At the local park doing some slacklining and taken some names.
Submitted by: tanman1337 on 2003-02-08 Views: 878 | Comments: 0
Just shooting the breeze and goofing off on my slackline in my backyard.
Submitted by: matt on 2003-02-01 Views: 1006 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
Just shooting the breeze and goofing off on my slackline in my backyard.
Submitted by: matt on 2003-02-01 Views: 982 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
Just shooting the breeze and goofing off on my slackline in my backyard.
Submitted by: matt on 2003-02-01 Views: 1087 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
This is probably where it all started for me! I'm thinking the upper line is probably meant to be a variation on training wheels...
Submitted by: sunsation on 2003-01-26 Views: 857 | Comments: 0
That's HeloDriver slacklining in San Francisco 01/04/03. Come out and slack with us if you're in the bay area...we usually have at least two short lines and a 50'+ set up.
Submitted by: helodriver on 2003-01-11 Views: 757 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 3
I took this shot of Ray Krueger back in 1990. He had only been walking slackline in the front yard for about 2 months prior to this picture. After taking numerous falls on this highline, he did successfully make the crossing.
Submitted by: jetasun on 2003-01-10 Views: 2074 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
This shot was taken out at Horsetooth Rock with Ft. Collins, CO. on the horizon in 1990. It's a pretty short gap, but the view out across the Front Range as your slacklining makes for an esthetic walk. The day this photo was taken it was pretty breezy, and a nasty little storm blew in while we were on top. Shortly after this picture was taken, our group had hair literally standing up on end due to increased static electricity on the summit...we didn't wait around to see who would get struck first by lightning.
Photo by: Ray Krueger
Submitted by: jetasun on 2003-01-10 Views: 2006 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
Scott Balcom took this shot of me during one of our early slackline sessions out in Joshua Tree. Scott and I walked this same two inch wide line as our first Highline. I believe that this picture was taken after we had already walked "The Arches" in Pasadena. We later went on to using a more redundant line for safety purposes (1 inch with 9/16th and perlon inside).
Submitted by: jetasun on 2003-01-10 Views: 1080 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 0
Today was a picture perfect day in Tucson, AZ for riding a slackline. 73 Degrees, sunny and an occasional breeze generated by unseen thermals passing through.
Photo by: Balfour Walker 12-28-02
Submitted by: jetasun on 2003-01-11 Views: 1101 | Votes: 8 | Comments: 0
Being that I've been posting slackline photos from the early days, it's only fair that I put something recent up as well to show off my receeding hair line. Therefore, I broke out a fresh batch of 1" today from storage and decided to take it for a ride. While not as dynamic as riding 9/16th, I kept it loose enough to push beyond the centerline.
Photo by: Balfour Walker 12-28-02
Submitted by: jetasun on 2002-12-31 Views: 893 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
I took this shot of Scott Balcom back in 1983 during one of our highline sessions at The Arches. Situated under a freeway over pass near the Rose Bowl, this walk was quite exhilarating. As you can see...there is a lot of air to look at while your slacklining across. The guy in the background belaying Scott is none other that Chango Chuck. Having him around truly added to the drama.
FYI - We did get busted by the police doing this once. Scott's mom was a South Pasadena police dispatcher, however, so we got off with a warning.
Submitted by: jetasun on 2003-01-12 | Last Modified: 2013-09-18 Views: 2122 | Votes: 16 | Comments: 12
Here's a picture of me from the summer of 1988 (check the hair and shorts). I still prefer to ride a line while wearing Vans. It seems that a lot of people prefer the feel of barefoot slacklining these days, but soft bottom sneakers still allow that essential feel to occur without thrashing your toes when popping of during a slackline swing session. Swinging on 9/16th super-tape is still my favorite.
Photo by: Gary Ohlin
Submitted by: jetasun on 2002-12-30 Views: 1802 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0
A picture of the slackline I put up in my backyard. I'll post more info in a bit.
Submitted by: matt on 2002-12-18 Views: 916 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 2
A picture of the slackline I put up in my backyard. I'll post more info in a bit.
Submitted by: matt on 2002-12-18 Views: 933 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
A picture of the slackline I put up in my backyard. I'll post more info in a bit.
Submitted by: matt on 2002-12-18 Views: 886 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
A picture of the slackline I put up in my backyard. I'll post more info in a bit.
Submitted by: matt on 2002-12-18 Views: 838 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
A picture of the slackline I put up in my backyard. I'll post more info in a bit.
Submitted by: matt on 2002-12-18 Views: 1032 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 4
I awoke one Monday morrning with an urge to slack line. I jumped online and found how to set this system up and immedatly began playing around. Putting a major homework assingment almost four hours to learn this new sport, i began to really enjoy myself.
Photo by - Drysdan
Submitted by: rckfreek on 2002-12-14 Views: 1069 | Votes: 7 | Comments: 0
This is the first time I've ever slacklined. My partner set this up in the front yard, and we went at it. I've definitely found a new hobby. Photo taken by RckFreek
Submitted by: drysdan on 2002-12-09 Views: 1161 | Votes: 6 | Comments: 0