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Rock Climbing Photos : Trad : Big whipper on Atlantis

Big whipper on Atlantis popular

Big whipper on Atlantis

Some french dude taking a huge flight on Atlantis's 2nd pitch (Needles, CA, July 4th), for the 4th time in a row, while going the flake (top of pic). It appears to be a barndooring finger lieback crux. His blue alien, the only piece, a 1/4 sec after this shot will be shot out of the crack and fall into oblivion (how did it get unclipped?!)... The belayer will kiss the wall, and the rope will stretch on a nice factor 2 fall. Can you say "aaaah-[breathe] -aaaaah"?

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Rock Climbing Photo Location Photo Location: North_America: United_States: California: Western_Sierra: Needles: The_Sorcerer

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