Left face routes - 5.12c

Route sequence (left to right): 0
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
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There are three routes 10 or so meters left of the big cave. All of these start up a beautiful limestone pillar. A right route branches hard right above the pillar and stays climbing in a severe overhang--about 12 b. A middle route goes almost straight up, and then through a small scoop to meet up with the right route. This one is hardest at about 12 C. The left route swings slightly left for about 30 ft, and then joins with the middle at the top with a rightward traverse on a delicate ledge. Some of these have larger than average fall potential. These routes overhang the whole way, and any fall is clean.Descent Options:
rappel or walk off
Submitted by: stevecurtis on 2009-11-05
Views: 325
Route ID: 102319