They called it project - 5.11b

Route sequence (left to right): 29
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
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4 pitch route.
You climb it from the left at the top of the steel case. The first pitch is 6c+ then you traverse to right to a small cave which is easy 5c.The third pitch you climb the pillar which is 6C+ and another one that ends below the big roof which is graded at 6C+. The route ends here. The total grade 6c+,5c,6C+ and another 6C+. Total??? The roof is not from the existing route , its an extension and yet to be cleaned. Another beautiful/adventurous route to climb.FA Sharin Hashim and Akmal Noor
Submitted by: arinpetit on 2004-01-19
Views: 529
Route ID: 41354