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Routes : Asia : Hong Kong : Kowloon : Devil's Peak : Main Wall : Balance of Power

Balance of Power - 5.10b

Average Rating = 3.00/5 Average Rating : 3.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 9
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (1)
Premier Sponsor:
Joe Gray and Nick Smith
Rock (Sport)
Consensus Ratings
  Difficulty 5.10b
  Safety Rating PG13
  Exposure 3.00/5
  Rock Quality 4.00/5
  Scenery 4.00/5
  Fun Factor 3.00/5


Start in the prominent crack, which quickly thins out to a groove. FOllow this up and left to the anchors for Not the Slightest Chance.

Descent Options:


Submitted by: bkboyd on 2013-03-13
Views: 382
Route ID: 113448

1 Ascent Recorded

GoRecord an ascent

  Difficulty 5.10b
  Safety Rating PG13
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Onsight Onsight ascent by: bkboyd on 0000-00-00 (View Climbing Log)

3 out of 5 stars Nice

High first bolt. there is a missing bolt on easier terrain at mid-height, runout is enough to be a possible ground fall.

Added: 2013-12-01