Merdekar-crash - 5.10a

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (2)
Premier Sponsor:
6 bolts
17m, start at the big stalactite that marks the centre of the overhanging side of Anopheles. Nice and pumpy. FA: J.Peet, P. Andrey
Submitted by: blocx on 2003-10-07
Views: 650
Route ID: 40897
2 Ascents Recorded
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Ascent Note
nice but dirty. the top needed cleaning out.
Added: 2006-11-06
Ratings | |
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Ascent Note
Feels like climbing plastic. Easy for gym climbers.
Witnessed by: Bird
Added: 2004-02-15
Added: 2004-02-15