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Simulator CNC Training Board popular

Average Rating = 4.78/5 Average Rating : 4.78 out of 5
Item Details | Reviews (27)
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Includes comprehensive instructions and training guide
Massive variety of holds:
• 3 full-hand jugs
• 2 full-hand rounded slopers
• 2 flat slopers
• 2 sets 3-finger pockets + centered 3-finger pocket
• 3 indexed sets of 2-finger pockets
• 2 centered, indexed edges
• 3 sets wide-set, indexed edges

30" x 8" (762 mm x 203 mm) --Metolius

27 Reviews

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Excellent Training Board 5 out of 5 stars

Review by: FloydLloyd, 2009-01-18

It is a great board--everything you could want. It is a little abrasive, but that helps it hold chalk (which cures the problem) and toughen your wimpy hands. If you want to get stronger and you like the price, you really should get the Metolius simulator. 'Nuf said.

Turn it upside down! 4 out of 5 stars

Review by: wizardboots, 2009-01-08

A lot of people are looking for sloping crimps....this board has it....flip the board upside down and you have a lot of sloping crimps! check it out, the sloping crimps even have texture. And there is pinches: for a right hand pinch use the left flat 3" sloper and wrap your thumb around the side while using a different hold with your left hand.

harder climbers 5 out of 5 stars

Review by: rainman0915, 2009-01-02

this is great for any climber from beginner to expert. if you want smaller holds turn it upside down, all the edges slope and there are some new really small edges. or if your just starting keep it right side up and you get big jugs, relatively small edges, and some nice slopers.

Metolius Simulator 5 out of 5 stars

Review by: rhythm164, 2008-11-26

Great board, one of the best I've used. The texture is great and the wide varieties of grips make for interesting work-outs. Definitely not boring, and the fact that Metolius posted 10 minute sequences on their website makes training readily accessible. The only thing I wish it had was a two hand dish, but it's not that big a deal.

metolius simulator 5 out of 5 stars

Review by: nchien, 2008-11-09

Excellent for building finger/forearm strength. When I received my hangboard as a gift, I could only hang from the jugs and maybe the largest edges. But I kept working on it and now I can hang onto the smallest edges (with both hands) - and I've seen my climbing improve correspondingly. My only complaint, as others have already said, is that there are no pinches.

Some people say that a hangboard is useless because the best way to train for climbing is to climb. But I think that for the specific task of building forearm/finger strength (which for many climbers, or at least for me, is a big weakness), a hangboard is perfect because you can work on it everyday, which is probably more often than most people get to climb.

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