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Routes : Asia : India : Karnataka : Savanadurga


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Climbing Sections:

About Savanadurga:

This is a huge single rock. situated approx. 60 kms from bangalore near Magadi town, on Bangalore-Magadi Road. No charges, i.e its free to climb. Below this rock there is a temple (very few people live there), where people mainly visit for praying. but, very few go to the top and whoever goes takes the relatively easy round about path. but, there is a difficult path which is straight up. Next the temple there is a botanical garden maintained by the govt. of karnataka.
Nearest town or city: Bangalore
Directions: u can drive, or take a government transport-bus. parking at your risk, but u can ask the local people to look after the vehicle.
Latitude, Longitude: Update
Access Issues: Sometimes the forest guards can cause a problem. Advise is to arrive early and climb, disallowing the guards the pleasure of stopping you before you are up on the climb. Alternatively, don't climb on the main wall which has direct visibility from below.
Camping: Free
When to Climb: Update
Quantity of Climbs: Month

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