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Vertigo - 5.10c

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
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Full scale multi pitch climbing. Great exposure.

Vertigo 1
Follow the prominent crack towards the top

  • 1. 16 - Climb up past the tree towards the stance.
  • 2. 18 - Over the bulging face, right around the overhang and straight up.
    * First Ascent:

    Vertigo 2
    Follow the prominent crack to the top over the overhang

  • 1. 16 - Stance just underneath bulging face.
  • 2. 20 - Over the bulging face and over the overhang.
    * First Ascent:

    Vertigo 3
    Follow the prominent crack to the top around the overhang

  • 1. 14 - Stance in tree.
  • 2. 16 - Stance just underneath bulging face.
  • 3. 18 - Follow the bolts to the top.
    * First Ascent: Nico Scholtz and Deon Jonas - Jul. 2001

    Submitted by: rocmonkey on 2003-03-19
    Views: 826
    Route ID: 10193

  • 1 Ascent Recorded

    GoRecord an ascent

    Flash Flash ascent by: rockn_j on 2003-12-28 (View Climbing Log)

    0 out of 5 stars Ascent Note

    Great mediumgrade route. A lot of exposure (hence the name). Really fun except for the sh!tty belay stance after the first pitch (Its a ledge thats a big favourite with the birds)

    Witnessed by: Danie Kritzinger
    Added: 2003-12-28