Usually I get a boat ride to the crag, but this time of year you can walk!
Bon Echo's 85 m cliff offers superb, challenging and intimidating trad climbing in eastern Ontario.
That's like me in the orange, standi
Que les puedo decir? Otra foto del Parque Nacional "La LLovizna".
Submitted by: tupi on 2002-03-11 Views: 1116 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Fotografía de otra de las cáidas de agua del parque nacional "La LLovizna".
Submitted by: tupi on 2002-03-11 Views: 1573 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Otra foto que demuestra la inmensidad y belleza de estas caídas de agua.
Submitted by: tupi on 2002-03-11 Views: 1012 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
En la foto se ve una de las caídas de agua del Parque Nacional "La LLovizna", uno de los lugares típicos que se visitan dentro del campamento CARONÍ, del Centro Excursionista Loyola.
Submitted by: tupi on 2002-03-11 Views: 943 | Votes: 7 | Comment: 1
This shot was taken in the afternoon from the medow. June of 2001.
Submitted by: crackaddict on 2002-03-09 Views: 831 | Votes: 11 | Comments: 0
This shot was taken in the morning the first time that I ever saw El Cap.
Submitted by: crackaddict on 2002-03-09 Views: 798 | Votes: 10 | Comment: 1
This is a shot was taken from Sentinel bridge summer of 2001
Submitted by: crackaddict on 2002-03-03 Views: 936 | Votes: 17 | Comments: 4
Yep, it's official: since the US denied Ross Rebliati entry to the country for admitting to using pot and dashed his hopes for a snowboarding medal at Salt Lake, the Canadian government has decided to modify the flag in protest of the US government's acti
Submitted by: saltspringer on 2002-02-26 Views: 1179 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
This shotis one that many before me have taken. In fact the same shot angle is in the Smith Rocks guide book. Easy to get and quite scenic.
photo: Dave Ferguson
Submitted by: smellydude on 2002-02-20 Views: 812 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
A memorable susnet over Chief Mountain, Glacier National Park. This is the view through the tent door. Taken on Velvia 50 slide film.
Submitted by: veilneb on 2002-02-18 Views: 1063 | Votes: 10 | Comments: 2
This large granite spire is home to many classic two pitch routes on very rough frictional rock. Photo Neil Monteith Sony Digital
Submitted by: orangeoverhang on 2002-02-18 Views: 773 | Votes: 10 | Comment: 1
Some of the local vegetation at El Potrero Chico as the sunset of another great day.
Submitted by: krillen on 2002-02-12 Views: 674 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Monkey Face in the clear Winter sky.
photo: Dave Ferguson
Submitted by: smellydude on 2002-02-12 Views: 757 | Votes: 6 | Comment: 1
Kevin Higgins flashing the arete of Double Trouble in the chilly winter months.
Smith Rocks Oregon
photo: Dave Ferguson
Submitted by: smellydude on 2002-02-08 Views: 801 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
This photo was taken in 2000 just outside of my tent in J-Tree. Photo by Gus Oliveira
Submitted by: kerouac on 2002-01-29 Views: 1097 | Votes: 29 | Comments: 0
Silhuette shot of hangerlessbolt showing off on The Warmup Problem at the Manx Boulders in Joshua Tree..
(Yes, apologies for having gotten this wrong the first time.)
Submitted by: sauron on 2002-01-21 Views: 1253 | Votes: 34 | Comments: 2
Ya entiendes de donde saliò el nombre de la ruta??? PILA CON LOS HUECOS EN LA ROCA!!!
Submitted by: greatgarbanzo on 2002-01-17 Views: 991 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
This is a picture taken from Sheeps Pass Campground in Joshua Tree. It is looking toward hidden valley and cap rock.
Submitted by: sonofspork on 2002-01-14 Views: 1102 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
All done & just in time: here's Ken Danner finishing the Cankers Wall just after sunset
Submitted by: saltspringer on 2001-12-27 Views: 1701 | Votes: 11 | Comment: 1