There are many brands and styles of trail running shoes on the market these days, therefore it is important to know what to look for in a good trail running shoe. Trail running shoes are designed slightly different to road running shoes, trail running shoes offer more support and usually feature a more aggressive sole design which is ideal for uneven running surfaces.
Another important factor to take into consideration when choosing trail running shoes is that they fit your feet properly. A bad fitting running shoe can be very uncomfortable after long periods of running and can also alter your speed, not to mention cause pain in your back and knees. Therefore take account of all these factors before selecting a trail running shoe.
View our selection of men’s and women’s trail running shoes from manufacturers like Vasque footwear, GoLite Shoes, The North Face, Salomon, XTerra and more!
If you own or have used any of the trail running shoes featured on, feel free to rate it!