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Category for photography related to solo and deep water solo climbing.
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Deep Water Soloing Sequence 1 of 3

Average Rating = 3.32/5 Deep Water Soloing Sequence 1 of 3

The crappies rigging of my life....not the rigging itself, but rigging it, well actually getting to where I needed to be to rig it. There was no way around it, 15 feet of thick, nasty green briar, and it really hurt, considering I was wearing swim shorts and no shirt! DOH! Tim Keenan "Water Boulder" at Whipperwill, Summersville Lake, WV.
Submitted by: dbrayack on 2005-08-01 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 1517 | Votes: 28 | Comments: 12
DWS on the Lake of Bays

Average Rating = 0.00/5 DWS on the Lake of Bays

Wallace deep water soloing on the Lake of Bays. There are two lines so far. The crack under the tree (5.7) and the small dihedral to the left of it (10+). Both started from the slab on the right.
Submitted by: liverspot on 2005-07-20 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 1318 | Comment: 1

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Wheeeeee!

So this is the best part of deep-water-soloing. Vegas took this shot- after I tried to follow Okinelli's path up to the top- I did not have the proper equipment to get to the top (ie: watermelon sized testicles), but still had a pretty good jump. And yes, I straightened out before landing. That time.
Submitted by: tannie_girl on 2005-07-19 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 1428 | Comment: 1
I look so small up there...

Average Rating = 3.20/5 I look so small up there...

This was taken by the incomparable EvilMoose, at Summersville Lake, WV. I like how it looks like I'm super nutty, given that you're unable to see the deep water directly below me...this wasn't any route, just some fun traversing.
Submitted by: tannie_girl on 2005-07-19 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 1305 | Votes: 5 | Comment: 1
Leap of faith...

Average Rating = 3.36/5 Leap of faith...

Deep water soloing weekend at the lake... nice landing, if you fall right. No 'lowering', though. This is the only way down. On the up side, the impact helps to flush the poo out of your trunks. Picture by Vegas.
Submitted by: okinelli on 2005-07-02 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 1668 | Votes: 29 | Comments: 13
Megan deep water soloing

Average Rating = 3.25/5 Megan deep water soloing

Megan, an Australian climber who is doing graduate work in DC at the moment, deep water soloing at Summersville Lake.
Submitted by: aikibujin on 2005-06-28 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 2545 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 2
another good day in Texas

Average Rating = 0.00/5 another good day in Texas

Maybe you have seen this area, maybe not. Just outside of Austin is Pace Bend park. Several coves have overhanging cliffs into deep water. Nice way to beat the heat.
Submitted by: blackwell4 on 2005-06-06 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 2650 | Comments: 0
Water Bouldering around the Lake Summer of 2003

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Water Bouldering around the Lake Summer of 2003

Boated around various areas, climbed in old shoes. Hands were wet at first by dried fast. Made sure we jumped in deep water. Fun as hell.
Submitted by: leathernun on 2005-05-16 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 1834 | Votes: 5 | Comments: 4

Average Rating = 2.00/5 Cliff

MR Hungus deep water solo pic at Lake Ouachita.
Submitted by: mrhungus on 2005-03-14 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 4863 | Vote: 1 | Comment: 1
Deep Water soloing at Lulworth

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Deep Water soloing at Lulworth

Jon Biddle on the steep finish of "Sliding Down the Banister", a very safe DWS at Stair Hole
Submitted by: tubbstaylor on 2005-01-14 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 2945 | Vote: 1 | Comments: 0
Hawaii deep water free solo

Average Rating = 3.50/5 Hawaii deep water free solo

This is a picture of one of my buddies deep water free soloing just outside of Honolulu. We hiked up a river for about a mile because we heard of some good cliffjumping. It turns out when we got there the cliff had this sweet 50 foot, 5.10+ overhanging crack, it was a little dirty but good fun none the less. We spent most of the day just climbing... good thing we brought our shoes!
Submitted by: ron_burgandy on 2004-12-03 | Last Modified: 2007-11-27
Views: 4746 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 3
Deep water bouldering at Summersville Lake

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Deep water bouldering at Summersville Lake

An awesome finish to a great day of climbing. The morning at Bubba City, and the evening messing around on the overhanging cliffs of Summersville Lake.
Submitted by: superfox on 2004-08-21 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 1820 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 0
Deep Water Send at Davis Cove

Average Rating = 2.50/5 Deep Water Send at Davis Cove

Even with a clean drop into deep water, your mind instinctively tells you that you really don't want to fall. Diving back in once you get to the top is a different story. Photo by Mark (Canon S100)
Submitted by: darelparker on 2004-06-21 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 2318 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 0
Deep Water Barefoot Bouldering at Pace Bend

Average Rating = 2.75/5 Deep Water Barefoot Bouldering at Pace Bend

No rope, no crash pad, and the only pro you need is sunscreen. Me on an unknown problem at Davis Cove. Photo by Mark (Canon S100).
Submitted by: darelparker on 2004-06-21 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 3041 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 0
A little deap water soloing

Average Rating = 3.00/5 A little deap water soloing

Nothing beats a little swimming after a hot day of climbing. Rumour has it that directly bellow this cliff is a bag of full of ropes, harnesses and other climbing goodies. That gear belongs to a local rock climbing guide and it was accidental deep sixed when he was out with a group.
Submitted by: slavetogravity on 2004-03-13 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 1807 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 4
First attempt to La Peņita

Average Rating = 3.82/5 First attempt to La Peņita

First trip triying deep water solo at La Peņita, Dominican Republic
Submitted by: drclimber on 2002-02-11 | Last Modified: 2007-11-26
Views: 9661 | Votes: 11 | Comment: 1
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