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Rock Climbing Photos : Bouldering : Stegasaur (V8), Oil Painting

Stegasaur (V8), Oil Painting popular

Stegasaur (V8), Oil Painting

Stegasaur (V8) Oil on Canvas Panel 6x12" To buy this painting and read more visit my blog:, or visit my website for more climbing art: This is my husband Taylor climbing a boulder problem called Stegasaur in Hueco Tanks State Park, Texas. It is an amazing, thought provoking problem, which involves climbing wave type rock features under the roof of a cave. None of the holds are positive, and Taylor performed some incredibly gymnastic moves to emerge from the murky depths. I spied this quite revolting vantage point from the outside of the cave, and despite the copious rat and bat scat, crawled in to capture this image. I'm glad I did now, because I think it's one of the most successful climbing images I took out of our whole road trip - and that's saying something - I've got thousands of digital photographs, drawings and paintings from the 18 months or so we were traveling for. This is a study, as most of these daily paintings are, and I'll post the final painting when it's's going to be HUGE!!

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Rock Climbing Photo Location Photo Location: North_America: United_States: Texas: West_Texas: Hueco_Tanks_State_Historic_Site: North_Mountain: The_New_Meadow
Route: Stegasaur - V8

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