I got in a really stupid stance to remove both the quickdraw on the piton and the cam and pumped myself. I then went for some funky body/arm jams and was unsuccessful going directly up.. Instead, I made the step out and went over the chimney. The runout turned out to the be warranted as the rest of the climb was pretty easy climbing with huge jugs everywhere. I reached the summit and didn't realize it for a second because I thought we were doing 4 pitches but then looked around and realized I was at the top! A quick high five and then I sat down to take in the views. I could see other climbers on Calypso on the opposite side of the canyon and hikers as small as ants looking up at us crazy rock climbers. We coiled up our rope and started to look for the decent.. It turned out to be pretty sketchy and exposed but after the exhilarating climb I didn't even notice.. Climbing down we saw hard overhanging roof climbs and dreamed of future days...


Jul 21, 2009, 7:39 PM
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^^ I remember feeling a bit foolish for roping up on the descent, particularly when a free soloist came up behind me and confirmed that I was heading the proper direction.Unsure

And I like the view from the top of the Bastille, too.


Jul 24, 2009, 8:14 PM
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Heh, well, some days you dream, others you watch your dreams get crushed, and others still leave a lingering sense of doubt and hope all at the same time.

The Silver Lining is now up for reading.


Jul 24, 2009, 9:04 PM
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Nice Greg! I enjoyed it much.

I had the same trouble as Jello on the second pitch of Baby. That roof is a bit cryptic.

And I had the same trouble as you on Bonnie's. I still haven't lead the first pitch actually. That roof is NO give away. Good on you for finishing the climb.

I didn't read the rest yet. But I'll come back to it.

Thanks for sharing. oh, and nice pics too btw!


Partner cracklover

Jul 24, 2009, 9:26 PM
Post #89 of 1159 (28054 views)

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Re: [RolonRolon] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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RolonRolon wrote:
Wrote this a bit ago and dont' think I ever posted it. Nothing exciting but a very fun climb..

Friday, June 26th 2009

Today, Gabe and I went to Eldo canyon.

^^^ Is different Gabe.

Just to clarify, since there aren't many Gabes that I know...



Jul 24, 2009, 10:21 PM
Post #90 of 1159 (28045 views)

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Re: [cracklover] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
RolonRolon wrote:
Wrote this a bit ago and dont' think I ever posted it. Nothing exciting but a very fun climb..

Friday, June 26th 2009

Today, Gabe and I went to Eldo canyon.

^^^ Is different Gabe.

Just to clarify, since there aren't many Gabes that I know...


Oh sure, we all know, it was Gabe Walker....


Jul 24, 2009, 11:59 PM
Post #91 of 1159 (28034 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Nice Greg! I enjoyed it much.

I had the same trouble as Jello on the second pitch of Baby. That roof is a bit cryptic.

And I had the same trouble as you on Bonnie's. I still haven't lead the first pitch actually. That roof is NO give away. Good on you for finishing the climb.

I didn't read the rest yet. But I'll come back to it.

Thanks for sharing. oh, and nice pics too btw!


Thanks man, but I still think it wouldn't be 5.9 if that awkward corner didn't precede the roof. The awkward corner is actually the kick in the nuts before the roof gets to you, because you expect the roof to be the crux and it isn't really. At least it's not different than a lot of roofs there.


Jul 24, 2009, 11:59 PM
Post #92 of 1159 (28033 views)

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Re: [cracklover] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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cracklover wrote:
RolonRolon wrote:
Wrote this a bit ago and dont' think I ever posted it. Nothing exciting but a very fun climb..

Friday, June 26th 2009

Today, Gabe and I went to Eldo canyon.

^^^ Is different Gabe.

Just to clarify, since there aren't many Gabes that I know...


good thing that you did, because i totally thought it was you. seriously, i did.Crazy


Aug 1, 2009, 10:55 PM
Post #93 of 1159 (27930 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Weekend isn't over yet, but, I thought I would post our Saturday adventures. We are climbing tomorrow, so more to follow.

I marked my 52nd birthday this weekend by skydiving with my husband and kids.

What a KICK! It's an awesome feeling to jump out of an airplane at 14,500 feet. It was colder than I thought it would be, it did not feel like falling and I was way calmer than I expected. Once the chute is delpoyed you have a very gentle sensation of floating to earth.

My kids really loved it, it was so special to do it with them. Made my jump that much sweeter.

So much fun. I highly recommend it.


Aug 2, 2009, 9:04 PM
Post #94 of 1159 (27902 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Weekend isn't over yet, but, I thought I would post our Saturday adventures. We are climbing tomorrow, so more to follow.

I marked my 52nd birthday this weekend by skydiving with my husband and kids.

What a KICK! It's an awesome feeling to jump out of an airplane at 14,500 feet. It was colder than I thought it would be, it did not feel like falling and I was way calmer than I expected. Once the chute is delpoyed you have a very gentle sensation of floating to earth.

My kids really loved it, it was so special to do it with them. Made my jump that much sweeter.

So much fun. I highly recommend it.

That's awesome! congrats on that. now you have to be like Bush I and jump every year into your 80s.Cool


Aug 3, 2009, 1:34 PM
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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Awesome Gail!!! Congrats on another spin around the sun. What a great way to celebrate!

I've been getting my weekend warior on so if people don't mind...

I took my dad (68 yrs old) climibing for the first time this weekend. We went to Den Rock in MA, which happens to be where I climbed outside and rappelled for the first time!

I haven't been there in forever. It was a neat little trip down memory lane. I was also really happy to be sharing not only climbing, but the first place I ever climbed, with my Dad.

And he did great in his new balance sneeks!! We tried out the nice little 5.4 on the "mail wall". The cold shuts at the top of the ledge made for very easy set up. The weather just held out for us. And Dad didn't bat an eye the whole time.

It was a really simple but GREAT day for me sharing this part of my life with my Dad. I look forward for taking him on a real adventure in the future!!!



Aug 3, 2009, 1:43 PM
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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Awesome Gail!!! Congrats on another spin around the sun. What a great way to celebrate!

I've been getting my weekend warior on so if people don't mind...

I took my dad (68 yrs old) climibing for the first time this weekend. We went to Den Rock in MA, which happens to be where I climbed outside and rappelled for the first time!

I haven't been there in forever. It was a neat little trip down memory lane. I was also really happy to be sharing not only climbing, but the first place I ever climbed, with my Dad.

And he did great in his new balance sneeks!! We tried out the nice little 5.4 on the "mail wall". The cold shuts at the top of the ledge made for very easy set up. The weather just held out for us. And Dad didn't bat an eye the whole time.

It was a really simple but GREAT day for me sharing this part of my life with my Dad. I look forward for taking him on a real adventure in the future!!!


That's awesome. My dad has been making subtle suggestions that he'd like to try climbing someday. He's petrified of heights, so we'll see, but it's something I've always wanted to do with him.


Aug 3, 2009, 1:51 PM
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I think it is a rewarding experience for sure! Its a funny role reversal too, (teaching your Dad anything). I'd encourage you to give it a try. I'm sure he would appreciate the experience even if "climbing" didn't REALLY happen. Wink


Aug 3, 2009, 1:56 PM
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How old is your Dad?


Aug 3, 2009, 2:59 PM
Post #99 of 1159 (27848 views)

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boymeetsrock wrote:
I think it is a rewarding experience for sure! Its a funny role reversal too, (teaching your Dad anything). I'd encourage you to give it a try. I'm sure he would appreciate the experience even if "climbing" didn't REALLY happen. Wink

I think I might at some point. I have a way of getting people used to the system when they first start out. It's easy on their minds.

Partner cracklover

Aug 3, 2009, 3:09 PM
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gblauer wrote:
How old is your Dad?

He said in his post - 68.



Aug 3, 2009, 3:30 PM
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Yeah. My Dad is 68. I wasn't sure if you were asking me or Greg.

He is not much of an "outdoors man" in the camping/ mountaineering sence. But he is always working outside up on his or my sisters roof, or painting his house on his ladder scaffolds 25-30 off the ground.

He needed some help with a big tree limb recently. It needed to be cut with a chain saw (guess we could have invested the hours with a regular saw) while still attached high up in the tree. It took a little convincing, but I wasn't about to stand there and watch him up on the tree or on a ladder, so I went up. Gotta admit I was scared. And he woulda just went up there no complaints. The stuff he does scares me blind sometimes. hehe

Maybe that's where I get my adventurous spirit from? Cool


Aug 10, 2009, 5:01 PM
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This was from two weekends ago.

Why does Cannon hate me again? This is just another example of me having tough days where the Old Man used to live. Unsure


Aug 10, 2009, 5:30 PM
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Nice Greg!

Hey, am I crazy or is that article on the Climbing Magazine web site?


Aug 10, 2009, 5:56 PM
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Nope, not crazy. I've been on there since June. I'm splitting my posts between my normal blog and theirs.

Thanks. Tried climbing this weekend, though, and the ankle still hurts. Unsure Gonna have to take a couple of weeks off. Bummer, but that's the way it goes sometimes.


Aug 10, 2009, 6:14 PM
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Congrats on the Climbing gig!!

Sorry to hear the ankle is still soar. But do yourself the favor like your saying and rest.


Aug 10, 2009, 6:22 PM
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Thanks. Yeah, it's pretty cool. I'm enjoying it.

I doubt I'll climb again any time before the last weekend in Aug. That should be long enough.

Partner cracklover

Aug 10, 2009, 7:19 PM
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Nope, not crazy. I've been on there since June. I'm splitting my posts between my normal blog and theirs.




Aug 10, 2009, 7:35 PM
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fifth post above yours. Laugh


Aug 10, 2009, 7:36 PM
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but here is the overall blog page there.

edit: the first link i posted just goes to the most recent post.

(This post was edited by Gmburns2000 on Aug 10, 2009, 7:36 PM)


Aug 11, 2009, 1:18 AM
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“An Unexpected Crusade” or “When One Climb Equals Enough Adventure for A Weekend”

In hindsight, the goals for the weekend might have been a bit ambitious for the mere weekend warrior and her injured-ankle partner. So the plan on Saturday was to hit Whitehorse and do the first three pitches of Children's Crusade, rap down and then go do Lost Souls. A few weeks ago, we'd done Hotter Than Hell and Inferno, so I was thinking another 5.9 and then pushing it with a 10a would be possible, even though I haven't done a ton of Whitehorse climbing.

So we walked up to Children's Crusade and I looked at the first bolt way, way, way up there. Sure, it's an easy walk up the dike... but it's a sideways walk. And the wall bulges out a little bit at one point. I feel really shaky and unsettled the whole way up. I clip the piton, then make the half move required to clip the bolt a few feet up and right of the piton. Rest. Breathe. Scope out the moves to the next bolt. With a sketchy step down and a move up on very thin face holds, I gain the next good stance and clip the second bolt, noting the bail 'biner left on the bolt. A glance up and the third bolt looks a mile away and the good holds only last for about 5 more feet. Um. Bail 'biner. Unfortunately, I am impressionable and have to admit that it crosses my mind that if someone else had to bail here, maybe I do too. I move up shakily, gaining sloping holds and am convinced there are no further hand holds and am petrified of falling. I know, it's a bolt, but it feels like it will be just too far a fall. I down climb and then hang and then bail.

After some time has passed, I decide I HAVE to get on it again. At the second bolt again. I make the moves to the slopers then convince myself to let go, fall. Ok, I got that out of the way. This time, when I get to the slopers, I think about doing another exorcise-the-demon fall, but then I just decide to go for it. I work out the moves and suddenly I've clipped the third bolt. Another glance up and the next bolt again looks a mile away, but the holds look decent and I decide to only pay attention to the next two moves, then the next two and so on. And I'm quickly to the bolt. Next, I go up and traverse to the anchors, continuing to only pay attention to the immediate moves and block out the distance I've gone or still have to go. I'm at the anchors. More emotionally drained than ever before on a climb. I eye the second pitch as my partner works his way up the first. I'm not sure I want to continue, but if I don't, I'll have to come back and do it again some day.

The second pitch had some thin scary moves off the belay, but after that, it consisted of a very enjoyable route finding adventure. I wove my way back and forth, following the path of least resistance and gear placements. It was exciting and fun, pausing to read the rock and determine what would be the best way to gain the next few feet. Eventually, I gain the belay ledge and begin bringing up my partner. Again, I eye the next pitch as he works his way up. Again, looking at the climb ahead, I'm not sure I want to continue but I'm sure I don't want this last pitch hanging over me, unfinished.

Throughout the entire climb, Greg provided excellent support and encouragement and I started up the third and final pitch, loving having the crack for protection but cursing the pain in my toes from the crack! Then I'm at the top of the crack and can see the anchors. And nothing between. No bolt. No way to protect the next moves. My next good hand hold 6 or 8 inches too far away to reach from my current stance. I pretend I'm stepping on to some little nubbin and reach up to use what looks like an intermediate hold, but is actually crap and yet my hand sticks and I manage to gain the good hand hold. Now I need to move up and right, on non-existent feet. Oh, another mantle, I'm starting to get good at these. I move into it, but start to feel my right foot slip as my left foot fights with my left hand for room on the hold. I get it just in time to avoid an ugly fall onto the low angle crack below, where my last protection is. Every fiber of my body is shaking so hard that the next move is harder, even though it's not. I breathe and get gear in and then make the final easy moves to the anchor. I'm so glad to be done. And so glad to have done it.

(This post was edited by ratherbe on Aug 11, 2009, 2:02 AM)


Aug 11, 2009, 1:56 AM
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Re: [ratherbe] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Now that's weekend warrior material. I bet you're the kind that doesn't really need the pep-talk though. I bet once you went up you had it in your head that you were going to make it to the top.

Well done and thanks for sharing.

edited to say: oops, didn't realize you mentioned me in the writeup. You didn't in the facebook note, so I didn't want to steal your thunder here. Tongue

PS - thanks for leaving the part about the forgotten ropes out. Crazy

(This post was edited by Gmburns2000 on Aug 11, 2009, 1:58 AM)


Aug 11, 2009, 2:07 AM
Post #112 of 1159 (27710 views)

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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Now that's weekend warrior material. I bet you're the kind that doesn't really need the pep-talk though. I bet once you went up you had it in your head that you were going to make it to the top.

Well done and thanks for sharing.

edited to say: oops, didn't realize you mentioned me in the writeup. You didn't in the facebook note, so I didn't want to steal your thunder here. Tongue

PS - thanks for leaving the part about the forgotten ropes out. Crazy

Crap, I forgot to mention we did this without ropes? Tongue


Aug 11, 2009, 2:16 AM
Post #113 of 1159 (27706 views)

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ratherbe wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Now that's weekend warrior material. I bet you're the kind that doesn't really need the pep-talk though. I bet once you went up you had it in your head that you were going to make it to the top.

Well done and thanks for sharing.

edited to say: oops, didn't realize you mentioned me in the writeup. You didn't in the facebook note, so I didn't want to steal your thunder here. Tongue

PS - thanks for leaving the part about the forgotten ropes out. Crazy

Crap, I forgot to mention we did this without ropes? Tongue

'cause, um, yeah, that's the real story. Shocked


Aug 11, 2009, 2:43 AM
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Aug 17, 2009, 12:34 PM
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The weekend Report.

I headed for the gunks last Wednesday night with plans to climb Thursday through Sunday. So what happens? I wake up to pouring rain on Thursday monring, with all climbing hopes dashed, I walked the carriage road loop. It rained all day Thursday until late in the afternoon. I contemplated running up to the cliff to see if there was anything dry, but, I didn't have a partner, so I just stayed home.

Friday was beautiful, albeit hot, sunny and humid. At least it wasn't raining. We hit the nears and enjoyed a nice warm up on Birdland and then headed to Elder Cleavage. My that was one very hard first pitch. Awkward, slippery and strange. Not sure I would repeat. P2 on the other hand was quite lovely. Easy climbing up to the roof, a few tricky moves to the roof and then you pull the roof with a surprisingly easy move. A fun climb, but, not sure I loved p1. We wrapped up Friday on Alphonse, a mild, happy climb that can be done in a single pitch to avoid the belay.

I was uber cranky on Saturday (hormones perhaps?) We started on Classic, always fun, but, somehow I felt "off" and didn't like the feel of the rock. It felt slimy, greasy and slippery. We then headed over to Baby. It was actually the first time that I have ever done Baby and felt good about it. I used real off width technique, got my feet in there, chicken winged my arm and then finally got my whole leg in the off width. Hooray, I think I can easily lead this one! Then came Miss Bailey to Big Chimney. I hated this climb. I hated the chimneys (I have no idea what I was thinking when I suggested the climb.) The only nice pitch on that climb was P3 of Miss Bailey, a very thoughtful 5.6 that had some suprises. The only thing I can say about the chimneys is that they offered respite form the heat. We finished up on the That Nice Seven where I ran laps to try and chase away my crankiness.

Yesterday was a bit of a scorcher. It was hot, sunny and humid by 9AM. We ran to the arrow wall so that we could warm up on Three Doves and then hit Feast of Fools. Three Doves is great, albeit some tricky think face climbing on P2. Feast of Fools was amazing. P1 is sustained and it just keeps on giving. As the second I cleaned all the gear enroute and was proud to have sent the thing without any hang time. I even cleaned and racked all of the slings! All that gym climbing up the overhangs really helped me on this climb. My feet actually cut at the first roof...very dramatic! P2 was really sort of a two move wonder, worth doing.

Since I had to leave early (on the road by 4), we ran back out and climbed The Blackout over by Betty. Now the book says it's 5.9 G, but how can that be if there is a 5.8 R section on P3? Must be yet another typo. P1 is forgettable, but P2 and P3 are where it's at. P2 has a nice traverse (big hands, little feet) and P3 has that spicy run out to a little roof with a bolt. The roof was the mildist roof I pulled all weekend.

All in all a nice weekend of climbing even though I was really cranky. Hopefully next weekend will be better!


Aug 17, 2009, 1:34 PM
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How was the rock in the 'Gunks? Was it hot enough for the rock to sweat?


Aug 17, 2009, 1:53 PM
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Friday and Sunday were fine. Saturday I felt like the rock was geasy, sweaty and slimy.


Aug 17, 2009, 1:56 PM
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what the rock soaketh after the rains it sweateths on hot days.


Aug 17, 2009, 9:16 PM
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Nice. That's a good few days of climbing despite "having a case of the Monday's".

Thanks for sharing! I'll have to check out some of those pitches.

btw, were the chimney's crappy 'cause you were grumpy, or were they just plain crappy?


Aug 18, 2009, 12:56 AM
Post #120 of 1159 (27609 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
btw, were the chimney's crappy 'cause you were grumpy, or were they just plain crappy?

I think if you like chimneys you will love these climbs. Personally, I learned that I really don't like chimneys.


Aug 19, 2009, 3:59 AM
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Nice Gail - Three Doves is one of my favorite climbs at the gunks! I was there on Saturday and it was a scorcher..


Aug 21, 2009, 2:24 PM
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Here's my version of my recent trip to NoCo with Ratherbe. She was a trooper, and the weekend turned out to be a good one.

Ratherbe's Return


Aug 21, 2009, 5:55 PM
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Go Ratherbe! Way to send Lady!


Aug 21, 2009, 5:59 PM
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she was good that day. it was a tough start for her, but once she got pissed off enough she just went up and did it.


Aug 21, 2009, 6:11 PM
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I've definitely been in similar positions. Sometimes you just have to decide to get it done, and then employ tunnel vision in order to focus on the task at hand and block out the distractions.

Good on her for weighing the risks and pushing through to success!

Hope the ankle heals up soon.

And Greg, next time bring the damn ropes dude! Tongue You owe "Savior" a 12 pack at the least!

edit speeling Crazy

(This post was edited by boymeetsrock on Aug 21, 2009, 6:12 PM)


Aug 21, 2009, 6:11 PM
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Thanks. It was a good weekend.

There is no way I was only a foot shy of that third bolt, it took a few moves to get to the point of reaching it to clip. I think it was at least 3 feet away.


Aug 21, 2009, 6:14 PM
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Glad it all worked out! I added another post above, just before you submitted.

Congrats again! I feel that breaking through a mental barrier is a bigger success than breaking through physical barriers, personally.


Aug 21, 2009, 6:19 PM
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Glad it all worked out! I added another post above, just before you submitted.

Congrats again! I feel that breaking through a mental barrier is a bigger success than breaking through physical barriers, personally.

Agreed. I think that sometimes breaking through a mental barrier is part of or helps in breaking through a physical barrier.


Aug 21, 2009, 6:27 PM
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boymeetsrock wrote:
I've definitely been in similar positions. Sometimes you just have to decide to get it done, and then employ tunnel vision in order to focus on the task at hand and block out the distractions.

Good on her for weighing the risks and pushing through to success!

Hope the ankle heals up soon.

And Greg, next time bring the damn ropes dude! Tongue You owe "Savior" a 12 pack at the least!

edit speeling Crazy

I totally owe him, too. Oh man, what a fuck up that almost turned into.

Ratherbe has already friended him on Facebook, so I'm sure I'll get a chance to pay him back (I was a bit of a dumbfuck for not sitting down with he and his friend for dinner when we returned the rope. I was tired, sore, and wanted a cheap / quick meal. I totally owe him).


Aug 21, 2009, 6:28 PM
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Re: [ratherbe] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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ratherbe wrote:
Thanks. It was a good weekend.

There is no way I was only a foot shy of that third bolt, it took a few moves to get to the point of reaching it to clip. I think it was at least 3 feet away.

I'll split the difference and settle on two feet.


Sep 1, 2009, 3:29 AM
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Rain on Friday and all day Saturday left the gunks soaked on Sunday. Even though it was soaked, it seemed to be "take your kid climbing" day and we walked up to 10 climbs before finding an open climb. I was rather grumpy when we started up 3 pines. Woudn't you know it, it was soaked from the ground up. Although it's an easy climb, it's not one you want to grease off of due to the ledges etc. So carefully picked my way up the first two pitches so as not to slip off and kill myself. Mitch took the remaining pitches and then he had to leave to drive back to PHL. I planned on staying the night, as I had arranged to fly out of Stewart Newburgh airport on Monday night. I Spent the rest of the day following my friend MIke up some righteous climbs, including Son of easy ok Jean, Splastic and Welcome to the Gunks. Let me tell you Michael and I do some good tens, but, Welcome to the Gunks was the toughest 10 I have done at the gunks. Several cruxes, starting with a slab that is really hard for shorties followed by 5 roofs. NIce way to end the day.


Sep 1, 2009, 1:03 PM
Post #132 of 1159 (26756 views)

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gblauer wrote:
Rain on Friday and all day Saturday left the gunks soaked on Sunday. Even though it was soaked, it seemed to be "take your kid climbing" day and we walked up to 10 climbs before finding an open climb. I was rather grumpy when we started up 3 pines. Woudn't you know it, it was soaked from the ground up. Although it's an easy climb, it's not one you want to grease off of due to the ledges etc. So carefully picked my way up the first two pitches so as not to slip off and kill myself. Mitch took the remaining pitches and then he had to leave to drive back to PHL. I planned on staying the night, as I had arranged to fly out of Stewart Newburgh airport on Monday night. I Spent the rest of the day following my friend MIke up some righteous climbs, including Son of easy ok Jean, Splastic and Welcome to the Gunks. Let me tell you Michael and I do some good tens, but, Welcome to the Gunks was the toughest 10 I have done at the gunks. Several cruxes, starting with a slab that is really hard for shorties followed by 5 roofs. NIce way to end the day.

Wow, that's a good last day. Well done.

I was supposed to hit the 'Gunks this past weekend but got scared away by the rain. I heard some folks made it out there, but it sounds as if the forecast was spot on.


Sep 2, 2009, 1:54 AM
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The forecast was spot-on indeed. I got to the MUA on Friday morning around 10am to set-up a bombproof shelter that would withstand the predicted inclement weather. I met my good friend Andy (AJ) around noon who had just completed the drive from Washington D.C. We finished setting up camp and had begun the hike down the Carriage road before 1pm. Our first climb was Snooky's Return. About halfway through the 2nd pitch we could see rain clouds moving in fast. Once at the rap-station, the skies open up on us. By the time we reached terra firma, we were completely drenched so we decided to keep climbing. We headed to the Uberfall area to climb some easy single pitch stuff; Horseman, Rhododendron, Clover and Laurel to name a few. The rain subsided around 5 pm, so we headed over to the Nears to climb Gelsa, which AJ had yet to experience. It seemed as if things were going to stay dry, but just as we were finishing the last pitch we got caught in another down pour. By the time we rapped off, it was time to change into some dry clothes and grab some warm food and drink at the Guilded Otter. We met our third climbing partner (PW) there and then headed back to the MUA to start a much needed campfire.

We woke up Saturday hoping for silence, but of course the sound of raindrops on rain-flies filled the air. We headed to split rock to wash up, and then cruised into town for some warm coffee and breakfast at the Muddy Cup where we would discuss climbing options for the day. We eventually came to a decision. It urks me to admit this, but we did indeed explore the wonderful "Inner Wall Rock Gym" in downtown New Paltz. I feel especially bad for AJ, who just drove 6 hours to climb indoors, but we really had a good time there (All things considered of course). We monitored the weather constantly hoping for a chance to run to the cliffs for a quick route, but the rain persisted. We headed to Mexicali Blue for dinner and discussed plans for Sunday. On our way back to the MUA, the rain weakened to a drizzle. We were determined not to allow a climb-less day go by, so around 8pm we racked up and headed to the cliffs. None of us had ever climbed Madame G's before, so it was easy to select a route that would appeal to all of us and be climbable in the rain. The climbing was great and we all had a terrific time! Just as we were rapping down, the bad weather picked up yet again. We packed up our gear and jogged back down the carriage road to the West Trapps Parking lot. We were in the car just before 10pm, soaked, but psyched to have squeezed in another Gunk's classic!

Sunday was a relatively short day at the Gunks, but the sun was shining and many of the climbs had begun to dry out. Since neither AJ nor PW had climbed Shockley's Ceiling before, we started the day with that. Before we called it quits we managed to climb Shockley's, Pas De Deux, City Lights, and Lichen 40 Winks. When we finished climbing AJ headed back to DC, PW headed back to Boston and I headed to Rock & Snow for some MUCH needed cam lube! Although we didn't get a chance to climb the routes we had planned to, we still had a wonderful trip! "There's no such thing as bad conditions, just bad attitudes".

see you out there rain or shine,

PW, AJ, me

(This post was edited by AntinJ on Sep 2, 2009, 1:55 AM)


Sep 2, 2009, 2:08 AM
Post #134 of 1159 (26711 views)

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Umm...climbing in the rain...not something I choose to do! Cudos to you for having a great time anyways.

Monday was a beautiful day at the gunks; 67 degrees, sunny and delightful. Add Overhanging Laybeck to your tick list (both pitches), its a ton of fun.


Sep 2, 2009, 2:12 AM
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Dude that's awesome! That's two reports from that weekend in the rain. I'm glad there's some more courageous-than-me people out there. You definitely had the right attitude. Cool


Sep 2, 2009, 3:45 AM
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Sep 2, 2009, 10:51 AM
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Nice! I definitely have a bad attitude about rain, way to make the most of it!

My first time to the Dacks coming up this weekend... that should beget a WW report, stay tuned!


Sep 2, 2009, 11:41 AM
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Re: [ratherbe] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Ratherbe, I want your lead head. h


Sep 2, 2009, 5:35 PM
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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Ratherbe, I want your lead head. h

Really? Why?


Sep 4, 2009, 4:34 PM
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Re: [ratherbe] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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ratherbe wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Ratherbe, I want your lead head. h

Really? Why?

Jen, you are a much better leader than you give yourself credit for. TIffany, too. Me, I probably think I'm better than I actually am. Cool


Sep 4, 2009, 4:35 PM
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ratherbe wrote:
Nice! I definitely have a bad attitude about rain, way to make the most of it!

My first time to the Dacks coming up this weekend... that should beget a WW report, stay tuned!

Maybe if I can actually remember the camera this time, I might have one for Acadia this weekend.



Sep 4, 2009, 11:53 PM
Post #142 of 1159 (26598 views)

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Jen --- You are one climbing hardwoman. I still remember your grit, determination and skill in leading SOEO a couple of years ago one damp Sunday morning.

Gail, go ahead; climbing like Jen is a good thing.



Sep 7, 2009, 5:11 PM
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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Well, I haven't posted for a while due to various reasons. They're all pretty much listed in my newest post.

Ankles Galore!

I'm trying a different pace this time, too.


Sep 8, 2009, 12:28 AM
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The Adirondacks were beautiful and curiously uncrowded on this long weekend of unbelievably great weather. We hit Poke-O on Friday and Monday, Barkeater on Saturday, and Beer Walls on Sunday. Things I learned:

--linking climbs may not be as obvious as the book makes it look. Trying to combine Puppies on the Edge and Discord left me running out a easy traverse, making hard moves on marginal gear and then reversing it all when I just didn't like the going forward moves.

--y'all may be right about my abilities being greater than I give myself credit for. I definitely didn't expect to successfully finish a 10a that was shutting down my partner, but that was a highlight of the weekend. And it was a great move. (Lick it Up, 5.10a, Barkeater).

--if there is a rap option off the first pitch, there's a good chance that the second pitch is absolute crap. Good news, I got to lead the good pitch! (Turbocharge 5.10a, Lower Beer Walls).

--when you're tired from a day of climbing, leading an outstanding pitch can be insanely rejuvenating. (Rockaholic, 5.8, Lower Beer Walls).

--I have to go back.


Sep 8, 2009, 12:32 AM
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Sounds Awesome Jen - Makes we want to get out there!


Sep 8, 2009, 4:22 PM
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Okay, I woke up on Friday and I had no idea where I was. ( wasn't due to drinking...) I knew I was in a hotel room, but...what city? (Nashville) That's how much traveling I have been doing. I was simply too exhausted to go up to the gunks. So I stayed home and prepared for our third annual Birdsboro Climb and Clean (fund raiser for our local climbing area). On Monday I actually did some sport climbing at Birdsboro. There are lots of new lines, and I did a few of them. But what I really wanted to do was hit my nemesis, Laid Back and Well Hung (11d). I watched my friend Ted float the climb and figured that I would do same. (after all, I have been training rigorously...). Try as I might, the burly techincal crux of Laid Back kicked my butt. It's a long reachy move, followed by a long, stemming drop knee and several more burly/technical moves to the next stance/bolt. I managed to make it through the crux after several attempts, but, I felt no stronger on it than the first time I attempted it. (Well, maybe a bit better...)

Ted's comment..."how can you expect to send this thing when you only get on it once a year?" He's right! I guess I will try again at the Climb and Clean (if I get a chance do break from all of my other duties). Next weekend: The Gunks.


Sep 8, 2009, 5:21 PM
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gblauer wrote:
Next weekend: The Gunks.

Maybe we'll see you there. I'm going to give it a go this weekend. I haven't really climbed since Cannon.


Sep 9, 2009, 7:29 PM
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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
ratherbe wrote:
Nice! I definitely have a bad attitude about rain, way to make the most of it!

My first time to the Dacks coming up this weekend... that should beget a WW report, stay tuned!

Maybe if I can actually remember the camera this time, I might have one for Acadia this weekend.


It's coming. Just waiting for pics to be approved. Smile


Sep 11, 2009, 3:19 PM
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Sep 11, 2009, 3:48 PM
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'bout time!

Nice TR and thanks for sharing. I'll be up there next weekend, but as usual, not for climbing.


Sep 14, 2009, 2:39 AM
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A milestone for me!

I can go to my grave happy. I finally lead my first gunks 5.9!!! Ok, I know I am not a real Gunks 9 climber, but, it's a start right?

So, we arrived at the gunks on Friday in a fairly intense rain storm. Saturday dawned dark and gray. Everything was really wet. As the day progressed, the clouds persisted and the crag stayed pretty wet. We were planning to do some climbing at around 3PM, but, as soon as we started out the door it started to sprinkle. Plans dashed, we gave up on Saturday climbing. Instead we focused on errands and make a great dinner for some of our gunks friends.

Sunday was absolutely beautiful. Blue skies, sun, 75+ degrees. It actually got HOT. I warmed up on Bunny (first time it has been open all year, there is usually a jam up on Bunny) and felt really great clearing the roof. After finishing Bunny, I decided it was time to lead red Cabbage. Enough waffling, it was time to man up and do it. I knew that if I failed, I could always get my gear. So, up I went. I did my first 9, cool, calm and collected. I felt great, it felt wonderful to make the moves unencumbered by a top rope. I pulled the crux, turned the arete on to the face and finished up the climb. So much fun and such a sense of accomplishement.

Ok, I went from a sublime HIGH to an extreme (whiny) low. We decided to climb proctoscope (5.9+) to Feast of Fools (10a) to the 2nd pitch of Nurses Aid (10a MA). P1 and P2 go down like butter, but, P2 of Nurses Aid scares the hell out of me. It's all good to the traverse. But, man, that traverse is uber scary for a shorty. I whined and debated and whined some more. I just couldn't force myself to step out into the abyss. Finally, I just manned up and made the moves past the slopery horizontal on the positive edge around the corner. It's really hard to get started (the horzontal under the roof is really slopery and you have to reach really far to get to the good edges). and once you get started, you have to move. There are hands only, no feet. That said, I am short enough that I could get my feet on the wall and in a frog position scrunch along the crack. It wasn't easy and it was hard pulling the gear. My sox foot plus partner campused much of the traverse. As asecond, if you fall on the roof, you are not getting back on, there is nothing but air underneath you. Sure glad I didn't fall!

(This post was edited by gblauer on Sep 14, 2009, 2:41 AM)


Sep 14, 2009, 3:15 AM
Post #152 of 1159 (29155 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
A milestone for me!

I can go to my grave happy. I finally lead my first gunks 5.9!!! Ok, I know I am not a real Gunks 9 climber, but, it's a start right?

So, we arrived at the gunks on Friday in a fairly intense rain storm. Saturday dawned dark and gray. Everything was really wet. As the day progressed, the clouds persisted and the crag stayed pretty wet. We were planning to do some climbing at around 3PM, but, as soon as we started out the door it started to sprinkle. Plans dashed, we gave up on Saturday climbing. Instead we focused on errands and make a great dinner for some of our gunks friends.

Sunday was absolutely beautiful. Blue skies, sun, 75+ degrees. It actually got HOT. I warmed up on Bunny (first time it has been open all year, there is usually a jam up on Bunny) and felt really great clearing the roof. After finishing Bunny, I decided it was time to lead red Cabbage. Enough waffling, it was time to man up and do it. I knew that if I failed, I could always get my gear. So, up I went. I did my first 9, cool, calm and collected. I felt great, it felt wonderful to make the moves unencumbered by a top rope. I pulled the crux, turned the arete on to the face and finished up the climb. So much fun and such a sense of accomplishement.

Ok, I went from a sublime HIGH to an extreme (whiny) low. We decided to climb proctoscope (5.9+) to Feast of Fools (10a) to the 2nd pitch of Nurses Aid (10a MA). P1 and P2 go down like butter, but, P2 of Nurses Aid scares the hell out of me. It's all good to the traverse. But, man, that traverse is uber scary for a shorty. I whined and debated and whined some more. I just couldn't force myself to step out into the abyss. Finally, I just manned up and made the moves past the slopery horizontal on the positive edge around the corner. It's really hard to get started (the horzontal under the roof is really slopery and you have to reach really far to get to the good edges). and once you get started, you have to move. There are hands only, no feet. That said, I am short enough that I could get my feet on the wall and in a frog position scrunch along the crack. It wasn't easy and it was hard pulling the gear. My sox foot plus partner campused much of the traverse. As asecond, if you fall on the roof, you are not getting back on, there is nothing but air underneath you. Sure glad I didn't fall!

That's awesome! See, you've got a good lead head, too. You just have to find it. Wink

Looks as if you've got a good second head, too. Laugh



Sep 14, 2009, 3:22 AM
Post #153 of 1159 (29152 views)

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Awesome job, Gail! I hung on Red Cabbage. Not an easy lead, but loved the climb!


Sep 14, 2009, 10:47 AM
Post #154 of 1159 (29140 views)

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Woohoo!!! Way to go, Gail!


Sep 14, 2009, 12:38 PM
Post #155 of 1159 (29132 views)

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Nice job! As for Nurses Aid, I think the second pitch is harder than the first. I just wasn't expecting that on a 10a. Mad


Sep 15, 2009, 2:45 PM
Post #156 of 1159 (29098 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Monday Climbing

Monday was a beautiful day at the gunks. It was warm in the sun, cool down at the belay. I had the privlege of climbing with a good friend and new leader. She did her first and second leads ever. We started on Betty and she did a fine job. She moved like a trad leader, carefully planning her moves, make the moves, getting to a stance and placing her gear. It was a pleasure to watch her climb. (I usually see her seconding at her limit, which is very different.) She brought me up and we simul rapped and looked at her gear (quite good in fact). We then went over to Easy O and I put it up, had her follow, simul rapped and then she lead it. She did really really well. I was very proud of her. By the way, she is 62 years old and has only been climbing for a few years.

After that I climbed with my rope gun, Mike. We warmed up on Pas de deux, a beautiful warm up with some thin face climbing, leading to some terrific jugs on P2. From there we moved to Pink Laurel. Wow, that climb is uber polished. Truth be told, I really didn't enjoy the crux moves. The rock is practically vulcanized with all of the rubbber from climbing shoes. Once through the crux, it's a fun climb with interesting moves. In fact I think the upper part of the climb favors a shorter climber (for once...). I guess I need to do it again to see if I can be more efficient through the crux. I also had to clean a lot of gear (Micheal hadn't done this climb before and placed an uncharateristic amount of gear through the crux). At any rate, it's not a 9 that I will be quick to lead. We finished up on P38 (i had to leave early to catch a flight out of SWF). I loved P38. It's technical, requires good balance and it's awkward. For me the crux was well beyond the stated technical crux; it was way up at the headwall, trying to navigate the pebbles. I felt quite strong on this climb.

No Gunks for me next week. I am running our fundraiser for our local climbing area in Birdsboro PA. Our fundraisers have been very successful in the past. This year I was able to convince the quarry owner to fund a porta potty in perpetuity. It's a great addition to our climbing area and really needed. We are expecting 100+ heads, so hope for good weather!


Sep 15, 2009, 3:10 PM
Post #157 of 1159 (29092 views)

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Looks like it's supposed to be nice this weekend. Sunny and 60's.

BTW, P38 is fun, but Stirrup trouble to the left is much better. It is much more sustained.

Good luck with the fundraiser. I think we'll be at the Gunks.



Sep 15, 2009, 3:24 PM
Post #158 of 1159 (29087 views)

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wow, 62 and taking the sharp end for the first time ever is impressive. Well done.

I've always wanted to do Pas De Deux. Not sure if I'll be healthy enough to knock it off this year.

I'm home in Bar Harbor for the weekend, but I won't be climbing. I'm hoping to be in the 'Gunks next weekend, though.

Good luck with the fundraiser!


Sep 16, 2009, 3:26 AM
Post #159 of 1159 (29058 views)

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Nice Job Gail - I'll have to check out that route!

Greg - Definitly do Pas De Deux! Just don't climb above the 'hand traverse' like I did.


Sep 21, 2009, 1:50 PM
Post #160 of 1159 (29018 views)

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Re: [AntinJ] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Exhausted in Philadelphia

Once again, I start my work week more exhasted than when I ended my week!

Good weather was a curse and a blessing, as my weekend was consumed with running the Third Annual Birdsboro Climb and Clean. The weather was great, but, I think many of our local climbers took advantage of the clear forecast and headed to points North and South. That said, we had a hearty crew of volunteers, completed many work projects and raised enough funds to cover our 2010 operating expenses. I will post some photos of the event. We started on Friday night with camping, up early on Saturday with volunteer work and UcanClimb2 stations for new climbers. Saturday evening culminates with a huge cook out, raffle and entertainment. Lots of partying (mercifully far away from our tent) into the wee hours and then we start all over again in Sunday. It takes a lot of effort to run one of these events.

I only got on five climbs this weekend (too tired to care about climbing). I made the mistake of warming up on an 11c; 1 flash pump later, I screwed myself for the rest of my climbs. I did some lead laps on some 10's and called it a day. Since I am traveling for work all week, I don't think I will climb until Friday at the earliest.

Next weekend: The Gunks.


Oct 1, 2009, 7:53 PM
Post #161 of 1159 (28996 views)

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Ooh, almost forgot to post this here: A Weekend of Debauchery

A fun weekend overall. Some ups and downs, mostly *ups*


Oct 1, 2009, 10:23 PM
Post #162 of 1159 (28979 views)

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Fun read Greg! Bow chika wow wow.


Oct 1, 2009, 10:49 PM
Post #163 of 1159 (28975 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Fun read Greg! Bow chika wow wow.



Oct 13, 2009, 4:15 PM
Post #164 of 1159 (28935 views)

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Columbus Day Weekend at the gunks=No Parking

People actually had to park at the lot across the street from the mountain deli and walk to the crag. We parked in the scenic overlook and gladly paid the $25 ticket just for the convenience!

Saturday AM was really wet, we got started lated and enjoyed some nice moderate climbing on Dry martini, Tequila Mockingbird and Oscar/Charlie.

Sunday was insane, no parking, people everywhere. We had to struggle to get on some climbs. Additionally, it was pretty damn cold (ok, I am a fair weather climber). None the less, we got on some very nice climbs and enjoyed the day.

Monday, was far less crowded, but much colder. We had our pick of climbs; Arrow, Double Crack, Ursula and No Picnic.

My climbing days are numbered. Mitch and I get married on the 24th, head to AZ for a week of climbing for our honeymoon. We return to PHL and I head in for the first of two surgeries on November 4th. It will be several months before I can climb again.


Oct 13, 2009, 4:40 PM
Post #165 of 1159 (28927 views)

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It was ridiculously busy on Sunday. I was able to snag one of the last spots down in the lower lot by the visitor's center. Even so my partner and I waited little and got in 5 climbs.

I thought the weather could not have been better personally, but I hate being hot.

Gail, congrats on tying the knot!!! Hope the honeymoon is unforgettable. Also hope your surgeries go smoothly and that your back at it in no time.


Oct 14, 2009, 1:36 PM
Post #166 of 1159 (28882 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Good luck on the wedding, Gail! That's awesome. Bummer about the surgeries, but I hope they help to make life better. Be optimistic: you're healing over winter and will be ready to go come spring!

It was nice to see a couple of posts here after none for a while. I decided to give my outdoor climbing a rest for the season. My ankle is finally starting to improve, but I don't want to risk anything (particularly with my scouting mission to Chile coming up in about three weeks). I won't even go to the gym until sometime in December when I'm sure my ankle is doing much better.

And it doesn't surprise me it was busy there this weekend. Columbus Day weekend is typically the last good-weather weekend in the NE for a lot of climbers, and the 'Gunks is about the last place for northerners to get to by this point (there's already been snow in NH and VT). Still glad both of you got out.



Oct 14, 2009, 4:20 PM
Post #167 of 1159 (28865 views)

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While we are on a Gunks theme, yeah it was crowded, but I didn't wait and the weather was perfect.

Started a little wet and ended up slipping on a warmup, but as Saturday progressed, so did the quality of climbing and the dry rock.

This weekend, we did Drunkard's Delight, MF direct, Star Action, Country Roads, Gory THumb, Birdland, Roseland, Criss, and Te Tum. Goooooood weekend!!!



Oct 14, 2009, 4:30 PM
Post #168 of 1159 (28859 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Good luck on the wedding, Gail! That's awesome. Bummer about the surgeries, but I hope they help to make life better. Be optimistic: you're healing over winter and will be ready to go come spring!

It was nice to see a couple of posts here after none for a while. I decided to give my outdoor climbing a rest for the season. My ankle is finally starting to improve, but I don't want to risk anything (particularly with my scouting mission to Chile coming up in about three weeks). I won't even go to the gym until sometime in December when I'm sure my ankle is doing much better.

And it doesn't surprise me it was busy there this weekend. Columbus Day weekend is typically the last good-weather weekend in the NE for a lot of climbers, and the 'Gunks is about the last place for northerners to get to by this point (there's already been snow in NH and VT). Still glad both of you got out.


What's this about you going to Chile? I know you're going but what's the backstory?

My best friend in Australia, and the friend I started climbing with for many years, is from Chile. He probably knows a fair bit about the Santiago area and has climbed in Patagonia.


Oct 14, 2009, 4:48 PM
Post #169 of 1159 (28854 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Good luck on the wedding, Gail! That's awesome. Bummer about the surgeries, but I hope they help to make life better. Be optimistic: you're healing over winter and will be ready to go come spring!

It was nice to see a couple of posts here after none for a while. I decided to give my outdoor climbing a rest for the season. My ankle is finally starting to improve, but I don't want to risk anything (particularly with my scouting mission to Chile coming up in about three weeks). I won't even go to the gym until sometime in December when I'm sure my ankle is doing much better.

And it doesn't surprise me it was busy there this weekend. Columbus Day weekend is typically the last good-weather weekend in the NE for a lot of climbers, and the 'Gunks is about the last place for northerners to get to by this point (there's already been snow in NH and VT). Still glad both of you got out.


What's this about you going to Chile? I know you're going but what's the backstory?

My best friend in Australia, and the friend I started climbing with for many years, is from Chile. He probably knows a fair bit about the Santiago area and has climbed in Patagonia.

I've always wanted to be a writer, and this seemed the best time to go for it. With the savings I have, I needed a cheap place to live. I looked at a bunch of different countries and settled on Chile for many reasons: it's cheap where it needs to be (food and accommodation), I know what all the food is for the most part, Spanish shouldn't be too tough to learn (though Chilean Spanish has a lot of indigenous phrases built into it, i hear), there are few poisonous creatures and the ones that are there are so rarely seen that I'm more likely to be bitten by a copperhead in the 'Gunks than by a Chilean Recluse Spider in Chile, and there's a stable politico-economic situation there (also, the fact that you can't bribe the police was a big plus).

Anyway, it will mostly be literary fiction that I'll be writing and that stuff is quite a bit different than the stuff I write on my blog (different voice altogether).

If you want to put me in touch with your friend then that would be awesome! I'd appreciate that very much. I've skyped with an ex-pat down there and spoken with a lot of Chileans in general, but I'd love to get in touch with a Chilean climber.


Oct 14, 2009, 4:58 PM
Post #170 of 1159 (28850 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Good luck on the wedding, Gail! That's awesome. Bummer about the surgeries, but I hope they help to make life better. Be optimistic: you're healing over winter and will be ready to go come spring!

It was nice to see a couple of posts here after none for a while. I decided to give my outdoor climbing a rest for the season. My ankle is finally starting to improve, but I don't want to risk anything (particularly with my scouting mission to Chile coming up in about three weeks). I won't even go to the gym until sometime in December when I'm sure my ankle is doing much better.

And it doesn't surprise me it was busy there this weekend. Columbus Day weekend is typically the last good-weather weekend in the NE for a lot of climbers, and the 'Gunks is about the last place for northerners to get to by this point (there's already been snow in NH and VT). Still glad both of you got out.


What's this about you going to Chile? I know you're going but what's the backstory?

My best friend in Australia, and the friend I started climbing with for many years, is from Chile. He probably knows a fair bit about the Santiago area and has climbed in Patagonia.

I've always wanted to be a writer, and this seemed the best time to go for it. With the savings I have, I needed a cheap place to live. I looked at a bunch of different countries and settled on Chile for many reasons: it's cheap where it needs to be (food and accommodation), I know what all the food is for the most part, Spanish shouldn't be too tough to learn (though Chilean Spanish has a lot of indigenous phrases built into it, i hear), there are few poisonous creatures and the ones that are there are so rarely seen that I'm more likely to be bitten by a copperhead in the 'Gunks than by a Chilean Recluse Spider in Chile, and there's a stable politico-economic situation there (also, the fact that you can't bribe the police was a big plus).

Anyway, it will mostly be literary fiction that I'll be writing and that stuff is quite a bit different than the stuff I write on my blog (different voice altogether).

If you want to put me in touch with your friend then that would be awesome! I'd appreciate that very much. I've skyped with an ex-pat down there and spoken with a lot of Chileans in general, but I'd love to get in touch with a Chilean climber.

Wow! So I guess you're going to be there a while...??

My friend left Chile when he was seven and is really an Aussie, but I do know that he has a bit of knowledge about that part of Chile. I'm not sure but he may have also been to Anconcogua too.


Oct 14, 2009, 5:04 PM
Post #171 of 1159 (28843 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Good luck on the wedding, Gail! That's awesome. Bummer about the surgeries, but I hope they help to make life better. Be optimistic: you're healing over winter and will be ready to go come spring!

It was nice to see a couple of posts here after none for a while. I decided to give my outdoor climbing a rest for the season. My ankle is finally starting to improve, but I don't want to risk anything (particularly with my scouting mission to Chile coming up in about three weeks). I won't even go to the gym until sometime in December when I'm sure my ankle is doing much better.

And it doesn't surprise me it was busy there this weekend. Columbus Day weekend is typically the last good-weather weekend in the NE for a lot of climbers, and the 'Gunks is about the last place for northerners to get to by this point (there's already been snow in NH and VT). Still glad both of you got out.


What's this about you going to Chile? I know you're going but what's the backstory?

My best friend in Australia, and the friend I started climbing with for many years, is from Chile. He probably knows a fair bit about the Santiago area and has climbed in Patagonia.

I've always wanted to be a writer, and this seemed the best time to go for it. With the savings I have, I needed a cheap place to live. I looked at a bunch of different countries and settled on Chile for many reasons: it's cheap where it needs to be (food and accommodation), I know what all the food is for the most part, Spanish shouldn't be too tough to learn (though Chilean Spanish has a lot of indigenous phrases built into it, i hear), there are few poisonous creatures and the ones that are there are so rarely seen that I'm more likely to be bitten by a copperhead in the 'Gunks than by a Chilean Recluse Spider in Chile, and there's a stable politico-economic situation there (also, the fact that you can't bribe the police was a big plus).

Anyway, it will mostly be literary fiction that I'll be writing and that stuff is quite a bit different than the stuff I write on my blog (different voice altogether).

If you want to put me in touch with your friend then that would be awesome! I'd appreciate that very much. I've skyped with an ex-pat down there and spoken with a lot of Chileans in general, but I'd love to get in touch with a Chilean climber.

Wow! So I guess you're going to be there a while...??

My friend left Chile when he was seven and is really an Aussie, but I do know that he has a bit of knowledge about that part of Chile. I'm not sure but he may have also been to Anconcogua too.

the goal is a year. if things go well, then it will be longer. if not, then shorter.

I'm hoping to live in Puerto Varas at some point (northern Patagonia and apparently not too far from Cochamo Valley). Any info he has would be more than welcome (i.e. - good crags, where to find local partners, good guidebooks, etc). I'll also be in Santiago for a few months to get settled (at least that's the plan. things may shake up a bit on this exploratory trip in Nov).


Oct 14, 2009, 6:45 PM
Post #172 of 1159 (28829 views)

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Sespe Gorge, the Long Road to a Climb.

A weekend climbing trip that finally came into being. Originally, I was wanting to climb a four day weekend in Tuolume Meadows in June. But twisted my knee and ankle on a slab climb in Josh one day in March, so had to call it off. Although, eventually they healed well enough for a short sport climbing trip in June. Next up was a trip to the Southern Sierras, Dome Rock, but I came down with 102 fever the week before. Busted again. The family camping trip in August yielded canoeing and hiking, but no climbing partners.

What to do. Still wanted to go to Dome Rock, but kind of a hoof, 5 hours, for a 2 day weekend, and its getting cold, really cold there. So Sespe Gorge it was. The wife gave me a pass, my buddy was free, work was slow that weekend, lets hit it.

The drive from Orange County to Sespe is around 3 hours without traffic. We head out about 8, after I over slept, and beat enough traffic to make good time. The road up the hill, is nice, not too busy, but a lot longer than I remember. Last time we had climbed there was May 2007. After a bit we pull up, right around 11.

The two routes I'm looking at, Tree Root, 5.5, and Ending Crack, 5.7, both have parties on them. But the party on Ending Crack is almost done. I try to catch my breath after driving, rack up, get out the ropes, and head down to the base of the climb. Our tag line will be an old 50m Mammot. It was my brothers climbing rope, but he hardly used it. Although its in good shape, I don't lead on it.

Ending Crack, 5.7, going up past the front of my Suburban.
Another party on the rock is climbing Tree Root, with the leader at the common belay station for the two routes.

The party is done rapping off and we're tied in. I start heading up, but on the first foot hold I slip off. Hey great start. The climbing is steep, and some of the moves, while moderate, are awkward, so I stitch it up and it goes without any other issues. I found that I'm really locked in on the climbing, the moves above gear, and the rock. Much more like I usually lead climb. The lead climbing I did in March, my head just wasn't there, where I needed it to be. The climbing in June was great, but the leads I did were easy, so I don't know for sure if my focus was there. So I was happy about get my game back.

But by the time I'm half way to the first anchor, here come the second party rapping in. Rats, I thought they were going to rap the line they climbed. If I known they weren't, I would climbed their route, Tree Root. Such as life. Anyrate, they get down before I finish the pitch. The anchor/rap station are slightly to the right of the line for Ending Crack. So a carefully rapping party will not bother a climbing party right next to them.

I anchor in and bring up my second. He's been climbing for not quite 2 years, but only climbs with me. I often climb without him, as he has a family too, and he's not always free to join me. His climbing skills are improving, and he is strong and fit. He will no doubt be keeping up with me very shortly.

He cleans the route w/o issues, even though it was only his fourth pitch of cleaning. I have him anchor in, I rerack the gear, and we recoil the rope over his tie in. Off I go, second pitch, the crux, at least mentally. The climbing is pretty sustained for the whole route, but the second much harder to pro near the top. The route transfer from one crack to a second on the right, and I end up staying on the left longer than I should looking for pro. Even at that it wasn't great. A couple of stoppers behind some hollow flakes. Did I mention the rock is sandstone, its fairly hard, but nonetheless basically sandstone. Careful now. I work my way across to the correct crack, see some more pro ahead, and work my way up. The anchor is in sight, but the crack opens up over 12 inches. I find a good piece inside, and finish up. I feel solid all the way.

Again bring my second up and anchor him in. He has some trouble cleaning a couple of pieces, and had to leave one behind. OK we'll get it on the way down. Tie the two ropes together and throw them down. They don't uncoil well, so I decide to go first to clear any knots and tangles and get them off the flakes. By the time I get to the lower rap anchor I see the stuck piece. Its a cam specifically the light blue Metolius FCU. Its fairly big, it should come easily enough. Its only up and over a little from the station, but I make Tim clean it on the way down.

Final rap and we're down. Now where's the water and munchies. Its 3 in the afternoon, and that was a lot of work for a 2 pitch climb. Oh well.

Me at the top of Ending Crack

Tim nearing the top of Ending Crack


Oct 14, 2009, 6:48 PM
Post #173 of 1159 (28826 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Time to find a camp site. The map shows two just down the road, neither really marked well along the road. Where the first one was didn't really look like much, and the next day we saw the road was blocked, with no camping. The second campground was small, only about 8 sites, and we get the last one.

Tim wants some firewood, but I want to relax for a few. Eventually we head up the trail going to a water fall, and scout out the dead wood along the way. Turns out it was a very nice little stream with about a 40 foot falls. Even this late in the season, in a dry year, it was flowing nicely with the water spread across the face. It was covered with small ferns and a ton of moss. Would be nice place to take the family in the spring for a long weekend.

After dinner we have our camp fire, and the two young ladies in the next site over keep going by to gather more firewood along the trail behind our site As it gets dark its obvious their fire is not staying lit. As the evening passes, it gets too cold out and we're wanting to turn in. My buddy goes over to their site, making about as much noise as possible walking past the brush, to offer them some logs and help with their fire. They seamed grateful for the help, and as we watch the last of our coals burn down their fire seems to have taken off.

The evening was cold, but the night got colder. Pull the sleeping bag up over your head cold. Too cold to get out until the sun is hitting the ground cold. The tent fly, car, and table plastered with frost cold. Tim's bottle of water has a layer of ice on the inside cold. We decide that hot Top Ramen is the order of the day for breakfast. By the time we're set to breaking down camp, it was much better.

Day two climbing, Tree Root, 5.5. Again a party on the route, but the second is already headed up P1. I sort the gear, we get out the ropes, and head over to the base. The leader has nearly finished the climb. He was fast and only placed a few pieces. The second is up soon enough so we tie in. Next thing I know, they're headed down our way. The Tree Root gets to the same P2 anchors as Ending Crack, but starts well to the right. The regular way down, is what the party did the day earlier, just off to the side of Ending Crack. Two 140 foot straight down raps. These guys are using two 70m ropes to get to some ledges even further to the right of the route, about 40 feet up off the ground, in one long 230 foot rap. I worried about them getting a rope stuck, and sure enough they did. But they got it down quick like and had the ropes coiled faster than I guessed and were gone.

Tree Root

I had done the Tree Root about 18 or 19 years ago, as my first multi pitch climb. I only had one set of stoppers and hexes for gear, and one 50m rope. Running it out as needed. Takes a third pitch to get to the top of the climb and over to the gully. The walk off descent is a gully just to the left of the climbs, and is only slightly less steep than the climbs themselves. But we had down climbed and rapped off trees to get to the base in the dark. Young and crazy.

Sunday, I'm looking up the crack at the opening moves. 5.5 huh? Well, the direct start was certainly harder than that. Five feet to the right looked easier, but I wanted to do it direct. For 5.5, the climb is fairly steep and sustained. In that way, almost an ideal climb. Also, the gear is there no problem, but I have been climbing for years. I'm sure I used more pro on the first pitch this time. Makes me wonder how I did it with such a small rack back then. Just plug in a piece when you can, and climb when you can't.

We get the two pitches done, meeting up at the same P2 anchor as Saturday. As I get near the top my bud calls out 30 feet, and it takes all but 10 feet of the 60m rope. We rap off, but what to do? Its just 2 pm, time for one more short climb. To the left is a long one pitch route. It looks like it takes wide gear, which I have up in the car. But is over water, as the creek runs right at the wall there. So some care would have to be taken to set up the climb. Rapping off would end in the water, with one rope certainly getting wet. Which would fine, as it would be our last climb. But I would have to rack up again. And I'm not that ambitious right now. Where's a good easy 70 foot sport climb when you need one?

My bud says he's fine, even a little tired from the two days, and not too motivated to do something else. Its time to call it a day. For the long drive home.

Veiw of Tree Root and and Ending Crack Sunday Afternoon.
The P1 belay is with the guy in white. Tree Route P1 belay is at the small tree across from him.


Oct 14, 2009, 6:56 PM
Post #174 of 1159 (28816 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Cool TR! What a bugger to have the creek right below! I hate getting ropes wet!

This makes me wanna post up my w'end TR in here...


Oct 14, 2009, 7:05 PM
Post #175 of 1159 (28811 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:

Me at the top of Ending Crack

Sweet, dude. Sounds like a fun weekend with you getting on both routes you wanted to get on. The place looks as if it has good climbing. Some nice topo pics there.

Gotta hit the sunscreen sooner, though. Laugh


Oct 14, 2009, 7:06 PM
Post #176 of 1159 (25428 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
Cool TR! What a bugger to have the creek right below! I hate getting ropes wet!

This makes me wanna post up my w'end TR in here...

Dew eet!


Oct 14, 2009, 7:06 PM
Post #177 of 1159 (25427 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
Cool TR! What a bugger to have the creek right below! I hate getting ropes wet!

this always reminds me of Dark Shadows in Red Rocks. Pretty much a guarantee to get your ropes wet there.

In reply to:
This makes me wanna post up my w'end TR in here...

Do it! Doooo ittttttt!


Oct 14, 2009, 7:07 PM
Post #178 of 1159 (25425 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Cool TR! What a bugger to have the creek right below! I hate getting ropes wet!

This makes me wanna post up my w'end TR in here...

Dew eet!

D'oh! beat me to it and used better letters, too.


Oct 14, 2009, 7:10 PM
Post #179 of 1159 (25422 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Nice TR! That first pic of the crag with the two cars in the foreground makes the cliff look much smaller than it is.

Looks like a nice place to climb tough. Some good rock there.


Oct 14, 2009, 7:10 PM
Post #180 of 1159 (25422 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
boymeetsrock wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Cool TR! What a bugger to have the creek right below! I hate getting ropes wet!

This makes me wanna post up my w'end TR in here...

Dew eet!

D'oh! beat me to it and used better letters, too.

All right.... here goes.


Oct 14, 2009, 7:11 PM
Post #181 of 1159 (25417 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
boymeetsrock wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Cool TR! What a bugger to have the creek right below! I hate getting ropes wet!

This makes me wanna post up my w'end TR in here...

Dew eet!

D'oh! beat me to it and used better letters, too.



Oct 14, 2009, 7:22 PM
Post #182 of 1159 (25414 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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So, the opportunity presented itself this past weekend and we headed to E-Rock in the hope of getting on a few routes. A larger group was planned, with friends from College Station, as well as my wife and her colleague (a pure beginner). With the rain that ensued however, the larger contingent bailed, leaving just me, my wife and her friend.

Despite a down-sized group and the threat of rain, we had a great time! Actually our small party was perfect and although the rain delayed climbing until Saturday, we still managed a few climbs on the Backside throughout the (what ended up being) glorious day. It was in essence an introduction for our friend to the joys of climbing, so grades weren't a focus... just enjoyment.

Clouds hung around until midday, giving us a cool seige on the New Wall... we were the first to arrive and set up on Sweat (5.6). I lead it, so the girls could TR No Sweat (5.5) and and then Sweat. For both my wife and I it had been just over six months since we touched rock and so it was nice to get on some easy terrain. It was also our first visit to the backside (except for Deep Prok, which I had climbed two years ago). I tell ya though, Sweat is certainly sustained 5.6 (if you can say that about a 5.6...heh!).

The wifey showing off her noo harness on No Sweat

After attacking Sweat, I thought I'd try the bolted line to the right (Pro Sweat 5.9), since it looked possible for me. It was wet at the bottom but I figured I needed a confidence boost, as I hadn't climbed a 5.9 since May 08. Besides, it has bolts! It was slick down low and it took me a bit to get that first bolt clipped, but once I was on the face and chalked up my toes I felt solid the whole way. Beautiful climb!

Our pure beginner friend, showing us a spontaneously-inspired new technique... the shin-jam!

The hords had turned up by this time, so we decided to escape the noise and head to Devil's Slide... and introduce our friend to some slab technique. We hopped on the furthest line on the right, which I guess was the first pitch of Mark Of The Beast; a 5.6 (also known as Christine's Variation??). My plan was to lead up to the anchors, then have the girls come up one at a time, for me to then lower them back to the ground. That way, I could most effectively give them a TR (since it's so long) and possibly snap a couple of pics while having them on an autoblock. The plan worked great and our friend padded her way up the whole pitch in her own full-speed-ahead-so-I-don't-freak-out time.

Me on Pro Sweat (5.9)

Here, my wife floats up the 5.6 slab.

By then the sun was out in full force, casting shadows across the slabs, and the afternoon was absolutely beautiful!

It was around then that somebody appeared from the trail to the base of the wall and declared that he may know who we were.... because of my accent! Hahahaa! It was none other than Justroberto!

The girls were done for the day, but I still had a climb in me, so Rob and I teamed up to try the first pitch of the new bolted route Kracken (5.8+). It was a great pitch and well worth the effort. It took me a short moment or two to get the right sequence over the overlap, but I figured it out (dunno if it's the right way, but it worked). A couple other 5.8 slab sections above that got me to the belay, where I brought up Rob. Overall, a great climb and certainly a 5.8!

Me getting from the first bolt to the overlap.

Rob checking out options.

Mounting the overlap.

The 5.8 slab above.

A fun day, with great weather, was had by all.

Sunday came but blew in a drizzle and that ended any plans we thought we might have had, but we were happy with the climbing we did... around 400ft for the girls and about 700ft for me. I also got my head back on lead and am already promising myself greater things for the coming year.... we'll see how that turns out! Heh!!


Oct 14, 2009, 7:43 PM
Post #183 of 1159 (25408 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dude, nice job. 8+ and 9 after six months off would be tough for me to lead, even with bolts. Nice pics, too.

And I don't know why folks knock parties of three. Yeah, they aren't that efficient, but they're not that bad either. I find them to be quite fun sometimes (in fact, I can't remember a time when I didn't have fun climbing in three where any problem that may have arisen was attributed to three people instead of two).


Oct 14, 2009, 8:10 PM
Post #184 of 1159 (25400 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Dude, nice job. 8+ and 9 after six months off would be tough for me to lead, even with bolts. Nice pics, too.

And I don't know why folks knock parties of three. Yeah, they aren't that efficient, but they're not that bad either. I find them to be quite fun sometimes (in fact, I can't remember a time when I didn't have fun climbing in three where any problem that may have arisen was attributed to three people instead of two).

Thanks, I was happy to know my head was still in it. I've found over the years that the only thing to really significantly depreciate with time is power and endurance. My head is still in the game and the technique "bag of tricks" is always around.

For sure, climbing in three has it's benefits too. This weekend we only did single pitch, so no problems really arose. We managed to get more pics too (than with two), which was good.


Oct 14, 2009, 8:35 PM
Post #185 of 1159 (25389 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Nice photos and well written!

I like the alternating photo sequence of you and Rob on the 8+.

Sounds like you all had a good time, and gave a friend a nice intro to climbing.



Oct 14, 2009, 8:43 PM
Post #186 of 1159 (25384 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:

Me at the top of Ending Crack

Sweet, dude. Sounds like a fun weekend with you getting on both routes you wanted to get on. The place looks as if it has good climbing. Some nice topo pics there.

Gotta hit the sunscreen sooner, though. Laugh

Sunscreen, whats that.
Hey, and this was only the first day.
Yes, I'm stoked to have made it after a number of false starts, and aborted plans. So its all good. I thought I'd get more pitches in though. But really we got some good climbing in, and were plenty sore to show for it. A good kind of sore.
I think the area could yield more routes, but is kind of out of the main climbing circles of town. And it is a long standing trad area. All the main routes were well established over 20 years ago. Also, much of the new routes would need some bolts to make them reasonably protected. The only bolts are at the belay/rap stations, and those were added. The main verticle cracks are all gear placements. The rest of the rock is featured but not great pro wise. It would be interesting to scope it out more closely though.


Oct 14, 2009, 8:50 PM
Post #187 of 1159 (25377 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Nice TR! That first pic of the crag with the two cars in the foreground makes the cliff look much smaller than it is.

Looks like a nice place to climb tough. Some good rock there.

Yea funny that about the pics. There are a couple topos here on the knob, and the second pitch looks short way short. But on the Tree Root, a 50m rope will not reach, and a 60m is just long enough. Also, people will stand at the base and say that the P1 anchor is 100' or less. Its not. I yarded off my 50m rope and its 130-140 feet.


Oct 14, 2009, 8:53 PM
Post #188 of 1159 (25375 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Nice photos and well written!

I like the alternating photo sequence of you and Rob on the 8+.

Sounds like you all had a good time, and gave a friend a nice intro to climbing.


Thanks! I thought it would be cool to mix up the pics like that. Our friend took the pics of me, as my wife belayed me, but once I had Rob on belay from above, my wife took over the camera and snapped some of Rob.

She had a blast and was happily introduced to the sport. If we take her again, we'd like to take her to some steeper limestone where there are bigger holds... a whole different form of climbing.

IMO granite is the best rock type to learn on... gives you good habits and techniques.


Oct 14, 2009, 8:55 PM
Post #189 of 1159 (25372 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
boymeetsrock wrote:
Nice TR! That first pic of the crag with the two cars in the foreground makes the cliff look much smaller than it is.

Looks like a nice place to climb tough. Some good rock there.

Yea funny that about the pics. There are a couple topos here on the knob, and the second pitch looks short way short. But on the Tree Root, a 50m rope will not reach, and a 60m is just long enough. Also, people will stand at the base and say that the P1 anchor is 100' or less. Its not. I yarded off my 50m rope and its 130-140 feet.

There's certainly some foreshortening happening there! Hah! Looks like a great place to climb though.

Perhaps in your future scoping for new lines, you can lower each other from a belay out over a face and climb back up with a top rope. Make sure to take some prussiks in case you need to bypass a blank section.


Oct 14, 2009, 9:23 PM
Post #190 of 1159 (25368 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
So, the opportunity presented itself this past weekend and we headed to E-Rock in the hope of getting on a few routes. A larger group was planned, with friends from College Station, as well as my wife and her colleague (a pure beginner). With the rain that ensued however, the larger contingent bailed, leaving just me, my wife and her friend.

Despite a down-sized group and the threat of rain, we had a great time! Actually our small party was perfect and although the rain delayed climbing until Saturday, we still managed a few climbs on the Backside throughout the (what ended up being) glorious day. It was in essence an introduction for our friend to the joys of climbing, so grades weren't a focus... just enjoyment.


Clouds hung around until midday, giving us a cool seige on the New Wall... we were the first to arrive and set up on Sweat (5.6). I lead it, so the girls could TR No Sweat (5.5) and and then Sweat. For both my wife and I it had been just over six months since we touched rock and so it was nice to get on some easy terrain. It was also our first visit to the backside (except for Deep Prok, which I had climbed two years ago). I tell ya though, Sweat is certainly sustained 5.6 (if you can say that about a 5.6...heh!).

The wifey showing off her noo harness on No Sweat

After attacking Sweat, I thought I'd try the bolted line to the right (Pro Sweat 5.9), since it looked possible for me. It was wet at the bottom but I figured I needed a confidence boost, as I hadn't climbed a 5.9 since May 08. Besides, it has bolts! It was slick down low and it took me a bit to get that first bolt clipped, but once I was on the face and chalked up my toes I felt solid the whole way. Beautiful climb!

Our pure beginner friend, showing us a spontaneously-inspired new technique... the shin-jam!

The hords had turned up by this time, so we decided to escape the noise and head to Devil's Slide... and introduce our friend to some slab technique. We hopped on the furthest line on the right, which I guess was the first pitch of Mark Of The Beast; a 5.6 (also known as Christine's Variation??). My plan was to lead up to the anchors, then have the girls come up one at a time, for me to then lower them back to the ground. That way, I could most effectively give them a TR (since it's so long) and possibly snap a couple of pics while having them on an autoblock. The plan worked great and our friend padded her way up the whole pitch in her own full-speed-ahead-so-I-don't-freak-out time.

Me on Pro Sweat (5.9)

Here, my wife floats up the 5.6 slab.


By then the sun was out in full force, casting shadows across the slabs, and the afternoon was absolutely beautiful!

It was around then that somebody appeared from the trail to the base of the wall and declared that he may know who we were.... because of my accent! Hahahaa! It was none other than Justroberto!

The girls were done for the day, but I still had a climb in me, so Rob and I teamed up to try the first pitch of the new bolted route Kracken (5.8+). It was a great pitch and well worth the effort. It took me a short moment or two to get the right sequence over the overlap, but I figured it out (dunno if it's the right way, but it worked). A couple other 5.8 slab sections above that got me to the belay, where I brought up Rob. Overall, a great climb and certainly a 5.8!

Me getting from the first bolt to the overlap.

Rob checking out options.

Mounting the overlap.

The 5.8 slab above.

A fun day, with great weather, was had by all.

Sunday came but blew in a drizzle and that ended any plans we thought we might have had, but we were happy with the climbing we did... around 400ft for the girls and about 700ft for me. I also got my head back on lead and am already promising myself greater things for the coming year.... we'll see how that turns out! Heh!!
Nice, crazy overlap eh?
Cool pics of the area and the climbing.


Oct 15, 2009, 1:20 AM
Post #191 of 1159 (25351 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:


Me at the top of Ending Crack

Sweet, dude. Sounds like a fun weekend with you getting on both routes you wanted to get on. The place looks as if it has good climbing. Some nice topo pics there.

Gotta hit the sunscreen sooner, though. Laugh

Sunscreen, whats that.
Hey, and this was only the first day.
Yes, I'm stoked to have made it after a number of false starts, and aborted plans. So its all good. I thought I'd get more pitches in though. But really we got some good climbing in, and were plenty sore to show for it. A good kind of sore.
I think the area could yield more routes, but is kind of out of the main climbing circles of town. And it is a long standing trad area. All the main routes were well established over 20 years ago. Also, much of the new routes would need some bolts to make them reasonably protected. The only bolts are at the belay/rap stations, and those were added. The main verticle cracks are all gear placements. The rest of the rock is featured but not great pro wise. It would be interesting to scope it out more closely though.

I wonder if any of these other routes you speak of have actually been done (bold?).


Jan 19, 2010, 1:07 AM
Post #192 of 1159 (25261 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Weekend warrior (occasional) strikes again.

New Jack City, for the first time.
Quick write up for quick trip.

Well a buddy sent me an email last Tuesday, inviting me out to NJC. NJC is a sport climbing destination, and there's a lot of hard routes, 10 and up. I don't climb that hard, but there are some routes there in my level of ability.
Then he sends me a message on FB, NJC is a no go. He's got a prior fishing commitment, and the leader of the Indian climbing gang is out of town. OK
So I call my other climbing partner, nope Saturday is his son's BDay.
Then I get another FB message, NJC is on. OK, lets hit it.
So we take his Smart car, since its a 2 hour drive. Actually roomy inside, for two. NJC is not as far as I thought, bonus. Hit the rock and its cold, but realitively crowded. Especially at Boy Scout Rock. Home of nearly everything 5.8 and lower.
My bud walks up to a climb. Lead this one to the anchors and we'll TR the other two under it. I look at it, a little steep at the bottom. I move to the left one. Looks doable rack some draws and tie in.
I step up the opening moves, steep but not a problem, try to reach the first bolt. Too low. Next move a little less secure, but OK. Clip and go. Move up and to the left. Sort through the moves, but my hands a getting cold. Fingers are hurting bad, cold stinging numbing pain. Was 45 when we pulled in, and I'm a bit under dressed for the weather.
Lower off to warm up. Bud wants to give it a go, as he's done it before, just not on lead. OK, I had my try, and froze off. He climbs past my bolt and to the left, same as me. Then I see it, the moves are right there. Soon as I see them, so does he, and pulls on through. He has his issues with the cold rock too, but gets it done. Sets up the anchor, and lowers off.
My hands are warm by now, I pull the opening, work up the rock, clean the draws, nothing major. Take a quick rest on a couple stances, but other wise move on up no falls and lower off.
Left Flank, 5.10a. Nah. Not that hard. Hand holds were all good. Footholds all solid, more like a good 5.9.
We swing to the rope to the right just a little. Make a Way, 5.10a. That's more like a 10. I don't I really do the route, fell a couple times, Make my own Way you would say. I stemmed the chimney to the right further up than the route really goes. Then moved to the left, really onto the middle route.
My bud gives it another go, rather than the middle, breaks down the anchor, raps off.
Now the group to our right really is all over the 5.8's, but I think the 5.6 past them is open. Anyrate, he wants to do Raven Rocks, and a 5.9, Rob Rambunctious Ride. And finally some good sun. I rack up and tie in. First two bolts no problem. But thats it. Next move is an angled foothold with a sloper hand hold two feet to the left and up a little from the bolt. Hmm. What to do. Look around to the right, nope. Back at the left. Tired, lower off. Bud ties in, climbs past the bolts. Gives the move an assesment, and an honest go. Better than me. Falls and swings. He lowers off, forearms too tired. I rope in, climb to the top bolt, and unclip it, down climb, unclip the first bolt, down climb. Call it a day.


Jan 19, 2010, 2:10 PM
Post #193 of 1159 (25230 views)

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Nice Don!! Sounds like a good day!

I've been psyched lately to hit the climbing gym. A new gym just opened in town and the floor is really squishy ! Tongue

I'm itching for Spring! Thanks for sharing, and adding to the winter stoke!!



Jan 19, 2010, 3:19 PM
Post #194 of 1159 (25217 views)

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Glad you finally got out. Been too long.

Don't know how you could handle the cold like that. I'd be in too much pain.


Jan 19, 2010, 3:26 PM
Post #195 of 1159 (25213 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Glad you finally got out. Been too long.

Don't know how you could handle the cold like that. I'd be in too much pain.
Actually, I got out two weeks ago to Big Rock, my closest crag. I was a bit tired and didn't do much climbing, although I did do the lead to set up the TR and the last climb to break down the anchor. I also belayed my boys a bunch. Althouygh that was the first time since first of Oct.
NJC was cold, and I only had a light sweat shirt and nylon shell pants, it was supposed to be warmer. Haha. But the only thing that bothered me was my fingers. But by the time my bud finished the lead they stopped hurting. A good day though.
Thanks for the feedback guys.


Jan 19, 2010, 3:32 PM
Post #196 of 1159 (25209 views)

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Sounds like you've found a place to push some limits, Don. Good jorb! Great to hear of people getting out on rock while most of the country is icing it up.

I should be getting out in Feb... finally... since Oct.


Jan 19, 2010, 5:41 PM
Post #197 of 1159 (25185 views)

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Re: [kachoong] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
Sounds like you've found a place to push some limits, Don. Good jorb! Great to hear of people getting out on rock while most of the country is icing it up.

I should be getting out in Feb... finally... since Oct.

Stand by, more ice/snow/rain coming your way.


Jan 20, 2010, 3:24 AM
Post #198 of 1159 (25158 views)

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Re: [epoch] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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epoch wrote:
I will not read your blog.

me too.


Jan 20, 2010, 1:45 PM
Post #199 of 1159 (25145 views)

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Re: [tradrenn] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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tradrenn wrote:
epoch wrote:
I will not read your blog.

me too.

You responded to an eight month old post just to be a dick?

Nice. Unsure


Jan 21, 2010, 1:05 AM
Post #200 of 1159 (25109 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
tradrenn wrote:
epoch wrote:
I will not read your blog.

me too.

You responded to an eight month old post just to be a dick?

Nice. Unsure

Oops, I did it again.

(This post was edited by tradrenn on Jan 21, 2010, 1:06 AM)


Apr 5, 2010, 5:18 PM
Post #201 of 1159 (27782 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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It's baaa-ack!

time to revive the Weekend Warrior thread for 2010.

This is three weekends compiled into one, short post called: Living and Climbing in Maine

"I've been away for too long, and yet it sometimes feels as if it isn't long enough. My roots are firmly planted in Downeast Maine, but I haven't watered them for years. When I decided to go halfway home - to the Midcoast instead of Downeast - I walked away from the young, dynamic, and fast atmosphere in Boston to the slow, easy-going pace that settles one's soul into a peaceful lullabye of Sunday drives and careless lives."


Apr 7, 2010, 3:02 AM
Post #202 of 1159 (27727 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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As many of you know I had two surgeries on my feet in November. Last Thursday (April 1st) my doctor officially declared that my surgeries were a failure and dismissively told me to find a new sport. My feet are so much worse than before surgery. I am in pain every step I take. As such, I haven't climbed since the surgery.

Well, Mitch (the love of my life) made some metal inserts for my rock climbing shoes and I tried climbing last Saturday and SUnday. While I only lead gunks moderates, I was reasonably comfortable. I would say my pain was about a 5 out of 10. Not bad, not great, manageable. Mitch is working on a more permanent solution for my shoes, I have to figure out pain medication and new climbing techniques (during my last lead on Saturday, I actually threw a knee up rather than use my toes!). I think it's going to be several more weeks before I have the confidence to attempt anything harder than a 7.

I have been working with a personal trainer all winter, so I have actually been able to build my strength, although I haven't been able to any gym climbing conditioning. I am hoping to try gym climbing soon, but, I don't want to push my feet too hard. I would rather "save" them for my gunks weekends.

We will climb again this weekend and I will do more runs to get used to my new "normal". Truth be told I am devastated and heartbroken. Those emotions won't change anything so I am just trying to muscle through this bump in the road.

More next Sunday...


Apr 7, 2010, 5:27 AM
Post #203 of 1159 (27719 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Good for you, and nice to hear.

Grades are numbers meant to very roughly reflect difficulty. They work on averages - i.e. the average person is this fit and has this physiology - BUT they don't reflect the difficulties thrown in your way.

We all go through a period where we go down grades, either due to age, injury, lifestyle, whatever. As long as we're going up pieces of rock, there's hope.

And hey, who knows, you might start campussing overhung routes if you keep up all the strength work.


Apr 7, 2010, 7:39 PM
Post #204 of 1159 (27692 views)

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Wow Gail,

This is both tough to read and good to read all at the same time. Despite your pain and the difficulties that you've had, I'm really happy that you're finding a solution. In fact, I'm damn impressed that you're even leading, let alone thinking that 5.7 is the toughest you'll get to. I'm perfectly healthy and 5.7 in the 'Gunks is plenty challenge enough for me on most days. Cool

Keep up the good work and hopefully we'll meet up this year...



Apr 25, 2010, 2:05 PM
Post #205 of 1159 (27531 views)

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Rain Rain Go Away

We enjoyed a gorgeous day on Saturday at the gunks. But, I have never seen the place SOOOO crowded. It was absolutely insane. That said, we managed to get on Thin Slabs Direct (the third pitch is where it's at, what a fun climb), Sente, Directissima and Doubleissima. We actually arrived at the base of HIgh E at around 4PM and no one was there. What a shock! (There was a bit of wait on the HIgh E ledge, with a few parties backed up).

My new feet were not happy with my choice of warm up; thin slabs. Thin and slab are not good combination for someone who cannot push off her toes. That said, I managed to lead the climb and was ultimately happy with my ascent. Sente is another climb that was stupid for me to do. Slabby and delicate, it takes excellent footwork and toe control. My toes are terrible and the pain is not worth the effort. I very much enjoyed Directissima and DOubleissima. I love overhanging jug hauls. It suits my climbing style and my new feet. I guess I will have to concentrate on those types of climbs. Right now, they are above my lead capability, but, as a second they were an easy "float" for me. My personal trainer made me much stronger than I was before surgery, so even though I hadn't climbed since October, I am able to work the steep stuff.

I sure hope that Saturday's crowds are NOT indicative of the summer to come. If so, I think I will work on the weekends and climb during the week. It was crazy crowded, there was a party of 8 top roping the first pitch of arrow (never going up to the second pitch). It was pissing everyone off (there was a "buzz" at the base and everyone was grumbling).

It's raining today, we will do yard work in the rain so that we don't have to waste any climbing days up here. I have weeds to pull, Azaleas to plant and mulching. I guess I will be very wet by the end of the day.


Apr 25, 2010, 3:02 PM
Post #206 of 1159 (27524 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Rain Rain Go Away

We enjoyed a gorgeous day on Saturday at the gunks. But, I have never seen the place SOOOO crowded. It was absolutely insane. That said, we managed to get on Thin Slabs Direct (the third pitch is where it's at, what a fun climb), Sente, Directissima and Doubleissima. We actually arrived at the base of HIgh E at around 4PM and no one was there. What a shock! (There was a bit of wait on the HIgh E ledge, with a few parties backed up).

My new feet were not happy with my choice of warm up; thin slabs. Thin and slab are not good combination for someone who cannot push off her toes. That said, I managed to lead the climb and was ultimately happy with my ascent. Sente is another climb that was stupid for me to do. Slabby and delicate, it takes excellent footwork and toe control. My toes are terrible and the pain is not worth the effort. I very much enjoyed Directissima and DOubleissima. I love overhanging jug hauls. It suits my climbing style and my new feet. I guess I will have to concentrate on those types of climbs. Right now, they are above my lead capability, but, as a second they were an easy "float" for me. My personal trainer made me much stronger than I was before surgery, so even though I hadn't climbed since October, I am able to work the steep stuff.

Gail, the difference in tone between this post and your last one is happily different. I'm glad that you're working through the process and climbing through the pain. It sounds as if the pain sucks and will be a problem for a while to come, but hey, if you're getting out still then it means you're not simply giving up. That's awesome. I can't wait to hear how the season progresses.

In reply to:
I sure hope that Saturday's crowds are NOT indicative of the summer to come. If so, I think I will work on the weekends and climb during the week. It was crazy crowded, there was a party of 8 top roping the first pitch of arrow (never going up to the second pitch). It was pissing everyone off (there was a "buzz" at the base and everyone was grumbling).

I'm surprised no one said anything. I've been there when a guide has set up a TR and I've talked with him and said I'm going up anyway. On two occassions it worked out well. One one of those occassions the guide let me go ahead of him even though he was close to heading up himself, and on the other occassion he came up after me and we worked out space on the anchor. On the one occassion where it didn't work out well the guide got kind of pissy, but I went anyway and made him work around me at the anchor. We rapped right over his clients, too. Didn't give a shit.

When people are cool about things, then everything is cool. When people aren't, well... I understand why Arrow makes for a decent TR, and I don't really complain about that, per se, but I'll certainly complain if the TR folks aren't willing to work in other people. I'm really surprised no one stepped in and took the climb away.


Apr 26, 2010, 1:08 AM
Post #207 of 1159 (27497 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:

I sure hope that Saturday's crowds are NOT indicative of the summer to come. If so, I think I will work on the weekends and climb during the week. It was crazy crowded, there was a party of 8 top roping the first pitch of arrow (never going up to the second pitch). It was pissing everyone off (there was a "buzz" at the base and everyone was grumbling).

If you are able to climb during the week, I don't know why you are there on the weekend. As far as crowds go, though, I have never had a problem with finding open climbs. But, I agree, gang toproping one of the most popular climbs on the cliff is bad form. I did a few classics last week, though, that I didn't see anyone lining up for Wink.



Apr 26, 2010, 8:43 PM
Post #208 of 1159 (27436 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gail glad to hear you are out and climbing. I was down Monday and Tuesday then Friday and Saturday. I was keeping an eye out for you.

M&T were totally deserted, almost to the point of being spooky. Had someone new to the Gunks with me so we were nailing all classics. Just walk up, drop the rope and go. P1 Erect Direction to CCK Direct was the highpoint, great fun.

F&S were busy. On Saturday, similar to the Arrow Wall situation, a group of about 10 people in their early 20's occupied Ant's Line, Bonnie's and Ursula from 10 AM to past 4 PM. One of them aided up Ant's Line taking over 1&1/2 hour to do so. They weren't obnoxious just oblivious. In retrospect I probably should have gently asked them to consider the impact of their behavior on others. Just to get them thinking about etiquette just a bit. But I was feeling just a bit too mellow to do so.

We did In The Groove, Alpine Diversion, P1 of C&C and Groovy waiting to get on Ant's Line before giving up and moving on. So on the upside the weather, companions and climbing were great both days.

So Josh when were you down and what were some of the highlights?



Apr 27, 2010, 1:44 AM
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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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We were there Last Weekend (4/18 & 19). We did Sente to Thin Slabs Direct, Cheap Thrills, Tough Shift, Something Interesting, The Dangler, Graveyard Shift, and Overhang Layback.

Was a good time!



Apr 28, 2010, 3:14 AM
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Bill, Will you be there this weekend? Mitch is going camping with his brothers and I need a partner on Sunday. You game? Gail


Apr 28, 2010, 9:27 AM
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Gail --- Would love to but I have a family thing on Sunday so will not be available. --- Bill


Apr 29, 2010, 2:21 PM
Post #212 of 1159 (27291 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
I sure hope that Saturday's crowds are NOT indicative of the summer to come. If so, I think I will work on the weekends and climb during the week. It was crazy crowded, there was a party of 8 top roping the first pitch of arrow (never going up to the second pitch). It was pissing everyone off (there was a "buzz" at the base and everyone was grumbling).

Oh boy, that's unfortunate. Unsure This year I've been making an effort to avoid the trapps for this reason. So far of 5 days at the gunks, only 1 of those was at the trapps. Between a party gang-toproping the first (mediocre, and 5.fucking6) pitch of arrow, and another party gang toproping ants' line all day (a f'in 80 foot single pitch route!) I don't think i'll be returning to the trapps unless i'm going midweek.

Anyone want to do the moderate classics at millbrook? Shoot me a pm.


Apr 30, 2010, 2:29 AM
Post #213 of 1159 (27260 views)

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Re: [mr.tastycakes] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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we may head to millbrook on Saturday.


May 2, 2010, 4:32 AM
Post #214 of 1159 (27203 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:

We were there Last Weekend (4/18 & 19). We did Sente to Thin Slabs Direct, Cheap Thrills, Tough Shift, Something Interesting, The Dangler, Graveyard Shift, and Overhang Layback.

Was a good time!


Sente to Thin Slabs Direct is excellent--especially if you don't use the bolts. Cool



May 2, 2010, 1:38 PM
Post #215 of 1159 (27186 views)

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Re: [curt] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I don't post much here on, but I want to chime in to say that to see that Gail is out there climbing hard despite the toe problems is a total inspiration to me. I broke my ankle last October on Insuhlation, and although I am more or less completely recovered (the ankle still gets stiff and sore, at random times), I'm still a great deal less fit than I was before the accident and I am slowly working my way back to the level I reached last year. I am determined to get there, though, and Gail's progress reminds me that it is possible!

My own weekend warrior story, from yesterday:

I went up to the Gunks with the idea that I'd just try to get more comfortable again with 5.6s and 5.7s, not try to push too hard, focus on being healthy. It was only my second time outside this season; during my first outing in March I thought 5.6s were challenging, and I felt like my head wasn't quite right. I was very tentative.

I had it in mind yesterday that maybe we'd try to do Bloody Mary. I thought this would be good for me because it is a 5.7 I haven't done, and it used to be rated 5.6 so it can't be that bad. And the second (5.6) pitch sounded really cool. The first two pitches were great. I loved the first pitch, and the second pitch was even better. Really a thrilling overhanging traverse after the first roof, with really good foot and handholds. I can't think of another 5.6 in the Gunks where you have to place gear-- at least a couple pieces if you're thinking of yourself AND your second-- in such an overhanging position. (Maybe the second pitch of Bold-ville, but that one isn't as overhanging.) And it still seems fair at 5.6. Really nice moves, and it's all there. Unfortunately the third pitch sucked (dirty, run-out, eventually a bushwhack).

We rapped down the Arch/Ribs bolts, and then when we got back to our stuff I realized that despite how crowded it was in the Trapps, Drunkard's Delight and Morning After were open. So I thought we should jump on one of them. Only problem is both have first pitches rated 5.8-, and both feature scary thin face climbing right off the deck with scant pro. Looking at them, though, I felt like I could do Drunkard's. I was feeling good, 5.7 had felt totally comfy, like an easy chair. Williams says "small cam protects bouldery start," and I thought I could see where he meant this small cam to go. I also thought I spied another placement for a similar cam at around the same height to the left. So I started up, made two moves, and then placed one cam (red C3) about 8-10 feet up. Then I made a delicate move to the right to get into the business of the pitch. While I was still on a good foothold, I could just barely lean over to get my tiny purple Metolius 4CU into the spot where I think Williams wants you to put a cam. I got it in and it seemed like it was decent. Then I committed to the low crux of the route. I believe I got the correct smeary footholds and the proper slopey handholds, and I was then able to get my right foot onto the next good hold and start to rock up to a stance. I ALMOST made it. I'm pretty sure my approach was sound. But then I fell. And both cams held, my partner Liz was not lifted off her feet, and I was kept off the deck by my two good micro cams with about two feet to spare. But damn it all, somehow in the fall I hit my right ankle (the same fucking ankle I broke last fall), and it seemed like it could be very slightly sprained. It was immediately sore.

But I could still climb on the ankle, it seemed, and I almost got the crux the first time, so I started up again. But I was more tentative the second time, and I didn't feel I had it when I started the move, so I had Liz take and then lower me. And then I started up a third time. But before I committed to the hard move I suddenly thought, out loud, "why am I doing this?" Risking repeated lead falls ten feet off the ground, protected by micro cams, on a known ankle-breaker of a route. Such idiocy. This was not the plan. Just then two guys walked up who were hoping to climb the route, so I told them to have at it and asked them to retrieve my gear, which they did.

So after a brief regrouping we went and climed Maria. Such a great route. And my partner Liz got her first 5.6 lead (5.6+!) by doing the second pitch. My bum ankle stiffened and swelled a bit while I waited to follow the second pitch, but I still led the third pitch anyway, and it was no problem.

On the plus side I felt much more like myself climbing today than I did in March. And this morning the ankle is already a little better; I hope it will be back to its prior slightly damaged state in a couple days.

(This post was edited by sethg on May 2, 2010, 2:03 PM)


May 2, 2010, 10:52 PM
Post #216 of 1159 (27157 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I love Blood Mary, P1 is fun, P2 is Super Great!

Gunks Saturday:
Since Mitch was spending the weekend with his brothers in West Virginia, I climbed with Michael on Saturday. I knew I would be in for a big day, since MIchael routinely warms up on 10's and then we move up from there.

We started up Alpine Diversions (worthless P1) but Michael kept going up and ran the second pitch variation (10b) of Obstacle Dilusion. At the time, I did not know were were on a 10b, felt a little stiff for an 8!

Michael was feeling like he wanted to do something "hard" so we hit Ridiculissima (10D). MIchael ran P1/P2 together and when he took a hang at the crux I figured I would really be in trouble. Actually, I did fine on the climb. I took one hang right below the roof crux (I was so pumped, I cleaned and racked a lot of gear while enroute). We did a third pitch off the GT ledge (the first crack after High E). Ridiculissima is great climb, but, it will be eons before I ever lead this one!

We then went to run all three pitches of Erect Direction. I was really beat on the first pitch and I knew P2 was a "the second must not fall" type of climb (apparently you can't get back on the climb). I begged off and we walked on the GT ledge to P2 of Keep on Struttin. Michael struggled to get off the ledge (no gear the "easy" way), gear the hard way. He ended up placing gear to the right then traversing left to start the climb. Well, I went up to clean the gear and tried the direct start several times and I could not get it. By this time, the rope was so tight, I could not traverse left. MIchael had to lower me to the ledge and then I started all over again. It's hard to believe that P2/P3 are 9's! P2 had a crazy crazy traverse (protected by a bolt and some gear) with NO feet. THe traverse was pretty burly. Once you do the traverse you pull the roof and head up to a pristine white face. It's daunting looking, but, the holds all emerge as you climb. I felt P2 was significantly harder than a 9. (Last season I put up my first 9, trust me, it did not compare to this climb...this was wayyyy harder.) We were both exhausted and called it a day.


Patrick and I met at 730 and ran four pitches in the Nears. Patrick had housework so our plan was to to get in a quick workout. We did Layback (I had never done Layback) and found the opening, unprotected run outside the chimney somewhat dicey. The layback was fun (longer than I expected). P2 is a delight and would be quite a lead for a new leader. Easy, but very exposed climbing.

We ran up Roseland and then set a TR on Shitface. Shitface us a great climb with a trickly little crux. I know there is a "secret" hold up there, I always forget where it is.

Looking forward to next weekend; I am gong to lead p1 of Baby. (I have lead P2 many times, but, the offwidth always scared me). We are now proud parents of a #5 (thank you cam club at rock and snow, our #5 was 1/2 price) and I am eager to use it on Baby. From there, who knows? Maybe Son of Easy O.

I am getting used to my new feet, they hurt all the time, but, I can use my outside edges fairly effectively. I am working hard to be "technical", working my feet and trying NOT to use just upper body strength.


May 7, 2010, 4:44 PM
Post #217 of 1159 (27070 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Cross posted from the PCI

We set off at about 9:30 to head for the Lost Wall with My friend Drew, his girlfriend Danya, my girlfriend Tatum, and myself. The ride goes fine. I don't have an inkling of fear and I am really looking forward to the day ahead. The company ensures that we will be staying on easy routes, but that was perfectly ok with me. We get to the wall and I get ready to lead Steggo (5.6 PG 13). I climb up about fifteen feet and place my first piece, a small steel nut, and I am shaking. I am on super easy climbing, feet on ledges, and I am shaking. Every possible bad situation goes running through my head. I climb another 15 feet and place a blue TCU. This time, with my feet on even better ledges, I shake once again. I imagine my friends having to watch me plummet to the ground. It is almost too much to bare. I climb another 10 feet set a micro nut and a sideways stopper. I mantle on a ledge and place a yellow tcu about 4 feet above the last piece. I am gripped with fear. This 5.6 feels like an X rated 5.12. The gear is all solid but I can't seem to shake the fear no matter how hard I try. I climb another fifteen feet and arrive at the base of a vertical seam. It looks difficult. I place a bomber .75, a truck grey DMM Peenut, and a yellow stopper. Every piece of gear was bomber, but I couldn't even bring my self to trust all three together. I was shaking hard again, but I knew I had to go for it. The finishing moves up the seam actually turned out to be the easiest moves on the route somehow, and I built an anchor off this massive tree. I lower, exhausted. My girlfriend tells me I looked scared, I tell her I was. My friends all top rope the route and Drew takes down the anchor. A spider is attacking a silkworm dangling from a tree. I take a picture with my new film camera. Hopefully, it will turn out.

We move on to the next climb, Guzzler (5.8). It is a beautiful crack that varies from fists to ringlocks. It was the route that we came to lost wall to climb as my crack technique could use some work. I gear up and set off. The route is really fun. I sew it up with gear, but this time I am not so scared. Uncharacteristically nervous, yes, but not scared. The crux comes with pulling a roof into a finger crack. The first jam is a super solid finger lock followed by an index and middle finger tips lock. I frantically search for the next hold and pitch off. I get back on and find a semi hidden hold and finish the route. Drew climbs it once on toprope, flailing a bunch on the upper crux but eventually getting to the top. It is Danya's turn next. She has never climber before, but she is rearing to go. She cruises through the opening hand jam bulge then saunters up the rest of the crack to the base of the roof. At this point she is not that confident, but she gives it a go. She throws a knee bar under the roof and attempts the moves. She falls. She tries again and falls. She is getting rather frustrated and wants Drew to let her down. He says he will if she tries one more time. She tries and makes it, rather impressive for a first times, and she comes down smiling even though she is covered in blood. Tough chick. I climb Guzzler again on top rope so I cam work on my crack technique and take down the the anchor. The scramble down was quite uneventful.

We take a break for lunch, and I go to take pictures of this gorgeous waterfall. It free falls fifty feet and behind it is this deep and tall cave. If fixed gear was allowed, the most classic sport climb ever would climb up the arch behind the water fall. It is bright day but partly cloudy. My goal was to take a picture with a super fast shutter speed in order to freeze the waterfall. I had enough light for 1/2000 of a second, but then a cloud came over head. Drats, I was so close. I was about to give up when the cloud moved, exposing the sun once again. I could not get the 2000 shutter speed again, but I did get a shot with 1000 and two with 750. Hopefully they will come out pretty cool. I go back to Guzzler and pack up my gear.

Our next objective is Booze and Broads, a perfect 5.9 hands corner capped by a massive roof. I am really excited about this climb. We cross the river and make our way to the climb. On the way, we pass the prehistoric wall, home of 5 amazing looking 5.11+ to b 5.12 climbs. If I ever go back to lost wall, it will be to get on those. We trek on but I can tell my team is weary. I forgot to say that it was 90 degrees and humid outside, hardly ideal weather for hiking or climbing. We reach Didn't Make it to Sunset (5.8), and decide to climb it and call it a day. DMitS follows a hands to fingers crack to a small roof followed by crimpy face climbing to the top. I start climbing, placing a 1 and 2 Camalot almost on top of each other. The crack was disgusting, wet and dirty, and I was feeling pretty insecure. I make a few moves into finger jams and set an Orange TCU about 6 feet above my last piece. I am shaking like a madman, overcome with completely irrational fear. I make it to the base of the roof and see a perfect spot for a 2 Camalot and feel like an idiot for placing it one foot from another piece. I do find a small slot for a blue tcu though, so my mind is somewhat at ease. I pull the roof on crimps, and that ease immediately disappears. I am freaking out. I place a 4 inch metolious cam in the adjacent wide crack, and keep moving. After a few face moves I place a 00 cam and finish the route. No one else wants to climb it so I rap off the fixed cord. I am pretty exhausted. We head home, and everyone falls asleep in the car except for me.

My lead head is about a hundredth of what it was before Josh's death, but I think I made a lot a progress yesterday because I never felt as bad on the other climbs as I did on the first. Anyways, I hope that wasn't to long. I should have broken it up into parts for the spirit of PCI. Thanks for reading.

(This post was edited by johnwesely on May 8, 2010, 3:11 PM)


May 7, 2010, 5:04 PM
Post #218 of 1159 (27061 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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sethg wrote:
But damn it all, somehow in the fall I hit my right ankle (the same fucking ankle I broke last fall), and it seemed like it could be very slightly sprained. It was immediately sore.

I battled that all last year. take it easy. it will sprain over and over again. I had to give up climbing a couple of times for a couple of months each time just to let it heal. staying on easy stuff, even when you think you're ok to push it, may be best until you're absolutely sure.

I sprained the same ankle four times in 2009. the final three times were simply reaggravations of the first one, with two being mild and one being both a reaggravation and a whole new sprain in different parts.

In reply to:
So after a brief regrouping we went and climed Maria. Such a great route. And my partner Liz got her first 5.6 lead (5.6+!) by doing the second pitch. My bum ankle stiffened and swelled a bit while I waited to follow the second pitch, but I still led the third pitch anyway, and it was no problem.

On the plus side I felt much more like myself climbing today than I did in March. And this morning the ankle is already a little better; I hope it will be back to its prior slightly damaged state in a couple days.

nice. way to keep at it. just keep an eye out for bad falls.


May 7, 2010, 5:05 PM
Post #219 of 1159 (27060 views)

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Re: [johnwesely] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losing a climbing friend is tough. keep your head and keep climbing. you'll find it all works itself out over time.


May 7, 2010, 8:51 PM
Post #220 of 1159 (27036 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I hear you, Greg. It's hard to take it easy, though. Recovery is BORING. I don't care if I limp when I walk, so long as I can climb! I'm dying to get back to working on the 5.9s, but I don't know if it will happen this year. I have to set realistic goals and be better about sticking to them.

John, I can relate to your head issues. I appreciate your honesty in writing about them, and I hope your upcoming residency at the Gunks will allow you to put them behind you!


May 7, 2010, 9:48 PM
Post #221 of 1159 (27019 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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sethg wrote:
I hear you, Greg. It's hard to take it easy, though. Recovery is BORING. I don't care if I limp when I walk, so long as I can climb! I'm dying to get back to working on the 5.9s, but I don't know if it will happen this year. I have to set realistic goals and be better about sticking to them.

John, I can relate to your head issues. I appreciate your honesty in writing about them, and I hope your upcoming residency at the Gunks will allow you to put them behind you!

I hear you there...Crazy


May 8, 2010, 1:29 PM
Post #222 of 1159 (26987 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Rain Rain Go Away Version 2.0! (Does it always rain every time I want to climb at the gunks?)

Mitch and I headed to the Nears at 5PM on Friday evening. I had big "plans", warm up on Gelsa and do my first lead of Roseland. Alas, my biorhythms must have been at an all time low for "physical" and "mental". I was dropping stuff, missing my clips, every move felt like a 5.12, I was run out, couldn't find pro etc.

I took one look at Roseland and figured I had better wait since I was in such a crappy climbing frame of mind. We ran up grease gun groove and once again everything felt hard. I am glad I didn't do Roseland!

It's raining hard here this morning (lots of thunder and lightning). It's supposed to clear up by noonish and then get windy. I am hoping that the winds will dry the rock and we will get out in the late afternoon. In the mean time, I need to get rid of this horrible stiff neck and deep sense of forboding. On second thought, I might be better off not climbing...

The sun burst through in the noonish range and there were fierce winds all afternoon. We hit the cliff at 4 and it was totally dry. It was windy, cold, but we had some fun climbing Baby, Twisted Sister and Easy O. Much more relaxed today, I felt much better climbing.

(This post was edited by gblauer on May 9, 2010, 12:39 AM)


May 8, 2010, 2:42 PM
Post #223 of 1159 (26980 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Wow Gail re: Gunks Saturday - you are really climbing hard! Great job! You are going to be bored coming out with me and my 5.8/5.9- leading but would be pleasure to follow you on whatever you want to do. You may be antsy about the rate of your recovery but it seems you are getting there. Roseland - some days you are on, some days you aren't. The climb isn't going anywhere. Regarding today - blah! Got a hard couple of hours in bouldering at Crow Hill yesterday knowing it would be lousy today. Hope you guys get out this PM.

Josh -- impressive ticks!!! Next time we are down there at the same time would love to get a climb or two in together.

Greg & Seth - and I know you have heard this before Greg also Seth not sure nature of your PT post injury, so this maybe old news to you as well - very severely sprained my ankle playing ice hockey a number of years ago. Stumbled around on it for nearly a year, re-spraining it several times before going to see an orthopedist. He tells me that with severe sprains you atrophy muscles and nerves and that you need to rebuild muscle and retrain nerves or it is never going to get really better. Never thought PT was terribly useful, now truly a true believer. Hot, cold massages, ultrasound treatments to get rid of deep, residual swelling and progressive rehab of muscle and nerve 3 months later all good and have been since. Subsequently, early in my trad career, in separate falls resprained and broken fifth metatarsal. Both times back to PT. both times ankle AOK. It has been 5 years since the last injury. Nevertheless I remain very leery of situations right off the ground or off ledges where a fall could risk impact. I have had issues following Farewell to Arms and have backed off Handy Andy and City Lights, have yet to lead Diagonal at Crow Hill; all well within my climbing ability; due to concerns of how a slip could result in injury. It doesn't take much to screw up an ankle. Just isn't worth it to me to lose climbing time and have to work through rehab and reconditioning once again.

Regarding coming back off injury or layoff - hardly climbed at all for 9 months. When I came back I was having head trouble with 5.5s at the Gunks, 6 months later cruised up Bonnie's which I had never been on before and my highest rated climb at the Gunks. It takes awhile but it does come back. Good luck with it Seth.

John - Thanks for sharing. Sorry for your loss. Hang in there.

PS from the length of this post you can tell its raining here!


May 8, 2010, 3:12 PM
Post #224 of 1159 (26966 views)

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Re: [johnwesely] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I added pictures to my above post.


May 8, 2010, 4:48 PM
Post #225 of 1159 (26952 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I led Handy Andy last fall before I hurt myself-- hated it. You come in sideways, so you always feel like you're about to deck. I got a good cam in the horizontal above the 2d pin and so started to relax a bit, and then my feet slipped and I amost went for a ride. My hands held on, though, so I never weighted the rope, and I smeared up to the stance in a hurry! Then there's another runout on easier low-angled terrain above the stance. NEVER AGAIN.


May 10, 2010, 1:28 AM
Post #226 of 1159 (19025 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I can't agree enough with PT for a sprained ankle. When I finally really put a serious effort into that, that's when things got better.

Weekend Update - spent most of the day under a tarp at Rumney with three other miscreants whole usually hang out in the campground area. The rain finally cleared late on Sat and we got two runs in up on the New Wave wall. I led some 5.8 to the left of Debbie Does CPR, then I TR'd Debbie and finally made it past the mantle. However, it was done with much weightage on the rope. Still, at least I've seen the top now.

Sunday - no rain, but a cold wind wouldn't let the sun out. I only TR'd a couple of climbs at Vader. Felt good on the bottom but once I cleared the overhanging area the rock became too cold and I had to open hand all the crimps. Too painful for me. Just can't handle that kind of cold when it hurts to not feel anything.

Still glad I got out, though.


May 18, 2010, 3:29 AM
Post #227 of 1159 (18963 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I extended the beautiful New York weekend into Monday so I could go to the Gunks today. Without the weekend crowds the Arrow wall was a pleasure and I finally started to feel like myself again out there. I led the second pitch of Limelight, the first pitch of Three Doves, and the second pitch of Arrow. The ankle I broke in October felt good.

I also led the first pitch of Snake, a two-star 5.6 that's actually really nice! From the ground it looks like bushwhacking through ledges, but the moves up to the first ledge are fun, and after the second ledge the latter two thirds of the pitch isn't bushy at all. The crux crack through a headwall is really good. I don't know if I'd call it a two-star 5.6. Moonlight (one star) is WAY better. Most of the other Williams two-stars are better, in my opinion. But Snake offers a nice way to get to the GT ledge in the area; I think it is nicer than the first pitch of Red Pillar, for instance. It would make a nice link-up to the 2d pitch of Red Pillar.


May 18, 2010, 1:26 PM
Post #228 of 1159 (18938 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Never been on Snake, will have to try it.

And I agree, Moonlight is a freaking awesome route.

Glad the ankle is better. Will have a report after next week's meeting with the lone star hero, N/A, and Gail. Could have interesting stories of major flailage.


May 18, 2010, 2:07 PM
Post #229 of 1159 (18926 views)

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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Will have a report after next week's meeting with the lone star hero, N/A, and Gail. Could have interesting stories of major flailage.

Let's do cakewalk...have you done it?

Had a nice weekend at the gunks as well. We arrived at the West Trapps lot at 1130AM on Saturday and found a spot right at the trailhead. Then we walked right up to Horseman...that thing is never open. We finished that and walked right up to Laurel! After warming up we headed to Never Never Land (so bad for my feet), Triangle, City Streets, Raunchy and WIld Horses. We had a full Saturday. SUnday was short, as we had to leave early to go to a party. We ran laps behind the gerdie block on the "shit or go blind" face.

Looking forward to this weekend and catching up with some of you!


May 18, 2010, 5:15 PM
Post #230 of 1159 (18899 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Will have a report after next week's meeting with the lone star hero, N/A, and Gail. Could have interesting stories of major flailage.

Let's do cakewalk...have you done it?

Had a nice weekend at the gunks as well. We arrived at the West Trapps lot at 1130AM on Saturday and found a spot right at the trailhead. Then we walked right up to Horseman...that thing is never open. We finished that and walked right up to Laurel! After warming up we headed to Never Never Land (so bad for my feet), Triangle, City Streets, Raunchy and WIld Horses. We had a full Saturday. SUnday was short, as we had to leave early to go to a party. We ran laps behind the gerdie block on the "shit or go blind" face.

Looking forward to this weekend and catching up with some of you!

are you sure it was a Saturday? I'm suspicious.


May 18, 2010, 5:20 PM
Post #231 of 1159 (18893 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Got on a new variation to an old route in Squamish last Saturday. Goes at 10d A0 (11d if you're good at thin face) for 8 pitches. Either way it was WAY too much for me. First real day of climbing this season and the one day in the gym in the last 3 months doesn't really qualify as training.

I got the easiest pitches the first of which was a 20m 10b dihedral all lieback fingers with a few good rests. Got to the top out and was faced with the choice of running it out or punching through. I chose wrong. A foot slipped and I was sailing head first like a human missile. I closed my eyes and tucked my head thinking "this is going to hurt". I came to a stop with a clunk of helmet meeting rock. Righted myself and looked down to see two worried partners. They didn't look convinced when I said I was alright but a quick once over only showed a few light bruises and scratches. Onward and upward. I headed up and finished the pitch with a little french free. A lot of the distance was double rope stretch by it probably ended up about 20'er.

The next pitch was 40m of full-on vertical finger liebacks. A beautiful pitch but way too hard for me. I got up it but it wasn't pretty. After that I was in full on survival mode shamelessly pulling on gear and stepping on bolts. Time to work some serious endurance training so I can redeem myself on this one and the Grand Wall. PirateBlush

Otherwise I highly recommend this line (Milk Road) to anyone capable of the Grand Wall. Similar difficulty, length and quality but it faces the opposite direction and gets a lot of shade although that also makes it slower to dry. If anyone is interested I can link you to the topo. Smile


May 19, 2010, 4:05 AM
Post #232 of 1159 (18878 views)

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Re: [hafilax] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Damn dude! Shocked

head first isn't the direction I want to go while falling.

glad you we're OK and nice job on toughing it out in the end. I would have bailed or insisted on seconding the rest of the way.

nice job.

I gotta get out there. my old partner will be in a couple of months. I wish I was going. jealous.Unsure


Jun 1, 2010, 2:13 PM
Post #233 of 1159 (18824 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Ever have one of those days where nothing seems to be going your way?

I was in the Trapps on Sunday with my buddy Greg. It was hot hot hot, but I was sure the place would be a madhouse anyway, given that it was Memorial Day weekend and all. So I thought we'd focus on climbs that aren't the most popular. I hoped to do some 7s and 8s, maybe try to run through a gimmicky 9 like Arch Direct/Wick's Banana if I was feeling good.

So I was waiting for my friend at the Uber Pooper and I could see that Trapped Like A Rat, 5.7, was open, as it always is. Dawn Alguard has often written about this climb in her blog; it's like her little pet climb. It has a reputation as a sandbag. It seemed like a good idea to try it out.

We racked up, and I set out on it. I got about one move up the crack, and could see the undercling hold at the first overhang was seeping with water. I figured it must always be this way, since it had been dry in the Gunks for days. I could see the big hold out on the face that I was supposed to step up and grab. I placed a good piece, and started to go for it... and I just couldn't make myself do it. I must have stepped up and down three times. It was too committing, too close to the ground, too early in the day. Screw this, I thought. I don't want to make this move. Let's climb something else. We retreated.

So then I thought we should walk downcliff, far from the Uberfall, to beat the crowds. Two 5.7s right next to each other past the Seasons seemed like likely candidates, Shit Creek and Blistered Toe. Blistered Toe was open so we did that one, by the regular start. And damn, I thought it was pretty hard! I couldn't say any one move was harder than 5.7, but it was sustained and pumpy. I scared myself about 3 moves from the end of the first pitch when I somehow got my left foot caught in the sling I'd placed on my last piece of gear. I shudder to think of what the fall would have been like if this misstep had pulled me off the wall. I imagined flipping upside-down, my foot maybe dislodging the cam... Thankfully it didn't happen, and I finished the pitch thinking "wow, this isn't my day."

Pitch two went without incident and when we got back down Shit Creek was open, so I thought we should give it a try. The first pitch is only 5.6. I led up it, and when faced with the choice of going straight over the roof (the finish in the latest Williams guide) or going right around the side of the pedestal (the traditional finish), I went right, thinking I should just take it easy. This was going fine until, near the top of the pedestal, I realized I'd gotten one of my ropes stuck. It had gone into a crack I could no longer see, and it was pretty tight. I couldn't flick it around the feature to try to yank it out, and I couldn't move upward. I wasn't even sure I could move enough to downclimb. Greg and I both stood there trying to free the darn thing for a long time, to no avail.

Eventually I decided to untie from the stuck rope. My doubles are pretty fat old school doubles (9mm), and I was just a few moves from the anchor. I thought Greg would follow me up on the second rope, free the first rope when he got to it, and then we could complete the climb.

But once I got to the anchor, Greg decided he didn't want to follow me up the pitch, because the traversing section was protected by the stuck rope. I also didn't think I could easily clean the gear on rappel because of this same traverse around the pedestal on which I was now standing. We hemmed and hawed about this for a while, and a couple guys climbing next to us even offered to follow the pitch and clean it-- they were unconcerned about the potential pendulum fall, probably because they are far better climbers than us!

I finally decided to just rap and relead the thing, taking care not to get the rope stuck again! The stuck rope had somehow freed itself and fallen to the ground while we were arguing. So I beefed up the really shitty anchor, rapped off, and reled the pitch without incident. Greg followed me up it, and neither of us had the stomach to go further, even though the (unprotected) 5.5 traverse that begins P2 of Shit Creek looked really cool.

I was mentally spent. We went back to the Uberfall, I set up a toprope on the Gerdie Block and we failed at every climb we tried. It just wasn't our day.


Jun 1, 2010, 5:04 PM
Post #234 of 1159 (18792 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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That blows. I haven't done any of those routes, but I do know what it is like to be hot in the 'Gunks. I have a TR about that come up soon, just have to wait until it gets posted.

Good for to you keep climbing. I would have headed straight to Split Rock. Too bad things weren't going so well, though, but that's life eh? Next weekend is always around the corner and hopes to be better than the last.


Jun 1, 2010, 9:04 PM
Post #235 of 1159 (18764 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Hey, just for the heck of should check your biorythms on that date. I bet your physical and emotional were really really low!

I have had many of those days. BTW, Trapped like a Rat is really really awkward. It's very well protected until you get to the ledge with the knife edge fin. You have to make an easy move to get on top of the fin then you can reach up and get some gear. The rest of the pitch looks easy, but it's suprisingly awkward was well.

I just finished an 11 day stint at the gunks. I climbed 10 out of 11 days. I am mentally refreshed and physically exhausted. I thoroughly enjoyed climbing and dining with GMBurns and JohnW, it was great to meet fellow RC.comers!


Jun 1, 2010, 9:24 PM
Post #236 of 1159 (18758 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Yeah, I dunno, it seemed like there was something in the stars. I found out later that Blistered Toe was a 5.8 in prior Williams guides and in the Swain guide. So it shouldn't be surprising that it seemed stiff. I would recommend it, the first pitch is great. But be prepared for it not to let up, and I hope you like little fingerlocks.

Really the climbing was fine, it was all the other stuff...

10 out of 11 days sounds fantastic, though the last few were hot. I was up there for the long weekend, went hiking with the kids the other two days.


Jun 1, 2010, 9:37 PM
Post #237 of 1159 (18751 views)

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I don't think I could do any finger locks right now, my ring and middle fingers are a mess! I am going to take today off and hit the gym tomorrow.

Have you taken the kids to the ice caves?


Jun 1, 2010, 11:29 PM
Post #238 of 1159 (18737 views)

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No, although I've read about them. We scrambled up Bonticue, which was really nice. And we hiked out to Table Rocks, which was easy, but about four miles round trip, which was a good long hike for a 6- and 8-year old.


Jun 2, 2010, 2:31 AM
Post #239 of 1159 (18715 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Trip Report
Lone Pine - Alabama Hills
Memorial Day Weekend.

No Time Off (almost)
Freeway shutdown
No campsite
No show partner

Noooooo problem

For the last 7 weeks I've been working like a dog, weekends, late nights, what ever. The wife gave me mother's day weekend to go climbing, but I had to work and all my freinds had plans. Mother's Day plans, seriously.
So she gave me Memorial Day Weekend, cool. But I had a hard time getting anyone to commit.
Friday at 1:30 the phone rings and I have to get a valve controller fixed in the field, not good. Just as I thought the whole weekend was going down the krapper, the maintenance guy gets it 4 square and I'm good to go. Only 2 hours late.
I pack the last of my junk, but know I'm forgetting something, oh well. 8 pm, a little late for a 5 hour drive, oh well. I'm so outa here.
Hit the road, making good time, but slam to a total stop at the 91. 30 minutes for 2 miles. This is fun. But it clears and start making good time again. Found out later a tanker truck exploded, and the freeway was shut down all day.
Pull into LP around 1:30, and the camp sites are all filled. Oh, this is going well. Drive down the side road a bit, fold down the seats, throw down the sleeping pad and bag, and crash. Wake up too early, take care of business, and crash some more. Hit the campground one more time, since I'm there, and find one spot. Cept now the campground hosts are grilling me. You take down the tag for this site? No. Are you sure, we had a long term guy in here, wanted to stay through the summer? Nope, the site was empty when I rolled in this morning, no tag, no stuff, no note, no nothing. (and whats with staying in Lone Pine for the summer, it will be over 100 everyday)
After resting and doing a whole lot of nothing most of the day, I decide I need to swing by some of the climbing, see whats up.
There is some climbers on the Sharks Fin, and it on my to do list, so I swing by. Check out the routes, chat about the climbing, watch him pull the entrance move. He offers me a turn on TR. Sure, that would be sweet, so I hop on it. Can't pull the move same as him on the first go, but put my foot a little different and get it to go. I give him a belay in exchange, and his GF is happy, as she is tired of handling the rope. The rock is a bit hard on the hands and fingers.
Just then my coworker shows up. He followed my directions and spotted my car. He had several other plans, but had issues as well, so my offer worked out the best for him. Didn't exept to see him till the next day, if he did make it. We all take another turn at the next route over, I belay in exchange. They move on to another area, we head to camp.
Sunday, the partner that I thought was headed up Sat night, is not around yet, ok maybe later. We take our time and hit the rock about 10. Only problem is its east facing and the sun just blasting the heck out of me. I hope on the Spur on the right side of Tall Wall, meander to the right a little and am chimneying off route, swinging over to clip the bolts. Apparently I'm not the first to do that, others have recorded the same indiscresion in the data base here. I send my freind up to clean the draws, and he stays on route. After resting in the shade, drinking a ton of water, and letting the sun get past the top of the rock, we get on the next route over, Bananarama. Again someone else's rope. Then a third party meanders over looking over whats open. I offer my rope for TR, or pull it so they can lead. Or the other families. After much hemming and hawing, TR or lead, they decide to TR on the others rope. I send my bud up my rope on Tall T a 10b. Which he pulls absolutely flawless. My go was somewhat less impressive, fell after a bit, gave up to call it a day.
My bud heads home, as he has plans for Monday, but still no sign of the other partner.
Monday I break down camp, and decide to scope out a couple more areas of the hills. Not too much happening, very few climbers out. Swing by a new area, The Ghosts, and see a rope on a very shady wall, its backed up against another wall. Sure enough, a couple of guys are hanging out and we get to talking and they offer my a TR on their next climb. Um OK. Leaning Tower of Pizza, very nice and in the shade. Then they're over to DMX Wall and extend the offer to TR. I take pictures, belay, try to be helpfull. We're checking out the guidebook, 44D lists as 5.8, but looks a little blank to me. Dave hops on lead, looking good, move here and there, gets to a rest. Didn't look like a 5.8 to me as he did it, he agrees. We conclude 5.9, I got it on my second go, almost got the first time, rats. Listed here as 10a, though that seams a little high. Give them my two last beers, as I'm going to be driving home. They were cool, cold enough, even thought the last of the ice melted the evening before.
My shoes are ruined, a hole in the middle of the toes. Didn't see that coming. My nose, ears, and arms are fried. Guess I forgot my broad brimmed hat and sunscreen. I had issues just getting into camp. I didn't have an established partner for half the climbing, but had a great weekend. Everyone out there was super friendly, and most generous. I've had people offer TR's before, but this weekend was over the top.
You know who you are, Thank You. Smile


Jun 2, 2010, 1:11 PM
Post #240 of 1159 (18677 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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sometimes the best stuff happens in the midst of the shittiest, eh?


Jun 2, 2010, 3:47 PM
Post #241 of 1159 (18664 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
sometimes the best stuff happens in the midst of the shittiest, eh?
Tru dat.


Jun 4, 2010, 5:45 PM
Post #242 of 1159 (18602 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Good karma is a wonderful thing Don!


Jun 4, 2010, 9:16 PM
Post #243 of 1159 (18578 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Good karma is a wonderful thing Don!
Tru dat too.


Jun 6, 2010, 1:24 AM
Post #244 of 1159 (18549 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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This is from a couple of weeks ago when John Wesley and I decided to tackle High E at night.

It is located at the website, but you can also get to it through my blog, too.

"Five hours later, when we had quit in the afternoon's heat, and after we swam in the chilly pool at Split Rock, we slept in the shade, read in the sun, gazed upon the shivering women who, upon exiting the cold water, were wet and glistening in the sun, and, after we had eaten at the campsite, we headed to do Arrow (5.8) as our warm up to a 5.6 classic just a few minutes down the path. "


Jun 6, 2010, 2:07 AM
Post #245 of 1159 (18541 views)

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woo hoo...proud of myself. I took lots of whips on Double Cluth today. Although I could not reach the horizontal, I took many valiant attempts and an equal number of lead falls. I also decided to lead BB. I was sorely tempted to exit right, but, I stayed with it and ultimately lead the climb without a hang. It took me a bit of time to rachet up for the crux, but, once I started it was all good.

All in all, we had a great day, made it to the truck and the skies opened up. Major downpour.


Jun 6, 2010, 2:14 AM
Post #246 of 1159 (18537 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
woo hoo...proud of myself. I took lots of whips on Double Cluth today. Although I could not reach the horizontal, I took many valiant attempts and an equal number of lead falls. I also decided to lead BB. I was sorely tempted to exit right, but, I stayed with it and ultimately lead the climb without a hang. It took me a bit of time to rachet up for the crux, but, once I started it was all good.

All in all, we had a great day, made it to the truck and the skies opened up. Major downpour.

I'm blanking, what's BB again?

We had a tornado watch for about two hours here in mid-coast Maine. poured like an SOB.


Jun 6, 2010, 2:20 AM
Post #247 of 1159 (18535 views)

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BB is right of Boston in a corner. There is CC and BB. CC is on the left, BB is on the right. It follows a crack to a ceiling and then up to a roof. You clear the roof by traversing and moving around the roof on to the face. It's a fun climb. I seconded it two or three years ago, and today I was feeling adventurous and decided to jump on it.


Jun 6, 2010, 2:05 PM
Post #248 of 1159 (18514 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
BB is right of Boston in a corner. There is CC and BB. CC is on the left, BB is on the right. It follows a crack to a ceiling and then up to a roof. You clear the roof by traversing and moving around the roof on to the face. It's a fun climb. I seconded it two or three years ago, and today I was feeling adventurous and decided to jump on it.

not familiar with either of those. once it stops raining I'll have to go out to check the guidebook (it's in the car)


Jun 7, 2010, 3:57 PM
Post #249 of 1159 (18477 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Wish I'd seen you working on Double Clutch, Gail, it's one I've been thinking of trying. I got up to the Gunks both Friday and Saturday and had great, full days despite the debilitating heat. We kept it mostly to 6s and 7s given the enervating weather.

Friday we were in the Nears and did a bunch of great stuff. I was proud of myself leading Up Yours (5.7+)-- like Trapped Like A Rat it has a committing move right off the ground with good pro, and you can clearly see the hold you're supposed to be going for... this time after a couple steps up and down I went right at it. No head games and the rest of the pitch (which gets tricky and pumpy towards the top) was a breeze. I also had a blast leading the awkward misery climb Le Plie; after pulling the crux I couldn't stop laughing, it was so ridiculously awkward. And we did Basking Ridge, a linkup of the great first pitch of Baskerville Terrace and a traverse to the final climb through overhangs on Yellow Ridge. The traverse out and around a corner to join Yellow Ridge is fabulous. Looks intimidating but the moves and pro are great, and then you get the outstanding finale to Yellow Ridge. I think this linkup pitch may be one of my favorite 5.6s in the Gunks, and that's really saying something since there are so many great 5.6 pitches in the Gunks.

Saturday we got a full day in the Trapps. The highlight was Airy Aria. I led the first pitch as one of my first 5.8s last year, but we didn't finish the climb then. This time my partner Vass led P1 and I took P2 and linked it to P3 all the way to the GT ledge. I thought the crux of P2 was short on gear, after the traverse I couldn't find a good placement until the pumpy moves were over and I was well above my gear. Great climbing, though. And we finished with the final pitches of Lisa (5.6+) and Full Face (5.6), which were both pretty neat, if a bit dirty up top.

As I topped out on Full Face and started to set up the belay I sensed the weather had suddenly shifted, looked up and saw the black clouds coming in. I shouted at Vass to get his ass moving but he still climbed the final headwall in a deluge. I think I would've crapped myself if it had come while I was leading, it was so sudden and strong. But Vass made it up and we walked to the High E chains to rap, soaked from head to toe. Our packs and shoes were at the base of Airy Aria, and were still totally dry thanks to the severely overhanging cliff!


Jun 7, 2010, 4:19 PM
Post #250 of 1159 (18469 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Wow, you were on some very nice climbs! COngrats on pulling them off!

I love Airy Aria, but, I haven't lead it. I am eager to lead P1, but, not so sure about P2. I have a lot of small gear to protect the traverse and I do remember a great placement at the open book (low, before you start the moves). I think I will try it next weekend.

I have to try those climbs at the nears.


Jun 7, 2010, 5:38 PM
Post #251 of 1159 (17705 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I think if I'd had a chance to follow P2 I might not have wanted to lead it either!

The traverse is very secure and there's a good spot for gear right at the end of it. I think I spied another placement just a few feet above, which may be the placement of which you speak. I foolishly passed this up, and then found myself committed a ways above my gear, which is a place I try to avoid being in. I was hanging there shaking out and looking fruitlessly for gear, and then finally just had to carry on, telling myself that I'm totally solid in this grade and just have to be careful to watch my feet. I was very grateful to get to the so-called belay stance, where I placed 2 C3s in the thin horizontal and could finally relax.

I think I still would have found it a little run out even if I'd used that placement a couple feet above my gear at the end of the traverse. Like I said, the climbing's great, especially in retrospect!

The first pitch has pro wherever you want it, it's a great lead. Bring a #5 (or larger cam!) if you want to protect the off-width at the top.


Jun 7, 2010, 5:49 PM
Post #252 of 1159 (17700 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Ha ha, we all have the same conversations with ourselves up there on the cliff.ff I also add: "no one is going to come up here to bail me out, so I better start climbing".

I remember a bomber nut at the bottom of the open book. Maybe I am crazy.

Have you lead Double Crack yet? P1 of Erect Direction? (I have not lead P1 of Erect Direction. I thought I would, I seconded it twice and both times, despite the fact that it looks great, I thought it sucked.) I have my sights on Ant's line and Retribution. Hey, we all need goals right?


Jun 7, 2010, 6:57 PM
Post #253 of 1159 (17686 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I love Up Yours, what a fun climb.

Regarding Basking Ridge, so I was going to do that last year, but we couldn't see where the traverse actually went. From the Baskerville anchors, the traverse looked amazingly thin on gear and holds; does it go straight right and then up to the final moves of Yellow Ridge, or does it diagonal up right, or does it go straight up from the anchors and then straight right across? You're right, it looked intimidating enough that we thought we'd easily get off-route, so we finished Baskerville instead.


Jun 7, 2010, 6:59 PM
Post #254 of 1159 (17684 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Ha ha, we all have the same conversations with ourselves up there on the cliff.ff I also add: "no one is going to come up here to bail me out, so I better start climbing".

I remember a bomber nut at the bottom of the open book. Maybe I am crazy.

Have you lead Double Crack yet? P1 of Erect Direction? (I have not lead P1 of Erect Direction. I thought I would, I seconded it twice and both times, despite the fact that it looks great, I thought it sucked.) I have my sights on Ant's line and Retribution. Hey, we all need goals right?

FANTASTIC climb. Took me a while to get through the crux, but wow, what a great climb.


Jun 7, 2010, 7:26 PM
Post #255 of 1159 (17676 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I led Double Crack, Ants' Line, and P1 of Erect Direction last year, all of them onsight, when I was in the best shape of my life and thought I could do anything. I loved 'em all. Leading Ants' Line as my first 5.9 lead was one of my proudest climbing moments. Double Crack and ED I found similar, Double Crack is longer and more sustained.

Re: Basking Ridge. Greg, I think you were suckered by the optional piton belay station on Baskerville Terrace, which is ABOVE the traverse you want. There is a good ledge probably 10 feet below those pitons that leads to the right into a left-facing corner capped by a roof. In this corner is where Dick wants you to build a belay. Then you traverse to the right on an upward slanting handrail with good feet, go around the corner, and you are directly below the finish to Yellow Ridge. Good gear placements right in the middle of the handrail and at the spot where you turn the corner.

I hope that makes sense.


Jun 7, 2010, 7:39 PM
Post #256 of 1159 (17671 views)

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sethg wrote:
I led Double Crack, Ants' Line, and P1 of Erect Direction last year, all of them onsight, when I was in the best shape of my life and thought I could do anything. I loved 'em all. Leading Ants' Line as my first 5.9 lead was one of my proudest climbing moments. Double Crack and ED I found similar, Double Crack is longer and more sustained.

Re: Basking Ridge. Greg, I think you were suckered by the optional piton belay station on Baskerville Terrace, which is ABOVE the traverse you want. There is a good ledge probably 10 feet below those pitons that leads to the right into a left-facing corner capped by a roof. In this corner is where Dick wants you to build a belay. Then you traverse to the right on an upward slanting handrail with good feet, go around the corner, and you are directly below the finish to Yellow Ridge. Good gear placements right in the middle of the handrail and at the spot where you turn the corner.

I hope that makes sense.

I can sort of visualize this, so it does make sense. Thanks. I'll check that out when I go back to do it at some point. I'm pretty sure we were looking from the pitons.


Jun 8, 2010, 2:07 AM
Post #257 of 1159 (17652 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Can't Post think P1 of Erect Direction sucks? Man, Ihappen to think it is one of the best pitches of 5.8 in the Gunks. Too bad you don't like it.



Jun 8, 2010, 12:34 PM
Post #258 of 1159 (17635 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
I love Up Yours, what a fun climb.

Regarding Basking Ridge, so I was going to do that last year, but we couldn't see where the traverse actually went. From the Baskerville anchors, the traverse looked amazingly thin on gear and holds; does it go straight right and then up to the final moves of Yellow Ridge, or does it diagonal up right, or does it go straight up from the anchors and then straight right across? You're right, it looked intimidating enough that we thought we'd easily get off-route, so we finished Baskerville instead.

I did an accidental linkup once. I was trying to do Elder Cleavage but got lost and ended up doing parts of Up Yours, Loose Goose and Elder Cleavage, which I named Up Your Loose Cleavage Cool



Jun 8, 2010, 12:37 PM
Post #259 of 1159 (17633 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote: think P1 of Erect Direction sucks? Man, Ihappen to think it is one of the best pitches of 5.8 in the Gunks. Too bad you don't like it.


Maybe she meant it sucked in comparison to P2 and 3? Angelic


Jun 8, 2010, 4:25 PM
Post #260 of 1159 (17611 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I love Up Yours, what a fun climb.

Regarding Basking Ridge, so I was going to do that last year, but we couldn't see where the traverse actually went. From the Baskerville anchors, the traverse looked amazingly thin on gear and holds; does it go straight right and then up to the final moves of Yellow Ridge, or does it diagonal up right, or does it go straight up from the anchors and then straight right across? You're right, it looked intimidating enough that we thought we'd easily get off-route, so we finished Baskerville instead.

I did an accidental linkup once. I was trying to do Elder Cleavage but got lost and ended up doing parts of Up Yours, Loose Goose and Elder Cleavage, which I named Up Your Loose Cleavage Cool


that should really be in the guidebook. Laugh


Jun 8, 2010, 5:54 PM
Post #261 of 1159 (17602 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote: think P1 of Erect Direction sucks? Man, Ihappen to think it is one of the best pitches of 5.8 in the Gunks. Too bad you don't like it.


Maybe I am just a sucky climber! It looks great, but, it's so much harder/awkward than it looks. I would rather lead Trapped like a Rat!

And yes P2/P3 were so much better than P1. P3 roof was quite a hoot for this little shorty. At one point I had only 1 point of contact on the rock. It was an effort to pull the roof and just when I was hoping for a good stance, I found myself in awkard position before the final moves.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Jun 8, 2010, 6:32 PM)


Jun 8, 2010, 9:54 PM
Post #262 of 1159 (17590 views)

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Given all pitches together, Erect Direction gets a nomination for best route in the Gunks. All 3 are stellar. That being said, the first pitch is fine on it's own. Gblauer, have you done Double Crack yet? Both are very very similar.



Jun 8, 2010, 10:24 PM
Post #263 of 1159 (17580 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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This trip occurred 3 weeks ago. The route was The Cave Route on the Pulpit, in the Sandia range. We began by hiking up the 4.2 miles to the start of the climb, this took roughly 2.5 hours, longer than Mark could do it in of course.

Mark agreed to lead the whole route since I don't have the balls to onsite lead yet. We also chose to link the 4 pitches into two, which was a good idea since that gave us a solid chain anchor and a large tree as belays.

Mark lead relatively quickly the first route. As I was following and cleaning the first pitch, I came upon the crux which was a chimney that constricted at the top forcing a transition into a open hand crack for a short distance. It took me a while to figure out the move, but I finally did it and eventually the pitch clean.

The second pitch had a very weird start, an overhanging roof with a crack too big for hands. Mark did it clean somehow. I was not so luck and actually chose to Prusick over this after 3 or 4 tries.

Once I got past this point, and got back on the rock, I was at the top of a small arete that ended on a small ledge. For those of you who've climbed this route, you will recall a old school 1/4 inch rusted and spinning bolt as your only protection on a rather blank face. There happens to be a nice larg vertical knob that is flat and excepts a smear/stem though, and I made it fine to there.

At this point I was able to just get my hands up to the left, over my left foot, to a pretty large ledge. As I pulled myself towards the ledge I had to put more and more force against my left smeared foot. Eventually, this caused my foot to fail as I felt, but did not hear, tow large pops in my calf area on the left leg. Luckily I was able to stay on the rock and somehow grabbed the next draw, attached to a cam above the ledge and french up to stand on the ledge.

There wasn't a lot of pain in the leg unless I tried to weight the front of the foot or the toes. I wasn't going up, that was for sure.

I communicated my situation to mark. He was about 100' up though and it took some yelling and re-yelling to eventually work out the plan.

Luckily we had brought a tag line to link the descent. We were not sure if I could have been lowered to the ledge since I was traversed a bit, and was unfamiliar with the route enough not to notice where the last belay ledge was. Mark rapped to me however, we ascertained I could in fact use the second line to rap down to the ledge. After this, Mark soloed up, I had an ascender he rigged for self belay, and then rapped down to me.

One more rap got us to the bottom. We found a stick that I used for the hike out, which took 3 hours.

I've almost completely recovered however, the nurse that saw me the next day after the climb gave me some good drugs and a pair of crutches, but no permanent damage was thought to have been done.



Jun 8, 2010, 11:37 PM
Post #264 of 1159 (17572 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
Gblauer, have you done Double Crack yet? Both are very very similar.


I love Double Crack, one of my favorite 8's in the preserve.


Jun 8, 2010, 11:53 PM
Post #265 of 1159 (17567 views)

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Re: [NoMoCouch] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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sorry to hear!


Jun 9, 2010, 1:03 AM
Post #266 of 1159 (17556 views)

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Re: [NoMoCouch] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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oh dude! that sucks. get better soon. can't wait to hear what the first time out is like after the injury!


Jun 27, 2010, 6:41 PM
Post #267 of 1159 (17485 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I have been a weekday warrior for the last several days. So much fun climbing at the Gunks with John, Doug, Bett and Jenn. Doug, Jenn and Bett are new leaders, so I have been enjoying mellow climbing while the new leaders learn their skills. So far so good, everyone is really doing a great job honing their placements.

We have done some fun climbs during the last week including:

Groovy (10a variation)
CCK (photos galore)
Dat-mantel (crazy roof move, the butt scrunch)
Try Again (yes, I had to try again)
Sheep THrills (I wouldn't recommend, very R-X rated, we thought we were on Balrog)
Fly Again (Very hard, thank you John for hauling me up the thin seam)
Mother's Day Party (I hate that crimper rail...)
Le Teton (nice exposure, watch out for hornet's nest at the arete)
Abusrdland ("trust me John, you will like it")
A very wet Apoplexy (cleaned the gear after a major thunderstorm.)

It's nice to be a "local", so much more relaxed. I came and went from the cliff several times in a day...mixing work with climbing.

Thank you John and Doug, it's been so much fun climbing with you. I will miss you when you head back to your lives. Your patience, sense of humor and willingness to climb with an old lady is very much appreciated.


Jun 27, 2010, 11:06 PM
Post #268 of 1159 (17461 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:

Try Again (yes, I had to try again)
This is a tricky climb, it's the only 10 I have fallen on at the Gunks.

In reply to:
Sheep THrills (I wouldn't recommend, very R-X rated, we thought we were on Balrog)
Do you mean Cheap Thrills? I liked this climb.

In reply to:
Fly Again (Very hard, thank you John for hauling me up the thin seam)
Haven't tried this one yet.

In reply to:
Mother's Day Party (I hate that crimper rail...)
Like this one too.

In reply to:
Le Teton (nice exposure, watch out for hornet's nest at the arete)
Glad I already did this one. I HATE hornets! I wonder if it's because this section was closed for a while, so the hornets moved in.

In reply to:
Abusrdland ("trust me John, you will like it")
also good

In reply to:
A very wet Apoplexy (cleaned the gear after a major thunderstorm.)
Good climb, but I don't know being wet.

Overall a very nice list there, Gail. Not sure when we are getting back. We are headed to Acadia for a few days and then shipping out to Squamish for about 8 days. When we get back we will head back to the Gunks. I still want to try Carbs and Caffeine. Depending on how I do on that, eventually Yellow Wall (If I'm not too scared, that is)



Jun 28, 2010, 12:10 AM
Post #269 of 1159 (17456 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Josh, we were on Sheep THrills, not Cheap Thrills. Sheep Thrills has the same start as Dry Heaves. Not recommended!!!

Sounds like you have a lot of climbing in front of you...have a ton of fun and write up a trip report.

Please let us know when you are coming back to the Gunks!


Jun 28, 2010, 4:15 AM
Post #270 of 1159 (17432 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Last Monday I did Madame G's and the party that came up right behind us disturbed a hornet's nest right before the hanging belay at the end of pitch 2. The leader got stung but she made it through okay.

Lucky it wasn't me, I'm allergic!

Sounds like you made sure John had a great experience!


Jun 28, 2010, 9:27 AM
Post #271 of 1159 (17419 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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John took a 30 footer at Lost City on Persistent. He is nursing his rope burn...

John is one heck of a climber.


Jun 28, 2010, 3:00 PM
Post #272 of 1159 (17403 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
John took a 30 footer at Lost City on Persistent. He is nursing his rope burn...

John is one heck of a climber.

Pumped out near that top? Damn, I'd think a 30 footer on that route would put you on the talus. I've never seen anyone lead that.


Jun 28, 2010, 7:07 PM
Post #273 of 1159 (17377 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
John took a 30 footer at Lost City on Persistent. He is nursing his rope burn...

John is one heck of a climber.

didn't even know it was that tall! Shocked

glad he's OK otherwise, though.


Jun 29, 2010, 12:14 AM
Post #274 of 1159 (17355 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Persistent, if done from the bottom of the crack to the top of the route has to be almost 100'. Yeah, it does sound like John is tearing it up if he got on that! he tore up Lost City when we went out there a few weeks ago. He didn't even remotely look like he was struggling until I put him on Resistance. Did he get on Harvest Moon?



Jul 3, 2010, 1:52 PM
Post #275 of 1159 (17307 views)

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Re: [mr.tastycakes] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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mr.tastycakes wrote:
gblauer wrote:
John took a 30 footer at Lost City on Persistent. He is nursing his rope burn...

John is one heck of a climber.

Pumped out near that top? Damn, I'd think a 30 footer on that route would put you on the talus. I've never seen anyone lead that.

I was pretty darn close to the talus. Also, I was upside down. Nice way to get the blood pumping, and flowing for that matter.
I really thought I was going to make it. On my first lead I took a small fall and a take, so I was sure it would go on the second. My partner pulled the gear, I racked up with just the gear I needed, and was cruising the route until I got to the painful hand jams at the top. I racked my red camalot on the wrong side of my harness, making it unreachable. I couldn't place the piece, so I said a quick swear and decided to go for it. Usually when I make the "go" rather than "pro" decision, I am confident that I won't fall. This time, I knew I was falling either way, but going for it seemed to have a slightly higher chance of success. I made a few moves, pumped silly, and threw for a hold that wasn't really there. In my fatigued state, I didn't notice the rope behind my leg. The second I started falling, it was obvious. I had plenty of time to think about it too. "When am I getting flipped," played over and over in my head until it was superseded by another thought, "oh, there it is". The flip knocked the wind out of me, and I found my self swaying, upside down, about five feet above the talus. I was glad my blue tcu held. I wasn't so glad about the rope burn, blood flowing down my leg. I boinked up the rope, finished the climb, lowered off, and finally took off my harness. At this point I was pretty much done. I wasn't going to climb anymore that day, but there was a top rope up on Yellow Streak and I couldn't help myself. Fun climb. It would be a rather necky lead. Overall, it was a pretty good day of climbing rocks at the Lost City. Fun place.


Jul 5, 2010, 3:04 AM
Post #276 of 1159 (18969 views)

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Re: [johnwesely] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Great post John. Enjoyed reading it. Pleasure meeting you with Gail and Mitch at the base of CCK the past weekend. And under the small world category I'm a friend of Greg Burns as well.

I am heartened that it is not just we gumby 5.8/5.9 climbers that occasionally catch the rope behind the leg and go inverted now and then. Been there once this season, striving not to repeat the event.

Hope you enjoy yourself for whatever time you have left at the Gunks --- Bill


Jul 5, 2010, 4:07 AM
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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Bill, let us know when you will be back.

John, we miss you!


Jul 19, 2010, 5:29 PM
Post #278 of 1159 (18872 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Its been some time since I went climbing with my family, this weekend we made it out to the local crag for some Sunday climbing. To give you some back ground my dad decided to learn to climb when I was about 8 or 9 & being a single father with an only child, I also got to learn to climb. We never climbed a lot when I was a kid but it was always enough to keep my interest. Now that I'm all grown up (27), married, house, & dog, climbing has becom a big part of my life. My dad has since gotten married & had a child, my sister who is 11, & with having another child he has let climbing slip from his priorities. However once or twice a year we still get out, & he usually brings his neighbor who has 2 kids about the same age.

I typically have this mind set where I figure I won't be able to get in any quality climbing or climbing that pushes my limits. So I focus on helping the kids learn, & also try to keep my dad & his friend up on there climbing safety/info.

My dad is typically the top rope family they show up hike around set up anchors & gang bang 2 routes with all 3 kids & both adults, then hike back up move rope & repeat. Well we changed things up this weekend I would lead a climb, setup a TR, pull the 2nd rope up traverse 5 ft, & set up another TR on the next route.

This worked great in 4-5 hours we climbed 6 routes, the kids each did 6 climbs, both parents got in 5, & I got in 7. The climbs were easy, a few 5.6's, some 5.7's a 5.8 & a 5.9. (my typical grade of climbing is warming up on a sport 10a or 9) this makes my climbing sound easy but 5 of the 7 climbs were onsights, & 3 of them were trad, but I'm just learning trad & only have a rack of nuts. I also had a major mental boost that I've not had in a while. That is when your dad is your belay it fills you with this confidence I can't even explain, no crys of encouragement like your friends give you, you don't need it with him, just the look of a proud father who trusts his son. I don't climb with him regularly but when I was onsighting a trad climb with only a rack of nuts, the head game was no where to be found, I was confidant & better than that I was relaxed. Placing gear was easy & so was the climbing.

Its also a huge ego boost when you've pulled the rope & are climbing a few climbs over, & some guy comes up with at least 2grand worth of every type of gear, & doubles of most cam's hanging on double gear slings around his chest plus full harness. he got down after placing at least 10-15 peaces, & I had lead it with only a rack of nuts & had only placed 3 of them.


Jul 19, 2010, 10:54 PM
Post #279 of 1159 (18852 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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darkgift06 wrote:
Its also a huge ego boost when you've pulled the rope & are climbing a few climbs over, & some guy comes up with at least 2grand worth of every type of gear, & doubles of most cam's hanging on double gear slings around his chest plus full harness. he got down after placing at least 10-15 peaces, & I had lead it with only a rack of nuts & had only placed 3 of them.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Unimpressed


Jul 19, 2010, 11:26 PM
Post #280 of 1159 (18849 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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darkgift06 wrote:
Its also a huge ego boost when you've pulled the rope & are climbing a few climbs over, & some guy comes up with at least 2grand worth of every type of gear, & doubles of most cam's hanging on double gear slings around his chest plus full harness. he got down after placing at least 10-15 peaces, & I had lead it with only a rack of nuts & had only placed 3 of them.

Good job, but make sure you are being safe. You don't want an ego boost to get you killed.


Jul 20, 2010, 1:26 AM
Post #281 of 1159 (18840 views)

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Re: [johnwesely] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Exactly what I was thinking. And buy some damn cams, you crazy young whippersnapper! (or whatever pro is most useful/used where you climb)


Jul 20, 2010, 6:05 PM
Post #282 of 1159 (18814 views)

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Re: [davidnn5] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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lol it was a 20meter wall, & all bomber constrictions :D I've decided my next peaces to buy will be finger size cams, then a few bigger ones. the amount of pro I placed was good, I think the guy who went up after was more practicing placing gear than climbing.


Jul 20, 2010, 9:18 PM
Post #283 of 1159 (18801 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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darkgift06 wrote:
lol it was a 20meter wall, & all bomber constrictions :D I've decided my next peaces to buy will be finger size cams, then a few bigger ones. the amount of pro I placed was good, I think the guy who went up after was more practicing placing gear than climbing.

Just remember protection is not just about whether the placements are bomber, but how much time you spend in range of a ground fall. With 3 pieces of gear, I can't think of a configuration that leaves you in ground fall range for less than 5 metres of the 20 metre route (1/4). That's a 5 metre highball boulder or a short solo. There are configurations with 3 pieces that leave you in danger of falling 20 metres and hitting the ground.

Early and often. Each piece of gear potentially reduces the amount of time you spend in ground fall range (though you could place them all in the first 2 metres and still be in a lot of danger Crazy). 5 pieces could have reduced your danger zone to 2 metres - or less with stick-clipping.

You should evaluate these things as objectively as possible during a climb and after. Of course in some cases, the leader just must not fall.


Jul 20, 2010, 10:36 PM
Post #284 of 1159 (18791 views)

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Re: [davidnn5] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Its largely a comfort thing to me, if I'm not comfortable I'm sweating, chalking, matching hands to rest, & the whole while trying to place gear. I was not even close to this during my climb, my first peace was probably 15 ft up placed at a great no hands stance, then the next at another 15 ft above that one, & the same for the last another 15 ft up. that leaves a 15ft run out to the top. a nice equally placed climb in my mind.
I did a sport route just after which was protected much worse than how I protected the trad route even the guide book said (Run out). one bolt 10tf up, another at 15ft up, then finally one last one about 45 ft up & run it to the top at 60ft, there was good possibility of a ground fall around that 3rd bolt.


Jul 20, 2010, 11:05 PM
Post #285 of 1159 (18785 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Good excuse to bring along some extra gear and place it between bolts!


Jul 20, 2010, 11:45 PM
Post #286 of 1159 (18780 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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darkgift06 wrote:
Its been some time since I went climbing with my family, this weekend we made it out to the local crag for some Sunday climbing. To give you some back ground my dad decided to learn to climb when I was about 8 or 9 & being a single father with an only child, I also got to learn to climb. We never climbed a lot when I was a kid but it was always enough to keep my interest. Now that I'm all grown up (27), married, house, & dog, climbing has becom a big part of my life. My dad has since gotten married & had a child, my sister who is 11, & with having another child he has let climbing slip from his priorities. However once or twice a year we still get out, & he usually brings his neighbor who has 2 kids about the same age.

I typically have this mind set where I figure I won't be able to get in any quality climbing or climbing that pushes my limits. So I focus on helping the kids learn, & also try to keep my dad & his friend up on there climbing safety/info.

My dad is typically the top rope family they show up hike around set up anchors & gang bang 2 routes with all 3 kids & both adults, then hike back up move rope & repeat. Well we changed things up this weekend I would lead a climb, setup a TR, pull the 2nd rope up traverse 5 ft, & set up another TR on the next route.

This worked great in 4-5 hours we climbed 6 routes, the kids each did 6 climbs, both parents got in 5, & I got in 7. The climbs were easy, a few 5.6's, some 5.7's a 5.8 & a 5.9. (my typical grade of climbing is warming up on a sport 10a or 9) this makes my climbing sound easy but 5 of the 7 climbs were onsights, & 3 of them were trad, but I'm just learning trad & only have a rack of nuts. I also had a major mental boost that I've not had in a while. That is when your dad is your belay it fills you with this confidence I can't even explain, no crys of encouragement like your friends give you, you don't need it with him, just the look of a proud father who trusts his son. I don't climb with him regularly but when I was onsighting a trad climb with only a rack of nuts, the head game was no where to be found, I was confidant & better than that I was relaxed. Placing gear was easy & so was the climbing.

Its also a huge ego boost when you've pulled the rope & are climbing a few climbs over, & some guy comes up with at least 2grand worth of every type of gear, & doubles of most cam's hanging on double gear slings around his chest plus full harness. he got down after placing at least 10-15 peaces, & I had lead it with only a rack of nuts & had only placed 3 of them.

That was a really nice write-up. thanks for that. my dad doesn't climb, but we've done a fair amount of sailing together. I know that confident, proud look. I get it from him whenever we're out doing anything and I take the lead. some of my best days are spent with my dad.


Jul 21, 2010, 4:44 PM
Post #287 of 1159 (18756 views)

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Re: [davidnn5] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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davidnn5 wrote:
Good excuse to bring along some extra gear and place it between bolts!

I did take my rack of nuts with, but I think there was a flake that has since fallen away that was used for pro.. so now its a face climb. Maybe its a good time to get a friend to teach me to bolt & re-bolt the route


Jul 30, 2010, 5:43 PM
Post #288 of 1159 (18714 views)

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A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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My sisters were in town, or more accurately, up at my parents' cottage for the weekend. It is up in the Gatineau hills, about 70km north of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada), on a pretty little lake called "Lac Sam". (It used to be Sam Lake, but then they turned all the names of places in Quebec to French back in the 80s.) My brother-in-law, Randy is, also a climber. And, it turns out a friend of his, Martin, was also on the lake -- at another friend's cottage.

So, on the shore of the lake there is this 20 foot (or so) high boulder, nicely overhanging, that we used to jump off as kids. Wait...overhanging boulder, with deep water! DWS! We boated over on Saturday afternoon, and took a run at some of the lines up it. I had an old pair of climbing shoes -- the other two were in bare feet. (My handicap was the lack of glasses.) There's 4 or 5 lines up the boulder... the hardest of them Martin speculates goes around V6-V7. I got up a side-one that was probably around V0. Also, there were many plunges into the lake.

Sunday morning, we boated down to another small cliff -- this one set back about 20' from the water. It seems that, independently, all three of us had been by to check out this little crag for climbing. It was probalby about 45' high, and remarkably clean for rock that had (to our knowledge) never been climbed. We dropped a couple top-ropes (the scramble up being the most dangerous bit of the expedition -- moss carpet). We did 3 lines, all in the 5.6-5.8 range. The rock had a remarkable variety of holds and moves, mostly slab -- though one nice bulge to pull out and over at the top of one route to add a bit of variety. It was a great morning exploring some new rock.


Jul 30, 2010, 5:50 PM
Post #289 of 1159 (18709 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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Nice ! Always fun to play around on unnamed stuff!


Jul 30, 2010, 6:15 PM
Post #290 of 1159 (18703 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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Sounds like a blast.


Jul 30, 2010, 6:18 PM
Post #291 of 1159 (18700 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Nice ! Always fun to play around on unnamed stuff!

Yeah. Probably my first ever fist ascent, and definitely my first playing around on a previously unclimbed cliff.


Jul 30, 2010, 6:46 PM
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Re: [dagibbs] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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God I'd love to discover DWS like that. All the places i used to jump off required actually jumping out from the cliff.

sounds like a good time, though.


Jul 30, 2010, 6:49 PM
Post #293 of 1159 (18690 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
God I'd love to discover DWS like that. All the places i used to jump off required actually jumping out from the cliff.

sounds like a good time, though.

It was lovely for jumping, too, because you only had to worry about the height -- not about hitting rock on the way down.


Aug 3, 2010, 11:01 AM
Post #294 of 1159 (18665 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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The Lazy Days of Summer

Thought I would check in with the Weekend Warriors, as it's been a while.

After a grueling travel week where I was in Lancaster PA, Seattle and NYC, I was eager to climb. We hadn't been to the gunks in two weeks, so I was "jonesing".

It was a beautiful weekend at the gunks (despite the forecast) and we spent Saturday in the Trapps. We arrived at West Trapps Lot at 11:30 AM and found a spot right up at the trail head. I seem to have "parking karma", I really wish I had lottery karma! Anyways, a very uneventful day climbing (the moderates) in the Trapps. We warmed up on the Bunny roof (we walked right up to Bunny, very unusual for the Uberfall), then climbed Red Cabbage Right. RCR is a very soft 10, a very easy "float" to the anchors. Did Bloody Bush for the first time in 3 years, it's a fun climb. P2 has a great little traverse adding some spiciness to the climb. I tried to get on Ken's, but every time we went to do it, someone was either TRing or just headed up. I forget what else we climbed, but, I know we finished on Horseman. I keep forgetting to the straight up variation, has anyone done it? (instead of doing the traverse) We climbed until 7:30 and then went to celebrate my birthday at Jen and Gavin's house. We were supposed to night climb, alas, as an "oldie" I was too tired to go out again. After an amazing sushi dinner, some very fun gifts, we released chinese wish lanterns into the night sky.

Sunday dawned early (after a 1AM bedtime) and MItch left for summer camp (Furniture School in Maine). I met Michael in the Nears. I could tell after I ran up Roseland that I was in for a tough day. Although totally fine, the moves felt harder than usual and I struggled wtih my feet. After Roseland we ran up Shitface, Transcon, Road Warrior, Birdland, Farewell to arms and To Be or Not to Be. We were completely alone in the nears due to the forecast (big storms), In fact, it started to rain, but, we waited it out. YOu could see it raining in NP, but the Nears was really dry. So, we waited while it sprinkled, then resumed our climbing. I was so sleepy all day, I could have fallen asleep while belaying.

Yesterday I took my friend Bett out. At 63, she decided to learn to lead. So we have dedicated several days this summer to Bett's leading. I have to say, she is doing a remarkable job. She is unflappable and manages to pick her way up the climbs. She lead both pitches of Easy O and then Three Pines to the GT ledge. I am impressed with her head, although she still needs to work on the consistency of her gear placements. It's always a joy to climb with her and to be a part of her progress.

Until next weekend...(headed to Atlanta and Lancaster this week).

(This post was edited by gblauer on Aug 3, 2010, 11:18 AM)


Aug 3, 2010, 12:57 PM
Post #295 of 1159 (18653 views)

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Re: [gblauer] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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Happy birthday Gail !!!

Sounds like you're back to cranking pretty well. Glad to hear it. The shoe inserts are working well for you?


Aug 3, 2010, 1:03 PM
Post #296 of 1159 (18651 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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My carbon fiber inserts are awesome. I feel pretty darn good when I climb (I have "creative" foot placement).

I am lucky to have MItch, he did an amazing job creating them for me.


Aug 3, 2010, 1:59 PM
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Re: [gblauer] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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I'm very happy for you Gail! Hope to see you out there one of these days.


Aug 3, 2010, 2:14 PM
Post #298 of 1159 (18636 views)

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Re: [gblauer] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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Gail --- Straight up on Horseman is good. Once you work your way up to the top of the flaring end of the corner you have good jams in the crack above with which to climb up and out on to the face.

For someone that wasn't quite on you sure seemed to get a lot of climbing done on Sunday.

Regarding "running up To Be Or Not To Be", details please. TRed the heck out of it a couple of years ago. Didn't come anywhere close to getting the first crux and eventually hauled up on the rope to get past it. Finally made the move on the second crux after several tries but was too wasted to hang on anymore and never did get to the top of it.

Had a great day at Crow Hill on Saturday. Very refreshing to be able to climb and not be dripping with sweat! Working on a route there that I thought was Blue Angel, old 5.8 that I have never seen anyone lead. However I am beginning to strongly suspect what I'm doing isn't it, or that the historic grade is significantly sandbagged.

My partner Saturday loudly declared it to be a burly 5.10a as she worked on the strenuous finish. Later when her "head cleared" a little she thought 5.9+. I am thinking solid 5.9. It is pretty vertical with limited rests and moves up diagonally right. I end up placing three key pieces of gear in a row with the right arm elbow locked off on side pulls on marginal feet. The pump clock really gets ticking on the right hand. Once the last piece is in I have trouble making 3 or 4 moves up to the ledge above before my right hand "melts off" a hold. Then there is the overhanging, burly finish. Once I get it clean, two falls Saturday, I will get a couple of old-timers on it to check the grade. Whatever it maybe it is proving quite the challenge for me!!!


Aug 4, 2010, 11:42 AM
Post #299 of 1159 (18605 views)

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Re: [gblauer] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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I think Gavin and Jen are our new neighbors. They're place is 4 houses down the road from us. If it's not the same people it would be a pretty big coincidence!


Aug 4, 2010, 12:04 PM
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Re: [rangerrob] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
I think Gavin and Jen are our new neighbors. They're place is 4 houses down the road from us. If it's not the same people it would be a pretty big coincidence!

You are totally correct...they came to a BBQ at your house.


Aug 4, 2010, 2:01 PM
Post #301 of 1159 (17665 views)

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Re: [gblauer] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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hey, happy birthday gail! glad to hear it was a good night!

I'm hoping to get back down there in the next couple of weeks (I miss my shoes!!! Tongue). Going to get out climbing for the first time since I got sick a couple of weeks ago. Heading to Rumney for a day trip. We'll see how that goes, but I'm looking forward to getting something done.

I'm kind of lacking partners at the moment, though, so if you're there for a week during the week then I'd love to come down and climb for a few days after you're back from Lancaster. Let me know.


Aug 4, 2010, 2:11 PM
Post #302 of 1159 (17660 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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Just PM me when you know, I can try and take some weekdays off. I think I should be able to do it...and I would love to climb wtih you.

So glad you are feeling better.


Aug 4, 2010, 2:24 PM
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Re: [gblauer] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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OK, will do. I think I'm pretty free after next week.


Aug 4, 2010, 2:44 PM
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Re: [gblauer] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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Has Michael led Road Warrior yet?


Aug 4, 2010, 3:02 PM
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Re: [johnwesely] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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Yes and No. He pre-placed gear, but he bailed right at the crux, so he has to try again.

I think we are climbing again on Saturday, but, I think we are focusing on volume rather than difficulty.


Aug 4, 2010, 4:14 PM
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Re: [gblauer] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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Happy belated birthday Gail! Glad you are able to climb so well with those inserts.


Aug 5, 2010, 1:52 AM
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Re: [mojomonkey] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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Thanks Doug. I do pay a price...I can no longer wear regular shoes or even clogs. I am now in "rocker" shoes. Every night I wake up with shooting pains in my feet and who knows what permanent damage I am dong to my sesamoid bones.

Whatever, at least I can climb.

Hopelessly addicted,


Aug 5, 2010, 2:43 AM
Post #308 of 1159 (17594 views)

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Re: [gblauer] A weekend at the cottage... [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Yes and No. He pre-placed gear, but he bailed right at the crux, so he has to try again.

I think we are climbing again on Saturday, but, I think we are focusing on volume rather than difficulty.

He will definitely get it.


Aug 6, 2010, 11:38 PM
Post #309 of 1159 (17570 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Got out climbing again, but still having issues.

On my last little adventure, I had to deal with working late, exploded tanker trucks, bad traffic, late night arrival, full campgrounds, and one no show partner.
This trip went better, but we're still having issues.
The plan was to hit Dome Rock in the Southern Sierras for some easy multi pitch trad fun. But then the Southern Sierras caught on fire. After some thought, we decided to go elsewhere, Courtright Reservoir. Unfortunately, its 2 1/2 hours further from my house. Fortunately, our wives gave us an extra day off for the trip. Still, it ended up being a 7 hour drive each way.
Day One, Spring Dome.
We scouted the rock Sun evening, and found the routes shown in the guide. As well as several shoes, but thats another story.
First thing I jump on "Southern Ca Drill Team", rated 5.4, and sport bolted. I take a couple of cams, as I'm not sure how the route finishes. I clip the plentiful bolts as the route heads up, and come to a groove/ramp headed right. There is an anchor off to the left, but a large step across the groove to the face. But nothing off to the right. The anchor is well above the last bolt, and the grove is actually tricky to get gear in, I find a place for #4 FCU (although a #5 might have worked better, take both), step up across the groove on to the face and finish at the anchor, 120 feet. Finishing that way was probably 5.6. Interesting "Sport Route." Otherwise, I have no idea where the route was supposed to finish. My partner follows, cleans and brings up the second rope. We TR under the anchor and cool off in between climbs in the shade. And swat flies. Hundreds of flies.
The clipping and TR'ing was fun, but we were looking forward to climbing to the top of something. I decided to climb to the summit following a crack off to the right of the anchor. I climb to the anchor and bring up Tim. Then set off up the crack. Which certainly wasn't heavily traveled, with a fair bit of moss and lichen. It goes easy and the gear is adequate for the difficulty. But certainly not sewn up. I reach the lone bolt I saw from the anchor, but its another big step up and across a crack to clip. The crack takes a #5 stopper nicely, but it was a long way back to the last gear. I get a #3 stopper in right next to the cross over move as back up, and notice the bolt is a button head. Thinking about then that it is probably a good idea to have that extra piece in. Well, the big step went easy, clip the bolt, and head up. And up, and up, no harder than 5.3, but few spots for gear. The few spots there were, were for cams, and I wanted to save for the anchor. I find a spot to anchor and get my last cams in, #5 FCU good, #1 good, and #2 poor. Tim followed, and I have him look around for a bolted anchor to rap off of. Given the number of sport bolted, ie closely spaced, routes it was strange to see only the one bolted anchor, at P1, on the rock. Walked off to the east.
Day Two, Trapper Dome.
The first route you come across as you approach, is a featureless low angle ramp facing east. It has the sport bolted "Drill Instructor", 5.4. Which is E facing and the sun is just blasting off of. The rock turns a corner S and gets stepper. I look around, and the rock below us is in shade. We set up a TR for that, from where we're at, and lower in a climb up. Tim sends it pretty quick, but mentions the start is pretty tough. I lower in and immediately notice the tough start. Small edges for the feet, and smaller edges for the hands. From there you move to sloppers for the right hand and foot. If you can stick those, the left hand can move up to a descent hold, and get the left foot up. Then you follow a left trending crack ramp up the face. After several false starts I pull through it. Reading the guide later, its "The Cradle Will Rock" and goes at 10+. Maybe, as I don't climb that hard to say for sure, but once you pull through the couple of moves its fairly easy.
I decide that the one route I'm looking at next is "Tao" 5.7. The bolting is not quite sport, but looks good. I rack some draws and head up. It's sustained but goes fine, untill I get to the last bolt. There are two anchors seen from there. One 10 feet up and 10 feet to the right, across a groove to a face. The other a fair bit higher, but following the groove line up and to the left a little. I start following the groove line up, and up, and up again. I didn't bring any gear, but could have used a cam for a small slot in the groove about half way up. Otherwise, no other real good spots for gear. But not carrying any I didn't bother to stop to look for some, just focus and gun for the top. Clip lockers into the chain links and "TAKE". Breath. Ok, that looks like 40-50 feet of runnout, Ok I'm good. Start to lower, and look down. Hmm, this is well over 100 feet, what to do. From the top bolt I decide to climb up and over the groove to the other anchor, no problem. Should have done that in the first place. Tim cleans and lowers, I rap from the top of "Drill Instructor". Get a drink and catch my breath. Since the rope is hanging, we TR "Drill Instructor" and call it a day. The rock is nearly featureless, with no obvious hand or foot holds, but so low angle you just put your foot anywhere and run up.
Day Three.
Well the plan was to pack up and head over to one or two more quick routes on Trapper and drive home. However, once we were packed up, the mighty Sub won't crank. Ah crud. Apparently leaving the doors open for so long while camping killed the old battery. Sigh. The guy in the next site gave us jump, thank you very much, but what to do. The 4 minute drive wouldn't charge the battery. Tim notes that we can make it home and across LA before evening traffic, if we leave right away. And so it was decided.
Overall, another fairly successful trip, but not without its challenges. Such appears to be my lot.


Aug 6, 2010, 11:41 PM
Post #310 of 1159 (17567 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Well, the camera is having "performance issues." The pics are a bit blurry and I'm not posting them. Also, I'm headed out of town, so I only trimmed a little from the above TR. Hopefully it reads fine.


Aug 7, 2010, 1:19 AM
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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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some people are disasters to climb with, you're a disaster to travel with. Laugh


Aug 7, 2010, 4:38 AM
Post #312 of 1159 (17527 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
some people are disasters to climb with, you're a disaster to travel with. Laugh
I'm beginning to think...


Aug 9, 2010, 2:12 PM
Post #313 of 1159 (17485 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Short and sweet new post: The Body Fights Back.

First day climbing since being sick. Went to Rumney.


Aug 9, 2010, 2:54 PM
Post #314 of 1159 (17468 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Short and sweet new post: The Body Fights Back.

First day climbing since being sick. Went to Rumney.

I am glad you are getting back on the rocks.


Aug 9, 2010, 3:45 PM
Post #315 of 1159 (17456 views)

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Re: [johnwesely] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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johnwesely wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Short and sweet new post: The Body Fights Back.

First day climbing since being sick. Went to Rumney.

I am glad you are getting back on the rocks.

thanks, me too, although I'll admit that while yesterday was a good day, I am WIPED today.


Aug 9, 2010, 5:44 PM
Post #316 of 1159 (17440 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
johnwesely wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Short and sweet new post: The Body Fights Back.

First day climbing since being sick. Went to Rumney.

I am glad you are getting back on the rocks.

thanks, me too, although I'll admit that while yesterday was a good day, I am WIPED today.

Use this as a time of reflection.


Aug 9, 2010, 6:34 PM
Post #317 of 1159 (17426 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Glad you are up and climbing again.

I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Gunks; three gorgeous days.

Friday I took Bett out for some leading, after studying the guide book I selected several 5.3 leads for Bett:
P1 Updraft, long corner climb, no route finding, a distinct crux, rings and slings on a tree for an anchor, plenty of opportunity for gear anchor as well
P1 Andrew, not great gear, but enough. Nice corner climbing, no route finding, rings and slings on a tree for an anchor
P1-P3 Easy V, Nice corner climb, Arrow bolts or plenty of opportunity for a gear anchor. P3 has a very different type of 5.3 crux, requires thoughful climbing.
P2 of Middle Earth.
Arrow...(For me)

Bett did an awesome job on every lead. She is easily cruising the threes and I think she can take on some fours. She is 65 years old and decided to start leading 6 weeks ago. She has an amazing lead head and I think she is a much better climber as a leader than a follower. We finished Friday's session on the third pitch of Bombs Away Dream Baby...a very cool 5.8, with less than adequate pro at the crux. YOu have pro about 4 feet below the crux, you have to get up to the crux (kind of tricky climbing) and then reaaaaach for the jug (for a shorty) and pull through the jugs to a stance before you can get in any more gear. It's dirty, but nice. I guess it's not done very often because of the lack of gear opportunities.

On Saturday we stayed in the Uberfall; it was PACKED! We started early:
1) Eyebrow, a meandering alpine like climb. So so, not great
2) Double Chin, tricky exit move at the top, harder than the 5.5 grade
3) Three laps up Restribution (clean)
4) Nosedive (would have been clean,but, I had a to clear a nut that the leader fell on...I needed two hands and a rock to pull the nut)
5) Apoplexy, easy run, but, I would never lead it (at least right now. Too much committment to get through the thin spots for me. Hell, I hate the start of Horseman!!!)
6) Fancy Idiot, this is an ok climb. NOthing special. Not worth doing.

We finished early, I wanted to be home in time for MItch to arrive from "summer camp" and go to the pig races at the Ulster COunty Fair. Turns out Mitch didn't get home until 7, we bolted through dinner and got to the fair just in time for the races. My pig lost and I didn't get a ribbon.

Mitch and I intended to get out of bed early on Sunday, but that didn't happen. We hit the cliff at 10 and we only had a 1/2 day to climb. I had to get home, my 21 year old daughter Emma was throwing a LARGE pool party at the house in Wayne and I was afraid the neighbors would call the police. Yes, they called and the police came. The police said "carry on" until the 9PM noise ordinance takes effect. Ha ha...the neighbors suck and they got NO satisfaction. The Band turned the speakers to the offending neighbor's house and played even louder.

We did easy peasy stuff:
1) Dennis
2) Belly Roll, would SOMEONE please tell me where to find the 5.4 move off the ledge? It always seems SOOO much harder to me. I have lead a couple of gunks 9s and this move feels harder!
3) Classic, I finally did the 2nd pitch's kind of fun. Juggy, happy climbing. Not sure why I missed that before.

Alas, we had to leave, but, Sunday was great and I really felt joyful as I's been a while since I felt that good.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Aug 9, 2010, 6:41 PM)


Aug 9, 2010, 6:58 PM
Post #318 of 1159 (17416 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Sorry to hear your pig lost, but how did it taste afterward?


Aug 9, 2010, 7:05 PM
Post #319 of 1159 (17414 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Sorry to hear your pig lost, but how did it taste afterward?

Ha ha...As a veggie I wouldn't touch him...Mitch would have really enjoyed him!

(This post was edited by gblauer on Aug 9, 2010, 7:10 PM)


Aug 9, 2010, 7:14 PM
Post #320 of 1159 (17410 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Sorry to hear your pig lost, but how did it taste afterward?

Ha ha...As a veggie I wouldn't touch him...Mitch would have really enjoyed him!

I like my pulled pork spicy.


Aug 9, 2010, 10:37 PM
Post #321 of 1159 (17396 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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We haven't been to the Gunks in a while but we have been climbing. After a stretch of climbing 11 days in a 15 day stretch, we are back to being weekend warriors.

This weekend we only had a day to climb, so we went to Farley. We finally ventured a little further right and did some pretty cool routes. I finally did Barndoor. Super route, but not very hard at the grade. Tiff led Yosemite crack and we also did a few that we have no clue what they were. I am not even sure what grade they were. I find that pretty refreshing. In today's guidebook infused style of climbing (which I am not complaining about, btw), it is rare that I just look up and say, "That looks pretty cool, lets do this."

I was still feeling a little sore from the gym on Thursday. I guess I'm getting old. I did determine, however, that when I am tired and sore, everything feels like 5.10. 8? 9? Really, I thought it was a 10. Even the 11's. I assume they are easier than they feel, BECAUSE I'm tired and sore.

At the end of the day, I thought I had something left in the tank, so I wanted to go try Usick (12a). I had been on it a couple years ago and thought I remembered it fairly well. I figured, well, I'm stronger now, so it shouldn't be TOO much of a problem. Well, I realized that I am not so strong, that a 12a at the end of the day is a piece of cake. I still need to be pretty fresh for a 12. No sendage for me.

After climbing, we headed to a little restaurant in Greenfield, MA called the People's Pint (which is worth the trip by itself, btw). It's an all organic restaurant that is also a brew pub. Yum!



Aug 9, 2010, 10:49 PM
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I actually liked Yosemite Crack. Once I pulled the bulge it was pretty fun.

Did you happen to jump on that long roof that is to the far left (just above the path that heads down to the bat cave)? According to Ward, it's only 10a. It doesn't look it though. Crazy


Aug 11, 2010, 9:29 PM
Post #323 of 1159 (17334 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
I actually liked Yosemite Crack. Once I pulled the bulge it was pretty fun.

Did you happen to jump on that long roof that is to the far left (just above the path that heads down to the bat cave)? According to Ward, it's only 10a. It doesn't look it though. Crazy

Doesn't sound familiar.


Aug 23, 2010, 1:12 AM
Post #324 of 1159 (17188 views)

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Rain Rain Go Away

I have to admit that I haven't said that very frequently this summer. My grass and plants are very happy to see the rain.

Mitch and I got to the cliff at noon on Saturday, the west trapps lot was full so we proceeeded to the stairmaster. I have to admit, I actually prefer the stairmaster, it's so much faster. We warmed up on all three pitches of Rusty Trifle and then I lead Trusty Rifle. Has anyone lead this climb? It's on the right end of the ledge where P2 of Rusty Trifle begins. You pull up to a small roof, then pull over the bulge at a very thin seam. It felt harder than a 7 and the gear through the crux was finicky, although available (think micronut in the seam). I was a bit sketched when I got through the crux and reached for what I thought was going to be a jug, NOT. It was a large clump of mud! I really had to hold it together to get to a decent stance and finally plug some gear (I felt like I was 20 feet above my micronut, in reality I was probably 6 feet). After that it was easy peasy to the GT ledge. Although I only had two slings left for 60 feet of climbing. Actually, I could have stopped at the first pine tree, but it was occupied by Steve (dad) and two of his kids (perry and clay, 13 and 9ish). It was fun to watch them climb together; the kids are going to be great climbers.

After my excitement on Trusty Rifle, we did Wrist. I have never lead P2 and I finally got my chance. Goodness that is one heck of a traverse for a 5.6! I wasted far too much energy trying the "high road" vs. the "low road" while enroute to the horn. I made it, but, I am sure that I was very comical to watch. I have to do it again and see if I can do it with better style. Anyone want to share some beta? I hear there is a trick, but, I sure didn't see one. Should I heel hook?

We got rained out today and tomorrow (forecast is for rain all night and showers tomorrow). So, I am adjusting my schedule and plan to head back up Thursday night and climb Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Guess I will be at the gym tomorrow. I have to start training for my trip to EPC in November.

Anyone want to go to Red Rocks Sept 9-12th?

(This post was edited by gblauer on Aug 23, 2010, 1:48 AM)


Aug 23, 2010, 1:39 AM
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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gail --- Showed up Saturday evening looking for a steak dinner. No one home. Some rumor about a wedding?!!?! Settled for scoring some booty approach shoes we found on your front porch!!

Regarding Wrist P2, quite the 5.6! Don't think there is any secret. Feet are there, at least for me, low or high with low being better for me; just hard to see due to the bulge in the rock at your waist.

Sorry you got washed out. Greg and I had three very good days T-Sa. Just cruised, looking to get my feet back under me after the HHH doldrums. Highlight for me was a flash of P1 of Birdland. Very fun, very satisfying crux to figure out. Greg manned up and did a nice lead of P2 despite not being near top form due to recent illness.

Beat myself up top roping To Be or Not To Be to put a finish to the trip. Came within 2 inches of getting the first crux. Need to get the feet just bit higher. I think the key will be figuring out how to make a slightly higher grip on the sloper work. --- Bill

(This post was edited by losbill on Aug 23, 2010, 1:40 AM)


Aug 23, 2010, 3:37 PM
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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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We did not go climbing this weekend but got to the Gunks last week. Despite some showers last Sunday, we got in a fair amount of climbing. Tiff led Double Crack, p1 of Carbs and Caffeine, Bold-ville, p1 of Filipina and p1 of The Spring. I led p1 of Lisa, p2 of Carbs and Caffeine, p2 of Filipina, p1 of The Winter, p2 of the Spring, and Frustration Syndrome.

In total, 6 pitches on Sat and 5 on Sunday. We would got more in on Saturday, but I had my heart set on C and C, and we waited for about 45 minutes while someone struggled on it. Finally, we decide to go do something else and come back to it. We went and did the first pitch of Lisa and when we came back the second was just starting up the second pitch. We figured we could start getting ready for it, so we flaked the ropes and I racked up. Given how he struggled on it, I was expecting it to be hard (which it was). But not that hard. Despite a hang at the crux and a fall at the endurance crux (which is harder the taller you are), i thought it wasn't that hard and did not spend too much time on it. I'll get it next time.

Was a good weekend and we are going back next week.



Aug 23, 2010, 3:46 PM
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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Gail --- Showed up Saturday evening looking for a steak dinner. No one home. Some rumor about a wedding?!!?! Settled for scoring some booty approach shoes we found on your front porch!!

Regarding Wrist P2, quite the 5.6! Don't think there is any secret. Feet are there, at least for me, low or high with low being better for me; just hard to see due to the bulge in the rock at your waist.

Sorry you got washed out. Greg and I had three very good days T-Sa. Just cruised, looking to get my feet back under me after the HHH doldrums. Highlight for me was a flash of P1 of Birdland. Very fun, very satisfying crux to figure out. Greg manned up and did a nice lead of P2 despite not being near top form due to recent illness.

Beat myself up top roping To Be or Not To Be to put a finish to the trip. Came within 2 inches of getting the first crux. Need to get the feet just bit higher. I think the key will be figuring out how to make a slightly higher grip on the sloper work. --- Bill

Hey Bill, sorry we were not home. Actually, I screwed up the wedding dates, it's this weekend! We were out climbing until 8ish, so, sorry we missed you. Congrats on Birdland, it's a climb I need to lead as well. To Be or NOt To Be...that is tough on the fingers, I did some laps up that a few weeks ago, it was pretty darn hard.

I am going to do Wrist again, this time I will earnestly search for feet. Does it seem harder than a normal 5.6 traverse? Think Thin Slabs Direct...don't you think the P3 traverse is easier on that than Wrist? Hell the dangler looks easier!!!


Aug 24, 2010, 12:47 PM
Post #328 of 1159 (17558 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
losbill wrote:
Gail --- Showed up Saturday evening looking for a steak dinner. No one home. Some rumor about a wedding?!!?! Settled for scoring some booty approach shoes we found on your front porch!!

Regarding Wrist P2, quite the 5.6! Don't think there is any secret. Feet are there, at least for me, low or high with low being better for me; just hard to see due to the bulge in the rock at your waist.

Sorry you got washed out. Greg and I had three very good days T-Sa. Just cruised, looking to get my feet back under me after the HHH doldrums. Highlight for me was a flash of P1 of Birdland. Very fun, very satisfying crux to figure out. Greg manned up and did a nice lead of P2 despite not being near top form due to recent illness.

Beat myself up top roping To Be or Not To Be to put a finish to the trip. Came within 2 inches of getting the first crux. Need to get the feet just bit higher. I think the key will be figuring out how to make a slightly higher grip on the sloper work. --- Bill

Hey Bill, sorry we were not home. Actually, I screwed up the wedding dates, it's this weekend! We were out climbing until 8ish, so, sorry we missed you. Congrats on Birdland, it's a climb I need to lead as well. To Be or NOt To Be...that is tough on the fingers, I did some laps up that a few weeks ago, it was pretty darn hard.

I am going to do Wrist again, this time I will earnestly search for feet. Does it seem harder than a normal 5.6 traverse? Think Thin Slabs Direct...don't you think the P3 traverse is easier on that than Wrist? Hell the dangler looks easier!!!

I had my own 5.6 adventure on Shit Creek. P1 is, um, stiff for a warm-up.

Yeah, good three days with Bill. Was very productive. Glad he pushed me to do P2 of Birdland, even though I'd done it before. Wasn't feeling strong and did OK.

Thanks for babysitting the shoes. They look as if they were well-fed. My appreciation goes far.

Sorry if you texted. I dropped my phone in the drink at Split Rock. Not sure if it will work or not when I get home. It wasn't turned on when it went for the swim. Fingers are crossed, but I know life seems slim for the poor guy.


Aug 25, 2010, 1:05 PM
Post #329 of 1159 (17516 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Shit Creek felt stiff for a 5.6 warmup because it is 5.7, and a sturdy one at that! Personally I can't wait until the climbing gets under way here.....sound slike Friday is going to kick things off. High of 72! That's still a little warm for me, but hey I'll take it. There so so many projects out there for this fall i don't even know where to begin. Actually I do. I need to get my noodle arms back in shape first. I haven't climbed anything significant since early June.


Aug 25, 2010, 1:40 PM
Post #330 of 1159 (17508 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
High of 72! That's still a little warm for me, but hey I'll take it.

Rangerrob, do you climb all winter? I am vowing to climb this winter. I didn't try last winter because of my foot surgery. What temp is too cold for you to climb (rock not ice)? How often do you climb in the winter?


Aug 25, 2010, 3:22 PM
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If only TIff would post here, we could get 3 people on the same page who have CCK as their profile pic Cool


Aug 25, 2010, 3:26 PM
Post #332 of 1159 (17491 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
If only TIff would post here, we could get 3 people on the same page who have CCK as their profile pic Cool

I am going to get a dangler photo...or a nude Shockley's photo...ummm...strike that, no one wants to see a 50+ year old woman naked!!!


Aug 25, 2010, 3:30 PM
Post #333 of 1159 (17485 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
If only TIff would post here, we could get 3 people on the same page who have CCK as their profile pic Cool

I am going to get a dangler photo...or a nude Shockley's photo...ummm...strike that, no one wants to see a 50+ year old woman naked!!!

Well, since you brought it up. I have said many times that The "Dangler" is a much more appropriate climb to do sans clothes. Cool

On another note, there's NO WAY you're 50+. I don't beiieve it!



Aug 25, 2010, 3:43 PM
Post #334 of 1159 (17481 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:

On another note, there's NO WAY you're 50+. I don't beiieve it!


Ha ha...hey you already have a place to stay this weekend, you don't have to flatter me!!! See you Friday night.


Aug 25, 2010, 3:46 PM
Post #335 of 1159 (17477 views)

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blueeyedclimber wrote:
If only TIff would post here, we could get 3 people on the same page who have CCK as their profile pic Cool

I'm more of a lurker.


Aug 25, 2010, 3:52 PM
Post #336 of 1159 (17476 views)

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Just be sure to bring a few valley giants to cover the naughty bits lol


Aug 25, 2010, 3:53 PM
Post #337 of 1159 (17475 views)

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gblauer wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:

On another note, there's NO WAY you're 50+. I don't beiieve it!


Ha ha...hey you already have a place to stay this weekend, you don't have to flatter me!!! See you Friday night.

Yeah, I don't buy this 50 claim, either!


Aug 25, 2010, 4:13 PM
Post #338 of 1159 (17465 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
gblauer wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
If only TIff would post here, we could get 3 people on the same page who have CCK as their profile pic Cool

I am going to get a dangler photo...or a nude Shockley's photo...ummm...strike that, no one wants to see a 50+ year old woman naked!!!

Well, since you brought it up. I have said many times that The "Dangler" is a much more appropriate climb to do sans clothes. Cool

On another note, there's NO WAY you're 50+. I don't beiieve it!


Erect Direction is even better.


Aug 25, 2010, 4:24 PM
Post #339 of 1159 (17456 views)

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Re: [johnwesely] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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johnwesely wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
gblauer wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
If only TIff would post here, we could get 3 people on the same page who have CCK as their profile pic Cool

I am going to get a dangler photo...or a nude Shockley's photo...ummm...strike that, no one wants to see a 50+ year old woman naked!!!

Well, since you brought it up. I have said many times that The "Dangler" is a much more appropriate climb to do sans clothes. Cool

On another note, there's NO WAY you're 50+. I don't beiieve it!


Erect Direction is even better.

Tru dat. Cool


Aug 26, 2010, 3:29 PM
Post #340 of 1159 (17405 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
Shit Creek felt stiff for a 5.6 warmup because it is 5.7, and a sturdy one at that! Personally I can't wait until the climbing gets under way here.....sound slike Friday is going to kick things off. High of 72! That's still a little warm for me, but hey I'll take it. There so so many projects out there for this fall i don't even know where to begin. Actually I do. I need to get my noodle arms back in shape first. I haven't climbed anything significant since early June.

ah, sorry, I speaking of P1, which is supposedly 5.6. I found the first traverse, at the triangular roof, to be rather cruxy while the second traverse (the supposed crux according to Dick) to simply be punpy. The 5.7 pitch is P3, which I didn't lead.


Aug 26, 2010, 3:30 PM
Post #341 of 1159 (17404 views)

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Re: [johnwesely] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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johnwesely wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
gblauer wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
If only TIff would post here, we could get 3 people on the same page who have CCK as their profile pic Cool

I am going to get a dangler photo...or a nude Shockley's photo...ummm...strike that, no one wants to see a 50+ year old woman naked!!!

Well, since you brought it up. I have said many times that The "Dangler" is a much more appropriate climb to do sans clothes. Cool

On another note, there's NO WAY you're 50+. I don't beiieve it!


Erect Direction is even better.

we already saw gail on erect direction...ShockedBlush


Aug 26, 2010, 4:40 PM
Post #342 of 1159 (17394 views)

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johnwesely wrote:

we already saw gail on erect direction...

But I wasn't naked!


Aug 26, 2010, 4:48 PM
Post #343 of 1159 (17388 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
johnwesely wrote:

we already saw gail on erect direction...

But I wasn't naked!

ahhh...but the pure exaltation was!


Aug 28, 2010, 12:17 AM
Post #344 of 1159 (17315 views)

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Gail I do climb all winter, but most of the winter is taken up with ice climbing. That being said, I will climb on rock in sunny weather down to around 25 or so. The temp on the wall in direct sunlight will be 10-20 degress warmer, and quite pleasant.

There are plenty of mixed climbing opportunities in The Gunks as well. The problem is that you need very specific conditions for the ice to come in on the the cliffs, and once it comes in it tends to bake out with a day of full sun. It's ephemeral at best.



Aug 28, 2010, 1:16 AM
Post #345 of 1159 (17306 views)

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Gail --- I climb year round at Crow Hill. A bit further north than the Gunks. When it is really cold 10 - 30 degrees quick bouldering problems. Although some leading, not by me, got done in the sun at 9 and 16 degrees F this year. Amazing what you can climb wearing neoprene construction gloves and Asolo hiking boots.

Gets up into the upper 30's and 40's we aid. 50's on up we TR. Occasionally on a still day with temps 50's on up and dry rock we will lead. With no wind and full sun we have climbed in T-shirts in January.

BTW looking for a partner for Labor Day Friday. Are you available? Anyone you can hook me up with?


(This post was edited by losbill on Aug 28, 2010, 2:37 AM)


Aug 28, 2010, 1:58 AM
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Yes, I am available on Friday before labor day. My friend Manny is coming in from AZ and I will pick him up on Thursday night. If you don't mind a party of three, then you are welcome to climb with us.

I really want to climb this winter. If it's warm, sunny, no wind I would like to try.


Aug 28, 2010, 3:50 AM
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A beautiful Fall day today...even though it's still summer

Wow, what a day; the sun was shining, the temperature was perfect. The rock was a wee bit slimy in the shade during our morning climbs. I think the righteous rain really made things rather wet over the past few days. The ground was almost muddy in several spots and I found a lot of moist horizontals.

Anyways, we warmed up on Pas de Deux and Drunkards. Boy that P2 roof on Drunkards is a ton of fun. Where else but the gunks right? It's juggy, roofy, fun pulling. My goal today (after warming up) was to get on some new climbs. So we did Size Matters, 10C to the right of Rusty Trifle. I thought it was really soft, but, I wasn't leading either. Following was a breeze through a very delicate traverse. We then hit Ruby Saturday Direct. It looks kind of dirty, but, in fact it was really a nice climb. There is ground fall potential until you gain a very good horizontal. We could not find the 5.9+ G rated P2. So, we bailed left on the Anguish rap and moved on. We moved right to Star Action. That is so worth all of the stars it gets! Great face climbing leads to a fun crimpy roof with a delicate move into the corner. What an awesome climb. Still wanting more we ran up P1 of MF. I pulled the 10a variation only to find that my partner had placed gear 12 feet to my right. One very thin traverse later, I was back on the normal route. We decided to do P2 of Birdie Party. It's a big roof which requires a heel hook to pull the next moves. Very burly, just my kind of climb. I loved it!

We called it a day because I had to go to a pre-wedding party at 630. I got home and got all gussied up and went to find my phone! I figured I left it at the cliff, so I hightailed it back to the starmaster and hiked back up to the Mac wall. No phone anywhere...Did I mention I did this in my party dress and sneakers? I went to the party and figured that my phone would turn up eventually. Nice party, got there so late that all the food was gone. Only cake. So, I ate cake for dinner, I have had worse dinners. Anyways, I got home, emptied my pack, still no phone. ONe last ditch effort, I dialed my phone number and guess what? I heard it ring!!! Woo hoo, it was somewhere close. I actually found it in the side pocket of my pack. I am such a nimrod, I NEVER put my phone in there. I swear little rock gremlins hid it from me!

So all is well that ends well. I am tired from climbing and partying. I am looking forward to a deep sleep and then up in the AM to climb again. We are thinking about Peterskill, I have never been there.


Aug 29, 2010, 1:56 PM
Post #348 of 1159 (17258 views)

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Yesterday, I had a great day of sport climbing with my long time climbing partner. It was his first time climbing outside since he had his baby five months ago, but somehow, despite him only having two hours of gym time a week, he had his best day of climbing ever. He normally has the worst lead head I have ever seen. He will usually take at a bolt when he is not even pumped, but yesterday, he didn't even take once. It was great.


Aug 29, 2010, 10:48 PM
Post #349 of 1159 (17221 views)

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Hey Gail, thanks for your hospitality this weekend. It was so nice having a quiet place to camp.

As for our weekend, we got on a bunch of climbs we had never done before. Saturday, we did Wasp (5.9), Falled on Account of Strain(5.10b), Art's Route (5.9), and Wedgetables (5.10a). All good routes. Tiff and I both took leader falls on Falled on account of Strain, Tiff on the first pitch and me on the 10b pitch. I usually onsite that grade but it's hard to find the exit move on the last roof. I went too far right and had to backtrack and take gear out when I realized I went too far. Meanwhile the pumpclock is ticking. It is STEEP! I realized that I might not have the energy to pull the final roof so I tried to down climb and fell. I had Tiff lower me back to the anchor, I untied, pulled the rope and then sent in style.

Today (Sunday) we had a lower key day. Tiff led Eastertime Too(5.8) and then I was going to do Elder Cleavage (5.10, 4 pitches), but the thought being at belay stations in today's sun was less than appealing. So I decided to try a hard single pitch. I settled on Criss (5.11a, my ass). I had been on it once before and I STILL can't do the crux move. I got up it (with a little cheating) and Tiff and I both toproped it. I still couldn't do it on f-ing toprope. After that we decided to do something that was recommended to us. A climb called Disney Point, a 5.10 variation to Disneyland. It was super fun. It was like a slightly harder version of the Dangler, complete with heel-hooking and great hand holds.

After that, we were exhausted and decided to call it a day.


(This post was edited by blueeyedclimber on Aug 29, 2010, 10:53 PM)


Aug 30, 2010, 12:31 AM
Post #350 of 1159 (17206 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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A beautiful weekend in NY. I spent the day playing around on Bald Mountain in Old Forge. I have live about an hour and a half from this 200' cliff for a few years, but have never heard much about it and hadn't climbed there before. I took a friend who has only climbed twice before. We started a a 120' 5.3 called Easy Squeeze for my friend to learn belaying a leader and cleaning a route. He did well, so we hiked over and climbed a nice 5.5 hand crack called Where's the Booty. Directly next to it was a 5.6 off-width, a wonderful short route called Zigzag. I didn't have enough large gear, so it was a dicey lead for someone like me who gumbies off-widths. We finished toproping a strenuous layback inside corner crack called Cardiac Corner, which has the infamous Adirondacks grade of 5.9+. To my surprise, my friend made it up with only one fall.

Overall, it was a great day to be on the rocks, discover a new cliff, watch my friend on his first real climb, and get some air under my feet.


Aug 30, 2010, 1:04 AM
Post #351 of 1159 (20374 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Thanks again for your hospitality, Gail!  It was great to chill out with you & Mitch by the fire.  We should try to rope  up together sometime this fall.

Josh pretty much summed up our climbs.  I took 2 falls and 1 big whipper on p1 on Falled on Account of Strain  that lifted Josh off the ground & left me with a nasty burn on the back of my thigh where I apparently made contact with a sling.  Owie!

After that climb I realized that I could also see my big toe poking through my shoe & that my sole was ripping off.  That was the end of my leading for the day, but I followed Josh up Art's Route (BURLY!!!) where we found a big snake skin.  He then led Wegetables & we high tailed it back to Rock & Snow so I could purchase my third pair of shoes this climbing season.  

I got myself a pair of Muiras, then we had dinner with our friend Jim before heading back to hang with Gail & Mitch.  We were all exhausted, but had a good time sharing our climbing stories.

On Sunday I broke my Muiras in on Easter Time Too.  The start was burly & greasy, but I did manage to get my redpoint.  

The guys next to us had a baby snake fall off the route they were climbing.  We all went to look at this cute little worm that was lying still on it's back, apparently stunned from the fall.  For a second, I thought it was dead until it suddenly flipped over to show us the obvious diamond on the back of it's head as it made a bee line for the nearest hole.  I decided that I would pass on trying that route (Day Tripper), as appealing as it looked.

On our way to Criss & before we got to Birdland, we heard large rocks either breaking loose or being rolled from the top of the cliff.  I don't know which was the actual cause, but it was close enough & sounded large enough to cause me to run.  It definately got my adrenaline pumping!

So it was an excellent & exciting weekend, filled with quality friends & quality rock.  What else can a gal ask for?


Aug 30, 2010, 2:05 AM
Post #352 of 1159 (20365 views)

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Re: [LostinMaine] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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We were the people you hate at the cliff

Yes, we were loud, we hung top ropes everywhere and we never moved. Yeah, we were the people that you hate climbing next to.

Mitch and I went to Peterskill with some friends who are very familiar with the area. Since they limit the number of climbers at Peterskill, we arrived as they opened. The parking lot was already 1/2 full, but, we didn't see a lot of climbers.

We hiked into the cliff and Pete and Mitch went to set TRs from the top. There was another group setting up top ropes as well. They had several ropes among them and we decided to join forces and take over the whole area. We had ropes set up on Golden Dreams 9+, Fickle Fingers 10B, Skinky American 9, Slot Machine 6 and Skink 6-8, very height dependent.

The climbing was fun, although I would have been better off leading rather than TRing. With each passing day and the summer drawing to a close I fear that I will not meet my trad climbing objectives. Truth is, I should have lead Golden Dreams. It's a g-rated 9+, great gear the entire way up.

We didn't get out of bed until noon today. We figured it was too late for us to climb (we had to head home by 5) so rather than climb we went skydiving at the Ranch. Although we did not have a reservation we were able to walk in and jump within 45 minutes. Turns out it was the Ranch's 30th anniversiary and they were running 3 planes. We had a ton of fun.

Still looking for a climbing partner in Red Rocks...anyone game?

(This post was edited by gblauer on Aug 30, 2010, 2:30 AM)


Aug 31, 2010, 4:45 AM
Post #353 of 1159 (20313 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Still looking for a climbing partner in Red Rocks...anyone game?

I've been wanting to get to Red Rocks for a while. When?


Aug 31, 2010, 11:20 AM
Post #354 of 1159 (20297 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Sept 10-12th


Aug 31, 2010, 1:00 PM
Post #355 of 1159 (20290 views)

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gblauer wrote:
Sept 10-12th

Sadly, I will be in Belgium at that time. I hope you find someone and have fun.


Sep 1, 2010, 7:49 PM
Post #356 of 1159 (20258 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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wow, I've missed a bunch of fun times. Was out with Bill in the 'Gunks and this is the TR: Consecutive Days and I'm Ready to Go?

Bill - I thought you were climbing with Melanie?


Sep 2, 2010, 12:46 AM
Post #357 of 1159 (20240 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Yes I am climbing with Melanie. I'm also climbing with Gail, Manny, Kurt, Rachel and Rob. Going to be a busy weekend.

Going down early Friday to snag a campsite at MUA. Then off to Bonnie's area to catch up with Gail and Manny. Saturday and Sunday with Melanie, Rachel, Kurt & Rob; and perhaps Manny.

Enjoyed your trip report of our three days in the Gunks. Mixed emotions about the omission of how I got 20 plus feet up Snooky's Return without a rack!


Sep 2, 2010, 12:54 AM
Post #358 of 1159 (20236 views)

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John Wesley and LostinMaine - Enjoyed both your posts. Like many climbers if your partner is having a good day so are you! Nice to see some posts other than the Gunkies.


Sep 2, 2010, 1:00 AM
Post #359 of 1159 (20228 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Yes I am climbing with Melanie. I'm also climbing with Gail, Manny, Kurt, Rachel and Rob. Going to be a busy weekend.

Going down early Friday to snag a campsite at MUA. Then off to Bonnie's area to catch up with Gail and Manny. Saturday and Sunday with Melanie, Rachel, Kurt & Rob; and perhaps Manny.

Enjoyed your trip report of our three days in the Gunks. Mixed emotions about the omission of how I got 20 plus feet up Snooky's Return without a rack!



Sep 6, 2010, 6:23 AM
Post #360 of 1159 (20170 views)

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Well, the subject well, new ideas, I support what! Hope you can make more friends forum which, for more information and knowledge! Also want to express their views more!


Sep 7, 2010, 12:38 PM
Post #361 of 1159 (20138 views)

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Re: [aalin] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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How dare you spam our thread !!!!ON3!!! Mad


Sep 7, 2010, 2:28 PM
Post #362 of 1159 (20106 views)

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Re: [aalin] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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aalin wrote:
Well, the subject well, new ideas, I support what! Hope you can make more friends forum which, for more information and knowledge! Also want to express their views more!



Sep 8, 2010, 12:13 AM
Post #363 of 1159 (20081 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Labor Day Weekend = Exhausted

Climbed Friday
Drove to Boston and back on Saturday
Climbed Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Flying to Lancaster PA now, Atlanta tomorrow and Vegas on Monday.

No rest for the weary.

We had awesome weather at the Gunks, I enjoyed the privilege of showing Sonso45 the Gunks. He loved every climb (of course we did all the three star classics) and is eager to come back and try some more.

Unfortunately the weekend ended with some lady backing into my parked car. She really creamed my trunk!


Sep 9, 2010, 2:28 PM
Post #364 of 1159 (20016 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Thanks again, Gail, for the hospitality.

I have never been to the Gunks on Labor Day Weekend. Holy business!

Despite the crowds and despite Tiff not feeling well on Sunday and Monday, we had a decent weekend.

We rolled into town early for us, on Friday. I led Apoplexy and Red Cabbage (both 5.9), neither of which i had led before. Tiff had led both of them but I just followed last time. Then we headed to Gails to meet up for dinner.

Saturday was great! We started on Ridiculissima, 5.10d. Tiff led the first pitch of Directissima to start which we linked into the climb. I led the 10d pitch and the 5.8 finish. We rappelled, grabbed a bite to eat and then got back on. Tiff wanted to lead Directissima. Since she had already led the first pitch, I took that, and she led the rest, finishing on the the 3rd pitch of High E.

It was starting to get later in the, so I wanted to lead something at the Mac wall, which I had fell on previously (Try Again, 5.10b). On our way down the cliff, we ran into some friends and made dinner plans. Now it seemed we probably only had time for 1 or 2 more climbs. On my way to the Mac wall I stopped suddenly and looked up. We were in the Welcome to The Gunks area and I remember their being a couple 11's here that I wanted to try. I dropped my pack, turned to Tiff and said, "I changed my mind, I wanna do this." "What is it?" she said. "Fall to Grace (5.11 b/c)."

It was HARD! There are 2 distinct cruxes. The first one I fell a few times and then finally got. After you get a pretty good hold, you make one easy move to a horizontal under a roof. Here is the second crux. I could not figure it out. Up and down up and down. A fall here, grab the sling there. There was a hold (not sure how good it was) that I could not get to. Maybe you're supposed to dyno. Wasn't ready to commit to that, so I eventually traversed to Welcome to the Gunks and finished up the last 3 roofs of that with my tail between my legs. That climb didn't seem too easy either but finished it without falling (I HAD done that one before).

I took a while on that one so now it was time to meet up with losbill and others for dinner. We had food, frosty beverages and stories galore.

Sunday did not turn out as well. Tiff said she wanted to lead Snooky's Return, so we headed for that. I hadn't really done anything in that immediate area for a while. We showed up and it was BUSY! Someone was on Snooky's so Tiff opted to start on Friends and Lovers (5.9). She was doing great! I believe she just made it through the crux and then a rope falls right in her face! After some choice words by Tiff, we hear a mouse-like voice say "sorry." She still managed to get the onsight!

Snooky's finally opens up, so I start getting the ropes ready, when she tells me she doesn't feel good. We end up leaving and finishing our climbing for that day.

Monday, Tiff still doesn't feel well, but tells me that she can still belay. I say ok and start to think about straight up climbs that I can clean on rappel. We head to the Mac wall and I lead the first pitch of Birdie Party (5.8+). Then I feel like trying Try Again. Fell! Dammit! How is this possible for me to fall on a 10b that I have done before! I did determine that I was using bad foot beta AND I was tired and sore...but STILLL! ARRRGGHHH! I didn't feel like trying it AGAIN so instead I left the rope on the anchor and TRed Fly Again (5.11d) with the hopes of scoping out gear placements (there weren't many). That would be a serious lead. I sent it clean up to the crux and it took me 2 tries to send the crux. Fun climb.

I just wish Tiff were feeling better.

I think next Labor Day, we will probably avoid the Gunks, though!



Sep 9, 2010, 3:55 PM
Post #365 of 1159 (19996 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Funny Josh, Doc and I didn't really have issues with crowds and stayed on routes easier than you! And one time a crowd actually sped things up because after we did Hans Puss we joined forces at the top of Arrow to build a full 60m rap to get all the way down in one. Got lucky i suppose that i was heading up Modern times before that other group showed up and only had to wait for one party to finish Ants line. And a really nice group was just getting off Something Interesting when we did that.

sunday we went to the Nears and other than a guide not really communicating well with jeff we had issues at all.

we did meet this weird couple on the High E rap but they seemed mostly harmless.


Sep 9, 2010, 4:00 PM
Post #366 of 1159 (19994 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Funny Josh, Doc and I didn't really have issues with crowds and stayed on routes easier than you!

The crowds I speak of were mostly when we were trying to find parking. Also, Tiff had her sights on Snooky's, so I did break my rule of not climbing in certain areas on busy weekends. The GUnks are big, you can ALWAYS avoid the crowds as long as you don't mind walking and you don't have your heart set on a particular climb.

In reply to:
we did meet this weird couple on the High E rap but they seemed mostly harmless.

Funny. So did we Tongue


Sep 9, 2010, 4:27 PM
Post #367 of 1159 (19983 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Funny Josh, Doc and I didn't really have issues with crowds and stayed on routes easier than you!

The crowds I speak of were mostly when we were trying to find parking. Also, Tiff had her sights on Snooky's, so I did break my rule of not climbing in certain areas on busy weekends. The GUnks are big, you can ALWAYS avoid the crowds as long as you don't mind walking and you don't have your heart set on a particular climb.

In reply to:
we did meet this weird couple on the High E rap but they seemed mostly harmless.

Funny. So did we Tongue

ah.. benefits of camping at Slime.. despite the major wind noise fri night and the idling ambulance engines saturday still can roll out of bed onto the carriage road.


Sep 13, 2010, 9:41 PM
Post #368 of 1159 (19909 views)

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Woo Hoo, A new climbing partner!

My friend Manny was in from AZ over the Labor Day holiday. It was his first time at the gunks and we had a great 6 days of classic three star climbing. On our last day of climbing together he casually mentioned that a (hard core) climbing friend had moved to Philadelphia and that I should reach out to her. He suggested that the two of us might just get along.

Well, I called his friend and we went to our local sport climbing quarry in Birdsboro on Saturday. I figured we would put up a few climbs and be done in a few hours or so. Well, it turns out that we were amazingly compatible and we put up 11 pitches each; ranging from 9's to 11's. It was great to climb with someone, who was incredibly capable, yet at the same time amazingly cheerful, humble, fun and didn't take herself too seriously. I am hoping that we can climb together throughout the fall and that I will learn much from her vast aid, sport, trad and mountaineering experience. Is she the answer to my trad mentor prayers? I sure hope so!

Here's to new partners...Hurrah!

(This post was edited by gblauer on Sep 13, 2010, 9:47 PM)


Sep 14, 2010, 4:12 PM
Post #369 of 1159 (19850 views)

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Went to Yak Peak this weekend had a great trip here is the video


Sep 14, 2010, 8:16 PM
Post #370 of 1159 (19829 views)

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Getting Back Into It [In reply to]
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This summer has been an effort to rediscover my climbing self. I've been getting up to the Gunks as much as possible as well as hitting the climbing gym. All this with the intent to culminate my year with a couple of tall routes up in the Dacks.

Well the Dacks trip fell through at the last minute, but that was really a blessing in disguise.

Last weekend I headed up to the Lake George area to partake in the Southern Adirondack Climbers Fest What a great time. Not only did I get to meet some RC regulars, but we got a tour of the new action in the south Lake George area. I got on a few climbs. The running joke was that all the climbs were 5.7+. All in all it really felt good to re-establish my onsite grade and to gain some comfort in picking up the pace a bit.

Those guys are really doing a good job of establishing some new areas and documenting the new and the "historic" climbs. If you climb in the Dacks at all I recommend the Adirondack Rock guide. It is well put together. Also check out as new routes are going in fast.

So I had a great time climbing eating and drinking, and am looking forward to climbing with some new found friends.


Sep 14, 2010, 9:00 PM
Post #371 of 1159 (19818 views)

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Wow, I didn't know they were having a climbers fest. That would have been a great way to work my way up to that area.

Glad you had some fun.


Sep 14, 2010, 9:04 PM
Post #372 of 1159 (19814 views)

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From what I gathered they do it every year the weekend after labor day. Get ready now for next years western Dacks location.

Would have been fun to meet you. You would have recognized a few faces. It is definitely a good crew.


Sep 14, 2010, 10:46 PM
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Chad --- Enjoyed the video. Looked like a good day! Reminded of our Cannon Cliff in New Hampshire. Big slab of granite, highway below, dampness!

Gail the SAdkRF is the premier climbing event of the year in the Northeast!!! How could you possibly not be aware of it!!!!

It was a great time!!! Many thanks to Jay, Todd, Jeremy, Doc, Tom and all the others that made it an outstanding event. Great people, great climbing, lots of booty, lots of food, great weather.

Ventured out to New Buck Saturday morning. Highlight was top roping a climb called Pocket Pool and having a real, real hard time getting the crux. Fell once and then finally got it. Doc kept insisting it was a 5.10b. I kept thinking I was really missing something. He got on it, got it, came down, immediately consulted the guidebook and sheepishly informed me it was a 5.11b.

We hiked out and went up the road to join Jeremy, Jay and the rest of the crew at Shelving Rock. Don't bother. It isn't in the book. Here it the website with the description

It was great. Beautiful day, beautiful crag, great routes and world-class view of Lake George. Rock Lobster was the great. There are a lot of great lines there. I will be back.

Stayed too late, Mark's fault, and missed the spaghetti dinner. Did have about 17 meatballs before heading for the slide show. Todd you have got to start locking the kitchen!!

Missed Jeremy's presentation of the locale for next year. I believe it will be in the Caroga Lake area. We did catch Tom Rosecrans' excellent presentation of "Pumori on a Shoestring". What a great adventure. Back to RockSport where Todd opened up the kitchen again for the late arrivals, Jeremiah and Greg. They were on Day 7 of a 11-day tour of Northeast. They had been up at Poko doing Bloody Mary and Fastest Gun. Prior they had been at Rumney, Cathedral/Whitehorse and Acadia. They sat down for dinner as did about 10 of the rest of us. Couldn't let them eat alone, could we?

Next morning wound down at Stewart's Ledge. Jeremiah, who now lives in Colorado, was complaining a bit about the humidity while climbing very hard. We all told him he didn't know what humidity was and that we found the day very refreshing. He should have been in the Northeast in July!

The routes at Stewart's aren't long but they are full value. Favorite was Lithium. Probably because it was the only 5.10 I could get up with any sort of style. Todd made sure I got on The Entertainer (5.8) one of the signature climbs of the crag. Thanks Todd.

Enjoyed a TR Crackatoa (5.9+). Would like to get back to lead it. Definitely seemed to be a Daks 5.9. No stars in the guidebook. I might vote for one or two.

Jen, incentivized by promise of the last two chocolate chip cookies, headed up Crackatoa to get the final top rope setup. Tough climb in the light drizzle that began as she headed up. Jen hit the ground and received her well earned reward. The skies then opened up right at 2:30 PM as predicted by Jay and a great weekend was done!

Wyeth, good to finally get a chance to climb with you. It was fun sharing "our" .4 cam. See you at the Gunks in two weeks. I am looking forward to my beer at the Otter.


Sep 14, 2010, 11:17 PM
Post #374 of 1159 (19798 views)

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Re: [losbill] Getting Back Into It [In reply to]
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Bill- great to see you again. glad that you enjoyed yourself.
Wyeth-great to meet you and climb a bunch of 5.7+ climbs with you.

Caroga Lake area is in the South Central Adks and looks to be another amazing venue.

Hopefully I will see you both before then.

BTW Wyeth, did you notice the thread about the figure 8 follow through w/ yosemite finish?

(This post was edited by c4c on Sep 14, 2010, 11:19 PM)


Sep 14, 2010, 11:23 PM
Post #375 of 1159 (19795 views)

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Some good pictures of shelving rock on


Sep 15, 2010, 2:14 PM
Post #376 of 1159 (17944 views)

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Todd, good times indeed. Enjoyed sharing a rope with you. I have not seen the thread you mentioned so I will do a search.

"Our 0.4 Cam or Bill's Good Karma"
Last year I headed out to the Gunks one weekend. On my rack was a very new .4 BD cam. Some good climbing through the day led my partner and I to finish on Limelight. I led off, and early in the climb I tried to place that fine and shiny piece of aluminum. Alas, it was too small. I placed the cam on the ledge at my waste and opted for the .5 can instead. With solid gear I climbed off.

The climb finished, we returned to the base re-racked and got ready to head for home. ...but where was that little .4 cam.?. We looked all over but we couldn't find it.

Later that day, Bill and his partner started up Arrow. Low and behold, there on a ledge not too far off the ground was a shiny new .4 cam. What luck! Booty, and it's new!! Bill must have thought his angels were shining on him.

So I lost my cam. I figured I owed it to the booty gods. Heck, I've picked up my fair share. You win some you loose some, right? Besides, I hung on the crux of Limelight. Perhaps instead of killing a puppy, god just took my cam.

Then, a few days later while roaming around here on RC, I noticed someone had posted asking if anyone had found their #1 pink tri-cam... Really? I chuckled to myself. Asking for an $8 piece back? But, that made me think. If this guy is going to ask for a tri-cam back... Aw shit, nothing ventured nothing gained. So, I posted and asked if anyone had found my cam.

I didn't even know where I had lost the thing, mind you. I said in my post that it may have been in the thin slabs area, as I though I had lost it there in the leaves. I couldn't imagine that not only had I left it sitting right out in the open on a ledge, but that my partner would have climbed right by it also...

A couple days later Bill became my hero. Even a bit of a Santa. He posted that he had my cam (How did he know it was mine? It wasn't even near where I had said.) He mailed it back to me at his expense saying that I should owe him a beer.

Well, shit. I couldn't have been happier! When the cam arrived in Nov, I hung it on our Christmas tree. A Christmas present indeed!

I still owe Bill a beer. Formally at least. Hell I owe him a whole case! You should here him tell the story of the one that got away too. '...I once caught a cam that was THIS big...' Wink At least he got to use it this past weekend.

Thanks Bill !!!


Sep 15, 2010, 2:34 PM
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I love stories with a happy ending. I am missing a cam as well and don't know where I lost it. Ironic but guess which size.


Sep 15, 2010, 3:03 PM
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Thanks for the link. My search did not find that thread.

Sorry to hear about YOUR .4 cam. Just re-racked all my gear when I got home from the weekend. Nothing extra was found... Sorry. Ironic indeed though. Check Bill's rack. He has a light hand for those cams. Tongue


Sep 15, 2010, 8:16 PM
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It was missing before this past weekend. I think I lost it out at Crane mt.


Sep 17, 2010, 3:25 PM
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was good to meet you wyeth. had a good day there. I really liked the Lake George area. It is close to a lot of excellent climbing. Great to see you again, too, Bill. Will see you again in the 'Gunks maybe over the 25th.

Just got back from 12 straight days of climbing. Am tired, but oddly now feel as if I could keep going. I may go to the gym tonight just to say I did one more day than Jeremiah, who is at a family function in Minnesota. Sucks to be him if I go. Hehe.

TR will take a bit to write up. Still got lots of reciepts to sort through and pics to figure out. Nearly lost all the notes thanks to a very sudden and intense hail storm that left Jeremiah at the top of P2 of Drunkards and me at the top of P1. He put me on belay a half second before all hell broke loose. My notes were nearly trashed, and I am 99% positive that I lost my second f*(^*(^^!%@^cking phone in two weeks due to water (MadMadMad) in that storm. But that's just a teaser...more to come later...


Sep 17, 2010, 3:29 PM
Post #381 of 1159 (17861 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Getting Back Into It [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Todd, good times indeed. Enjoyed sharing a rope with you. I have not seen the thread you mentioned so I will do a search.

"Our 0.4 Cam or Bill's Good Karma"
Last year I headed out to the Gunks one weekend. On my rack was a very new .4 BD cam. Some good climbing through the day led my partner and I to finish on Limelight. I led off, and early in the climb I tried to place that fine and shiny piece of aluminum. Alas, it was too small. I placed the cam on the ledge at my waste and opted for the .5 can instead. With solid gear I climbed off.

The climb finished, we returned to the base re-racked and got ready to head for home. ...but where was that little .4 cam.?. We looked all over but we couldn't find it.

Later that day, Bill and his partner started up Arrow. Low and behold, there on a ledge not too far off the ground was a shiny new .4 cam. What luck! Booty, and it's new!! Bill must have thought his angels were shining on him.

So I lost my cam. I figured I owed it to the booty gods. Heck, I've picked up my fair share. You win some you loose some, right? Besides, I hung on the crux of Limelight. Perhaps instead of killing a puppy, god just took my cam.

Then, a few days later while roaming around here on RC, I noticed someone had posted asking if anyone had found their #1 pink tri-cam... Really? I chuckled to myself. Asking for an $8 piece back? But, that made me think. If this guy is going to ask for a tri-cam back... Aw shit, nothing ventured nothing gained. So, I posted and asked if anyone had found my cam.

I didn't even know where I had lost the thing, mind you. I said in my post that it may have been in the thin slabs area, as I though I had lost it there in the leaves. I couldn't imagine that not only had I left it sitting right out in the open on a ledge, but that my partner would have climbed right by it also...

A couple days later Bill became my hero. Even a bit of a Santa. He posted that he had my cam (How did he know it was mine? It wasn't even near where I had said.) He mailed it back to me at his expense saying that I should owe him a beer.

Well, shit. I couldn't have been happier! When the cam arrived in Nov, I hung it on our Christmas tree. A Christmas present indeed!

I still owe Bill a beer. Formally at least. Hell I owe him a whole case! You should here him tell the story of the one that got away too. '...I once caught a cam that was THIS big...' Wink At least he got to use it this past weekend.

Thanks Bill !!!

not the first time that's happened with Bill. He bootied a biner and several months later a friend saw it on his rack and said, "hey, that's mine!"

turns out that friend forgot he had used it to bail on a route that Bill apparently was the next person on it.


Sep 17, 2010, 3:47 PM
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Was great to meet you and Jeremiah also. Always fun to put faces to names. I'm definitely hoping to make it up to the Gunks, probably on the 26th, if I can make it.

Looking forward to the TR. Interested to hear how yours and Jeremiah's interests balanced out at the Gunks.

Sorry to hear about the (second) phone ! DOH!


Sep 21, 2010, 5:59 PM
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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I took my dad for his second rock climb ever this weekend. He is 69. Turns 70 next month.

Standard Route on Whitehorse Ledge:

TR to follow.

(This post was edited by boymeetsrock on Sep 21, 2010, 6:00 PM)
Attachments: Dad on Whitehorse2.jpg (98.1 KB)


Sep 27, 2010, 4:44 PM
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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
I took my dad for his second rock climb ever this weekend. He is 69. Turns 70 next month.

Standard Route on Whitehorse Ledge:

TR to follow.

nice route all around. interested to see how it went.

I was in the 'Gunks with Kurt, Rachel, Jen, and Jeff. Was an OK weekend climbing and a good one with friends.

Sat was hot, so we stayed in the Nears where there was more shade down below. Kurt led Disneyland for the first time to start us off, then we went to do Fat Stick. It was my first time on that route and I struggled a bit once in the notch, but that was because I couldn't see the BOMBER left foot on the left side of the wall. Once I saw that I was able to reach the hold that pulled me up. Then went and did Farewell to Arms for the first time, too. That's a nice route, with two curious cruxes. The first is definitely more mental than the second, even if the gear on the second crux made me kind of willy in the knees for a few seconds.

Went to the Rock and Snow 40th anniversary party at the Visitor's Center Sat night. Food was good. met and chatted with Julia, a friend from NYC, for a few minutes before bailing. I'm not much of a social networker, so that scene was kind of awkward for me. I felt better when the others came from the Brauhaus to pick me up. Hoping to climb with Julia in a couple of weeks when I get back down there.

Sun was kind of a bust for me, but not for Rachel. I really wanted to get on Modern Times, but we had to warm up first and Kurt and Rachel had plans, too. Rachel isn't much of a trad leader, so when she said she wanted to plug gear Kurt and I were all for it. We went to Middle Earth where she'd get the chance to lead the 5.2 P2, but unfortunately not only was there a freaking conga line heading up it but there was a conga line on every easy route around it except for Absurdland, which, to my dismay, turned out to be our warmup. I was really hoping to get on someone easier than that, and it proved to be too much too soon for me. The crux on Absurdland starts about 15 feet up and lasts for another 20 feet or so, so I was kind of pumped when I finally got off that. I hadn't been on it either, so I didn't know what to expect. One hang due to early-morning pump. I'll get it clean next time.

Middle Earth was then open, and Kurt and Rachel led all the pitches since I'd already done it. Both did a great job, particularly Rachel who was nervous as hell just before getting on and happy as a clam in mud when we finally got to the top. She expressed an interest in doing more trad leading, so I really think that was a win for her. I've been pushing her to try more trad, and she's been warming up to it. I'm stoked that she's interested in doing more. I hope she takes her shots and gets more comfortable with it as she's a pretty good climber.

Kurt wanted me to take him up CCK, but by the time we got down from the new conga line that was now forming below us on Middle Earth, it was late in the day. They have to work still (silly people, don't they realize work is for chumps?), so we bailed on the day with plans to do CCK and MT in a couple of weeks when we return.


Sep 27, 2010, 5:41 PM
Post #385 of 1159 (17637 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I spent the weekend running our 4th annual Birdsboro clean and climb.


Drinking+climbing at your lead limit by moonlight=bashed head and lots of blood

The Climb and Clean was awesome; we accomplished all of our very major infrastructure projects. Although we were not successful removing years of caked up chalk on the classic climbs.

We raised enough funds to run our operation next year and formalize our community into a non profit organization. We hope to start a climbing academy for "at risk" youth. This has been a long term dream for me and I am hoping that this will be the first step torwards that goal.

We did have 1 incident (see above)...a group of climbers decided to climb (after liberal availability of beer) up a climb that was at their lead limit. The leader apparently missed a bolt at the crux, flipped over and hit her unhelmeted head on the rocks below. Lots of blood (I have a photo of the blood stained rock) but she managed to survive the night and walk out in the AM. Kind of scary!

(This post was edited by gblauer on Sep 27, 2010, 5:44 PM)


Sep 27, 2010, 5:59 PM
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gblauer wrote:
I spent the weekend running our 4th annual Birdsboro clean and climb.


Drinking+climbing at your lead limit by moonlight=bashed head and lots of blood

The Climb and Clean was awesome; we accomplished all of our very major infrastructure projects. Although we were not successful removing years of caked up chalk on the classic climbs.

We raised enough funds to run our operation next year and formalize our community into a non profit organization. We hope to start a climbing academy for "at risk" youth. This has been a long term dream for me and I am hoping that this will be the first step torwards that goal.

We did have 1 incident (see above)...a group of climbers decided to climb (after liberal availability of beer) up a climb that was at their lead limit. The leader apparently missed a bolt at the crux, flipped over and hit her unhelmeted head on the rocks below. Lots of blood (I have a photo of the blood stained rock) but she managed to survive the night and walk out in the AM. Kind of scary!

glad the event went well and good luck with the at-risk program, that sounds like a good thing.

dayamn! she's gonna have more than one headache the next day I assume!


Sep 29, 2010, 7:58 PM
Post #387 of 1159 (17557 views)

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wow, this made sticky status. considering the difficult start this thread had, thanks to the mod who did that and kudos to everyone who contributes to this thread. here's hoping it stays strong. Cool


Oct 5, 2010, 5:46 PM
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I’m a lurker, but I thought I’d make a delayed (two weekends ago) contribution to this thread. Since moving to Oregon from Chicago about a year ago, I’ve finally become a weekend warrior instead of a “couple of times a season” warrior. The highlight of the season so far was a trip to Smith Rock two weekends ago.

On Saturday, we went to Mesa Verde Wall for the shade and the classic nubbin-studded sport routes. With no easier climbs to warm up on, we dove right in and started on Cosmos, 5.10a. My calves got a flash pump from standing on the little nubbins! Calves duly warmed up, I onsighted Screaming Yellow Zonkers, a 30-meter 5.10b and Planet Luxury, a slightly more than 30-meter 5.10c with a fun arête + nubbin crux at the top. The sun had almost caught up to us by then, so we hiked over to the Red Wall, where we did a couple of short but fun sport climbs (Dances with Clams and Finger Puppet). I finished the day with some laps on one of them, pushing my limits by not chalking up during the route, although I wasn’t willing to go so far as to leave my chalk bag on the ground. This has been my first season feeling really solid on 5.10 sport, so this was a very satisfying day of climbing.

Sunday, I climbed one of the must-do routes to do at Smith. My partner and I got up at 5:15 am and hiked over to Monkey Face as the sun came up. We climbed the “West Face Direct Variation.” While the guidebook lists it as a variation of a variation, it seems like the most logical and high-quality route to the top that goes at a moderate grade (5.8). I led a trad pitch that had some loose rock, then my partner led a really fun corner. Following the corner, I hung the second rope and the pack below me in anticipation of chimneying, and they instantly felt like they weighed 50 pounds! I was huffing and puffing by the time I finished the corner, but I made it without falling. I got my first taste of aid climbing on the third pitch, a bolt ladder that goes up the overhanging section from a ledge to the monkey's mouth cave. The real highlight of the climb was the fourth pitch, called “Panic Point.” My partner agreed to do the climb on the condition that I lead this pitch. I wouldn’t have had it any other way! You lean out of the cave to find some jugs, then step out onto a vertical face over hundreds of feet of air. This insane exposure lasts for a few bolts, then you weave your way around the nose boulder and up some easy ledges to the summit. After hanging out on the summit long enough to have a bite to eat and bake in the sun for a bit, we tackled the descent, a two-rope, free-hanging rappel off the monkey’s nose. The Panic Point exposure all over again, but this time hanging from a string and spinning around in the wind! Despite our early finish, we were perfectly content to call it a day after that route.

This was a great weekend of climbing, and it got me very excited to make more trips to Smith as it cools down this fall. I’m free all weekend!


Oct 5, 2010, 6:12 PM
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Re: [j-dubs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Nice write up on the monkey face climb. Especially the last pitch. I think I would be content to follow that one.


Oct 5, 2010, 6:43 PM
Post #390 of 1159 (17462 views)

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Re: [j-dubs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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j-dubs wrote:
I’m a lurker, but I thought I’d make a delayed (two weekends ago) contribution to this thread. Since moving to Oregon from Chicago about a year ago, I’ve finally become a weekend warrior instead of a “couple of times a season” warrior. The highlight of the season so far was a trip to Smith Rock two weekends ago.

On Saturday, we went to Mesa Verde Wall for the shade and the classic nubbin-studded sport routes. With no easier climbs to warm up on, we dove right in and started on Cosmos, 5.10a. My calves got a flash pump from standing on the little nubbins! Calves duly warmed up, I onsighted Screaming Yellow Zonkers, a 30-meter 5.10b and Planet Luxury, a slightly more than 30-meter 5.10c with a fun arête + nubbin crux at the top. The sun had almost caught up to us by then, so we hiked over to the Red Wall, where we did a couple of short but fun sport climbs (Dances with Clams and Finger Puppet). I finished the day with some laps on one of them, pushing my limits by not chalking up during the route, although I wasn’t willing to go so far as to leave my chalk bag on the ground. This has been my first season feeling really solid on 5.10 sport, so this was a very satisfying day of climbing.

Sunday, I climbed one of the must-do routes to do at Smith. My partner and I got up at 5:15 am and hiked over to Monkey Face as the sun came up. We climbed the “West Face Direct Variation.” While the guidebook lists it as a variation of a variation, it seems like the most logical and high-quality route to the top that goes at a moderate grade (5.8). I led a trad pitch that had some loose rock, then my partner led a really fun corner. Following the corner, I hung the second rope and the pack below me in anticipation of chimneying, and they instantly felt like they weighed 50 pounds! I was huffing and puffing by the time I finished the corner, but I made it without falling. I got my first taste of aid climbing on the third pitch, a bolt ladder that goes up the overhanging section from a ledge to the monkey's mouth cave. The real highlight of the climb was the fourth pitch, called “Panic Point.” My partner agreed to do the climb on the condition that I lead this pitch. I wouldn’t have had it any other way! You lean out of the cave to find some jugs, then step out onto a vertical face over hundreds of feet of air. This insane exposure lasts for a few bolts, then you weave your way around the nose boulder and up some easy ledges to the summit. After hanging out on the summit long enough to have a bite to eat and bake in the sun for a bit, we tackled the descent, a two-rope, free-hanging rappel off the monkey’s nose. The Panic Point exposure all over again, but this time hanging from a string and spinning around in the wind! Despite our early finish, we were perfectly content to call it a day after that route.

This was a great weekend of climbing, and it got me very excited to make more trips to Smith as it cools down this fall. I’m free all weekend!

wow, that last pitch sounds like my kind of route! thanks for sharing.


Oct 5, 2010, 7:31 PM
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[AA group reply] Hi J-Dubs [/AA reply]

Welcome to the thread and nice send there. Sounds like lots of excitement and a great weekend. Thanks for sharing !


Oct 6, 2010, 5:32 PM
Post #392 of 1159 (17443 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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You know what I just noticed that is kinda sad?

The "Gunks High E screaming girl/Cut Rope" thread has almost three times as many vies as this thread. Unsure We gotta get crackin'! Either that or change the title. hehe


Oct 12, 2010, 4:23 PM
Post #393 of 1159 (17395 views)

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boymeetsrock wrote:
We gotta get crackin'! Either that or change the title. hehe

Ok. I guess I'll open myself up to the hordes.

I was out there this weekend with my son (as always). We got Standard Route at Whitehorse Ledge done on Saturday as well as Lakeview at Cannon Cliff (on Sunday).

Last year, my son and I had a small epic on Standard. Lack of experience coupled with it being my second outing on gear had contributed a lot to that epic. This year, we got through the climb and back in under 5 hours, with 1 hour of that spent on Lunch Ledge waiting our turn, and at least 45 minutes at the top admiring the view. We're pretty happy with the progress.

We took the 5.7 variation after the Lunch Ledge ... and I still couldn't avoid the rope drag. WTF needs to be done on that pitch! I feel like 30 foot slings is what's needed at this point :)

Lakeview was by far our most committing climb yet. Cannon Cliff is beautiful ... I've had recurring dreams of it since I laid eyes on it last week. Lakeview, although not a great route, is still very much worth it by the diversity of climbing (crack, layback, stemming, slab) and the commitment.

This summer, I've taken to writing quick and dry trip reports; mostly so that my son will remember what we've done together. I also write them up so that people who want more info on a climb or another have an extra resource as far as beta goes.

Cheers all (and go easy on me!)


Oct 18, 2010, 9:25 PM
Post #394 of 1159 (17355 views)

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Re: [ensonik] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Hey, thanks for sharing ensonik! Sorry I missed this last week. Keep up the adventures and keep sharing. Nice little blog you got there.

I made it out to the Gunks this weekend which was sweet! Got to climb with Greg, Rachel, and Kurt. It was very nice to meet and climb with them. We started with a leisurely outing on V3. Good times. We did all tree pitches and just enjoyed ourselves.

After spending a lot of time up there Kurt and Rachel decided to take their dog for a walk instead of tying her up for the rest of the day. Greg had a bur in his craw to get on Modern Times. I decided I was game.

I lead the first pitch which was nice, but I'm not sure it was 5.7. Certainly not as compared to the 5.8 second pitch. Sly

Greg led P2. After sussing the moves he committed to the overhang and pulled through just fine. Admittedly, I was very unsure if I would be able to follow sans prussic as roofs are not my strong point. Much grunting and heavy breathy carried me through though. We were both super excited. Nothing like cutting the feet free over 150'+ of air!!

It was a great day. The weather was beautiful, the company lovely and the climbing great! Hope to get in one or two more days this season.


Oct 18, 2010, 10:31 PM
Post #395 of 1159 (17347 views)

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Bummer, you took my place! Greg asked me to follow him up Modern Times. Ok, next time it's me Greg.

Bittersweet weekend for me; it's likely my last serious trad weekend for the season. Mitchal and I are leaving for two weeks of climbing in Potrero and it's likely that it will be too cold to climb when we finally return in Mid November

That said, I am not giving up hope, I am sure that there will some warm days with a 4 hour window of climbing. I know that Bett will be right there with me (Mitch, however, will be staying home, nice and cozy by the fire). So, I haven't completely hung up my trad gear quite yet. Anyone want to climb in the cold? (We climbed in 38 degrees last year, it wasn't very much fun.)

We didn't start climbing on Saturday until 2PM, the wind really put us off starting any earlier. It turned out to be rather pleasant and we climbed until 6:30PM. We warmed up on Ken's. It was gratifying for me, just last year Ken's was a "stretch" climb for me, I had to be really "ready" to lead it. It's nice to see a little progress, albeit very slow progress.

Sunday didn't start very well. We were greeted by a slightly panicked climber asking us to hail a ranger ASAP. A leader decked on Frog's Head. (We were headed to Frog's Head to warm up.) Mitch ran for a ranger, I called the preserve and the rangers set off to rescue the climber. She fell at the crux, pulled two pieces and hit the deck with rope stretch. Although we didn't know it at the time, the climber refused medical treatment. Thank goodness she was ok, we have had too many accidents lately.

Anyways, the start of the day made me wiggy most of the day until I decided to lead Baby. (Another climb that used to scare the heck out of me.) I stood at the offwidth for a minute or two and then fired off and effortlessly finished the two/three moves to the jug. feels so good. (Even if it's sloooooooow).


Oct 19, 2010, 1:50 AM
Post #396 of 1159 (17330 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Too bad you're leaving Gail.. i want to get on Modern times too. my working friday and saturdays and having sunday and week days free messes with most folks schedule tho :/

(This post was edited by jakedatc on Oct 19, 2010, 1:51 AM)


Oct 19, 2010, 1:53 AM
Post #397 of 1159 (17327 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Too bad you're leaving Gail.. i want to get on Modern times too. my working friday and saturdays and having sunday and week days free messes with most folks schedule tho :/

Very tempting, I have a flexible schedule...When are you going to be at the gunks?


Oct 19, 2010, 2:00 AM
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If i was insane i could be there tonight/tomorrow morning and wednesday lol weather looks nicer than what i was originally looking at sunday-monday


Oct 19, 2010, 2:13 AM
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Gail, Have a great trip and be safe!

We didn't get out this weekend but last weekend we were in the Gunks and I got to climb with Gabe (cracklover). Gabe and I have partnered up a few times and are pretty compatible. I was hoping to get on something hard this weekend, but I also wanted to play good host and make sure Gabe got his fill since who knows when he would get here again.

Day 1 - Boldville 5.8; Tweak or Freak, 5.10a; The Spring 5.9; The Summer 5.11c (TR), Falled on Account of Strain (5.10b)

Day 2 - Insuhlation 5.9, Doubleissima 5.10b, Enduro-Man 5.11c (pitch 3), The Winter 5.10d

Day 3 - Face to Face 5.10a; Interstice 5.10b (first pitch)

We didn't get a ton of pitches in, but they were all high quality, so I think Gabe left happy.



Oct 19, 2010, 2:22 AM
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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Did Tiff tell you that "G" finally sent C&C? She ran up to me all excited and giggly.

(Thought you would like to know...:Wink)


Oct 19, 2010, 2:25 AM
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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Did Tiff tell you that "G" finally sent C&C? She ran up to me all excited and giggly.

(Thought you would like to know...:Wink)

Must be the beta I gave her Wink



Oct 19, 2010, 2:35 AM
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gotta be at a client site this week...bummer.


Oct 19, 2010, 2:36 AM
Post #403 of 1159 (16900 views)

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doh.. what about sun-mon (24-25) if the weather looks decent?


Oct 19, 2010, 2:38 AM
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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
doh.. what about sun-mon (24-25) if the weather looks decent?

i will be in WV Frown


Oct 19, 2010, 2:42 AM
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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
doh.. what about sun-mon (24-25) if the weather looks decent?

i will be in WV Frown

that is a silly place to be.


Oct 19, 2010, 1:08 PM
Post #406 of 1159 (16876 views)

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Gail, Greg mentioned that you might be out. I was hoping to meet you! I look forward to the opportunity when it arises. Have a great trip to Potrero!

What a crappy way to start off your day with the ranger call! I hope to not have that experience at the Gunks, but the more I climb there the more I think those chances are increasing. Crazy

I think I have one, maybe two (fingers crossed) more days this season. Then I may be locked in for a while. (kids on the way!)


Oct 19, 2010, 7:16 PM
Post #407 of 1159 (16854 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Bummer, you took my place! Greg asked me to follow him up Modern Times. Ok, next time it's me Greg.

Ordinarily I don't go back and do routes a second time unless I'm bringing someone up the route who hasn't done it before...but for this route I'll make an exception just about every time. Holy fuck! Talk about exciting. Next year for sure.

Thanks to Wyeth for the partner, too. He was awesome. I set the rope up for him to prussic without swinging and I expected to feel the rope come tight, but after a few minutes of waiting I looked down to see half his body on the mantle shelf and the other half dangling down into space with more wind coming out of his chest than the wind farm off cape cod. Laugh it was awesome for both of us. I was really happy he'd made it up. Definitely the highlight of the season for me, maybe even the highlight of the past several years.

have fun in potrero. looking forward to the TR and pics!


Oct 19, 2010, 7:26 PM
Post #408 of 1159 (16847 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Did Tiff tell you that "G" finally sent C&C? She ran up to me all excited and giggly.

(Thought you would like to know...:Wink)

Must be the beta I gave her Wink


Funny, I thought I heard some shrieking in Brooklyn that day...

I wish I could get out there as often as you guys. I was in the Gunks two weekend days this month and that was a lot for me! I'm hoping to get a weekday in this week or next.

I led Dry Heaves, which was my first new 5.8 lead in a while, and a strenuous one at that. I really enjoyed it in retrospect, but that traverse scared me a little, I have to say. I'm thinking it's good prep for Inverted Layback. The rest of the pitch was good fun.


Oct 19, 2010, 7:47 PM
Post #409 of 1159 (16840 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Damn dude, throw me under the bus why don't you? Tongue

Admittedly, I did not think I was going to make it through that overhang, as pull-ups aren't my 'strength'. I told Greg as much so he would be aware. Was definitely psyched to make it through! That thing is pretty intimidating.


Oct 19, 2010, 7:59 PM
Post #410 of 1159 (16834 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Damn dude, throw me under the bus why don't you? Tongue

Admittedly, I did not think I was going to make it through that overhang, as pull-ups aren't my 'strength'. I told Greg as much so he would be aware. Was definitely psyched to make it through! That thing is pretty intimidating.

heh - well, I look at it less as that and more as how excited I was to see you pull through. I mean, i think you committed a lot more to it than I did and I was very impressed at how you battled to do it clean. seriously, I was more stoked that you made it than that I did.


Oct 19, 2010, 8:29 PM
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Haha. It was definitely fun to share the stoke with you! You should be VERY proud of that lead. I would have been shitzing my pantz.


Oct 19, 2010, 11:09 PM
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you guys are killing me talking about this route in multiple threads like this. I just got back from a week of climbing in west virginia, and just broke the news to the wife that i'd be spending a week at red rocks in march, so a gunks trip right now might mean i'm living in the backyard in a tent, but i'm starting to wonder if it might be worth it.


Oct 29, 2010, 5:47 PM
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Finally got the write-up done: Getting with the Times.

Started writing my post on The New, too. Had an incredible week there. Can't wait to go back.

Currently in St. Louis on my way to CO, then maybe NM if that's where it is warmer.


Oct 29, 2010, 6:36 PM
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I will read this on my flight to Mexico. T-1 and counting!

We will be in EPC until the 13th. Will write it up as I go.


Oct 29, 2010, 7:20 PM
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gblauer wrote:
I will read this on my flight to Mexico. T-1 and counting!

We will be in EPC until the 13th. Will write it up as I go.

have fun gail! can't wait to hear how your trip down there goes. I really wish I could have gone down, too, so I'm going to have to live vicariously through you and mitch!


Oct 30, 2010, 2:24 AM
Post #416 of 1159 (16664 views)

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Nice write up Greg! **fist pump**

Gail, have LOTS of fun in EPC!


Oct 30, 2010, 3:16 AM
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Nice write up Greg! **fist pump**

Gail, have LOTS of fun in EPC!

I tried to make the bus a little lighter this time. Laugh


Oct 30, 2010, 4:28 AM
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Oct 31, 2010, 4:12 AM
Post #419 of 1159 (16617 views)

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You guys are all missing the start of the good rock season here in the Gunks. It's been send weather! mornings in the high 30's and low 40's, and afternoons in the low 50's. Perfect weather!


Nov 9, 2010, 8:31 PM
Post #420 of 1159 (16542 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Went to the Delaware Water Gap a week ago Sunday and climbed with the infamous adatesman. **gasp** The weather was gorgeous as rangerrob was saying. Perfect climbing weather.

The DWG is really a great spot. Much like the Gunks but a ‘bit’ dirtier. ;-) We climbed on the PA side. Once we dispatched with the steep approach, we started on Surprise. At 5.4, Surprise offered a nice ‘get to know each other’ climb (this being the first time we’d met.). The climb goes up an open corner on good rock. There is a small roof at about mid height. I opted to skip the mid station belay and go straight to the top. I also opted to take an alternate finish. The second pitch of Surprise is a rather uninteresting gully/ OW type feature. Instead, I moved right and continued on nice vertical rock up what felt to be about 5.5.

Next, Aric suggested we TR Chieftain (5.8 PG/R). Chieftain is a GREAT climb. The first 100’ cover interesting terrain, face climbing around and through small roofs to a short finger crack. The large roof near the top reminded me of Modern Times, minus the traverse. I didn’t pay close attention to the gear, but it does seem that this would be a serious lead.

Lastly we headed to Osprey (5.6 G @170’), where I had unfinished business. My fist time up this route I was climbing scared. Additionally, I was dry heaving above two of the early difficult sections as heat stroke was setting in.Pirate I took the lead on this one again.

The first roof and then difficult slab went smoothly this time, and I was soon at my previous high point about 100’ up. I thought I had about another 30’ to go, but upon pulling through the next roof I realized it was more like 60’. I continued up traversing under the next roof and then up the slab moves above. My rope got caught in a thin grove. I kicked it out of the groove, but as soon as I moved up a little further it stuck again.

I was about fifteen feet above the groove that was holding my rope in a death grip. I couldn’t shake the rope free! I placed a cam and, reaching for a draw, noticed I had none left. I still had about thirty feet to climb. I had the materials at hand to build an anchor, but I REALLY wanted to finish this in one pitch. I place a couple more cams and made a quasi anchor. Then I lowered myself down to the groove where the rope was stuck. After freeing it I climbed back up to the cams.

I debated for a couple of minutes as to what to do. Then I pulled out a small hex and used it as a runner on one of the cams I had placed here. I took the other two out. I was resolved to make the top. A couple more challenging moves led to easier ground and the final roof. I used the last double length sling that was over my shoulder to extend one last cam and then pushed for the summit. As I pulled around the last roof and saw the chains I was fully psyched! I’d used the whole kit, but made the top. With the last of the gear on my harness I made an anchor and brought Aric up.

If you make it out to the DWG I highly recommend Osprey. It has many cruxes and is very challenging and thought provoking for the grade. The first 30’ or so are the only give away on the climb. It puts you in a great position on the cliff with beautiful views in both directions as you climb. If you decide to do this in one pitch bring plenty of long runners (I’d suggest 3-4 4’ers) as the route wanders a little towards the top and there are 4 roofs to negotiate.

Anyone interested in climbing at the Gunks this Sat 11/13?


Nov 15, 2010, 2:09 PM
Post #421 of 1159 (16497 views)

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I went back and rope soloed Osprey this weekend. What a great climb!

Anyone else getting out?


Nov 15, 2010, 2:14 PM
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Mitch and I spent the last two weeks in Hidalgo Mexico, climbing in El Potrero Chico.


Nov 15, 2010, 2:24 PM
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Yeah, I saw the new picture you put up. Nice send! And a nice shot by Manny too.

How is the trip going? Good weather, food, people, climbing??? How are you finding the political/ crime situation down there?

edit: spelling

(This post was edited by boymeetsrock on Nov 15, 2010, 3:44 PM)


Nov 15, 2010, 2:33 PM
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We arrived back in the US on Saturday.

Things are very quiet in EPC. It's pre-season and there are very few climbers (20+? from all over the world). We did not see, hear or experience anything remotely alarming re: drug cartels, violence or political upheaval. It was "same old-same old" in Hidalgo.

I understand (through Luis, who owns La Posada) that climbers are canceling their plans to climb in Mexico due to the violence that we read about in the newspapers. While I can't say what's going to happen in the future, I do know while we were in EPC it was quiet and peaceful.

I am trying to figure out how to write up my trip report; it may be a week or two before I get it out the door.


Nov 15, 2010, 3:47 PM
Post #425 of 1159 (16469 views)

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Glad to hear that you didn't experience any local issues. Sad to hear that the local economy is being effected.

Definitely looking forward to the TR.


Nov 15, 2010, 4:44 PM
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my partner told me it was sooo cold out last week that shes calling her season over.... F'n cold Canadian weather :(.... so I watched the World Junior Hockey instead, which was sad as Canada lost to the US :(


Nov 15, 2010, 5:05 PM
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Glad to hear that you didn't experience any local issues. Sad to hear that the local economy is being effected.

Definitely looking forward to the TR.

+1. Glad to hear about it being quiet, glad that you're safe, and can't wait to read the TR.

I've been in CO continually being disappointed by the weather. We've had plans to do a fair amount in the South Platte, at Shelf Road, and at the Sandias or Taos in NM, but most of everything has been put on hold due to the temps / precipitation threats.

We did get two days on Wigwam Dome in the South Platte, however, and that was fantastic. MY TR will take some time to do because I have about 3000 miles to drive before a 16-hour travel day to Chile, so yeah, I'm busy these days. But once I settle in down south the TRs should pick back up.


Nov 15, 2010, 6:22 PM
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Safe travels Greg !!


Nov 15, 2010, 6:27 PM
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Thanks dude, can't wait. Cool


Nov 15, 2010, 7:07 PM
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Stay safe Greg!!!


Nov 15, 2010, 7:15 PM
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Thanks Gail!


Nov 15, 2010, 10:37 PM
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+1 on the above.
Looking forward to more trip reports and pictures from down south.


Nov 16, 2010, 1:03 AM
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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gail looking forward to the TR. Are you going to be at the Gunks this weekend?

DarkGift, com'm, we need to get this thread off the Gunks focus. Tell us about your last rock climbing outing up in BC. Inquiring, enquiring?, minds want to know!!!

As for me, got thoroughly trashed at the Gunks on Thursday and Friday. Haven't been climbing in awhile. One high point were following on Still Crazy After All These Years, a 5.10b face climb with a 5.10a overhang which I blew. Superb climb. Prototypical Gunks. Steep face with horizontals spaced 10 - 12 feet apart followed by a tricky overhang. The other was Teeny Face, a 5.10a with a great 5.8ish overhang in the beginning with a 5.8ish overhang at the end, sandwiching a stretch of very thoughtful, thin 5.10a face climbing on beautiful rock.

Lest you think I wasn't doing any leading, enjoyed myself on Friends & Lovers (5.9) a steep face climb with spaced horizontals but no overhangs. Took a stupid fall at the 1st crux but got the "bouldery" 2nd crux. Led P2 of Snooky's Return, always a very enjoyable pitch. My partner did the overhang variation of P3 of Minty's to finish Snooky's. Nothing like a 4 foot overhang on a 5.5 pitch! You have to love the Gunks.

Saturday, despite toasted forearms, went out to belay a friend on a beautiful afternoon at Crow Hill. Nice group of people sharing ropes and belays. Got on a couple of top ropes. Followed one lead to the top and got rewarded by a spectacular view lit by an alpenglow. All in central Massachusetts.


Nov 16, 2010, 1:45 AM
Post #434 of 1159 (15906 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Gail looking forward to the TR. Are you going to be at the Gunks this weekend?

As for me, got thoroughly trashed at the Gunks on Thursday and Friday. Haven't been climbing in awhile. One high point were following on Still Crazy After All These Years, a 5.10b face climb with a 5.10a overhang which I blew. Superb climb. Prototypical Gunks. Steep face with horizontals spaced 10 - 12 feet apart followed by a tricky overhang. The other was Teeny Face, a 5.10a with a great 5.8ish overhang in the beginning with a 5.8ish overhang at the end, sandwiching a stretch of very thoughtful, thin 5.10a face climbing on beautiful rock.

Lest you think I wasn't doing any leading, enjoyed myself on Friends & Lovers (5.9) a steep face climb with spaced horizontals but no overhangs. Took a stupid fall at the 1st crux but got the "bouldery" 2nd crux. Led P2 of Snooky's Return, always a very enjoyable pitch. My partner did the overhang variation of P3 of Minty's to finish Snooky's. Nothing like a 4 foot overhang on a 5.5 pitch! You have to love the Gunks.

Saturday, despite toasted forearms, went out to belay a friend on a beautiful afternoon at Crow Hill. Nice group of people sharing ropes and belays. Got on a couple of top ropes. Followed one lead to the top and got rewarded by a spectacular view lit by an alpenglow. All in central Massachusetts.

Nice job Bill. Sounds as if you had a damn productive weekend.

In reply to:
DarkGift, com'm, we need to get this thread off the Gunks focus. Tell us about your last rock climbing outing up in BC. Inquiring, enquiring?, minds want to know!!!

agreed. I'd like to hear more from other folks.


Nov 16, 2010, 5:08 AM
Post #435 of 1159 (15884 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
losbill wrote:
Gail looking forward to the TR. Are you going to be at the Gunks this weekend?

As for me, got thoroughly trashed at the Gunks on Thursday and Friday. Haven't been climbing in awhile. One high point were following on Still Crazy After All These Years, a 5.10b face climb with a 5.10a overhang which I blew. Superb climb. Prototypical Gunks. Steep face with horizontals spaced 10 - 12 feet apart followed by a tricky overhang. The other was Teeny Face, a 5.10a with a great 5.8ish overhang in the beginning with a 5.8ish overhang at the end, sandwiching a stretch of very thoughtful, thin 5.10a face climbing on beautiful rock.

Lest you think I wasn't doing any leading, enjoyed myself on Friends & Lovers (5.9) a steep face climb with spaced horizontals but no overhangs. Took a stupid fall at the 1st crux but got the "bouldery" 2nd crux. Led P2 of Snooky's Return, always a very enjoyable pitch. My partner did the overhang variation of P3 of Minty's to finish Snooky's. Nothing like a 4 foot overhang on a 5.5 pitch! You have to love the Gunks.

Saturday, despite toasted forearms, went out to belay a friend on a beautiful afternoon at Crow Hill. Nice group of people sharing ropes and belays. Got on a couple of top ropes. Followed one lead to the top and got rewarded by a spectacular view lit by an alpenglow. All in central Massachusetts.

Nice job Bill. Sounds as if you had a damn productive weekend.


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DarkGift, com'm, we need to get this thread off the Gunks focus. Tell us about your last rock climbing outing up in BC. Inquiring, enquiring?, minds want to know!!!

agreed. I'd like to hear more from other folks.



Nov 16, 2010, 3:31 PM
Post #436 of 1159 (15866 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
losbill wrote:
Gail looking forward to the TR. Are you going to be at the Gunks this weekend?

As for me, got thoroughly trashed at the Gunks on Thursday and Friday. Haven't been climbing in awhile. One high point were following on Still Crazy After All These Years, a 5.10b face climb with a 5.10a overhang which I blew. Superb climb. Prototypical Gunks. Steep face with horizontals spaced 10 - 12 feet apart followed by a tricky overhang. The other was Teeny Face, a 5.10a with a great 5.8ish overhang in the beginning with a 5.8ish overhang at the end, sandwiching a stretch of very thoughtful, thin 5.10a face climbing on beautiful rock.

Lest you think I wasn't doing any leading, enjoyed myself on Friends & Lovers (5.9) a steep face climb with spaced horizontals but no overhangs. Took a stupid fall at the 1st crux but got the "bouldery" 2nd crux. Led P2 of Snooky's Return, always a very enjoyable pitch. My partner did the overhang variation of P3 of Minty's to finish Snooky's. Nothing like a 4 foot overhang on a 5.5 pitch! You have to love the Gunks.

Saturday, despite toasted forearms, went out to belay a friend on a beautiful afternoon at Crow Hill. Nice group of people sharing ropes and belays. Got on a couple of top ropes. Followed one lead to the top and got rewarded by a spectacular view lit by an alpenglow. All in central Massachusetts.

Nice job Bill. Sounds as if you had a damn productive weekend.


In reply to:
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DarkGift, com'm, we need to get this thread off the Gunks focus. Tell us about your last rock climbing outing up in BC. Inquiring, enquiring?, minds want to know!!!

agreed. I'd like to hear more from other folks.

Do we have a quorum?


Nov 16, 2010, 5:14 PM
Post #437 of 1159 (15857 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I think the appropriate question is; do we have anyone reading this thread who is from a different region and is actually climbing?

Poor darkgift is stuck inside. Everyone else seems to be from the N/E.


Nov 16, 2010, 5:46 PM
Post #438 of 1159 (15855 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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:D I feel the love :D

your asking might just be the kick in the pants I needed to get out there.. now its just getting a partner whos also willing to freeze.


Nov 16, 2010, 5:51 PM
Post #439 of 1159 (15853 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
boymeetsrock wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
losbill wrote:
Gail looking forward to the TR. Are you going to be at the Gunks this weekend?

As for me, got thoroughly trashed at the Gunks on Thursday and Friday. Haven't been climbing in awhile. One high point were following on Still Crazy After All These Years, a 5.10b face climb with a 5.10a overhang which I blew. Superb climb. Prototypical Gunks. Steep face with horizontals spaced 10 - 12 feet apart followed by a tricky overhang. The other was Teeny Face, a 5.10a with a great 5.8ish overhang in the beginning with a 5.8ish overhang at the end, sandwiching a stretch of very thoughtful, thin 5.10a face climbing on beautiful rock.

Lest you think I wasn't doing any leading, enjoyed myself on Friends & Lovers (5.9) a steep face climb with spaced horizontals but no overhangs. Took a stupid fall at the 1st crux but got the "bouldery" 2nd crux. Led P2 of Snooky's Return, always a very enjoyable pitch. My partner did the overhang variation of P3 of Minty's to finish Snooky's. Nothing like a 4 foot overhang on a 5.5 pitch! You have to love the Gunks.

Saturday, despite toasted forearms, went out to belay a friend on a beautiful afternoon at Crow Hill. Nice group of people sharing ropes and belays. Got on a couple of top ropes. Followed one lead to the top and got rewarded by a spectacular view lit by an alpenglow. All in central Massachusetts.

Nice job Bill. Sounds as if you had a damn productive weekend.


In reply to:
In reply to:
DarkGift, com'm, we need to get this thread off the Gunks focus. Tell us about your last rock climbing outing up in BC. Inquiring, enquiring?, minds want to know!!!

agreed. I'd like to hear more from other folks.


Do we have a quorum?
D here.
How many for a Quorum?

Edit: cheesetitted the quotes. I think this gets it

(This post was edited by donald949 on Nov 16, 2010, 5:53 PM)


Nov 16, 2010, 5:54 PM
Post #440 of 1159 (15850 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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That gots it. but turns out Greg wuz da guilty titter.


Nov 16, 2010, 6:01 PM
Post #441 of 1159 (15844 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I think we got the quorum... So what you been climbing Donald?


Nov 16, 2010, 9:11 PM
Post #442 of 1159 (15833 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
I think we got the quorum... So what you been climbing Donald?
A small gym wall that I poped off of. I sprained my left middle finger. Mad
That and working 12's and 10's, no climbing for a month.
Sorry, nothing to report from the West Coast for 6 weeks. Although just before the long hours I took a noob out for some cragging. I gave him a grigri to belay me with. Smile And I was leading. Shocked


Nov 16, 2010, 9:30 PM
Post #443 of 1159 (15827 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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So, you've been doing some soloing! That sounds like fun.

Sorry to hear about your finger.


Nov 16, 2010, 9:55 PM
Post #444 of 1159 (15816 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I am going to a hand doctor next Wednesday. I think I may have a stress fracture in my middle finger on my left hand. It's swollen, painful to the touch (on the kuckle side, not the palm side) and it hurts when I do every day acts of living. I have the same problem (to a lesser extent) on the right hand, so I can get an opinion on two for the price of one!

Interestingly, it did not bother me in Mexico. I guess a steady diet of Aleve (for my feet) has it's "benefits".

Hope your finger recovers quickly!


Nov 16, 2010, 10:28 PM
Post #445 of 1159 (15808 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I think by now, everyone knows my weekend reportPirate



Nov 16, 2010, 10:32 PM
Post #446 of 1159 (15806 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
I think by now, everyone knows my weekend reportPirate


Yeah big whips, pulled gear, new belayers...where was Tiff?


Nov 16, 2010, 11:11 PM
Post #447 of 1159 (15802 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
So, you've been doing some soloing! That sounds like fun.

Sorry to hear about your finger.
Thanks for good thoughts on the finger all.
Well, I did my heavy bolted easy pitch. I gave him the quick this is what you do, and set up the grigri. He seamed to get the idea, and had a proper attitude about it.
But I was suprisingly nervous about it. Every move was carefully weighed. In the end he did well. I took a small fall on TR later and he catch no problem. His GF took pictures of us climbing, and he always had his hand on the brake proper and was paying close attention.


Nov 17, 2010, 12:52 AM
Post #448 of 1159 (15792 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
I am going to a hand doctor next Wednesday. I think I may have a stress fracture in my middle finger on my left hand. It's swollen, painful to the touch (on the kuckle side, not the palm side) and it hurts when I do every day acts of living. I have the same problem (to a lesser extent) on the right hand, so I can get an opinion on two for the price of one!

Interestingly, it did not bother me in Mexico. I guess a steady diet of Aleve (for my feet) has it's "benefits".

Hope your finger recovers quickly!

while I hope your finger recovers soon (and Don's, too), this post is useless without more ways than one.


Nov 17, 2010, 12:57 AM
Post #449 of 1159 (15791 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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However, I did just get back from Shelf Road today. I did three climbs and that's because my shoulder was KILLING me. Aches and pains, aches and pains.

Jeremiah had a much better day than me. I kept belaying because that's all I could really do.


Nov 17, 2010, 1:13 AM
Post #450 of 1159 (15781 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
However, I did just get back from Shelf Road today. I did three climbs and that's because my shoulder was KILLING me. Aches and pains, aches and pains.

Let's face it, we are all getting old!


Nov 17, 2010, 1:35 AM
Post #451 of 1159 (18652 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
However, I did just get back from Shelf Road today. I did three climbs and that's because my shoulder was KILLING me. Aches and pains, aches and pains.

Let's face it, we are all getting old!

oh hell, I've been getting old for years now.


Nov 17, 2010, 2:26 AM
Post #452 of 1159 (18646 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
However, I did just get back from Shelf Road today. I did three climbs and that's because my shoulder was KILLING me. Aches and pains, aches and pains.

Let's face it, we are all getting old!

speak for yourself.. i sent my hardest route soon after turning 30 :)

Junks on tap for this weekend.. Gail you don't need fingers to do MT if you want a ropegun :) (bring someone else to help kate get down from P1) she can do P1 but she'd kill me if i put her on P2 haha


Nov 17, 2010, 3:03 PM
Post #453 of 1159 (18622 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
I think by now, everyone knows my weekend reportPirate


Yeah big whips, pulled gear, new belayers...where was Tiff?

Dakotah was kicking around, so we decided to get out one day each, with me climbing Sat. and her getting out Sunday.



Nov 18, 2010, 11:47 PM
Post #454 of 1159 (18576 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
However, I did just get back from Shelf Road today. I did three climbs and that's because my shoulder was KILLING me. Aches and pains, aches and pains.

Let's face it, we are all getting old!

oh hell, I've been getting old for years now.
Bah, young kids.


Nov 19, 2010, 5:54 PM
Post #455 of 1159 (18549 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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:( snow this morning here at Skaha... looks like I will be hiking/scrambling a local 500meter mountain this weekend. Video & report to follow.


Nov 21, 2010, 3:23 AM
Post #456 of 1159 (18532 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Enjoyed a lovely day at the Gunks. I think it made it to a high of 55 degrees. I had to strip off layers, I was so hot. Alas, once the sun started to sink in the sky, it started to get windy and chilly.

We spent most of the day on the Mental Block. Lydia was trying to teach me proper crack tecnhique. All of the climbs on the Mental Block are right leaning, overhung, crack climbs. We started on an unnamed 5.9 (we ran it twice) on the far right side of the block. I really struggled with my crack technique and found that I used way too much energy as I ascended. We continued by moving left to another unnamed 10. And so the day went...I have to say, when you do crack right, it feels exactly right. WHen you don't, it's totally insecure. We flailed our way up Stupid Crack, a 5.12 and called it a day on the Mental Block. It was worth doing, but, I am not sure I would run back to do it again any time soon. I supposed I need to do it soon, so I can practice.

It was starting to get cold so we quickly set up a TR on Red Cabbage Right. I managed to get in two quick laps; Red Cabbage RIght and Red Cabbage.

Met Jake today, it was great to put a name to a face.

Doubt we will climb tomorrow, the high is going to be 41. That's too cold for my fingers. I really don't like climbing on cold rock.


Nov 22, 2010, 3:47 AM
Post #457 of 1159 (18508 views)

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Not sure exactly what the temps got up to today gail but it wasn't too bad. we were on rock by 10ish and got a few routes in before it got cold.

thanks for the run on Red Cabbage right. That was a fun route to TR,. probably terrifying to lead haha.


Nov 25, 2010, 6:57 PM
Post #458 of 1159 (18452 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Hawthorne Nov 20-2010

Some friends & I went for a winter ascent of a local short & steep Mountain on sat. 3" of snow fell this weekend so no climbing for a while here in the Okanagan.

We started at about 10:30 in Ok Falls stopping across the valley, we picked out our line from the car deciding on the line with the least amount of cliffs. We then made our way over to the base of the Mtn to start our adventure.

After packing bags with water, extra gloves & layers we hiked past a few houses, over a barbed wire fence & into the meat of the hike. The start of the hike was ridiculously steep, I figure close to 50deg or steeper. We picked our way up a grass covered scree slope trying to traverse on barely visible game trails. We followed a number of these over to a ridge & then decided to hike up the ridge line keeping the scree slope to our right as an easy out in case we got cliffed out. Up & up we hiked... We came to several rock spires that came thru the sandy ridge & stopped for some photos of us standing on top of them. At about 2/3's of the way up we got to a broken band of snowy cliffs & decided to try climbing over them as apposed to hiking around. 10 min & some freezing hands later were at the top of the 3-4 meter 5.7ish climb looking up at more cliffs that we could our way up, climbing between them as they were broken by the ridge. After some traversing & more climbing we had reached the top of our climbing & needed to traverse back right to the scree slope for a safer way up & around more larger cliffs. After some steep hiking & clawing we came to a nice game trail or as Bryan was calling them "Natures Highways" we tried to stay on the game trails for the rest of the hike. From that point to the top the hiking was much gentler; we were moving thru some beautiful meadows & tight patches of trees some of the best hiking of the day. We soon crested the top looking down into the valley & behind the mountain to the back country. After some discussion we decided to continue south to the true summit & get a proper view from the top looking north, south & down into the valley bottoms on ether side. Fun was had by all & we soon made our way back down the way we had came to our cars & there heaters.

You can see a video of the day here.


Nov 25, 2010, 11:15 PM
Post #459 of 1159 (18433 views)

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Gunks Nov 19-21

Fri: Kate and I got down to New paltz for a half day at the Nears did Grease Gun Groove to warm up then decided to get on Roseland after seeing pics of it last week on MProj. Greg if you want a .9 you need to be solid on.. there ya go. exact opposite of Mtimes.. looks easy.. climbs hard. Messed up and didn't extend the pins at the crux and had awful rope drag the last bit to the anchors. Kate tried to clean it but was having trouble getting smears to stick. Luckily a couple climbing next to us agreed to clean the rest for her and I didn't have to TR it again.

Sat: BRRR cold start but after a relaxed breakfast we got out and got started. Did P1 of Strictly's to the tree. super fun route. bit before the top sure makes you think. Kate did really well though there then got a bit bugged out with the exposure at the top. (she's used to shorter routes in CT and rumney)
Moved on to something a bit less heady and did P1 of Bloody Bush. super fun with some thoughtful movement. Have heard P2 is tricky and another party was on our ass so we headed down to find Gail to say hello.
Found them on Red Cabbage Right with a TR set up so I gave that a quick TR. Found that easier to climb than Roseland! I'm sure it would have been a bit harder while placing gear.

Sun: Cold and tight from climbing cold we kept today easy. P1 of Easy O. Watched a guy doing the top of Son of Easy O and that is definitely on the list for the spring. decided against the 15' of P2 since it was not worth the effort.
Went down to do Triple bulges.. casual p1 shared with Twin oaks. brought the book up and still couldn't quite figure out where P2 was supposed to go so i decided to "play it by gear" (har har sorry....) and aim for the anchor tree the way gear and holds led me. Was totally fine but kept things deliberate in case i had to back down and change direction. brought kate up and we couldnt tell if the last bit had a top anchor or not so i led up the left overhang for a look and then down led it after not finding much. cool little roof i got to climb up and down :) Bailed off. Led Fingerlocks or Cedar box. Kate had had enough so i just downcleaned and we headed for home.

Want any choice of route? head to the gunks when the forecast calls for mid 40's :) I'm pretty happy with how my gear placing has come along the last year so I have some fun ideas for spring.

was nice to meet Gail, mitch and lydia on saturday.


Nov 26, 2010, 1:44 AM
Post #460 of 1159 (18426 views)

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Sorry we bailed on Sunday. Too cold for Mitch.

We are heading up next weekend, will keep you posted.


Nov 26, 2010, 1:59 AM
Post #461 of 1159 (18423 views)

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i'm working 4-5th


Nov 26, 2010, 2:03 AM
Post #462 of 1159 (18421 views)

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SOunds like you had (cold) fun.


Nov 26, 2010, 3:03 PM
Post #463 of 1159 (18398 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Enjoyed a lovely day at the Gunks. I think it made it to a high of 55 degrees. I had to strip off layers, I was so hot. Alas, once the sun started to sink in the sky, it started to get windy and chilly.

We spent most of the day on the Mental Block. Lydia was trying to teach me proper crack tecnhique. All of the climbs on the Mental Block are right leaning, overhung, crack climbs. We started on an unnamed 5.9 (we ran it twice) on the far right side of the block. I really struggled with my crack technique and found that I used way too much energy as I ascended. We continued by moving left to another unnamed 10. And so the day went...I have to say, when you do crack right, it feels exactly right. WHen you don't, it's totally insecure. We flailed our way up Stupid Crack, a 5.12 and called it a day on the Mental Block. It was worth doing, but, I am not sure I would run back to do it again any time soon. I supposed I need to do it soon, so I can practice.

It was starting to get cold so we quickly set up a TR on Red Cabbage Right. I managed to get in two quick laps; Red Cabbage RIght and Red Cabbage.

Met Jake today, it was great to put a name to a face.

Doubt we will climb tomorrow, the high is going to be 41. That's too cold for my fingers. I really don't like climbing on cold rock.

after years of climbing in the 'gunks, I really haven't learned crack well. however, things may be looking up because I reacently had some success out in CO.

It takes practice for sure. Good on you for suffering to learn to do it better.


Nov 26, 2010, 3:06 PM
Post #464 of 1159 (18397 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Gunks Nov 19-21

Fri: Kate and I got down to New paltz for a half day at the Nears did Grease Gun Groove to warm up then decided to get on Roseland after seeing pics of it last week on MProj. Greg if you want a .9 you need to be solid on.. there ya go. exact opposite of Mtimes.. looks easy.. climbs hard. Messed up and didn't extend the pins at the crux and had awful rope drag the last bit to the anchors. Kate tried to clean it but was having trouble getting smears to stick. Luckily a couple climbing next to us agreed to clean the rest for her and I didn't have to TR it again.

Sat: BRRR cold start but after a relaxed breakfast we got out and got started. Did P1 of Strictly's to the tree. super fun route. bit before the top sure makes you think. Kate did really well though there then got a bit bugged out with the exposure at the top. (she's used to shorter routes in CT and rumney)
Moved on to something a bit less heady and did P1 of Bloody Bush. super fun with some thoughtful movement. Have heard P2 is tricky and another party was on our ass so we headed down to find Gail to say hello.
Found them on Red Cabbage Right with a TR set up so I gave that a quick TR. Found that easier to climb than Roseland! I'm sure it would have been a bit harder while placing gear.

Sun: Cold and tight from climbing cold we kept today easy. P1 of Easy O. Watched a guy doing the top of Son of Easy O and that is definitely on the list for the spring. decided against the 15' of P2 since it was not worth the effort.
Went down to do Triple bulges.. casual p1 shared with Twin oaks. brought the book up and still couldn't quite figure out where P2 was supposed to go so i decided to "play it by gear" (har har sorry....) and aim for the anchor tree the way gear and holds led me. Was totally fine but kept things deliberate in case i had to back down and change direction. brought kate up and we couldnt tell if the last bit had a top anchor or not so i led up the left overhang for a look and then down led it after not finding much. cool little roof i got to climb up and down :) Bailed off. Led Fingerlocks or Cedar box. Kate had had enough so i just downcleaned and we headed for home.

Want any choice of route? head to the gunks when the forecast calls for mid 40's :) I'm pretty happy with how my gear placing has come along the last year so I have some fun ideas for spring.

was nice to meet Gail, mitch and lydia on saturday.

I've heard Roseland is slick...and that intimidates me a bit. Nines at the 'gunks are weird: ants line and P1 of Bonnie's really challenge me while stuff like Grand Central I find to be pretty easy. Just weird

P2 of Son of Easy O is easy, definitely not an eight like the guidebook says. You should do it all in one pitch.


Nov 26, 2010, 3:13 PM
Post #465 of 1159 (18392 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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darkgift06 wrote:
Hawthorne Nov 20-2010

Some friends & I went for a winter ascent of a local short & steep Mountain on sat. 3" of snow fell this weekend so no climbing for a while here in the Okanagan.

We started at about 10:30 in Ok Falls stopping across the valley, we picked out our line from the car deciding on the line with the least amount of cliffs. We then made our way over to the base of the Mtn to start our adventure.

After packing bags with water, extra gloves & layers we hiked past a few houses, over a barbed wire fence & into the meat of the hike. The start of the hike was ridiculously steep, I figure close to 50deg or steeper. We picked our way up a grass covered scree slope trying to traverse on barely visible game trails. We followed a number of these over to a ridge & then decided to hike up the ridge line keeping the scree slope to our right as an easy out in case we got cliffed out. Up & up we hiked... We came to several rock spires that came thru the sandy ridge & stopped for some photos of us standing on top of them. At about 2/3's of the way up we got to a broken band of snowy cliffs & decided to try climbing over them as apposed to hiking around. 10 min & some freezing hands later were at the top of the 3-4 meter 5.7ish climb looking up at more cliffs that we could our way up, climbing between them as they were broken by the ridge. After some traversing & more climbing we had reached the top of our climbing & needed to traverse back right to the scree slope for a safer way up & around more larger cliffs. After some steep hiking & clawing we came to a nice game trail or as Bryan was calling them "Natures Highways" we tried to stay on the game trails for the rest of the hike. From that point to the top the hiking was much gentler; we were moving thru some beautiful meadows & tight patches of trees some of the best hiking of the day. We soon crested the top looking down into the valley & behind the mountain to the back country. After some discussion we decided to continue south to the true summit & get a proper view from the top looking north, south & down into the valley bottoms on ether side. Fun was had by all & we soon made our way back down the way we had came to our cars & there heaters.

You can see a video of the day here.

that was good video. thanks for sharing. I really liked the footage you took with the camera on the pole. that was kind of cool. not sure if southern man was a good choice for a climb in canada (yeah, I know, he's canadian), but I appreciated the music all around in general. Cool


Nov 26, 2010, 6:39 PM
Post #466 of 1159 (18373 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
darkgift06 wrote:
Hawthorne Nov 20-2010

Some friends & I went for a winter ascent of a local short & steep Mountain on sat. 3" of snow fell this weekend so no climbing for a while here in the Okanagan.

We started at about 10:30 in Ok Falls stopping across the valley, we picked out our line from the car deciding on the line with the least amount of cliffs. We then made our way over to the base of the Mtn to start our adventure.

After packing bags with water, extra gloves & layers we hiked past a few houses, over a barbed wire fence & into the meat of the hike. The start of the hike was ridiculously steep, I figure close to 50deg or steeper. We picked our way up a grass covered scree slope trying to traverse on barely visible game trails. We followed a number of these over to a ridge & then decided to hike up the ridge line keeping the scree slope to our right as an easy out in case we got cliffed out. Up & up we hiked... We came to several rock spires that came thru the sandy ridge & stopped for some photos of us standing on top of them. At about 2/3's of the way up we got to a broken band of snowy cliffs & decided to try climbing over them as apposed to hiking around. 10 min & some freezing hands later were at the top of the 3-4 meter 5.7ish climb looking up at more cliffs that we could our way up, climbing between them as they were broken by the ridge. After some traversing & more climbing we had reached the top of our climbing & needed to traverse back right to the scree slope for a safer way up & around more larger cliffs. After some steep hiking & clawing we came to a nice game trail or as Bryan was calling them "Natures Highways" we tried to stay on the game trails for the rest of the hike. From that point to the top the hiking was much gentler; we were moving thru some beautiful meadows & tight patches of trees some of the best hiking of the day. We soon crested the top looking down into the valley & behind the mountain to the back country. After some discussion we decided to continue south to the true summit & get a proper view from the top looking north, south & down into the valley bottoms on ether side. Fun was had by all & we soon made our way back down the way we had came to our cars & there heaters.

You can see a video of the day here.

that was good video. thanks for sharing. I really liked the footage you took with the camera on the pole. that was kind of cool. not sure if southern man was a good choice for a climb in canada (yeah, I know, he's canadian), but I appreciated the music all around in general. Cool

Thanks, I'm working on more ways to shoot with the pole, using it like a boom, dolly, & also like a POV over the shoulder mount.

I kinda agree with the southern man comment as the lyrics don't really fit. I chose it more because I am from southern Canada & I do love me some good ol Neil Young, in fact I tend to hum or sing it while hiking or climbing alot.

I'm going on another hike/show shoe this weekend & might have some different shots & another video.


Nov 26, 2010, 9:03 PM
Post #467 of 1159 (18365 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gunks Nov 19-21

Fri: Kate and I got down to New paltz for a half day at the Nears did Grease Gun Groove to warm up then decided to get on Roseland after seeing pics of it last week on MProj. Greg if you want a .9 you need to be solid on.. there ya go. exact opposite of Mtimes.. looks easy.. climbs hard. Messed up and didn't extend the pins at the crux and had awful rope drag the last bit to the anchors. Kate tried to clean it but was having trouble getting smears to stick. Luckily a couple climbing next to us agreed to clean the rest for her and I didn't have to TR it again.

Sat: BRRR cold start but after a relaxed breakfast we got out and got started. Did P1 of Strictly's to the tree. super fun route. bit before the top sure makes you think. Kate did really well though there then got a bit bugged out with the exposure at the top. (she's used to shorter routes in CT and rumney)
Moved on to something a bit less heady and did P1 of Bloody Bush. super fun with some thoughtful movement. Have heard P2 is tricky and another party was on our ass so we headed down to find Gail to say hello.
Found them on Red Cabbage Right with a TR set up so I gave that a quick TR. Found that easier to climb than Roseland! I'm sure it would have been a bit harder while placing gear.

Sun: Cold and tight from climbing cold we kept today easy. P1 of Easy O. Watched a guy doing the top of Son of Easy O and that is definitely on the list for the spring. decided against the 15' of P2 since it was not worth the effort.
Went down to do Triple bulges.. casual p1 shared with Twin oaks. brought the book up and still couldn't quite figure out where P2 was supposed to go so i decided to "play it by gear" (har har sorry....) and aim for the anchor tree the way gear and holds led me. Was totally fine but kept things deliberate in case i had to back down and change direction. brought kate up and we couldnt tell if the last bit had a top anchor or not so i led up the left overhang for a look and then down led it after not finding much. cool little roof i got to climb up and down :) Bailed off. Led Fingerlocks or Cedar box. Kate had had enough so i just downcleaned and we headed for home.

Want any choice of route? head to the gunks when the forecast calls for mid 40's :) I'm pretty happy with how my gear placing has come along the last year so I have some fun ideas for spring.

was nice to meet Gail, mitch and lydia on saturday.

I've heard Roseland is slick...and that intimidates me a bit. Nines at the 'gunks are weird: ants line and P1 of Bonnie's really challenge me while stuff like Grand Central I find to be pretty easy. Just weird

P2 of Son of Easy O is easy, definitely not an eight like the guidebook says. You should do it all in one pitch.

see, ants line and Bonnies were like 8+ for me..and never felt uncomfortable. never done grand central so i dunno about that.

P2 S of O definitely looked easy.. looked a lot like the end of Strictly's but more of it. Doing it in one definitely looks like the easiest way. no point in stopping for a 15' pitch


Nov 26, 2010, 9:31 PM
Post #468 of 1159 (18361 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Last Saturday at the Massachusetts "Crag Not To Be Named" with Dave and Alexi. Temps in the upper 40's maybe touching 50, not unpleasant. Stayed at the WOEML. Left the leading to Dave since I was content to just cruise on TR. Fun mix of trad, mixed and sport. Pushed myself on following a 5.11d (sport). Thrashed mightily at the first crux several times making a bit of progress each time up. Also profited by watched Josh (BEC) and Kol doing the 5.12a (sport) next to us as well as the 5.11.d we were on. Definitely feels like I'm elevating my game when I climb with folks who are so much better climbers than me.

Hoping for one last weekend the 50's to justify a trip to the Gunks. Gail sounds like a great crack workout. Jake since we didn't roped up this year I definitely have to get down to Lincoln Woods with you! Are there are at least one or two V0 problems down there for me?

Chad really enjoyed the trip report and the video. Thanks for posting it. I also was impressed with the "boom" views. Also viewed "Blade Runner", looked to be a very interesting line.


Nov 26, 2010, 9:42 PM
Post #469 of 1159 (18358 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Bill there are definitely easier problems there to get on.


Nov 27, 2010, 12:42 AM
Post #470 of 1159 (18345 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Hey Bill, I may be up at the gunks for a full week or so. My friend Bett shattered her hip on Monday (not climbing) and I am going to go up and take care of her for a week. They just moved her into the rehab center, so I am not sure when I am going up.

I am game to climb in the high 40's if you are. Basically, you only get 4 hours of "warm" climbing.


Nov 27, 2010, 12:43 PM
Post #471 of 1159 (18318 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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darkgift06 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
darkgift06 wrote:
Hawthorne Nov 20-2010

Some friends & I went for a winter ascent of a local short & steep Mountain on sat. 3" of snow fell this weekend so no climbing for a while here in the Okanagan.

We started at about 10:30 in Ok Falls stopping across the valley, we picked out our line from the car deciding on the line with the least amount of cliffs. We then made our way over to the base of the Mtn to start our adventure.

After packing bags with water, extra gloves & layers we hiked past a few houses, over a barbed wire fence & into the meat of the hike. The start of the hike was ridiculously steep, I figure close to 50deg or steeper. We picked our way up a grass covered scree slope trying to traverse on barely visible game trails. We followed a number of these over to a ridge & then decided to hike up the ridge line keeping the scree slope to our right as an easy out in case we got cliffed out. Up & up we hiked... We came to several rock spires that came thru the sandy ridge & stopped for some photos of us standing on top of them. At about 2/3's of the way up we got to a broken band of snowy cliffs & decided to try climbing over them as apposed to hiking around. 10 min & some freezing hands later were at the top of the 3-4 meter 5.7ish climb looking up at more cliffs that we could our way up, climbing between them as they were broken by the ridge. After some traversing & more climbing we had reached the top of our climbing & needed to traverse back right to the scree slope for a safer way up & around more larger cliffs. After some steep hiking & clawing we came to a nice game trail or as Bryan was calling them "Natures Highways" we tried to stay on the game trails for the rest of the hike. From that point to the top the hiking was much gentler; we were moving thru some beautiful meadows & tight patches of trees some of the best hiking of the day. We soon crested the top looking down into the valley & behind the mountain to the back country. After some discussion we decided to continue south to the true summit & get a proper view from the top looking north, south & down into the valley bottoms on ether side. Fun was had by all & we soon made our way back down the way we had came to our cars & there heaters.

You can see a video of the day here.

that was good video. thanks for sharing. I really liked the footage you took with the camera on the pole. that was kind of cool. not sure if southern man was a good choice for a climb in canada (yeah, I know, he's canadian), but I appreciated the music all around in general. Cool

Thanks, I'm working on more ways to shoot with the pole, using it like a boom, dolly, & also like a POV over the shoulder mount.

I kinda agree with the southern man comment as the lyrics don't really fit. I chose it more because I am from southern Canada & I do love me some good ol Neil Young, in fact I tend to hum or sing it while hiking or climbing alot.

I'm going on another hike/show shoe this weekend & might have some different shots & another video.

well, it definitely looked as if you had good control of the camera with the boom. it looked smooth.


Nov 27, 2010, 12:44 PM
Post #472 of 1159 (18315 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Hey Bill, I may be up at the gunks for a full week or so. My friend Bett shattered her hip on Monday (not climbing) and I am going to go up and take care of her for a week. They just moved her into the rehab center, so I am not sure when I am going up.

I am game to climb in the high 40's if you are. Basically, you only get 4 hours of "warm" climbing.

damn! send her my wishes. that's too bad. I hope she recovers quickly.


Nov 27, 2010, 12:46 PM
Post #473 of 1159 (18314 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gunks Nov 19-21

Fri: Kate and I got down to New paltz for a half day at the Nears did Grease Gun Groove to warm up then decided to get on Roseland after seeing pics of it last week on MProj. Greg if you want a .9 you need to be solid on.. there ya go. exact opposite of Mtimes.. looks easy.. climbs hard. Messed up and didn't extend the pins at the crux and had awful rope drag the last bit to the anchors. Kate tried to clean it but was having trouble getting smears to stick. Luckily a couple climbing next to us agreed to clean the rest for her and I didn't have to TR it again.

Sat: BRRR cold start but after a relaxed breakfast we got out and got started. Did P1 of Strictly's to the tree. super fun route. bit before the top sure makes you think. Kate did really well though there then got a bit bugged out with the exposure at the top. (she's used to shorter routes in CT and rumney)
Moved on to something a bit less heady and did P1 of Bloody Bush. super fun with some thoughtful movement. Have heard P2 is tricky and another party was on our ass so we headed down to find Gail to say hello.
Found them on Red Cabbage Right with a TR set up so I gave that a quick TR. Found that easier to climb than Roseland! I'm sure it would have been a bit harder while placing gear.

Sun: Cold and tight from climbing cold we kept today easy. P1 of Easy O. Watched a guy doing the top of Son of Easy O and that is definitely on the list for the spring. decided against the 15' of P2 since it was not worth the effort.
Went down to do Triple bulges.. casual p1 shared with Twin oaks. brought the book up and still couldn't quite figure out where P2 was supposed to go so i decided to "play it by gear" (har har sorry....) and aim for the anchor tree the way gear and holds led me. Was totally fine but kept things deliberate in case i had to back down and change direction. brought kate up and we couldnt tell if the last bit had a top anchor or not so i led up the left overhang for a look and then down led it after not finding much. cool little roof i got to climb up and down :) Bailed off. Led Fingerlocks or Cedar box. Kate had had enough so i just downcleaned and we headed for home.

Want any choice of route? head to the gunks when the forecast calls for mid 40's :) I'm pretty happy with how my gear placing has come along the last year so I have some fun ideas for spring.

was nice to meet Gail, mitch and lydia on saturday.

I've heard Roseland is slick...and that intimidates me a bit. Nines at the 'gunks are weird: ants line and P1 of Bonnie's really challenge me while stuff like Grand Central I find to be pretty easy. Just weird

P2 of Son of Easy O is easy, definitely not an eight like the guidebook says. You should do it all in one pitch.

see, ants line and Bonnies were like 8+ for me..and never felt uncomfortable. never done grand central so i dunno about that.

P2 S of O definitely looked easy.. looked a lot like the end of Strictly's but more of it. Doing it in one definitely looks like the easiest way. no point in stopping for a 15' pitch

It is similar to Strickley's, but I think Strickley's is actually a tad harder, even though it is shorter.


Nov 28, 2010, 4:29 PM
Post #474 of 1159 (18289 views)

Registered: Nov 28, 2010
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Re: [shockabuku] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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It is three years ago I had a similar trip to the highest summit of the Atlas-Mountains in Morrroco, the "Toubcal" with a hight of aprox. 12500 ft., fantastic condicions and unbelivible views.
Mohamed El Hinati


Nov 28, 2010, 10:36 PM
Post #475 of 1159 (18271 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Is there anybody who has some experience to report about the "Eiger Nordwand" in the Alpes...?
Regards to all freeclimbers,
Mohamed El Hinati


Nov 28, 2010, 11:30 PM
Post #476 of 1159 (16554 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Nice TR and video Chad. Thanks for sharing. And I agree that the boom shots were very cool.


Nov 28, 2010, 11:35 PM
Post #477 of 1159 (16550 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gail: Holly crankin' !! Keep it up.

Jake: good job getting out and having fun. thanks for the share.

Bill: you too.

Glad to see people are out having fun.

I have been traveling and otherwise not climbing. :-( Was supposed to go out today, but my partner bailed so the wife and I scored some booty for the kido's (still on the way). Hoping to get out at least once more this year, but the opportunities are obviously limited.


Nov 29, 2010, 12:44 AM
Post #478 of 1159 (16543 views)

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Re: [MohamedElHinati] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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MohamedElHinati wrote:
Is there anybody who has some experience to report about the "Eiger Nordwand" in the Alpes...?
Regards to all freeclimbers,
Mohamed El Hinati

probably not in this forum, but I bet someone on this site has something about the Eiger somewhere.


Jan 1, 2011, 10:45 PM
Post #479 of 1159 (16459 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Happy New Year Weekend Warriors!

My New Year started off uber great at the Uberfall. It was probably 50 degrees up here today so we decided to go climbing. Patrick, Mark, Lance, Naomi, Mitch and I all hung out at the Uberfall for a few hours. It stayed nice and toasty until about 3PM then the sun went behind some clouds and sunk low in the sky. It was so warm that the 20" of snow that we had after Xmas was melting every where. Patrick brought a giant tarp which protected our gear and our shoes at the start of each climb.

We did Laural, Clover, Junior, Rhodie and Apoplexy. Initially the rock felt slick, but, I guess I warmed up quickly because everything felt very easy today.

Regrettably, Mitch can't climb; he is having surgery in 3 weeks to re-build his wrist. He won't be climbing for at least 6 months.

We vowed to make it out on any day over 45 this winter.

What a great way to start the new year.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Jan 1, 2011, 10:48 PM)


Jan 1, 2011, 10:59 PM
Post #480 of 1159 (16453 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Bummer about Mitch's wrist, but at least he's doing it now so he'll be able to salvage next summer.

Congrats on getting out in such nice weather for this time of year. I'm slightly envious.

I am going climbing here in Chile for the first time tomorrow (Sunday). TR will follow this week.


Jan 3, 2011, 9:01 PM
Post #481 of 1159 (16401 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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OK, as promised, the Chile post is up here: Viva Chile!

'Twas a good day.


Jan 3, 2011, 9:39 PM
Post #482 of 1159 (16393 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Loved your post. Sounds like you did a really nice lead. Did it feel like a gunks 9? Do you think Red will climb with you every weekend?


Jan 3, 2011, 9:49 PM
Post #483 of 1159 (16389 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Loved your post. Sounds like you did a really nice lead. Did it feel like a gunks 9? Do you think Red will climb with you every weekend?

Thanks Gail! I actually think it was one of my better posts in a while, maybe that's a reflection of how fun and relaxed the day was.

Definitely not a 'Gunks 9, more like a sustained 'Gunks 6, so probably a 7 in the end. He thought it was a bit soft, too, as the second, so its possible he didn't remember the grade. We talked about that, and he's going to get me info when he can.

Yeah, I think I'll be climbing with him a lot in the coming months. He is eager to get out a lot and also eager to introduce me to his other partners. They have a crag they've just discovered down south, too, with miles of cliff line and at the a couple of 1000m meter cliffs...all of it unclimbed. If this works out, then I've hit the jackpot down here.

One of the things that make us compatible is that info down here is very, very difficult to come by. There really are no guides and Chilean climbers, in general, are rather disorganized. He has tried to organize people with varying degrees of success, but he seems happy that I'm willing to do a fair amount of publicizing and organizing info. He agreed to help supply me with the info needed, too.


Jan 3, 2011, 9:53 PM
Post #484 of 1159 (16387 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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When are you coming home? More specifically, when are you coming to the gunks?

I agree with you, your post was very fun to read and I really liked your style. Glad you are having fun. I am jealous.


Jan 3, 2011, 10:03 PM
Post #485 of 1159 (16383 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
When are you coming home? More specifically, when are you coming to the gunks?

I agree with you, your post was very fun to read and I really liked your style. Glad you are having fun. I am jealous.

uh, well, my ticket to return is May 15, but that is a flexible date. I will be back in the 'Gunks as soon as I can when I get home. Don't worry, I'll give you plenty of notice...we STILL haven't climbed together!!Laugh

Hey, if you and mitch want some time in S.A., give me a shout!


Feb 6, 2011, 10:40 PM
Post #486 of 1159 (16292 views)

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3 of us went out climbing at Skaha yesterday snow and all.. my buddy Ryan started on a 5.9 that was super wet and icy, we were both surprised that he made it up. I top roped it and struggled the whole way putting my hands into pools of water full of ice and snow I fell twice I think.

I then lead a 5.7 with a grunt offwidth start. I got a small power cam in as I left the ground. I then got a #3 camalot where the crack necked down, it was a struggle my feet were stemming on wet rock and I fell. I then got down re racked the borrowed gear which helped my head space. I then started back up, I found a big jug deep in the wet crack that got me past where I had fallen, I pulled on a cam and a nut at another wet point, & grunted lots of times placing lots of gear and made it to the top wet and happy.

Early season climbing!!!!


Feb 7, 2011, 12:26 AM
Post #487 of 1159 (16282 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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darkgift06 wrote:
3 of us went out climbing at Skaha yesterday snow and all.. my buddy Ryan started on a 5.9 that was super wet and icy, we were both surprised that he made it up. I top roped it and struggled the whole way putting my hands into pools of water full of ice and snow I fell twice I think.

I then lead a 5.7 with a grunt offwidth start. I got a small power cam in as I left the ground. I then got a #3 camalot where the crack necked down, it was a struggle my feet were stemming on wet rock and I fell. I then got down re racked the borrowed gear which helped my head space. I then started back up, I found a big jug deep in the wet crack that got me past where I had fallen, I pulled on a cam and a nut at another wet point, & grunted lots of times placing lots of gear and made it to the top wet and happy.

Early season climbing!!!!

there is nothing wrong with stories about rock in Feb.Cool


Feb 7, 2011, 3:27 AM
Post #488 of 1159 (16274 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Haven't been posting much on the WW thread even though I've been getting out. Life's been busier than expected down here, and that's a good thing in a lot of ways.

Today I took Godfather2 out finally (well, he and I met up with another infamous RC.knobber, but that was only for a day of clipping bolts). We had been talking about getting out to do this specific trad route in San Gabriel for some time, and for whatever reason things just got delayed (I bailed because of something I don't remember, then he bailed, then plans got changed to climb with the aforementioned infamous person). Even today we were supposed to change plans again, but as luck had it, they didn't in the end and we took off for Puente San Gabriel to tackle the four-pitch route Escalon.

Puente San Gabriel is about two hours from Santiago Centro (first by the Metro and then by bus or collectivo). We got an early start, but what was odd was that as we were walking through the Las Mercedes metro station I saw another climber with his rope hanging out of his pack.

"Good," I thought, "he's in line for a snack and we're going upstairs. If we're going to the same place then we're ahead of them."

I wasn't worried, though, because no one ever climbs there. In fact, two of my main partners, each of whom have been climbing in Chile for years, both could count the Chilean trad climbers in the Santiago area on one hand, and Santiago represents about a third of the entire population of Chile.

I was also confident because we caught a bus just as we exited the metro station.

"There's no way they catch us now," I thought.

In fact, when GF2 asked me later if collectivos were quicker (they're cars, not busses), I told him that wasn't necessarily the case.

But wouldn't you know, guess who was about 100 yards ahead of us on the path? Lesson learned, collectivos are faster.

That was OK. GF2 and I could start on La Raya, which is a one-pitch route at about 110 feet. It was a nice route to start on while the other guys slowly made their way up our intended route. They were slow, so we chilled at the top for a bit and watched them make their own progress. When they were starting the third pitch, we headed up Escalon.

I linked the first two pitches together (about 160 feet) and felt good. I placed probably 10 pieces because things felt smooth. GF2 came up, we switched gear and off I went.

The last time I had done the route, my partner led P3 and went right. I wanted to mix it up a bit and decided to go left. Instead of finding myself in the nice crack to the right, I was now immersed in the offwidth on the left. No big deal, because this was my kind of offwidth (read: FREAKING EASY). I got to the top of the third pitch and guess who I found? Yup, our slow amigos who had beaten us in the collectivo.

Nice dudes they are, so no problems there. They're just now getting into rock after years of mountaineering. We chatted for a while and off they went.

Finally they cleared the last pitch and GF2 and I summitted. We then "glissaded" down the dirt "walk-off."

Next up was a chill down by the river. Then empenandas down on the road. For me, two good-sized empenandas and a beer cost 2000 pesos (~$4).

Our luck was good once again, because as soon as we finished eating, a bus was heading the other way. We jumped on, got two seats on what turned out to be a normal, crowded ride back into Santiago. There was traffic, so our driver took some side roads at about 80mph (I thought I was going to die a few dozen times). He got us to the metro, however, and things were good.


Feb 7, 2011, 3:45 AM
Post #489 of 1159 (16266 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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thanks for taking me out, showing me around, and taking care of the sharp end as well! i felt super safe and had my most enjoyable climbing day to date!

i shoulda ate another empanada Frown

hopefully we'll be able to get out once more before i leave

- safe n send

(This post was edited by godfather2 on Feb 7, 2011, 3:47 AM)


Feb 7, 2011, 12:42 PM
Post #490 of 1159 (16242 views)

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Re: [godfather2] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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godfather2 wrote:
thanks for taking me out, showing me around, and taking care of the sharp end as well! i felt super safe and had my most enjoyable climbing day to date!

i shoulda ate another empanada Frown

hopefully we'll be able to get out once more before i leave

- safe n send

yup, the second one was just as good as the first.


Feb 23, 2011, 4:43 PM
Post #491 of 1159 (16135 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Still feb & still sending. this time a little closer to the ground.. were finding that when climbing below freezing its best to climb short routes or boulder... so it was sunny this weekend & we went out to explore some boulders in an area known as "The Slayers"


Feb 23, 2011, 8:58 PM
Post #492 of 1159 (16120 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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darkgift06 wrote:
Still feb & still sending. this time a little closer to the ground.. were finding that when climbing below freezing its best to climb short routes or boulder... so it was sunny this weekend & we went out to explore some boulders in an area known as "The Slayers"

just saw this today. couldnt hear the sound because i am at a hostel and the computers here dont have speakers.

climbing with snow is awesome, but crazy, too. I am inspired, but not to follow. instead, to go climbing where it is warm instead.


Feb 23, 2011, 8:59 PM
Post #493 of 1159 (16119 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
darkgift06 wrote:
Still feb & still sending. this time a little closer to the ground.. were finding that when climbing below freezing its best to climb short routes or boulder... so it was sunny this weekend & we went out to explore some boulders in an area known as "The Slayers"

just saw this today. couldnt hear the sound because i am at a hostel and the computers here dont have speakers.

climbing with snow is awesome, but crazy, too. I am inspired, but not to follow. instead, to go climbing where it is warm instead.

right about the three-minute mark was pretty cool footage.


Feb 24, 2011, 3:04 AM
Post #494 of 1159 (16101 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Great photos, sounds like you are having lots of fun. It's still cold at the Gunks, haven't been climbing outside since New Year's Day. Looks like rain/snow this weekend, maybe some ice climbing on Saturday. Take Care Gmburns!


Feb 27, 2011, 12:56 AM
Post #495 of 1159 (16059 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Ice Climbing...Why did I wait so long to try it?

Oh my, I went ice climbing for the first time today. I totally and completely loved it. I went to the Catskills and climbed at an area off of route 214. I climbed two easy climbs and then finished up on a "4" which I got clean (top rope). I had so much fun. I guess I am buying ice gear tomorrow!


Feb 27, 2011, 4:33 AM
Post #496 of 1159 (16044 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Oh, no!! Another good climber turns sicko!!


Feb 27, 2011, 6:42 PM
Post #497 of 1159 (16019 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Ice Climbing...Why did I wait so long to try it?

Oh my, I went ice climbing for the first time today. I totally and completely loved it. I went to the Catskills and climbed at an area off of route 214. I climbed two easy climbs and then finished up on a "4" which I got clean (top rope). I had so much fun. I guess I am buying ice gear tomorrow!

as much as it pains me to read this, I am actually hopeful that you'll find ice climbing to be more comfortable on your foot. Was that the experience you had? If so, then I hope this is a discovery that leads to great adventures for you.


Feb 27, 2011, 11:21 PM
Post #498 of 1159 (16009 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Greg...thanks for asking. My boots were too big so my toes jammed into the end of the boot every time I kicked. That kind of hurt, but, it did not bother my arthritis at all. THe arthritis really bothers me when I have to stand on my big toes. In ice climbing you are basically on a flat foot as you kick in. It was awesome. I can't beleive I waited so long to try this awesome sport. I loved it.

When are you coming back?


Feb 27, 2011, 11:31 PM
Post #499 of 1159 (16005 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Greg...thanks for asking. My boots were too big so my toes jammed into the end of the boot every time I kicked. That kind of hurt, but, it did not bother my arthritis at all. THe arthritis really bothers me when I have to stand on my big toes. In ice climbing you are basically on a flat foot as you kick in. It was awesome. I can't beleive I waited so long to try this awesome sport. I loved it.

When are you coming back?

yeah, well, as soon as I read that I kind of figured it would be easier on your foot (having the wrong size boot the first time aside), so that is good.

It looks as if I'll return in late May. I think John is planning to be in the 'Gunks again from mid to late june, so I'll definitely be down then. After that, probably Aug. I think I'm heading to Brasil next this winter, so I will probably only be home this summer.

However, we need to climb. We still haven't managed it, so that is kind of a goal of mine this summer!


Feb 28, 2011, 3:27 PM
Post #500 of 1159 (15976 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Ice Climbing...Why did I wait so long to try it?

Oh my, I went ice climbing for the first time today. I totally and completely loved it. I went to the Catskills and climbed at an area off of route 214. I climbed two easy climbs and then finished up on a "4" which I got clean (top rope). I had so much fun. I guess I am buying ice gear tomorrow!

Nice. I finally got into this year too. I got out about 6 times this winter and invested in my first pair of boots. It'll never replace rock but it's nice to get outside rather than just go to the gym during the winter.

As for rock, we are going to RR in a couple weeks. Trip report to come.



Mar 1, 2011, 2:28 AM
Post #501 of 1159 (15715 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
As for rock, we are going to RR in a couple weeks. Trip report to come.


Sure Josh! I will hold my breath. I am remembering how I had cajole you into a write up about The Chief! Have a great time!

Chad, cool video. A little bit jerky and blue-and-white when I viewed it. Gave it a sort of Chaplinesque air. Pretty cool effect. Not a fan of the soundtrack however. Maybe because I'm an old fart. One of those problems looked to be definitely height related. Hope the guy in the white cap eventually got it. BTW, where is all your snow? We are buried here in the Boston area. Had four feet of snow on my deck two weeks ago. Now we have gotten into the dreaded "mixed precipitation". Been an enormous wimp and haven't been out since the beginning of January. Need to step up. Coldweather Kevin are you lurking on this thread? Call me, we need to get out this weekend. I think it has become a retaining our manhood thing.

Gail, you are the woman! Good deal, you are an inspiration. See you in the Gunks in a couple of short weeks, I hope!

Godfather2 love your tagline! Looked like a fun outing.

Greg, keep the book or pass it on. Don't worry about replacing it. I'm pretty sure I have it pretty much memorized. Have you lined you climbing helmet with lead yet? Or have you strapped a turtle shell on your head?


Mar 1, 2011, 8:41 PM
Post #502 of 1159 (15691 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
As for rock, we are going to RR in a couple weeks. Trip report to come.


Sure Josh! I will hold my breath. I am remembering how I had cajole you into a write up about The Chief! Have a great time!

Chad, cool video. A little bit jerky and blue-and-white when I viewed it. Gave it a sort of Chaplinesque air. Pretty cool effect. Not a fan of the soundtrack however. Maybe because I'm an old fart. One of those problems looked to be definitely height related. Hope the guy in the white cap eventually got it. BTW, where is all your snow? We are buried here in the Boston area. Had four feet of snow on my deck two weeks ago. Now we have gotten into the dreaded "mixed precipitation". Been an enormous wimp and haven't been out since the beginning of January. Need to step up. Coldweather Kevin are you lurking on this thread? Call me, we need to get out this weekend. I think it has become a retaining our manhood thing.

Gail, you are the woman! Good deal, you are an inspiration. See you in the Gunks in a couple of short weeks, I hope!

Godfather2 love your tagline! Looked like a fun outing.

Greg, keep the book or pass it on. Don't worry about replacing it. I'm pretty sure I have it pretty much memorized. Have you lined you climbing helmet with lead yet? Or have you strapped a turtle shell on your head?

Thanks for checking out the footage. I'm not sure about the colors but I think my camera does some adjustments on its own & that is why it came out a little blue/white. I'm the guy in the white toque, & no I never made it on that height related one, I don't mind so much as its still something to go back for :D
As for our snow... it seems to come & go this year, one week we will get a foot, & the next week it is sunny & melts which is making it feel like this winter is lasting forever. The weekend that we went up there it had been sunny for a few days & all the snow in town was melted, there was only a bit left up at the slayers which was more than enough to mess up the top outs on more than a few problems.


Mar 1, 2011, 10:07 PM
Post #503 of 1159 (15682 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
As for rock, we are going to RR in a couple weeks. Trip report to come.


Sure Josh! I will hold my breath. I am remembering how I had cajole you into a write up about The Chief! Have a great time!

Chad, cool video. A little bit jerky and blue-and-white when I viewed it. Gave it a sort of Chaplinesque air. Pretty cool effect. Not a fan of the soundtrack however. Maybe because I'm an old fart. One of those problems looked to be definitely height related. Hope the guy in the white cap eventually got it. BTW, where is all your snow? We are buried here in the Boston area. Had four feet of snow on my deck two weeks ago. Now we have gotten into the dreaded "mixed precipitation". Been an enormous wimp and haven't been out since the beginning of January. Need to step up. Coldweather Kevin are you lurking on this thread? Call me, we need to get out this weekend. I think it has become a retaining our manhood thing.

Gail, you are the woman! Good deal, you are an inspiration. See you in the Gunks in a couple of short weeks, I hope!

Godfather2 love your tagline! Looked like a fun outing.

Greg, keep the book or pass it on. Don't worry about replacing it. I'm pretty sure I have it pretty much memorized. Have you lined you climbing helmet with lead yet? Or have you strapped a turtle shell on your head?

I'm cutting Saturn's throat as we speak.


Mar 1, 2011, 10:38 PM
Post #504 of 1159 (15673 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Bill, I am planning on climbing at the gunks this weekend if the weather holds. Looks like moderate temps on Saturday and Sunday. Also looks like some form of precip in the AM.

Josh, can't wait to see the TR.

I am headed to Arizona on 3/22 for a week of climbing with Manny. I hope I can keep up, he is pretty hard core.

I can't stop thinking about ice was so much fun. I know the season is likely over, but, I do hope to get out one more time.

Greg, Let me know when you are ready to gunk ok? I am eagerly awaiting John's arrival in June. I am already planning to work out of New Paltz!


Mar 1, 2011, 11:02 PM
Post #505 of 1159 (15668 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Bill, I am planning on climbing at the gunks this weekend if the weather holds. Looks like moderate temps on Saturday and Sunday. Also looks like some form of precip in the AM.

Josh, can't wait to see the TR.

I am headed to Arizona on 3/22 for a week of climbing with Manny. I hope I can keep up, he is pretty hard core.

I can't stop thinking about ice was so much fun. I know the season is likely over, but, I do hope to get out one more time.

Greg, Let me know when you are ready to gunk ok? I am eagerly awaiting John's arrival in June. I am already planning to work out of New Paltz!

I think june could be a good month.


Mar 3, 2011, 5:03 AM
Post #506 of 1159 (15634 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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"It'll never replace rock." Man, I couldn't be more polar opposite from this viewpoint. I'm up in Lake Willoughby right now, capping off what has been a tremendous ice season thus far, and all I keep thinking is....why can't we have 9 months of winter climbing and 3 months of rock climbing. All I can say is.....just wait until you are runout above a stubby ice screw, three moves into a mixed sequence, with a tool torqued in a crack, crampons points on edges you would never think to use, and trying to fish in a green alien while hooking a hanging sheet of ice over your head. If you don't realize that's the epitomy of climbing, then no one can help you!

Hope to see you out at the cliff this season!



Mar 3, 2011, 10:57 AM
Post #507 of 1159 (15621 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
"It'll never replace rock." Man, I couldn't be more polar opposite from this viewpoint. I'm up in Lake Willoughby right now, capping off what has been a tremendous ice season thus far, and all I keep thinking is....why can't we have 9 months of winter climbing and 3 months of rock climbing. All I can say is.....just wait until you are runout above a stubby ice screw, three moves into a mixed sequence, with a tool torqued in a crack, crampons points on edges you would never think to use, and trying to fish in a green alien while hooking a hanging sheet of ice over your head. If you don't realize that's the epitomy of climbing, then no one can help you!

Hope to see you out at the cliff this season!


Heh. Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen to me, but one never knows.

Same to you. If you end up climbing with John then I'm sure I'll see you sometime in June.


Mar 3, 2011, 2:26 PM
Post #508 of 1159 (15612 views)

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RR, I hope I get that good at ice climbing. I can't believe I waited so long to try it...all those wasted seasons!


Mar 6, 2011, 2:55 PM
Post #509 of 1159 (15567 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Played at the gunks yesterday. It was cloudy, started out in the high 40's and gradually hit the high 50's. The rock was dry on the face, but the cracks/pods were a bit slimy and some horizontals were filled with mud.

That said we had some fun and I did my first trad lead of the 2011 season. Honestly, I felt rusty. I was climbing with a friend, using his rack (and racking system) and was 1/2 up the pitch when I realized that I didn't have any slings. Not his fault, he asked me if I wanted his gear sling and I said "no". Pretty stupid, it was holding all of the slings!

We were on a very easy climb, so I built an anchor and he brought it up to me. I ran a couple of laps on Son of Easy O and we called it a day. Way too early in my opinion, but my partner had to go to a party. Mitch walked with Bett (both recovering from major surgery/accidents) to the Andrew Boulder and then they waited for us to finish climbing. (Bett shattered her hip in 5 places in late November, she is really recovering well. She walked 3 miles yesterday on pretty crappy footing. She even climbed one of the ascent trails. Mitch's wrist is better, he can take of his splint to shower and is allowed to bend it ever so gently. He will not be climbing until the end of the summer. Anyone looking for a gunks partner???)

Trail conditions: The trail from the Trapps lot to the carriage road is covered in packed snow and straight up ice. Micro spikes recommended. Much of the carriage road is covered in packed snow and ice as well. You can get up there without spikes, but it's so much eaiser with them on your shoes. The trails up to the cliff are pretty clear, very little snow and ice.


Mar 6, 2011, 5:15 PM
Post #510 of 1159 (15557 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Played at the gunks yesterday. It was cloudy, started out in the high 40's and gradually hit the high 50's. The rock was dry on the face, but the cracks/pods were a bit slimy and some horizontals were filled with mud.

That said we had some fun and I did my first trad lead of the 2011 season. Honestly, I felt rusty. I was climbing with a friend, using his rack (and racking system) and was 1/2 up the pitch when I realized that I didn't have any slings. Not his fault, he asked me if I wanted his gear sling and I said "no". Pretty stupid, it was holding all of the slings!

We were on a very easy climb, so I built an anchor and he brought it up to me. I ran a couple of laps on Son of Easy O and we called it a day. Way too early in my opinion, but my partner had to go to a party. Mitch walked with Bett (both recovering from major surgery/accidents) to the Andrew Boulder and then they waited for us to finish climbing. (Bett shattered her hip in 5 places in late November, she is really recovering well. She walked 3 miles yesterday on pretty crappy footing. She even climbed one of the ascent trails. Mitch's wrist is better, he can take of his splint to shower and is allowed to bend it ever so gently. He will not be climbing until the end of the summer. Anyone looking for a gunks partner???)

Trail conditions: The trail from the Trapps lot to the carriage road is covered in packed snow and straight up ice. Micro spikes recommended. Much of the carriage road is covered in packed snow and ice as well. You can get up there without spikes, but it's so much eaiser with them on your shoes. The trails up to the cliff are pretty clear, very little snow and ice.

what route did you lead Gail?

Sounds like a nice time, though too cold for me.

Good to hear that both Bett and Mitch are recovering. Will Bett be able to climb again, or even soon?


Mar 9, 2011, 11:36 AM
Post #511 of 1159 (15489 views)

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gblauer wrote:
That said we had some fun and I did my first trad lead of the 2011 season.

Good deal Gail! Weather forecast was a bit too sketchy to think about heading down although I was tempted. Did get a good bouldering workout in at Crow Hill on Saturday however.

Inspired by Chad's video Kevin and I got out last week for some sport climbing at a local crag. Too cold for trad but we had a great time clipping bolts.

Once again inspired by Chad I did a video trip report. Production values are somewhat low. There were only two of us and I was too lazy to pack the tripod in. So no actual climbing video footage. In addition after I got home I discovered I had accidentally set the camera to some strange color tint setting so the color is a bit off. Finally I was too lazy to lay down a music track even though I had a Yo-Yo Ma CD sitting here on my desk! Have I lowered your expectations enough? Here's the link

Best wishes to Mitch and Brett for speedy and complete recoveries. Regarding finding partners Gail I don't think you will have any problems!


Mar 9, 2011, 1:12 PM
Post #512 of 1159 (15480 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Cool video, looks COLD!!!
Glad you had some late winter climbing. Does ice ever form there?

Bill, let me know when you want to partner at the Gunks.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Mar 9, 2011, 1:27 PM)


Mar 10, 2011, 6:35 PM
Post #513 of 1159 (15451 views)

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There are a few area's that have ice that freezes but I don't have ice equip, & the bouldering & climbing is much closer.

& yes it was cold..


Mar 13, 2011, 2:57 AM
Post #514 of 1159 (15415 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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So many climbers, so few routes

I climbed at the gunks today. The parking lot was nearly full, every moderate climb was occupied. It was like climbing during the season. The promise of mid fifties in the sun drew everyone to the cliff. In fact, the actual weather was only fair, not great. It never really got sunny (few intervals), it was cool and breezy. Most of the climbs were wet, hence lots of wandering climbers looking for dry terrain.

We did Rusty Trifle x2, Columbia, That Nice crack climb and That nice 9. It felt great to be on the sharp end, but I do not recommend climbing in your mountaineering boots.

I was inspired by Ranger Rob's youtube video; he and a buddy aided Erect Direction during a snow storm in February. They were in their mountaineering gear. I found the edging difficult and sensitivity really low.

Hopefully I will go out tomorrow.


Mar 13, 2011, 2:35 PM
Post #515 of 1159 (15316 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
gblauer wrote:
That said we had some fun and I did my first trad lead of the 2011 season.

Good deal Gail! Weather forecast was a bit too sketchy to think about heading down although I was tempted. Did get a good bouldering workout in at Crow Hill on Saturday however.

Inspired by Chad's video Kevin and I got out last week for some sport climbing at a local crag. Too cold for trad but we had a great time clipping bolts.

Once again inspired by Chad I did a video trip report. Production values are somewhat low. There were only two of us and I was too lazy to pack the tripod in. So no actual climbing video footage. In addition after I got home I discovered I had accidentally set the camera to some strange color tint setting so the color is a bit off. Finally I was too lazy to lay down a music track even though I had a Yo-Yo Ma CD sitting here on my desk! Have I lowered your expectations enough? Here's the link

Best wishes to Mitch and Brett for speedy and complete recoveries. Regarding finding partners Gail I don't think you will have any problems!

My god Bill, that's a chosspile if I've ever seen one. I wouldn't recommend anyone climb there in the summer let alone the winter; you must be one crazy dude.

That was a nice vid, though. The change in tint was actually kind if nice. The winter wonderland made everything look black and white before, so that was an interesting change of pace.

Glad you got out. You're tougher than me by far.


Mar 13, 2011, 2:38 PM
Post #516 of 1159 (15313 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
So many climbers, so few routes

I climbed at the gunks today. The parking lot was nearly full, every moderate climb was occupied. It was like climbing during the season. The promise of mid fifties in the sun drew everyone to the cliff. In fact, the actual weather was only fair, not great. It never really got sunny (few intervals), it was cool and breezy. Most of the climbs were wet, hence lots of wandering climbers looking for dry terrain.

We did Rusty Trifle x2, Columbia, That Nice crack climb and That nice 9. It felt great to be on the sharp end, but I do not recommend climbing in your mountaineering boots.

I was inspired by Ranger Rob's youtube video; he and a buddy aided Erect Direction during a snow storm in February. They were in their mountaineering gear. I found the edging difficult and sensitivity really low.

Hopefully I will go out tomorrow.

OK, everyone is crazy. You're alllllllll crazy wacko bat-shit!!!

Of course, I'm also envious. 70 degrees here and I'm still lame, though the toe does feel better. Unsure


Mar 13, 2011, 3:27 PM
Post #517 of 1159 (15306 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Isn't it amazing how a body part as insignificant as a toe can kill your climbing????? Heal faster!

It's very breezy, mostly cloudy and 44 degrees right now. We are waiting to hit the cliff. Mitch will have to belay while I put up the climbs. I am afraid he will be too cold.


Mar 13, 2011, 3:30 PM
Post #518 of 1159 (15305 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Isn't it amazing how a body part as insignificant as a toe can kill your climbing????? Heal faster!

It's very breezy, mostly cloudy and 44 degrees right now. We are waiting to hit the cliff. Mitch will have to belay while I put up the climbs. I am afraid he will be too cold.

I'm also envious of your ability to climb when it is that cold.Unsure


Mar 13, 2011, 10:52 PM
Post #519 of 1159 (15285 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Don't believe what you see on the internet... called for sunny and a high in the forties today. It was much colder and windier than I expected. We got to the cliff at noon, the parking lot was almost full. We had no real plan, I figured I would put up some single pitch climbs until Mitch couldn't stand it any more. We got to the Gerdie Block and the wind was blowing, the sun was tucked behind clouds, it wasn't really very climber friendly weather. We ran into Mike at the Gerdie block, he had a rope set up on Dirty Gerdie. He offered a ride, I accepted and that's where I spent the next four hours. Mitch belayed to try and stay warm. I ran laps on Dirty Gerdie, Red Cabbage and Red Cabbage Right. For me, Dirty Gerdie was the hardest. It's polished and thin, not my forte. I love the Cabbages, they always feel easy to me. I haven't lead Red Cabbage Right...need to check the gear on that one.

One more weekend at the gunks and then I leave for a week of climbing in Arizona. I am looking forward to warmer weather and new terrain.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Mar 13, 2011, 10:56 PM)


Mar 13, 2011, 11:39 PM
Post #520 of 1159 (15270 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Don't believe what you see on the internet... called for sunny and a high in the forties today. It was much colder and windier than I expected. We got to the cliff at noon, the parking lot was almost full. We had no real plan, I figured I would put up some single pitch climbs until Mitch couldn't stand it any more. We got to the Gerdie Block and the wind was blowing, the sun was tucked behind clouds, it wasn't really very climber friendly weather. We ran into Mike at the Gerdie block, he had a rope set up on Dirty Gerdie. He offered a ride, I accepted and that's where I spent the next four hours. Mitch belayed to try and stay warm. I ran laps on Dirty Gerdie, Red Cabbage and Red Cabbage Right. For me, Dirty Gerdie was the hardest. It's polished and thin, not my forte. I love the Cabbages, they always feel easy to me. I haven't lead Red Cabbage Right...need to check the gear on that one.

One more weekend at the gunks and then I leave for a week of climbing in Arizona. I am looking forward to warmer weather and new terrain.

Mitch deserves a medal.


Mar 19, 2011, 12:29 AM
Post #521 of 1159 (15158 views)

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Gunks Goers: Big Changes at the MUA (per Robert Mecus of NY State)


Due to continued impact on public health, safety and environmental resources at the Shawangunk Multiple Use Area, designated campsites are being reduced to 9 as shown on the map below.

All designated camp sites will be on the south side of the road and large enough to accommodate the legal limit of up to 9 campers per site. Groups are encouraged to share campsites in order to allow the maximum number of 81 campers.

Parking will only be allowed in the main parking lot on the south side of the road, the same side of the road as camping. The parking lot on the north side of the road will be blocked off to prevent the public (campers) from parking there and crossing the road to camp. Parking along the shoulder of route 299 will be prohibited to limit traffic/pedestrian issues.

Any questions should be directed to Jeffrey Wiegert at (845) 256-3084

I will upload the map shortly


Mar 22, 2011, 5:22 PM
Post #522 of 1159 (15086 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
As for rock, we are going to RR in a couple weeks. Trip report to come.


Sure Josh! I will hold my breath. I am remembering how I had cajole you into a write up about The Chief! Have a great time!

Challenge accepted, and fulfilled! Cool;#2477717



Mar 23, 2011, 12:42 PM
Post #523 of 1159 (15062 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Okay, inspired by Josh and Pestfed's red rock trip reports, here's mine, minus all the poop.

We landed in Vegas at 10:30p.m. on Thursday March 3rd. This would end up being our first mistake, although we didn't know that at the time. After securing our rental car, which could be more accurately described as a go-cart, we made a brief supply stop and made way for the desert. We wanted to get a head start on the approach to Levitation 29, so we parked along road 159 and hiked the extra distance. It was around 12:30a.m. when we began to hike in.

By 2:00a.m. we were well inside the mouth of Oak Creek Canyon, but so exhausted from traveling all day that we had to stop. Both my partner and i were at work in Pennsylvania half a day ago, and now here we were stumbling through the nevada desert. We needed to rest. Without looking very hard we found a flat spot sheltered by a roof not far off the trail that looked like it had been used as a tent site before, so we set up shop there. It was around 2:30a.m. vegas time when we fell asleep.

We had our alarm set for 8:00, but for some reason woke up just after 6. After scarfing down a quick breakfast we hid our tent and some excess weight and started walking up the drainage. I felt oddly refreshed for only having three and a half hours sleep, which was a good thing since the approach was everything i was told it would be.

We took the traditional approach, as neither one of us knew about the direct one, despite later seeing it denoted on the supertopo card we were carrying for beta. The walk up the drainage was fun (although i can say i returned with a vendetta against holly trees), and we got to the twin pines that mark the approach slabs without incident.

I thought the slabs were far more scary than any of the climbing, and i inched up them accordingly. My parntner was either more confidnet or more complacent, or possibly both, as he ascended the scarefest in much better style than me. We took our packs with us up the slabs, which not only added some extra unwanted weight, but was also the second mistake that kept us from the top. Had we made it all the way up with our packs at the base of the wall we would have had to ascend the slabs again to retrieve them. That was something i certainly wasn't looking forward to.

We reached the base of L29 just after 9:30, a little bit tired from the hike in. This was my first time climbing west of the Mississippi, so i never encountered an approach like that before. The carriage road and honeymooners ladders don't exatly hold up to that!

I led the first the pitch, which i though was fun although at times a bit awkward. My partner took the lead on the second, pausing to contemplate the roof for a few minutes before firing through it without incident. I met him at the second belay a short time later, absolutely thrilled to be at there.

In the weeks prior to the climb we worked out who would lead each pitch. My friend is stronger than me with a few more years experience and a few trips to Red Rocks under his belt, so we decided he would lead the 5.11's and i would lead the 8's and 10's, then whoever wanted to lead the top would do it. That meant i had the next two pitches. I moved up the third, brought my friend to the anchors, then proceeded to go up the 130 foot pitch 4.

Before setting out up the forth pitch we both remarked how nice it would be if there was a ledge up there to make the belay a little more comfortable. For some reason i was climbing in less than comfortable shoes, despite having a pair of comfy laceups in my pack below, and was too scared to drop one to even consider taking them off, so i just endured. This made it even more disheartening when i reached the top of the 4th pitch and found the anchor to be bolts in space. To cap it off, i would be hanging there while my partner cleaned the long 4th pitch (i sewed up the crack pretty good) AND while he led the 5th pitch, the business of the climb.

By the time he met me at the anchor i was not a happy camper, relatively speaking. Don't get me wrong it was still better than being at work, and the first five to ten minutes hanging there taking in the view and the exposure were pretty freakin awesome, but now my knees hurt from being pressed into the wall and my feet were screaming, despite having my shoes undone and halfway off my heel. He clipped in to take a break and assess the next pitch, so i took advantage of the lull in the action to enjoy a hanging belay cig break. As i did i looked behind me and noticed the sun getting fairly close to the west wall of the canyon. It was then that we first entertained the notion that we wouldn't make the topout. Even so, at least we'd get to do the crux.

I've read peoples complaints that the only detraction from that climb is the bolted crack on the crux, and i certainly don't disagree with that. However right then and there, we were thankful for every single one of those bolts. That was a hard, pumpy, exposed, awesome pitch, bolts or no bolts. My heart was racing just seconding the thing. As I reached the anchors i was prepared to discuss just how much farther we would go, but that decision was already made, as my partner's hydration pack was empty. It was time to go down.

Three rappels later we were back at the base of the wall. It was 5:45. I remember while we were at the pitch 5 anchor one of the redeeming factors for our decision to go down was that we wouldn't have to do the slabs in the dark. That was an incorrect assumption, as we were now staring dusk in the face with the entire descent ahead of us. We had headlamps, so it wasn't too bad, and they actually seemed tamer in the dark, since we couldn't really see the consequences of a mistake.

After getting down to somewhat level ground we had a seat and took a break, ate a snack, then set off back the drainage toward the place where our extra gear was stashed. We reached our tent at just after 10:00p.m, having slept 3 out of the last 37 hours, during which we flew to vegas, hiked into the desert, and attempted one hell of a climb. I can say i've never been so exhausted in my life.

We had two days left in the trip, and were too beat to attempt anything else big, so we packed up the car and drove out to meet some friends in Joshua Tree. We climbed some nice lines there for the next two days and had a good time doing so, but for me it just didn't hold up to the adventure in Red Rocks. Our plane left Vegas on Monday morning at 10:00, and by Tuesday morning was back at work again, feeling like a true Weekend Warrior.


Mar 23, 2011, 1:16 PM
Post #524 of 1159 (15057 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dip wrote:
Okay, inspired by Josh and Pestfed's red rock trip reports, here's mine, minus all the poop.

We landed in Vegas at 10:30p.m. on Thursday March 3rd. This would end up being our first mistake, although we didn't know that at the time. After securing our rental car, which could be more accurately described as a go-cart, we made a brief supply stop and made way for the desert. We wanted to get a head start on the approach to Levitation 29, so we parked along road 159 and hiked the extra distance. It was around 12:30a.m. when we began to hike in.

By 2:00a.m. we were well inside the mouth of Oak Creek Canyon, but so exhausted from traveling all day that we had to stop. Both my partner and i were at work in Pennsylvania half a day ago, and now here we were stumbling through the nevada desert. We needed to rest. Without looking very hard we found a flat spot sheltered by a roof not far off the trail that looked like it had been used as a tent site before, so we set up shop there. It was around 2:30a.m. vegas time when we fell asleep.

We had our alarm set for 8:00, but for some reason woke up just after 6. After scarfing down a quick breakfast we hid our tent and some excess weight and started walking up the drainage. I felt oddly refreshed for only having three and a half hours sleep, which was a good thing since the approach was everything i was told it would be.

We took the traditional approach, as neither one of us knew about the direct one, despite later seeing it denoted on the supertopo card we were carrying for beta. The walk up the drainage was fun (although i can say i returned with a vendetta against holly trees), and we got to the twin pines that mark the approach slabs without incident.

I thought the slabs were far more scary than any of the climbing, and i inched up them accordingly. My parntner was either more confidnet or more complacent, or possibly both, as he ascended the scarefest in much better style than me. We took our packs with us up the slabs, which not only added some extra unwanted weight, but was also the second mistake that kept us from the top. Had we made it all the way up with our packs at the base of the wall we would have had to ascend the slabs again to retrieve them. That was something i certainly wasn't looking forward to.

We reached the base of L29 just after 9:30, a little bit tired from the hike in. This was my first time climbing west of the Mississippi, so i never encountered an approach like that before. The carriage road and honeymooners ladders don't exatly hold up to that!

I led the first the pitch, which i though was fun although at times a bit awkward. My partner took the lead on the second, pausing to contemplate the roof for a few minutes before firing through it without incident. I met him at the second belay a short time later, absolutely thrilled to be at there.

In the weeks prior to the climb we worked out who would lead each pitch. My friend is stronger than me with a few more years experience and a few trips to Red Rocks under his belt, so we decided he would lead the 5.11's and i would lead the 8's and 10's, then whoever wanted to lead the top would do it. That meant i had the next two pitches. I moved up the third, brought my friend to the anchors, then proceeded to go up the 130 foot pitch 4.

Before setting out up the forth pitch we both remarked how nice it would be if there was a ledge up there to make the belay a little more comfortable. For some reason i was climbing in less than comfortable shoes, despite having a pair of comfy laceups in my pack below, and was too scared to drop one to even consider taking them off, so i just endured. This made it even more disheartening when i reached the top of the 4th pitch and found the anchor to be bolts in space. To cap it off, i would be hanging there while my partner cleaned the long 4th pitch (i sewed up the crack pretty good) AND while he led the 5th pitch, the business of the climb.

By the time he met me at the anchor i was not a happy camper, relatively speaking. Don't get me wrong it was still better than being at work, and the first five to ten minutes hanging there taking in the view and the exposure were pretty freakin awesome, but now my knees hurt from being pressed into the wall and my feet were screaming, despite having my shoes undone and halfway off my heel. He clipped in to take a break and assess the next pitch, so i took advantage of the lull in the action to enjoy a hanging belay cig break. As i did i looked behind me and noticed the sun getting fairly close to the west wall of the canyon. It was then that we first entertained the notion that we wouldn't make the topout. Even so, at least we'd get to do the crux.

I've read peoples complaints that the only detraction from that climb is the bolted crack on the crux, and i certainly don't disagree with that. However right then and there, we were thankful for every single one of those bolts. That was a hard, pumpy, exposed, awesome pitch, bolts or no bolts. My heart was racing just seconding the thing. As I reached the anchors i was prepared to discuss just how much farther we would go, but that decision was already made, as my partner's hydration pack was empty. It was time to go down.

Three rappels later we were back at the base of the wall. It was 5:45. I remember while we were at the pitch 5 anchor one of the redeeming factors for our decision to go down was that we wouldn't have to do the slabs in the dark. That was an incorrect assumption, as we were now staring dusk in the face with the entire descent ahead of us. We had headlamps, so it wasn't too bad, and they actually seemed tamer in the dark, since we couldn't really see the consequences of a mistake.

After getting down to somewhat level ground we had a seat and took a break, ate a snack, then set off back the drainage toward the place where our extra gear was stashed. We reached our tent at just after 10:00p.m, having slept 3 out of the last 37 hours, during which we flew to vegas, hiked into the desert, and attempted one hell of a climb. I can say i've never been so exhausted in my life.

We had two days left in the trip, and were too beat to attempt anything else big, so we packed up the car and drove out to meet some friends in Joshua Tree. We climbed some nice lines there for the next two days and had a good time doing so, but for me it just didn't hold up to the adventure in Red Rocks. Our plane left Vegas on Monday morning at 10:00, and by Tuesday morning was back at work again, feeling like a true Weekend Warrior.

well, you had better luck than Josh it seems, and even then it sounds a bitch to get there and up that thing. Nice job (and nice write-up, too).

at least it was a cheap weekend on the accommodation front.Laugh


Mar 23, 2011, 1:39 PM
Post #525 of 1159 (15050 views)

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Nice! That's how you rally a weekend trip.


Mar 23, 2011, 1:53 PM
Post #526 of 1159 (15276 views)

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yeah there certainly wasn't a lot of downtime. I have so much other stuff this year that i have to take off work to do, only about half of it climbing related, that i had to squeeze as much out of a long weekend as i could. We definitely got our money's worth.


Mar 23, 2011, 2:59 PM
Post #527 of 1159 (15267 views)

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Nice job! I am definitely regretting not taking the "longer" approach now, but now I know everything except the topout descent. I am already thinking about my next trip there.

In less than a year, I have had experiences on two of my top 5 North American climbs that have left unfinished business.



Mar 23, 2011, 3:23 PM
Post #528 of 1159 (15259 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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The Grand Wall being the other?

I know for sure if/when i get back to L29, knowing what i know now it won't be a problem. The frustrating part about that is figuring out when that'll be. I do want it. Bad. But there's also a lot of other stuff i wanna do, with probably one trip out west per year to do it all. At least for the immediate future.


Mar 23, 2011, 3:46 PM
Post #529 of 1159 (15258 views)

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Dip wrote:
The Grand Wall being the other?

Yeah. We are going back, not this summer but next summer. I think we are going to Tuolumne this summer.

In reply to:
I know for sure if/when i get back to L29, knowing what i know now it won't be a problem. The frustrating part about that is figuring out when that'll be. I do want it. Bad. But there's also a lot of other stuff i wanna do, with probably one trip out west per year to do it all. At least for the immediate future.

Too much to do, too little time. Smile



Mar 28, 2011, 4:59 AM
Post #530 of 1159 (15214 views)

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I have been climbing in Isolation Canyon and Sedona for the last 5 days. As soon as the photos are approved, I will posting a trip for our climb up a Sedona spire: Crimson Crescent.


Mar 30, 2011, 12:29 AM
Post #531 of 1159 (15171 views)

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Dip --- great TR!!! First day on my first and thus far only trip to RR, get out of the car at a little past 10 AM to scope the approach. Hey! No problem! That's not so far away and its only 6 pitches at 5.7 something. Great introduction to RR. We will be back in town in time for cocktail hour! I think it was 4:30 AM the next day before we got back to the car. Silly Northeast climbers. Thanks for posting. --- Bill


Apr 11, 2011, 12:07 PM
Post #532 of 1159 (15110 views)

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Gunks Report

Saturday was absolutely gorgeous and the climbing was stellar. although I was only able to get in a few pitches (I had some afternoon obligations), I felt unusally calm and happy on the sharp end. So good in fact, that I decided to lead the first pitch of Alpine Diversions. It has a very hard start for a shorty. My partner could easily reach the starting jug, it took me two moves before I could get there. I was happy that I figured out how to get there and that the rest of the climb went down easy.

Sunday was cloudy, cool (downright cold) and really breezy at the top of the cliff. I climbed in a party of three (can you say the "weakest link"?) in the Nears. It was pretty darn crowded, despite the not so great weather. We started on Grand Central (in a single pitch, makes for some interesting climbing for the second when there is no gear until the traverse) and then hit Elder Cleavage (another very hard start for a shorty), Birdcage and Birdland. Elder Cleavage has a tough start, another tough section up a steep face (P1) and then it backs way off until you get to P3. P3 has a really fun roof with cool moves. Although it's tough to get to the cool moves, very burly. Regrettably, I felt like I climbed rather poorly on Sunday, maybe too hard too soon in the season?

All in all, a nice weekend, would prefer some warmer weather! I will be climbing at our local quarry next weekend.
We have over 120 bolted lines, with many moderates.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Apr 11, 2011, 3:08 PM)


Apr 11, 2011, 12:20 PM
Post #533 of 1159 (15109 views)

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Nice, Gail. We would have loved to get down there this weekend but we just couldn't swing it. We can go this weekend but we're unsure of the weather. If it looks like we can get 2 days in out of our 3 day weekend, then we will probably go.

On another note, I heard there was an Alex Honnold sighting on Saturday. He better not be soloing my projects! Mad



Apr 11, 2011, 2:09 PM
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I saw them filming at High E. I had no idea who he was!


Apr 13, 2011, 2:43 AM
Post #535 of 1159 (15046 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Wow Gail! Pretty stellar day in the Nears!!!! Who the heck were you climbing with? Can I get a tour with them?!?!?!

Since I am now officially a weekend warrior I can confidently post on this thread!

Spent a great day with some low key cragging at the crag not to be named last Saturday. Did the first trad lead of the season and enjoyed it immensely. Great start to what I know will be a great season. Since I was leading throughout the winter, albeit not as often as in past years, the question arose when does the "season" officially start? We decided the first lead with a temperature over 60 as it was on Saturday.


Apr 13, 2011, 3:06 AM
Post #536 of 1159 (15045 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I bet with it being over 60 that first wall at the crag that sucks would have been nice. was there a lot of snow on the ground?

I'll be getting out sat for the first time since breaking my toe. it will also be my final climbing day in Chile until possibly next year. I'm hoping to have a couple of reports from Brasil starting in a couple of weeks, but we'll see.


Apr 23, 2011, 4:10 AM
Post #537 of 1159 (14986 views)

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Will it ever be warm again?

We climbed today at the gunks. I am not sure that it even broke 50 degrees. Yet the west trapps lot was full at 10 AM! It was cloudy, a bit breezy and downright cold.

We warmed up on Easy O, then did Son of Easy O, Bloody Bush, Uncle Rudy (fun P3) and finished up on Morning After. We were about to run up Sundown when I realized I had a 5PM conference call. Thus ended my Good Friday climbing. It's supposed to rain cats and dogs tomorrow, so it looks like Sunday will be the next day that I climb.

My friend Bett did 4 pitches with us today (she shattered her hip in 5 places at the end of November), she is doing really well. She doesn't trust her right leg, makes some moves pretty tough. That said, she is just grateful to be out climbing.


Apr 23, 2011, 10:44 AM
Post #538 of 1159 (14979 views)

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Snow's long gone Greg. We have had enough really warm days and periods of rain to do it in. However I will be headed for Tucks to ski in a couple of weekends and there will still be plenty of snow up there. What's up with Brasil? I assume you are headed up here eventually. I see you have signed on for a Acadia outing in July.

Gail last Saturday morning it was 31 degrees as I led up a somewhat wet Intertwine at Crow Hill. It is 5.8 crack climb. My fingers were pretty numb by the time I got the first three pieces in. Had to jam the finish on faith since my fingers by that time had lost all feeling in them. You have to love climbing in New England. Despite the cold we enjoyed being out on a beautiful sunny morning, the view from the top of Crow is really nice; as I'm sure you did yesterday.

Was planning to get out early for some bouldering before the rain started today. It was dry when I got up at 5:30 AM then right about 6, as I was contemplating heading out, a pretty good shower passed through. No climbing today.


Apr 23, 2011, 12:58 PM
Post #539 of 1159 (14974 views)

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Bill, Let me know when you are gunking ok? It's raining here, not as hard as I expected. I suppose Mitch and I will hike to Bonticou in the rain or do the carriage road. We need to get out and do something.

The indoor rock gym is under new management, maybe I will fool around in the gym.


Apr 24, 2011, 12:18 PM
Post #540 of 1159 (14936 views)

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Bill - yeah, I'll be with you guys in BH over that weekend at the end of June / beginning of July. I'm hoping to climb before that, but I don't think I will.

I'm in Brasil chasing wimmin' (well, actually one in particular). There is apparently plenty of climbing in the area, though I haven't done any research other than to connect with a friend of a friend who happens to be a long-time climber in the area.

Gail - great news regarding Bette. Glad that she's getting back out there.


Apr 24, 2011, 8:46 PM
Post #541 of 1159 (14923 views)

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Greg...What happens when you catch her?

Will it ever stop raining?

It rained all day at the Gunks on Saturday. Mitch and I had every intention of hiking in the rain, somehow the constant pelting dampened our enthusiasm. We ended up driving up to Rhinebeck and did some urban hiking, shopping and eating. We then stopped at the Vanderbilt mansion in Hyde Park and did (part) of the tour. It rained most of the day, but by the time we go out of the movie theater at 9, the rain was stopped. We made a fire out back and enjoyed the relatively warm evening.

Sunday dawned sunny, but it quickly clouded up. By the time we got to the cliff, it was completely clouded over and starting to spit. Everything was soaked from the night before, water was running down many of the faces in the Uberfall. I decided to lead Easy O (really easy climbing) just to see how wet every thing was. The chimney was a mud pit, so I stayed on the face and quickly climbed to the GT ledge. It was wet, but the climbing is easy. I set up a TR so that I could do Baby and Twisted Sister. By now, it was steadily drizzling. Since Mitch can't climb, he had belay duty. I didn't dally, I quickly ran laps up Baby (x2), the offwidth was soaked and then ran up Twisted Sister. I could not find the "g" rated route, then it occurred to me that I was climbing the wrong right facing corner. Duh...I ran the climb again, this time in the right, right facing corner. It still didn't feel exactly "g" rated to me.

The rain let up a bit so I lead Frog's Head, of course it started really raining just as I reached the crux. With uber care, I picked my way through the crux and found it easier than ever. Of course the rest of the climb is super easy rain or no rain. I ran up one more time after I decided to set up Sundown on a TR. The steady rain made Sundown that much harder. I don't think I wandered around the face enough because I found myself on thin holds, with a lot of smeary feet (not so good when the rock is wet).

We decided to call it a day, the rain was simply too much. Mitch was a trooper belaying me in the rain.

We need this weather to dry up!

(This post was edited by gblauer on Apr 25, 2011, 12:44 AM)


Apr 24, 2011, 11:19 PM
Post #542 of 1159 (14912 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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actually, I think I´ve already caught her, but what to do next is a mystery. no, that´s not true, just dont want to jinx myself yet.

i keep forgetting that I have a small WW TR, too. I made it out for my first climb since I broke my toe. It was also my last climb in Chile (at least at this point, who knows about a return). What was more important on this day: climbing all day and totally thrashing our bodies or climbing a little bit and heading down early for beer and one final mud-brick oven empanada? we went into Cajon de Maipo and made the steep, dry hike up to the sport crag of the day. after wandering below the hard climbs, we finally discovered the 4th class bolted scramble up to the ledge where the easy climbs were. henry roped up first and hung the draws. i pulled the rope and squeezed my now repaired toe into a pair of shoes that hadn´t been stretched from wear in a couple of months. the crux down low was a little tricky, but I managed it ok and felt fine after getting to the top.

The second route didn´t go so well. It either required a rather balancy and then dynamic sequence of moves at the second bolt or it went out left on technical but scary terrain. I chose to go left, but not before I hung after getting pumped due to a lack of a lead head. I made it to the top ok, but the route really messed with me.

Henry led the third route and had more trouble on it than the second route (the one I hung and he aced). I was nervous, but I pulled the rope anyway. Good thing. He read it wrong and, despite the fact that the real crux was the same for each of us, I found an easier way to gain the crux and was, thus, less tired. Success! Lead head back to normal. =)

Route #4, of which the crux was deciding which empanada place was the better one. We failed. They sold beer but could not serve it (i.e. - couldn´t drink it on the premises) and while the empanada and the bread were excellent, they didnt have pebre. boo hiss.

Still, all in all, not a bad day. I lost and regained my lead head in one day, got to breathe the amazingly fresh air in Cajon de Maipo, and hang out with a friend who I want to climb with again someday. We did get that beer, too. It´s just that it was two days later in Santiago.


Apr 25, 2011, 12:28 PM
Post #543 of 1159 (14889 views)

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Gmburns2000 wrote:
actually, I think I´ve already caught her, but what to do next is a mystery. no, that´s not true, just dont want to jinx myself yet.

I'm sure there are books that you can read. Cool



Apr 25, 2011, 12:48 PM
Post #544 of 1159 (14887 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
actually, I think I´ve already caught her, but what to do next is a mystery. no, that´s not true, just dont want to jinx myself yet.

I'm sure there are books that you can read. Cool

HA! But in all seriousness, I went to the library here and the books are all in Portuguese!!! Unsure


Apr 26, 2011, 2:02 AM
Post #545 of 1159 (14851 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Greg...What happens when you catch her?

Will it ever stop raining?

It rained all day at the Gunks on Saturday.

Sunday dawned sunny, but it quickly clouded up. By the time we got to the cliff, it was completely clouded over and starting to spit.
We decided to call it a day, the rain was simply too much. Mitch was a trooper belaying me in the rain.

Reading this, I'm really glad I decided to cancel my plans to spend the (Easter) weekend climbing at the 'Gunks.

I got a couple days of decent local (near Ottawa, Ontario) climbing in on Friday and Sunday instead.


Apr 26, 2011, 11:57 AM
Post #546 of 1159 (14822 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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dagibbs wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Greg...What happens when you catch her?

Will it ever stop raining?

It rained all day at the Gunks on Saturday.

Sunday dawned sunny, but it quickly clouded up. By the time we got to the cliff, it was completely clouded over and starting to spit.
We decided to call it a day, the rain was simply too much. Mitch was a trooper belaying me in the rain.

Reading this, I'm really glad I decided to cancel my plans to spend the (Easter) weekend climbing at the 'Gunks.

I got a couple days of decent local (near Ottawa, Ontario) climbing in on Friday and Sunday instead.

the more you read this thread the more you realize that Gail is kind of hardcore.


Apr 26, 2011, 2:42 PM
Post #547 of 1159 (14811 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
dagibbs wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Greg...What happens when you catch her?

Will it ever stop raining?

It rained all day at the Gunks on Saturday.

Sunday dawned sunny, but it quickly clouded up. By the time we got to the cliff, it was completely clouded over and starting to spit.
We decided to call it a day, the rain was simply too much. Mitch was a trooper belaying me in the rain.

Reading this, I'm really glad I decided to cancel my plans to spend the (Easter) weekend climbing at the 'Gunks.

I got a couple days of decent local (near Ottawa, Ontario) climbing in on Friday and Sunday instead.

the more you read this thread the more you realize that Gail is kind of hardcore.

It isn't that I wouldn't climb in that sort of weather/conditions -- it just didn't seem worth 6 1/2 hours of driving (each way) for that kind of climbing.

I was pushing snow off a couple of the routes as I was leading them on Friday, in fact.


Apr 26, 2011, 2:53 PM
Post #548 of 1159 (14808 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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dagibbs wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
dagibbs wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Greg...What happens when you catch her?

Will it ever stop raining?

It rained all day at the Gunks on Saturday.

Sunday dawned sunny, but it quickly clouded up. By the time we got to the cliff, it was completely clouded over and starting to spit.
We decided to call it a day, the rain was simply too much. Mitch was a trooper belaying me in the rain.

Reading this, I'm really glad I decided to cancel my plans to spend the (Easter) weekend climbing at the 'Gunks.

I got a couple days of decent local (near Ottawa, Ontario) climbing in on Friday and Sunday instead.

the more you read this thread the more you realize that Gail is kind of hardcore.

It isn't that I wouldn't climb in that sort of weather/conditions -- it just didn't seem worth 6 1/2 hours of driving (each way) for that kind of climbing.

I was pushing snow off a couple of the routes as I was leading them on Friday, in fact.

ah, but Gail routinely does this coming from Philly. (not to take away your accomplishments, just saying that she's constantly out in the rain in the 'Gunks after driving up from Philly)


Apr 26, 2011, 3:08 PM
Post #549 of 1159 (14806 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
dagibbs wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
dagibbs wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Greg...What happens when you catch her?

Will it ever stop raining?

It rained all day at the Gunks on Saturday.

Sunday dawned sunny, but it quickly clouded up. By the time we got to the cliff, it was completely clouded over and starting to spit.
We decided to call it a day, the rain was simply too much. Mitch was a trooper belaying me in the rain.

Reading this, I'm really glad I decided to cancel my plans to spend the (Easter) weekend climbing at the 'Gunks.

I got a couple days of decent local (near Ottawa, Ontario) climbing in on Friday and Sunday instead.

the more you read this thread the more you realize that Gail is kind of hardcore.

It isn't that I wouldn't climb in that sort of weather/conditions -- it just didn't seem worth 6 1/2 hours of driving (each way) for that kind of climbing.

I was pushing snow off a couple of the routes as I was leading them on Friday, in fact.

ah, but Gail routinely does this coming from Philly. (not to take away your accomplishments, just saying that she's constantly out in the rain in the 'Gunks after driving up from Philly)

Yeah, pretty hard core.


Apr 28, 2011, 3:07 PM
Post #550 of 1159 (14755 views)

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Getting married in June. Figured a bachelor party would be a viable excuse to get to The Red for three days with five of my closest friends. First time there. Went a little something like this…

We left Harrisburg at around 5:30 Thursday evening, right after everyone got off work. It would’ve been nice to get out of town a little earlier but I had to play the hand I was dealt on this one. After a long car ride that wasn’t so bad until the last hour or two, we arrived at our cabin in Campton, KY at around 2:00a.m. At first I was a little bummed I’d miss out on the whole Miguel’s experience, but with the weather situation over the weekend, hell over the entire spring for that matter, I was very happy we had a roof over our heads. The hot tub after a long day climbing wasn’t bad either.

We woke Friday morning to the sound of rain on the cabin roof, so we weren’t in a huge hurry to get out the door, although we knew we’d be climbing soon enough. After breakfast we loaded the cars and drove to The Military Wall, first stopping at Miguel’s to pick up the latest version of the guidebook. It was dreary to say the least, and the general mood at the campground didn’t seem very cheerful.

At around 11:00 we arrived at The Military Wall and made the short hike up the hill. We got there just before it got too crowded, and were able to get a burn in on Moonbeam to warm up. Just as the moderates were being overrun by the hordes, we finished up and walked to the 5.12 wall, where I was immediately attracted to Fuzzy Undercling. I had a hell of a time with the start, but eventually found some beta that made it sort of easy and was able to send. The no hands rest after the business was sick! It was definitely a fun climb, but in my opinion a bit overhyped.

I had a few friends with me who weren’t too keen on leading anything difficult, and as I was getting nowhere on the Gung Ho/Tissue Tiger combo I offered to take them to Left Flank in search of less crowded moderates. We arrived to find there were indeed no crowds, but the 5.8’s were soaked. I was however able to talk them into doing a little top-roping on To Defy The Laws of Tradition, which almost unexplainably sat completely empty. The bottom footholds were soaked, but once established on the route everything dried up nicely. This was one of my favorite sport climbs I’ve ever done, regardless of the grade. Great movement on cool holds and a sweet position. Clip-ups don’t get much better.

As one of my friends was cleaning draws our solitude came to an end, as a big group of people popped around the corner, followed directly thereafter by the rest of my friends. We all sat and had a beer while the other group climbed TDTLOT, and one of my friends led Too Many Puppies. After a bit we parted ways, walking to the other end of the wall in hopes of getting on Wild Yet Tasty and Mercy The Huff.

Amazingly enough the entire Table of Colors wall was wet. Not soaked by any means, but greasy enough that holding on was a bit of an issue, so we walked back the trail toward the overhanging 5.11’s, which go figure, were also wet. At this point we just wanted to climb something, so we busted out a stick clip to protect the slippyness and messed around, although no one was able to send, too sketchy. At dusk we walked back to the car, day one complete.

Day two, Saturday started much the same as Friday, rain on the roof top. Once again we were in no hurry to get out so we took our time with breakfast and packing before driving down the hill to Roadside. I hate crowds, and will do almost anything to avoid them, so in hindsight that may not have been our best choice. I’d love to check out that crag on a dry Tuesday, but this time, on a rainy holiday weekend, there was way too much going on for me to be comfortable. From here stems my one regret from this trip, not getting on The Return of Chris Snyder. That freakin thing looks amazing, and when I return in October it will be done, even if I have to stand in a line that stretches all the way to Miguel’s.

Hoping to find solitude and wanting to plug some gear, two members of our group and I decided to descend back to the parking lot and head for The Long Wall. Autumn and Rock Wars were calling. Back to 55 we went, through that rad-sauce one lane tunnel. After a few laps driving back and forth on the gravel road past the bridge trying to decipher exactly which parking spot was the one we were looking for, we began the hike up the hill. By now the sun was peaking out from behind the clouds and it was humid as all hell.

15 minutes later we were at the cliff, where I racked up and led Autumn. Super cool climb with what I thought was a tough, thoughtful little crux, although I should qualify that statement by saying my jamming/layback/handcrack-in-general technique is not exactly up to par. Shortly after I reached the ground, as the first of my two friends was tying in to clean Autumn, a group of four showed up to run Rock Wars. As bad as I wanted to climb it that day, I knew I’d be going back later in the year so the decision was made not to wait around.

Still seeking solitude and still trying to get my friends to lead something, we walked back down the hill, got in the car, and drove the mile to Pebble Beach. Back up the hill we lumbered, now thoroughly tired of hiking. The sun had been out for a while so we hoped some of the climbs at Pebble would be dry, and some were. However the two that I really hoped to do, Central Scrutinizer and Environmental Impact were soaked. Scabies was free, so I hung the draws for my friends, and they both led it in good style.

We played around on some other stuff there, including Reserved Seating and Zambezi Plunge. I have absolutely no idea how to climb off-widths, but I figured since I was there and I had big gear with me I’d give it a shot. It was fun to try, but didn’t really work out so well, so I ended up downclimbing the handcrack, retrieving my gear as I went. Around 7:00 we walked back down the hill, stopped at Miguel’s for some pizza, and went back to the cabin once again.

We were very hopeful that the third day would be dry. This was the best forecast of the trip, only a 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms. If it was dry when we woke up, we were going to go to PMRP to get on Amarillo Sunset and Samurai. We really didn’t have a choice to wait any rain out this day, as it was our last day there and most of us had to be at work on Tuesday morning. With an 8+ hour drive home to consider, we knew we had to be out of the gorge by early afternoon.

I set my alarm for 6a.m, but didn’t need it because at around 5:45 it started raining so hard it woke me up. Nothing like starting off the day swearing at inanimate objects. We’d have to go with Plan B. The night before when we were considering the possibility of rain we checked The Solar Collector wall in the book. It indicated the wall stayed dry in a light rain but would get wet in a downpour. The monsoon going on outside definitely qualified as the latter, but we decided to chance it anyway.

By 9:30 we arrived at Solar Collector to find half the climbs dry. This was probably the coolest looking single pitch wall I’d ever seen, and the climbing wasn’t bad either. Loved crawling into those giant huecos and just hanging out. We climbed Green Horn, The Buddha Hole, Mona Lisa Overdrive, and Herd Menatality before packing it in at around 1:30 and heading back to the car. After a quick stop at the gas station we were back on the Mountain Parkway pointed toward home, where we arrived just before midnight. Tuesday morning at 7:30 I was back at work, with a weeklong return trip in October to look forward to. Hopefully it doesn’t rain….


Apr 28, 2011, 3:36 PM
Post #551 of 1159 (15858 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Best wishes on your upcoming marriage!

I can relate, I have certainly had my share of climbing trips impacted by crappy weather. At least you did get some climbing in and you were able to stay far from the crowds. Not sure I would have your patience...driving from site to site to avoid crowds would make me crazy. That said, I climb at the Gunks, with 1000's of my closest friends.


Apr 28, 2011, 3:39 PM
Post #552 of 1159 (15857 views)

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I think it would've been better if everyone wasn't funneled into the areas that stay dry. Not that it was bad.


Apr 28, 2011, 9:24 PM
Post #553 of 1159 (15837 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Definitely a good WW TR, but as a bachelors' party story it lacked hookers and blow. Tongue

congrats, btw, on getting married.


Apr 28, 2011, 9:37 PM
Post #554 of 1159 (15834 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Definitely a good WW TR, but as a bachelors' party story it lacked hookers and blow. Tongue

congrats, btw, on getting married.

Well yeah, i only put the climbing part on here. The rest is on Figured i'd stay on subject... Smile


Apr 29, 2011, 12:59 AM
Post #555 of 1159 (15823 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Hey DIP great TR. Really enjoyed reading it. Way to get out and enjoy yourself while others are sitting at the couch.

Regarding hardcore and Gail, yeah they go together!

Greg, you're are such a damn romantic! BTW what's up with the writing? Do your have a draft of a couple of things needing a critical read?

Gail, I'm a slug. Been a long, tough week. I am going to stay local and climb up here both days. Yeah, I know. I'm a wimp. Tucks next weekend. But I will be down the following weekend. I will come solo so we can get quality climbing time in together. Oops! Wait a second. I think it might be the Boston AMC new seconds weekend. No worries, we can still climb together, I will just arrive with a 125 drinking buddies!!!! So little time. So much rock and so much beer.

Project for the weekend, which I have failed miserably on in past, thank goodness for perfect green C4 placements, will be a crack climb requiring thumb stacks! Now if I can only figure out what they are!!!!


Apr 29, 2011, 2:28 AM
Post #556 of 1159 (15811 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Bill, Yes, let's climb together the weekend of 5/13. I will not be up on 5/6. Let's keep in touch and an eye on the weather. It's been nothing but uncooperative! I have a tweaked finger, so I have to see how the climbing goes this weekend. I stayed out of the gym this week to avoid tweaking it more. (damn mono pockets!)


Apr 29, 2011, 11:40 AM
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Bill, regarding romanticism, have you seen my last post? A bit different than the hookers and blow sentiment.

And regarding thumb stacks, in the 'Gunks?!?!?!Crazy


May 1, 2011, 5:07 PM
Post #558 of 1159 (15750 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Did a little spurt climbing at Rumney yesterday. Got a nice workout. It is nice to climb with stronger climbers. Warmed up on Holderness Arete and Idiot's Deluxe (both 10's). Then went up to Upper New Wave where my friend Alan is working on a project (Roaring Silence, 13b). I did Barking Spiders (11c), then toproped Roaring Silence. I couldn't do the crux, but I felt better on it than when I tried to follow him on Thin Man. After trying it a couple times we then went down to Parking Lot wall and did 100% Columbian.

The best part about Rumney is seeing people I never see. We probably would have gotten even more climbing in if we weren't socializing.



May 2, 2011, 2:13 PM
Post #559 of 1159 (15727 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Hey, I tend not to pimp my blog posts here on, but given the number of regulars here who have recently been to Red Rocks I thought y'all might have some interest in my Red Rocks report. Had an awesome time on several classics like Johnny Vegas, Beulah's Book, Ragged Edges, Ginger Cracks, Jubilant Song & Birdland.

Part 1

Part 2


May 2, 2011, 2:38 PM
Post #560 of 1159 (15716 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
Did a little spurt climbing at Rumney yesterday.

Spurt climbing? Does that have anything to do with Clucking?

(This post was edited by gblauer on May 2, 2011, 2:40 PM)


May 2, 2011, 3:28 PM
Post #561 of 1159 (15708 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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First Nice Weekend at the Gunks=Ambulance, bad behavior and No Parking

This past weekend was our best weekend weather since January 1st. Saturday was partly sunny, cool but very nice. Sunday started at 37 degrees, I left the house at 715AM in a hat, gloves, down jacket and by the time I got to my third climb I was in a tank top.

When we arrived at the Trapps lot on Saturday (8:44) the lot was nearly full and there was (already) an ambulance at the Slime lot. An accident already???? Fortunately, they were just conducting a drill. We managed to do 11 pitches on Saturday, never waiting for a climb. Although it was rather crowded it seemed like there was a lot of large groups. The groups consisted of a leader and lots and lots of newbish type climbers. Lots of TR set ups.

Which leads me to the Bad Behavior. There was a large party (4-6 climbers) who had a TR set up on Frog's Head. They were nearly through with the climbing when the last climber was about to start up to clean the anchor. Up walks a woman (you know who you are) and in a disdainful tone asks "Are you top roping this climb? Do you really have a top rope set up?" The would-be top roper/cleaner answered affirmatively and the leader announces loudly "Well I want to lead this climb" Note, I am over on Pas De Deux, a few climbs away. I am not straining to hear the conversation. The leader is loud and obnoxious, demanding to lead before the top roper can clean her anchor. Things get settled and the Top roper started up the climb. As soon as the top roper cleared the crux, the leader started up the climb. She was very tenative, she placed a cam at the crux, it fell out as her waist moved above the piece and she just managed to hang on through the crux. Could have been an ugly story without pro.

Anyway, I thought the leader was incredibly rude and I hope that she learns some etiquette if she is going to continue to climb at the gunks. I know this is controversial, but, Top Ropers have a right to climb as well. They shouldn't monopolize a climb, but, they should be allowed to finish up, clean the anchors and move on without being hassled by a whiny, entitled newb!

We did a full array of climbs this weekend; Laughing Man, a hard start for this shorty, leading to a one move wonder roof. Lots of fun with a cool hand traverse and dangling feet to some much easier stuff like Somehing Interesting, MF, Birdie Party, Nosedive etc. I gotta say that traverse on Pas De Deux gets me every time. This time I did it low and it seemed a bit easier. Glad I didn't lead it!

It was hard to leave at noon on Sunday (my ride was leaving, I had to go), but, I always say it's better to leave the cliff wanting more. No climbing for me next weekend, we will be in WV with Mitch's family celebrating the 20th year of camping together as a family. I am looking forward to some chill time.

More in two weeks...

(This post was edited by gblauer on May 2, 2011, 3:40 PM)


May 2, 2011, 3:42 PM
Post #562 of 1159 (15701 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Ha! Finally, the 'Gunks season has started! Laugh

Etiquette is so important at the 'Gunks, but not just etiquette but intelligence and patience, too. Self-righteousness rarely works there. I've been annoyed at top-ropes set up on classics, but I've always asked what the status is before asking if I can jump in and lead it. I also offer to put the rope back up, too, if there are more people waiting for the climb. Yes, I've been annoyed, but I have learned to be respectful. It seems that while the 'Gunks can be full of groups hogging climbs, it is also full of reasonable people willing to work around inconveniences.

Not sure how one can fuck up placing a cam at the crux of Frog's Head. Seriously. And if the cam had fallen out, damn, I'd be damn sure I knew what I was doing at that point because that would not be a nice fall.

I'm really hoping to get a chance to get out this week for the first time in Brasil. Fingers are crossed I'll have a report out by next week.


May 2, 2011, 3:48 PM
Post #563 of 1159 (15699 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:

Anyway, I thought the leader was incredibly rude and I hope that she learns some etiquette if she is going to continue to climb at the gunks. I know this is controversial, but, Top Ropers have a right to climb as well. They shouldn't monopolize a climb, but, they should be allowed to finish up, clean the anchors and move on without being hassled by a whiny, entitled newb!

Yeah. I generally only see this with new leaders. They start leading and all of a sudden assume that they are more entitled. But, on the other hand, I don't think that monopolizing the first pitch of one of the most popular climbs in the Gunks is a good idea. To be openly critical and whiny like that, though, is immature.



May 2, 2011, 4:16 PM
Post #564 of 1159 (15683 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gail, you weren't the woman who gave me a bit of advice as I was leading Pas de Deux on Saturday afternoon, were you? We did Frog's Head and then Pas De Deux in the late afternoon, 4-6 p.m. range. Funny we were in the same place, I hope to run into you at the cliff one of these days...


May 2, 2011, 4:20 PM
Post #565 of 1159 (15680 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Ummm...not sure. Were you climbing with a guy in a yellow T? He hung at the traverse?

(This post was edited by gblauer on May 2, 2011, 4:21 PM)


May 2, 2011, 4:29 PM
Post #566 of 1159 (15674 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Ummm...not sure. Were you climbing with a guy in a yellow T? He hung at the traverse?

Yes yes!! I think so. You told me that some people backclean a certain cam (I did not but should have) and then you were telling your friends on Son of Easy O about how tricky you find the low crux of Pas De Deux and because I was fighting for my life at that exact location I told you to stop it! Sound familiar? I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say hello, I appreciated the advice, but you guys had moved on by the time we came down.

I loved that pitch, my first time on it and the early going was tense. I took the high route on the traverse because it looked more plausible to me but I understand some people think the low way is easier.

Edited to add: and by the way I was completely uninvolved in whatever rudeness occurred earlier on Frog's Head....

(This post was edited by sethg on May 2, 2011, 4:32 PM)


May 2, 2011, 4:33 PM
Post #567 of 1159 (15671 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Made it out yesterday, super sunny day so we decided to enjoy the sun as much as we could. Did a few quick short warmup routes at Rattlesnake Ledge where we saw 2 snakes & climbed a 5.10c & a 5.9 trad route, both were excellent. We then headed down to Great White Wall & did a few routes, & even some laps on bouldery a 5.11a.
We then sat around for a bit & enjoyed some beers and watched our friends run up a 2 pitch 5.11a trad which was spectacular. We climbed & hung out all day shirtless soaking up the much appreciated sun it was a glorious day. I took about an hour worth of video so that should be up soon I'll update when its online.


May 2, 2011, 5:03 PM
Post #568 of 1159 (15663 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Seth, Yeah, you did an AWESOME job on that climb! You were great!!! That is one tricky little climb. We did it yesterday and I finally made it through the traverse in a way that was somewhat easier than I had experience.

Seth, I would love to climb with you. My husband had major wrist re-construction surgery and can't climb until August. I am up every weekend and can climb some weekdays.

PS...loved the TR from RR

(This post was edited by gblauer on May 2, 2011, 5:10 PM)


May 2, 2011, 6:40 PM
Post #569 of 1159 (15646 views)

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Would love to climb with you Gail, I will send you a message at some point to set a date.


May 2, 2011, 6:43 PM
Post #570 of 1159 (15645 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
Did a little spurt climbing at Rumney yesterday.

Spurt climbing? Does that have anything to do with Clucking?

link doesn't work.


May 2, 2011, 7:14 PM
Post #571 of 1159 (15634 views)

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Not sure why it doesn't work

Ok, try this link:


May 2, 2011, 11:40 PM
Post #572 of 1159 (15594 views)

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gblauer wrote:
Not sure why it doesn't work

Ok, try this link:

Hehe. No, Tiff wasn't with me. No clucking for me. Tongue



May 3, 2011, 3:38 PM
Post #573 of 1159 (15573 views)

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the video from the weekend.


May 4, 2011, 3:25 AM
Post #574 of 1159 (15549 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Looks like you had a beautiful day


May 4, 2011, 7:23 PM
Post #575 of 1159 (15526 views)

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Woo Hoo, Guess who climbed last night?


He had wrist reconstruction surgery in mid February:

Yesterday, the doc told Mitch that he could try climbing at the gym. (The gym? That's so much harder on your body than the great outdoors. I don't think the doctor really understands what we do, although he has treated several climbers.) So we climbed last night. He top roped 7's and 8's and had no problems. His wrist didn't bother him and he was able to hang his entire body weight off his bad hand. He is weak, but that will come back.

I am so excited to have my climbing partner back!

(This post was edited by gblauer on May 4, 2011, 7:27 PM)


May 4, 2011, 7:37 PM
Post #576 of 1159 (17538 views)

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That's awesome Gail! Congrats to Mitch for the long road back!


May 9, 2011, 3:31 PM
Post #577 of 1159 (17483 views)

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Yay! BTW, we are hoping to get down this weekend, providing the weather cooperates.



May 9, 2011, 5:25 PM
Post #578 of 1159 (17466 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Got out Saturday and Sunday last weekend with a couple local friends who are both pretty enthusiastic about climbing.

Saturday we went up to a nice local piece of rock called Farm Rock (in the Gatineau park). Gear-led a nice 45m 5.4 climb as a single pitch (though, the rope-drag got a bit much by the end). Was it a "trad" climb, or a "traditional climb"? I have know idea anymore. I would call it trad, but dunno about traditional. The rappel down from the anchors was just about 30m, and on rappel it looked like we top-roped that, too. Probably around a 5.6. Finally, led a 3rd route on a face where I'd broken my ankle about 2.5 years previously. It went at about 5.7 PG and about 27m.

Sunday we drove a bit further to Montagne d'Argent, where we top-roped a few routes on one cliff, then got in a couple of gear leads on another (one on-sight, one that I'd lead last year). Managed to chip a front tooth trying (and failing) to set a nut in a crack.

Had a couple sprinkles of rain the 2nd day, and a bunch of wet rock -- but it was still good to be out for a couple days of climbing.


May 9, 2011, 6:14 PM
Post #579 of 1159 (17459 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Is the weather turning up there enough to have melted all the snow?


May 9, 2011, 6:17 PM
Post #580 of 1159 (17456 views)

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Well, there was no snow on anything I climbed -- but there would still be ice around places that had lots of ice formed and are shaded. And there's still a lot of seeping from the combination of spring melt and a lot of rain the last while.


May 15, 2011, 5:24 PM
Post #581 of 1159 (17387 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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:sneaks in:

went to gunks thurs and friday.
Didn't see Gail but did see John W and his dad at SLIME. Also some Canadian friends of ours that was a surprise.
Thurs tick list: Sleepwalk, Ants Line (TR), Modern Times, Middle Earth, Billy Shears.. kinda. for the 2nd time i thought that was Arch.. jeff led P1 then i led some lichen choss fest up to the base of Wrist p2.

Fri: Sixish, Drunkards delight (woo!), Bloody bush, Wrist, Nice Crack Climb.
Wanted to Drunkards for a while.. brought my small crashpad for ankle preservation. the whole first rail was greasy as hell until i took a trip up and chalked things up.. after that my real attempt went great. still scary up there until you can finally plug a cam and get your feet set on something substantial. I agree with Jeffs thoughts for the day.. that anchor could use a nice set of bolts. that tree is scary and the rocks under it seem to be cracking up. I don't expect it to happen but I probably wouldn't do the route again until it did.


May 16, 2011, 3:05 AM
Post #582 of 1159 (17365 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Drunkards is on my list as well. That first set of moves scares the heck out of me. BTW, most people run the climb in a single pitch. No need to make an anchor below the roof.

I arrived Friday night late, got out early on Saturday. It threatened rain all day, only drizzled a bit. Mitch did five pitches with me, but, had to bow out because of his wrist. This was his first day outdoor climbing and he found it to be rather uncomfortable. I finished up the day with John W. We did Lower Eave, to the left of Horseman. It has a very fun exposed move to a horizontal and a big move up to jugs, followed by thin face climbing and a traverse to the mid anchors on Horseman. In a addition to a lot of other climbs we did all three pitches of The Blackout. This was the second time I did The Blackout and I really enjoyed it. Combine P1/P2 and belay at the Matinee tree. P3 has some unprotecting committing moves up to big jugs and a shiny bolt. Pull the roof and it's easy climbing to the top.

Sunday was a washout. Woke up at 7AM, it was raining, went back to bed until 11. What a treat! Spent the next couple of hours at the Gardiner Cupcake Festival. There were several vendors, 1000's of amazing cupcakes and large throngs of people eating cupcakes in the rain. Made a dreary day yummy-licious. Now I have to workout tomorrow to make up for today's caloric overload.

It's supposed to rain at the gunks all week. It might make for a very soggy weekend. I wanted to get on Ken's on Saturday, it was the first time this season that it was dry (no water fall). I supposed it will be a torrent by next Saturday.


May 16, 2011, 3:35 AM
Post #583 of 1159 (17362 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Drunkards is on my list as well. That first set of moves scares the heck out of me. BTW, most people run the climb in a single pitch. No need to make an anchor below the roof.

I arrived Friday night late, got out early on Saturday. It threatened rain all day, only drizzled a bit. Mitch did five pitches with me, but, had to bow out because of his wrist. This was his first day outdoor climbing and he found it to be rather uncomfortable. I finished up the day with John W. We did Lower Eave, to the left of Horseman. It has a very fun exposed move to a horizontal and a big move up to jugs, followed by thin face climbing and a traverse to the mid anchors on Horseman. In a addition to a lot of other climbs we did all three pitches of The Blackout. This was the second time I did The Blackout and I really enjoyed it. Combine P1/P2 and belay at the Matinee tree. P3 has some unprotecting committing moves up to big jugs and a shiny bolt. Pull the roof and it's easy climbing to the top.

Sunday was a washout. Woke up at 7AM, it was raining, went back to bed until 11. What a treat! Spent the next couple of hours at the Gardiner Cupcake Festival. There were several vendors, 1000's of amazing cupcakes and large throngs of people eating cupcakes in the rain. Made a dreary day yummy-licious. Now I have to workout tomorrow to make up for today's caloric overload.

It's supposed to rain at the gunks all week. It might make for a very soggy weekend. I wanted to get on Ken's on Saturday, it was the first time this season that it was dry (no water fall). I supposed it will be a torrent by next Saturday.

Yea, i should have read the Mproj description before going. After i chalked up the rail i felt pretty good but it still felt a lot better once i got a cam in haha. Do what i was going to do and bring a pad and combine it with Son of Easy O and do both scary boulder starts with a soft landing :)

lower eave sounds fun.. i like low cruxes and easier tops :)


May 16, 2011, 1:05 PM
Post #584 of 1159 (17340 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Boulder Pad? I wish I was there to make fun of you! Haha! Just kidding.

We also were at the Gunks this weekend. Tiff hasn't been climbing very much, so I did all the leading. On Saturday, we did Tequila Monkingbird, P1 of Birdie Party, Higher Stannard, Try Again, and Star Action.

I had previously had a hard time with the crux of Try Again, even though I had onsighted the harder climbs all around it. Saturday it went easily.

Sunday, we joined Gail and Mitch at the Cupcake Festival. I was the only one who didn't have a cupcake. I had pizza and ice cream. I felt I could only eat a cupcake if I had a big glass of milk. I wasn't feeling it.



May 16, 2011, 4:33 PM
Post #585 of 1159 (17322 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Drunkards is on my list as well. That first set of moves scares the heck out of me. BTW, most people run the climb in a single pitch. No need to make an anchor below the roof.

I've done it as a single pitch, though I'm not sure if that is a lot better. From what I remember it was hard to communicate with my second that way and I couldn't see them. Given the hard start and the amount of rope you have out, that could be a problem for a second if the climb is hard for them. They'd end up back on the ground if they fell, with the speed they returned to the ground dependent on how tightly you belayed. But cranking the ropes down really tight will keep them from being able to really climb the delicate start though.

gblauer wrote:
Spent the next couple of hours at the Gardiner Cupcake Festival. There were several vendors, 1000's of amazing cupcakes and large throngs of people eating cupcakes in the rain. Made a dreary day yummy-licious. Now I have to workout tomorrow to make up for today's caloric overload.

Had I know of the festival, I might have made it up too!

gblauer wrote:
It's supposed to rain at the gunks all week. It might make for a very soggy weekend. I wanted to get on Ken's on Saturday, it was the first time this season that it was dry (no water fall). I supposed it will be a torrent by next Saturday.

I actually led Ken's Crack for the first time earlier this year a month or two back and it was dry. It was one of the first climbs I practiced on when learning to place gear and I had avoided it since because it's usually busy, and I remembered it as strenuous. I still thought it was awkward through the crux, but there is surely an easier method I missed (or, likely, my technique just bites).

Glad to hear Mitch is climbing :)


May 16, 2011, 5:20 PM
Post #586 of 1159 (17305 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Got out to Montagne d'Argent again on Sunday. It had been raining all day Saturday and part of the night -- so lots of wet rock, but no actual rain while I was there. Took another lead fall on gear -- which are still rare enough for me that it means something. (An orange [#3] Metolius TCU.) Each gear fall leaves me feeling more comfortable that gear will, actually, catch my next fall.


May 16, 2011, 5:39 PM
Post #587 of 1159 (17304 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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went out to Skaha on Friday & Sat.

Friday we started on Plumb Line, Sagging Bum Line, & Stoutharted then hauled up our bags up to the top & walked over to the Turret where we built a huge inukshuk with some friends. We then climbed a few routs up on the Turret drank some beers & called it a day..

Sat, was supposed to be raining so we met at the local farmers market in the morning having coffee & such, then met at the parking lot around 2:30 just as the rain was stopping. While hiking in & out we saw people up checking out our inukshuk from the day before... its huge 5'7" tall & visible from the parking lot. We climbed at Red Tail South with some friends who are new climbers, we climbed Death by Sex, Tradition, Dogmatism, & Black Widow.


May 16, 2011, 9:03 PM
Post #588 of 1159 (17287 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
Boulder Pad? I wish I was there to make fun of you! Haha! Just kidding


TongueTongue Pirate


May 16, 2011, 9:26 PM
Post #589 of 1159 (17282 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
Boulder Pad? I wish I was there to make fun of you! Haha! Just kidding.

We also were at the Gunks this weekend. Tiff hasn't been climbing very much, so I did all the leading. On Saturday, we did Tequila Monkingbird, P1 of Birdie Party, Higher Stannard, Try Again, and Star Action.

I had previously had a hard time with the crux of Try Again, even though I had onsighted the harder climbs all around it. Saturday it went easily.

Sunday, we joined Gail and Mitch at the Cupcake Festival. I was the only one who didn't have a cupcake. I had pizza and ice cream. I felt I could only eat a cupcake if I had a big glass of milk. I wasn't feeling it.


That's OK. We all have bad head days. Way to get out there, though. At least you got some good junk food eating done. Next time you'll send for sure.


May 17, 2011, 12:01 AM
Post #590 of 1159 (17274 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dang it! Josh! Just cuz you weren't "feeling it" is no freaking excuse. You have to man up and get the cupcake thing done!!!


May 17, 2011, 12:07 AM
Post #591 of 1159 (17272 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Damn Chad! Love the names of your climbs! Sagging Bum Line, Death by Sex, and Stoutharted since it made me think of Stout. No idea what the hell the harted is though. Had to google to find out what a inukshuk was though. No pics?!?!!?! No video of the building process?!?!?!?!


May 17, 2011, 12:44 AM
Post #592 of 1159 (17270 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gail, good for Mitch! Sounds like quite a workout for his first day out.

Greg, the thumb stacks are for Barn Door at the CNTBN. Too big for fingers for me and too small for hands.

DA -- Gud'on ya! Climbing in the rain, taking lead falls and all on Silver Mountain or is it Money Mountain!

Jake -- I was pretty damn hesitant on my first lead of Drunkards. Took forever to figure out the gear. No way I was going to risk screwing up my right foot again with a groundfall. Regarding the anchor at the end of P1, I don't remember much of an issue if you were headed up. Seem as if you can jam some gear in the crack overhead. Rapping from there might be an issue though. The little overhang is fun and I have always gone to top. I have never linked it up though. I would be concerned being out of view of the second at the crux with too much rope and thus slack out. BTW what is it with you and noise breaking out during the night at Camp Slime!!?!?!?! Get thee to the MUA! Or cultivate some very quiet, isolated throw-down spots!

Lest you all think I just post up here and don't climb, Cold Weather Kevin and I got out to CNTBN on Saturday and challenged ourselves pretty good, full grade or better than our usual level, on some clip ups and top ropes. High point for me was getting a crux on a climb a more than a full letter grade than my sport onsight 10a level, with some hangs, and coaching and encouragement from a local celeb, utilizing a toe-heel cam, a first for me. Still feeling pretty beat up particularly in the forearms and shoulders.

Mosquitoes were brutal all day, topped off by black flies late. Got a pretty full day in, giving up shortly after 6 when it started raining heavily. Would have preferred to be in the Gunks with Gail but too long of a drive for one day of climbing.


May 17, 2011, 12:50 AM
Post #593 of 1159 (17265 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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[quote "losbill"}
DA -- Gud'on ya! Climbing in the rain, taking lead falls and all on Silver Mountain or is it Money Mountain!
I think, in context, it is Silver Mountain.


May 17, 2011, 12:51 AM
Post #594 of 1159 (17265 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Stop complaining. You did fine on Drunkards.


May 17, 2011, 1:00 AM
Post #595 of 1159 (17262 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Gail, good for Mitch! Sounds like quite a workout for his first day out.

Greg, the thumb stacks are for Barn Door at the CNTBN. Too big for fingers for me and too small for hands.

DA -- Gud'on ya! Climbing in the rain, taking lead falls and all on Silver Mountain or is it Money Mountain!

Jake -- I was pretty damn hesitant on my first lead of Drunkards. Took forever to figure out the gear. No way I was going to risk screwing up my right foot again with a groundfall. Regarding the anchor at the end of P1, I don't remember much of an issue if you were headed up. Seem as if you can jam some gear in the crack overhead. Rapping from there might be an issue though. The little overhang is fun and I have always gone to top. I have never linked it up though. I would be concerned being out of view of the second at the crux with too much rope and thus slack out. BTW what is it with you and noise breaking out during the night at Camp Slime!!?!?!?! Get thee to the MUA! Or cultivate some very quiet, isolated throw-down spots!

Lest you all think I just post up here and don't climb, Cold Weather Kevin and I got out to CNTBN on Saturday and challenged ourselves pretty good, full grade or better than our usual level, on some clip ups and top ropes. High point for me was getting a crux on a climb a more than a full letter grade than my sport onsight 10a level, with some hangs, and coaching and encouragement from a local celeb, utilizing a toe-heel cam, a first for me. Still feeling pretty beat up particularly in the forearms and shoulders.

Mosquitoes were brutal all day, topped off by black flies late. Got a pretty full day in, giving up shortly after 6 when it started raining heavily. Would have preferred to be in the Gunks with Gail but too long of a drive for one day of climbing.

Didn't take me forever.. got to the square openging/undercling thing set my feet and shoved the first cam placement i could and took a nice deep breath haha. I've since learned to do P2 of all of those routes in there. i had never heard anything about P2 so i figured it wasn't worth doing.. now i know.

I have only had issues 2 nights the last 2 seasons.. this time was less annoying than the ambulances last season. (ranger rob still owes us the story!!) I do not think MUA would be better.. i prefer to not drive back and forth every day to climb.


May 17, 2011, 5:22 PM
Post #596 of 1159 (17242 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Damn Chad! Love the names of your climbs! Sagging Bum Line, Death by Sex, and Stoutharted since it made me think of Stout. No idea what the hell the harted is though. Had to google to find out what a inukshuk was though. No pics?!?!!?! No video of the building process?!?!?!?!

We have some Classic names that come from the 80's here at Skaha....

I was waiting to see if anyone else would post pics of it online.. but I suppose I'll have to do it. Build & finished photos to come.


May 18, 2011, 2:47 PM
Post #597 of 1159 (17172 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Dang it! Josh! Just cuz you weren't "feeling it" is no freaking excuse. You have to man up and get the cupcake thing done!!!

Hey! The pizza was pretty dang good. It was baked potato pizza. I'll take that over a stupid cupcake any day!



May 18, 2011, 8:54 PM
Post #598 of 1159 (17147 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
losbill wrote:
Dang it! Josh! Just cuz you weren't "feeling it" is no freaking excuse. You have to man up and get the cupcake thing done!!!

Hey! The pizza was pretty dang good. It was baked potato pizza. I'll take that over a stupid cupcake any day!


sounds like you hang-dogged it. sorry, no trad for you.


May 19, 2011, 12:14 PM
Post #599 of 1159 (17113 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
losbill wrote:
Dang it! Josh! Just cuz you weren't "feeling it" is no freaking excuse. You have to man up and get the cupcake thing done!!!

Hey! The pizza was pretty dang good. It was baked potato pizza. I'll take that over a stupid cupcake any day!


sounds like you hang-dogged it. sorry, no trad for you.

Whoa, wait a second! Cupcakes are all fluff, no substance. Empty calories. Sounds like sport climbing to me. If anything is traditional, it's pizza!



May 19, 2011, 1:55 PM
Post #600 of 1159 (17105 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
losbill wrote:
Dang it! Josh! Just cuz you weren't "feeling it" is no freaking excuse. You have to man up and get the cupcake thing done!!!

Hey! The pizza was pretty dang good. It was baked potato pizza. I'll take that over a stupid cupcake any day!


sounds like you hang-dogged it. sorry, no trad for you.

Whoa, wait a second! Cupcakes are all fluff, no substance. Empty calories. Sounds like sport climbing to me. If anything is traditional, it's pizza!


nah, with pizza, you always know what's on top, in the middle, and the bottom. Cupcakes sometimes have surprises in the middle.


May 20, 2011, 4:11 PM
Post #601 of 1159 (18217 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I wrote this up for something else, but them more I thought about it, it seemed appropriate to this site. Hopefully it is in line with what GBurns was looking for in the OP... here's to the weekend warriors.

It hadn’t rained for two days and the sun was shining, beckoning, even teasing me to come out to play. I tried to ignore her pleas and was successful for the most part. Then at lunch a phone call changed my need to resist. I had the afternoon free! Cramming the rest of my packed lunch into my gullet, I drove through the noontime traffic dodging pedestrians who acted like I was driving on the sidewalk. Driving in this North African city is more of an art than a science. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel and “tootled”(actual word on the driving test) the horn as if to mark a rhythm and continued the slow dance down the road. Finally, I hit the roundabout that leads to the “open” boulevard and home. Inside, I change clothes, grabbed the waiting daypack, scratched a quick note to my other half and hopped back into the car.
As the jeep growled up the steep hill past the King’s palace and I felt the magnetic pull of the rock (Faster! Faster!). But sometimes faster does not result in the shortest travel time. I carefully watched my speedometer to avoid a lengthy delay with the Gendarme. Fortunately he just saluted-waved (a strange motion reserved for foreigners) me on and I slowly rolled ahead. Once I was allowed to accelerate, I passed several tourists taking pictures and more of the ubiquitous two-wheeled small cylinder “motors”. I got to the cape in good time. Slotting the jeep between a couple of trees, I waved and greeted the goat herd come guardian who would watch the jeep while I was “up the hill” and headed for the trail. The owner of the access property had warned me about the wild boars before, but I had never really worried about them. They make a mess of the trail digging up plants to get at the tasty roots, but pretty much are out of sight out of mind. I heard some of them thrashing around in the heavy brush and was sure they would continue to just make noise. I had once or twice seen a couple on the nearby road at dusk. They are not as big as an Arkansas razorback, but certainly could do some damage if they felt so inclined. The trail narrowed and began to rise steeply. I relaxed knowing that the tusked critters preferred to stay on the flatter down lower. As I approached the actual cliff face, I heard the cry of a medium sized falcon. A big cousin of the small American Kestrel it had taken flight and was wing hovering over my head. Fearing that I had been the one who provoked it and that I might not get to climb after all due to the location of the nest, I watched carefully. I saw with relief that it was fighting with the larger neighboring ravens and trying to fool, them into thinking the nest was on the crag nearer to the ocean. They weren’t falling for it, but apparently didn’t really care. It was just another normal everyday “argument” over nothing. I moved on and neared the spot where I would have to turn to catch the trail to the top of the crag. As I rounded the switch-back I spotted the falcon’s mate hunkered down on the nest. They had a new spot this year in a large deep slot which I imagine is easily defended from the allegedly marauding ravens. Given the contents of the pellets I had seen below last year’s nest, I suspect the crows might have more to worry about from the falcons than vice versa.
Still watching the amazing flight antics of the birds taking turns dive bombing and fleeing from one another, I topped out following the trail to the cliff edge and located the bolt hanger I would use to secure myself as I set the top anchor for my TR burns. I slotted a cam into a nearby crack in addition to clipping the bolt and proceeded to build an anchor over the edge and set the ropes. The ends tossed and rap device attached, I added a prussic back-up. It was my first time out for solo this year and I felt inclined to double up on everything. That is when the nagging started. It would take at least an hour for anyone to get to me… assuming I was conscious and could actually get my phone out of the chalk bag and use it to call for help should I screw up. As I began to lower and weight the rappel device, recent discussions on floated through my head… rappelling off the end of ropes, systems similar to mine resulting in ground fall, experienced climbers having fatal accidents due to inattention… what the heck was I doing? I gingerly settled onto the ropes and checked yet again. Everything was still in place, but the accidents and analysis thread kept nagging at my brain. I looked one more time at the rappel device and back-up loops then unclipped from the safety line. In spite of the imagined nagging shouts of “n00b” and “gumby” that echoed along with the discussion of the TR solo accident report, I arrived without incident at the base of the route on which I intended to run laps. I had taken advantage of the rappel to inspect the deeper cracks for snakes (supposedly all harmless here in the North) and the dangerous, but rare arachnids that would warrant an immediate trip to the sketchy hospital. It all looked good, which was encouraging in spite of the strange static buzzing in my ears.
I weighted the TR line with the backpack and moved the separate rappel line out of the line of movement. I looked up at the rock face I had led once on gear and remembered the spot about 3 meters up where the pro was thin and the move to better pro was tricky… not hard, just not comfortable. I usually enjoy that kind of challenge, but was strangely glad today to be on TR. As a gentle sea breeze rustled the lush green leaves of the surrounding trees and brought the scent of salt water, the aroma mixed with the earthy smell of the forest. Breathing deeply of the rich odors, I reached for the rock and then exhaled slowly. “Yur gunna die” taunted me as I ran through the opening moves past a low bouldery crux and off tiny feet to a left handed horizontal ring lock on up to a right handed sloping horizontal. The self belay set-up was running smoothly, but I looked often to check it. I crossed through with my left hand feeling as though my feet were going to blow at any second. Just like the nagging voices, the anticipated problem was just annoying static. The solid left hand led to good matched toe points in the previous finger slot and an uncrossed right hand. I stared at the blank face in front of me trying to remember the route and wondered what I had been thinking leading this thing on gear. I had clearly lost my lead head over the long, wet winter. I found (then remembered) the sharp vertical right hand fingertips crimp and the left hand feature that pretended to be a small sloping hold, but was more of a crease in an otherwise featureless spot (If only this were granite!). I briefly wondered whether the small right hand feature would still accept the abuse of a climber pulling on it in ways nature would never do. In order to initiate the upwards move I placed my right foot on an unseen smear set back in a slight indent from which had once dropped a big block -- I could see it on the ground below the swaying backpack. Wondering just how solid the rock was, I flagged my left foot out to gently smear and reduce the pressure on the textured, but minimal left hand and hopefully keep enough pressure on the right hand. I made the delicate rise pushing on the right foot smear and arching slightly to maintain position. Oops! I was holding my breath. Breathing gently, I moved my right hand up to the indented spot and found the solid but less-than-first-knuckle in cut crimper. Shifting my left hand slightly, I side pulled on the sloper and smeared fully with my left foot and then added a right foot back stepping smear to bring the left foot up to match the minimal left hand on the sloper to become a decent foot. With the right hand and left foot on reasonably positive holds, I felt comfortable enough to look around for alternative pro possibilities for a future second ascent on gear. In spite of the now well featured rock, I concluded that it was going to have to remain an “R” rating and I would just have to continue to double up below in the thin horizontals to try to prevent decking when marginal gear pulled. The next three meters of the route offers up two options. One is straightforward and to my mind uninteresting even though it turns you to face a worthwhile ocean view. The other option runs under a small overhang (not big enough to call it a roof) followed by two meters of slight overhang. For this first lap, I chose the right hand roof. Where the wannabe roof joins the lower wall, there is a horizontal thin fingers seepage crack that offers nice pro OR three fingers when dry, which it was. To the right is a larger vertical finger slot that accepts all four fingers but is an awkward placement that inspires no confidence. Since I was not on gear I had the luxury of choosing the thin finger slots without worrying about which was better for the cam. The three finger slot makes it easy to pull through to the thin-ish but comfortable face moves after the roof. I don’t think I appreciated the moves so much because I was still scouting for better placements. Besides a nasty old (WW2?) pin that will probably come out by hand this summer, there was no reward to the search. I would have been better off just enjoying the climb. If I wanted to climb the line clean again, it was going to be on the edge of “R” until the upper section where the options are more plentiful. Cruising through the upper section I recalled the previous feeling of disappointment that there wasn’t more to this line and I clipped the anchor in order to switch to rappel. After another uneventful 23 meter rappel, I ran up the line again taking my time to enjoy it. After the subsequent rappel, I then shifted my start to the right a bit to climb the more continuous and heavily dimpled arête. Lastly I squirmed up the easy, pock marked OW just to the right of the arête that narrows to a fist crack in the last two meters to the anchor. Sweat running into my eyes, I clipped in to the still hanging safety line and topped out. While breaking down the anchor I reflected on the whole experience. I was feeling good having made a much needed and unexpected break in the weekly routine. The static that had distracted me had dissipated, but it bothered me that I had allowed it to come along in the first place. Stuffing the last of the gear into the bag I looked at my watch and headed down the trail. I would be home in time to help with dinner! That’s extra points with the wife! Encouraged by how the timing had worked out, I wondered if I might be able to manage a couple quick burns if I took longer lunch breaks the next week. With my head in the clouds as I was planning my next escape, I was startled by a sudden loud grunting to my right. A pair of beady eyes glared at me from the bushes and a white of a pair of gleaming tusks flashed menacingly. I shouted but the beastie didn’t budge. I dropped my backpack from my shoulders to let it hang down in front of me like a bull fighter’s cape. I guess I was thinking that the gear might pad me if the boar decided to do something drastic to protect his truffles or palm hearts or whatever he was digging up. I worked my way past him keeping the pack between me and his snuffling snout and headed down the trail towards the farm house. I kept an eye on him and he returned the favor until the farm dogs came loping down the trail. I glanced quickly and saw that there were three of them… big ones… and then looked back to see what the boar was doing. He had disappeared and the dogs shot into the brush to take chase. I didn’t wait around to see the end result. This was a whole different scene than the falcon and the crows. It was somehow a bit more personal. I shook my head to clear the haze that had obviously formed there and headed down the trail.
I tipped the guardian and pointed the jeep towards home. The details of the drive home other than deciding to take the longer way rather than dealing with the Gendarme again are pretty hazy. I felt a bit bipolar in my musings. I was so energized by finally getting out and having some quality time on the rocks, but as I remembered the self-talk I was amazed that I had even walked out the door. Two years ago, I lived where I could climb three or four times a week year round. I had forgotten what climbing out of the winter slump was like. Working to establish a new business in combination with the heavy rains this past winter meant a long lay-off from climbing. Winter training on the system wall and cycling helped keep the body fit, but my mind had gotten out of shape. More importantly, my spirit had drifted. In an effort to feed my climbing habit (viciado = addicted) in place of getting to the rock I indulged in reading about climbing… about safety and trad versus sprad versus sport, how n00bs and gumbies are all gonna die… how experienced climbers got hurt and (too many this year) DID die. This is all helpful information and can help us make informed decisions, but in the end, climbing is not about tradition vs innovation or even ethics vs aesthetics. These issues are important only in so much as they influence our collective enjoyment of an activity. They become largely irrelevant when I am out soloing. I had allowed the static from those discussions to enter into a place that is normally a private haven. Just like the crows and the falcons or the boar and the dogs, it is normal to have disagreements and knock down drag out arguments. It’s a part of life. But there is a time and a place for it. There are a whole lot more important things to which I can give attention… the cry of the falcon and the flash of its wings, the smell of the ocean mixed with forest humus, rock dust and sweat; the feel of the rock under hand and foot, the pull of gravity and the tension from the friction that resists gravity, the wild mix of Spring colors on the mountain and even wild boars rooting through the dirt. Next time out, I’m turning up the volume up those. Sure, I’ll still double check everything… twice, but I hope I can keep the ghosts of in cyberspace where they belong.


May 22, 2011, 4:17 PM
Post #602 of 1159 (18183 views)

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Re: [viciado] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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That had a bit of everything in it. Yeah, that's an excellent contribution. Thanks!


May 22, 2011, 6:47 PM
Post #603 of 1159 (18168 views)

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No, thank YOU! Laugh Glad you liked it.

It was fun to write up even though it was originally for clients at work. The folks that I wrote it for seemed to like it and encouraged me to post it up...


Jun 6, 2011, 4:03 PM
Post #604 of 1159 (18077 views)

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I finally got down to the Adirondacks.

Saturday morning, got up bright and early to meet a friend for 6;30am, and drove down to Chapel Pond Slab -- about a 3.5 hour drive from Ottawa.

Got there, and there were, not surprisingly due to the beautiful weather, people already on both the routes we were interested in doing (Empress and Regular Route), so we decided to go with Regular Route. It is a lovely, long (800' / 240m), generally easy, and reasonably well protected slab route. Unfortunately, the pair ahead of us was moving really slowly -- a couple times we'd have both of us up to the next belay before their leader had even started on the next pitch.

We finally got done, hiked down and looked at the time -- 5pm -- time enough for another run up the cliff is we were moving better -- and this time there was nobody ahead of us. We decided to climb Empress, using something close to V1 at the bottom (avoiding the jog right, then traverse left again) up to the end of pitch 4. Pitch 4 has a true slab section -- about 90' of completely protection free slab, which goes at about 5.5 (though it felt a bit soft for 5.5 to me, but I wasn't leading it). After Pitch 4, we chose the Greensleeves variation for the finish -- which involves an interesting short rightward traverse (probably the hardest moves of the day) over a steep slab section to a long rising corner with a crack in the back. This went nicely, to the top.

At the top, the usual descent is to traverse rightwards to the top of the regular route, and descend the north gully -- but the traverse (accross slab, again) was soaking wet -- so we decided we'd just finish up into the trees, then bushwhack our way accross. This became a bit more than we bargained for. (Aren't the descents often that?) But, we did eventually find our way to the regular descent and back to the car for around 8:30pm. Then, home by about 12:30am.

It was a great day of climbing, with beautiful weather, on gorgeous rock. If you're looking for long, easy, slab climbs -- Chapel Pond Slab is a good choice. (And a good non-intimidating introduction to multi-pitch climbing, too. Especially Regular Route with its comfortable belay positions.)

And, Sunday, I did a bit of local cragging, too.


Jun 6, 2011, 5:31 PM
Post #605 of 1159 (18066 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Sounds like a fun outing.

Not sure I would like un-protected slab. I really do like gear. Was it nerve wracking?


Jun 6, 2011, 6:15 PM
Post #606 of 1159 (18059 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Sounds like a fun outing.

Not sure I would like un-protected slab. I really do like gear. Was it nerve wracking?

It was a fun outing. I didn't lead the long unprotected bit, my climbing partner did -- and he said it wasn't bad, and that (at the end of it) he had really enjoyed the pitch. In following it, there wasn't a move on it that felt at all tense, of course, I was (essentially) on top-rope.

I did run things out on other pitches I led, for example, the first pitch we did in a 65m (about 200') run (it was pitch 1 and a chunk of pitch 2), and I placed 4 pieces on that.


Jun 7, 2011, 4:01 PM
Post #607 of 1159 (18021 views)

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I finally got some photos of the inukshuk we built up at Skaha Bluffs a few weeks ago.


Jun 7, 2011, 4:52 PM
Post #608 of 1159 (18013 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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hey, that's cool.


Jun 12, 2011, 2:39 PM
Post #609 of 1159 (17937 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Viciado - Thoroughly enjoyed your TR. It told a story and brought your outing to life for me. Good job.

DaGibbs - Long drive but seems you got a pretty full day in. I used to day trip the Gunks, just short of 4 hours one-way, but that got real old, real quick. Gail slab climbing is a different sort of beast. My first time on a real slab was at Whitehorse with two very experienced slab climbers. Each pitch they offered me the lead, each pitch I deferred commenting I needed just a bit more time to get used to it. Somewhat unnerving about going without a gear placement for 30, 40, 50 feet or more. Finally after about 6 pitches or so I look up and see a long flake and then a crack up a headwall. "Okay, guys. I'll take this one!" So much for getting used to runout slab.

Chad -- Cool pics. Very artistic structures!

Spent the last two weekends at the Gunks working out the early season kinks. One "highlight" was a route-finding mini-epic on Hans Puss (5.7). The first pitch goes up a big, overhanging, juggy, left-facing corner then breaks right out on to a face. I ended up going too high before exiting right ended up 12 feet above the belay. The second pitch was supposed to traverse far right. Decided to move right, create a anchor bring my second up and sort things out. Moved right, no gear; moved further right, pretty dicey 5.8ish terrain, still no gear. Further right, peered around a corner, "knowing" there would be a nice fat crack to anchor in. No such luck, just smooth rock covered by an ocean of untrod lichen. I look back. Gee I'm 25 feet from my last gear. Tail between my legs I head back very, very carefully. Half way back there is a left-facing corner with a finger crack that will take gear above my head. Okay I will bail out here to the GT Ledge. I start up to the base of the corner and someone shouts up that I'm headed up to the P2 crux (5.10a) of Feast of Fools. Okay. That's not going to work. I am just starting to do 5.9's at the Gunks. I finally give up. Back to the gear I placed when I gained the face. Downclimb to the belay and bring my second up with a ton of rope drag. Duh!

Although I am not near mid-season climbing form, I am in mid-season s'more eating form. Thanks, Gail! Got a little sloppy however. Had my headlamp out last night and there was some sort of sticky white stuff on it. Took me a second to make the connection to last weekend's campfire!

(This post was edited by losbill on Jun 13, 2011, 11:20 AM)


Jun 12, 2011, 3:18 PM
Post #610 of 1159 (17932 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Spent the last two weekends at the Gunks working out the early season kinks. One "highlight" was a route-finding mini-epic on Hans Puss (5.7). The first pitch goes up a big, overhanging, juggy, left-facing corner then breaks right out on to a face. I ended up going too high before exiting right ended up 12 feet above the belay. The second pitch was supposed to traverse far right. Decided to move right, create a anchor bring my second up and sort things out. Moved right, no gear; moved further right, pretty dicey 5.8ish terrain, still no gear. Further right, peered around a corner, "knowing" there would be a nice fat crack to anchor in. No such luck, just smooth rock covered by an ocean of untrod lichen. I look back. Gee I'm 25 feet from my last gear. Tail between my legs I head back very, very carefully. Half way back there is a left-facing corner with a finger crack that will take gear above my head. Okay I will bail out here to the GT Ledge. I start up to the base of the corner and someone shouts up that I'm headed up to the P2 crux (5.10a) of Feast of Fools. Okay. That's not going to work. I am just starting to do 5.9's at the Gunks. I finally give up. Back to the gear I placed when I gained the face. Downclimb to the belay and bring my second up with a ton of rope drag. Duh!

Haha.. Doc went too high the first time we did Hans Puss.. but someone told him so he could back down that roof and traverse over to the bolts easy enough. I had P2 and similarly wasn't sure where to go upward. There is a shallow L facing corner that you go up at.. i had a yellow TCU a bit below me and had to do a pretty committed move on not great holds to get up to some nice jugs. (i went too far at first and got to a bush that i plugged a few cams and hung for a few mins to examine the situation haha) P3 is kinda fun.. bouldery moves up to the ledge then an interesting roof at the top.

I followed Ed up P2 of FoF and you should be very glad you didn't give that a go.. that corner is pretty thin and pulling the lip out of it was burly for sure.

My weekend was short.. hit up rumney friday. did 9 routes.. including TRing Tropicana as one giant pitch. some friends led it as 2 pitches but the 2nd didn't 'want to do P2 so they both lowered off and i did the whole thing. hung on P2.. that thing is hard for 11a.
got rained out of saturday and sunday.. came home saturday morning instead.


Jun 13, 2011, 2:46 AM
Post #611 of 1159 (17898 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
DaGibbs - Long drive but seems you got a pretty full day in. I used to day trip the Gunks, just short of 4 hours one-way, but that got real old, real quick. Gail slab climbing is a different sort of beast. My first time on a real slab was at Whitehorse with two very experienced slab climbers.

Whitehorse ledge is on my list of places to make it to, but the drive is even longer -- would have to be a stay-over trip.


Jun 13, 2011, 1:46 PM
Post #612 of 1159 (17879 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Bill, that story seems to be too typical for P2 on Hans Puss. I almost went up FoF before traversing right (just thought that FoF was the small corner I was supposed to be looking for. Took me a while to find it, but I eventually found the right way. But yeah, that was an adventure. I think Kurt got sunburned at the belay that day.

BTW - that traverse right on P1 is pretty easy, but it's WAY scarier when you first get to it. I remember Kurt leading it and me saying, come on, it cant be that hard. Then I got there as the second and I asked him, "are you sure this is the right way to go?" Laugh


Jun 13, 2011, 2:03 PM
Post #613 of 1159 (17876 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Hey losbill, was that you starting Hans' Puss first thing in the morning on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend? I was headed to the start of Cold Turkeys and you weren't sure you were in the right place? I told you how I almost backed off of pitch two, but when I saw the piton all became clear? Sorry it didn't work out that way for you...


Jun 13, 2011, 6:12 PM
Post #614 of 1159 (17854 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Jake --- For once I made the right call on the weather. No climbing for me this weekend, camped out in the backyard with the grandson. Sounds as if you were getting after it, pretty hard climbing for a trad climber and all that!Wink Too bad the weather didn't turn out better for you.

Seth --- It wasn't me, the Han's Puss adventure was a week ago Saturday. BTW was that you leading Maria Direct a week ago Sunday about 3 PM?

Greg --- Yeah, poor Rachel got pretty toasted in the sun as I took forever to make my way across the traverse. As it was I ended up finishing on Silhouette's crack. Talk about lousy route finding.


Jun 13, 2011, 6:18 PM
Post #615 of 1159 (17852 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I did lead Maria Direct a week ago Sunday (fun, worth doing once), but I think it was a few hours earleir than 3 p.m! Then we T.R.'d the Redirect, which I shockingly almost sort-of got on my first try. Then we did City Lights and by the time we left the wall it was a little after 3.

Where were you?


Jun 13, 2011, 6:26 PM
Post #616 of 1159 (17850 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Jake --- For once I made the right call on the weather. No climbing for me this weekend, camped out in the backyard with the grandson. Sounds as if you were getting after it, pretty hard climbing for a trad climber and all that!Wink Too bad the weather didn't turn out better for you.

Seth --- It wasn't me, the Han's Puss adventure was a week ago Saturday. BTW was that you leading Maria Direct a week ago Sunday about 3 PM?

Greg --- Yeah, poor Rachel got pretty toasted in the sun as I took forever to make my way across the traverse. As it was I ended up finishing on Silhouette's crack. Talk about lousy route finding.

yea... the forecast looked alot better thursday night when i went up than what turned up saturday.. at least friday was nice.

hoping to hit up the gunks sometime next week.. then giving the SPCI crew a tour at rumney the weekend after next.


Jun 13, 2011, 6:31 PM
Post #617 of 1159 (17849 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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you coming to BH the last week of June? I hope to return Bless Me, Ultima to you. Easy reading. Not as enjoyable as The People of Paper (too much religion for my tastes), but good still. The PoP was PHENOMENAL. One of my favorite books.

Anyway, if you're joining us then I look forward to seeing you. I'll be in NH next week climbing with N/A and some other n00bs. You're welcome to join us if you want. PM me if you're interested and I'll shoot you my new phone.


Jun 19, 2011, 2:56 AM
Post #618 of 1159 (17754 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gunks Peregrine Closure=baby chicks= Happy juveniles?

Sadly this is not the case for at least one of the chicks. We found a banded leg and talon from one of the juveniles abandoned atop Madame G's. Alysha (a fellow climber) collected the evidence and brought it to a Mohonk Ranger. He indicated that the Rangers knew about the massacre, but was pleased to have the evidence.

Don't know how many are left, we sure heard a lot of them today.

Ran up Columbia today, I have never done P2. It was covered in a fine layer of dirt, but a decent climb nonetheless.

I finally lead V3, I turned it into a 9 by climbing the right face, up and down at least 5x! Finally committed and sailed through the v-notch with joy and happiness.

I am up at the gunks for the next 8 days, let's hope for wonderful weather.


Jun 19, 2011, 3:06 AM
Post #619 of 1159 (17753 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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nice job on V3 Gail. I knew you had been thinking about it for some time.

What was it like? I've heard good and bad things about it.


Jun 19, 2011, 3:09 AM
Post #620 of 1159 (17750 views)

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V3 was really fun. Easy peasy in the v-notch. All good. My big effort was going up and down the right side of the climb before the v notch. I wasn't stemming, make the moves much more strenuous. When I finally decided to climb like a normal person, I was totally fine. NIce stem, good stance, great gear and then up and through the notch. The big trick is to square your shoulders on the wall behind you and just pick up your feet and start squinching up the chimney. It felt very secure.


Jun 19, 2011, 3:15 AM
Post #621 of 1159 (17748 views)

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Ha nice Gail.. I traversed right and up the slab face on V3 instead of the notch when i led it ;) i couldn't figure out how to get into the corner so i bailed out right.. not much gear out there but not super hard climbing.

Sad about the falcon.. these things happen though. the stronger ones will make it and they will have stronger genes so it works out in the end.


Jun 19, 2011, 3:19 AM
Post #622 of 1159 (17746 views)

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pffttt...I forgot that I had already done it. I was confusing it with another climb.

nice job on it, though. it's kind of tricky to figure out the sequence, but once you get it it is cruiser.


Jun 19, 2011, 10:48 PM
Post #623 of 1159 (17718 views)

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Three star weather = Three star climbing

Enjoyed a fabuolous weekend here at the Gunks. The weather was stellar.

Yesterday: Columbia p1/p2, V3 x2, Raunchy, Feast of Fools and Absurdland

Today: Jackie, Classic, Birdie party, Higher Stannard, Something Interesting and Strictlys

Feast of Fools (I seconded, clean) was burly through the traverse and the overhangs, a great climb. Not sure I will be leading that very soon.

I lead Something Interesting for the first time today, it was a very nice cruiser, albeit long. No rope drag, just a heavy rope by the time you hit the GT ledge.

It was strangely uncrowded at the gunks today. Father's day perhaps?


Jun 21, 2011, 2:37 AM
Post #624 of 1159 (17662 views)

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One 5.8+ is not another 5.8+ [In reply to]
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Saturday was a beautiful day for climbing around here -- bright, completely clear, comfortable temperatures but with a good breeze all day to keep the bugs away and the sweat off.

I started the day with a lead up a 55m (180') single-pitch climb at Montagne d'Argent. Hadn't climbed it before -- it was soaking wet last time I was in the area -- but wanted to go after it. Long, tiring, but never all that hard -- though I did take a fall when a hold broke off under my hand. (Doh, lost the clean send!) Did another bunch of fun climbs.

Sunday, I went out to Mont King in Gatineau park, ran up a classic 3-pitch trad climb called Rocketman. Then, the rappel off the bottom anchor descends over another climb, Ron's Climb, which is, also, rated as 5.8+. I took a look at it on the way down (it goes through a quite impressive overhang) and thought I'd have a shot at it. I made it clean -- but the crux was about at my limit, my limit on top rope.

Both 5.8+, both in Quebec, both within about 100 miles of each -- but totally different climbs and totally different difficulty levels.


Jun 21, 2011, 12:54 PM
Post #625 of 1159 (17640 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] One 5.8+ is not another 5.8+ [In reply to]
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Frown Haven't climbed outside in a couple weeks, although I do have some climbing coming up. Rumney on Thursday, climbing a couple days next week, then 4 day weekend in North Conway....and to California. 3 days in San Fran and then a week in Tuolumne. Yahoo!



Jun 21, 2011, 5:20 PM
Post #626 of 1159 (17249 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Made it to the Gunks for the first time this year yesterday. Felt good to finally get up there. Was dead set on doing Modern Times but once again things didnt exactly work out the way i planned. Been having a hard time finding a reliable parner for gear so i'm in the process of converting two hard boulderers. They both decided they were ready to lead this weekend so we went up High E. One led the first pitch and one led the fun pitch. It was cool but i think i'm good with High E for a while. I've always been one to disagree with everyone who says it's overrated, and i still like it a lot, but i think i've been on it too much.

Anyway after that we had a look at Modern Times but i wasnt sure if my friends were ready for that one, and i was having a weak head day myself so we decided on CCK. Now, i'd never done CCK before, so i really had no idea how EFFING RAD that final pitch is. Wow. I have to admit i was a little intimidated when I pulled up to the little belay pad and looked out the pitch. So glad we decided to do that. I led the pitch then pulled my rope and my friend led on my gear while my other friend belayed him with our second rope. I'm still smiling from that climb.

Thank god it was empty because i forgot how time consuming it can be to go up with a marginally experienced party of three. Fortunately no one else wanted to do the line, because we took forever. All in all it was a great day. Heading back in July and so help me if i have to kindap someone who doesn't mind seconding MT i'll do it. My inability to get on that thing is getting ridiculous.


Jun 21, 2011, 5:48 PM
Post #627 of 1159 (17245 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dip wrote:
Made it to the Gunks for the first time this year yesterday. Felt good to finally get up there. Was dead set on doing Modern Times but once again things didnt exactly work out the way i planned. Been having a hard time finding a reliable parner for gear so i'm in the process of converting two hard boulderers. They both decided they were ready to lead this weekend so we went up High E. One led the first pitch and one led the fun pitch. It was cool but i think i'm good with High E for a while. I've always been one to disagree with everyone who says it's overrated, and i still like it a lot, but i think i've been on it too much.

Anyway after that we had a look at Modern Times but i wasnt sure if my friends were ready for that one, and i was having a weak head day myself so we decided on CCK. Now, i'd never done CCK before, so i really had no idea how EFFING RAD that final pitch is. Wow. I have to admit i was a little intimidated when I pulled up to the little belay pad and looked out the pitch. So glad we decided to do that. I led the pitch then pulled my rope and my friend led on my gear while my other friend belayed him with our second rope. I'm still smiling from that climb.

Thank god it was empty because i forgot how time consuming it can be to go up with a marginally experienced party of three. Fortunately no one else wanted to do the line, because we took forever. All in all it was a great day. Heading back in July and so help me if i have to kindap someone who doesn't mind seconding MT i'll do it. My inability to get on that thing is getting ridiculous.

Make sure your 2nd is solid for Modern times. i had a friend not make it above the final roof and he had to do some serious prussik thuggary. part of it was my fault for not placing enough gear on the traverse so he might have gone a bit further than necessary but when you're flaming out yourself as a leader then it's hard sometimes to think about that haha.

i still need to do CCK. might be going next week so maybe that will be on the list. the list is very long :P


Jun 21, 2011, 5:51 PM
Post #628 of 1159 (17244 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Dip wrote:
Made it to the Gunks for the first time this year yesterday. Felt good to finally get up there. Was dead set on doing Modern Times but once again things didnt exactly work out the way i planned. Been having a hard time finding a reliable parner for gear so i'm in the process of converting two hard boulderers. They both decided they were ready to lead this weekend so we went up High E. One led the first pitch and one led the fun pitch. It was cool but i think i'm good with High E for a while. I've always been one to disagree with everyone who says it's overrated, and i still like it a lot, but i think i've been on it too much.

Anyway after that we had a look at Modern Times but i wasnt sure if my friends were ready for that one, and i was having a weak head day myself so we decided on CCK. Now, i'd never done CCK before, so i really had no idea how EFFING RAD that final pitch is. Wow. I have to admit i was a little intimidated when I pulled up to the little belay pad and looked out the pitch. So glad we decided to do that. I led the pitch then pulled my rope and my friend led on my gear while my other friend belayed him with our second rope. I'm still smiling from that climb.

Thank god it was empty because i forgot how time consuming it can be to go up with a marginally experienced party of three. Fortunately no one else wanted to do the line, because we took forever. All in all it was a great day. Heading back in July and so help me if i have to kindap someone who doesn't mind seconding MT i'll do it. My inability to get on that thing is getting ridiculous.

Make sure your 2nd is solid for Modern times. i had a friend not make it above the final roof and he had to do some serious prussik thuggary. part of it was my fault for not placing enough gear on the traverse so he might have gone a bit further than necessary but when you're flaming out yourself as a leader then it's hard sometimes to think about that haha.

i still need to do CCK. might be going next week so maybe that will be on the list. the list is very long :P

It is freakin neat. Wouldn't mind going back up and doing the direct finish either, it looked pretty great as well.

i heard that about Modern Times. That was a big reason i didn't go up yesterday. The bitch of it is both of the guys i was with are waaay stronger than i am, they just weren't accostumed to the the air. No biggy though, I'm pretty sure it'll still be there in a month.


Jun 21, 2011, 5:54 PM
Post #629 of 1159 (17241 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dip wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Dip wrote:
Made it to the Gunks for the first time this year yesterday. Felt good to finally get up there. Was dead set on doing Modern Times but once again things didnt exactly work out the way i planned. Been having a hard time finding a reliable parner for gear so i'm in the process of converting two hard boulderers. They both decided they were ready to lead this weekend so we went up High E. One led the first pitch and one led the fun pitch. It was cool but i think i'm good with High E for a while. I've always been one to disagree with everyone who says it's overrated, and i still like it a lot, but i think i've been on it too much.

Anyway after that we had a look at Modern Times but i wasnt sure if my friends were ready for that one, and i was having a weak head day myself so we decided on CCK. Now, i'd never done CCK before, so i really had no idea how EFFING RAD that final pitch is. Wow. I have to admit i was a little intimidated when I pulled up to the little belay pad and looked out the pitch. So glad we decided to do that. I led the pitch then pulled my rope and my friend led on my gear while my other friend belayed him with our second rope. I'm still smiling from that climb.

Thank god it was empty because i forgot how time consuming it can be to go up with a marginally experienced party of three. Fortunately no one else wanted to do the line, because we took forever. All in all it was a great day. Heading back in July and so help me if i have to kindap someone who doesn't mind seconding MT i'll do it. My inability to get on that thing is getting ridiculous.

Make sure your 2nd is solid for Modern times. i had a friend not make it above the final roof and he had to do some serious prussik thuggary. part of it was my fault for not placing enough gear on the traverse so he might have gone a bit further than necessary but when you're flaming out yourself as a leader then it's hard sometimes to think about that haha.

i still need to do CCK. might be going next week so maybe that will be on the list. the list is very long :P

It is freakin neat. Wouldn't mind going back up and doing the direct finish either, it looked pretty great as well.

i heard that about Modern Times. That was a big reason i didn't go up yesterday. The bitch of it is both of the guys i was with are waaay stronger than i am, they just weren't accostumed to the the air. No biggy though, I'm pretty sure it'll still be there in a month.

Yea.. and with 3 your 2nd would have to reclip the rope back into the pro.. which would make things a bit pumpier than usual..


Jun 21, 2011, 6:00 PM
Post #630 of 1159 (17238 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Dip wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Dip wrote:
Made it to the Gunks for the first time this year yesterday. Felt good to finally get up there. Was dead set on doing Modern Times but once again things didnt exactly work out the way i planned. Been having a hard time finding a reliable parner for gear so i'm in the process of converting two hard boulderers. They both decided they were ready to lead this weekend so we went up High E. One led the first pitch and one led the fun pitch. It was cool but i think i'm good with High E for a while. I've always been one to disagree with everyone who says it's overrated, and i still like it a lot, but i think i've been on it too much.

Anyway after that we had a look at Modern Times but i wasnt sure if my friends were ready for that one, and i was having a weak head day myself so we decided on CCK. Now, i'd never done CCK before, so i really had no idea how EFFING RAD that final pitch is. Wow. I have to admit i was a little intimidated when I pulled up to the little belay pad and looked out the pitch. So glad we decided to do that. I led the pitch then pulled my rope and my friend led on my gear while my other friend belayed him with our second rope. I'm still smiling from that climb.

Thank god it was empty because i forgot how time consuming it can be to go up with a marginally experienced party of three. Fortunately no one else wanted to do the line, because we took forever. All in all it was a great day. Heading back in July and so help me if i have to kindap someone who doesn't mind seconding MT i'll do it. My inability to get on that thing is getting ridiculous.

Make sure your 2nd is solid for Modern times. i had a friend not make it above the final roof and he had to do some serious prussik thuggary. part of it was my fault for not placing enough gear on the traverse so he might have gone a bit further than necessary but when you're flaming out yourself as a leader then it's hard sometimes to think about that haha.

i still need to do CCK. might be going next week so maybe that will be on the list. the list is very long :P

It is freakin neat. Wouldn't mind going back up and doing the direct finish either, it looked pretty great as well.

i heard that about Modern Times. That was a big reason i didn't go up yesterday. The bitch of it is both of the guys i was with are waaay stronger than i am, they just weren't accostumed to the the air. No biggy though, I'm pretty sure it'll still be there in a month.

Yea.. and with 3 your 2nd would have to reclip the rope back into the pro.. which would make things a bit pumpier than usual..

Exactly. Someone would've been staying on the ground. That would've been a little selfish of me. One guy said he didn't mind but i'm sure it would've sucked to make the four hour ride up and just watch.


Jun 22, 2011, 1:25 AM
Post #631 of 1159 (17214 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Score Zero for the peregrine falcons

Today, as my leader was getting ready to climb Wrist, I noticed a massive turkey vulture with a peregrine falcon wing in it's beak. I think another baby bit the dust. I saved a feather and will bring it to the rangers.

Have I mentioned how wonderful it is to climb at the gunks during the week? It's so quiet!


Jun 22, 2011, 2:14 AM
Post #632 of 1159 (17206 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Have I mentioned how wonderful it is to climb at the gunks during the week? It's so quiet!

been there.. it is pretty awesome.. "hey wanna warm up on Bunny?" Ok, wow there's not a guide with 8 top ropers on it woo!

hoping to be down sometime next week during the week. or earlier in the week depending on how rumney weather shakes out.


Jun 22, 2011, 3:36 AM
Post #633 of 1159 (17200 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I so need to make it down to the Gunks sometime.


Jun 22, 2011, 12:03 PM
Post #634 of 1159 (17188 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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In reply to:
Have I mentioned how wonderful it is to climb at the gunks during the week? It's so quiet!

It's the only time i'll go. That means i can only get there a few times a year, but so be it. It's just too much of a zoo on the weekend to be worth it.


Jun 22, 2011, 12:24 PM
Post #635 of 1159 (17186 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Hey Gail --- Wow! What a great two days. Hope the weather gods smile on you for the remainder of the week. Pretty sure Father's Day impacted climbing everywhere. I low keyed it. Hit Crow Hill Saturday for a casual bouldering session. Brought the harness "just in case I ran into someone I knew"! Got the bouldering in and hooked up with two separate group of friends, including Kurt and Rachel, for a top rope workout complete with beers afterward! Excellent time! Same thing on Sunday but no beers, had to scoot home for FD's steaks on the deck. Are you going to be around this weekend? I am coming down with Alex.

Chad - Turned a corner at Crow Hill on Saturday afternoon and saw we had a new addition to the crag, a inuksuk. I assume one of the Crow Hill denizens is following this thread.No camera with me. I will get a shot of it and post up when I do.

Greg - not going to make BH. I know it will be a great time but now that I'm back at work full time I just can't make it. I will catch up with you soon.

Dip - great report. CCK is a blast. The Direct is excellent as well.

DA - Sounds like a very enjoyable weekend. Good job on Ron's Climb. Good practice for the Gunks where overhangs abound! Give us an head's up when you head down.

Josh and Tiff - have fun! Wishing a very enjoyable trip for you!



Jun 22, 2011, 2:34 PM
Post #636 of 1159 (17174 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dip I'll be the first one to say High E is WAAAAY overrated. I think those that think it is the best 5.6 in the Gunks probably haven't done all the 5.6's worth doing. Here is a short list of what I consider much better 5.6's at the Gunks.

Madame G's
The Last Shall Be First
P2 of Directissima
Middle Earth

All of those climbs have better climbing on them. The Last Shall Be First might be the best overall 5.6 in the Gunks for it's climbing sequences, and the noticable lack of gear during the crux.

About the only 5.6 that High E is better than in the Gunks is Shockley's Ceiling. The only reason I like Shockley's is because it has a killer 5.3 section on it that is some of the best climbing at it's grade!


Jun 22, 2011, 2:51 PM
Post #637 of 1159 (17171 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
Dip I'll be the first one to say High E is WAAAAY overrated. I think those that think it is the best 5.6 in the Gunks probably haven't done all the 5.6's worth doing. Here is a short list of what I consider much better 5.6's at the Gunks.

Madame G's
The Last Shall Be First
P2 of Directissima
Middle Earth

All of those climbs have better climbing on them. The Last Shall Be First might be the best overall 5.6 in the Gunks for it's climbing sequences, and the noticable lack of gear during the crux.

About the only 5.6 that High E is better than in the Gunks is Shockley's Ceiling. The only reason I like Shockley's is because it has a killer 5.3 section on it that is some of the best climbing at it's grade!

i think Wrist especially P2 is better than Last shall be first and Middle Earth. Bloody bush should be added to the list too. P1 is so much fun.


Jun 22, 2011, 3:00 PM
Post #638 of 1159 (17169 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
Dip I'll be the first one to say High E is WAAAAY overrated. I think those that think it is the best 5.6 in the Gunks probably haven't done all the 5.6's worth doing. Here is a short list of what I consider much better 5.6's at the Gunks.

Madame G's
The Last Shall Be First
P2 of Directissima
Middle Earth

All of those climbs have better climbing on them. The Last Shall Be First might be the best overall 5.6 in the Gunks for it's climbing sequences, and the noticable lack of gear during the crux.

About the only 5.6 that High E is better than in the Gunks is Shockley's Ceiling. The only reason I like Shockley's is because it has a killer 5.3 section on it that is some of the best climbing at it's grade!

I actually did like High E better than Madame G's, but not to the point where i'd argue over which is better. I could see where Madame G's would be more appealing to some. I just feel like High E is a decent route to take relatively new climbers up, as it only has that one kinda heady move and the rest is just fun exposed climbing. Well, the rest of the last pitch anyway. Like i said i can see the appeal of some of the others.

Haven't been on any of the other 6's you listed. Tried to do Shockley's the first time i was ever there but couldn't figure out where the route went. Might check it out sometime.

Next time I go, as previously mentioned, i'm all about getting Modern Times done, and after that i'll have to figure out what else i want to get on, maybe something from your list, maybe something a little harder, who knows. The great thing for me about the Gunks is it doesnt matter if you feel like logging mileage over easy ground or if you feel like challenging yourself a little, there's plenty of routes there for either.


Jun 22, 2011, 4:34 PM
Post #639 of 1159 (17158 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I happen to like High E and Shockley's but if you're making a list of great 5.6 climbs then in addition to all the great ones mentioned I think Baby should be included. Both pitches are high quality and very different. Credibility Gap too.

And if individual pitches on harder climbs can be included then also include the third pitch of Yellow Ridge (or the second pitch of Basking Ridge from the other side is even better), the second pitch of Drunkard's and the second pitch of Bloody Mary. All outstanding and 5.6.

One of the best grades at the Gunks.


Jun 22, 2011, 4:41 PM
Post #640 of 1159 (17154 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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And Disneyland and Frog's Head.


Jun 22, 2011, 4:44 PM
Post #641 of 1159 (17152 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
DA - Sounds like a very enjoyable weekend. Good job on Ron's Climb. Good practice for the Gunks where overhangs abound! Give us an head's up when you head down.


Thanks. Will do.


Jun 22, 2011, 4:44 PM
Post #642 of 1159 (17151 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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And the two best overall 5.6 climbs in the Gunks are obviously Madame G's and Maria.


Jun 22, 2011, 5:15 PM
Post #643 of 1159 (17142 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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sethg wrote:
I happen to like High E and Shockley's but if you're making a list of great 5.6 climbs then in addition to all the great ones mentioned I think Baby should be included. Both pitches are high quality and very different. Credibility Gap too.

And if individual pitches on harder climbs can be included then also include the third pitch of Yellow Ridge (or the second pitch of Basking Ridge from the other side is even better), the second pitch of Drunkard's and the second pitch of Bloody Mary. All outstanding and 5.6.

One of the best grades at the Gunks.

Baby... i am probably the worlds worst off-width climber. The first time i was ever at the Gunks i strolled up to that thing thinkin i was all tough and 5.6 would be a walk in the park. Silly me, learned a lesson that day.


Jun 23, 2011, 6:55 PM
Post #644 of 1159 (17107 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dip - good choice about MT, but you'll get there at some point. If we happen to be at the 'Gunks at the same time this summer then I'll take a ride on it with you. I led it last year, so I don't mind giving up the lead this year.

Jake - bummer about the rain. If it clears up for Friday then we may make it there, but I don't think that will happen.

Bill - Damn, that's too bad. I was really looking forward to seeing you there.

Thread - felt good climbing at Cathedral and Cannon the past couple of days. Cannon was going great...and then there's the write-up I hope to do in the next couple of weeks. Shocked


Jun 24, 2011, 8:20 PM
Post #645 of 1159 (17065 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Rained out on Thursday Frown, although i did tear it up in the gym.

Hoping to get out a few days next week, then North Conway over the 4th weekend.

I got big goals up there this year, but Tiff hasn't been climbing very much because of school, so I probably won't push it too much. It IS our delayed anniversary weekend, after all.

As far as Gunks on the weekend, there is tons of good climbs that are not done very much. If you climb harder or are willing to walk further, you can avoid the crowds.



Jun 28, 2011, 3:01 PM
Post #646 of 1159 (16992 views)

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Alright, finally an update from me.

Made it to North Conway and Cannon with N/A and a couple of other lurkers here on the knob. Shit happens.
Hangs Head.

Running over Kittens at Cannon


Jun 28, 2011, 5:04 PM
Post #647 of 1159 (16985 views)

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This weekend was alright. I gave my friend an intro to aid climbing for a couple days, then set about to practice my solo technique on Invisible Airways at Looking Glass. The route "stays dry" because it's under a roof, but the storm of the century came up from the other side, pelted me with hail, and turned the route into a waterfall. Fortunately, I made the call to bail once the thunder got close, and I was off the wall before the badness happened. I definitely have some hail-sized bruises. It was a good time, though, because I met another group that was in the area as we took shelter under a roof.


Jun 28, 2011, 5:10 PM
Post #648 of 1159 (16984 views)

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Re: [TarHeelEMT] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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^^ been there done that...ouch!


Jul 1, 2011, 7:43 PM
Post #649 of 1159 (16913 views)

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Not really a weekend report, but two days in the Gunks. Let me first say that weekday climbing in the Gunks is Awesome. We did not see anyone while climbing on Wednesday at the Trapps. The only people we saw were on the carriage road and a couple parties at the base of High E as we passed by. There was absolutely NO ONE at the nears yesterday.

Max and I got in 8 pitches each day. Wednesday we did CCK direct, Erect Direction, Keep on Strutting, Bonnie's Roof direct, and Ants Line. Thursday we did Broken Sling, Elder Cleavage, and Roseland (did anyone else know that it has 3 pitches?).

It was a very good "weekend." I love being a teacher in summer :)



Jul 3, 2011, 3:44 AM
Post #650 of 1159 (16872 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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well it's one weekend late but i suppose i can share what i did with Angry

Lead: erect direction p1, Son of EasyO, bloody mary p1/morning after p2, Hans Puss p1, Gelsa P1, part of Oblique Twique (used my big gear early and didn't have it for the crux...bailed and let john do it)

Follow: Laurel, Erect direction A0 p2/3(Ridiculissima is not a good warm up for this.. arms were toast) , Ridiculissima(such a good route.. so pumpy but good), Jean, Lisa, The Spring, Harvest moon(flail/A0), Madamn G's, feast of fools P1, part of The Summer

Also climbed some of those with Aric and Travelguy.. good times had by all.

It was pretty kick ass following John on the hard routes.. watching a guy who's trad grade is practically the same as sport grade at an even higher level than what we were doing is pretty fun. I mean the guy did Madamn G's in 1 pitch with 6 pieces of pro.


Jul 4, 2011, 12:22 PM
Post #651 of 1159 (19388 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Jake very envious, what a great weekend! Josh you certainly had a "star-studded" two days!

Tarheel --- Sounds like the perfect aid outing, getting some excitement, other than the occasional terrifying moment when things creak, flex and shift when you weight them, to relieve the drudgery. I have to stop being so lazy and start getting the aiders out on the "less than perfect" weather days.

Bouldered at Crow Hill on Saturday working on crimps and overhangs rather than the usual jamming and open hand stuff. Full time job, yeah I know, we all make choices in life!; really impacting conditioning. Definitely need to get my butt out of work for at least one weekday climbing/bouldering session.

Got rained on yesterday morning at the CTCNBN for about an hour. Hung in under the overhanging stuff bouldering at bit. The rain cleared out and we got rewarded by getting a full day in, albeit in pretty much 100% humidity.

Weather forecast permitting, Gunks next weekend.


Jul 18, 2011, 12:29 AM
Post #652 of 1159 (19311 views)

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Three new routes [In reply to]
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Yesterday a couple friends and I put up three new routes.

My parents have a cottage on a lake about 70km (45miles) north of Ottawa, and I've been going up to the cottage all my life. The back side of the lake is a pretty steep hill with a bunch of cliffs on it. I've hiked up it a lot of times, including doing some scrambling that I maybe should have been roped up for -- but I was a kid and didn't know better.

So, for the last few years now that I've been climbing, and in the last couple, leading on gear, I've been looking at that rock with different eyes. I've been thinking about lines and routes and stuff like that. So, I posted that picture where a couple of my climbing friends could see it, and of course, they bit. Hard. And we made plans for Saturday.

There's some lower rock, just visible through the trees, right near the center of the image. I figured to aim for the base of that, maybe do a pitch up that, some 4th to easy 5th class above it through the trees, then scale the upper face above. Or traverse left to the larger face to the left and scale a route or two up that.

So, we get up early, drive up to the cottage, and load our gear into a couple canoes to paddle accross the lake. It's about a 10-15 minute paddle accross at that point -- so really quite easy. Then, hike upwards towards the lower face.

We get to the lower face, and find it is actually quite a bit taller than we had expected. So much of the face is completely hidden by the trees -- the lower face ends up being about 25m (80') tall. We wander back and forth along the base, looking at various possible lines, looking for protection possibilities, and climbing that won't be too hard. Eventually I pick a line that wanders up a slightly vegetated section with some obvious placements to a small roof with an obvious crack in it, and aiming for one of a couple dihedrals farther up that look hopeful.

I climb, occasionally stopping to wire-brush moss and lichen off bits of climb, and make good progress. At one point, I've got the rope stuck in a crack causing massing rope drag, so I lower back down, clear a couple lower pieces and clear the path for the rope. (We had a 2nd rope, I probably should have been leading on both for just that reason.) Then head back up to my highest point, a slung juncture on a big tree growing up the cliff. And get stopped just above there. Back down, try another route, back down from that, try again the way I was. Eventually commit to climbing up the dihedral with not as much pro as I would like, come out, find another piece, then finish in the trees above the face. I setup an anchor on a couple solid looking trees and lower off.

We decide to climb this route, another one adjacent to it (first one probably around 5.6, 2nd maybe 5.7) and then a slab a little bit farther right along this wall. We setup a top-rope for the slab, both my friends flail on it, but I climb it clean. They figure it's at least a 5.10a -- maybe, though I figure as it gets more cleaned, a few more holds will probably appear and it will drop to about 5.9(+).

The rock is lovely old weathered granite, generally pretty solid -- though we did throw down a few decent chunks of rock. Some on purpose, a couple unexpectedly. (One fragment embedded itself in a tree. That's kind of scary if you think about it hitting flesh.) It is, of course, covered in moss and lichen -- but underneath is generally lovely texture, with some surprising pockets and features.

We ended the day with a swim in the lake. Not the bottom-to-top climb I had a thought, but a wonderful day on unclimbed before us rock.


Jul 18, 2011, 2:22 AM
Post #653 of 1159 (19302 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Three new routes [In reply to]
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Sounds like you found yourself a little rock climbing paradise. Are you going to name the climbs, document them and develop the area?


Jul 18, 2011, 2:51 AM
Post #654 of 1159 (19299 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Three new routes [In reply to]
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Spent the week in the 'Gunks with an old friend from Germany. We stayed on easy stuff and climbed only in the morning and evening due to the unbearable heat in the middle of the day. Hit some classics that I hadn't been on and managed to get a hike from Slime to the top of Skytop and back. That hike was pretty amazing. We hit skytop at sunset, got to walk back under a full moon, and the fire flies were so numerous that we felt as if we had each been hit over the head and were seeing stars.

thanks to Happie, too, for saving our dinner when our fuel ran out. two minutes into a 25-min dish and we were dry. she stepped in and saved it with her stove, so thanks!

swimming at split rock was also good. not much else to say except that it was a very enjoyable few days in the 'Gunks.

(oh except for the newbies at camp slime who showed up after quiet hours, talked loudly, actually took a freakin' SHOWER!!! with one of those platapus things (that's gotta be a first at that campsite), then got high (the coughing wasn't subtle), and then proceeded to have fairly unquiet sex. When they were done, my partner and I about 130am, and no, I wasn't kind in the morning when I got up).


Jul 18, 2011, 3:05 AM
Post #655 of 1159 (19295 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Three new routes [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Sounds like you found yourself a little rock climbing paradise. Are you going to name the climbs, document them and develop the area?

Yes. I named the first and third, and one of my friends (first to climb it) named the 2nd.

Dave, Dave, Dave of the Jungle. (5.6?, 25m)
Randy Moss (5.7?, 25m)
Slab o' Doom (5.10a?, 25m)

Probably going to put a bolted anchor in for the slab section, since it doesn't have good trees at the top. Maybe 3 or 4 bolts on the section where it doesn't take gear.

Also, planning to tag a trail in to (at least) the lower cliff, possibly some of the others.

I'm probably going to document them on (Sh! Should I be mentioning that on


Jul 18, 2011, 5:24 PM
Post #656 of 1159 (19273 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Three new routes [In reply to]
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Went to a late bbq dinner on Friday night & then hiked in to the bluff's around 11:30 under the full moon, there was a party on the Fortress climbing Plumbline & sagging bumline. We hiked past them to Blipvert Tower. we did 2 pitch's up easy 5.9-5.8 climbs, then rapped 30 meters into a cave & climbed the 5.9?? climb back out.. all in all it was a good evening. got home around 4:20 just in time for a night cap ;)


Jul 18, 2011, 8:31 PM
Post #657 of 1159 (19255 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Three new routes [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
(oh except for the newbies at camp slime who showed up after quiet hours, talked loudly, actually took a freakin' SHOWER!!! with one of those platapus things (that's gotta be a first at that campsite), then got high (the coughing wasn't subtle), and then proceeded to have fairly unquiet sex. When they were done, my partner and I about 130am, and no, I wasn't kind in the morning when I got up).

That sounds pretty awesome, toking up, having sex, getting a standing ovation...

Oh wait, you're saying that happened to someone else, not you, Greg?

Sorry you weren't invited to join in.


Jul 18, 2011, 9:25 PM
Post #658 of 1159 (19246 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Three new routes [In reply to]
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Looks like ( and probably is) Adirondack rock, aka Canadian shield anorthosite.

I'm jealous. That said, if I was you, I'd do the routes, but keep it private. There are lots of developed places, but precious few places with truly unclimbed rock so close to the road.

Congrats, in all sincerity. The big section off to the left looks sweet.

(This post was edited by onceahardman on Jul 18, 2011, 9:26 PM)


Jul 18, 2011, 10:05 PM
Post #659 of 1159 (19240 views)

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Re: [onceahardman] Three new routes [In reply to]
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onceahardman wrote:
Looks like ( and probably is) Adirondack rock, aka Canadian shield anorthosite.

I'm jealous. That said, if I was you, I'd do the routes, but keep it private. There are lots of developed places, but precious few places with truly unclimbed rock so close to the road.

Congrats, in all sincerity. The big section off to the left looks sweet.

It is Canadian shield, yes. But Canadian shield in Canada -- not in the Adirondacks.

The needing a boat for the approach will reduce the access.

And, yeah, the big section to the left does look really sweet. We hadn't really realized how nice it might be until we found how much of the little stuff was covered by trees.


Jul 19, 2011, 12:57 PM
Post #660 of 1159 (19221 views)

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Re: [sethg] Three new routes [In reply to]
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sethg wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
(oh except for the newbies at camp slime who showed up after quiet hours, talked loudly, actually took a freakin' SHOWER!!! with one of those platapus things (that's gotta be a first at that campsite), then got high (the coughing wasn't subtle), and then proceeded to have fairly unquiet sex. When they were done, my partner and I about 130am, and no, I wasn't kind in the morning when I got up).

That sounds pretty awesome, toking up, having sex, getting a standing ovation...

Oh wait, you're saying that happened to someone else, not you, Greg?

Sorry you weren't invited to join in.

Ha ha! No, I would not have wanted to join in. I've never smoked so I'm not interested in that, and the only joining in of the other stuff I'd be interested in was if he decided to take a long walk somewhere alone.


Jul 21, 2011, 3:09 PM
Post #661 of 1159 (19183 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Three new routes [In reply to]
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Gunks again this past Tuesday. Great day despite some fairly opressive heat. No one around, love the Gunks midweek. Led Son of Easy O, Followed Three Pines, led The Dangler, which i thought was pretty goddamn awesome, and led Strictly From Nowhere, which we were going to link into Shockley's ceiling but decided we'd rather go get beer.

I learned i need to get much better with my rope management/belay set up. I waste a lot of time in those two areas. The belay setup i'm okay with taking a little extra time to do, but the clusterfuck i always seem to create with the rope and the time that wastes drives me flippin crazy. I'm pretty sure it's an easy fix too, i just haven't really got around to researching and applying that fix yet. Never have been what you would call "organized."

Super fun day. Headin back again in three weeks for my last visit of the summer. Two days this time, which will be good because i have a few goals i need to finish up. Cannot wait.


Jul 21, 2011, 3:18 PM
Post #662 of 1159 (19181 views)

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Re: [Dip] Three new routes [In reply to]
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Rope management just takes a bit of practice and thought. Once you get it figured out then you'll only have a clusterfuck 50% of the time. Laugh

If you're looking to head back mid-week earlier than that and need a partner, then let me know. I'm free mid-week until the week of the 23rd.


Jul 21, 2011, 3:30 PM
Post #663 of 1159 (19178 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Three new routes [In reply to]
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As much as i'd love to take you up on that i think i'd need to find a new wife when i got home. When i told her i'm going back up for two days in August we'll just say she was less than enthused...


Jul 21, 2011, 3:39 PM
Post #664 of 1159 (19174 views)

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Re: [Dip] Three new routes [In reply to]
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heh - been there done that and have sympathy


Jul 21, 2011, 8:47 PM
Post #665 of 1159 (19148 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Three new routes [In reply to]
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You guys are out of your f***ing minds climbing in the Gunks right now. Just the thought of it sets my stomach retching with hot sickly bile. oh I can't wait until late October when the crowds thin out, and the temps become bearable enough to think about climbing again. Until can have the chiggers and the heat!

I've realized that my threshold for rock maxes out at about 60 when it is sunny out....and maybe 70 if it is cloudy. Prime conditions are 35 and sunny.


Jul 21, 2011, 11:18 PM
Post #666 of 1159 (19140 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Three new routes [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
You guys are out of your f***ing minds climbing in the Gunks right now. Just the thought of it sets my stomach retching with hot sickly bile. oh I can't wait until late October when the crowds thin out, and the temps become bearable enough to think about climbing again. Until can have the chiggers and the heat!

I've realized that my threshold for rock maxes out at about 60 when it is sunny out....and maybe 70 if it is cloudy. Prime conditions are 35 and sunny.

Oh i hear ya buddy, it's hot, damn near unbearable, but if i wanna climb at the gunks at all it's gotta be now. Spending a week in New Hampshire in October. That should be just about perfect.


Jul 21, 2011, 11:35 PM
Post #667 of 1159 (19133 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Three new routes [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
You guys are out of your f***ing minds climbing in the Gunks right now. Prime conditions are 35 and sunny.

Yes, we did enjoy your video of Erect Direction!


Jul 21, 2011, 11:42 PM
Post #668 of 1159 (19131 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Three new routes [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
You guys are out of your f***ing minds climbing in the Gunks right now. Just the thought of it sets my stomach retching with hot sickly bile. oh I can't wait until late October when the crowds thin out, and the temps become bearable enough to think about climbing again. Until can have the chiggers and the heat!

I've realized that my threshold for rock maxes out at about 60 when it is sunny out....and maybe 70 if it is cloudy. Prime conditions are 35 and sunny.

Climb morning and night, leave the afternoon for split rock.


Jul 22, 2011, 1:05 AM
Post #669 of 1159 (19123 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Just did S face of Washington Column. Aside from an epic case of "really gotta take a shit" over the last four pitches, it went quite well.


Jul 22, 2011, 2:43 AM
Post #670 of 1159 (19115 views)

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Re: [TarHeelEMT] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gail you just sent a chill up my back when you reminded me of that! :) Thank you!


Aug 2, 2011, 5:11 PM
Post #671 of 1159 (18956 views)

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How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Last weekend K8, Jonathan, Celine and I decided to go climbing in the Adirondacks. There is a lot of beautiful climbing in the Keene Valley area. Our plans were to head out early Saturday morning, get down there around mid-day, set up camp at the Alpine Club of Canada camp site at Keene farm, then have a relaxing day afternoon of climbing Saturday. Sunday we would climb Gothic Arch, a 6-pitch, 800' 5.6 slab climb up the south face of The Gothics. Then Monday, we'd break camp, and climb something close to the road with an easy approach and drive home.

Saturday went just as planned -- up early, meet up and load up at Jonathan's and on the road by about 7:15am. Pleasant drive down, amusement at the border guarders (K8 has a "golden ticket" -- that is, a US passsport.) Find the camp site, setup, drive back to the pull out and hike in to the beer walls. We lost the trail and did a bit of bushwhacking -- but not a problem. We even ran into another crowd of Ottawa folks (Glauco, Bertrand, Craig and a 4th who I didn't previously know and whose name I have forgotten.) Then a pleasant dinner, a beer (for the other 3) and to bed.

Sunday was The Gothics. It is a 4800' peak, and the climb on the south face we were doing (Gothic Arch) was a 6-pitch 800' climb, no pitch harder than 5.6. The guide book listed the approach as "3.5 hours, difficult". Jonathan figured they'd given a conservative estimate -- and that it might only be 3 hours in; I was less optimistic and thought probably 4-4.5 hours. So we got up a little after 7am, made breakfast, packed lunch, chose gear, packed up, etc and were on the road by about 9:45am, found the parking and started hiking by about 10:30am. I figured 4.5 hours in, climbing by 3pm, 5-6 hours climbing the cliff, and we might be hiking out in the dark -- but along a trail with headlamps, not too bad. The hike in goes about 3.5 miles up (continually up, though not steeply, a gain of about 800') a road, then leaves the road and becomes a trail. The trail starts at Lower Ausable Lake (about 2000') and climbs up over Pyramid Peak (4500') and then down into a col. We bushwhacked down a ravine (about 200' vertical), including some 4th class bits (that we rappelled down), then found the base of our climb. That was about 4:30pm. So, it took us about 6 hours to do the 3.5 hour hike in.

At this point, up the cliff really is our way out -- we're in an interior valley, and civilization is back over the ridge and down. So, I start leading up the climb -- and it is gorgeous climbing. A bit run-out in places, but beautiful rock, interesting moves, and just good climbing. I'm about 4 pitches up, and have done about 650' of climbing and the sun has gone down at the start of the 4th pitch and it is starting to get noticeably dark by the end of the 4th pitch, and the other pair is about a pitch behind me. So, we start talking about how to bail. The last 2 pitches are shorter than the others -- only about 150' total, but they're a lot steeper. I consider climbing them, and leaving a top-rope for the others, but as soon as I actually take a look at them, I decide no way do I want to try and climb (and route find) up that section in the dark. So... we can traverse to the side of the cliff, where there are trees, and maybe scramble up that. I lead that traverse (maybe 80') in the fading then dark -- placing gear as much by feel as site. (Celine, my 2nd, forgot to pack her headlamp, and she wanted the headlamp for cleaning.) That was one of the most... interesting leads I have ever done! Once I'm across, K8 and Jonathan have caught up to Celine at the last belay -- though K8 took a lead fall on no gear on the way up; luckily on quite non-steep rock, and she managed to catch herself with a fist-jam under an overlap she was falling beside.

I bring Celine, then K8 across the traverse, them just unclipping, then reclipping the gear, so the next person can just follow easily. Jonathan comes last, cleaning the gear. In the middle of cleaning one of my pieces, he knocks his headlamp off. We watch it skitter down the face a 100' or so. He ends up leaving that piece behind, and finishes the traverse.

So, we're all sitting in some trees, on steep terrain, probably about 200' of bushwhacking through dense, steep, brush from the trail. It is about 10pm, full dark, and we have 2 headlamps for the 4 of us. We're dress for hiking and climbing on a sunny hot mid-summer day. I was wearing the most clothing, with a very light long-sleeved shirt and pants. (I like those for protection from the sun, scrapes on the rock, and from branches when bushwhacking.) Everyone else was in longish shorts and tank tops. We had no food by this point, little water, and no preparation for spending the night. But, the idea of bushwhacking up this very steep terrain, possibly with sections of open rock, with enough light was even worse. So, we decided to bivouac (bivy) for the night.

We found the largest open space we could, tied in to the trees and started huddling together. After a bit, and getting colder, especially as the wind blew, Jonathan figured that covering us with cut pine boughs would help. So, he cut a bunch of them, and threw them over us. This did help, but of course the terrain was steep enough that every time we shifted they would slide off us and often out of reach, so the layer slowly diminished over the night. And the ground was both steep and uneven, so there was no such thing as a comfortable position. We huddle closer and closer as the night wore on, shivering more when the wind blew, as it did more and more towards the end of the night. About the most reassuring thing was that every time we looked up, we could still clearly see stars in the night sky. (This meant it wouldn't cloud over and rain on us.)

It finally got light, so we started packing up -- coiling rope, collecting gear, etc. Then we had to get out. The only food we had left was a large chocolate bar, which we split before heading out. I led the way most of the way through the bushwhack, pushing through generally dense scrub, and accross a couple bits of slab, until we found the trail. We were almost at Gothics peak (our original goal) so all of us but Celine dumped our packs, and did finish the summit. Then we had to hike back out -- down into the col, up to Pyramid peak, then all the way back down again. We were exhausted, both from lack of sleep and lack of food. So, we moved slowly and carefully the whole way. Jonathan had a pumped water-filter with him, so we were able to replenish water a couple times along the way, else it would have been far worse. We finally made it back to the car around 1pm.

We grabbed some food in the car, slowly carefully only eating a bit at a time so as to not make ourselves sick, then went to a restaurant for a meal. Back to the camp site, a quick nap (about 45 minutes), then tear down, pack up, and head back to Canada. I was finally home by about 9pm and after a quick shower, fell into bed exhausted.

(This post was edited by dagibbs on Aug 2, 2011, 5:11 PM)


Aug 2, 2011, 5:34 PM
Post #672 of 1159 (18946 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Glad you guys got out OK. That's a helluvan adventure for sure.

Don't worry about getting lost on the way to Beer Walls. I hear most people do the first time.

Still, hopefully this doesn't deter you from going back. It's great up there for sure (or down there for you).


Aug 2, 2011, 6:05 PM
Post #673 of 1159 (18938 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Wow, that is quite a story!

Congrats on making what sound like good decisions as darkness fell.

It is an adventure you'll always remember though!

Can you tell us: was the routefinding easy on the climb? It sounds really worthwhile.

(This post was edited by sethg on Aug 2, 2011, 6:10 PM)


Aug 2, 2011, 6:20 PM
Post #674 of 1159 (18927 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:

Glad you guys got out OK. That's a helluvan adventure for sure.

Don't worry about getting lost on the way to Beer Walls. I hear most people do the first time.

Still, hopefully this doesn't deter you from going back. It's great up there for sure (or down there for you).

We'll be back to the 'Dacks, defnitely. We were talking about doing another long weekend there this year -- though not on the Gothics. We do want to get back to and complete the climb, too, but we were talking next year for that. And, next time, though, I think we'll figure on a day to hike in and do a PLANNED bivouac/camp somewhere nearby, then climb and hike out the following day.


Aug 2, 2011, 6:26 PM
Post #675 of 1159 (18924 views)

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Re: [sethg] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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sethg wrote:
Can you tell us: was the routefinding easy on the climb? It sounds really worthwhile.

Mostly the route-finding is not too bad. Also, in a lot of places the exact line really isn't greatly important -- you can wander a fair bit, and the climbing is all pretty good. You just have to look for where there might be pro, and wander towards it.

Where I did find a bit of a problem is that at the end of the 3rd pitch, the description says to find a tree belay on the left side of a tree peninsula, and I had to go about 30' up the peninsula before I spotted a tree bigger than a shrub -- in other words, big enough I would belay on it. Then, the route continues up the right-side of the tree peninsula, with a "step right" as the start. So, the 4th pitch I did wasn't actually on the route - but things looked like they would go fine up the other side of the trees, too. Also, some of the pitches were really quite long -- labelled as 200' and 210'. Both groups were climbing on (nominally) 70m ropes, and I never ran out rope before finding an appropriate belay (about where they seemed to mean the belays) but the other group did a couple times. So, either they wandered more, or his 70m rope was shorter than my 70m rope -- hard to tell.


Aug 2, 2011, 8:43 PM
Post #676 of 1159 (13787 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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sounds like you had an adventure.

I am totally too old for an "adventure" like that. I like to get back into my own little bed after a hard day of climbing. Sleeping under pine boughs sounds a little rough to me.

Did you think about NOT climbing when you got to the base at 430?


Aug 3, 2011, 3:10 AM
Post #677 of 1159 (13771 views)

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Re: [gblauer] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
sounds like you had an adventure.

I am totally too old for an "adventure" like that. I like to get back into my own little bed after a hard day of climbing. Sleeping under pine boughs sounds a little rough to me.

Did you think about NOT climbing when you got to the base at 430?

I'm 43 -- I'm too old for an adventure like that, too.

And, yes, we did think about not climbing. But, the problem is, out was up. We might have been faster to try and bushwhack back up the (really ugly) descent gully. But that would have meant climbing steep, wet, moss-covered rock instead. There was, also, a 2nd route that we might have considered -- but it ended at the same place with the same final two pitches. Maybe climbing in parallel would have been a better idea.

What we probably should have done is aborted when reached the top of Pyramid peak and realized how late it was then.


Aug 3, 2011, 6:23 PM
Post #678 of 1159 (13751 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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almost an epic I'd say... If I'm doing anything with more than an hour-2hr approach I typically go for an alpine start 4-5am. The reason: its easy to hike in with light getting better & better, & not so easy to hike out with light getting worse & worse.


Aug 3, 2011, 9:58 PM
Post #679 of 1159 (13732 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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DA -- Enjoyed the new route post and most particularly the epic post. Gud'on ya! You had an adventure and everyone got home safe

TarHeel, dare I ask for more details?!?!? Actually would be interested hearing more about it. The climbing that is.

DIP - Wife - Climbing? Sometimes you just have to make choices in life!

Despite three days on Cannon recently, no epics. Headed up to North Conway this weekend to get challenged on some hard, at least for me 5.9, crack climbs. May have an epic or two to relate when I get back.

Gail made a quick, last minute trip to Gunks Sunday so I didn't call. Saw the truck in the PL as we were pulling out at 6:30 PM. Guess you guys waited until things cooled off a bit.

Did Dog-Stick-Ridge and found it to be a pretty hard 5.8, but fun and challenging. Have you done it? Had to hang out smearing on pretty slick and steep terrain hanging on to a finger crack fiddling gear in. This was after making the very committing crux move. The consequences of peeling were not great, which gave me great motivation to hang in and get the gear in. Breathed more easily when I did but still had 10 more feet of the finger crack to get up before it eased up but that was protected by an easily slotted bomber nut half way up the corner.


Aug 4, 2011, 7:38 PM
Post #680 of 1159 (13689 views)

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Re: [losbill] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Bill, It was my birthday on Sunday so we stayed up at the gunks for an extra day and had the option of starting later than usual. Have never done dog stick ridge combo. With your description, I think I will follow you!

We have been gunking every weekend. It always feels like one step forward (I lead Raubenheimers, a climb I said I could never lead) and 2 steps backward (I still haven't lead Apoplexy) for me. I am frustrated and disappointed in myself.

I am headed to squamish right now and am excited to get out of the gunks heat for a few days. From squamish to vegas (no climbing) to DC to home to the Gunks next Friday. I am contemplating doing a nude ascent of Shockleys on Saturday or Sunday prime time. Wanted to do it on my bday weekend (bday climbing in my bday suit) but I just wasn't feelin' it.


Aug 5, 2011, 12:49 AM
Post #681 of 1159 (13668 views)

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Re: [gblauer] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Bill, It was my birthday on Sunday so we stayed up at the gunks for an extra day and had the option of starting later than usual. Have never done dog stick ridge combo. With your description, I think I will follow you!

We have been gunking every weekend. It always feels like one step forward (I lead Raubenheimers, a climb I said I could never lead) and 2 steps backward (I still haven't lead Apoplexy) for me. I am frustrated and disappointed in myself.

I am headed to squamish right now and am excited to get out of the gunks heat for a few days. From squamish to vegas (no climbing) to DC to home to the Gunks next Friday. I am contemplating doing a nude ascent of Shockleys on Saturday or Sunday prime time. Wanted to do it on my bday weekend (bday climbing in my bday suit) but I just wasn't feelin' it.

I think the only way to do shockley's is prime time. I've been wanting to do it but haven't found the right partners. This doing Shockley's at night thing is a bad idea. One either does it or doesn't.


Aug 5, 2011, 2:04 AM
Post #682 of 1159 (13658 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Bill, It was my birthday on Sunday so we stayed up at the gunks for an extra day and had the option of starting later than usual. Have never done dog stick ridge combo. With your description, I think I will follow you!

We have been gunking every weekend. It always feels like one step forward (I lead Raubenheimers, a climb I said I could never lead) and 2 steps backward (I still haven't lead Apoplexy) for me. I am frustrated and disappointed in myself.

I am headed to squamish right now and am excited to get out of the gunks heat for a few days. From squamish to vegas (no climbing) to DC to home to the Gunks next Friday. I am contemplating doing a nude ascent of Shockleys on Saturday or Sunday prime time. Wanted to do it on my bday weekend (bday climbing in my bday suit) but I just wasn't feelin' it.

I think the only way to do shockley's is prime time. I've been wanting to do it but haven't found the right partners. This doing Shockley's at night thing is a bad idea. One either does it or doesn't.

There are no right partners.. no one needs to see that..


Aug 5, 2011, 2:07 AM
Post #683 of 1159 (13657 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Bill, It was my birthday on Sunday so we stayed up at the gunks for an extra day and had the option of starting later than usual. Have never done dog stick ridge combo. With your description, I think I will follow you!

We have been gunking every weekend. It always feels like one step forward (I lead Raubenheimers, a climb I said I could never lead) and 2 steps backward (I still haven't lead Apoplexy) for me. I am frustrated and disappointed in myself.

I am headed to squamish right now and am excited to get out of the gunks heat for a few days. From squamish to vegas (no climbing) to DC to home to the Gunks next Friday. I am contemplating doing a nude ascent of Shockleys on Saturday or Sunday prime time. Wanted to do it on my bday weekend (bday climbing in my bday suit) but I just wasn't feelin' it.

I think the only way to do shockley's is prime time. I've been wanting to do it but haven't found the right partners. This doing Shockley's at night thing is a bad idea. One either does it or doesn't.

There are no right partners.. no one needs to see that..

and yet, someday, it'll be done regardless.


Aug 5, 2011, 9:46 AM
Post #684 of 1159 (13643 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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I always like your blogs Gmburns.

I am aiming to climb the Peak district either this weekend or the next (North Burbage is taking my fancy as it's crack climbs there), with the toddler in tow. First time I am managing to get out for a while, and craving it.

So may well add to your blog once that happens. For now I'll take a read.


Aug 5, 2011, 12:06 PM
Post #685 of 1159 (13638 views)

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Re: [rockie] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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rockie wrote:
I always like your blogs Gmburns.

I am aiming to climb the Peak district either this weekend or the next (North Burbage is taking my fancy as it's crack climbs there), with the toddler in tow. First time I am managing to get out for a while, and craving it.

So may well add to your blog once that happens. For now I'll take a read.

thanks rockie. glad to see that you're getting out with the kiddo, too.


Aug 5, 2011, 11:33 PM
Post #686 of 1159 (13614 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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For sure.. and he's going to love it too, he's a natural already shockingly at almost age 2 Smile

Aiming for next weekend to climb at Millstone, or Froggatt at the Peaks as recommended to me, we shall see as long as I can get 3 of us. Can always do a bit of tame bouldering if all else fails.

Peaks is going to be my no.1 popular destination now as it's nearest to me, 3 hrs drive away. For some reason I've no desire for gyms anymore (except winter months when wet and cold of course).


Aug 6, 2011, 1:09 AM
Post #687 of 1159 (13604 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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You don't have to look, but you might as well soak up the experience. Crowded weekends are the best. Even better when you swap stories with two members of the infamous ascent immediately after you climb it.

Good times, good times:


Aug 6, 2011, 1:25 AM
Post #688 of 1159 (13597 views)

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Re: [core] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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core wrote:
You don't have to look, but you might as well soak up the experience. Crowded weekends are the best. Even better when you swap stories with two members of the infamous ascent immediately after you climb it.

Good times, good times:

I know this ascent was a sort of last-second decision, but did you know they were up top when you did it?


Aug 6, 2011, 3:51 AM
Post #689 of 1159 (13578 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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In Squamish for the weekend. We climbed at Smoke Bluffs (Burger and Fries, Neat and Cool) today. It was crazy crowded; top ropes, babies, toddlers, strollers, nursing mothers everywhere. I really didn't enjoy the crowds at all. I did enjoy the climbing. I am learning to crack climb and when it's right, it feels really right. Most of the time I get my feet stuck or I feel really insecure. I did learn that I am not as bad as I think I am on slab. We did a few 10+ slab climbs and they were fun. I thought it would kill my feet, but, they are feeling ok this evening.

We are doing a long multi pitch tomorrow, hopefully far away from the maddening crowds.


Aug 6, 2011, 3:57 AM
Post #690 of 1159 (13572 views)

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Re: [gblauer] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
In Squamish for the weekend. We climbed at Smoke Bluffs (Burger and Fries, Neat and Cool) today. It was crazy crowded; top ropes, babies, toddlers, strollers, nursing mothers everywhere. I really didn't enjoy the crowds at all. I did enjoy the climbing. I am learning to crack climb and when it's right, it feels really right. Most of the time I get my feet stuck or I feel really insecure. I did learn that I am not as bad as I think I am on slab. We did a few 10+ slab climbs and they were fun. I thought it would kill my feet, but, they are feeling ok this evening.

We are doing a long multi pitch tomorrow, hopefully far away from the maddening crowds.

who are you climbing with?


Aug 6, 2011, 3:58 AM
Post #691 of 1159 (13568 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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I am here with Manny (sonso45)


Aug 6, 2011, 4:01 AM
Post #692 of 1159 (13565 views)

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Re: [gblauer] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
I am here with Manny (sonso45)

sweet. send pics.


Aug 6, 2011, 3:10 PM
Post #693 of 1159 (13551 views)

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Re: [gblauer] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Bill, It was my birthday on Sunday so we stayed up at the gunks for an extra day and had the option of starting later than usual. Have never done dog stick ridge combo. With your description, I think I will follow you!

We have been gunking every weekend. It always feels like one step forward (I lead Raubenheimers, a climb I said I could never lead) and 2 steps backward (I still haven't lead Apoplexy) for me. I am frustrated and disappointed in myself.

I am headed to squamish right now and am excited to get out of the gunks heat for a few days. From squamish to vegas (no climbing) to DC to home to the Gunks next Friday. I am contemplating doing a nude ascent of Shockleys on Saturday or Sunday prime time. Wanted to do it on my bday weekend (bday climbing in my bday suit) but I just wasn't feelin' it.

Gail, I don't know why you're disappointed in yourself. FWIW I think I'd be much more afraid to climb Shockley's naked than Apoplexy clothed!


Aug 6, 2011, 10:47 PM
Post #694 of 1159 (13534 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Made it to the 'Gunks this past weekend with a few friends. It is probably my last trip there for some time. I didn't push myself, and I wasn't concerned with doing so. For one, it was hot, two, I didn't care that much, and three I was really enjoying myself watching a good friend finally feel comfortable on lead on gear. I'm proud of her and her progress. I really hope she can continue to improve.

Otherwise, it was a very enjoyable weekend other than one person exposing himself at Split Rock. We had Terrie file an incident report and hopefully he goes away. I doubt it, though.

The new post is now on the blog (it's short).


Aug 6, 2011, 11:46 PM
Post #695 of 1159 (13526 views)

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Re: [gblauer] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
In Squamish for the weekend. We climbed at Smoke Bluffs (Burger and Fries, Neat and Cool) today. It was crazy crowded; top ropes, babies, toddlers, strollers, nursing mothers everywhere. I really didn't enjoy the crowds at all. I did enjoy the climbing. I am learning to crack climb and when it's right, it feels really right. Most of the time I get my feet stuck or I feel really insecure. I did learn that I am not as bad as I think I am on slab. We did a few 10+ slab climbs and they were fun. I thought it would kill my feet, but, they are feeling ok this evening.

We are doing a long multi pitch tomorrow, hopefully far away from the maddening crowds.

Wow! It was never so bad the whole time I climbed there, in 2-3 yrs before now, sounds like it's got worse.

Editted to add, crack climbs are my ultimate fav climbs, hand, fist, arm, leg as well as foot cam and you'll do fine Smile

(This post was edited by rockie on Aug 6, 2011, 11:48 PM)


Aug 7, 2011, 4:24 AM
Post #696 of 1159 (13504 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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In reply to:
I know this ascent was a sort of last-second decision, but did you know they were up top when you did it?

No. This was a hot and humid weekend back in June 2009. Saturday was nasty. I remember warming up on Insuhlation, climbing an actively running The Spring to The Winter, and sliming off the reverse crab crawl moves of Carbs and Caffeine.

That night, the sky pissed. It was a long piss (think both hands leaning on the wall in front of the urinal) that lasted until the morning. When we woke up, much of the Trapps was either slick or running with water. We climbed Something Interesting and wrang out all the slings when we were done. I don't remember what else we had planned for the day, but I think we were subconsciously inspired when we saw Dick Williams (with the trail crew) as we walked south along the cliff looking for our next climb.

Shockley's was free. Why not?

Though my partner and I had been honing our simul-climbing skills and communication over the past couple of seasons, I have to admit I surprised when I heard: "Cory, hang on! A little slack, I'm switching to Vulgarian mode!"

I had already climbed SC in "style" on a sunny Saturday afternoon a couple years earlier, so I wasn't really thinking about Vulgarian ascents that day. Regardless, there I was reeling in rope as my good friend climbed towards me, his clothes in a pile at the base of the cliff.

Not long after he announced his intentions, I heard the trail crew's shovels drop, footsteps approach, and cat-calls ensue. When we got to the top, I amused myself by trying to convince my partner that it was walk-off descent. (We ended up rapping off, and I donated my shorts for the endeavor.)

Later that day we crossed paths with Mr. Williams and Mr. DeMaria as we hiked out of the preserve. We all laughed over conversation of reunion ascents and sagging body parts (hey, it happens to the best of us!).


Aug 7, 2011, 4:30 AM
Post #697 of 1159 (13496 views)

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Re: [core] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Very cool story, thanks for sharing that.


Aug 7, 2011, 1:55 PM
Post #698 of 1159 (13457 views)

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Re: [core] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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wow, so you've done it twice then? I thought I remember one story about how there were familiar female eyes below yelling "ah! my eyes!!!!" Or at least that's what you're wife told me.


Aug 7, 2011, 9:06 PM
Post #699 of 1159 (13443 views)

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Re: [core] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Very cool story, Cory!

I unfortunately don't have a tale as interesting (yet cliche), and naked. Our weekend warrior story is more about humidity and humility.

Tiff was away, so I had made plans to climb in the Gunks with my friend Rob. Well, the weather didnt seem to want to cooperate so we headed north to NH for only slightly better weather and more importantly, a shorter drive.

Our plan was to head to the south buttress of Whitehorse and climb The Last Unicorn and hopefully another climb such as Science Friction. After doing unicorn in 97% humidity and also wondering if thunderstorms were in the near future we decided to go find something closer to the ground. As always, The North End of Cathedral is a nice way to end the day. I have led most of the climbs there but there was one that I haven't yet attempted. I was tired but figured I had enough in the gas tank for a single pitch 5.10. Of course, this is a Henry Barber 5.10, so naturally I was prepared to do 5.11 moves. I can honestly say that Recluse at the North End has the single hardest 5.10 move I have ever done.

Saturday night, as expexted, the rains came. I think our minds were made up that if it rains, we were headed to Sundown ledge, which made it inevitable that we would soon be climbing the second hardest single pitch 5.10 in existence, Vultures. Vultures is a classic hard finger crack that was also put up by Barber. I consider myself a solid 5.10 leader, on sighting most 5.10's, regardless of style. I have been on Vultures about 5 or 6 times and have only led it clean once. Today was not that day. I put it up anyways and then we each toproped it clean. I was hoping to get on the harder climbs but just felt wiped. It was gross and sticky out and my fingers, toes and biceps were barking.

Sometimes I feel like a good climber. This weekend, I just felt slightly above average.



Aug 8, 2011, 12:21 AM
Post #700 of 1159 (13423 views)

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Re: [losbill] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Cory ditto the "very cool story" really enjoyed it.

Josh I got humbled at North Conway this weekend as well but in a somewhat less worthy and definitely more painful manner.

losbill wrote:
Despite three days on Cannon recently, no epics. Headed up to North Conway this weekend to get challenged on some hard, at least for me 5.9, crack climbs. May have an epic or two to relate when I get back.

Well under the heading of careful on what you "wish" for, here's the story

Partner slepted in so we didn't reach the start of Recompense (5.9) until 8:30 AM. Predictably there was a cast of thousands already there. Looked over and The Saigons were open. Cruised up those. Approached Pine Tree Eliminate and unbelievably a second was just leaving the ground and there was no one waiting. Nine years ago in my first year of trad climbing, following only, I followed Pine Tree Eliminate (5.8+). Made a mental note that I would like to lead it someday at that time. The few times I have been by it since it has been tied up. Jumped on it and really enjoyed it. Did have some issues getting in good gear in the steep first bit but the jams were so good it wasn't an issue.

Walked down and considered a couple of options. As Josh has noted it was humid but decided to go get Recompense done nevertheless, my partner Tom wanted to get the redpoint of the third pitch that he had been humbled on earlier in the season.

I took the Chimney pitch, cruising up without a problem until right at the end. I am at the stance at the base of the layback section 10 feet from the belay edge. Didn't find the pro I expected due to misprocessing my partner's gear beta. "No Bill, your other left side." Last gear was well beneath my feet. Bad judgement then occurred. Didn't really have my head in the game, the beers were calling and I was chatting with the couple at the belay just a few feet above. Although a bit challenging I was pretty confident about being able to move up the last bit without difficulty. Knew the #3 cam below was solid and the fall, albeit long, should be clean.

Stepped up, swung into the left-angling layback and up I went. Stopped near the top, stepped out on face with left foot on a good nub to consider my options for gaining the ledge. Two moves to go, decided to continue laybacking. While shifting back into the layback off went the feet, sending me off in a horizontal position. Took a twenty+ footer and I'm mainly intact. However caught some part of the chimney on the way down bruising my right side hip, gashing my right forearm and taking a whack on the right side of my head. Despite the helmet I got a knock on the head severe enough to result in a small egg on the top right side of my head.

The worse part was that my head hit the rock hard enough to pop out the right lens of my glasses. I am virtually blind without my them. Dinged up as I would have considered going back up and finishing it but was not going to get it done "by feel". I down climbed belayed from the #3 cam to the birch tree which I rapped off of to the belay. I did not relish the idea of seconding the pitch and the tough corner pitch above not being able to see and being a bit banged up and we decided to bail. Tom led up to the #3 and then down led back to the belay collecting the gear. Angled rapped over to an anchor on The Beast and then to the ground. Thanks to Tom for getting my gear and getting me off safely.

Morals of the story? Keep your head in the game; if you have any doubts about the consequences of a fall don't proceed without getting additional gear in; and probably most importantly, always wear the helmet. This is the first time the helmet has come into play in 8 years of leading. I don't want to think of the consequences had I not been wearing it.

Now Tom and I both have a reason to get back up there and get on Recompense again. Stay tuned.


Aug 8, 2011, 1:39 AM
Post #701 of 1159 (15241 views)

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Re: [losbill] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Cory ditto the "very cool story" really enjoyed it.

Josh I got humbled at North Conway this weekend as well but in a somewhat less worthy and definitely more painful manner.

losbill wrote:
Despite three days on Cannon recently, no epics. Headed up to North Conway this weekend to get challenged on some hard, at least for me 5.9, crack climbs. May have an epic or two to relate when I get back.

Well under the heading of careful on what you "wish" for, here's the story

Partner slepted in so we didn't reach the start of Recompense (5.9) until 8:30 AM. Predictably there was a cast of thousands already there. Looked over and The Saigons were open. Cruised up those. Approached Pine Tree Eliminate and unbelievably a second was just leaving the ground and there was no one waiting. Nine years ago in my first year of trad climbing, following only, I followed Pine Tree Eliminate (5.8+). Made a mental note that I would like to lead it someday at that time. The few times I have been by it since it has been tied up. Jumped on it and really enjoyed it. Did have some issues getting in good gear in the steep first bit but the jams were so good it wasn't an issue.

Walked down and considered a couple of options. As Josh has noted it was humid but decided to go get Recompense done nevertheless, my partner Tom wanted to get the redpoint of the third pitch that he had been humbled on earlier in the season.

I took the Chimney pitch, cruising up without a problem until right at the end. I am at the stance at the base of the layback section 10 feet from the belay edge. Didn't find the pro I expected due to misprocessing my partner's gear beta. "No Bill, your other left side." Last gear was well beneath my feet. Bad judgement then occurred. Didn't really have my head in the game, the beers were calling and I was chatting with the couple at the belay just a few feet above. Although a bit challenging I was pretty confident about being able to move up the last bit without difficulty. Knew the #3 cam below was solid and the fall, albeit long, should be clean.

Stepped up, swung into the left-angling layback and up I went. Stopped near the top, stepped out on face with left foot on a good nub to consider my options for gaining the ledge. Two moves to go, decided to continue laybacking. While shifting back into the layback off went the feet, sending me off in a horizontal position. Took a twenty+ footer and I'm mainly intact. However caught some part of the chimney on the way down bruising my right side hip, gashing my right forearm and taking a whack on the right side of my head. Despite the helmet I got a knock on the head severe enough to result in a small egg on the top right side of my head.

The worse part was that my head hit the rock hard enough to pop out the right lens of my glasses. I am virtually blind without my them. Dinged up as I would have considered going back up and finishing it but was not going to get it done "by feel". I down climbed belayed from the #3 cam to the birch tree which I rapped off of to the belay. I did not relish the idea of seconding the pitch and the tough corner pitch above not being able to see and being a bit banged up and we decided to bail. Tom led up to the #3 and then down led back to the belay collecting the gear. Angled rapped over to an anchor on The Beast and then to the ground. Thanks to Tom for getting my gear and getting me off safely.

Morals of the story? Keep your head in the game; if you have any doubts about the consequences of a fall don't proceed without getting additional gear in; and probably most importantly, always wear the helmet. This is the first time the helmet has come into play in 8 years of leading. I don't want to think of the consequences had I not been wearing it.

Now Tom and I both have a reason to get back up there and get on Recompense again. Stay tuned.

damn bill! take care of yourself eh?

I hate that pitch. I think it's the hardest pitch on the whole thing, and that includes the last pitch. I just think that pitch is a major pain in the ass.

Glad that you're OK, though. How long of a recovery? Do you have spare glasses?


Aug 8, 2011, 2:39 AM
Post #702 of 1159 (15236 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Got the spares on. Regarding recovery I'm pretty much set to go. Going to pass up on the running in the morning however. Butt's a bit sore.


Aug 8, 2011, 2:46 AM
Post #703 of 1159 (15233 views)

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Aug 8, 2011, 2:14 PM
Post #704 of 1159 (15208 views)

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Some great stories in here lately! Thanks all. Been locked in with my new twins (kids, not ropes) so I'm really enjoying the stoke you all are sharing.

I look forward to seeing some of you out there in the not so distant future.


Aug 8, 2011, 2:33 PM
Post #705 of 1159 (15206 views)

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Re: [losbill] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Yikes Bill...glad to hear that you are ok!


Aug 8, 2011, 2:56 PM
Post #706 of 1159 (15197 views)

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Re: [losbill] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Quite the fall! Glad to hear you're ok.

I'm blind like you -- I try to always bring spare glasses out climbing with me, just in case.


Aug 8, 2011, 3:01 PM
Post #707 of 1159 (15197 views)

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Re: [gblauer] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Thanks Gail. Say hey to Manny for me it you are still out there.

Wyeth congrats on the twins. Seeing you aren't climbing that much how about mailing me up "our" .3 cam? I will put it to good use until until you are ready to take it out for a "walk" on a more frequent basis.



Aug 8, 2011, 3:43 PM
Post #708 of 1159 (15191 views)

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Re: [losbill] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Thanks Gail. Say hey to Manny for me it you are still out there.

Wyeth congrats on the twins. Seeing you aren't climbing that much how about mailing me up "our" .3 cam? I will put it to good use until until you are ready to take it out for a "walk" on a more frequent basis.


I see what you did there. If the mail doesnt work I might be willing to sell my services to pick it up and deliver it, testing it along the way to ensure safety.


Aug 8, 2011, 4:09 PM
Post #709 of 1159 (15185 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
losbill wrote:
Thanks Gail. Say hey to Manny for me it you are still out there.

Wyeth congrats on the twins. Seeing you aren't climbing that much how about mailing me up "our" .3 cam? I will put it to good use until until you are ready to take it out for a "walk" on a more frequent basis.


I see what you did there. If the mail doesnt work I might be willing to sell my services to pick it up and deliver it, testing it along the way to ensure safety.

I think something could probably be arranged.

In fact, maybe I could get a day of leave and we could all climb.?. Think you all can make it down for another day in the Gunks this summer? Would love to climb with you two again and maybe meet some others in this group.

Future weekend warriors: Ryan and Austin (pic attached)

(This post was edited by boymeetsrock on Aug 8, 2011, 4:10 PM)
Attachments: Buddies - Web.JPG (119 KB)


Aug 8, 2011, 4:36 PM
Post #710 of 1159 (15177 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Great pic Wyeth, that's awesome. Congrats to you both.

I'm pretty much free to head down whenever, but I will be sans car for good starting tomorrow (tues).


Aug 8, 2011, 8:33 PM
Post #711 of 1159 (15159 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Well we'll have to figure something out. First off I'll see if the wife will let me out sometime soon. Wink


Aug 8, 2011, 8:39 PM
Post #712 of 1159 (15156 views)

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Re: [boymeetsrock] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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boymeetsrock wrote:
Well we'll have to figure something out. First off I'll see if the wife will let me out sometime soon. Wink

It would be great, but let's not fret too much. Again, I'm without a car starting tomorrow, so I'm dependent on rides, but it would be good to get more climbing in.


Aug 9, 2011, 12:21 PM
Post #713 of 1159 (15116 views)

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Re: [losbill] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Wow, Bill! Glad you are all right. Once again, I wish I had known you were there, we could have met up for a beer.

BTW, who gave my post 1 star? (read: WAH!) At least I didn't post nude climbing shots of myself. Unless that's what you people want. Sickos! Tongue



Aug 9, 2011, 12:54 PM
Post #714 of 1159 (15109 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Hey Josh, thanks. Almost walked up to the North End on Saturday afternoon but Recompense was calling. Ships in the night!

Reread my original post just now. Realized the following could be misinterpreted as I neglected to adequately protect the difficult section and just climbed through it.

In reply to:
Did have some issues getting in good gear in the steep first bit but the jams were so good it wasn't an issue

Just so it doesn't appear that I'm totally reckless, just somewhat reckless, let me provide an edit.

Did have some issues getting in good gear in the steep first bit but the jams were so good I was able to hang out and fiddle with the gear until I was comfortable with it before moving up so it wasn't an issue.


Aug 9, 2011, 2:50 PM
Post #715 of 1159 (15095 views)

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Re: [losbill] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Reread my original post just now. Realized the following could be misinterpreted as I neglected to adequately protect the difficult section and just climbed through it.

In reply to:
Did have some issues getting in good gear in the steep first bit but the jams were so good it wasn't an issue

Just so it doesn't appear that I'm totally reckless, just somewhat reckless, let me provide an edit.

Did have some issues getting in good gear in the steep first bit but the jams were so good I was able to hang out and fiddle with the gear until I was comfortable with it before moving up so it wasn't an issue.

Good thing you said that because I was seriously considering never climbing with you again. Tongue


Aug 9, 2011, 11:48 PM
Post #716 of 1159 (15076 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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I love Squamish!

More later...


Aug 10, 2011, 12:30 PM
Post #717 of 1159 (15049 views)

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Re: [gblauer] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
I love Squamish!

More later...

IF it had better year round weather, I would move there tomorrow. Hurry up with that report. I miss Squamish!

Let me know if you want any recommendations.



Aug 10, 2011, 7:54 PM
Post #718 of 1159 (15029 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
gblauer wrote:
I love Squamish!

More later...

IF it had better year round weather, I would move there tomorrow. Hurry up with that report. I miss Squamish!

Let me know if you want any recommendations.


You do know that Skaha, & Kelowna are both only 4 hours away from Squamish & have amazing weather..


Aug 10, 2011, 8:47 PM
Post #719 of 1159 (15021 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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darkgift06 wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
gblauer wrote:
I love Squamish!

More later...

IF it had better year round weather, I would move there tomorrow. Hurry up with that report. I miss Squamish!

Let me know if you want any recommendations.


You do know that Skaha, & Kelowna are both only 4 hours away from Squamish & have amazing weather..

He's bluffing.


Aug 10, 2011, 8:56 PM
Post #720 of 1159 (15018 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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What did I miss Greg? Last trip to the gunks for a few years??? What's up?


Aug 10, 2011, 9:29 PM
Post #721 of 1159 (15015 views)

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Re: [gblauer] How I spent my long weekend, or an Epic in the Adirondacks [In reply to]
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Read it!

(moving to Brasil)


Aug 14, 2011, 3:57 AM
Post #722 of 1159 (14918 views)

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Lac Sam cliffs - bottom to top [In reply to]
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So, the lake is actually called "Lac Sam", and I was out there again today, for more climbing. There were just two of us (K8 and myself) and we decided to go for a bottom-to-top climb, this time.

We hiked up to the base of the lower wall, and K8 led the first pitch, on rock we'd climb before -- the 5.6. I followed, and then headed out into the unknown. Mostly 3rd/4th class scrambling, until we come upon another band of rock that was totally obscured by the trees.

This band is only about 6-7m tall, but looks wide enough that going up is probably better than around. I lead off, get a couple pieces in low-down, but the top half ends up being completely unprotected.

At the top of this, more 3rd/4th class scrambling, including walking around another small (maybe 5m?) wall, but it can easily be circumvented (and is overhanging enough that I don't feel like trying to lead it), until we come to the base of the main band of upper rock. And, wow. That's a gorgeous looking piece of rock.

Wee ooh and ah about it for a bit, until I pick a line. Up a a fairly easy leftwards slanting slab with vegetated cracks (but little gear) towards a large right-facing wall that runs from about half-way up the cliff to the top. The climb gets steeper at this point -- but the gear gets better to. And the rock is just clean... hard clean rock, without dirt or moss or lichen... it is such a lovely change of experience from the lower faces. I top-out with a little whoop, setup an anchor and bring K8 up. We admire the view, walk around a bit, to get to the utter top of the ridge, then head back down.

After 3 rappels and a bunch of down-scrambling, we're down. A snack, pack up, canoe back, swim and dinner -- then home.

I'd say: 5.6 PG 25m, 3rd/4th class 20m, 5.3 X 7m, 3rd/4th class 50m, 5.5 PG 25m.

(This post was edited by dagibbs on Aug 14, 2011, 4:03 AM)


Aug 17, 2011, 3:27 PM
Post #723 of 1159 (14819 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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So i had what i thought would be my last visit to the Gunks for this season scheduled for this past Monday and Tuesday, but since the weather didnt cooperate i may have to sneak in a day on my way to New Hampshire in October. For this trip, rather than endure rain and hope for windows of decent weather, we went south to Seneca.

Arrived at about midnight on Sunday night, pulled into Seneca Shadows and grabbed a few hours of fitul sleep before heading up to the fin early the next morning. This was only my second time at Seneca, the first being before i was leading on gear, so i dialed it back a few notches to get used to the climbing there. Hopped on Green Wall first, which i thought was soft for 5.7 by normal standards but a super fun lead none the less. It was completely devoid of other people when we topped out so my buddy decided he was getting his picture taken on the summit sans clothing. Got a pretty good shot which i promplty sent to him and delted upon returning home, as his naked ass lingering around my computer made the act of typing feel dirty.

After descending from the summit we did West Pole, which fortunately i got to lead. If Green Wall was soft for 5.7, i thought West Pole was bagged at 7+. i did score the onsight, barely, after my foot greased off the smear to enter ther roof and i found myself dangling by one arm off the jug. I downclimbed to a good stance, gregrouped, and pulled the roof without incident. Possibly one of my favorite climbs ever, super fun. I did however have my first seneca experience with loose rock on this one, nearly pulling a large block off the wall under the roof. That sketched me out a bit and was definitely in my the back of my mind for the rest of the trip.

When we finally came down from the summit the second time (i took a long time on West Pole) my buddy mentioned that he wanted to lead Candy Corner, a route recommended by one of our friends who frequented Seneca before he got married and stopped trad climbing. I followed him on it, and was once again impressed by the moves and position of the climb. The exposure sneaks up on you on that one. Fun stuff.

After Candy Corner it was getting late and we were pretty beat up so we called it a day and hit the front porch for some pizza and beer before driving back to the campground and promptly passing out around 10:00. Funny how a day on the wall, even doing "easier" routes can kick your ass.

Tuesday i woke kinda sore (i don't do well sleeping on the ground). We were going back up for day two, but weren't so sure we wanted to do the stairmaster a second day so we started off with Ecstasy. Well, the first pitch anyway, because when we got to the belay we got a little confused about which way to go, didn't so much feel like figuring it out, and rapped to the ground. Once down we decided we wanted to hop on something that didn't require a lot of thought, and maybe not a lot of effort either.

Back up the stairmaster we lumbered, eventually deciding on Gunsight to South Peak. Since we both had to be at work today we thought it'd be cool to hit the summit one more time then head home. I led bananas and my buddy led Debbit to gain the notch, then i was fortunate enough to draw the lead on the money pitch. That's one of those climbs i think you can throw the grade right out the window, it's rad, exposed, and fun. who cares what it goes at.

We lingered on the summit for a bit one last time, then did the three rappels to the base, grabbed our stuff and were back in Harrisburg by 9:00. Had a great time, but if i had to pick between the two i'd still take the gunks any day.


Aug 21, 2011, 11:09 PM
Post #724 of 1159 (14723 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gunks=3/4 Rain

Been up here since Thursday. Went out on Thursday with Bett (recovering from broken hip, just getting back in to leading) and we were excited to climb. Bett lead Betty and we hear thunder and more thunder and more thunder. Meanwhile, I encouraged Bett to build a gear anchor (tree as back up) and she fixed my orange mastercam. NO matter what we did, we could NOT get that damn cam out of the horizontal. It didn't help that the thunder was getting louder/closer and then it started to rain. We rapped quickly, left the rope hanging so that we could go back up and clean that peice. Well, as luck would have it, the rain stopped quickly and up we went. No luck with the piece. We left if for someone more inventive than us. Off to Rock and Snow to replace the piece. I now have a shiny new orange powercam.

Friday I climbed with Seth (totally cool, fun, easy going Seth). He ran up Betty to try and clean the piece; no luck. We ran up The Blackout, Wonderland, Triangle, Never Never Land and Jean (almost...oops rain AGAIN). Had to rescue the gear under the Jean roof by climbing sixish and doing some creative anchor building. By the time we recovered the gear, it had rained and the rock was soaked. It was 5 so we called it a day.

Saturday was gorgeous. I had made up my mind that I was going to give myself a kick in the butt and lead some harder climbs. For some reason I wanted to warm up on black fly or the 7 next to it and when we walked in that area was miraculously empty. It was a very good omen. I started on "That nice Crack climb", 5.7) and then decided to lead the 9 next door ("THat nice 9"). Why that 9? A few reasons: 1) If I didn't make it, I could rap in and get my gear (easy walk up), 2) MItch can see me through the entire climb. 3) Well protected crux

So, up I went, I cleared the first crux handily and was really looking for the second crux. Wow, I was at the top and I never did find the second crux. I was grinning from ear to ear; the climb was easy peasy and I felt great. So great that I decided to lead Dirty Gerdie a thin face climb (NOT my forte) on the Gerdie block. It's 5.8+/5.9- protected with thin gear and old pins. Interestingly, I made it through all of the moves that I thought were the hard moves and as I was moving up to some slopers, with not so great feet, I actually skittered off and took a 12 footer. All air, soft catch and incredibly exhilarating. I climbed back up, rested and finished the climb. HOnestly, in all my TRs of that climb, I NEVER noticed the run out after the crux. I carefully picked my way up and was totally thrilled that I pushed myself to lead a thin face climb and that I took a good whip. Mitch is just getting back into leading and he lead "69", a nice 5.3 with a bit of exposed climbing. Unfortunately, he placed our Clog (his first piece of gear from years ago) and every trigger wire popped. We could not get that piece out of the rock. Bett and Patrick came over for pizza on the grill and a great fire (thanks Mitch), a super end to a really good day.

Today, Bett and I got up early to get out before the rain. I wanted her to lead P2 of "Jackie" and "Classic". We got to "Jackie" before anyone else and I started up the climb. I was halfway up when Bett informed me that I was not wearing my helmet. Yikes...a little un-nerved, I placed much more gear than I normally place and finshed easily (but not before dropping my entire set of big nuts). Bett did an awesome job leading her pitches, her gear was super.

Mitch joined us and I was starting up "Belly Roll" (wanted Bett or Mitch to lead P2) when the party ahead of us yelled down to say that there was a storm fast approaching. It immediately started to rain, I down climbed and back cleaned my gear. We ran around moving everyones gear out of the rain when we heard a major fall. A climber a few routes over was attempting to pull a 5.8 roof and he greased off. His two equalized pieces pulled and he flipped upside down and smacked his back/head. Fortunately there was a rope on another anchor (everyone was abandoning climbs because of the rain) and we managed to get him off the cliff. The rangers came, ambulance called etc. He was checked out by the EMTs and he declined an ambulance ride to the hospital. It appeared that he may have broken a rib or two. He had large abrasions on his back and he was already uncomfortable. We waited for the rain to abate and finally walked out before the next set of storms were supposed to hit. There is supposed to be severe weather here (major t-storms with golf ball sized hail) but, so far only some gentle rain.

So although it rained 3 out of 4 days, I am satisfied with the weekend... I will call it two steps forward!

(This post was edited by gblauer on Aug 21, 2011, 11:18 PM)


Aug 22, 2011, 6:01 AM
Post #725 of 1159 (14707 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Holy moly Gail, sounds like you had an interesting weekend! I'm glad your lead fall worked out okay. Nice job on Nice 5.9, that first crux is a tricky stand-up move. I agree the second crux is much easier. Way to get after it, I think those are both courageous leads!

Gail is so generous in her post she makes it sound as if I led Never Never Land and got rained off of Jean when in reality I led up Triangle to set up a tr on NNL and even with a toprope couldn't do the frickin' crux. And I bailed off of Jean because I am a chicken. The rain didn't start until I headed up Sixish to try to get my gear back! Now that I've done the moves I might go back and try it again...

Right now I'm sitting in a cafe in Leon, Spain, waiting for the rest of my family to wake up. Looking forward to the day of climbing I'm going to do next week in the Picos de Europa.


Aug 22, 2011, 11:35 AM
Post #726 of 1159 (16071 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I had lunch wonderwoman and blueeyedclimber on Sunday and Josh told me that the left side of the Jean roof is an easier pull (better holds).

Ok, We have a date. I will belay the next time you lead Jean!

Have fun in Spain.


Aug 22, 2011, 1:03 PM
Post #727 of 1159 (16064 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Sounds like an interesting weekend for everyone. Glad people got out and beat the rain. I've been stuck enough in those 'Gunks downpours that I have a lot of sympathy for you guys. I had a busy weekend myself, although with not nearly as much climbing.

Thursday I drove 2.5 hours to the mid-coast Maine area to say good-bye to my dad. We moved a bunch of stuff from his house and one of his storage units to my own, now-consolidated storage unit, and then the next morning I helped him clean out a couple of his units (he's an electrician and uses them for tools and wire and stuff). Then I drove 30min further up to Augusta to have lunch with a good friend from college to say good-bye to him.

After that, I headed 2 hours further north to home in Bar Harbor to say good-bye to family that afternoon and evening. Two hours with one grandmother, two hours with another, dinner with an aunt, then bed, then up at 6am to have breakfast with a cousin and another aunt, then a five-hour drive back south to Rumney where I met two of my favorite climbing partners (Kurt and Rachel) and their friend Matt. Ran into Jake while there (go figure - running into Jake at Rumney is akin to running into Terrie at the 'Gunks, the likelihood of it not happening is slim at best). Completely trashed myself on just a few climbs (I was tired) and proceeded to enjoy the jumping off the rock into the river way more than the falling off the climbs. Dinner at the Common Man was followed by the hour-and-a-half drive back to Boston.

I returned the rental car, took the T back to my friend's in Somerville, and crashed for the night. Sunday was spent packing and buying one of those harness packages for a friend in Brasil who has just started to get into climbing. The friends down there are mostly beginner climbers, but they have some very experienced friends (or so I'm told), so I should be able to hit the ground running (or hit the rock climbing, if you will) in the climbing scene around Curitiba. The winter is turning to spring there, and that makes me happy to look forward to climbing season.

Now I'm nursing a slight hangover from only three beers, an intense conversation about what constitutes art, and listening to the fiddlers, guitarists, and banjo players crank acoustic folk versions of our favorite Irish, rock, alternative country, and even DISCO! tunes at my favorite pub, The Burren. The music there is fantastic and we even got treated to a folk version of a few Beetles songs sung by an 8-year old girl. She's damn good. My buddy knows her father (one of the musicians that evening), so we chatted with him for a bit in between sets. For Boston folks, Sunday night at The Burren is well worth it.

Anyway, no one won the argument about what art is, but we had a damn good time beating each other up over it. I'm now up doing this something of a trip report and procrastinating taking a shower. My flight leaves at 2pm.


Aug 22, 2011, 5:09 PM
Post #728 of 1159 (16036 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
I had lunch wonderwoman and blueeyedclimber on Sunday and Josh told me that the left side of the Jean roof is an easier pull (better holds).

Don't forget to tell him about the knee bar Wink

Our weekend was also good. I had big goals to get back on Carbs and Caffeine this weekend but given that i haven't been feeling very strong lately, the heat on Saturday and a tendon issue on my left middle finger, I decided not this weekend. Maybe in the Fall.

We did end up doing some good climbing, however. I led ProctoSilex, P1 of Traverse of the Clods, Feast of Fools, Jean and Drunkards' Delight. Tiff led P2 of Traverse. Ken's Crack and attempted a RP of Retribution (She'll get it next time).

Sunday, we only got 2 pitches in before the rains came.



Aug 22, 2011, 5:58 PM
Post #729 of 1159 (16020 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
Tiff led P2 of Traverse.

Or at least some version of it. It was more like a small roof and a top out. I feel so cheated! I want a do-over!


Aug 22, 2011, 6:24 PM
Post #730 of 1159 (16014 views)

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Re: [wonderwoman] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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spent the last week at rumney. mostly "guiding" around my gf and I's friend Amy from Toronto.

rained tuesday but after much sitting around in Plymouth we got 2 routes in anyway. wed, thurs were dry and got a bunch done. somewhere in there Josh joined us for the day.. scoffed at my route suggestion and then had to eat his words when he liked the route ;)

friday we hiked up Mt Moosilauke in the White mtns along the Appalachian trail. 8mi in 6.5 hours including one of the steepest 1mi sections of the AT. got back to camp, grabbed the trad rack... did a quick 5.5 and 5.8 i had wanted to lead for a while.

Kate came up fri night and climbed with us saturday and sunday. weather report must have scared most folks away because everything except stuff near the road was not busy at all. Amy finished up her trip TRing the sharpest 10b i am aware of :) she said she wanted to leave with no fingerprints so I made sure of it. Kate and I did a few more routes at 5.8 crag before eating lunch and breaking down camp. Made it just in time before the skies opened up on the drive home.

found a few routes I want to work on. need to get into the gym and boulder a whole bunch and get ready for the fall season.


Aug 22, 2011, 8:21 PM
Post #731 of 1159 (16008 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Finally made it back to Yak Peak, I lead the first 2 pitch's & my partner lead the next 2. by that point the exposure & leading was getting to my partner so I lead the next 7 pitch's & he lead the last 5.0 scramble finish. All in all it was a great day, a little slow as there were 9 groups on the wall at one point but it was super sunny (got the tan lines to prove it) and not rushing gave us time to enjoy our climb. Pics/video to come


Aug 22, 2011, 9:05 PM
Post #732 of 1159 (16000 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:

rained tuesday but after much sitting around in Plymouth we got 2 routes in anyway. wed, thurs were dry and got a bunch done. somewhere in there Josh joined us for the day.. scoffed at my route suggestion and then had to eat his words when he liked the route ;)

No such thing happened. Tongue



Aug 29, 2011, 2:16 AM
Post #733 of 1159 (15921 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Made it outside the city since I arrived last Monday on a beautiful day in Brasil. My girlfriend needed some time to work so her friend took me out to one of the local climbing spots and we went on a scouting mission. The rock at this place (Anhangava) was of the very sticky granite type (and sharp, too). We saw a para-sailor (sp?) take off and play around the top of the mountain, and we had fun doing a little bit of bouldering and hiking, too.

It's mostly sport here (even some of the cracks), but that's probably a function of the fact that climbing is a fairly young sport in Brazil (i.e. - it's cheaper for climbing companies to donate bolts to get the masses interested in climbing over getting them to buy expensive trad gear. And for perspective, a BD ATC runs about US$60 <-- no, that's not a typo).

In any case, not a lot of climbing done, but it was a beautiful day in Southern Brasil and I'm pretty damn happy to have some eager friends down here who have strong connections to the climbing world. Hopefully they'll be more of these going forward.

The crag as seen from below:

My friend Isa working on the start of a highball boulder problem:

Clouds over the valley mean that it's time to go home in case it rains:


Aug 29, 2011, 6:26 PM
Post #734 of 1159 (15901 views)

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The video of our weekend on Yak Peak.


Sep 5, 2011, 10:07 PM
Post #735 of 1159 (15818 views)

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Looks very beautiful Greg. Looking forward to hearing about your climbing adventures.


Sep 5, 2011, 10:19 PM
Post #736 of 1159 (15817 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Wow, that looks like a great climb. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

Did you rent that camper?


Sep 5, 2011, 10:45 PM
Post #737 of 1159 (15810 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Looks very beautiful Greg. Looking forward to hearing about your climbing adventures.

I'm hoping to get the next post up this week (gotta go through MOUNDS of teaching english texts this week, though). I went back to actually climb there on Sunday.

Did we ever get a Squamish write-up?


Sep 5, 2011, 11:07 PM
Post #738 of 1159 (15803 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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We had another great Labor Day weekend in Acadia. We spent Saturday and Sunday at the Precipice.

Both Tiff and I took falls this weekend. Mine came on High Wire on a thin crack layback with bad feet. I took 3 falls on a small nut that is now part of the climb. I don't usually leave gear but I couldn't get that sucker out.

I also fell off the top of Dynamo Hum on Sunday. Tiff took a fall off the crux of Green Mt. Breakdown.

We finished up the weekend today doing a classic moderate that neither of us have ever done, Gargoyle.

I heart Acadia!


Edited to add: that Tiff did get the rp of Emigrant Crack

(This post was edited by blueeyedclimber on Sep 5, 2011, 11:25 PM)


Sep 5, 2011, 11:34 PM
Post #739 of 1159 (15798 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Squamish...yes, I need to write it up. It was a wonderful trip.

I secretly wished for rain this weekend. So...all of you gunks can blame me.

I was sooo tired from my work travel and various personal events that I couldn't even drive to my beloved Gunks (and husband who was already up there) on Thursday. (I flew into PHL from BOS, arrived early on Thursday evening, but, I couldn't get myself into the car.) I drove up on Friday and climbed with my friend Bett. Honestly, I didn't even want to leave the ground. We did some moderates, nothing much, we started late and she needed to get home to her beloved. So, I think we did 4 pitches; Betty, Raubenheimers and Boston. I was glad that she had to leave early, I was tuckered out from the cumulative effects of weeks and weeks of travel.

Saturday dawned early, but MItch and I were very leisurely in our departure from the house. I think we got to the Trapps lot at 1030 and Rich waved us on, we were shut out. (very unusual for us, I always have "parking karma" and we usually find a slot even when it's full.) We ended up at the stairmaster and this tired body actually enjoyed the hike, it got my blood moving and my new pack felt almost weightless (not really, but, it is a heck of a lot better than my old pack.) We continued up the Strictly's trail and happily, a party had just finished the first pitch of Oscar's. That was my destination and we negotiated with the party heading up Strictly's (they went first, we would follow from the Oscar tree).

Still tired, (have I mentioned that I haven't had a full nights sleep in days and days? Damn hormones.) I didn't even want to leave the ground, let alone on lead. Yet, up I went and I sewed up the crux (small 5.7 bulge, feels harder to me), pulled it, surprised Mitch by placing the "4" and easily finished the climb. I brought Mitch up and we waited for a bit while our neighbors finished Strictly's. It was a beautiful day I wasn't complaining about the rest spot. Then I realized there were actually three folks ahead of me at the Strictly's belay so I needed to wait for at least one of them to leave. More delay, but, again, I was happy to rest. Finally, I moved up through the Strictly roof, got to the belay and waited will the next leader started up P2. She was a new leader and very tentative. That said, she picked her way up in fine form and finished the climb. I brought Mitch up and he agreed to lead P2. He is just back into leading and he too is a bit tentative. His wrist is not right and he has to adapt his climbing style to accommodate the new "normal". He did a great job and felt good about his onsight.

I needed to keep it super mellow so I lead Arch to the GT ledge (rope drag was crazy) and Mitch took the last pitch. There is a fixed tricam on the start of P2 if you feel like working on it. We did not. There is also a fixed cam on the second pitch of Wrist. I thought about heading up Wrist to see if I could wrestle the cam loose, but, then I remembered I would have to climb the route. Nah...let MItch lead Arch, he needs the practice.

Not ready to quit, but, thoroughly spent, I ran up Rusty Trifle, Mitch lead the last pitch. Next time I am going to traverse right and pull the Uncle Rudy roof instead of heading up the face.

We were done for the day and I was grateful for the short walk down the stairmaster to the truck. I practically fell asleep as we sat by the fire on Saturday night.

I knew that I could not climb on Sunday, I needed a rest day. Our plan was to bike to New Paltz, have lunch and bike home (14 miles total). Alas, we got off to a late start running errands (Mitch is working on the house up here, he put in an outdoor shower this past week.) and we changed our plans. We rode 7 miles down the railtrail, away from New Paltz (we had never been that direction on the trail). We got home, showered and headed to a friend's birthday party. I was too tired to enjoy the company and I was getting mauled by mosquitos. We left early, made a fire and enjoyed Rebecca's (granitegrl) company.

I secretly hoped for rain on Monday and at 2AM my prayers were answered with a huge crack of thunder. It has been raining ever since. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so I think I will go to my client in Northern NJ for the day (if it's not raining, Bett and I will hike the Millbrook trail in the early AM) and then to my house in Wayne, PA. Wednesday to DC, Thursday to NYC and that evening I will board the bus to New Paltz and enjoy my weekend at the gunks. I am hoping that I am fully recovered by next Friday.

I have to figure out how to get some gym climbing in, I need to get back into sport climbing shape as Mitch and I are headed to EPC on November 1st.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Sep 5, 2011, 11:41 PM)


Sep 5, 2011, 11:35 PM
Post #740 of 1159 (15796 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
We had another great Labor Day weekend in Acadia. We spent Saturday and Sunday at the Precipice.

Both Tiff and I took falls this weekend. Mine came on High Wire on a thin crack layback with bad feet. I took 3 falls on a small nut that is now part of the climb. I don't usually leave gear but I couldn't get that sucker out.

I also fell off the top of Dynamo Hum on Sunday. Tiff took a fall off the crux of Green Mt. Breakdown.

We finished up the weekend today doing a classic moderate that neither of us have ever done, Gargoyle.

I heart Acadia!


Edited to add: that Tiff did get the rp of Emigrant Crack

gargolye is a great climb. I absolutely love it.


Sep 5, 2011, 11:35 PM
Post #741 of 1159 (15795 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Sounds like fun. Too bad about the gear.

Did you guys have good weather?


Sep 5, 2011, 11:45 PM
Post #742 of 1159 (15789 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
blueeyedclimber wrote:
We had another great Labor Day weekend in Acadia. We spent Saturday and Sunday at the Precipice.

Both Tiff and I took falls this weekend. Mine came on High Wire on a thin crack layback with bad feet. I took 3 falls on a small nut that is now part of the climb. I don't usually leave gear but I couldn't get that sucker out.

I also fell off the top of Dynamo Hum on Sunday. Tiff took a fall off the crux of Green Mt. Breakdown.

We finished up the weekend today doing a classic moderate that neither of us have ever done, Gargoyle.

I heart Acadia!


Edited to add: that Tiff did get the rp of Emigrant Crack

gargolye is a great climb. I absolutely love it.

Yeah, it's good but too short. The only other time I have been up there is when we took Dakotah up to toprope the slabs. That was 7 years ago. I remember it being taller. In fact, when I looked it up in the guide book this morning, I was surprised that it was only one pitch.



Sep 5, 2011, 11:46 PM
Post #743 of 1159 (15786 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Sounds like fun. Too bad about the gear.

Did you guys have good weather?

Mix of sun and clouds. We started the drive back to Boston before it started raining.



Sep 7, 2011, 3:35 AM
Post #744 of 1159 (15755 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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The weekend up here was, unfortunately, rainy. But I bummed off work today and got out climbing -- another day one the new climbs at Lac Sam.

With some more looking at maps, and talking about hiking trails, I found what looked like it would be a far easier approach, from the other side. It would lead to the top of the cliffs, rather than the bottom -- but for climbing the upper bands, where most of the face was, this could actually be better. It worked out to be a fairly easy 15-minute hike in.

We did 4 new routes up the cliff -- 3 on top-rope and one which I lead.

I also got hit be a piece of falling rock -- a bit bigger than a salad plate, and about 1/2 inch thick falling from about 6-8' up. It was dislodged by the rope, and clipped my left arm on the way by. I expect I'm going to have quite the bruise.


Sep 7, 2011, 4:22 AM
Post #745 of 1159 (15752 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Bummer you got hit, but I guess that's what happens with FAs?

Still, I'd take four new routes after a 15min approach, too.

My newest post is up: First Time Out in Brasil

Short with some nice pics. I have a feeling I'm going to be getting some sweet photos for the blog going forward. I'm friends with a few good photographers, one professional and two who are getting into the game.

All in all, it was a good day out.


Sep 7, 2011, 2:12 PM
Post #746 of 1159 (15732 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Bummer you got hit, but I guess that's what happens with FAs?

Still, I'd take four new routes after a 15min approach, too.

Yes, falling rock seems to be one of the things that happens with FAs. The other things seem to be getting really grubby and inhaling lichen.

But, as you say, 4 new routes with a 15 minute approach is well worth it.

Sounds like you have some good climbing down there, too. But... "All of it sticky granite, solid as a, um, rock." I've just been doing FAs in a place with winter-freeze climate. Rock is NOT solid. ;)


Sep 7, 2011, 3:22 PM
Post #747 of 1159 (15725 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I like the spirit of this thread. Here is some writing from a recent trip to the New River Gorge and the Gunks:


Sep 7, 2011, 3:26 PM
Post #748 of 1159 (15724 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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dagibbs wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Bummer you got hit, but I guess that's what happens with FAs?

Still, I'd take four new routes after a 15min approach, too.

Yes, falling rock seems to be one of the things that happens with FAs. The other things seem to be getting really grubby and inhaling lichen.

But, as you say, 4 new routes with a 15 minute approach is well worth it.

Sounds like you have some good climbing down there, too. But... "All of it sticky granite, solid as a, um, rock." I've just been doing FAs in a place with winter-freeze climate. Rock is NOT solid. ;)

hehehehehe...yeah, they haven't seen snow here in this region for about 36 years. Rain erosion on the other hand...


Sep 7, 2011, 3:46 PM
Post #749 of 1159 (15716 views)

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Re: [zealotnoob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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zealotnoob wrote:
I like the spirit of this thread. Here is some writing from a recent trip to the New River Gorge and the Gunks:

Nice couple of stories there. I really liked the first one and how it ended. Nice touch.


Sep 7, 2011, 9:59 PM
Post #750 of 1159 (15688 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Weekend Warrior Update from the West Coast.
We were out camping in Mammoth area for a couple of weeks, and we got out for a couple days of climbing over Labor day weekend.

Fri I meet up with a co worker and his wife. They were doing some TR on Horseshoe Slabs, as its been a while since they have been on the rock. He had set up an anchor over an 8 and a 10. I gave the 8, “Wrangler” a go, but was spying the bolted lead climb to the left. Four bolts up to a chain anchor, rated 8 also, but looked rather easy. I jump on, he belays, and I make progress up to the 1st bolt, good amount of exposure over a slabby bottom, that would twist an ankle. Climb up past the second bolt into a nice dish stance. The moves out were not so straight forward. Some vertical dikes for pinching and foot holds. I try straight up, but the next moves are not there. Then off to the right, no. Off to the left, no. Up and down into the dish. Then after working through it, I find the sequence, kind of just left of center, and clip the bolt mid crux. Ahhhhhh. Grab the bomber holds above, crank the feet off the slopers, and mantle up. Sweet. Couple easy moves to the last bolt, then the anchors.
I set up the TR for the wife and kids. Jake makes quick work of it, although his foot work is really sloppy. I let it pass and he down climb lowers. Barb and Mark, the climbing technique is better, but they don’t have the same head for it. I talk them through the lowering.
“D Top Rope” 5.8. 65 feet, mostly easy 5th, with the crux sequence moving through the 3rd bolt.

Saturday my other partner got in late the Fri night, and we talked about climbing on Sun. He had wanted to show his family around and take them fishing. Late Sun morning we load up the families into the trucks, and all head out to Clark Canyon. The drive out there is as nice as the climbing itself. If you have a high clearance truck. If not, not so much. Sure there were some lower clearance passenger cars, but they were on the leery side as they drove up the road. The hike up the canyon was sunny and a bit hot, but once at the rock the trees shaded us and we cooled off.
The rock, Area 13, itself was fairly crowded, and we started by looking at a couple more 8’s. “J” was more inclined towards some 7’s, but they were all busy. One group pointed out a 6, and we set up and hauled the families over. “J” and I have climbed several times together in the Alabama Hills, and I know he likes the lead. He wanted it today and I let him rope up. He gets above the second bolt, but starts not feeling it. Down climbs, looks around, starts thinking too much, and asks if I’m inclined to take the lead. I lower him and tie in. He assures me the rock is fine, really 5.6 like the guide says, just he hasn’t been out since March. I get to the 2nd bolt look around, no issues here, climb to the 3rd, so far so good. From there, the route goes up, around, and over several caves. Interesting climbing, don’t fall, it won’t be clean. Get the 5 bolt, and can’t see the 6th or the anchor. Call down where to go? Try up at the little stance 10 feet above you. OK. Get to within sight, nothing. Look to my right. Bingo 6th bolt around the corner. From there the moves are thin, but very doable at 5.6 to the anchors. Couple opens shuts and an old oval on a chain. Weird, these old sport anchors. I rig it and lower, leaving the draws as directionals.
We only let the kids climb to the 3rd bolt, since going above that would require lowering through the caves overhangs. Again Jake climbs well, but this time the foot placements are good. “J’s” daughter also climbs it really well, but is a little nervous at 6 yo. “J’s” boy doesn’t want to climb, but agrees to practice lowering and swinging about 10 feet off the deck. My two boys like that idea and do that also. “J’s” wife climbs the whole route clean, and lowers reclipping the draws. “J” climbs, cleans, and raps.
“So It Goes” 5.6, 85 feet. Despite being easy, not recommended as a beginner lead due to the awkward fall potential.

It’s after 6 by the time we get back to camp, and I suggest Grumpy’s for dinner, as we’re all a little beat. A good day at the rock with our families, even if we only got one route in.



Sep 7, 2011, 11:08 PM
Post #751 of 1159 (14999 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Nice Don. I think this is the most you've been able to climb on a family vacation in a long time.


Sep 7, 2011, 11:23 PM
Post #752 of 1159 (14994 views)

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Thanks for your west coast TR. Sounds like you had some fun over the weekend.


Sep 7, 2011, 11:26 PM
Post #753 of 1159 (14994 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Nice Don. I think this is the most you've been able to climb on a family vacation in a long time.
Yes, the family vacations don't ussually produce climbing. We did all get out a couple years ago, for a two day weekend in Lone Pine that saw a bunch of pitches. But that was a dedicated climbing trip where the family tagged along. It was also the one where we got stuck on the wrong side of the house along the 395 burning down.


Sep 8, 2011, 11:45 AM
Post #754 of 1159 (14972 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
zealotnoob wrote:
I like the spirit of this thread. Here is some writing from a recent trip to the New River Gorge and the Gunks:

Nice couple of stories there. I really liked the first one and how it ended. Nice touch.

Thanks. I aspire to communicate a glimmer of the experience to family and friends.

(This post was edited by zealotnoob on Sep 12, 2011, 4:07 PM)


Sep 9, 2011, 2:21 PM
Post #755 of 1159 (14941 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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So, I always enjoy reading the posts on this thread, but I haven't participated much. I finally made a blog just to document my climbing trips, so I think I'll start posting up whenever I update it like Gmburns does.

Don't worry, if you don't want to read my blog I won't be offended, but just FYI, the blog is only about climbing, and there are no ads.

See my first three TRs at


Sep 9, 2011, 3:34 PM
Post #756 of 1159 (14932 views)

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Re: [kennoyce] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Holy crap...I can't believe you took your tiny offspring up a 500 foot climb. Wow.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Sep 9, 2011, 3:44 PM)


Sep 9, 2011, 3:57 PM
Post #757 of 1159 (14925 views)

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Re: [kennoyce] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kennoyce wrote:
So, I always enjoy reading the posts on this thread, but I haven't participated much. I finally made a blog just to document my climbing trips, so I think I'll start posting up whenever I update it like Gmburns does.

Don't worry, if you don't want to read my blog I won't be offended, but just FYI, the blog is only about climbing, and there are no ads.

See my first three TRs at
Nice write ups Ken.
I love Dome Rock. Been jonesing to get back on the Tree Route for a couple years. Last year a fire forced us further north to Courtright.
Did you have any good online Beta for the Portal? The guide I have doesn't give anything much for moderates for a poor climber like me.
Anyrate, nice write up. Got the kids up the Tree Route, well done.


Sep 9, 2011, 4:08 PM
Post #758 of 1159 (14920 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Holy crap...I can't believe you took your tiny offspring up a 500 foot climb. Wow.

Yeah, it was easy enough I wouldn't have been worried about soloing it, so I figured it would be okay to haul them along roped up. Good times.


Sep 9, 2011, 4:13 PM
Post #759 of 1159 (14918 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
kennoyce wrote:
So, I always enjoy reading the posts on this thread, but I haven't participated much. I finally made a blog just to document my climbing trips, so I think I'll start posting up whenever I update it like Gmburns does.

Don't worry, if you don't want to read my blog I won't be offended, but just FYI, the blog is only about climbing, and there are no ads.

See my first three TRs at
Nice write ups Ken.
I love Dome Rock. Been jonesing to get back on the Tree Route for a couple years. Last year a fire forced us further north to Courtright.
Did you have any good online Beta for the Portal? The guide I have doesn't give anything much for moderates for a poor climber like me.
Anyrate, nice write up. Got the kids up the Tree Route, well done.

Sorry Don, I don't even have the guide for the area. I just lookup up info on MP. It's a beautiful area though, I'd like to head back without the kids some time.


Sep 9, 2011, 8:40 PM
Post #760 of 1159 (14897 views)

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Re: [kennoyce] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kennoyce wrote:
So, I always enjoy reading the posts on this thread, but I haven't participated much. I finally made a blog just to document my climbing trips, so I think I'll start posting up whenever I update it like Gmburns does.

Don't worry, if you don't want to read my blog I won't be offended, but just FYI, the blog is only about climbing, and there are no ads.

See my first three TRs at

Nice Ken. I think that pic with the kiddo is badass.


Sep 9, 2011, 10:03 PM
Post #761 of 1159 (14888 views)

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Re: [kennoyce] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kennoyce wrote:
donald949 wrote:
kennoyce wrote:
So, I always enjoy reading the posts on this thread, but I haven't participated much. I finally made a blog just to document my climbing trips, so I think I'll start posting up whenever I update it like Gmburns does.

Don't worry, if you don't want to read my blog I won't be offended, but just FYI, the blog is only about climbing, and there are no ads.

See my first three TRs at
Nice write ups Ken.
I love Dome Rock. Been jonesing to get back on the Tree Route for a couple years. Last year a fire forced us further north to Courtright.
Did you have any good online Beta for the Portal? The guide I have doesn't give anything much for moderates for a poor climber like me.
Anyrate, nice write up. Got the kids up the Tree Route, well done.

Sorry Don, I don't even have the guide for the area. I just lookup up info on MP. It's a beautiful area though, I'd like to head back without the kids some time.
The mountains in that area are beautiful. I've climbed a bit right below there in the Alabama Hills. Lots of moderates 7's, 8's, and 9's for me. Plenty of 10's and 11's too. We usually go further north to Mammoth in the summer, but I need to explore the Portal and some of the other canyons for summer climbing.
Thanks though.


Sep 12, 2011, 3:53 PM
Post #762 of 1159 (14830 views)

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Re: [kennoyce] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kennoyce wrote:
So, I always enjoy reading the posts on this thread, but I haven't participated much. I finally made a blog just to document my climbing trips, so I think I'll start posting up whenever I update it like Gmburns does.

Don't worry, if you don't want to read my blog I won't be offended, but just FYI, the blog is only about climbing, and there are no ads.

See my first three TRs at

I put up another post about a trip to Tahquitz!


Sep 12, 2011, 6:50 PM
Post #763 of 1159 (14816 views)

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Re: [kennoyce] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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kennoyce wrote:
kennoyce wrote:
So, I always enjoy reading the posts on this thread, but I haven't participated much. I finally made a blog just to document my climbing trips, so I think I'll start posting up whenever I update it like Gmburns does.

Don't worry, if you don't want to read my blog I won't be offended, but just FYI, the blog is only about climbing, and there are no ads.

See my first three TRs at

I put up another post about a trip to Tahquitz!

Nice Ken. Sounds like a good day despite getting a bit off route. Glad it didn't turn into an epic!


Sep 12, 2011, 9:33 PM
Post #764 of 1159 (14805 views)

Registered: Oct 1, 2007
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Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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My weekend didn't quite go as planned -- the plan was two days of climbing at Montagne d'Argent with Celine and Pawel -- but Celine wore through one of her shoes on Saturday, and didn't want to climb any more. So, we took down tents and everything and drove home instead of camping overnight. Still, had a good day of climbing.

Then, Sunday, Bertrand, K8, and I headed up to Lac Sam again. I put up one First Ascent on lead, and we did 5 other new routes on top-rope. Holy cow do I feel like I inhaled a bunch of lichen dust, though.


Sep 12, 2011, 9:55 PM
Post #765 of 1159 (14803 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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dagibbs wrote:
Holy cow do I feel like I inhaled a bunch of lichen dust, though.

I wonder how much of a health hazard that is.


Sep 12, 2011, 9:57 PM
Post #766 of 1159 (14801 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
dagibbs wrote:
Holy cow do I feel like I inhaled a bunch of lichen dust, though.

I wonder how much of a health hazard that is.

I really don't know. I know that if I'm seriously scrubbing a route, I'll wear a dust mask to reduce the exposure, but if I'm just climbing, and scrape lichen off here and there by hand, looking for holds or placements, I don't bother.

It probably depends on total exposure level. Like so many other things. And, I'll bet noone has done much testing on it.


Sep 12, 2011, 10:07 PM
Post #767 of 1159 (14798 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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dagibbs wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
dagibbs wrote:
Holy cow do I feel like I inhaled a bunch of lichen dust, though.

I wonder how much of a health hazard that is.

I really don't know. I know that if I'm seriously scrubbing a route, I'll wear a dust mask to reduce the exposure, but if I'm just climbing, and scrape lichen off here and there by hand, looking for holds or placements, I don't bother.

It probably depends on total exposure level. Like so many other things. And, I'll bet noone has done much testing on it.
probably not for climbing, but I bet testing on this type of stuff is actually pretty common.


Sep 12, 2011, 10:16 PM
Post #768 of 1159 (14793 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
dagibbs wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
dagibbs wrote:
Holy cow do I feel like I inhaled a bunch of lichen dust, though.

I wonder how much of a health hazard that is.

I really don't know. I know that if I'm seriously scrubbing a route, I'll wear a dust mask to reduce the exposure, but if I'm just climbing, and scrape lichen off here and there by hand, looking for holds or placements, I don't bother.

It probably depends on total exposure level. Like so many other things. And, I'll bet noone has done much testing on it.
probably not for climbing, but I bet testing on this type of stuff is actually pretty common.

Oh, for other stuff, I agree. Like I'd expect there've been lots of studies about inhaling plaster dust. Or, even, rock dust from blasting rock during mining or road construction. Or concrete dust from cutting concrete, etc. The normal work-place exposure kind of stuff.

I just wonder if there is any regular day job that would involve lots of exposure to lichen dust, and if it would have been studied. (A quick google didn't show anything specifically relevant. But, it may just be a failure of my google-fu.)


Sep 16, 2011, 6:56 PM
Post #769 of 1159 (14706 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
I needed to keep it super mellow so I lead Arch to the GT ledge (rope drag was crazy) and Mitch took the last pitch. There is a fixed tricam on the start of P2 if you feel like working on it. We did not. There is also a fixed cam on the second pitch of Wrist. I thought about heading up Wrist to see if I could wrestle the cam loose, but, then I remembered I would have to climb the route. Nah...let MItch lead Arch, he needs the practice.

Gail i just re-read this today.. don't bother. the thing is in there solid. That pitch is fun though.


Sep 16, 2011, 7:55 PM
Post #770 of 1159 (14696 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Sooo i'm exactly 24 days from my annual week long no wife no kid October climbing trip. This year my friends and i have decided on New Hampshire, unless something dumb like a week-long rain spell happens. In that case we'll have to pick somewhere else. But, since that's definitely not going to happen, the granite state it shall be. I know a lot of you who post in this thread climb up that way regularly. I've never been up there for anything, climbing or otherwise. Looking for some suggestions and experiences to guide me on my way.

First, The Whitney Gilman and Mobey Grape are absolute must do's. We'll be getting to Cannon late Monday night, and plan on dedicating Tuesday and Wednesday morning to once of those two each. I would assume we'll get down each day in time to do a little "cragging" so to speak. What other shorter routes on Cannon are good? That hand traverse on the old man's dog looks pretty cool.

After our two days in Franconia we're looking to spend 2 or 3 days in North Conway. Looking to to do Thin Air with Pine Tree Eliminate as well as Recompense at Cathedral. Maybe Sliding board or one or two of the long bolted mid-5.10 routes. Anything else "Must do" in Conway?

If there's time at the end of the week we're going to swing by Rumney, just for sake of going once, but of all the places this would be the first one thrown out. Any advice is welcome. Grade doesn't matter if it protects well.


Sep 16, 2011, 10:41 PM
Post #771 of 1159 (14688 views)

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Re: [Dip] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Dip wrote:
Sooo i'm exactly 24 days from my annual week long no wife no kid October climbing trip. This year my friends and i have decided on New Hampshire, unless something dumb like a week-long rain spell happens. In that case we'll have to pick somewhere else. But, since that's definitely not going to happen, the granite state it shall be. I know a lot of you who post in this thread climb up that way regularly. I've never been up there for anything, climbing or otherwise. Looking for some suggestions and experiences to guide me on my way.

First, The Whitney Gilman and Mobey Grape are absolute must do's. We'll be getting to Cannon late Monday night, and plan on dedicating Tuesday and Wednesday morning to once of those two each. I would assume we'll get down each day in time to do a little "cragging" so to speak. What other shorter routes on Cannon are good? That hand traverse on the old man's dog looks pretty cool.

After our two days in Franconia we're looking to spend 2 or 3 days in North Conway. Looking to to do Thin Air with Pine Tree Eliminate as well as Recompense at Cathedral. Maybe Sliding board or one or two of the long bolted mid-5.10 routes. Anything else "Must do" in Conway?

If there's time at the end of the week we're going to swing by Rumney, just for sake of going once, but of all the places this would be the first one thrown out. Any advice is welcome. Grade doesn't matter if it protects well.

Cannon: The approach up through the talus field to the base is about 1 hour to 1.5 hours, depending on how fit you are. If you're fast then I would think 45min is pretty doable. For me, I tend to get to the base of WG in 1hr - 1hr 15min. I'm not fit, but I'm not really slow going up approach trails either.

Climbs that go to the top only have walk-offs, all of which are long, in my opinion, and harder than the approach. I'm slow going down, but it usually takes me a good 1.5 - 2hrs to walk off WG. The walk-off from Moby Grape is even longer (the climb is several pitches longer than WG).

However, somewhere, and I'm not sure where, there is a short-cut from the descent trail on the climber's right of Cannon (the Moby Grape descent trail) that will take you back to the base without having to go all the way to the bottom. You may be able to get some of the shorter pitches in if you find that short-cut. Otherwise, plan on one day per climb if you're going to the top. The same is true for WG, but I don't know if there is a short-cut back to the talus off that trail (which is on the climber's left). Don't even think about trying to get to the top of Cannon to meet the Moby descent trail if you're doing WG. Here's why (old post, sorry for the lack of formatting)

Definitely take a look at Vertigo (5.9 A0), or VMC Direct (5.10+).

Ask Olderic or Edge for beta on the shortcut from the climber's right descent trail. I have no idea where it is. I don't know if they'll know, but they might.

North Conway: Yeah, the routes you listed are great. Thin Air-to-Pine Tree Eliminate is a great route. From there, walk left and find the trail back down to the Upper Refuse Ledge (you'll walk past the Barber Wall and several classic, single-pitch crack climbs (such as Nutcracker (5.10a)). There you'll find a nice 5.8 called Black Lung to the right of the classic Upper Refuse (5.4 or something like that). But the real classic off this ledge is Book of Solemnity (5.10a), which is the sweet dihedral / roof on the right of the ledge (it's a massive ledge, btw). If no one is climing BoS, then you can rap back down to the ledge to do the other climbs without walking. If folks are climbing, though, the walk back to the ledge isn't so hard.

The North End will offer some nice single pitch climbs such as: They Died Laughing (5.9), Bird's Nest (5.9-), and The Slot (5.10b). All are wonderfully protectable. There are a couple of 5.5 and 5.6 warm-up routes, there, too. The North End is the area right at the bottom of the road to the top (and the descent walk-off). It's right near the gate at the bottom of the road.

Over on Whitehorse, the Hotter Than Hell area (far climber's left) has some really nice climbs ranging from fairly easy to stiff. Most are only a couple of pitches long (up to four), but they're worth it. Children's Crusade (in between the big slabs and the Hotter than Hell area), is a nice 3-pitch route at 5.9 and 4 pitch route at 5.11a if you're so inclined.

I think you can do the big slabs easily and get more of the smaller stuff done in a day, too, particularly if you're fast and good on slab. I think the descent trail is much easier than the one on Cannon.

Rumney: skip it (no, just kidding - I just wanted to get a rise out of Jake). But if you're going to go, hit Jake up. He's the resident freak show and he'll entertain you all day on all the best stuff.

Does that help?


Sep 16, 2011, 10:44 PM
Post #772 of 1159 (14686 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2009
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Dip wrote:
Sooo i'm exactly 24 days from my annual week long no wife no kid October climbing trip. This year my friends and i have decided on New Hampshire, unless something dumb like a week-long rain spell happens. In that case we'll have to pick somewhere else. But, since that's definitely not going to happen, the granite state it shall be. I know a lot of you who post in this thread climb up that way regularly. I've never been up there for anything, climbing or otherwise. Looking for some suggestions and experiences to guide me on my way.

First, The Whitney Gilman and Mobey Grape are absolute must do's. We'll be getting to Cannon late Monday night, and plan on dedicating Tuesday and Wednesday morning to once of those two each. I would assume we'll get down each day in time to do a little "cragging" so to speak. What other shorter routes on Cannon are good? That hand traverse on the old man's dog looks pretty cool.

After our two days in Franconia we're looking to spend 2 or 3 days in North Conway. Looking to to do Thin Air with Pine Tree Eliminate as well as Recompense at Cathedral. Maybe Sliding board or one or two of the long bolted mid-5.10 routes. Anything else "Must do" in Conway?

If there's time at the end of the week we're going to swing by Rumney, just for sake of going once, but of all the places this would be the first one thrown out. Any advice is welcome. Grade doesn't matter if it protects well.

Cannon: The approach up through the talus field to the base is about 1 hour to 1.5 hours, depending on how fit you are. If you're fast then I would think 45min is pretty doable. For me, I tend to get to the base of WG in 1hr - 1hr 15min. I'm not fit, but I'm not really slow going up approach trails either.

Climbs that go to the top only have walk-offs, all of which are long, in my opinion, and harder than the approach. I'm slow going down, but it usually takes me a good 1.5 - 2hrs to walk off WG. The walk-off from Moby Grape is even longer (the climb is several pitches longer than WG).

However, somewhere, and I'm not sure where, there is a short-cut from the descent trail on the climber's right of Cannon (the Moby Grape descent trail) that will take you back to the base without having to go all the way to the bottom. You may be able to get some of the shorter pitches in if you find that short-cut. Otherwise, plan on one day per climb if you're going to the top. The same is true for WG, but I don't know if there is a short-cut back to the talus off that trail (which is on the climber's left). Don't even think about trying to get to the top of Cannon to meet the Moby descent trail if you're doing WG. Here's why (old post, sorry for the lack of formatting)

Definitely take a look at Vertigo (5.9 A0), or VMC Direct (5.10+).

Ask Olderic or Edge for beta on the shortcut from the climber's right descent trail. I have no idea where it is. I don't know if they'll know, but they might.

North Conway: Yeah, the routes you listed are great. Thin Air-to-Pine Tree Eliminate is a great route. From there, walk left and find the trail back down to the Upper Refuse Ledge (you'll walk past the Barber Wall and several classic, single-pitch crack climbs (such as Nutcracker (5.10a)). There you'll find a nice 5.8 called Black Lung to the right of the classic Upper Refuse (5.4 or something like that). But the real classic off this ledge is Book of Solemnity (5.10a), which is the sweet dihedral / roof on the right of the ledge (it's a massive ledge, btw). If no one is climing BoS, then you can rap back down to the ledge to do the other climbs without walking. If folks are climbing, though, the walk back to the ledge isn't so hard.

The North End will offer some nice single pitch climbs such as: They Died Laughing (5.9), Bird's Nest (5.9-), and The Slot (5.10b). All are wonderfully protectable. There are a couple of 5.5 and 5.6 warm-up routes, there, too. The North End is the area right at the bottom of the road to the top (and the descent walk-off). It's right near the gate at the bottom of the road.

Over on Whitehorse, the Hotter Than Hell area (far climber's left) has some really nice climbs ranging from fairly easy to stiff. Most are only a couple of pitches long (up to four), but they're worth it. Children's Crusade (in between the big slabs and the Hotter than Hell area), is a nice 3-pitch route at 5.9 and 4 pitch route at 5.11a if you're so inclined.

I think you can do the big slabs easily and get more of the smaller stuff done in a day, too, particularly if you're fast and good on slab. I think the descent trail is much easier than the one on Cannon.

Rumney: skip it (no, just kidding - I just wanted to get a rise out of Jake). But if you're going to go, hit Jake up. He's the resident freak show and he'll entertain you all day on all the best stuff.

Does that help?

Yeah that's pretty much exactly what i was looking for. Thanks man.


Sep 17, 2011, 2:33 AM
Post #773 of 1159 (14676 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Won't be available. see bolt.. clip bolt. repeat.


Sep 17, 2011, 2:40 AM
Post #774 of 1159 (14674 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Won't be available. see bolt.. clip bolt. repeat.

what, are you going to Europe or something?


Sep 17, 2011, 2:59 AM
Post #775 of 1159 (14670 views)

Registered: Nov 19, 2002
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Re: [Dip] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Dip wrote:
Sooo i'm exactly 24 days from my annual week long no wife no kid October climbing trip. This year my friends and i have decided on New Hampshire, unless something dumb like a week-long rain spell happens. In that case we'll have to pick somewhere else. But, since that's definitely not going to happen, the granite state it shall be. I know a lot of you who post in this thread climb up that way regularly. I've never been up there for anything, climbing or otherwise. Looking for some suggestions and experiences to guide me on my way.

Greg gave you some pretty good info and it seems you already have a pretty good itinerary but I'll try to help as well. What grades at each area are you looking for. I have done a lot of routes in NH and can give you hundreds of recommendations.

In reply to:
First, The Whitney Gilman and Mobey Grape are absolute must do's. We'll be getting to Cannon late Monday night, and plan on dedicating Tuesday and Wednesday morning to once of those two each. I would assume we'll get down each day in time to do a little "cragging" so to speak. What other shorter routes on Cannon are good? That hand traverse on the old man's dog looks pretty cool.

Those are both classic routes and are must-dos. Moby is the second best 5.8 I've ever done, second only to Nutcracker in Yosemite. Be careful assuming anything on Cannon. The route finding towards the top of the cliff can be tricky and so can the descent of Moby. The descent of WG is easy to find but it brings you all the way down, making cragging afterwards not an exciting proposition. You'd probably be better off ccragging beforehand.

As far as cragging routes go, I have done Slow and Easy (5.8) and Sticky Fingers (5.10). SF was a little scary at the top. They were both good though.

In reply to:
After our two days in Franconia we're looking to spend 2 or 3 days in North Conway. Looking to to do Thin Air with Pine Tree Eliminate as well as Recompense at Cathedral. Maybe Sliding board or one or two of the long bolted mid-5.10 routes. Anything else "Must do" in Conway?

There are a lot of must-dos in NoCo but you won't have time for all of them. Make sure you do the Beast Flake variation to Reccompense. Other must do's are:
Hotter than Hell (5.9) to Inferno (5.8)
Atlantis (5.9) or (10b)
Lost Souls (5.10a), does have a runout first pitch
They died laughing (5.9)
Diedre (5.10a)
Intimidation (5.10c)
Nutcracker (5.10a)

In reply to:
If there's time at the end of the week we're going to swing by Rumney, just for sake of going once, but of all the places this would be the first one thrown out. Any advice is welcome. Grade doesn't matter if it protects well.

Rumney is ok if you like clipping bolts, but IMO the good climbing doesn't start until 11b. Once again, if you narrow down grades I would be able to give you more suggestions.

Have Fun!



Sep 17, 2011, 3:27 AM
Post #776 of 1159 (17684 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Won't be available. see bolt.. clip bolt. repeat.

what, are you going to Europe or something?

going to gunks this weekend/week. hopefully tomorrow night til monday night as long as my partner agrees that the chance of rain later in the week is not to be messed with.


Sep 17, 2011, 12:11 PM
Post #777 of 1159 (17679 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Won't be available. see bolt.. clip bolt. repeat.

what, are you going to Europe or something?

going to gunks this weekend/week. hopefully tomorrow night til monday night as long as my partner agrees that the chance of rain later in the week is not to be messed with.

I dont think he's going until Oct sometime.


Sep 17, 2011, 1:01 PM
Post #778 of 1159 (17672 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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oops.. read that as 24 hrs and didn't notice the october bit. :D

i may... or may not be around ;) who knows.


Sep 17, 2011, 4:11 PM
Post #779 of 1159 (17665 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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I would try to quote and answer but the cheesetittery would be epic. Thanks for all the suggestions and advice. If we make to Rumney i'd definitely be looking for 11a-12b overhanging fun. With the list you've provided though, it almost seems like my time would be better spent staying N. Conway for an extra day.


Sep 17, 2011, 11:40 PM
Post #780 of 1159 (17655 views)

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Re: [Dip] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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What's the camping situation like in North Conway?


Sep 18, 2011, 2:20 AM
Post #781 of 1159 (17646 views)

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Re: [Dip] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Dip wrote:
What's the camping situation like in North Conway?

scarce. I think the closest place is Covered Bridge (about a 15min drive from Whitehorse. Cathedral is just a few minutes more down the road from there).

It's all paid camping except for a couple of bivy spots near Cathedral, but be wary of camping in that area. Most, if not all, is illegal.

There may be other spots that other folks know about, but I've stayed at Covered Bridge.


Sep 19, 2011, 1:15 AM
Post #782 of 1159 (17612 views)

Registered: Oct 4, 2002
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Mitch and I ran the 5th Annual Birdsboro Climb and Clean this past weekend. It's our annual fundraising event. Volunteers did lots of cliff/trail maintenance and some climbing. We capped off Saturday evening with a BBQ, entertainment and a raffle.

Overall, it was a great success and now I am exhausted.

I encourage you all to give back to your local climbing areas. Leave them better than when you arrived and leave a legacy to the next generation of climbers.


Sep 19, 2011, 1:27 AM
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Re: [gblauer] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Great job Gail! It's great that you do what you do for that place.


Sep 19, 2011, 12:22 PM
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Dip wrote:
What's the camping situation like in North Conway?

scarce. I think the closest place is Covered Bridge (about a 15min drive from Whitehorse. Cathedral is just a few minutes more down the road from there).

It's all paid camping except for a couple of bivy spots near Cathedral, but be wary of camping in that area. Most, if not all, is illegal.

There may be other spots that other folks know about, but I've stayed at Covered Bridge.

I don't mind paying. As long it's better than the MUA i'm a happy guy.


Sep 19, 2011, 2:19 PM
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Re: [Dip] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Ask for a site among #101 - 105. They are right on the Saco River. The "walk-in" is all of 50 fifty feet. Showers are clean and hot with abundant time for your 25 cents. Well run, clean and quiet. Go up Westside Road from Cathedral then right on 302. Avoids North Conway traffic.


Sep 19, 2011, 2:26 PM
Post #786 of 1159 (17574 views)

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Re: [Dip] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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2 days of climbing in the Adirondacks this weekend. First time climbing in the 'Dacks for me except for my one time at Rogers Rock. I can't believe it took so long for me to finally do it.

Day 1 at Poke-O, finding out I don't know how to crack climb and gaining a deep respect for John Turner and his routes. We did Gamesmanship 5.8+ (first four pitches), The Sting 5.8, Bloody Mary 5.9+ (first two pitches) & P.T. Pillar 5.8+. My partner Adrian led the harder pitches-- I led Ps 2 & 4 of Gamesmanship and the easy P1 of Bloody Mary. But after feeling like I should have led The Sting and could possibly have led P2 of Bloody Mary, I took the sharp end for P.T. Pillar and really struggled up the awkward 5.8+ corner. Took a hang in the middle. Then my partner Adrian turned the other way as the second and just sailed up it. Grrrrr.

Day 2 at Upper Washbowl. Undaunted, I took on the first (5.8) pitch of Hesitation, another vertical-crack-in-a-corner pitch. I took forever to lead it, with an abundance of the namesake hesitation, but got it done with no falls or hangs. The rest of the 4-pitch climb went well. Then we did Ps 1 & 2 of the 5.6 Weissner Route (very impressive for 1938!), to the final pitch of Partition (5.9-). I fell seconding Partition at the wet upper crux but I was proud to have jammed the whole thing. Maybe I'm finally starting to catch on to this vertical crack thing.

Great, amazing routes, a very educational weekend.

(This post was edited by sethg on Sep 19, 2011, 6:06 PM)


Sep 19, 2011, 2:42 PM
Post #787 of 1159 (17567 views)

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Re: [losbill] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:

Ask for a site among #101 - 105. They are right on the Saco River. The "walk-in" is all of 50 fifty feet. Showers are clean and hot with abundant time for your 25 cents. Well run, clean and quiet. Go up Westside Road from Cathedral then right on 302. Avoids North Conway traffic.

Thank you!


Sep 19, 2011, 3:10 PM
Post #788 of 1159 (17558 views)

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Re: [sethg] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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sethg wrote:
2 days of climbing in the Adirondacks this weekend. First time climbing in the 'Dacks for me except for my one time at Rogers Rock. I can't believe it took so long for me to finally do it.

Day 1 at Poke-O, finding out I don't know how to crack climb and gaining a deep respect for John Turner and his routes. We did Gamesmanship 5.8+ (first four pitches), The Sting 5.8, Bloody Mary 5.9+ (first two pitches) & P.T. Pillar 5.8+. My partner Adrian led the harder pitches-- I led Ps 2 & 4 of Gamesmanship and the easy P1 of Bloody Mary. But after feeling like I should have led The Sting and could possibly have led P2 of Bloody Mary, I took the sharp end for P.T. Pillar and really struggled up the awkward 5.8+ corner. Took a hang in the middle. Then my partner Adrian turned the other way as the second and just sailed up it. Grrrrr.

Day 2 at Upper Washbowl. Undaunted, I took on the first (5.8) pitch of Hesitation. I took forever to lead it, with an abundance of the namesake hesitation, but got it done with no falls or hangs. The rest of the 4-pitch climb went well. Then we did Ps 1 & 2 of the 5.6 Weissner Route (very impressive for 1938!), to the final pitch of Partition (5.9-). I fell seconding Partition at the wet upper crux but I was proud to have jammed the whole thing. Maybe I'm finally starting to catch on to this vertical crack thing.

Great, amazing routes, a very educational weekend.


I think P1 of Gamesmanship is about a good of a pitch at that grade in the northeast.

And I loved Bloody Mary. I kind of wish I had led more of it. I, too, only led P1.


Sep 20, 2011, 4:58 AM
Post #789 of 1159 (17524 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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slightly unproductive "weekend" at the gunks..

didn't get going til 10am sunday. epic fail on Baby (not my choice, hate that fucking route), partner failed and got cam stuck so i couldn't downclean/bail, took a while for him to finally clean it. Did Maria P1 and 2. Then did Strickley's to Shockelys. partner wanted to go to town to Rock and Snow and dinner so ended with the sun stilll up :P 5 pitches blahhhh...

sunday.. started better. got up P1 modern times to High E. Took longer than I wanted since my partner was talking a girl next to us through cleaning gear since she had no clue. The brilliant leader also placed a Ball nut... yea.. P1 High E... ball nut.. with a noob 2nd. ps it's still there. Partner took forever on High E. Rapped off and went down to do Bonnies Direct. Had to wait for folks to clean their shit off Bonnies. TRin'g off the intermediate anchor after the first roof. Led bonnies.. love that P1. Partner fell getting up to the first roof and couldn't get back on the rock. I seem to not weigh enough to unload an ATC guide (any tips in person would be great.. visual learner) Had to have a parter behind us come pull him over to the rock so he could unweight the rope and lower off. took forever. In retrospect i should have tried to untie and lower my end of the rope for something for him to either yard up on or swing over with. I plan to use my Cinch for top belaying a lot more now

Headed back towards Uberfall and did P1 Columbia to P2/3 Madamn G's Columbia was quite an interesting challenge haha I disagree with Seth's assessment that it's G not PG. MG's was good as always.. steep jug haulin'. Rapped off and called it a day. 6 pitches.. still not the 10 i was hoping for when we started out. I wanted to do Snooky's after Columbia but the light was fading.

(This post was edited by jakedatc on Sep 20, 2011, 5:43 AM)


Sep 20, 2011, 10:35 AM
Post #790 of 1159 (17500 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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Bummer Jake, wish I could have climbed with you.

I am headed to Frankenjura this weekend, more to follow.


Sep 20, 2011, 1:24 PM
Post #791 of 1159 (17484 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Not quite as planned... but good [In reply to]
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I made it out this weekend, too, back to Anhangava (pronounced - Ai-yen-ga-va). Climbed with three people, all of which had never been to this place before (so I was the guide, and I had only climbed there twice before, with one of those days a short hiking and bouldering day). We didn't have a guidebook, but we knew which easy climbs to get on.

One of the guys got to the top of this first outdoor climb ever. He doesn't even have climbing shoes and he still did a good job without falling or resting.

Next weekend we're thinking of heading to a place called Morrettes (pronounced - mo-het-tes).


Sep 21, 2011, 1:07 AM
Post #792 of 1159 (17451 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Update from the West coast part Duex.

Shortly after our Aug Mammoth vacation I’m turning around heading out of town for Idaho Falls for some computer training. I decided to head out the weekend after to the City that Rocks to see if I could partner up for some climbing.

Before the weekend, I’m introduced to the company’s climbing guru, K. He’s with the Idaho Alpine Club and invites me to their Wed evening climbing outing. They get a number of people joining them every week, and this week they did Heise Rock with everyone chill on TR’ing. K gives me a belay on Rock A Bye Baby. The beta is 5.9, but the rock is slippery. True that, and I proceed to hang dog the heck out of the TR. Eventually slipping, sliding, and swinging to the top. Give a couple belays and then get on another route. Two Minute Crack, 5.7. Well I didn’t do it in two minutes. It goes between climbing the face and stemming, but fun none the less. After giving a couple more belays the gang heads next door for some pizza and beer. Pretty good for a quick pick up after work.

The next day he looks me up in class, he’s got a family trip on with a friend for Sunday at City of Rocks. Nothing harder than 5.7, cool I’ll climb 5.7 all day.

Friday I head to Craters of the Moon for some sightseeing. It’s raining pretty good in the morning, but by the time I get there it’s done. I check out the sights, the craters, the caves, and visitor center. Cool sights, and educational. Deff worth a swing by if you in the area, even though it’s a ways from anything. However, after grabbing a quick dinner in Twin Falls, I’m driving the bridge across the gorge and notice a handful of guys walking across. With backpacks, look like parachute style packs. Pull quickly into the scenic overview. Just in time to see the first guy jump off, and then 3 more. Kind of scary looking to watch first hand. Apparently it’s a regular activity there, they have a permanently marked landing zone.

Saturday spent checking out the City of Rocks, also Castle Rocks state park for a little. Everyone is pretty well partnered up at the City, and only one group really working some top roping. Most of the climbs are looking to be pretty full pitches with double rope raps offs. I don’t push the I’m looking for partners, as I had Sunday climbing lined up. I was a little bummed, was hoping to find more TRing going on that I could jump on. But the location was not really set up for that. Otherwise, it was a good day just exploring and getting a feel for the place.

Sunday we meet at a gas station outside the City to caravan in. Grabbing a sandwich from their cooler, Jefferson Starship We Built This City on Rock (and Roll) is playing, and I take it as a good sign for the day. The guys drive up and we introduce ourselves all around. They decide on Bumble Wall. We start on Mystery Bolter 5.9, it can be lead and just barely TR’d with a 70m. D leads but needs a little push off the start. I use the cooler step start. D’s wife too. K figures the ring lock in the shallow groove to get it in good style. The climbing is nice, with trust in your feet a must. Consensus was probably would be 10a or so if the crux was not right off the ground. Next up was New York is Not a City, 10a, which had a campus up start. Strenuous for me, so I get little more help with my feet. D lead clean, his wife pulled through the whole pitch. K climbed last again with good style. Others thought the crux was getting past the 4th bolt near the top. I found the start and the step section from the 1-3 bolts to be the most strenuous. Easily TR’d with the 70m, unsure if a 60 would work.

Finally, Too Much Fun 5.8 was the last go of the day. D lead on the 70 and brought K up second carrying the 60. They rapped and then TR’d using both ropes. Both wife’s gave this a bit of a go. After letting the others lead and clean the climbs I get duty to clear the last route. Although I did my share of belaying. Again, the crux was the start. After trying to stem up several times, I have to have one last little foothold help. I work up past the 4th bolt, and they want to switch belayers at the knot as anticipated. No not yet, the rock is too steep. Five more feet and I’m standing on a little ledge, where I can rest no hands. OK now. Shake out and work up, and up, and up. We figured it was about 150', here on RC they list it at 175, but I don't think quite that long. But eitherway, a couple of 60's will work for climbing and rapping off. Great ledge at the top, overlooking the little valley we’re in. I thread the rope through the chains, unclip the biners, and rap off. Beat. So much for not climbing anything harder than a 7. I got enough climbing in. A good day for sure.

Thanks for the invite guys.


Sep 21, 2011, 1:59 AM
Post #793 of 1159 (17433 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Nice TR, Don. Sounds as if you've gotta get out for more training sessions. Also sounds like nice people up there. Any pics?


Sep 22, 2011, 5:46 PM
Post #794 of 1159 (17358 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Nice TR, Don. Sounds as if you've gotta get out for more training sessions. Also sounds like nice people up there. Any pics?
Yes, yes I do need to get out for some training. These folks have a group that climbs every Wed evening when the weather is nice. Much jealousy.
I have pics of the trip, Craters, base jumping, City o Rocks, but no pictures of our climbing. I'll be trying get them on FB next couple of days.

(This post was edited by donald949 on Sep 22, 2011, 5:47 PM)


Oct 3, 2011, 1:49 AM
Post #795 of 1159 (17193 views)

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A washout ot the gunks this weekend

I managed to get in 4 pitches (albeit wet pitches) on Friday but it rained all day on Saturday and well into the morning on SUnday. I think it was climbable late Sunday, but, I got distracted by home stuff and never made it to the cliff.

I did enjoy a day of climbing in southern Frankenjura last weekend. We did 9 pitches (or so), starting with a fun 4-5 pitch climb that was a mixed route, 5.7. The route was more than 100 years old and had some polished sections, although they didn't interfere wtih the climbing. The last pitch was a cool ridge walk, very alpine feel. We spent the rest of the day running up single pitch climbs, mostly in the 10 range, mostly bolted, occasional piece of gear required. The rock was limestone, very similar to EPC. I would gladly go back. Thanks Jim Titt for being a wonderful host!


Oct 3, 2011, 1:55 AM
Post #796 of 1159 (17189 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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nice gail. what we're you over there for?

this weekend I hiked 3 hours to the cliffs above the clouds, got one climb in, hiked out and got rained on by the clouds once I was under them. three-hour descent and I was tired.

gotta get a post up on it, but i'm pretty busy this week.


Oct 3, 2011, 1:59 AM
Post #797 of 1159 (17186 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I was in Germany for business.

We have a couple of more weekends at the Gunks (actually, I will be here next Weds-next Monday and the weather is looking fine) and then we leave for El Potrero Chico for 12 days.


Oct 3, 2011, 2:27 AM
Post #798 of 1159 (17183 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
I was in Germany for business.

We have a couple of more weekends at the Gunks (actually, I will be here next Weds-next Monday and the weather is looking fine) and then we leave for El Potrero Chico for 12 days.

looking forward to that TR, too.


Oct 10, 2011, 3:09 AM
Post #799 of 1159 (17048 views)

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Avoiding the holiday crowds at the Gunks: Hitting the "Q"

With guests in from Arizona and Mexico (Lori, Manny and Jaime), Mitch and I wanted to show them great Gunks climbing. We knew the crowds would be outrageous this weekend at the gunks. The weather was stellar (80's, full sun) and everyone came out to get in their last climbing before the end of the season.

Lori, Manny, Jaime, Bett and I climbed in the Trapps on Thursday and Friday. We hit many of the classics in the Uberfall (and beyond) and enjoyed the fact that we didn't wait for any climbs.

While Jaime lead two pitches of Betty, Manny and I ran up The Blackout. It's one of my new favorites. The Blackout, is not exactly a "hidden" gem, but a gem none the less. It's next to Betty and offers a wide variety of fun climbing. Jaime lost his way Betty P2 which gave Manny and I enough time to jump on Classic and Jackie. Gotta love late Friday afternoons at the lines...woo hoo!

On Friday we hit the Mac wall. Jaime lead Three Pines and I am especially happy to say that I finally followed Mother's Day Party clean. For whatever reason, that brown face has always stymied me. Not this time...I got my feet high, hit the undercling with my left hand and threw for the crimps with my right. I stuck it and enjoyed the jug haul the rest of the way to the anchors. I firmly believe that all my sessions with the personal trainer are paying off, my increase in strength has improved my climbing.

We knew Saturday was going to be crazy in the Trapps. No one wanted to get up early to secure a parking spot in the Trapps so we decided to go to Bonticou and pick out lines and just climb them. In Gail's world, that kind of climbing is unheard of. Gail likes to read the guide book(s), Mountain Project, and triangulate all information about a climb before attempting said climb. For whatever reason, my guests inspired me to be more adventurous. So, off to the Q to pick out some lines we went.

Day 3: We climbed a sweet face to the left of the yellow blazed scramble. Not the first face you come to, keep heading across the boulders to the second face. The rock quality was great and you can lead multiple lines up the face.

Here is a photo of Lori enhoying the friction:

Here is a shot of Jaime, leading one of the stellar face climbs:

A shot of me near the top of the face. Man the rock had awesome friction! There was actually a tree with rings and slings at the top of this face.

We also set up a TR on a very fun climb (10+), complete with campus moves, a jam, a hand foot match and a tough rock over. This is Manny making it look easy (I found it burly and fun, not sure I would lead it!)

Day 4: We picked a wall that looked very good, far right of the scramble. We scrambled in (it's hard to scramble when you are carrying two racks in your pack) and picked out two lines. An easy looking line pretty much straight up to a large ceiling and then a traverse to top out. Here is my line:

Manny picked out a climb that looked much like the Dangler. Off we went. I had an easy time up to a large boulder below the roof, then things got a little more thoughtful. On top of the boulder was a lot of loose boulders and junk. I had to be very careful picking my way up the climb and getting to the ceiling without killing my belayer. While I was not sketched, I was very mindful and deliberate. The traverse/exit was very different from what i was expecting, but it was really rather mild once you figured out the gear and started making the moves. It was uber exposed! Lots of fun to top out on Bonticou and surprise the tourists walking around on top. I TR'd Manny's climb, it was very fun, juggy, exposed and solid rock quality. He could not go the Dangler had a distinct lack of gear. The climb lead him right through fun jugs and lots of exposure. Here is Manny belaying me as I top out:

We went back to the Trapps so that Jaime could lead something a bit harder than Betty and Three Pines. Jaime is a 12+ sport climber, but a newish trad leader. I wanted him to do the Bunny roof, but there was someone just starting up the climb when we got there (530ish). Ken's was open, it protects extremely well, so we put Jaime on Ken's. He climbed it in fine style and probably placed 12 pieces of gear in 50 feet. Why not? He was practicing and his gear was super. It was a great way to wrap up Jaime's first trip to the Gunks. Here is Jaime leading Ken's:

I just finished a great 5 days of climbing (Weds-Sunday) and am a bit sad to see the leaves changing. Our Gunks season is about to morph into ice season.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Oct 12, 2011, 5:24 PM)


Oct 10, 2011, 10:59 AM
Post #800 of 1159 (17027 views)

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Wow, it's so weird thinking about the end of the season when mine is just starting. I'm sure you'll get another few weeks in. I used to try to climb right up until the first week of November in the 'Gunks, but yeah, it did start to get cold about this time and the climbing rarely started before 10am this time of year (gotta give the hot chocolate a chance to warm up). Way to be adventurous, too!

I had to bail on the weekend due to a 2-week stretch of illness that included fever, aches and pains, sore throat, sneezing, stuffiness, and a nasty cough to round out the end. Still battling, but I feel better.

Fingers are crossed the weather is good next weekend and the health issues are gone.


Oct 29, 2011, 1:56 AM
Post #801 of 1159 (16663 views)

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We are looking at a forecast of 12" of snow tomorrow (Saturday, 10/29). I don't think we will be climbing at the gunks this weekend!

Ready for ice?


Oct 29, 2011, 1:03 PM
Post #802 of 1159 (16647 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
We are looking at a forecast of 12" of snow tomorrow (Saturday, 10/29). I don't think we will be climbing at the gunks this weekend!

Ready for ice?

God I´m glad I´m south of the border...wayyyyyyyy south. Cool

Been getting out every weekend but lack of regular internet access and an incredibly busy teaching schedule have kept me lax on my reporting. I might be able to get some stuff done this weekend.

Enjoy the snow. Honestly, I kind of miss the first one of the season.


Oct 29, 2011, 4:55 PM
Post #803 of 1159 (16635 views)

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Guess i'll throw in a better late than never post from a few weekends ago.

Met up with SusannaDent from on here she doesn't lead but belays nice and will follow most of what i'd lead.

Sun: got out there quick as we could to avoid some crowds. Grabbed Frogshead for a warmup. Moved over and did P1 of Madamn G's up to P2 of Columbia ( did p1 a few weeks before that and i'm good not doing that again) P2 was tough route finding for me. I should learn to write down descriptions of wandery routes. I guess i did something close enough and rapped off MGs. Wanted to do Ants line or Bonnies but they were wet so we went back a bit and did Directissima. I've always been nervous about the bottom slabby parts but it was a good friction a day and my feet felt solid. I used a lot of my small gear at the bottom so I stopped before the traverse and split it in to 3 pitches up to the High E ledge. Traverse felt good, the big reach felt further than when i had followed it but the gear is good and easy to place. We wanted to go into town so we called it a day a bit early.

Sun: Goals were Ants line, bonnies and Snookies. Warmed up on Bloody Bush. Hadn't done P2 and that was definitely interesting. Felt good and went directly to Snookys. Luckily I can always fall back on microcrimping because i hung out on a half pad crystal for a while at the crux getting gear and figuring out the feet. Decided to skip P2 and went to do Ant's line. I've done it a few times so I led up Sleepwalk and brough Susana up. she wanted to see beta for Ants line crux so she rapped off then I had her lower me down to the roof. People on Bonnies were at the ledge so i headed up. It was still wet and the crack below the roof was definitely more heady than usual. I wanted to look at Direct so i led up there and took a look. she did not think she had the arms left to do it so i down climbed and did the traverse. Was really dark but we eventually found the Ursula rap. barely reaches the ledge with 60m!

Was pscyhed to tick off a few more routes I had wanted to do. hoping the snow will melt before next weekend and I can get back up one more time this year.


Oct 29, 2011, 5:44 PM
Post #804 of 1159 (16631 views)

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people who think the season is over after October are missing some of the best climbing days the Gunks season has to offer. Crisp sending temps, warm sunshine with no leaves, and less crowds.

Gail, glad to hear you went bookless out at Bonticou. There are some really great moderate and well protected lines out there. Keep going back.


Oct 29, 2011, 11:06 PM
Post #805 of 1159 (16624 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
I should learn to write down descriptions of wandery routes.

Jake - head into Rock and Snow and get them to drill a hole through the book with a cord going through it. They'll do it for free and it makes it easier to carry the book.

Or, just take a photo of the page and zoom in on your camera.


Oct 29, 2011, 11:26 PM
Post #806 of 1159 (16621 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2009
Posts: 270

Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I should learn to write down descriptions of wandery routes.

Jake - head into Rock and Snow and get them to drill a hole through the book with a cord going through it. They'll do it for free and it makes it easier to carry the book.

Or, just take a photo of the page and zoom in on your camera.

I have a good story from the trip to new hampshire a couple weeks ago but it's long. Like, really long. I'm going to try to make a condensed version after i'm done with the original and throw it up here, maybe next week sometime.

edited because i can never get it right the first time...

(This post was edited by Dip on Oct 29, 2011, 11:27 PM)


Oct 30, 2011, 12:20 AM
Post #807 of 1159 (16614 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I should learn to write down descriptions of wandery routes.

Jake - head into Rock and Snow and get them to drill a hole through the book with a cord going through it. They'll do it for free and it makes it easier to carry the book.

Or, just take a photo of the page and zoom in on your camera.

I already drilled it myself. I don't want to carry the whole book up the rock though. If i remember to throw a small notepad in my bag then I can jot down the main details and be fine.

maybe for a few routes i'll take pictures and print but spur of the moment stuff i can just take a few notes.


Oct 30, 2011, 11:03 AM
Post #808 of 1159 (16603 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I should learn to write down descriptions of wandery routes.

Jake - head into Rock and Snow and get them to drill a hole through the book with a cord going through it. They'll do it for free and it makes it easier to carry the book.

Or, just take a photo of the page and zoom in on your camera.

I already drilled it myself. I don't want to carry the whole book up the rock though. If i remember to throw a small notepad in my bag then I can jot down the main details and be fine.

maybe for a few routes i'll take pictures and print but spur of the moment stuff i can just take a few notes.

Do you take the camera up? Just take a photo and and zoom in on your camera (when viewing the photo on the camera). That's what I do with longer routes. Easier than writing it down.


Oct 30, 2011, 12:30 PM
Post #809 of 1159 (16599 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I should learn to write down descriptions of wandery routes.

Jake - head into Rock and Snow and get them to drill a hole through the book with a cord going through it. They'll do it for free and it makes it easier to carry the book.

Or, just take a photo of the page and zoom in on your camera.

I already drilled it myself. I don't want to carry the whole book up the rock though. If i remember to throw a small notepad in my bag then I can jot down the main details and be fine.

maybe for a few routes i'll take pictures and print but spur of the moment stuff i can just take a few notes.

Do you take the camera up? Just take a photo and and zoom in on your camera (when viewing the photo on the camera). That's what I do with longer routes. Easier than writing it down.

usually not. i go climbing to climb not to take pics for the most part.


Oct 30, 2011, 2:16 PM
Post #810 of 1159 (16596 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I should learn to write down descriptions of wandery routes.

Jake - head into Rock and Snow and get them to drill a hole through the book with a cord going through it. They'll do it for free and it makes it easier to carry the book.

Or, just take a photo of the page and zoom in on your camera.

I already drilled it myself. I don't want to carry the whole book up the rock though. If i remember to throw a small notepad in my bag then I can jot down the main details and be fine.

maybe for a few routes i'll take pictures and print but spur of the moment stuff i can just take a few notes.

Do you take the camera up? Just take a photo and and zoom in on your camera (when viewing the photo on the camera). That's what I do with longer routes. Easier than writing it down.

usually not. i go climbing to climb not to take pics for the most part.

Ah, well, OK. It's a tool, that's all.


Oct 30, 2011, 2:34 PM
Post #811 of 1159 (16590 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I should learn to write down descriptions of wandery routes.

Jake - head into Rock and Snow and get them to drill a hole through the book with a cord going through it. They'll do it for free and it makes it easier to carry the book.

Or, just take a photo of the page and zoom in on your camera.

I already drilled it myself. I don't want to carry the whole book up the rock though. If i remember to throw a small notepad in my bag then I can jot down the main details and be fine.

maybe for a few routes i'll take pictures and print but spur of the moment stuff i can just take a few notes.

Do you take the camera up? Just take a photo and and zoom in on your camera (when viewing the photo on the camera). That's what I do with longer routes. Easier than writing it down.

usually not. i go climbing to climb not to take pics for the most part.

Ah, well, OK. It's a tool, that's all.

yea.. i do it backpacking but not for climbing. my camera is not small enough or cheap enough to bring up on the rock with me.

for a token photo op route i'll take it.. like when i finally get around to doing CCK and Dangler. otherwise I want my belayer uhh.. belaying.


Oct 30, 2011, 2:45 PM
Post #812 of 1159 (16588 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I should learn to write down descriptions of wandery routes.

Jake - head into Rock and Snow and get them to drill a hole through the book with a cord going through it. They'll do it for free and it makes it easier to carry the book.

Or, just take a photo of the page and zoom in on your camera.

I already drilled it myself. I don't want to carry the whole book up the rock though. If i remember to throw a small notepad in my bag then I can jot down the main details and be fine.

maybe for a few routes i'll take pictures and print but spur of the moment stuff i can just take a few notes.

Do you take the camera up? Just take a photo and and zoom in on your camera (when viewing the photo on the camera). That's what I do with longer routes. Easier than writing it down.

usually not. i go climbing to climb not to take pics for the most part.

Ah, well, OK. It's a tool, that's all.

yea.. i do it backpacking but not for climbing. my camera is not small enough or cheap enough to bring up on the rock with me.

for a token photo op route i'll take it.. like when i finally get around to doing CCK and Dangler. otherwise I want my belayer uhh.. belaying.

belaying is overrated.


Oct 30, 2011, 2:48 PM
Post #813 of 1159 (16586 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I should learn to write down descriptions of wandery routes.

Jake - head into Rock and Snow and get them to drill a hole through the book with a cord going through it. They'll do it for free and it makes it easier to carry the book.

Or, just take a photo of the page and zoom in on your camera.

I already drilled it myself. I don't want to carry the whole book up the rock though. If i remember to throw a small notepad in my bag then I can jot down the main details and be fine.

maybe for a few routes i'll take pictures and print but spur of the moment stuff i can just take a few notes.

Do you take the camera up? Just take a photo and and zoom in on your camera (when viewing the photo on the camera). That's what I do with longer routes. Easier than writing it down.

usually not. i go climbing to climb not to take pics for the most part.

Ah, well, OK. It's a tool, that's all.

yea.. i do it backpacking but not for climbing. my camera is not small enough or cheap enough to bring up on the rock with me.

for a token photo op route i'll take it.. like when i finally get around to doing CCK and Dangler. otherwise I want my belayer uhh.. belaying.

belaying is overrated.

you fall too much to be saying that sorta thing ;)


Oct 30, 2011, 8:19 PM
Post #814 of 1159 (16575 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I should learn to write down descriptions of wandery routes.

Jake - head into Rock and Snow and get them to drill a hole through the book with a cord going through it. They'll do it for free and it makes it easier to carry the book.

Or, just take a photo of the page and zoom in on your camera.

I already drilled it myself. I don't want to carry the whole book up the rock though. If i remember to throw a small notepad in my bag then I can jot down the main details and be fine.

maybe for a few routes i'll take pictures and print but spur of the moment stuff i can just take a few notes.

Do you take the camera up? Just take a photo and and zoom in on your camera (when viewing the photo on the camera). That's what I do with longer routes. Easier than writing it down.

usually not. i go climbing to climb not to take pics for the most part.

Ah, well, OK. It's a tool, that's all.

yea.. i do it backpacking but not for climbing. my camera is not small enough or cheap enough to bring up on the rock with me.

for a token photo op route i'll take it.. like when i finally get around to doing CCK and Dangler. otherwise I want my belayer uhh.. belaying.

belaying is overrated.

you fall too much to be saying that sorta thing ;)

yeah, that's true.


Oct 30, 2011, 11:32 PM
Post #815 of 1159 (16562 views)

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A late season day [In reply to]
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It is starting to get pretty late in the season for climbing up here in Ottawa (Ontario, Canada). With the overnight lows generally below freezing, the rock tends towards cold, and cold rock really sucks the heat out of your hands. But, the high today was supposed to be around 7C (45F) and sunny -- so the sun would (hopefully) warm the rock. Sadly, it wasn't so sunny, so the rock was chilly all day.

It is a lot harder to pull moves with confidence when your fingers are numb enough that you can't actually feel the edge they're on very well. So, we spent the day mostly top-roping (I led on easy sport route) at a local crag (Calabogie) that has easy top-of-cliff access.

I am hoping to get another day or two this year, and then it will be no more outdoor climbing until I make it to EPC in early March.

(This post was edited by dagibbs on Oct 31, 2011, 2:29 AM)


Oct 31, 2011, 2:25 AM
Post #816 of 1159 (16553 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] At late season day [In reply to]
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Mitch and I are headed to Potrero 11/5/11 for 12 days. Trip report to follow.


Oct 31, 2011, 10:44 AM
Post #817 of 1159 (16539 views)

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Re: [gblauer] At late season day [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Mitch and I are headed to Potrero 11/5/11 for 12 days. Trip report to follow.



Oct 31, 2011, 4:57 PM
Post #818 of 1159 (16502 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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In lieu of guidebook, go up. If climbing gets too hard, come down. I know it sounds facetious, but I'm kinda being serious.


Oct 31, 2011, 7:08 PM
Post #819 of 1159 (16495 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
In lieu of guidebook, go up. If climbing gets too hard, come down. I know it sounds facetious, but I'm kinda being serious.

whatever rob.. I'd prefer to follow the actual route and if a few notes will help me stay on track i'll do it.

please continue to be a douche though.. that's great.


Nov 4, 2011, 8:04 PM
Post #820 of 1159 (16344 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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12 more hours until we depart for El Potrero Chico. TR to follow.


Nov 4, 2011, 11:37 PM
Post #821 of 1159 (16333 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
12 more hours until we depart for El Potrero Chico. TR to follow.

[living vicariously through you] Woooo!!!!! [still vicarious]


Nov 7, 2011, 7:58 PM
Post #822 of 1159 (16247 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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got out on sat for some bouldering in a new area... sweet problems which deserve some video.


Nov 9, 2011, 7:23 AM
Post #823 of 1159 (16197 views)

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Re: [darkgift06] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gunks ticklist: Lead: Te Dum P1, Birdland P1, Eastertime Too , Andrew P1, Son of a bitchy virgin P1, Absurdland

Follow, Te dum p2, Alphonse, Birdland P2, As the Cliff turns, Son of a bitchy virgin P2, Traverse of the Clods P1/2, Dry heaves p1

Highlights.. Birdland, eastertime too and absurdland woo! Following TotC also an interesting time.. Thought Absurdland was Wisecrack and am kinda happy i didn't know and was way more relaxed than I would have been.(partner knew but didn't know that i didn't know)

lowilghts. tried following Dry Heaves in the dark by headlamp... undercling, shitty feet, dark = foot popping and catching wrist between rope and cam sling/biner while falling. OW! hauled back up A0'd the move and finished it up but gadammn that route sucks haha
stuck on Rt84 in CT for 45mins due to an accident ahead of us.. no bueno.


Nov 10, 2011, 1:43 AM
Post #824 of 1159 (16165 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Jake, I have not yet begun to be a douche. My douchiness knows no bounds. However, I dare say, whining about ambulance sirens waking you up in Camp Slime makes you the uncontested King of the douche.


Nov 10, 2011, 2:34 AM
Post #825 of 1159 (16161 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
Jake, I have not yet begun to be a douche. My douchiness knows no bounds. However, I dare say, whining about ambulance sirens waking you up in Camp Slime makes you the uncontested King of the douche.

It was not sirens. It was the trucks running for 2+ hours due to gumbies calling 911 because it got dark.

telling someone to go to Millbrook when they want to easy to set up top ropes however... great beta there Chief.


Nov 10, 2011, 4:04 AM
Post #826 of 1159 (15311 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Exhausted in Mexico. Details to follow.


Nov 10, 2011, 10:27 AM
Post #827 of 1159 (15303 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Exhausted in Mexico. Details to follow.

sounds productive


Nov 10, 2011, 1:48 PM
Post #828 of 1159 (15294 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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It's great that we are keeping track of each others posts! I see you don't have a good handle on internet sarcasm just yet. Who the hell would go to Millbrook to toprope routes? Anyway, the funny part about this whole runing dialogue is, if we ever met each other on the cliff, I'm sure we'd get along quite nicely. We both have a talent for being douchbags.


Nov 10, 2011, 2:28 PM
Post #829 of 1159 (15290 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Hey guys this has been a remarkably pleasant and controversy-free thread for a long time. Why don't you both take it elsewhere. Better yet, hook up at the Gunks and do some climbing together. I know Jake to be very good company at the crag and from Rob's posts it seems he would be too. I think you guys just might get along pretty well.


Nov 10, 2011, 9:27 PM
Post #830 of 1159 (15265 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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That's what I've been saying all along Bill!


Nov 11, 2011, 12:08 AM
Post #831 of 1159 (15254 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Exhausted in Mexico. Details to follow.
pictures, don't forget pictures.


Nov 11, 2011, 2:01 AM
Post #832 of 1159 (15247 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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rangerrob wrote:
That's what I've been saying all along Bill!

perhaps in the spring when ya heal up.


Nov 11, 2011, 2:25 AM
Post #833 of 1159 (15238 views)

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Re: [donald949] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Here is Mitch on Coatimundi, a very short 5.8 up behind the pools to the far right of the Wonder Wall. His wrist is not cooperating and he is not happy about how it's impacting his ability to climb.

Market day is always fun, but, last Tuesday's market included baby cute!

(This post was edited by gblauer on Nov 11, 2011, 3:53 PM)


Nov 28, 2011, 4:21 AM
Post #834 of 1159 (15051 views)

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Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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but, I'm not complaining.

I just got to go out climbing the last three days. That is, Novembe 25, 26, and 27. In Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Generally, it is freezing or below by this time of year, usually wet, often with snow on the ground. To get three days in a row of local climb is unheard of.

And, yeah, it was just some local cragging -- but that's a glorious thing at this time of year around here.

Oh yeah, also took a visiting Brit on his longest outdoor climb ever, his first ever multi-pitch climb, his first ever trad follow, then his first ever trad lead. He was very happy.


Dec 2, 2011, 11:49 PM
Post #835 of 1159 (14987 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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We are still climbing here at the gunks. I was out today, it was about 45 degrees, but, totally fine in the sun. The days are short so you have to climb quickly to get volume.


Dec 3, 2011, 1:09 AM
Post #836 of 1159 (14982 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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gah i want to go but i have work this week and it's gunna rain tuesday :( booooo


Dec 3, 2011, 2:36 AM
Post #837 of 1159 (14969 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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I'm not surprised you're still climbing in the Gunks... you're a fair bit south of here. And 45 is fine -- that's what it was here last weekend. It's down to freezing this weekend, which is about normal for this time of year.


Dec 20, 2011, 5:22 PM
Post #838 of 1159 (14832 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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Well, I had initially submitted this to, but the girl who is in charge of the reader blogs doesn't seem to be responding these days, so I posted it on my own blog instead: A Hodgepodge of Climbers in Southeastern Brasil is a summary of the three places I've hit thus far as well as a complicated trajectory of how I've met my climbing partners.

Next week I should be climbing near or on the beach in a town called Florianopolis. Look it up on google images, it's worth it.

In short, it's getting hot here, damn hot, but I may be finally finding a stable, dedicated partner after building a loose coalition of newbies and flaky experienced climbers. It hasn't been easy (language is key at times), but I've managed. Still no certainty that I've found a good partner, but fingers are crossed that I have.

This latest post doesn't reflect my difficulties in finding good partners that much. Instead it focuses more on how I've had to patch together a decent group just to get out. Brasil is a complicated place. Enjoy.


Dec 20, 2011, 5:27 PM
Post #839 of 1159 (14828 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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Yeah, finding a stable partner, or fairly tight group of possible partners can be difficult -- and in a new country, with language barriers, and (quite possibly) less of a climbing culture, I can understand how difficult that would be. Hope it works out!


Dec 20, 2011, 5:59 PM
Post #840 of 1159 (14825 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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dagibbs wrote:
Yeah, finding a stable partner, or fairly tight group of possible partners can be difficult -- and in a new country, with language barriers, and (quite possibly) less of a climbing culture, I can understand how difficult that would be. Hope it works out!

Thanks. Me, too. Beer


Dec 20, 2011, 6:23 PM
Post #841 of 1159 (14821 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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Ohhh i forgot to post up about my mid-week weekend at the gunks last week.

I met Valpine tuesday morning and got moving to find sunny routes. It was in the teens over night but produced a great sunrise.

Tuesday we did Easy O to Baby. I had forgotten how much fun the roof was on Baby P2, i think i'll be doing this combo for a warm up more often. Even more so if i bring a tag line or 70m to do P2 Son of EO after coming back down to the ledge.
Then we moved on to Something Interesting. I had followed it this summer but had forgotten about the 2nd crux beta but i sorted it out and enjoyed the jugs to the top. Val wanted to lead something onsight so she got on Squiggles and finished our short day with that.

Day 2 we wanted to get on Bonnies while it was warm so we headed straight down then did In the Groove to warm up. Bit interesting with the bottom soaked and half of the In the Silly alternate start wet. Luckily I do enough wet routes at Rumney to be ok working around wet holds. eventually weaved through the water through the roofs to the top. Bonnies Roof is my favorite pitch at the gunks. P1 was in prime conditions. dry, crisp and sticky. Val pumped out at the roof and had to do some prussik action to get back on but did and finished it up no problem. Had her take some photos of me on P2 so I could have the classic shot.

running out of light we went and did Bunny to the Retribution anchors. Val followed and gave the bottom of Retribution a solid go but the roof was too much. I got on, got crossed up at the roof and had to hang a sec then pulled it and finished the rest. I thought it would be a good route to lead next year because i cruised it a few years ago on TR.. i am having second thoughts :P

ah well.. not a bad few days.. short days and chilly temps didn't get us that many pitches but it was gunks mid december so what do you want. back to plastic tonight.. must get stronger.


Dec 20, 2011, 11:56 PM
Post #842 of 1159 (14803 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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Nice Jake. Nice to see that the temps are still good enough to climb there, though too cold for my brittle hands.


Dec 21, 2011, 5:22 AM
Post #843 of 1159 (14791 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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yea.. was mid 40s maybe low 50 on the wall.. you would not have been too happy. I had long sleeve polypro and a fleece vest on and was fine with my helmet on.

teens at night might have froze you solid hehe


Dec 21, 2011, 11:27 AM
Post #844 of 1159 (14781 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
yea.. was mid 40s maybe low 50 on the wall.. you would not have been too happy. I had long sleeve polypro and a fleece vest on and was fine with my helmet on.

teens at night might have froze you solid hehe

Actually, I could have handled the night. I'm OK with cold temps, just not when I have to use my fingers, so sleeping would have been fine.

I remember once in mid-to-late Nov I was climbing with a friend on YYYY. I did the first three pitches in the sun no problem. The last pitch was in the shade. I got into the traverse and damn near almost told my partner I couldn't get the #3 out (or maybe it was a #2, either way, it was an easy-to-remove large cam). My fingers couldn't pull the trigger. I got it out, but it was PAINFUL! Crazy


Dec 21, 2011, 11:24 PM
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Re: [Gmburns2000] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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At the gunks now...could have climbed a couple of days this week. It's cold, but not horrible. Couldnt' find a willing partner so I have been hiking and going to yoga. I am hoping to climb sometime over the next few days.

Rained all day today. boo hiss.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Dec 22, 2011, 2:27 PM)


Dec 22, 2011, 12:54 AM
Post #846 of 1159 (14747 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
At the gunks now...could have climbed a couple of days this week. It's cold, but not horrible. COuldnt' find a willing partner so I have been hking and going to yoga. I am hoping to climb sometime over the next few days.

Rained all day today. boo hiss.

That's worse for me: cold AND wet. brrrr....


Jan 2, 2012, 2:04 AM
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Happy New Year!

We climbed at the gunks on 12/31 and then again today. The weather was unseasonably warm and it felt great to get out on the rock. Believe it or not, the Trapps lot was full when I walked out today. Almost every climb in the Uberfall was occupied.

While we are about to be hit by a "polar express", it may be warm enought to climb by the weekend. The only problem is our short days. You have to wait until about noon to go out (so that it's warm enough) and then you only have a few hours to climb. Once the sun goes behind the cliff the temp drops and it gets pretty cold pretty quickly.

We have no ice or snow, so it's rock climbing, hiking, and yoga for me.


Jan 3, 2012, 3:38 PM
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Re: [gblauer] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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Polar express!!!

Phoenix was @ 79 and sunny! We climbed at Isolation Canyon in T shirts and sunscreen. Ouch, it was chilly walking out there, we had to surmount an ice coated slab (north facing of course) then the sunny rock just wore my tips to nubbins.

Geez, glad our polar express is different from the


Jan 3, 2012, 5:22 PM
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Re: [sonso45] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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Okay since Gail and Manny posted up I guess I will as well. It was a beautiful day Sunday at Crow Hill. Brilliant sunshine, no wind and temps in the upper 40's, a very balmy Massachusetts January day Manny! Pretty low-key day. The rack stayed in the pack. We did some bouldering and then did some TR laps on CroMag. Or, more correctly, Coldweather Kevin did some laps on it as well as some attempts on CroMaiden. On my several "laps" I didn't get much further than the bouldery start. The combination of the bouldering session, several weeks of inactivity and messing up the sequence a couple of times on the start led to an inability to hang in until I could get to the jams. CroMag starts beneath a hang. You step up and make a couple of moves up and left to a break, swing a leg up to catch a knee bar and use a good horizontal to pull upright. Now it is dead vertical to slightly overhanging and unfortunately you have about 10 more feet on slopers and one very marginal ringlock before you can sink a solid jam to get a rest. Time to get back to the workout routine!

Beers and a bit of Scotch in the parking lot finished off the somewhat traditional Crow Hill January 1st outing. BTW Doug, if you are lurking, we toasted you and past "opening" days! BTW Manny did you and Doug ever connect? Best wishes to all for a great New Year!


Jan 3, 2012, 7:44 PM
Post #850 of 1159 (14525 views)

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Re: [losbill] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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managed to get some climbing in while at the beach the past week. The rock was no more than 15min from the beach. Sweet! Cool

Damn near hand-jammed into a wasp nest, though. Got lucky on that one and decided it was a good time to call it a day.

Then spent 3.5 hours fighting beach traffic to go a mere 90km back to the lady's sister's apt.


Jan 3, 2012, 10:32 PM
Post #851 of 1159 (14367 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Damn near hand-jammed into a wasp nest, though..

Yikes...I did that at the gunks with a bees nest. 27 stings later, I resumed climbing. Not fun!


Jan 4, 2012, 12:21 AM
Post #852 of 1159 (14363 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Crazy November weather [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Damn near hand-jammed into a wasp nest, though..

Yikes...I did that at the gunks with a bees nest. 27 stings later, I resumed climbing. Not fun!

Yeah, I was able to back off before I got through it. It was a "what the fuck?" moment for sure.


Jan 4, 2012, 4:08 PM
Post #853 of 1159 (14346 views)

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Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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Cliff notes:
A nice selection of slings, cord, a nut and biners were bailed from ~30m up pitch 4. Also if you 2nd class 15' to the right on the chimney belay ledge, there's another cord + sling that someone should grab before winter finally hits (it'd be a shame to waste any of this gear that has tons of life left!)

Also of note: you can bail off from that chimney belay ledge with two 60m ropes and get safely down without stuck ropes.

A TR bail? ...

I had headed to the Valley to take advantage of this weird winter weather for the long New Years weekend. Myself and A are fledgling trad leaders and we also had a couple of followers to belay us up whatever we attempted. This was my first time in the Valley since I took up climbing (Meadows 7/2010) and this would be A's first time leading in the Valley.

Our first afternoon we spent at Swan Slab, each of us getting in a 5.6 lead and setting up a top-rope on the 5.9 finger and adjacent 10a climbs. The next day we set off for Munginella and had it all to ourselves and our 2 parties of 2. We did it in two pitches and it went well and was a quite enjoyable climb. This was our followers first multi-pitch outings. After a quick lunch we decided to check out Jamcrack and also with no one around, had it to ourselves. A led the first pitch, I followed and brought a 2nd rope so that we could setup a top-rope for our friends on the first pitch while I psyched myself up to try the 2nd pitch. My lead went well and I ended up sitting briefly on one piece near the top (sized the wrong cam and that extra bit of time made me want a take).

With the pass open, I insisted that we had to do a day of climbing in the Meadows; options of West Country or something similar or Cathedral Peak! The novelty of getting Cathedral done on January 1st won us over, so on New Years eve ours was the only campsite in Camp 4 in bed by 10pm. We hit the road by 5:40am on a brisk New Years day – the temperature at the Cathedral trailhead was 16* when we started hiking just after 7am. Luckily, as I suspected, there would be previous footprints in the snow to mark our climbers trail. Bits of snow and ice still slowed us down a bit and the approach was ~2hrs and I was hoping for 1.5 tops. I was still able to start the first pitch around 9:30, so I thought we'd be good. A faster party had started a bit before us and we relinquished the possibility of being the first to summit in 2012, but we would set a different first... I was leading first, bringing up my second and usually waiting for A to arrive at the belay on lead before I took off on the next pitch. At the third pitch belay we paused and let a couple soloists pass before starting up the pitch. Again at the chimney belay another soloist passed along with a simul-climbing party. While obviously behind what we hoped to be our schedule, we thought we'd still have time to summit and continued on. Wandering around mid-pitch 4, I had the feeling that it wasn't going to happen, though. I built an anchor and started to bring up my second so that A could start up the pitch and then we would discuss options when they arrived. As it started to get a bit colder and the sun was working its way lower in the sky, we decided to go ahead and bail, as we would have to still do 2 more pitches to get to the top and didn't want to finish anytime near dark (I had hiked Cathedral before, and knew how to get over to the descent trail, but we were unsure of what, if any, snow/ice sections lay between the summit and the trail). So we built up our anchor to bail from, after we had downclimbed to a spot that offered blocks to sling and a nut placement vs our current belay spot. Despite taking longer than I had hoped to get the bail process started, we were able to lower our followers down safely to the ground and rap ourselves off just before dark. With 4 people and the possibility of cold and darkness, the anchors were solid. As I rapped off, I paused and questioned whether biners should have been replaced with girth hitches or rope directly on sling rapping; this was dismissed as the few dollars didn't matter with 4 of us in the mix and any possibility of mental lapses from a long day that was getting longer and colder. We made it back safely and even had enough energy left to stop at Tenaya and get our ice walking/sliding on – so cool to be able to drive through this time of year!

The last day we were all pretty unmotivated to climb, so our followers went off to take in some sights before leaving. So A and I settled on something short; Bishops Terrace, and I figured if I followed the first pitch, I should be warmed up and hopefully motivated to lead the second. Arriving at the belay, I was neither, but had agreed to it beforehand so off I went. I was unhappy with having only two cams large enough for the wide section, especially as one didn't seem quite big enough and so I hemmed and hawed my way up it with some sitting on gear and bumping up my lower piece until I was high enough to make a couple moves and clip a fixed pin and head up the double crack section. After a couple pumpy-liebacking placed cams, I hit the hands section and pushed on through happily with solid hands and feet and was stoked to have led it after all. Then we rap down, pull our ropes and they only move 4 feet. Tug. Tug. Harder tugs. Rope in the belay device body tugs. Nothing. Stuck solid. At least we have both rope ends. I am sure that on any other given day of great climbing weather, an untold number of waiting groups wold happily unstick the ropes. Curse these empty classic routes! I had always meant to practice ascending a rope one day in Santa Barbara when I didn't have a partner, but had never gotten around to it. Either way I knew the setup I had imagined would work and put it to the test. ATC in guide mode on my belay loop with a sling prussic above and a couple girth hitched slings down to a foot loop. It worked, I was safe during my ascent, but damn was it hard to pull all that rope through. After what was easily the most work I did climbing the entire trip, I found one tail of the rope had caught in the crack at the top. I had just started using the EDK for its ease and speed of tying and that the knot should get caught less – in this instance I think it worked against us b/c of the long tail strand. Lesson learned: pay more attention to where the rope may run when pulled, have your partner test pull before you rap, and orient the knot on whichever side makes more sense when tying.

As I type this, my arms are quite sore from the rope ascent more than anything else, but I know we learned a lot on this trip and along with our first Valley leads, our first Cathedral attempt and the distinction of the first party to bail off Cathedral in 2012! And possibly the only party to bail on a New Years day!? Along with being more comfortable leading trad, we missed having a couple epics and are one more step along in our climbing journey. A great few days and back in time to catch the new swell today! A pretty decent start to 2012...

View from base of Munginella

Looking down from the top of Munginella - the final steep section was a pleasant surprise.

Looking down 3rd pitch of Cathedral


Jan 4, 2012, 4:46 PM
Post #854 of 1159 (14341 views)

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Re: [surfstar] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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Sounds like a nice time. Glad you guys made the right decision on bailing. Cold, lack of experience, darkness = bad things.

I remember Munginella from when I was there. I passed on leading P2 (actually, I freaked out). Crack has never been my strong suit.


Jan 4, 2012, 5:24 PM
Post #855 of 1159 (14335 views)

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Re: [surfstar] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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Sounds like a great outing. Thanks for sharing. IMHO you demonstrated smack on judgment on the bail. The pic with the knobs brought back good memories from my trip to the Meadows in August.


Jan 4, 2012, 6:24 PM
Post #856 of 1159 (14322 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Sounds like a nice time. Glad you guys made the right decision on bailing. Cold, lack of experience, darkness = bad things.

I remember Munginella from when I was there. I passed on leading P2 (actually, I freaked out). Crack has never been my strong suit.

edit: I meant that I passed on leading Bishops Terrace P2. Munginella went just fine.


Jan 8, 2012, 12:46 AM
Post #857 of 1159 (14274 views)

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Re: [surfstar] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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Nice trip report Surstar, I liked the photos too.

Today it was 55 degrees at the gunks. The lot was 3/4's full, but mostly hikers. The uberfall was very busy and we contributed to the busy-ness. I didn't feel like walking in, as the days are too short for long hikes. My philosophy: find an open climb and jump on it. I feel like I am just continuing my fall season and am feeling very confident on the rock. I stood at the base of my goal climb for 2012 and thought I might get on it today...alas, I wimped out. Don't worry, when I attack Retribution you will all know about it!

We enjoyed climbing Bunny, Fancy Idiot, Pas de Deux, Son of Easy O and Easy O today. It's supposed to be 39 tomorrow; I hope the forecasters are wrong and we ease into the 40's. I am going to yoga in the AM and hopefully to the cliff after noon.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Jan 8, 2012, 12:56 AM)


Jan 8, 2012, 2:57 AM
Post #858 of 1159 (14263 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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I was out there today too Gail...first time back on the rock since breaking my ankle in the beginning of November. I led Jackie, and you could tell by the number of pieces I placed that I was not trusting myself. I usually do that pitch with 4 pieces. I placed 9 today. Did Nice Crack Climb as well. Still...t-shirts and sweat in's not right. It should 15 degrees and snowy, and the ice should reigning supreme!


Jan 8, 2012, 4:36 AM
Post #859 of 1159 (14257 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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Can't Post glad to hear that you are back!!! We saw someoneon Jackie...wanted to climb it but it was taken. Glad to hear it was you.

What about tomorrow? You going to climb in 39 degrees?


Jan 9, 2012, 3:10 AM
Post #860 of 1159 (14231 views)

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Nope...I was domestic today


Jan 9, 2012, 3:17 AM
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Re: [rangerrob] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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Me too. Yoga at Jai Ma. It was a bit too breezy for me to brave the low 40's.

On another note, do you know who put the solar christmas lights on the tree above the Andrew boulder?


Jan 9, 2012, 5:10 AM
Post #862 of 1159 (14225 views)

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Re: [rangerrob] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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Nice!!!!! Glad you got out Rob!

I went climbing Saturday, we were top rope tough guys at Lost City. Back when I climbed trad I was good for the odd 5.8 but since I got introduced to toproping I can top-dog 5.11, no problem!


Jan 9, 2012, 12:16 PM
Post #863 of 1159 (14212 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:

On another note, do you know who put the solar christmas lights on the tree above the Andrew boulder?

The more I think about it, the more I think that's kind of cool.


Jan 9, 2012, 2:23 PM
Post #864 of 1159 (14202 views)

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Re: [sethg] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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Saturday was great! Went out to Crow to boulder. Surprised to find 4 parties and one other boulderer there. Usually it's just Kevin and me.

Seth if you haven't already seen it you may find this useful as you begin to work up the top rope ladder:


Jan 9, 2012, 2:48 PM
Post #865 of 1159 (14198 views)

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Re: [losbill] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Saturday was great! Went out to Crow to boulder. Surprised to find 4 parties and one other boulderer there. Usually it's just Kevin and me.

Seth if you haven't already seen it you may find this useful as you begin to work up the top rope ladder:

I think I know someone who's related to someone who did that film.



Jan 9, 2012, 7:55 PM
Post #866 of 1159 (14181 views)

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Yes!! That movie is genius, I was quoting from it.


Jan 9, 2012, 10:23 PM
Post #867 of 1159 (14164 views)

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Re: [sethg] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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Seth, I would have joined you had I known! Although we did have fun in the Trapps.

Regrettably it's back to a grueling schedule for me. I will be in NJ, DC, MA and NJ this week, followed by MA for 4 days next week. Hopefully the weekend of the 20th will be nice and mild.


Jan 9, 2012, 10:26 PM
Post #868 of 1159 (14162 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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I finally got out and did The Pulpit at Stone Mountain this weekend. My friend flew in from Alaska to interview for med school, so I had to take him out for some nice south facing North Carolina rock climbing to rub in the fact that our high temperature was a full eighty five degrees warmer than his.

It was an awesome route, but a water streak was running pretty wide across the traverse to the Oasis, so we improvised by climbing up 100 feet to a high point and rapping down to the Oasis before continuing on.

There was some crazy gumby shit going on at Stone yesterday, though. I don't even know where to begin... There were probably five or six other parties there, all of whom might be the loudest people I've ever seen at a crag not in the New River Gorge.

We had everything from completely botched and crossed-up double rope technique with some pieces clipped with one rope and others by both being employed on a vertical crack (using 10mm+ single ropes, no less) to a woman who claimed to have been climbing for 15+ years, but screamed in panic every time her top rope had a slack loop to her knees (on a 5.4, no less). GoPro helmet cams documented epic 5.5 pitches. Someone was bragging to everyone who would listen about having been rescued by military helicopter from Shortoff. Plus, there was the ever classic guy talking loudly about being a 5.10 leader who dragged his non-climber girlfriend to the crag and shouted endlessly useless encouragement at her as she dangled helplessly near the bottom of the aforementioned 5.4 entrance crack for over an hour.

Then, one of the most bizarre things that has ever happened to me while climbing occurred as my partner was leading the pitch off the Oasis (P4).

Guy at bottom: Hey you up there!
Guy at bottom: Hey you on the Pulpit!
Me: Yeah?
Guy at bottom: What's it like on the Pulpit right now?
Me: A little wet. Mostly ok.
Guy at bottom: Is the rubber sticking good?
Me: Uh... yeah.
Guy at bottom: Thanks. I was thinking about doing my first free solo.
*long pause*
Guy at bottom: Unless one of ya'll wants to climb it again with me and follow. I wouldn't mind a belay.

Mind you, it's now 3 PM, very overcast, starting to drizzle, and the water streak next to the Oasis is clearly running strong. What the hell?

(This post was edited by TarHeelEMT on Jan 9, 2012, 10:32 PM)


Jan 9, 2012, 10:33 PM
Post #869 of 1159 (14148 views)

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Darwin at work


Jan 9, 2012, 11:48 PM
Post #870 of 1159 (14138 views)

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Re: [TarHeelEMT] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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TarHeelEMT wrote:
I finally got out and did The Pulpit at Stone Mountain this weekend. My friend flew in from Alaska to interview for med school, so I had to take him out for some nice south facing North Carolina rock climbing to rub in the fact that our high temperature was a full eighty five degrees warmer than his.

It was an awesome route, but a water streak was running pretty wide across the traverse to the Oasis, so we improvised by climbing up 100 feet to a high point and rapping down to the Oasis before continuing on.

There was some crazy gumby shit going on at Stone yesterday, though. I don't even know where to begin... There were probably five or six other parties there, all of whom might be the loudest people I've ever seen at a crag not in the New River Gorge.

We had everything from completely botched and crossed-up double rope technique with some pieces clipped with one rope and others by both being employed on a vertical crack (using 10mm+ single ropes, no less) to a woman who claimed to have been climbing for 15+ years, but screamed in panic every time her top rope had a slack loop to her knees (on a 5.4, no less). GoPro helmet cams documented epic 5.5 pitches. Someone was bragging to everyone who would listen about having been rescued by military helicopter from Shortoff. Plus, there was the ever classic guy talking loudly about being a 5.10 leader who dragged his non-climber girlfriend to the crag and shouted endlessly useless encouragement at her as she dangled helplessly near the bottom of the aforementioned 5.4 entrance crack for over an hour.

Then, one of the most bizarre things that has ever happened to me while climbing occurred as my partner was leading the pitch off the Oasis (P4).

Guy at bottom: Hey you up there!
Guy at bottom: Hey you on the Pulpit!
Me: Yeah?
Guy at bottom: What's it like on the Pulpit right now?
Me: A little wet. Mostly ok.
Guy at bottom: Is the rubber sticking good?
Me: Uh... yeah.
Guy at bottom: Thanks. I was thinking about doing my first free solo.
*long pause*
Guy at bottom: Unless one of ya'll wants to climb it again with me and follow. I wouldn't mind a belay.

Mind you, it's now 3 PM, very overcast, starting to drizzle, and the water streak next to the Oasis is clearly running strong. What the hell?



Jan 10, 2012, 4:54 AM
Post #871 of 1159 (14117 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Cathedral Peak Bail and valley trip [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Seth, I would have joined you had I known! Although we did have fun in the Trapps.

Regrettably it's back to a grueling schedule for me. I will be in NJ, DC, MA and NJ this week, followed by MA for 4 days next week. Hopefully the weekend of the 20th will be nice and mild.

Gail, that would have been great. I hope we'll get together to climb more in 2012 than in 2011.


Jan 10, 2012, 3:16 PM
Post #872 of 1159 (14089 views)

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White Sides [In reply to]
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A buddy and I made the 9 hour drive from DC and finally cut our teeth on White Sides in NC a few weeks ago.

The large wall and it's reputation for hard, runnout pitches have been in the back of my mind ever since I started climbing. I'd always wonder to myself, "am I ready yet?"

We started the weekend on Arm and Hammer 5.12a 700' on Saturday, and did the Original Route 5.11 on Sunday.

My partner did a write up of Arm and Hammer here:


Jan 10, 2012, 3:36 PM
Post #873 of 1159 (14083 views)

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Re: [zealotnoob] White Sides [In reply to]
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zealotnoob wrote:
A buddy and I made the 9 hour drive from DC and finally cut our teeth on White Sides in NC a few weeks ago.

The large wall and it's reputation for hard, runnout pitches have been in the back of my mind ever since I started climbing. I'd always wonder to myself, "am I ready yet?"

We started the weekend on Arm and Hammer 5.12a 700' on Saturday, and did the Original Route 5.11 on Sunday.

My partner did a write up of Arm and Hammer here:


Nice blog post.


Jan 10, 2012, 6:46 PM
Post #874 of 1159 (14062 views)

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Re: [zealotnoob] White Sides [In reply to]
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zealotnoob wrote:
A buddy and I made the 9 hour drive from DC and finally cut our teeth on White Sides in NC a few weeks ago.

The large wall and it's reputation for hard, runnout pitches have been in the back of my mind ever since I started climbing. I'd always wonder to myself, "am I ready yet?"

We started the weekend on Arm and Hammer 5.12a 700' on Saturday, and did the Original Route 5.11 on Sunday.

My partner did a write up of Arm and Hammer here:

Nice post! The whole blog is pretty good stuff, actually.


Jan 11, 2012, 12:16 AM
Post #875 of 1159 (14040 views)

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Re: [zealotnoob] White Sides [In reply to]
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zealotnoob wrote:
A buddy and I made the 9 hour drive from DC and finally cut our teeth on White Sides in NC a few weeks ago.

The large wall and it's reputation for hard, runnout pitches have been in the back of my mind ever since I started climbing. I'd always wonder to myself, "am I ready yet?"

We started the weekend on Arm and Hammer 5.12a 700' on Saturday, and did the Original Route 5.11 on Sunday.

My partner did a write up of Arm and Hammer here:

Nice post! Interesting video, too.

Well done on getting to the top at the very least.


Feb 10, 2012, 11:32 AM
Post #876 of 1159 (17046 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Managed to get out last Sunday for the first time in weeks (due to rain). The lady and I headed out at 6am to beat the heat. She got her first solo rappel, first cleaning of an anchor, and first losing-her-balance while on-rappel-and-flopping-into-a-bush-with-prickly-splinters. Laugh It was all good (she was on a fireman's).

We left at noon due to the heat.

Hoping this coming Sunday provides better opportunities to find the shade.


Feb 12, 2012, 10:22 PM
Post #877 of 1159 (17000 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Made it out climbing again today to a place called Sao Luis do Puruna. It's a sandstone area about 45min north of Curitiba and has some really gorgeous climbing. I have no idea what the grades are, but I feel as if I'm climbing near my limit every time. It's tough to get to this location, though, as one needs a car, and my best partners don't have one. Still, I keep wanting to come back for more and more. I had a really enjoyable time outside today.


Feb 12, 2012, 10:40 PM
Post #878 of 1159 (16997 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Sport or trad?

It's been cold here. Too cold for rock climbing, too warm for ice (at least for this novice ice climber, the ice is thin).

There have been several 45 degree days, alas, I was not at the gunks on those days. Hoping to get out next weekend.

I hosted a work event at Brooklyn Boulders this past Saturday. The Pros: Huge gym, and a great, relaxed vibe.
Cons: Unreal crowds, short walls, very dense setting, no parking. It's always fun taking the lead test at new gyms isn't it? I have taken at least 10 lead tests and every gym is different. At Metro Rock in Boston you can select any route, lead it and I don't think they ask you to take a fall. At PRG (my local gym) they set up a specific lead test (usually a 5.8) and they ask you to take a fall then finish the climb. At BB they too had a specific lead test, it was in the 5.10ish range, reachy for this shorty, with lots of bumps (i.e. more technical than most lead tests). Had to take a fall somewhere after the third bolt. They explained that since their lead area was small, they didn't want a lot of lead climbers, hence the 5.10.

While at BB I had the privilege of watching Ashima Shiraishi (~11 years old) climb. I recognized her from a video I saw on ABC news. She is a tiny little thing who manages to make the 12's look like 6's. She took first place at Nationals for the 11 and under wunderkids.

Planning a trip to Arizona to kick off the spring season, I think we are going to Cochise. Expect to spend the summer at the gunks and then head to the Dolomites in late August for two weeks of climbing.


Feb 12, 2012, 11:43 PM
Post #879 of 1159 (16996 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Sport or trad?

It's been cold here. Too cold for rock climbing, too warm for ice (at least for this novice ice climber, the ice is thin).

There have been several 45 degree days, alas, I was not at the gunks on those days. Hoping to get out next weekend.

I hosted a work event at Brooklyn Boulders this past Saturday. The Pros: Huge gym, and a great, relaxed vibe.
Cons: Unreal crowds, short walls, very dense setting, no parking. It's always fun taking the lead test at new gyms isn't it? I have taken at least 10 lead tests and every gym is different. At Metro Rock in Boston you can select any route, lead it and I don't think they ask you to take a fall. At PRG (my local gym) they set up a specific lead test (usually a 5.8) and they ask you to take a fall then finish the climb. At BB they too had a specific lead test, it was in the 5.10ish range, reachy for this shorty, with lots of bumps (i.e. more technical than most lead tests). Had to take a fall somewhere after the third bolt. They explained that since their lead area was small, they didn't want a lot of lead climbers, hence the 5.10.

While at BB I had the privilege of watching Ashima Shiraishi (~11 years old) climb. I recognized her from a video I saw on ABC news. She is a tiny little thing who manages to make the 12's look like 6's. She took first place at Nationals for the 11 and under wunderkids.

Planning a trip to Arizona to kick off the spring season, I think we are going to Cochise. Expect to spend the summer at the gunks and then head to the Dolomites in late August for two weeks of climbing.

Mostly sport, but there are gear route with bolts on them.

That Dolomites thing sounds interesting. I might be in Spain at that point.

My gym here just wants to make sure you clip correctly. They're more interested in conducting a lead-belay test than a lead test.


Feb 13, 2012, 3:29 PM
Post #880 of 1159 (16975 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gail, I was at BKB on Saturday afternoon, wish I'd known to look for you and say hello!

Numerous celebrities, children and adult, populate the gym. It's hard to say whether the pre-teen crowding on the weekend beats the weeknight adult crowding that goes on. It's often very crowded, unfortunately. I tell myself it means the place is doing well so I should be happy.


Feb 21, 2012, 10:15 PM
Post #881 of 1159 (16914 views)

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Re: [sethg] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Idiotic climbing=Sketchy head

It was a lovely weekend at the gunks. On Saturday MItch and I hiked from the Trapps lot into the Lemon Squeeze and back. There were lots of parties out climbing (8-10 parties, more folks bouldering) in the partly sunny 40+ degree day. We regretted not climbing, but enjoyed our hike.

It was bright and sunny on Sunday (43 degrees); we hit the cliff at around noon. The days are still short (once the sun goes down it gets really, cold really quickly) so we decided to climb in the Handy Andy area. I warmed up on "That Nice Crack Climb", was placing my first piece, when my foot slipped (could feel it happening elected to see what would happen, rather than shift my weight) and fell to the ground before I clipped. I was very low to the ground so no harm no foul. Yet, when I finished the climb, I was so heady. I absolutely did not trust my feet. We did some more climbing, I relaxed a bit, but, the day was over before I could really get my head back. I hate to waste a bonus day of clmibing, yet that's what I did.

I am seeking redemption this weekend.


Feb 21, 2012, 10:59 PM
Post #882 of 1159 (16908 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Idiotic climbing=Sketchy head

It was a lovely weekend at the gunks. On Saturday MItch and I hiked from the Trapps lot into the Lemon Squeeze and back. There were lots of parties out climbing (8-10 parties, more folks bouldering) in the partly sunny 40+ degree day. We regretted not climbing, but enjoyed our hike.

It was bright and sunny on Sunday (43 degrees); we hit the cliff at around noon. The days are still short (once the sun goes down it gets really, cold really quickly) so we decided to climb in the Handy Andy area. I warmed up on "That Nice Crack Climb", was placing my first piece, when my foot slipped (could feel it happening elected to see what would happen, rather than shift my weight) and fell to the ground before I clipped. I was very low to the ground so no harm no foul. Yet, when I finished the climb, I was so heady. I absolutely did not trust my feet. We did some more climbing, I relaxed a bit, but, the day was over before I could really get my head back. I hate to waste a bonus day of clmibing, yet that's what I did.

I am seeking redemption this weekend.

Gail, How much bouldering do you do? I have a theory that trad climbers (and many sport climbers) don't do enough bouldering to hone their skills close to the ground without a rope.

I'd be damn tempted to climb thurs-fri down there but i'm afraid of the dampness in the forecast :/


Feb 21, 2012, 11:00 PM
Post #883 of 1159 (16907 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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how's the foot treating you in general?


Feb 22, 2012, 1:17 AM
Post #884 of 1159 (16883 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I generally don't boulder. Perhaps I should. feet are ok, not great. My fingers are terrible. Although outside climbing is much easier on my fingers than indoor climbing.


Feb 22, 2012, 2:10 AM
Post #885 of 1159 (16877 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
I generally don't boulder. Perhaps I should. feet are ok, not great. My fingers are terrible. Although outside climbing is much easier on my fingers than indoor climbing.

But you're finding the new insoles Mitch built to be effective now. You're not having the same problems you had a couple of years ago?


Feb 22, 2012, 2:20 AM
Post #886 of 1159 (16874 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I could not climb without the carbon fiber inserts that Mitch made for me. I also take a prescription Naproxen before I climb.


Feb 23, 2012, 2:55 PM
Post #887 of 1159 (16829 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:

Gail, How much bouldering do you do? I have a theory that trad climbers (and many sport climbers) don't do enough bouldering to hone their skills close to the ground without a rope.

That's similar to my theory that boulderers don't do enough trad climbing to sharpen their skills WITH a rope. Wink



Feb 23, 2012, 3:23 PM
Post #888 of 1159 (16824 views)

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Re: [blueeyedclimber] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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blueeyedclimber wrote:
jakedatc wrote:

Gail, How much bouldering do you do? I have a theory that trad climbers (and many sport climbers) don't do enough bouldering to hone their skills close to the ground without a rope.

That's similar to my theory that boulderers don't do enough trad climbing to sharpen their skills WITH a rope. Wink


well, i agree that people who do mostly bouldering would benefit from rope climbing. i think the benefits of bouldering for trad climbing will show up more.


Feb 24, 2012, 1:26 PM
Post #889 of 1159 (16784 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Trip report from a rough day trip to Old Rag:

(This post was edited by zealotnoob on Feb 24, 2012, 4:49 PM)


Feb 25, 2012, 1:39 AM
Post #890 of 1159 (16749 views)

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Re: [zealotnoob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Interesting report. Clearly you need to step up in your gym/bar training routine Grasshopper. Puking on the approach is really bad form no matter how well you sucked it up for the rest of the day. PM me and will set you up with my guru Dan K. We once did 4 pitches and 400 beers at the Gunks one day, We were out of bed and climbing by 7:30 AM the next morning albeit on a 5.5 with a 5 minute dirt road approach but no puking was involved. Nevertheless sounded like a great day. Thanks for sharing.


Feb 25, 2012, 4:12 AM
Post #891 of 1159 (16743 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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speaking of walking.. i'm doing the Long Trail this summer Bill. is that far enough yet? ;) bahahaha Pirate


Feb 25, 2012, 12:51 PM
Post #892 of 1159 (16726 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
speaking of walking.. i'm doing the Long Trail this summer Bill. is that far enough yet? ;) bahahaha Pirate

In one day Jake?Shocked


Feb 25, 2012, 2:44 PM
Post #893 of 1159 (16719 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
speaking of walking.. i'm doing the Long Trail this summer Bill. is that far enough yet? ;) bahahaha Pirate

In one day Jake?Shocked

we'll see how the first day goes and work from that :)


Feb 27, 2012, 6:54 PM
Post #894 of 1159 (16665 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Interesting report. Clearly you need to step up in your gym/bar training routine Grasshopper. Puking on the approach is really bad form no matter how well you sucked it up for the rest of the day. PM me and will set you up with my guru Dan K. We once did 4 pitches and 400 beers at the Gunks one day, We were out of bed and climbing by 7:30 AM the next morning albeit on a 5.5 with a 5 minute dirt road approach but no puking was involved. Nevertheless sounded like a great day. Thanks for sharing.

That's a 100 beer/pitch ratio. Watch out Warren Harding.


Mar 14, 2012, 9:42 PM
Post #895 of 1159 (16537 views)

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Re: [zealotnoob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Spent the last week in Vail/Beaver Creek skiing. With my focus on climbing, I really forgot how much I love to ski.

We had a great time, unreal weather and reasonable conditions (given that it was the poorest snow season in 30 years).

Now on to the climbing season!


Mar 17, 2012, 10:58 PM
Post #896 of 1159 (16488 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Currently in El Potrero Chico. Estrellita today. More trip report, hopefully, when I get back.


Mar 21, 2012, 3:06 AM
Post #897 of 1159 (16422 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Spent the weekend at the gunks. Glorious weather. Monday was amazing, 75+ degrees. We actually got hot!


Mar 21, 2012, 10:08 AM
Post #898 of 1159 (16410 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Spent the weekend at the gunks. Glorious weather. Monday was amazing, 75+ degrees. We actually got hot!

You guys have been blessed with an amazingly warm winter. Not sure what that means for the summer's drinking water, but wow, climbing in March as if it's July? Amazing.


Mar 21, 2012, 10:16 AM
Post #899 of 1159 (16407 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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As for me, getting out (or even to the gym, for that matter) has been difficult. Finding consistent partners hasn't been that difficult. It's finding consistent partners with cars that's really tough. Cars here in Brasil are as ridiculously expensive as climbing gear is. Imagine a #2 BD Camalot selling for US$175. Cars are the same: a US$20k car costs about US$40k, so the folks who spend a lot of time climbing don't have a lot of money for big pieces of machinery. Of course, I'd like to be one of them.

However, a couple of my horseless carriage-less partners is developing a new crag, and since they know next to nothing about trad gear (because of the prohibitive cost), they have asked me to help them out. I just have to find a way to get there for the entire weekend to maximize the time spent at the crag.

As for the gym, well, my work schedule basically keeps me from getting there for any reasonable length of time. I'm setting routes, so I get free climbing, but man, having an hour here and there isn't overly productive.


Mar 21, 2012, 12:53 PM
Post #900 of 1159 (16397 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Havent put anythin in here in a while but i just got back from 8 days in Red Rocks so here goes...

Landed last Saturday, March 10th at around 11:30 and despite a crushing headache shared by all members of my group made a bee line for Kraft to get warmed up. Messed around on the Monkey Bar boulder for a while but didn't send anything harder than the 2, which was a rad problem.

Day 2 we woke in no hurry, scored some breakfast and drove into the loop where we parked at second pulllout and aimed for the Gallery. Here my apparent inability to read a guidebook surfaced once again, as we rambled aimlessly through orange rocky outcroppings for a while trying to figure out exactly where it was we were trying to go. Eventually we found the trail, but only because we passed about 45 other people on their way to the same crag. Not wanting to deal with the crowds, we switched directions and hiked along the ridge toward Sandstone Quarry, where after only a bit more confusion we stumbled upon The Pier. Once settled in we climbed Under the Boardwalk, Basement, and Geometric Progression, which were all cool sport climbs. We ended the day back at Kraft, on the way to which i stopped at Cannibal Crag and took a quick burn on Caustic Cock. Not a whole lot of climbing the second day, but we had six more to go.

Day 3 we woke at 6:00. After once again sneaking into Charleston Ave to score coffee and breakfast sandwiches, something that was to become a daily ritual, we made way for Black Velvet Canyon and Dream of Wild Turkeys. Of course when we got there a line had formed on Prince of Darkness, thanks in part to a fairly slow party on pitch 2 of The Dream. We didn't actually start climbing until 11:40. I led the first pitch, which was a really nice first trad lead of the season, since it was short and easy. My head was feeling great when i reached the anchors. The plan was to swing leads so my friend set out on the second pitch, only to run out of slings with about twentyfive feet left to climb. He made it to the anchor without incident, and i never would've guessed there was anything wrong, but when i joined him on the small ledge at the end of the pitch he declared that he was terrified and renounced trad climbing forever. Ignoring the fact that this didn't bode well for the rest of the climb I led pitch three, the one with super rad traverse. Once on the ledge i thought perhaps my buddy was just having a moment down at the last pitch, so i asked if there was any way he'd be willing to take pitch four, which he was not. Long story short, we bailed after the third pitch with intentions of going into town and getting wasted, except some dumbass (read: me) for some unknown reason threaded the rap lines through the bolt hangers instead of the rap rings and afforded us the opportunity to spend the remaining daylight linking p1 & 2 of The Gobbler to retrieve the ropes. By the time we made it out of the desert and into vegas the guy who secured the room was passed out inside with all the room keys. Since we were filthy and tired we bailed on the idea and went back to camp.

Day 4 we sat around camp for most of the morning, until finally around 11:00 i drug another friend through the desert toward Dark Shadows, thinking it may not be crowded on a Tuesday afternoon. Wrong. We passed a few hikers on the way in, all of whom asked if we part of the "big group" headed toward Dark Shadows. We pressed on anyway, hoping their definition of a big group was different from ours. When we arrived at the climb after a bit of a bushwhack (as previously stated i suck at directions) we were fourth in line, behind a party of four with one leader already on the route. Amazingly enough this actually worked to our advantage, as two of the three groups in front of us got sick of waiting and left in search of sport climbing. This made us the last group on route for the day, no one behind us pushing, and made for a very enjoyable four pitches of climbing. We got back to the car at 6:58, just in time to beat the loop police, or so we thought.

Day 5 me and the same guy who climbed Dark Shadows with me woke at 5:00, scored breakfast again at DD, then entered the loop at 6:00, where we parked at Pine Creek and hiked into Juniper Canyon toward The Black Dagger. The book says the approach should take about an hour and a half, add an hour and you get how long it took us. Still, it was totally worth it since we were literally the only two people in the canyon all day. The Dagger was super rad, easily the most memorable climb of the trip. I thought the 5.7+ crux pitch felt harder than the .10a on The Dream, but that's probably because i'm unaccustomed to run out stemming on glossy rock. Also worth noting, I've seen the 4th pitch chimney rated as 4th class in a couple different places, but it sure as hell didn't feel like 4th class to me. I put three pieces of gear in before squirming out of the small exit tunnel on the left side. From there it was straighforward climbing but the wind was murderous, several times provoking a heart to heart conversation between me and rock climbing. Eventually we topped out, walked off through the gunsight, and retrieved our packs. By the time we got back to the parking lot it was 8:30, and undoubtedly we would have a ticket. Except we didn't. I have no idea why, and i'm still half expecting to get something in the mail, but as the days go by i'm gaurdedly optimistic that the blm just didn't make it to that parking lot yet.

Day 6 the whole group was beat up, but we had plans to meet a friend who lives in vegas and had the good fortune of stumbling across an undeveloped boulderfield while going for a warmup hike one day. We met him and hiked in, but unfortunately no one had any energy to nab an FA. Still fun though, and sure beat my common rest day back home.

Day 7 two members of our group had never in their lives been more than one pitch off the ground, so we geared up and i drug them up Johnny Vegas, which was thankfully unoccupied for the duration of the day. Super cool line, soft at 5.7 but fun none the less. I got off route a little bit at the end and added an extra forty feet of fun but run out 5.6ish slab to the climb, but it was certainly worth it to skip the 5.0 regular finish.

Day 8 rain and snow was forecasted, so me and one other dude woke up early and hit Kraft again in hopes of getting a little bit of climbing in before we left. Unfortunately we were wrecked, it was our eighth day on after all, and we threw in the towell long before the precip arrived. We spent the rest of the day tooling about vegas; stopped at the casino, went to the gear shop, target, etc, then caught our flight home later that night. Great trip. Can not wait to go back. Need to go with someone who wants to finish The Dream with me, because the first three pitches were dope!


Mar 21, 2012, 1:04 PM
Post #901 of 1159 (15047 views)

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Nice TR Dip. Some nice routes.

Yeah, the rest of DoWT is pretty sweet. The whole climb is nice to the top, except maybe the final pitch.


Mar 26, 2012, 1:36 AM
Post #902 of 1159 (15013 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I climbed at the gunks on Friday and Saturday.

Friday I climbed with Bett from 3PM-7PM. We stayed in the Uberfall and swapped leads. A bit of a breakthough for me; I had Bett belay me on an 8. I am now trusting her (and my climbing) to let her belay me on harder climbs. This will open many doors for our climbing.

On Saturday, I was a passenger. I followed my friend Michael. Michael is training for a climbing trip to Alaska and he wanted to climb as quickly and as long as possible.

We started at 8:30AM and finished at 7PM. We started on Three Doves, followed by Arrow, Nurses Aid, Protocscope, Feast of Fools, Proctor Silex, Erect Direction to Step LIvely. On the way out, we ran up Arrow(again) in one long pitch as
quickly as we could. Michael clipped the pin on P1 and clipped the pin/bolts on P2. Easy cleaning for me! I think we finished Arrow in 8 minutes total.

I had never climbed Proctor Silex; it was ok, not great. Not worth a repeat. Nor had I climbed Step Lively. P2 is a bit of a tricky 10. I think there are better climbs out there. No stars in the Gray Dick, but it is bolded. We figured we would try something new.

Nurse's Aid has a very thin set of face moves on P1. I found these to be the crux. The roof was fine (my forte) and I was happy to follow it clean.

I was completely spent when we were done (Michael had more energy, but, mercifully we running out of daylight). I came home, made dinner, Mitch rubbed my totally aching feet and then slept like a rock.

I took Sunday off, just too beat up to climb. A great weekend all around.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Mar 26, 2012, 2:40 AM)


Mar 26, 2012, 2:35 AM
Post #903 of 1159 (15007 views)

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Holy moly, that sounds amazing!

Which 8 did you lead?

Your Saturday sounds pretty good too.


Mar 26, 2012, 1:36 PM
Post #904 of 1159 (14976 views)

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Micheal is a beast.


Mar 28, 2012, 6:09 AM
Post #905 of 1159 (14921 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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dagibbs wrote:
Currently in El Potrero Chico. Estrellita today. More trip report, hopefully, when I get back.

Disclaimer: End of a very, very long day. I have three glasses of wine on board. End of Disclaimer

DA unless I have missed something we have yet to see your Portero Chico TR.

(This post was edited by losbill on Mar 28, 2012, 6:40 AM)


Mar 28, 2012, 6:15 AM
Post #906 of 1159 (14919 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dip great TR. Reading it had me laughing as I compared it to similar experiences at Red Rock. Sounds as if you got some climbing done while enjoying the company of some good friends! Excellent! Looking forward to hooking up at the Gunks this year and sharing climbs, beers and stories.


Mar 28, 2012, 6:28 AM
Post #907 of 1159 (14911 views)

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Gail you are an animal! Wow what a day with Micheal! Thinking about it wasn't the last time I saw you sometime in November as you were following Micheal up Feast of Fools at the end of another completely crazy day of climbing? Good deal with Bett. She is obviously someone who really loves to climb. Easily 90%+ of what you look for in a partner.

Hope you have the camp fire wood and some'mores fixin's stockpiled. See you in the backyard soon! Best to Mitch!


Mar 28, 2012, 6:37 AM
Post #908 of 1159 (14908 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Sport or trad?

It's been cold here. Too cold for rock climbing, too warm for ice (at least for this novice ice climber, the ice is thin).

There have been several 45 degree days, alas, I was not at the gunks on those days. Hoping to get out next weekend.

I hosted a work event at Brooklyn Boulders this past Saturday. The Pros: Huge gym, and a great, relaxed vibe.
Cons: Unreal crowds, short walls, very dense setting, no parking. It's always fun taking the lead test at new gyms isn't it? I have taken at least 10 lead tests and every gym is different. At Metro Rock in Boston you can select any route, lead it and I don't think they ask you to take a fall. At PRG (my local gym) they set up a specific lead test (usually a 5.8) and they ask you to take a fall then finish the climb. At BB they too had a specific lead test, it was in the 5.10ish range, reachy for this shorty, with lots of bumps (i.e. more technical than most lead tests). Had to take a fall somewhere after the third bolt. They explained that since their lead area was small, they didn't want a lot of lead climbers, hence the 5.10.

While at BB I had the privilege of watching Ashima Shiraishi (~11 years old) climb. I recognized her from a video I saw on ABC news. She is a tiny little thing who manages to make the 12's look like 6's. She took first place at Nationals for the 11 and under wunderkids.

Planning a trip to Arizona to kick off the spring season, I think we are going to Cochise. Expect to spend the summer at the gunks and then head to the Dolomites in late August for two weeks of climbing.

Mostly sport, but there are gear route with bolts on them.

That Dolomites thing sounds interesting. I might be in Spain at that point.

My gym here just wants to make sure you clip correctly. They're more interested in conducting a lead-belay test than a lead test.

Okay, if I can just close a deal or two in the next few weeks screw the Meadows I'm booking Spain. Could be a real great trip climbing, drinking, eating, me and Mitch smoking good cigars, Greg and I talking literature, Gail and I climbing. Yeah! It is all starting to come together. Hell, I could even bring along my completely hard-ass Brit rope gun with Dolomites experience. Anyone it the mood for getting "pee you pants sketched"?

(This post was edited by losbill on Mar 28, 2012, 6:42 AM)


Mar 28, 2012, 12:17 PM
Post #909 of 1159 (14892 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Dip great TR. Reading it had me laughing as I compared it to similar experiences at Red Rock. Sounds as if you got some climbing done while enjoying the company of some good friends! Excellent! Looking forward to hooking up at the Gunks this year and sharing climbs, beers and stories.

Thanks Bill, ditto on the Gunks. Psyched to get that season under way. I think i'll be there Saturday 4/7 if the weather's okay. Look me up if you're around.


Mar 28, 2012, 12:35 PM
Post #910 of 1159 (14886 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Sport or trad?

It's been cold here. Too cold for rock climbing, too warm for ice (at least for this novice ice climber, the ice is thin).

There have been several 45 degree days, alas, I was not at the gunks on those days. Hoping to get out next weekend.

I hosted a work event at Brooklyn Boulders this past Saturday. The Pros: Huge gym, and a great, relaxed vibe.
Cons: Unreal crowds, short walls, very dense setting, no parking. It's always fun taking the lead test at new gyms isn't it? I have taken at least 10 lead tests and every gym is different. At Metro Rock in Boston you can select any route, lead it and I don't think they ask you to take a fall. At PRG (my local gym) they set up a specific lead test (usually a 5.8) and they ask you to take a fall then finish the climb. At BB they too had a specific lead test, it was in the 5.10ish range, reachy for this shorty, with lots of bumps (i.e. more technical than most lead tests). Had to take a fall somewhere after the third bolt. They explained that since their lead area was small, they didn't want a lot of lead climbers, hence the 5.10.

While at BB I had the privilege of watching Ashima Shiraishi (~11 years old) climb. I recognized her from a video I saw on ABC news. She is a tiny little thing who manages to make the 12's look like 6's. She took first place at Nationals for the 11 and under wunderkids.

Planning a trip to Arizona to kick off the spring season, I think we are going to Cochise. Expect to spend the summer at the gunks and then head to the Dolomites in late August for two weeks of climbing.

Mostly sport, but there are gear route with bolts on them.

That Dolomites thing sounds interesting. I might be in Spain at that point.

My gym here just wants to make sure you clip correctly. They're more interested in conducting a lead-belay test than a lead test.

Okay, if I can just close a deal or two in the next few weeks screw the Meadows I'm booking Spain. Could be a real great trip climbing, drinking, eating, me and Mitch smoking good cigars, Greg and I talking literature, Gail and I climbing. Yeah! It is all starting to come together. Hell, I could even bring along my completely hard-ass Brit rope gun with Dolomites experience. Anyone it the mood for getting "pee you pants sketched"?

Definitely fourth glass, or at least the start of the second bottle. Laugh

Spain for me will likely be next January (unless something dramatic happens to my finances in the next few months, then it'll be longer).

Chris (KITT, from Germany) will likely be visiting, as could possibly our resident strange guy Magnus for a trip to El Chorro, supposedly one of Europe's top sport winter destinations. It's near Seville, which is where I'll be for a month or so. Of course, everyone is welcome.


Mar 28, 2012, 12:37 PM
Post #911 of 1159 (14885 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
Gail Hope you have the camp fire wood and some'mores fixin's stockpiled. See you in the backyard soon! Best to Mitch!
You are most welcome to join us any time. We always have a fire and s'mores on Saturday nights. S'mores and beer...a great combination!


Mar 28, 2012, 4:49 PM
Post #912 of 1159 (14855 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
dagibbs wrote:
Currently in El Potrero Chico. Estrellita today. More trip report, hopefully, when I get back.

Disclaimer: End of a very, very long day. I have three glasses of wine on board. End of Disclaimer

DA unless I have missed something we have yet to see your Portero Chico TR.

I flew back home on Sunday, I flew out on a business trip on Monday. I'm still catching up on stuff -- but there will be a TR coming up at some point.


Mar 29, 2012, 6:00 PM
Post #913 of 1159 (14815 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Had a notable weekend (for me) at the New River Gorge a few weeks ago. I just threw together this write-up:

(This post was edited by zealotnoob on Mar 29, 2012, 8:02 PM)


Mar 29, 2012, 9:02 PM
Post #914 of 1159 (14797 views)

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That's too bad about the bobcat. sorry to hear that.

looks as if you had a nice week of climbing though.


Mar 30, 2012, 2:48 AM
Post #915 of 1159 (14778 views)

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congrats on the 12 send!

Total bummer for the bobcat.


Apr 4, 2012, 5:28 PM
Post #916 of 1159 (14618 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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What's the MUA like on a Friday night this time of year? I can't leave Harrisburg until sometime between 4:00 and 8:00 this Friday night, and i'm a little worried i'll have nowhere to camp if i roll into town close to midnight. It's supposed to be really nice this weekend, but i'm hoping it's too early in the season / too cold at night for camp to get crowded?


Apr 4, 2012, 5:54 PM
Post #917 of 1159 (14612 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dip wrote:
What's the MUA like on a Friday night this time of year? I can't leave Harrisburg until sometime between 4:00 and 8:00 this Friday night, and i'm a little worried i'll have nowhere to camp if i roll into town close to midnight. It's supposed to be really nice this weekend, but i'm hoping it's too early in the season / too cold at night for camp to get crowded?

Since the closure of one side of the street, and since I have stayed at the MUA only twice (both times were not my fault), I can't comment exactly on your question. However, for reference, I've shown up at midnight on a Friday night in the middle of June, July, August, September, and / or October at Slime and always found at least one spot.

So, in my opinion, with it being early April, you're good to go.


Apr 4, 2012, 7:01 PM
Post #918 of 1159 (14603 views)

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I never stay there. I would say that it has been VERY crowded and you will not likely find a space in the MUA.


Apr 4, 2012, 7:04 PM
Post #919 of 1159 (14602 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
I never stay there. I would say that it has been VERY crowded and you will not likely find a space in the MUA.

And i'd have a better shot at Slime? I usually only go to the gunks during the week so i've never had a problem. Here's a stupid question, where does one park for Slime? I know where the camp is located, i've just never taken note of how to get in there...


Apr 4, 2012, 7:17 PM
Post #920 of 1159 (14595 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dip wrote:
gblauer wrote:
I never stay there. I would say that it has been VERY crowded and you will not likely find a space in the MUA.

And i'd have a better shot at Slime? I usually only go to the gunks during the week so i've never had a problem. Here's a stupid question, where does one park for Slime? I know where the camp is located, i've just never taken note of how to get in there...

you can drive in the handicap lot to unload, but then you have to drive down and park in the West Trapps parking lot and walk back up to the bridge. There are strips of paper that you need to fill out. You can find them at the booth at Slime. Put one on your campsite and the other in the dash of your car.


Apr 4, 2012, 7:19 PM
Post #921 of 1159 (14593 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
Dip wrote:
gblauer wrote:
I never stay there. I would say that it has been VERY crowded and you will not likely find a space in the MUA.

And i'd have a better shot at Slime? I usually only go to the gunks during the week so i've never had a problem. Here's a stupid question, where does one park for Slime? I know where the camp is located, i've just never taken note of how to get in there...

you can drive in the handicap lot to unload, but then you have to drive down and park in the West Trapps parking lot and walk back up to the bridge. There are strips of paper that you need to fill out. You can find them at the booth at Slime. Put one on your campsite and the other in the dash of your car.

Cool. Thanks.


Apr 4, 2012, 7:20 PM
Post #922 of 1159 (14590 views)

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the handicap lot, btw, is almost immediately before the bridge on the left as you're coming up from the visitor's center.


Apr 4, 2012, 8:29 PM
Post #923 of 1159 (14578 views)

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Re: [zealotnoob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Zeal ditto what Gail said!


Apr 9, 2012, 12:31 AM
Post #924 of 1159 (14495 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Not a great climbing weekend for me.

I climbed on Friday with my friend Michael. He is training for a big trip to Alaska, so volume was key. We warmed up on Ant's LIne and then did a century (10 pitches of 10's). Regrettably, I had been to my trainer on Thursday and I felt so damn weak on Friday, I could barely climb. Yet, I had to keep up with Michael's training or I would risk being a bad partner and ruining his training. When I climb with MIchael I expect a few things; he leads everything, very little gear (especially protecting the 2nd) and long climbs. He usually runs most climbs in a single pitch. As such, I have to be very careful at the start of my climbs. A fall at the start would likely be a ground fall with rope stretch.

Ant's line was fine (I need to lead it), but then we did Space Invaders (10d). Space Invaders has a tough little crux, especially when you are dead tired. I actually had to take a hang at the crux. I couldn't get out his gear (he plugged the cam too deep and I could not get to the trigger wires. Ended up hanging and using a nut tool to get the cam out). If you are looking for a burly 10, try this one! We then ran up the 10b variation of Obstacle Delusion. There is one really long/hard move on this climb for this shorty. I literally throw for a giant jug. I can't get it statically. I was sooo tired, I could hardly hang on to anything. My forearms were spent (in my training sessions I do a lot of finger/forearm work and clearly I was not recovered). Michael wanted to run all of the "issimas". Doubleissima went down fine, but, I was really humping to get through it with out a hang. I knew that Ridiculissima was going to be very hard, I typically fall off right below the roof, going for a long move to a small jug. This time, I concentrated on my footwork all the way up, even though I was dead tired and could barely hang on to anything, I managed to follow the climb cleanly for the first time ever.

My confidence a bit boosted, we decided to do Face to Face. Michael lead through the R section down below (where do you get those nerves of steel?) and brought me up to the GT ledge. I had never done the second pitch of face to face. You climb a face to a large left facing corner, then execute an airy traverse (which I had to campus, my feet did not reach the face below) and then move up on to the face again into an really strange notch. The move in the notch is much easier if you can sink your back against one side and then work your feet up against the opposite side. This shorty only had her shoulder in the notch, I found the move to be very difficult, reachy, technical and burly. We finished up on the 10+ variation of THree vultures. Three very burly and distinct cruxes on this climb. I would like to get try it again, fresh, because I thought it felt much harder than a 10.

We stayed on the GT ledge and did Keep on Struttin. So this is a 9? Getting off the ledge is hard, it's a long reach to the jugs. I took a couple of attempts but finally made the move. Easy climbing to the bolt, then things heat up as you move through a series of jugs. Another burly climb.

I was very glad when the day was over, I was tired, sore and felt like I really let Michael down. I slowed him down and just couldn't keep up as I had the week before.

On Saturday Mitch and I were the last car in the Trapps lot. It was Mitch's first attempt at climbing since he tweaked his knee skiing. We started on Harvard (we had never done it, it was open on a VERY busy Saturday). He squeezed through the chimney and battled a bit of fear all the way up to the tree on Trapped like a Rat. He hasn't climbed/lead for weeks, he did a great job picking his way up. BTW, this really isn't a 5.2. There are some tricky moves (well protected) that require some thought.

I thought about leading Trapped like a Rat, it really takes gear. I am so glad I didn't. The bottom is so strange. I can't really figure out the 5.7 way. I am sure I do it the 5.9 way, even so it's very awkward. Then after you do the knife edge move as I was reaching to the jug, I nearly put my hand in to a group of hornets who were building a nest. Fortunately they seemed cold and were moving really slowly. I narrowly averted being stung by a bunch of them. The rest of the climb looks easy, but is really strange. Again, I am glad I didn't lead it, even though it would totally eat gear.

Amazingly enough Jackie was open, so we ran up Jackie to the top, Classic to the top and then finished up on Dennis. Mitch got mad at me because I didn't place any gear on Dennis between the slab and the vertical face. He's right, although super easy climbing, I would have had a groundfall if I had slipped.

We had a fun day on the moderates; Mitch lead well and his knee and wrist held up pretty well. We had to rush home because we were hosting a dinner party. Indian themed menu, followed by dessert around the fire made it a very full and complete day.

Today I powerwashed the front porch, cleaned the grill and then hit the cliff at 3PM. I just wanted to run laps to get a burn. I didn't really get a burn because we picked a stupid face; The Brat. The whole face is slabby and it doesn't lend itself to quick, burning laps. It's delicate and balancey. Oh well, I ran 6 runs and then finished our day at Neko's. Mitch drove home, I will stay here, hike early in the AM and then head to my client.

I will be up next weekend and climbing with my friend Olivier. I hope I feel a heck of a lot better next weekend than I did this weekend. I have goals!

(This post was edited by gblauer on Apr 9, 2012, 12:48 AM)


Apr 9, 2012, 12:40 PM
Post #925 of 1159 (14467 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Saturday was my first visit to the Gunks this year, and it was a good one. Got into town Friday night at nine, where fortunately a few friends already had a spot at the MUA. After setting up camp and having a beer, i noticed the full moon and asked if anyone wanted to go climb high e, which to my delight someone did. We got to the cliff at around 11:00, i took the first pitch and my buddy took the second. Really awesome experience, so glad we did it. Got back to camp around 1:00 and although tired could not for the life of me fall asleep, thanks in part to the group across the creek yelling at the top of their lungs until 6:00a.m. Several times i wondered if i could throw a rock that far.

At 8:00 after a short night of fitful sleep we woke and went to the mountain store for breakfast, then hit the stairmaster. Scored an annual pass to help force myself to make a lot of trips up there this year, then made a bee line for the far end of the cliffs in an effort to avoid the crowds. Started our day on Airy Aria, which we split into two pitches to the GT. Once there I had a bit of a reading comprehension fail. I misread the grey dick and thought it said two raps with one 50 will get just barely get you down. Turns out it said 1 rap with 2 50's.... so after constructing a rap anchor on the ledge just above the tree we found ourselves back on the ground.

Now i had to go get my gear back so i did Lisa. The first pitch was great, slightly strenuous and solid at 5.9. The second pitch, as expected, was a dirty mess but i liked the position and thought it wouldn't be a bad pitch if it saw more traffic. Once on the GT we rapped (with two ropes this time) to the ledge where i recovered my gear, then continued back to earth.

I was super tired now as the lack of sleep was really catching up with me, but i didn't drive all that way for one day to come home early, so we walked up to Ursula in the hopes that it may be empty, which thankfully it was. That was by far my favorite climb of the day, as that second pitch is just good clean fun.

The sun was getting low in the sky when we got down and we were both exhausted, so we walked down the stairmaster to the car then did the old 87 to 84 to 81 back to Harrisburg, where i woke Sunday morning and enjoyred my son's 3rd birthday. Pretty great weekend, psyched to get back.


Apr 9, 2012, 1:42 PM
Post #926 of 1159 (18043 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Sounds like a nice weekend for both of you. I was in Sao Paulo. Big city. Didn't really like the city that much, but Sao Paulo state apparently has some of the best climbing in Brasil. Someday...


Apr 9, 2012, 2:21 PM
Post #927 of 1159 (18035 views)

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Greg, How long will you be in Brazil? My son wants to come down...


Apr 9, 2012, 3:51 PM
Post #928 of 1159 (18023 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dip -- Well done! You packed a lot into less than 24 hours! Climbing by moonlight! I bet it was beautiful. I haven't done any moonlight climbing in a number of years, at least on purpose. I'm definitely going to get motivated to do so at the next opportunity.

Gail you clearly have more energy than any 3 of the rest of us. Glad to hear Mitch is back out.

I have had a good start to the season with the dry and warm weather here in the Northeast. I have been out one day for each of the 5 past weekends. Spent one of them at Crow Hill. Led Watusi for the first time, great climb! 5.9 in the guide book but I think it deserves the New England 5.9+. Way more sustained at grade then I thought it would be. I had a couple of years ago led up Birds of Fire couldn't figure out where it goes (I do now, very scary, glad I didn't do it back then, I would have really been over my head) and ended up traversing over and finishing the top of Watusi. From below figured it would be one tough move gaining the top of a block on a small arete before cruising up to the cruxy bit I had done before. Not so! Definitely a full value climb. In addition the moves at the block were significantly harder than they appeared from below.

The other four days have been at The Crag That Cannot Be Named. I do consider myself very lucky to have what I consider two quality crags within an hour of the house. Given the dry weather many of the routes that are normally seeping a bit this time of the year are completely dry. In addition route development goes on. So despite the peregrine closure there has been plenty to keep me busy. One of the highlights (spray alert) was my first 5.10 lead. I had top roped the route the weekend before and decided to give it a go. It is another sustained full value route. The start features an relative easy 5.10 overhang about 10 feet up. The next bit is some really nice 5.9 hand jamming. Finally you get to the crux. Pretty demanding with a bit of a bulge, crimpy with limited feet. Really have to work to hang in and get the feet high enough to be able to reach up and get the good horizontal above. I got through it in good style after a number of up and downs working out the sequence. Got a jam and a good cam in the horizontal and had a couple of 5.8 moves left to run to the anchors. Moved up but unfortunately I was absolutely spent and my right hand, despite very significant mental efforts to the contrary, simply buttered off a hold and I took the whip. I should have milked the rest after the crux a bit longer! Shook out a bit, reclimbed the crux; took a hang on the gear above it, I was toast; and finished it. Next time! Brought Ed up. He led up a new 5.9 pitch above us. Thanks to Tony for pointing it out and thanks to Earl for cleaning and equipping it! The crux is standing on tiptoes getting gear and a jam in a crack above that is completely undercut and swinging a foot up on to the face. You continue up the crack a bit and then a thin traverse protected by a bolt to the left to an arete. Around the arete, up a attention-getting, bolt-protected slab to the finish. Great climb with great position out on the arete and slab. Just another day of Massachusetts cragging!


Apr 9, 2012, 5:15 PM
Post #929 of 1159 (18007 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I haven't done any moonlight climbing in a number of years, at least on purpose

Haha, funny that you say that. This was my first intentional one, and i have to say it was much more fun than the unintentional one

Edit to add: Nice work on the .10. Funny how it's such an arbitrary thing yet such a real hurdle at the same time.

(This post was edited by Dip on Apr 9, 2012, 5:17 PM)


Apr 9, 2012, 5:45 PM
Post #930 of 1159 (18001 views)

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EPC [In reply to]
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Yes, this trip report is somewhat delayed... things have been a bit busy back home and all.

We flew down to Mexico on March 10th, or at least that was the plan. Unfortunately United had an overweight plane from Houston to Monterey, so we got delayed, and couldn't actually get in until Sunday evening -- March 11th. Magic Ed was there at the airport to greet us, though, which was a relief. (I did have maps & directions to the Posada printed in both English and Spanish just in case we had to take a taxi.)

We were flying back early on Sunday, March 25th -- so that gave us 13 climbing days in Mexico, and I ended up climbing 12 of those 13 days. The weather was generally pretty good -- some cloudy, some hot, and one thunderstorm. We chased shade a fair bit on the hot days.

The classic of the trip was Estrellita -- 1100 ft, 12 pitches. It is, nominally, 5.11b, but the 5.11b pitch has a 5.8 variation, and the hardest other pitches are nominally 5.10b, so most of the people doing it for a long, lovely, bolted moderate-to-easy multi-pitch climb the 5.8 variation. I lead all the pitches but the first 5.8, the 3rd class, and the two 5.7 pitches -- linking pitches here and there, too. I found it all pretty easy going -- I do know on one of the 5.10b pitches I dodged what looked like the crux by going slightly off-route onto 5.7 jugs, but I don't remember anything that felt like 5.10b on the other pitch either -- really nothing felt much harder than 5.9+ the whole way up. So, an absolutely approachable and enjoyable climb, easy to follow route-finding, to a lovely ridge summit with a lone palm tree. Truly a classic climb.

Also, we met some really good, friendly, climbers -- mostly I climbed with Celine who travelled down with me, but occasionally we split up, climbing with others (group or seperate) or occasionally I climbed with someone else on a day when she needed a rest.

Day by day:

Day 1 - warm-up climbing, getting used to be on rock, and what the rock is like around there. The Cat's Meow (5.8, lead), Skairdy Cat (5.9, on-sight lead), Cat Daddy (5.9, bailed 2/3 way up), Nasty Screwdriver (5.8, on-sight lead; recovered bail gear), Jungle Boy (5.8, bailed at overhang -- might have been off-route on the 5.11 beside it?), pitch 1 of Los Chimuelas (5.8, onsight lead).

Day 2 - Crack Test Dummies (2 pitches, 5.7, 5.9 - followed pitch 1, onsight lead pitch 2. Some interesting chimney work.), Mr Hanky (5.8, onsight lead), Asombrame (5.10a/b, top-rope clean).

Day 3 - Libertad (5.7, 5.7 - followed both; first pitch is really more like 5.5), first 3 pitches of Yogi Unchained (5.8, 5.9, 5.9 - onsight lead 2 & 3), First pitch of Face the Music (5.9 - onsight lead, seemed soft).

Day 4 - Cat's Meow (5.8, lead), Skairdy Cat (5.9, TR), A Gringo Ate My Baby (5.8, onsight lead), TRed some variant of Cat's Meow/Skairdy (5.9+, was making it harder on the way up to clean the anchor since I was on TR), First 2 pitches of Ramsey's Shenanigans (5.9, 5.9 - followed first, onsight lead 2nd; 3rd pitch looked too hard -- we were looking at the wrong climb.)

Day 5 - rest day.

Day 6 - Estrellita (1100ft, 12 pitches, 5.10b - red-point lead on most of the stuff).

Day 7 - Ramsey's Shenanigans (5.9, 5.9, 5.9 - followed; found the correct 3rd pitch this time). First 2 pitches of Yogi Unchained 5.8, 5.9 - lead the first pitch -- tried again to finish this climb, but backed off due to rain starting, with thunder rumbling as we rappelled down. 10 minutes after we walked back to the Posada, it was clear again.)

Day 8 - One Dead Teardrop (5.9 onsight lead), Monkey Booty (5.9+, follow), Chicaboom Nights (5.9, TR), Mr Patacca (5.9, onsight lead), Doof Crack (5.8ish [Ed says 5.9, Dane says 5.7], onsight lead), The Popsicle Kings (5.10b, TR with one fall).

Day 9 - Run for the Border (5.8+, onsight lead), El Cachorro (5.7, follow), The Black Smith (5.9, 5.8 - onsight lead first pitch, follow 2nd), The Anvil (5.7 TRed, then followed taking 5.9ish variants).

Day 10 - Slip of the Tongue (5.7, onsight lead; felt stiff for an EPC 5.7), Sabroso (5.9, follow), Upside Down Cracker (5.8, follow), Fupa (5.9-, onsight lead). Day ended early when a climbing companion took a big lead fall and hurt (turned out, after X-rays to be a sprain) his ankle.

Day 11 - Another slow day, Osito 5.9+ crack climb (followed clean, ouch to hands), Cat Daddy (5.9, TR), Nasty Screwdriver (5.8, TR).

Day 12 - Las Chimuelas (5.8, 5.9, 5.8 - lead 1st and on-sight lead 3rd pitch), 31 Foot Smurf (5.10a, onsight lead), Spin Doctor (5.9, onsight lead), Catwalk (5.10b, TR clean), first two pitches of The Flamingo Wall (5.8, 5.8 - onsight lead pitch 1, follow 2.)

Day 13 - I Believe I Can Fly (5.8 onsight lead), Emillio's Posse (5.9, onsight lead), Zombie Wolf (5.9, onsight lead -- a long climb for a single pitch at 140 ft, rappels in two raps.)

So, lots of good moderate climbing and a lot of leading.


Apr 9, 2012, 5:53 PM
Post #931 of 1159 (17995 views)

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Last Weekend [In reply to]
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More weekend-warriorish, I did get out climbing locally (Ottawa, Canada) Saturday and Sunday of last (Easter) weekend. The weather was pretty good both days, and I had good fun. The rock, though, is so different... back to small edges on the local granite, rather than the lovely jugs of the limestone in EPC.

Saturday we went up to Home Cliff (basically the closed by combined driving & approach time crag) since one of the group needed to be back in town by 4pm for family stuff. This was mostly a practice trad on easy stuff day for the guys with me, both climbing on my rack. I did get a successful red-point on a local classic, Peggy (5.7), which I find a bit intimidating as it starts with a bouldery and awkward crux with poor feet right off the ground. And, I realized once again that the local grading is much stiffer than at EPC.

Sunday we drove up to Montagne d'Argent, which is a lovely climbing destination about 2 hours north and east on the Quebec side. It is land that is owned and maintained as a climber destination -- so there is a $7 climbing fee (or $35 annual), but it is generally well worth it in order to be welcomed (rather than tolerated) and to have well maintained access paths, cables across the top of cliffs for setting top-ropes, etc. I on-sighed a 5.8 sport [technical work on little edges but less than vertical, SO different from EPC], and on-sighed a 5.7 trad line. Plus, we climbed a few other things that were new to the rest of the group, but which I had climbed before. One of the group was a co-worker, and it was her first time ever out-door climbing. She liked it, but says the gym seems boring now. Ah, the curse of the sweetness of climbing on real rock.


Apr 9, 2012, 6:20 PM
Post #932 of 1159 (17983 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Last Weekend [In reply to]
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Got outside for the first time this season. Met up with Josh at Rumney sat morning. late start cuz it was COLD anyway so it didn't matter.

Warmed up at Vader, doing Obi won and yoda. then moved to Bonsai and did masterpiece, josh did Centerpiece. Josh gave a good go at Noodle and sussed out the beta for next time. I wanted to try Social Distortion. the bottom crux is really reachy and I couldn't find a body position to make it work. i have 2 sets of beta to try for next time. the top isn't bad at all so as long as i can do the bottom the rest should go easy. especially with a sitdown rest after the first crux. Ended the day at Triple corners. did Amore Eel, Man with a Hueco, Loose & baggy and Triple delight (was going to go do the .9 above it but i think you need to do it as 2 pitches and we didn't want to)

Sunday: met up with some guys i had met saturday and who knew Josh.
warmed up at Armed and dangerous on Metamorphisis. then ran up to Bonsai and did Masterpiece and cleaned our draws off Peer Pressure. Met everyone else at Waimea. they all wanted to do Waimea, i passed. I belayed another friend on Cote D'azure. Was really fun watching someone who has that hard of a climb completely wired.

This guy Adam and I left them at waimea and hit up Below New wave. We did Son of Sammy, Couch Potato, Debbie does CPR (his first .11 redpoint outdoors in 3 burns), Bullwinkle goes ballistic. then everyone else showed back up and i followed Sallys Ally(1hang frozen fingers) and Barking spiders (2 hangs.. really hard crux and finish). Called it a day, fingers toast.. pulled muscle in my forearm screaming.

Was going to do a short day hike today but too much recharging of my phone and laptop left my battery dead when i stopped to get gas it wouldn't restart. I wasn't sure if the drive to the trail was long enough to charge it enough so i bailed and went home.


Apr 9, 2012, 6:22 PM
Post #933 of 1159 (17981 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Greg, How long will you be in Brazil? My son wants to come down...

I'm here for the foreseeable future. I'm in Curitiba, in the south. When is he coming and for how long?

Curitiba isn't a tourist stop, but if he passes through on his way farther south then he can certainly look me up. I have a not-so-good couch and a floor he can crash on. Getting out climbing is difficult (depends on the availability of a car), but maybe we can give it a shot.

What's he doing down here?

Bill - nice job. Way to get at it. Please say hi to Ed for me.


Apr 9, 2012, 6:25 PM
Post #934 of 1159 (17978 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Greg, How long will you be in Brazil? My son wants to come down...

I'm here for the foreseeable future. I'm in Curitiba, in the south. When is he coming and for how long?

Curitiba isn't a tourist stop, but if he passes through on his way farther south then he can certainly look me up. I have a not-so-good couch and a floor he can crash on. Getting out climbing is difficult (depends on the availability of a car), but maybe we can give it a shot.

What's he doing down here?

Bill - nice job. Way to get at it. Please say hi to Ed for me.

Saw Ed at rumney saturday.. i asked him if he was lost ;)


Apr 9, 2012, 6:41 PM
Post #935 of 1159 (17969 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Greg, How long will you be in Brazil? My son wants to come down...

I'm here for the foreseeable future. I'm in Curitiba, in the south. When is he coming and for how long?

Curitiba isn't a tourist stop, but if he passes through on his way farther south then he can certainly look me up. I have a not-so-good couch and a floor he can crash on. Getting out climbing is difficult (depends on the availability of a car), but maybe we can give it a shot.

What's he doing down here?

Bill - nice job. Way to get at it. Please say hi to Ed for me.

Saw Ed at rumney saturday.. i asked him if he was lost ;)



Apr 22, 2012, 3:56 PM
Post #936 of 1159 (17847 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the weatherman for keeping the Gunks mostly empty on Saturday. Climbed at the Nears for the first time ever and had our choice of routes all day. Went for the Land theme with Disneyland, both pitches of Birdland, Roseland, then threw in Farewell to Arms for good measure. Roseland and Birdland were both immaculate, although i have to say if Roseland is 5.9 I ain't buying 5.8+ for Birdland, as i thought Roseland was much more difficult. I think i placed nearly my entire rack on that bitch, and nearly fell pulling the first roof. Bounced before the deluge arrived. Great day.


Apr 22, 2012, 4:11 PM
Post #937 of 1159 (17839 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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I found Roseland to be tough but .9 is still ok. i think the slippery insecure feeling makes you overgrip a bit and the traverse move is just one hard move. for me the crux on Birdland was less straight forward and i hung out at a stance for a while figuring it out.

good job on both though they are solid leads.


Apr 22, 2012, 4:20 PM
Post #938 of 1159 (17835 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
I found Roseland to be tough but .9 is still ok. i think the slippery insecure feeling makes you overgrip a bit and the traverse move is just one hard move. for me the crux on Birdland was less straight forward and i hung out at a stance for a while figuring it out.

good job on both though they are solid leads.

just curious, what do you think is the crux on birdland? I think P1 and P2 are both excellent and incredibly different from each other.


Apr 22, 2012, 4:23 PM
Post #939 of 1159 (17833 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
I found Roseland to be tough but .9 is still ok. i think the slippery insecure feeling makes you overgrip a bit and the traverse move is just one hard move. for me the crux on Birdland was less straight forward and i hung out at a stance for a while figuring it out.

good job on both though they are solid leads.

Yeah i'm definitely not arguing the .9, as it's all there. I didn't think the traverse was too bad, i was just pumped silly from the overgripping on the way to it, which made it interesting.


Apr 22, 2012, 5:45 PM
Post #940 of 1159 (17821 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I found Roseland to be tough but .9 is still ok. i think the slippery insecure feeling makes you overgrip a bit and the traverse move is just one hard move. for me the crux on Birdland was less straight forward and i hung out at a stance for a while figuring it out.

good job on both though they are solid leads.

just curious, what do you think is the crux on birdland? I think P1 and P2 are both excellent and incredibly different from each other.

i found the bit right above this person to be the crux for me. I also wasn't seeing a left hand hold for a little bit that helped me pull up but it was still tricky. i really wanted a piece in the weird slot above their head but i didn't have any offsets. i think i eventually got a small nut in above that.


Apr 22, 2012, 5:47 PM
Post #941 of 1159 (17820 views)

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Re: [Dip] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Dip wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I found Roseland to be tough but .9 is still ok. i think the slippery insecure feeling makes you overgrip a bit and the traverse move is just one hard move. for me the crux on Birdland was less straight forward and i hung out at a stance for a while figuring it out.

good job on both though they are solid leads.

Yeah i'm definitely not arguing the .9, as it's all there. I didn't think the traverse was too bad, i was just pumped silly from the overgripping on the way to it, which made it interesting.

i shook out at the jug before the traverse as much as i could. i think there were other spots to get stem rests along the way so i felt ok. steep overhanging sport climbing = good training for pumpy gunks routes :)


Apr 22, 2012, 8:25 PM
Post #942 of 1159 (17810 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
I found Roseland to be tough but .9 is still ok. i think the slippery insecure feeling makes you overgrip a bit and the traverse move is just one hard move. for me the crux on Birdland was less straight forward and i hung out at a stance for a while figuring it out.

good job on both though they are solid leads.

just curious, what do you think is the crux on birdland? I think P1 and P2 are both excellent and incredibly different from each other.

i found the bit right above this person to be the crux for me. I also wasn't seeing a left hand hold for a little bit that helped me pull up but it was still tricky. i really wanted a piece in the weird slot above their head but i didn't have any offsets. i think i eventually got a small nut in above that.

Yeah, that's the technical crux of P1. Going left and laying back helps to gain that slot.

BTW - I fell on this once:


Apr 22, 2012, 9:35 PM
Post #943 of 1159 (17805 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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yea.. i tried all kinds of stuff in that and really wanted a midsize HB offset that i did not have. a yellow/green offset alien might have also worked.

i found a sidepull on the left face outside the flake system and then crossed my right and used the flakes. i never fell but i up and down climbed that section for a while to look and rest/evaluate life.


Apr 22, 2012, 10:04 PM
Post #944 of 1159 (17802 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
yea.. i tried all kinds of stuff in that and really wanted a midsize HB offset that i did not have. a yellow/green offset alien might have also worked.

i found a sidepull on the left face outside the flake system and then crossed my right and used the flakes. i never fell but i up and down climbed that section for a while to look and rest/evaluate life.

right on the flake, step out left to a sketchy-but-solid looking nub, right foot up, bam!, hit the horizontal.


Apr 22, 2012, 11:45 PM
Post #945 of 1159 (17791 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Totally jealous of your climbing day on Saturday. I stayed home due to a work event on Saturday night.

climbed at the gym today, but, that's not the same isn't it?


Apr 23, 2012, 12:14 AM
Post #946 of 1159 (17784 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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In reply to:
I stayed home due to a work event on Saturday night. climbed at the gym ....

What!!!! I think Gail may need an intervention!!!! I have to assume at the very least it was black tie and Mitch looked great in a tux and you were stunning in some designer frock!

DA Thanks for the TRs. Enjoyed your account of Estrellita. Sounded like an outstanding outing.

Dip sounds like a great day. Jake, I did the same thing the first time up Birdland. Up and down, up and down, up and down until I finally said to myself "This is only a 5.8! There has to be an easier way!" Stepped up, leaned out left, thinking there must be a hold out there to step up off, and sure enough there it was. Freaking Greg!!! Even after following me on it you still turned it into a 5.10!!! Given a choice no easy way for you! You are truly a manly man!!! Definitely have Roseland on the tick list for the next trip to the Gunks after this discussion and previous accounts by Jake.

It has been an unbelievably dry spring here in the NE. I have climbed for the past 7 weekends in a row in perfect conditions. Something I haven't experienced in 10 years. Was out cragging at Crow Hill yesterday. Hadn't arranged to climb with any one but Ed, Gerry, Brian, Kevin, and others etc. were out. It is nice to have a nearby crag where "everyone knows your name". Had fun bouldering, tradding, TRing and admiring the very elegant nails of the Kevin's very beautiful three young daughters. I was told that the nail designs were very complex since they had been done by a very complex individual!!! Huh!?!? The youngest, Alina at 5 1/2, was very solicitous of my safety and insisted that I wear a helmet while belaying her Dad on top rope!


Apr 23, 2012, 12:20 AM
Post #947 of 1159 (17783 views)

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Re: [losbill] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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losbill wrote:
In reply to:
I stayed home due to a work event on Saturday night. climbed at the gym ....

What!!!! I think Gail may need an intervention!!!! I have to assume at the very least it was black tie and Mitch looked great in a tux and you were stunning in some designer frock!

DA Thanks for the TRs. Enjoyed your account of Estrellita. Sounded like an outstanding outing.

Dip sounds like a great day. Jake, I did the same thing the first time up Birdland. Up and down, up and down, up and down until I finally said to myself "This is only a 5.8! There has to be an easier way!" Stepped up, leaned out left, thinking there must be a hold out there to step up off, and sure enough there it was. Freaking Greg!!! Even after following me on it you still turned it into a 5.10!!! Given a choice no easy way for you! You are truly a manly man!!! Definitely have Roseland on the tick list for the next trip to the Gunks after this discussion and previous accounts by Jake.

It has been an unbelievably dry spring here in the NE. I have climbed for the past 7 weekends in a row in perfect conditions. Something I haven't experienced in 10 years. Was out cragging at Crow Hill yesterday. Hadn't arranged to climb with any one but Ed, Gerry, Brian, Kevin, and others etc. were out. It is nice to have a nearby crag where "everyone knows your name". Had fun bouldering, tradding, TRing and admiring the very elegant nails of the Kevin's very beautiful three young daughters. I was told that the nail designs were very complex since they had been done by a very complex individual!!! Huh!?!? The youngest, Alina at 5 1/2, was very solicitous of my safety and insisted that I wear a helmet while belaying her Dad on top rope!

heh. if I remember correctly, you finished on the 5.9 variation, too, didn't you?


Apr 30, 2012, 9:59 PM
Post #948 of 1159 (17701 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Beautiful weather at the gunks this weekend.

I enjoyed 6 hours of climbing on Saturday, followed by a bike ride from our house in Gardiner to New Paltz for dinner, followed by the obligatory bike ride home (gently cradling my Moxie cupcake the whole way home). I enjoyed splitting said cupcake with my honey by the fire. (Yes, there is a burn ban, but, according to the rangers we are allowed to have a small backyard "cooking" fire. A heated up Moxie cupcake was the order of the day.)

Climbed on Sunday with Maryana, a remarkable climber from NYC. Alas, as I was scrambling to CCK I somehow dislodged a rock, it landed on my hand and crushed my thumb. Within 10 minutes my thumb was twice the size of my normal thumb. I left Maryana with some very nice guys who decided to adopt her. Mitch met me at the bridge to take me home. My thumb is not broken, just smashed and sore and very blue.

Regrattably the weekend was marred by a tragic death on Sunday. As Mitch was waiting for me on the bridge, he was talking to the rangers about the accident in the Black Fly area. Ranger Frank was still puzzled over the sling configuration and the matter of failure. No one really knows what happened and we understand that the young woman died enroute to St. Francis. (According to Frank, they elected not to chopper her out; he said "that's really good or really really bad".) It is indeed a very sad outcome for all involved.

I will not be gunking for two weeks (hope my thumb is healed by then).

By the way...Mitch is out for the season. He needs another wrist surgery (the metal plate in his wrist is busted into three pieces). So, if anyone is looking for a partner please let me know. I have middle of the week flexibility and will be up most weekends (climbing every Friday or Monday from May on).

Happy Climbing and stay safe out there. Check your knots, check your anchors.

(This post was edited by gblauer on Apr 30, 2012, 10:01 PM)


Apr 30, 2012, 10:23 PM
Post #949 of 1159 (17696 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gail get better soon.. i could be down for some mid week gunkin' soon.

My "weekend" was wed-friday hiking through Connecticut on the AT. I had given myself 5 days, i would have finished the 50mi in 4 days had i not sprained my knee a bit thursday and bailed 1 day early.

TR with some pics here


Apr 30, 2012, 10:30 PM
Post #950 of 1159 (17690 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Jake...are you planning to hike the entire AT? It's on my bucket list...

Did you have fun?


Apr 30, 2012, 10:38 PM
Post #951 of 1159 (19319 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Jake...are you planning to hike the entire AT? It's on my bucket list...

Did you have fun?

Nope, I do plan to do the Long Trail through VT this summer though. so i gotta get my hiking stuff dialed.

It was fun, i do wish i had someone else to hike with because i get bored. But solo i hiked my own pace and just went until i felt i should stop for the night.


May 1, 2012, 12:19 AM
Post #952 of 1159 (19306 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Beautiful weather at the gunks this weekend.

I enjoyed 6 hours of climbing on Saturday, followed by a bike ride from our house in Gardiner to New Paltz for dinner, followed by the obligatory bike ride home (gently cradling my Moxie cupcake the whole way home). I enjoyed splitting said cupcake with my honey by the fire. (Yes, there is a burn ban, but, according to the rangers we are allowed to have a small backyard "cooking" fire. A heated up Moxie cupcake was the order of the day.)

Climbed on Sunday with Maryana, a remarkable climber from NYC. Alas, as I was scrambling to CCK I somehow dislodged a rock, it landed on my hand and crushed my thumb. Within 10 minutes my thumb was twice the size of my normal thumb. I left Maryana with some very nice guys who decided to adopt her. Mitch met me at the bridge to take me home. My thumb is not broken, just smashed and sore and very blue.

Regrattably the weekend was marred by a tragic death on Sunday. As Mitch was waiting for me on the bridge, he was talking to the rangers about the accident in the Black Fly area. Ranger Frank was still puzzled over the sling configuration and the matter of failure. No one really knows what happened and we understand that the young woman died enroute to St. Francis. (According to Frank, they elected not to chopper her out; he said "that's really good or really really bad".) It is indeed a very sad outcome for all involved.

I will not be gunking for two weeks (hope my thumb is healed by then).

By the way...Mitch is out for the season. He needs another wrist surgery (the metal plate in his wrist is busted into three pieces). So, if anyone is looking for a partner please let me know. I have middle of the week flexibility and will be up most weekends (climbing every Friday or Monday from May on).

Happy Climbing and stay safe out there. Check your knots, check your anchors.

bummer news Gail. Get better soon.

I climbed in the gym today for the first time in several weeks. set a route on friday for the first time in weeks, too. high gravity day for sure.


May 24, 2012, 4:09 AM
Post #953 of 1159 (19160 views)

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Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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Last weekend was the May long weekend for us people up here in Canada, and I had planned to spend it with my girlfriend, hopefully climbing. She's not as good as I am (and I'm not all that strong), but is very enthusiastic about climbing. The previous weekend we did a local 3-pitch trad climb as warm-up, and make sure she was ok with the general procedures.

Saturday we climbed the Standard Route (II, 5.5, 5.2R) up White Horse Ledge, Direct Finish (5.7) variation. That's about 1100' (335m) of almost completely friction slab climbing. I lead everything, but wasn't particularly bothered by the run-out bits, and the Standard Route is such because it has some of the better protection options for routes up the ledge. (And, I've been up a few similar style climbs in the Adirondacks, too.) It is a lovely cliff, and a lovely route. Also, the approach is simple and the down-hike is on well marked comfortable trail. Still, it was a long day for us, and my calves were feeling a bit worn by the end of it.

Sunday we drove over the Kancamangus highway (which is a nice drive) to Rumney and spent a shortish day (due to the heat and tiredness) climbing there. Where the granite slabs of White Horse Ledge felt familiar to me, the schist of Rumney was completely new. I spent far too much time (and energy) trying to figure out how this rock worked, but still enjoyed it. We climbed a few climbs at the Parking Lot wall.

Monday we packed up and drove back over to Rumney, climbed a few more routes, this time on the Meadows wall, then headed home. We hit an unfortunate 2 hour wait at the border, but otherwise the drive went fine.

And, though warm, the weather was clear and dry the whole weekend, which was nice. I was, also, surprised that there were no bugs around the whole weekend. I'd have expected both mosquitos and black flies by this time in May.


May 24, 2012, 1:52 PM
Post #954 of 1159 (19135 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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how were the crowds? Seemed like all of Canada was at the Gunks last weekend!

Not to worry, we went all the way to Slime and enjoyed some great climbing far far away from the noise. Wegetables has to be one of the funnest 10's in the park. If it were closer to the Uberfall, it would be a classic.

For Gunkers...try P1 of Cold Turkeys (to the right of Arrow), very fun, sometimes exposed 5.8 with G pro. I rarely see anyone on the's better than it looks.


May 24, 2012, 2:19 PM
Post #955 of 1159 (19131 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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I think the warmer weather this winter brought the bugs out earlier. Of course, I'm not up there right now, but if I had to guess then I'd say it was that.

I finally made it out myself this past weekend for the first time in months. The partner situation here is still not very good. Those with cars aren't that committed and those who are committed don't have cars. The buses aren't a great option either, especially with the days getting noticeably shorter.

But still, here's the report: Finally!

I'm heading out this coming Saturday, too, if the weather holds.


May 24, 2012, 3:16 PM
Post #956 of 1159 (19121 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
how were the crowds? Seemed like all of Canada was at the Gunks last weekend!

Not to worry, we went all the way to Slime and enjoyed some great climbing far far away from the noise. Wegetables has to be one of the funnest 10's in the park. If it were closer to the Uberfall, it would be a classic.

For Gunkers...try P1 of Cold Turkeys (to the right of Arrow), very fun, sometimes exposed 5.8 with G pro. I rarely see anyone on the's better than it looks.

I thought the right of Arrow was Quiver (5.9R). I've done that on TR. Nice route. Just left of Easy V.


May 24, 2012, 3:51 PM
Post #957 of 1159 (19112 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
how were the crowds? Seemed like all of Canada was at the Gunks last weekend!

Saturday at White Horse Ledge was quite calm -- there were people on the route, so a bit of delays for this, but not long ones, and generally not a many-parties-at-one-belay issue. Also, lots of parking choices -- though it did look like most of the climbers were Canadian.

Sunday at Rumney, the parking lot was full-to-overflowing, but to my surprise, relatively few people were at the Parking Lot cliff. Maybe everyone figured it would be over-busy and avoided it?

Monday at Rumney, there were climbers, but not at all crowded.


May 27, 2012, 2:12 AM
Post #958 of 1159 (19044 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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Wet, drippy, slimy rock

I have been at the gunks since Wednesday and all I have climbed is wet, drippy, slimy rock. It's been terrible. It's so humid the rock is just sweating. Touch the rock and your hand is soaked. Managed to climb, but, barely. Arrow wall was dry today as were a few climbs in the Alley Oop area. Uberfall was a mess.

I am hoping that tomorrow and MOnday are better.


May 27, 2012, 2:22 AM
Post #959 of 1159 (19038 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Wet, drippy, slimy rock

I have been at the gunks since Wednesday and all I have climbed is wet, drippy, slimy rock. It's been terrible. It's so humid the rock is just sweating. Touch the rock and your hand is soaked. Managed to climb, but, barely. Arrow wall was dry today as were a few climbs in the Alley Oop area. Uberfall was a mess.

I am hoping that tomorrow and MOnday are better.

warm winter = hot summer. will night climbing be a trend this year in the 'Gunks?


May 27, 2012, 10:10 PM
Post #960 of 1159 (19002 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Got out again today for the second time in two weeks. Only managed 3.5 routes, but still a good day. my goal for the day was for naught, however. there's a big-ass bees nest above the route and some punks decided they wanted to burn the nest. in order to preserve the nest, some other punks decided to pull the third bolt, leaving ground-fall potential at the crux (just before the fourth bolt). We decided against that and headed off to climb what is considered to be Brasil's first sport route (Hamburger). I aided through the first bolt and called it a day soon thereafter. It's definitely a project for the distant future.


May 28, 2012, 12:17 AM
Post #961 of 1159 (18996 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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sounds like interesting times in Brazil.

Today was a rest day. We went to seven stores looking for a new hammock. Finally found one at Adams Fairacre Farms (produce store, with lawn and garden section)...who knew?

I took a nice nap in the shade, with guidebook in hand.

Tomorrow I climb.


May 28, 2012, 2:28 AM
Post #962 of 1159 (18982 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
sounds like interesting times in Brazil.

Today was a rest day. We went to seven stores looking for a new hammock. Finally found one at Adams Fairacre Farms (produce store, with lawn and garden section)...who knew?

I took a nice nap in the shade, with guidebook in hand.

Tomorrow I climb.

Funny, until I read this and googled locations I didn't know there was any others besides the one in Newburgh.


May 28, 2012, 1:04 PM
Post #963 of 1159 (18963 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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dagibbs wrote:
Last weekend was the May long weekend for us people up here in Canada, and I had planned to spend it with my girlfriend, hopefully climbing. She's not as good as I am (and I'm not all that strong), but is very enthusiastic about climbing. The previous weekend we did a local 3-pitch trad climb as warm-up, and make sure she was ok with the general procedures.

Saturday we climbed the Standard Route (II, 5.5, 5.2R) up White Horse Ledge, Direct Finish (5.7) variation. That's about 1100' (335m) of almost completely friction slab climbing. I lead everything, but wasn't particularly bothered by the run-out bits, and the Standard Route is such because it has some of the better protection options for routes up the ledge. (And, I've been up a few similar style climbs in the Adirondacks, too.) It is a lovely cliff, and a lovely route. Also, the approach is simple and the down-hike is on well marked comfortable trail. Still, it was a long day for us, and my calves were feeling a bit worn by the end of it.

Sunday we drove over the Kancamangus highway (which is a nice drive) to Rumney and spent a shortish day (due to the heat and tiredness) climbing there. Where the granite slabs of White Horse Ledge felt familiar to me, the schist of Rumney was completely new. I spent far too much time (and energy) trying to figure out how this rock worked, but still enjoyed it. We climbed a few climbs at the Parking Lot wall.

Monday we packed up and drove back over to Rumney, climbed a few more routes, this time on the Meadows wall, then headed home. We hit an unfortunate 2 hour wait at the border, but otherwise the drive went fine.

And, though warm, the weather was clear and dry the whole weekend, which was nice. I was, also, surprised that there were no bugs around the whole weekend. I'd have expected both mosquitos and black flies by this time in May.

Was that you i talked to at Parking lot wall sunday night? you did Egg Mcmeadows the .9/10a then went to do the 10b down the hill? if so.. Cool!

Rumney does take a bit of getting used to. you do develop a sense of it and things seem right though.

the breeze at Rumney tends to help with the bugs. i made out without many bites this weekend but the girls in my group got a lot so it depends.

oh ya my weekend.
went up thursday night late. met up with friends friday morning in the rain. we hung out at the Common Cafe for a while watching the rain come down. when it eased up we hiked Welch-Dickey (4.5mi loop with 2 2600/2700' peaks) What is usually a casual 3rd class slab walk for much of the first peak had a bit more spice due to the wetness. got back.. did Armed and dangerous .10b and Metamorphosis .8+ then went to dinner.

Had much better days saturday and sunday once it dried up. I must have over gripped on the wet stuff saturday morning cuz i was not feeling super strong to get on my project so i just had fun putting ropes up on challenging things for the group.

i wonder how many people got tickets or towed this weekend for parking on the road.. what about a no parking sign they don't understand but it is apparently a pretty expensive ticket and a really inconvenient towing company.

(This post was edited by jakedatc on May 28, 2012, 1:14 PM)


May 28, 2012, 1:38 PM
Post #964 of 1159 (18959 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
dagibbs wrote:
Sunday we drove over the Kancamangus highway (which is a nice drive) to Rumney and spent a shortish day (due to the heat and tiredness) climbing there. Where the granite slabs of White Horse Ledge felt familiar to me, the schist of Rumney was completely new. I spent far too much time (and energy) trying to figure out how this rock worked, but still enjoyed it. We climbed a few climbs at the Parking Lot wall.

I was, also, surprised that there were no bugs around the whole weekend. I'd have expected both mosquitos and black flies by this time in May.

Was that you i talked to at Parking lot wall sunday night? you did Egg Mcmeadows the .9/10a then went to do the 10b down the hill? if so.. Cool!

Rumney does take a bit of getting used to. you do develop a sense of it and things seem right though.

the breeze at Rumney tends to help with the bugs. i made out without many bites this weekend but the girls in my group got a lot so it depends.

Nope, wouldn't have been me. I didn't climb anything harder than 5.8+. I can understand that I'd get a feel for it, I just don't know if I'll spend enough time there to do so -- would be nice if it did happen, though.

I think it may be a good (for humans) season for the bugs this year -- I was out last Saturday (27th) locally, and despite not bothering with any bug spray, I didn't notice any bugs. That's unheard of in the Ottawa (Ontario) area at this time of year.


May 28, 2012, 4:50 PM
Post #965 of 1159 (18948 views)

Registered: May 20, 2006
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Re: [dagibbs] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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dagibbs wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
dagibbs wrote:
Sunday we drove over the Kancamangus highway (which is a nice drive) to Rumney and spent a shortish day (due to the heat and tiredness) climbing there. Where the granite slabs of White Horse Ledge felt familiar to me, the schist of Rumney was completely new. I spent far too much time (and energy) trying to figure out how this rock worked, but still enjoyed it. We climbed a few climbs at the Parking Lot wall.

I was, also, surprised that there were no bugs around the whole weekend. I'd have expected both mosquitos and black flies by this time in May.

Was that you i talked to at Parking lot wall sunday night? you did Egg Mcmeadows the .9/10a then went to do the 10b down the hill? if so.. Cool!

Rumney does take a bit of getting used to. you do develop a sense of it and things seem right though.

the breeze at Rumney tends to help with the bugs. i made out without many bites this weekend but the girls in my group got a lot so it depends.

Nope, wouldn't have been me. I didn't climb anything harder than 5.8+. I can understand that I'd get a feel for it, I just don't know if I'll spend enough time there to do so -- would be nice if it did happen, though.

I think it may be a good (for humans) season for the bugs this year -- I was out last Saturday (27th) locally, and despite not bothering with any bug spray, I didn't notice any bugs. That's unheard of in the Ottawa (Ontario) area at this time of year.

I was there the weekend of the 19th and there were mosquitos everywhere, all day long. And I got two ticks and found a third before it dug in.


May 30, 2012, 7:31 PM
Post #966 of 1159 (18867 views)

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Re: [shockabuku] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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Monday= Redemption

On Monday I hit the cliff late (it rained on Sunday night...hard). The crag was eerily quiet, the stairmaster lot was empty.

On the prior Wednesday I was seconding Shockley's and I actually fell off the first roof. It was a bit damp and somehow I just popped off, no idea how/why, all of a sudden I was swinging in space. Jammed a cam and swung back into the wall to start all over. Embarrassed, I vowed to come back and lead the damn thing.

Fast forward to Monday...I went back and lead it. It was the first time I had lead Shockley's (not sure why, just never got to leading it I guess. Or, maybe I was a wuss because I remembered my early days at the Gunks when Shockley's was really really hard for me.) Anyway, I was a bit nervous when I started for the roof, afterall, I had just fallen as a second. Well, what do you know...the roof was easy peasy. In fact, I even managed to hang out and place an alien right at the lip. (The whole time, I was telling my belayer "I hope I am not freaking you out here, I am totally fine, I feel strong, I do 32 pullups with my personal trainer...blah blah I am fiddlling for gear, laid out almost horizontally under the roof [I am very short]). Alas, gear at the lip was not required. I shook out, pulled the roof and fired up to roof 2. Now that roof is a little rude shot in the face. Fortunately I had a #2 to slot and up and over I went. All good. Redemption at the Gunks.

Now...who wants to do it naked with me?


May 30, 2012, 8:41 PM
Post #967 of 1159 (18848 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Monday= Redemption

On Monday I hit the cliff late (it rained on Sunday night...hard). The crag was eerily quiet, the stairmaster lot was empty.

On the prior Wednesday I was seconding Shockley's and I actually fell off the first roof. It was a bit damp and somehow I just popped off, no idea how/why, all of a sudden I was swinging in space. Jammed a cam and swung back into the wall to start all over. Embarrassed, I vowed to come back and lead the damn thing.

Fast forward to Monday...I went back and lead it. It was the first time I had lead Shockley's (not sure why, just never got to leading it I guess. Or, maybe I was a wuss because I remembered my early days at the Gunks when Shockley's was really really hard for me.) Anyway, I was a bit nervous when I started for the roof, afterall, I had just fallen as a second. Well, what do you know...the roof was easy peasy. In fact, I even managed to hang out and place an alien right at the lip. (The whole time, I was telling my belayer "I hope I am not freaking you out here, I am totally fine, I feel strong, I do 32 pullups with my personal trainer...blah blah I am fiddlling for gear, laid out almost horizontally under the roof [I am very short]). Alas, gear at the lip was not required. I shook out, pulled the roof and fired up to roof 2. Now that roof is a little rude shot in the face. Fortunately I had a #2 to slot and up and over I went. All good. Redemption at the Gunks.

Now...who wants to do it naked with me?

well done Gail! Yeah, that second roof is a bit rude isn't it?

I've been waiting for a partner to do it naked with for years, and NOW you ask?!?! Mad


May 31, 2012, 7:28 PM
Post #968 of 1159 (18794 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Long weekend in New Hampshire [In reply to]
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In reply to:
Now...who wants to do it naked with me?

Sorry Gail. You are just too damn buff and I'm too damn flabby. My ego couldn't take it.

Good job on getting back on the horse! First time I led it I remember getting through the first roof without too much difficulty but then getting stymied by the second one. I remember thinking "Geez! I thought once over that scary overhang I was all set, now I'm stuck here!"


Jun 3, 2012, 3:53 AM
Post #969 of 1159 (18701 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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It is rainy here this weekend, so I (and a couple friends) spent today scrubbing lichen off rock and trundling some large detached chunks of rock off some routes we're developping. Big rocks do fall with a very satisfying crash.


Jun 4, 2012, 1:41 AM
Post #970 of 1159 (18653 views)

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Re: [dagibbs] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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it's great that you were productive!

I stayed home from the gunks and got humbled at Birdsboro. I haven't been there in 9 months or so and I was so lame on the overhanging climbs!

Need to go back and redeem myself.


Jun 4, 2012, 5:08 PM
Post #971 of 1159 (18609 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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We used my birthday as an excuse to attempt 31 pitches in a day at Seneca. I completed a write-up here:

(This post was edited by zealotnoob on Jun 4, 2012, 6:21 PM)


Jun 4, 2012, 6:16 PM
Post #972 of 1159 (18597 views)

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Re: [zealotnoob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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NIce year do 31 sport pitches. Come to Birdsboro, you will be able to knock them out in under 4 hours!


Jun 4, 2012, 8:36 PM
Post #973 of 1159 (18577 views)

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Re: [zealotnoob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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zealotnoob wrote:
We used my birthday as an excuse to attempt 31 pitches in a day at Seneca. I completed a write-up here:

heh - glad the steaks and wine came out at least!

happy birthday!


Jun 6, 2012, 6:46 PM
Post #974 of 1159 (18476 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
zealotnoob wrote:
We used my birthday as an excuse to attempt 31 pitches in a day at Seneca. I completed a write-up here:

heh - glad the steaks and wine came out at least!

happy birthday!

Thanks! It was fun project, and I think we approached it with the proper level of commitment. Forgoing steak would have been failure.

(This post was edited by zealotnoob on Jun 7, 2012, 2:17 PM)


Jun 11, 2012, 3:19 AM
Post #975 of 1159 (18334 views)

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Re: [zealotnoob] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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Friday Rain, Saturday Rain, followed by Sunday Sun.

I got to the cliff at 5Pm on Friday night. I didn't intend to climb, I just wanted to run laps on the stair master. And so I did. It started to drizzle, "gee this feels great, the cool droplets washing away all my sweat",. Well drizzle turned into a full blown thunderstorm with an ensuing downpour. I was already wet, so I still ran my laps. The few climbers who were on the cliff came down the stairmaster, as I worked my way up. Most wondering what the heck I was doing. Hey, it's amazing how 11 runs up the stairmaster makes you feel.

Saturday was crazy. It started drizzling at 9AM and drizzled off and on until about 2PM. We decided to climb anyway. I met my partner at the stair master ('s a LOT harder wtih a pack on my back). We went up an un-named climb (5.3) near Bitchy Virgin and set up a TR over Raunchy. We ran Rauncy, Gory THumb, Bad Finger, Wild HOrses a few times over. The bottom and upper slabs were wet, slick and downright glassy. So much fun trying to gain purchase on green, soaked rock. We then set up a TR on Kernmantle. It's a poorly protected 8 that I am glad I did not attempt to lead! (The gray dick makes it sounds like a climb I could lead. Not so, the crux was poorly protected and committing. I would not have been happy on lead). It was wet and slimy in key places which upped the fun and difficulty factors. Hey, we made lemonade out of Lemons.

Sunday was a glorious day. My partner showed up at 8AM as planned, as promised. Alas, he had an emergency and turned around and went straight home. I begged Bett and patrick to climb with them and they graciously agreed. We started wtih some self rescue practice and then I lead Columbia, we climbed Madame G's as a party of 4 (wow). I simulclimbed with James (a strong climbers, with limited outdoor experience) and then I lead Snooky's. Took us all day to do 4 pitches. I guess any climbing is better than none right? I created an epic on Snooky's; apparently there was a knot on the end of the rope and poor Patrick had to climb it all over again. At least this time the sun was not in his face.

A great, but, short weekend


Jun 11, 2012, 3:27 AM
Post #976 of 1159 (17672 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Weekend Warrior [In reply to]
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We had a far sunnier weekend up here in the northlands. :)

I spent Saturday at Montagne d'Argent, where we found a couple routes with a hefty helping of sand bag in their ratings (well, at least relative to other MdA routes), and others that were a lot more solid. Did something like 8 routes, at 4 different cliffs that day.

Sunday a couple of our gang needed to be back in town for about 3pm, so we headed to the Western Cwm in Gatineau park which is much closer (1/2 hour drive, rather than 2 hour drive). We did a few routes, including me falling up a 5.10d on TR -- for me, pushing my grade, as I've never completed all the moves on this route before. Linking them -- that's another matter, but with some work, it may come. I just don't tend to rehearse out-door routes, I might get back on this route once or twice a year, and each time will be about one trip up. I just don't seem to have the work-the-route mentality.


Jun 11, 2012, 12:47 PM
Post #977 of 1159 (17657 views)

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rain here two weeks straight Unsure


Jun 11, 2012, 2:22 PM
Post #978 of 1159 (17647 views)

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no climbing for me but did hike 6 NH 4000 footers in 1.5 days :) 18.7mi 7100-10k elevation gain started with the Wildcats then across the Carters then finished yesterday going over mt Moriah.

views of washington, tucks etc from Wildcats

Sunset from Imp Shelter


Jun 11, 2012, 2:45 PM
Post #979 of 1159 (17642 views)

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Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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Once in a while it is good to climb slabs, if only to remind you why one should try to avoid them.

With clear skies, no wind, and low 80's, there was no other option but to drive up to climb Roger's Rock on the northern tip of Lake George. I took a friend who has never climbed slab before, so how better than to introduce him on this 650' beauty?

We started off climbing the linkup of Screaming Meaning to the Matrix, a 4-pitch, 650', 5.7 route that is gorgeous from bottom to top, if sparsely protected. The mini epic began on pitch 3. As luck would have it, shoelaces on both shoes broke in exactly the same spot. Since they are old Mythos, the laces are also the eyelets, which sucks ass when laces break.

After topping out, I am reminded why I despise rapping on slabs. No matter what, ropes get jumbled up. No worries, down we came.

We then started up Little Finger, the 3-pitch 5.5 finger crack that defines this wall. By now the rock face is literally blistering hot (we both got blisters on our hands yesterday). Halfway up pitch 2, I pulled up and over a small flake to watch 4 cams magically careening down the cliff thanks to a broken gear loop on a harness I have worn fewer than 10 times. I hardly even felt the slight pull of the cam lobe caught on the flake.

I down-climbed and picked up three cams that fell to rest on a small ledge. However, my brand spankin' new Metolius offset cam fell the full 250'. Luckily, it didn't splash into the Lake, but is was halted just a couple feet from the edge of the cliff-bottom boulder edge.

Luckily, it looks to be in good enough shape to continue using.

Anyway, it was a good day except for the bad omens. A good reminder for me to stay off of the slabs for a while!


Jun 11, 2012, 3:26 PM
Post #980 of 1159 (17631 views)

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Re: [LostinMaine] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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say no to slab!!


Jun 11, 2012, 8:26 PM
Post #981 of 1159 (17606 views)

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Re: [LostinMaine] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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LostinMaine wrote:
Once in a while it is good to climb slabs, if only to remind you why one should try to avoid them.

With clear skies, no wind, and low 80's, there was no other option but to drive up to climb Roger's Rock on the northern tip of Lake George. I took a friend who has never climbed slab before, so how better than to introduce him on this 650' beauty?

We started off climbing the linkup of Screaming Meaning to the Matrix, a 4-pitch, 650', 5.7 route that is gorgeous from bottom to top, if sparsely protected. The mini epic began on pitch 3. As luck would have it, shoelaces on both shoes broke in exactly the same spot. Since they are old Mythos, the laces are also the eyelets, which sucks ass when laces break.
After topping out, I am reminded why I despise rapping on slabs. No matter what, ropes get jumbled up. No worries, down we came.
We then started up Little Finger, the 3-pitch 5.5 finger crack that defines this wall. By now the rock face is literally blistering hot (we both got blisters on our hands yesterday). Halfway up pitch 2, I pulled up and over a small flake to watch 4 cams magically careening down the cliff thanks to a broken gear loop on a harness I have worn fewer than 10 times. I hardly even felt the slight pull of the cam lobe caught on the flake.
I down-climbed and picked up three cams that fell to rest on a small ledge. However, my brand spankin' new Metolius offset cam fell the full 250'. Luckily, it didn't splash into the Lake, but is was halted just a couple feet from the edge of the cliff-bottom boulder edge.

Luckily, it looks to be in good enough shape to continue using.

Anyway, it was a good day except for the bad omens. A good reminder for me to stay off of the slabs for a while!

wow...that's too many annoying failures for me. Good on you for toughing it out.


Jun 20, 2012, 8:02 PM
Post #982 of 1159 (17515 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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Been a while since I put anything up. This was partly because I got suspended from work for six weeks and did not need the internet for entertainment. How the powers that be thought that not allowing me to go to work and sit in a cubicle for the entire second half of spring was punishment is beyond me, but they did. Punishment for what you ask? Parking. I let my soon to be ex-wife use my parking pass. Apparently you’re not allowed to do that. So now I’m back to work and once again bored stiff as I slowly die in my half-walled cell. Here’s how much fun my time off was.

The first two weeks kinda sucked because I thought I was getting fired and charged with felony theft. Yep. For parking. So I wasn’t exactly psyched to get out and climb anything, as I was under the impression that my world was coming to an end. Once I got the news that I’d be back in six weeks I started making plans. Couldn’t climb all the time, had to make some money, had to spend some time with junior, so at first I did a couple sessions at Governor Stable, Safe Harbor, and other places we Pennsylvanians go for a quick fix. By Memorial Day weekend I was dying to get the hell out of the state, so I went to the New with about fourteen other dudes who wanted the same. Unfortunately for me it was a “bouldering” trip, but I tug along anyway. Glad I did because I got a good tour of what the region has to offer in that department and am actually psyched to go back when the weather’s a little more favorable toward bouldering rather than the 95 degree temps that plagued us on this trip. I was able to salvage an on-sight of Black and Tan on the last day of the weekend so all was not totally lost. Rad route. Highly recommend it.

The next weekend, the first one in June, I got together with a few older friends and hit the Seneca area for some mostly undocumented sport climbing. Good weekend, tons of fun, and not a single boulder problem in sight. Yippee.

Upon returning home from that excursion it dawned on me that there were precious few remaining opportunities to get out after it before going back to the hell on earth known as office work. I had to make some money so I couldn’t just bail for the entire final two weeks, and Fathers Day encompassed one of my two remaining weekends. Would have to be around for that. So I took the only three days available and went back to the New, this time to climb higher than fifteen feet off the ground.

Four Sheets to the Wind was long on my ticklist so I convinced my buddy we should do that first. So we drove to the Junkyard, parked the car, forgot the guide in said car and hiked down toward the cliff, reasoning that I knew exactly where the climb was and what it looked like, it was an obvious corner after all. What I didn’t realize was that the first corner one comes to when taking the trail through the Junkyard is Rapscallion’s Blues, not Four Sheets to the Wind. Now would be a good time to note that the hardest thing I’d ever sent on gear was Party in my Mind at .10b, which I thought was soft at that. So as I climbed what I thought was a 5.9 I recall thinking it was the hardest damn .9 I ever did. This of course makes all kinds of sense since the route was in fact .10c. Still I’m happy to take this opportunity to spray; I flashed it. Not going to call it an onsight because once I hit the ledge at ¾ height some dude walked by and pointed out that I wasn’t on the route I thought I was and gave me a little beta for the high crux, which I could not for the life of me figure out how to make go at 5.9. Awesome route, glad I accidentally did it. The rest of the day we did some crag hopping, hitting Cottontop for Psycho Wrangler and Fern for Wild Seed before ending the day on the Bernwood Boulders.

The second day we started off on Out of Mind at Beauty, mostly because I wanted to add a cheap 5.10 tick to my trad climbing arsenal. It was fun I guess, but the protection on the Brain weirds me out and the lone horizontal I really liked for a gear placement was occupied by a bat. Nervously I stuck a yellow alien in there in front of his face and thankfully he never budged. After that we set out toward Burning Calves but got stopped dead in our tracks by Disturbance, which by the way is one of the coolest damn sport climbs I’ve ever been on. The seam is fuggin sweet. After Beauty we went to the hole and dicked around on Lactic Acid Bath for a bit but I think I only made it to the third clip out the roof before bailing on that bitch. Psyched to try it again next trip. Ended the day on Pockets of Resistance hoping to send my first .12 but was too beat from everything else to even do all the moves on toprope.

Day three we went back to the Junkyard and did Four Sheets, for real this time, before heading to Summersville for Tobacco Road and Narcissus, neither of which I was able to do. I think either could go this year though. Maybe.

Now here I am. Day three of my not so triumphant return to the office, my next visit to the New a solid six weeks away. Somebody please put a bullet in me


Jun 20, 2012, 8:13 PM
Post #983 of 1159 (17513 views)

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Re: [Dip] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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first part sucks, but it sounds like you actually got some sweet climbing in.

I loved the New and I really want to go back. Not sure when it'll happen, though. So at the very least, I'm jealous.

Rain here. More. Fucking. Rain.Mad


Jun 20, 2012, 8:41 PM
Post #984 of 1159 (17506 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
first part sucks, but it sounds like you actually got some sweet climbing in.

I loved the New and I really want to go back. Not sure when it'll happen, though. So at the very least, I'm jealous.

Rain here. More. Fucking. Rain.Mad

Yeah dude, for all the fucked up shit that's happened this year, 2012 has easily been the best year of my life. The whole end of the marriage thing was actually a bonus 'cuz it sucked, and as I mentioned before having literally the entire second half of spring off work to do whatever I wanted was amazing. Of course now they're making me go to counseling to try to get to the root of what mental problems may have caused me to steal parking, and of course they're making me go to work every day too, so the fun's over.

Bummer about the rain. If it makes you feel any better it's 97 degrees here. Not exactly ideal for climbing.


Jun 20, 2012, 9:24 PM
Post #985 of 1159 (17503 views)

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Re: [Dip] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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Dip wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
first part sucks, but it sounds like you actually got some sweet climbing in.

I loved the New and I really want to go back. Not sure when it'll happen, though. So at the very least, I'm jealous.

Rain here. More. Fucking. Rain.Mad

Yeah dude, for all the fucked up shit that's happened this year, 2012 has easily been the best year of my life. The whole end of the marriage thing was actually a bonus 'cuz it sucked, and as I mentioned before having literally the entire second half of spring off work to do whatever I wanted was amazing. Of course now they're making me go to counseling to try to get to the root of what mental problems may have caused me to steal parking, and of course they're making me go to work every day too, so the fun's over.

Bummer about the rain. If it makes you feel any better it's 97 degrees here. Not exactly ideal for climbing.

Well, I hope things continue to get better. I'd rather have 97 and sun than what we have here. Rain for a month straight except for about five days of nice sun.

I did make it out on Sat for two climbs to help my gf's son get over some relationship issues he was having. He just needed a morning to get his head straight a bit. We only got two climbs in before the gf called and he ran back to her. Kids. Crazy

But still, apparently in Curitiba here it rains about 300 days of the year, and we're currently in one of "those" stretches where the sun doesn't shine because it's hiding "there."


Jun 20, 2012, 9:47 PM
Post #986 of 1159 (17497 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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DIP...stealing parking? You have got to be kidding me. Outrageous. Well, glad you got to climb. I love narcissus, haven't been on it in years. Since I am not gym training anymore, I doubt I could make it up.

Jake...looks like you had a great time hiking. I think I am too lazy to hike.

Greg. Any sun sounds like a good thing for you guys. Hope you find sun and climbing.

I enjoyed 4 days of climbing last weekend. The weather at the gunks was glorious. Had a wonderful time. Did some really obscure routes that were surprisingly fun. Moby Dick, Talus of Powder were two of them. Worth doing for sure.

Headed up this weekend; I have 8 guests staying at the house. Good thing we have an outdoor shower!


Jun 20, 2012, 10:01 PM
Post #987 of 1159 (17495 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
DIP...stealing parking? You have got to be kidding me. Outrageous. Well, glad you got to climb. I love narcissus, haven't been on it in years. Since I am not gym training anymore, I doubt I could make it up.

Jake...looks like you had a great time hiking. I think I am too lazy to hike.

Greg. Any sun sounds like a good thing for you guys. Hope you find sun and climbing.

I enjoyed 4 days of climbing last weekend. The weather at the gunks was glorious. Had a wonderful time. Did some really obscure routes that were surprisingly fun. Moby Dick, Talus of Powder were two of them. Worth doing for sure.

Headed up this weekend; I have 8 guests staying at the house. Good thing we have an outdoor shower!

Moby Dick sounds really familiar, and not just because it's a famous book. Where is it? I think I might have done it, but maybe not.


Jun 21, 2012, 2:45 AM
Post #988 of 1159 (17476 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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Greg...Think "andrew", P2. Instead of going right at the big, white flake and exiting on the 5.4, go up the flake, and head left.

You get up under a roof, traverse left on little tiny feet (huge hand traverse, bring a #3) and then settle down and get ready to climb into a v-notch (it looks like V3). This little shorty had a very big reach to not-so-big crimps then up to jugs. Very airy as you stem both sides of the "V". More airy than V3. Exciting!

have you done it?


Jun 21, 2012, 11:51 AM
Post #989 of 1159 (17465 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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gblauer wrote:
Greg...Think "andrew", P2. Instead of going right at the big, white flake and exiting on the 5.4, go up the flake, and head left.

You get up under a roof, traverse left on little tiny feet (huge hand traverse, bring a #3) and then settle down and get ready to climb into a v-notch (it looks like V3). This little shorty had a very big reach to not-so-big crimps then up to jugs. Very airy as you stem both sides of the "V". More airy than V3. Exciting!

have you done it?

I can't remember. The name sounds incredibly familiar, so I have to think I have, but I can't even remember the details of Andrew right now since I've only done it once or twice, and it was never a route I sought out to do.



Jun 21, 2012, 1:34 PM
Post #990 of 1159 (17460 views)

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Re: [Gmburns2000] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
gblauer wrote:
Greg...Think "andrew", P2. Instead of going right at the big, white flake and exiting on the 5.4, go up the flake, and head left.

You get up under a roof, traverse left on little tiny feet (huge hand traverse, bring a #3) and then settle down and get ready to climb into a v-notch (it looks like V3). This little shorty had a very big reach to not-so-big crimps then up to jugs. Very airy as you stem both sides of the "V". More airy than V3. Exciting!

have you done it?

I can't remember. The name sounds incredibly familiar, so I have to think I have, but I can't even remember the details of Andrew right now since I've only done it once or twice, and it was never a route I sought out to do.


Could be becuase there seems to be a Moby Dick at every crag, boulderfield, and climbing gym on the north american continent. Probably in Brazil too.


Jun 21, 2012, 3:53 PM
Post #991 of 1159 (17445 views)

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ya ya hiking was good. went again last weekend with my dad for his 60th bday and fathers day. did 2 day hikes 12mi and 10mi with 2 4000 footers each day. 4 more off the list :)

i am thinking I will leave for the Long Trail around July 24.. 3 weeks later get to the Canukistanian border.


Jun 21, 2012, 3:56 PM
Post #992 of 1159 (17444 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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how much does your pack weigh?


Jun 21, 2012, 8:09 PM
Post #993 of 1159 (17425 views)

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gblauer wrote:
how much does your pack weigh?

2 weekends ago with 1L of water and 1 breakfast, 2 lunch, 1 dinner. 17lbs for LT with 5 days it will probably go up a bit to like 20-22lbs with 5 days of food


Jun 21, 2012, 9:29 PM
Post #994 of 1159 (17420 views)

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Re: [Dip] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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Sounds like their parking seriously over there in Penn. Crazy Maybe a little tooo much so.
However, I did like the yellow alien bat crack, that was funny.
Note to Second: watch your fingers on that piece of gear, it might bite you.
I took a flyer, just a few feet about a bomber yellow alien, but it didn't hold. As I fly by this bat pushed it out. Mad


Jun 21, 2012, 9:46 PM
Post #995 of 1159 (17416 views)

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Re: [donald949] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
Sounds like their parking seriously over there in Penn. Crazy Maybe a little tooo much so.
However, I did like the yellow alien bat crack, that was funny.
Note to Second: watch your fingers on that piece of gear, it might bite you.
I took a flyer, just a few feet about a bomber yellow alien, but it didn't hold. As I fly by this bat pushed it out. Mad

I mean to elaborate on the parking thing, we basically figured out a way to use one parking pass to score two spaces. So while we did do something wrong, the most i ever thought would happen would be a stern "hey knock it off." But since the city of Harrisburg is so, so far beyond broke and the city actually owns the garage I guess they took offense to the fact that we weren't paying as much as they thought we should. Since we were doing it for something like two years, they took the monthly cost of parking multiplied by 24 months and came up with 2300.00. Since it was over 2 grand the felony word was thrown around, but in the end they just gave us the forced vacation, made us pay the 2300.00, and as i mentioned before decided that there has to be some sort of underlying mental issue that caused us to commit such an atrocity. I want a new job.


Jun 22, 2012, 4:43 PM
Post #996 of 1159 (17365 views)

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Re: [Dip] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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Dip wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Sounds like their parking seriously over there in Penn. Crazy Maybe a little tooo much so.
However, I did like the yellow alien bat crack, that was funny.
Note to Second: watch your fingers on that piece of gear, it might bite you.
I took a flyer, just a few feet about a bomber yellow alien, but it didn't hold. As I fly by this bat pushed it out. Mad

I mean to elaborate on the parking thing, we basically figured out a way to use one parking pass to score two spaces. So while we did do something wrong, the most i ever thought would happen would be a stern "hey knock it off." But since the city of Harrisburg is so, so far beyond broke and the city actually owns the garage I guess they took offense to the fact that we weren't paying as much as they thought we should. Since we were doing it for something like two years, they took the monthly cost of parking multiplied by 24 months and came up with 2300.00. Since it was over 2 grand the felony word was thrown around, but in the end they just gave us the forced vacation, made us pay the 2300.00, and as i mentioned before decided that there has to be some sort of underlying mental issue that caused us to commit such an atrocity. I want a new job.
Still sounds a little stern for parking. Glad to hear its all behind you now.
Time to move forward to climbing trips.


Jun 22, 2012, 5:04 PM
Post #997 of 1159 (17358 views)

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Re: [donald949] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
Dip wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Sounds like their parking seriously over there in Penn. Crazy Maybe a little tooo much so.
However, I did like the yellow alien bat crack, that was funny.
Note to Second: watch your fingers on that piece of gear, it might bite you.
I took a flyer, just a few feet about a bomber yellow alien, but it didn't hold. As I fly by this bat pushed it out. Mad

I mean to elaborate on the parking thing, we basically figured out a way to use one parking pass to score two spaces. So while we did do something wrong, the most i ever thought would happen would be a stern "hey knock it off." But since the city of Harrisburg is so, so far beyond broke and the city actually owns the garage I guess they took offense to the fact that we weren't paying as much as they thought we should. Since we were doing it for something like two years, they took the monthly cost of parking multiplied by 24 months and came up with 2300.00. Since it was over 2 grand the felony word was thrown around, but in the end they just gave us the forced vacation, made us pay the 2300.00, and as i mentioned before decided that there has to be some sort of underlying mental issue that caused us to commit such an atrocity. I want a new job.
Still sounds a little stern for parking. Glad to hear its all behind you now.
Time to move forward to climbing trips.

Yeah man. Looking to do a little suffer fest at Old Rag in a couple weeks. I hear the approach is heinous, especially in July. Can't wait.


Jun 22, 2012, 6:20 PM
Post #998 of 1159 (17349 views)

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Re: [Dip] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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Speaking of Climbing Trips.
I had been wanting do a quick write up of my Memorial day weekend trip. I was waiting for some pics from the people I climbed with but since the pics are not here yet, I'll just write it up without.
Since I am Don, and it is my lot in life to have issues getting to the crags the weekend was no exception. There is now pretty go sized group of us at work, so we usually can work something out. But as they all had evolving plans, we went from a big long weekend trip, to a day at Suicide teaching them the ways of the trad, to nada. I posted up looking for partners, one person PM'd asking for midweek. But I was tied up at work, so had to decline. Then in a strange but fortuitous twist of fate, looking at the Partners Wanted forum at the right time, a post under US South for Alabama Hills was at the top. I followed it under mere curiosity. Turned out a couple had questions about Alabama Hills in CA, of which I am fairly familiar with. The thread got moved to the Partners Wanted US South due to confusion over where Albama Hills are. No really, they are in CA.
They were a couple living and working on the road, living the dream as it were. But as Cavers. She mentioned that he was experienced climber, but really undersold his belaying experience. I drove up Sat, and by the time I got there was just really wanting to chill. We talked and I got a feel for his experience, I felt comfortable with letting him lead belay me. Turns out he was really solid on belay. Sun we hit an easy crag, that I had taken my family up before. Two routes go to a common anchor, the bottom bolt was missing from the left route, so I head up the right route. Clip the two bolts, climb the upper half on easy patinas.
And Stop.
Someone has pinched the hangers and Mussy hooks for the Anchor. After staring dumbly at the missing hardware for a bit I decide I need to tell my belayer what's happening. When no immediate solution presented itself, I down climb off to think. Eventually I decide to relocate two hangers from the left route, already missing the one hanger, to the anchor. We messed around on TR on the two routes most of the afternoon. When it started to get latter, he suggested we hit something else. After thinking about it, and not wanting to move too far, I decided to hit a little longer route right around the corner. Glad we did cause it was a nice much longer climb, 50 foot 5.7. Had dinner called it a night.
Monday I decided I really needed to replace the missing/relocated hangers. So we reclimbed the route yet again, replaced the missing lead hangers, and messed around some more on the climbs. I was wanting to get on another route across the way, but it was getting a little late. I bailed and went home. Turned out the wife was still hanging at her Mom's, so I really didn't need to scoot home early. But no regrets, I had a good time climbing and was just glad to have made it out there.


Jun 23, 2012, 9:43 PM
Post #999 of 1159 (17311 views)

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It finally happened!!!

I lead my first Gunks 10. Woo hoo!!!


Jun 23, 2012, 11:27 PM
Post #1000 of 1159 (17305 views)

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Re: [gblauer] Mini slab epics [In reply to]
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Me? Chores around the house today. It was raining when I got up to head to the crag this morning. Crow Hill tomorrow. Hard top roping followed by trad. At least that is the plan.

(This post was edited by losbill on Jun 23, 2012, 11:31 PM)

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