Exponential Starter - 5.12b

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
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This route takes the right hand side of the granite slab that leads into a cracksystem. The route has 3 pitches, 5c, A0, A0, however it can be climbed free in one 38 m pitch. watch out for the bad bolts in the 2nd and 3rd pitch, especially if you try to freeclimb it. FA: P. Andrich, First Redpoint, Manfred Eichhorn. The route was retro-bolted with stainless steel glue bolts in March2012. An additional 7 pitches lead to the top. Grade and name to be confirmed.
Submitted by: peterpan on 2004-07-01
Last Modified: 2012-03-19
Views: 391
Route ID: 42986