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Rock Climbing Photos : Trad : Determined!



Our first trip to Seneca, and would you believe it? We were snowed out. Well, superted was having none of my nay-saying. He was heading up anyways. Froze his cajones off before making it to a belay station and rapping off. It wasn't the snow, or the cold so much, he said, but the ice coating on a lot of the rock. Not sure what he actually climbed. We thought it was the 1st pitch of Old Man's at the time. Its somewhere between that and Thaiis, I think

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Rock Climbing Photo Location Photo Location: North_America: United_States: West_Virginia: Roped_Climbing: Seneca_Rocks_Region: The_Panhandle: Seneca_Rocks: South_Peak_-_West_Face

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