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Routes : Asia : Indonesia : Java : West Java : Purwakarta : Gunung Bongkok : Central : Vertical Nightmare

Vertical Nightmare - 5.10a

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right):
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
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Rock (Sport)
Bolts. You could also use big chocks/stoppers and friends for pitch 1.
Consensus Ratings
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Pitch 1 : +/- 20 meters. A slab following a crack. 2 options to finish the pitch: 1. straigth 2. move out the crack before the end [easier] Pitch 2 : 10 meters A slab, move into a crack. Vertical Nightmare is a route made by Michel Leimena + many friends from Trupala + Labschool, in 1987-1988. It's still a long term project to finish it to the top. Pitch nr. 2 promptly stops. There is a maillon to descent

Descent Options:

A maillon to abseil.

Submitted by: TwelveBars on 2007-08-23
Views: 657
Route ID: 87946

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