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Rock Climbing Photos : Big Wall : Zodiac ------- Ammon McNeely

Zodiac ------- Ammon McNeely

Zodiac ------- Ammon McNeely

Yo! Wazzzup!!? The Zodiac Kid rides again! Yo dude!, that's me [Joshua Perry, glad to meet you] getting my ass kicked on a big wall! But I kicked back and ended up on a rivet on pitch 6 the first day!, with no stockin up (no fixed lines dude). So for all you *loosers* who can't take it in three days (or some *reasonable* amount of time) better practice middle cathedral or something out of my way a few times with your fat pig on AIDS [1.]. Because if I see your dumb ass out here in public on the big wall dragging your sorry ass I will be kicken your dumb ass off the circuit! And, NO!, you cannot have part of my turkey sandwich with peppers, High C, and Apple pie, you got to be kiddin me boy! Get back down and do something your own size, get real! Zodiac, Yea baby!, keep on truckin, what's next, how about Tis-Sa-Ack route? Anyone out there game for that or what?, no slackers need apply. See ya! Joshua Perry PS BTW, my friends call me the Duke, or Dukie for short. For more info see: Note: [1.] A.I.D.S. (also known as acquired immune deficiency syndrome) here means acquired inability and mental deficiency syndrome where a parties haul bag is too fat at the start of the climb and runns out of food and water before the end of the climb, even after it has to go on a restrictive diet!

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Rock Climbing Photo Location Photo Location: North_America: United_States: California: Yosemite_National_Park: Yosemite_Valley: El_Capitan: Southeast_Face__El_Capitan

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